The English translation of it and it's absolutely brilliant It dismantles the argument the evidence put forth that one source preferred the name Jehovah or yeah way the other source came from authors who preferred the name e.l.o. Him another source they were the priestly source this book I just want to recommended to you the Documentary Hypothesis Slaughter's that accusation against the Scriptures so it's been a long time coming for me I began learning about this in the 1970 s. And I looked into it and nuff to know that their arguments were fallacious but wow what evidence has been available for all these decades from Burt because suit oh her right now to go back we have we have Brian on the phone Ok we've got him on the line here's my brother Brian and you are Brian welcome back to Bob and you're at live you doing good I am doing great thank you for agreeing to come on the show today because it's such a slow news day in a slow news week so at times like this I like to go back and look at we just did a walk down memory lane with a famous creation scientist a legend Dr Gary Parker Well for the formative years of you know the family that ended up with this ministry Bob and your live in in fact my son Dominick works here in the studio for years our mom Kami has worked here for what over 15 years so bright the early years of our family and what we did or didn't learn about God I thought it would be great if you could help me remember and think through and share those times well I remember going to a great school. Well I'd say now that he's involved are New Jersey. And so my early years. Education and like let's say religious education were all mostly a bust for me I was an altar boy and what I'd like to about that they would pay for a funeral for him I remember he did this they honor altar boy and when you said it was a bust Bry going to we called the grammar school grade school I guess today elementary school 8 years we've learned to sing the Anthonys and yet it was a bust I remember that we had never seen a Bible until it actually became a bit of a scandal at that time in the late sixty's early seventy's where the Protestants would have Bible studies but the Catholics would never even see a Bible hardly and kids would go 8 years of education and not have a Bible so I remember they brought in a rack of Bibles to one of our classrooms but for the most part what I learned about God was close to nothing from 8 years of going to a Catholic grammar school one of the things I do remember learning is they told us if we touched the host Eucharist or communion was called the host when I went Yeah sure a fortnight ago or 45 years ago so they said if you touched it with your finger it was a mortal sin and it's an act that Lee dropped out of your mouth and a mouse ate it. Growing ate and yeah that was born of think that mouse would be eating the actual body of Christ Wow it sure will literal body so this is like transubstantiation I think they called it right transubstantiation consubstantial And I think I could be wrong I should be more up to date at. Years ago I got to debate a Roman Catholic on this program and we still have that Bob debates Roman Catholic real worthwhile program but I have the sense that in the age of microscopes and all that are readily available to any homeschool family to break pretty much anyone that they've backed off telling people you know the millions of members of the Roman Catholic Church that it really is the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ I think they've backed off that but I don't know that they've actually changed their doctrine any but I recall the same thing we were scared to death with my accidently dropped the host yet I don't know I don't remember what year are what part of my life I stopped really believing what they were teaching me when I think about it I think that I was young and I I just didn't believe any of it but I'm not sure if I took that position later in life when I became a Christian in my early twenties and then find it conjectured back and said Oh I didn't believe any of that stuff back that yeah right so when was it maybe we could remember as we talked through it and you remember I was an altar boy too do you remember that before the mass before the host were consecrated they were not holy and we used to eat them do you remember eating the host in the back you know I'm the author I have a vague memory of doing that so yeah I would say yeah that really big but I do remember it I remember that the priest that I became closest to I don't know if it was you also father step in the if I'm pronouncing it right if I recall father step in the when we got the Bibles wheeled into our classroom I think it might have been 4th grade they scheduled him to come and teach us about the Bible and what. I later found out was that he thought most of the Bible was myth ology like the Greek myths that's what he told us later when I was in 8th grade or starting in high school and that he didn't believe it was true much of it and I remember him being in the class and the class was on disciplines and I remember him cursing at us at the students literally cursing vulgar words and I know I was shocked that the priest would speak like that in the 1st place and that he would do it right in class right in front of all the students I didn't have that experience with Father Stephanie but you know I never I'm never surprised to hear anything great about the Catholic Church so yeah so we grew up Catholic Now I did I think I was a reverent altar boy did you ever do the readings at the mass you know how the priest during a mass the priest will read from the gospels but a layperson will often read the readings you know out of the missile that they would have a reading from the Old Testament in a reading from the Epistles and I recall as a kid even though our church St Anthony's was a pretty big shared church I don't know if it helped for 100 people or pretty good sized church and it would normally be packed and I remember as a kid I would be the lectern the one to do the readings sometimes at 2 or 3 masses on a Sunday morning I would go early before our before mom would bring us the church and I'd be an altar boy or do the readings and I'd stay and do 2 or 3 masses but do you did you ever do the readings for the mass I remember that you were an elector Nichol. Yeah I think yeah and I think I did do it but not more than half a dozen times so right memory is cloudy about it but I do I do have a memory that I was up there reading so I think it I was a lectern but I didn't do it a lot so bright What were the thoughts that you ended up with about God in those early years right we later came to believe that much of what we were taught many of the details were wrong but what would you say your thought was about about God and the existence of God. Well I remember thinking that it was true that if I touched the hose it was a big sin I remember thinking that he it's either made up and it's not true or he's kind of a petty person because of all the crazy things and all the bad things people do you know it's going to pick on me touching the hose to make it like the terrible thing and so I don't I really think I reject that concept that that was a sin Yeah I thought that that was just Catholic nonsense I don't think I ever accept that that that concept right so there is something in us when God made Adam and eve of cores they knew God and then he enabled them to procreate and the Bible tells us like in Romans chapter one that everyone has a knowledge of God So we are conceived and born alive to God and the Bible tells us that even though they knew God then eventually as you grow in your life you turn against him you rebel against him but so there was this knowledge in you in me and when we were taught things that were not true there was a tension and it was it was clear that things are not making. A lot of sense but some people obviously overcome that in a negative way and they just go on to believe a lot of the superstition that comes along with Roman Catholic doctrine whereas others say no this can't be true it can't be that Mary who was a human being even though she loved God and was reconciled her through her sins were forgiven she called God her Savior only a sinner needs a savior it can't be that Mary is omnipresent she's with every person in the world she's omniscient she speaks every language she hears everyone's prayers and she's able to answer them or get it's all it was too much it was it was bizarre Yeah and I had never really thought that deeply a bad it when I was in the Catholic Church I think my relationship like other people of God was very super super superficial and later on in my life when I when I was when I was thinking about those things such as Mary transubstantiation that's when I really I guess realized that a lot of that stuff was church tradition I think of it as more church folklore and even nonsense a lot of the soup superstition right superstitions of best word yes. As I grew then you know you go through 1st grade to 8th grade and then into high school and I began to learn about God by reading the Bible and going to Bible studies you remember the group campus life for I yeah I definitely remember that group and I I think it had a big impact on a lot of young people I think it was really great yeah Manchester Regional High School they had meetings after school in the evening nearby and they had a retreat and run Hutch craft I remember was the leader of campus life for northern New Jersey and he and I talked so I don't know when it was maybe 10 years ago and I thanked him for the ministry in my life that they're the ones who got me to read the Bible for myself and to come to the Lord Jesus to trust in Christ and actually become a Christian and so when somebody asks me well what religion are you I don't say I'm Catholic I'm Christian I'm Christian Jesus the price that if I were if I was like yeah. In my life the biggest influence that kept the slight that was the scream in the dark at the time I really was involved although I do believe that when some of the Bible study really the foggy memory for me I really remember screaming the dark really well yes and that was like a haunted house around all the rain that they had and they put it put a haunted house up with dozens of people in there that would be monsters and Frankenstein and yeah and it was it was a lot of fun but then it was also like the Gospel message after it right I think as many as 4 or 5000 people would go through in one evening. And on a on a light night it might be 881400 after they went through the haunted house which was quite an experience then they went into these trailers and they saw a brief video and heard the gospel message and hundreds hundreds of people prayed and indicated that they were trusting Jesus Christ so that was a big impact on me also but it was actually one of their retreats that I went to a weekend retreat when I trusted in the Lord and got saved that was in September of 1973 my 1st month in high school which was a public high school so I started learning the Bible and I went to their father step in and I brought Bible verses and I said Father Stepien look at this the Bible says that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man so why would we pray to Mary when Jesus is it says it explicitly and then all these other verses that said you could know that you have eternal life if you know God If you trust in Jesus Christ and he said well those verses you there are in a Protestant Bible I think it was the King James is that there in a Protestant Bible you need a you need to look him up in a Catholic Bible. And I said well that's. God look him up in a Catholic Bible we were in the rectory which was next to the school where I think 3 priests live there are 3 or 4 priest the month senior and you know that was the church and so he went to look for a Bible he could not find a bible they had a library there was in the Bible in the library he went into his room that he shared with another priest. No Bible in their room so we end up going next door to the church on the altar the real big Bible that you had to turn the pages with 2 hands right that's the Bible we had to use to look up the verses and they were all pretty much identical to the verses I had showed him wow and I guess it wouldn't matter it wouldn't matter because he didn't believe the Bible anyhow so it didn't matter with Protestant or a Catholic Bible it was not something that he believed or had an impact on on his decision making Wow what a great point I remember them telling us spry that people from all religions go to heaven it doesn't matter what religion you know he told us that others at St Anthony's told us that because we were saying that Jesus is the only way to heaven and they were disagreeing so then do you remember he came to our home a few times for bible studies. I do have a vague recollection Yeah with mom of course Kami and uart and when Mom was that was just when mom was kind of transitioning from Catholicism to becoming a Christian and she was trying to kind of cling on I think to the last bits of knowledge. Trying to say we need to do a Bible right so I remember Rosalie and I and others I forget their names these real nice gals and they just came to the house they were in job as witnesses right they were they were Christians who were willing to teach we were eager to learn and Pat was also interested and so we go through a list of Bible verses and initially we learned about salvation through Jesus is death and resurrection and so mom invited father Stepien he came to the house and he said well you have to understand the Bible is like Greek mythology there's all contradictions in the Bible and it's stories and what we were in shock at that point we were in shock and that's when I think Mom realised that the Catholic Church for whatever roots it may have had originally has abandoned the scriptures as the authority they've gone with their tradition Yeah so it's not that doesn't mean every priest would agree with him but I think a lot of the seminaries agreed that for example Genesis is more like a parable than literal and that's why they reject the global flood and they reject I think much of the history of Genesis in Exodus they being the Catholic scholars and the Catholic seminaries So the Catholics were. Probably pioneers and that's what you're describing but the Protestants in the last 2030 years of pretty much been following suit one after the next kind of following a catholic down that hole Oh yeah and that's from our perspective right because we've just lived about 60 years but even gone back through the centuries there was this gradual liberalisation of theology and again the universities the seminaries and what was called the higher critics and there Documentary Hypothesis what which I mentioned earlier right before you came on that they didn't even believe that Genesis had been off there they thought it was compiled from 3 different sources and the arguments they made for that were absurd on its face but but I'm I'm thankful that many millions of Christians reject all of that but I think the Catholic Church has embraced it. More so than not and most of the mainline denominations have embraced that kind of thinking where Genesis an exit is they're not actual history they're they're almost like Greek myths but with a nice moral to the story I guess that's why we're opposed Christian in the United States that a yeah yeah that's a very yeah as a good point our religious leaders have pretty much given up on the Bible and it and I guess mostly on Genesis and one that's gone oh yeah a whole one basically thrown in to try and show yet the president of the Southern Baptist Convention there's supposed to be one of the last remaining conservative to nominations and his name Grier he is he basically accepts this homo sexual identity which is sort of like a middle road. They give lip service to the Bible's teaching that homosexuality is a sin but that's only if you're a bad homosexual and homo sexual identity the church shouldn't speak against homosexuality all of that's the path that he's taking the Southern Baptist denomination down and it's obviously a great tragedy to me when I think through it you almost have to be like a hero and you have to have a huge amount of courage to tell the truth when it comes to some of these topics like homosexuality because if you don't and you stand up against it and say what's true what the Bible says you're going to be attacked your church your your family your wife you're going to be attacked and so a low it is you know I give people who are honest about it and real about it I give them a lot of credit for being very heroic because in today's culture you can guarantee if you say what's real and what the Bible says especially concerning what they homosexuality you're going to be attacked Oh yeah on paper I even regarding being a man or a woman even that right forget about I mean homosexuality you're exactly right but even something as straightforward as male and female that Jesus said that God made us male and female at the beginning of the creation and they hate shoe even if you say that they hate you yeah I mean it's unbelievable where we come in the last 2030 years I think back to the way the country was 2030 years ago and the homosexuals were in the closet and most of the past there were still talk against homosexuality and I now. So here we are where not only are the homosexuals out of the closet they're pushing the Christians in the closet but now we're talking about 30 or 40 different genders and if you use pronouns that we learned in grammar school you could be subject to misdemeanor a felony charge and certainly they can't pay a monthly eager Is she in New York City you could be $5.00 in thousands of dollars for using the wrong pronoun so I imagine if you're an immigrant to this country and you're trying to learn English and you're at a politically correct community college and they come to our own nouns where it used to be he she in it right males right now and neuter and now it's easy blonde p.z. Law he That's the insanity of it all I think you know people don't wear bell bottom jeans anymore yeah right thankfully I still call them I still call them dungarees and my wife laughed at me when I call them dungarees going to hear that he's. Exactly Well I think if we fast forward 30 years from now there may not be a 1000000 young boys saying that they're girls it might go the way of that and if it does there's going to be loads of and Barrus meant the way there is with superficial cultural idiosyncrasies where people see photos of the selves from the seventy's and they can't believe I would ever look like that imagine being men these these boys who are acting like girls and then they grow up and they grow out of it and they're a man and here's photos of them in dresses not bell bottoms but in dresses and lipstick. And they're not it seems to me they're not ashamed they're very proud of a lot of parents are proud too I don't know yeah right now you're right that there I made a prediction I made a prediction you know within the last week and unfortunately a lot of my crazy predictions end up coming through 10 or 20 years later and the tradition I made is. It's kind of more outlandish then will we have like a homosexual you know as the leader of the country what I feared was we're going to have someone that's transitioning as the president in the next 20 years to either become like an ant like Have person have animal like you know you've got Being a ship or a raccoon or or becoming a you know a woman in. It really I remember when we don't plant in the one his election for president I said that well at least at the very least he likes women at the very least like that's the bottom of the barrel kind of qualification he was not almost actual We knew that about him I was trying but hard to say anymore yet Colorado back in the days when we used to have a governor now the office is vacant but the good old days paper right thank you so much for joining us for this program on a slow news day you're well go all right I'll see See you soon God bless you that's my brother Brian there are 4 of us I was the old I'm the oldest Robert Brian David and Susan she was a troublemaker the preceding program is sponsored by Bob and yard law if you're tuned to am sick 70 Cayle t.t. Com or city Denver k o t t h d and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com We don't often hear an honest review of what's happening today that's about the change as. Crawford broadcasting launches our national Crawford roundtable podcast you'll hear about current events hard news stories cultural ideas and other pertinent topics but without the smoke and mirrors of a left wing agenda national Crawford roundtable podcast is available on the Apple podcast stitcher and Crawford broadcasting dot com Listen to the national Crawford roundtable Friday mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full pod cast at the said pattern website 678 k l t t v dot com. A few things to think about during World War 2 we devastated Japan later in the building that's the strength of America. In the force of ship blood sweat and tears to protect our way of life but we have become the fattest nation on earth some still. Don't really care for politics the news information around the globe doing nothing and you'll become the news just a few things to think. To help line my hosted by world renowned clinical nutritionist Dr Robert Marshall ph d. Of course in nutrition labs people believed that the secrets of optimal health why not within costly techniques but in the body's own theorised energy field using these concepts Dr Marshall touched the lives of countless people throughout the globe with this effective and insightful nutritional system a methodology he coined as the quantum nutrition effect Don't miss this nutritional legend whose insightful ideas revolutionized natural health care to speak with an experienced representative regarding your own health concerns please call Monday through Saturday 90 am to 7 pm Central Standard Time Dr Marshall's comments have not been evaluated by the f.d.a. And are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease and now please join us for health on life with Dr Marshall. Welcome to helpline were. It and See your nutrition and health related questions feel free to call in don't be bashful the toll free number 888-588-7576 you visit is on line Q One Labs dot com Be sure and tell a friend our radio broadcast times are out there all over the country and you can sure join us on Saturday for an hour we're with you Monday through Friday for a half hour and you can hear prior broadcasts in there's a great deal of other info out on the web q.n. Labs dot com And don't forget every day we compete with got a black posed as special to reward you for tuning in and today we're going to have one of my favorite products when I hit the road we call it daily multi And this isn't anything like daily Multi in the pharmacy or the health food store this doesn't list a laundry list of ingredients that are chemical dead synthetic ingredients This is live source nutrition placing very carefully placing nutritious compounds living compounds one slimming compounds together to give you a broad spectrum of nutrition cover all the bases so this is an all in one live source natural quantum state day Lemole to nutrition for the whole family obviously that some people are only going to take one type of capsule Well this is it if you're going to do that and depending on your age your body's eyes I'd take 3 to 6 of these at breakfast it should cover most of the needs there because that are typically missing from American food I think you're going to love it it's an ideal all in one nutritional formula for the entire. Family and of course we have scientifically and by I want to gently selected the ingredients to deliver that quantum nutrition effect you're going to love this product no weird chemicals just great great nutrition buy one get the 2nd 150 percent off just give a buzz to our Order Line 803703447803703447 all right this is Dr Bob Marshall pitch day this is helpline live or we're answering your a nutrition and health related questions let's go right to the phones let's go to Kelly in California and she's concerned about her thyroid and wonders what can be done there how old a woman to you Kelly and how much do you weigh 34 and had a good 25 Ok well I can tell you that issues with the thyroid are literally an epidemic in America in fact they used to have a maps that said going on. And what they were trying to tell you is that the people who live here got so little iodine that they were in deep trouble but you know the interesting thing about the thyroid is that if we are concerned about its function and we start adding I had done it may or may not help because the thyroid needs not just I had 9 but it needs Tyra's seen and many people especially women who have a low serum iron are going to be low in Tyra's scene and so then they're going to have all kinds of weird things going on with the thyroid even if they get I had but many many women and not getting enough iodine and you know the work done in Japan and pretty impressive work that's been done. Studying issues with the breasts and the uterus for women there and literally the exe disease there is nonexistent and here it's an epidemic and the difference is the women there are getting $1.00 to $3.00 milligrams of vegetables see vegetables sores. And what we find here is that if you take this synthetic I've done you can help the thyroid but it doesn't seem to be a good help for the breasts of the years so I'd recommend you get on something called a xeno x. And that you take maybe 3 caps at your high protein meal which should be lunch and that will cover the. Then if you know that you're not low in iron I would not worry about Tyra seen the next issue is going to be the energetic controller This is not recognized in western medicine as the role of the parathyroid to the thyroid is not recognized in western medicine but there appears to be an energetic link and to promote that healthy link you'd want to get on something like our green tea p.g. Maybe one teaspoon of that per day and for most people that allows the thought to work just perfectly So these are the things I would do as fast as you can if you're still struggling give a buzz to the Order Line get the number of someone who knows q. Or a and visit with them because this is usually something that's pretty easy to fix Ok I want to know you can still pick quantum theory multi-vitamin of course that you certainly could take that absolutely Ok does that help with vitamin d. Depression. Probably not I probably need extra d 3 gold and once we've has sage 40 most of us have issues with the the goblet or you're not in that boat so you can just jump in and take maybe 6 drops a d. 3 gold at your high protein meal to cover the d 3 need Ok. Take care bye now but. All right this is the doc about Marshall pitched he this is helpful and live and we're answering your nutrition and health related calls you reach us toll free 888-588-7576 you can visit as online q.n. Labs that Com q. And labs dot com And that toll free number for your questions triple 85887576 All right let's go right back to the phones let's go to Rose in San Francisco and she's dealing with a little fatty lump around her waist are you there Rose Yes And how old woman to you and how much do you weigh. It and I weigh 235 pounds Ok Well these are very common these little fatty lumps are put out by the liver when it's overwhelmed with refined oil wells so you're over the top in terms of your ability to handle excess any oil right now so you need a 90 day holiday and this holiday is going to give you the most beautiful hair and skin you've ever had and it's also going to lean you down so that you get rid of fat we don't want it but the good news is it can clean up the liver so it doesn't do anything bad like this again. It may or may not be able to break down the one you have but it's at least a 5050 shot it could get rid of it Ok Ok well and what will help you through this time for how much do you Ok 561-3500 tall you I'd like. Yep so you have some weight you want to get rid of there it should help you with that as well and I would definitely get on some magnesium if I were you I would take about 200 milligrams morning and night and that should help you to speed the weight Clarence I would also say when we want to lose weight we need to keep in mind the critical importance of antioxidants because the fat is what carries your toxins and we start burning it the body has to face those toxins so it's really a good idea to get on something called breads barratry all and here you might use a teaspoon a day in the morning maybe in 68 ounces of water that is one of the key key players and you can use it right along with a little coke you 10 and then the other player for women so important is melatonin and so melatonin you would probably want to take about the equivalent of roughly 10 milligrams and the cook you 10 you'd want to take 4 at your main high fat meal lunch and the last thing that you would do is the ha and here you would take about 5 at the main meal again lunch and now I think you come out of this as you get a real quick cleaning for the liver you turn the versity to your advantage Ok rose 0 point sounds great and I can order these by calling back and yes called back and in about 1015. In minutes they'll have all the notes Ok wonderful getting kids out there you're welcome Take care by now. All right this is Doc about Marshall khichdi this is helpline live and we're answering your nutrition and health related questions you reach us toll free 888-588-7576 you can visit his online q.n. Labs dot com Don't miss today's Red Hot special We've got our real daily multi this is not a long laundry list of synthetic vitamins and minerals that couldn't come close to what the body actually needs and they're all dead so they're hard to absorb and many people call that stuff expensive in her head because about it really doesn't want it really doesn't absorb it well it does absorb some no doubt about that so what's the difference between our daily multi and those $950.00 circa daily multis out there that have been updated with one or 2 more synthetic minerals The difference is it's alive source not synthetic it's vegetable capsule there is no agents used to get it into the capsule or tablet there's nothing that doesn't belong there and we have made great efforts to be sure that the mixture of these live source nutrients will give a cross-section of the nutrition that the body is typically missing in the standard American diet so if you want all in one daily formula that really works that's lives sores that you can take for a lifetime and for the whole family today's daily multi is the player Now if you're a kid you might need 3 of 4 an adult should probably take a good 67 at breakfast and that'll give you enough to make a difference by one today get the. I want 50 percent off just give a buzz to the Order Line 803703447 that's 803703447 let's go right back to the phones this is Dr Bob Marshall ph d. This is helpline live let's go to Janice in Michigan and she's getting up at night to year and they are all right are you there Janice. And how old a woman are you and how much do you weigh 60 and how he went seating area and how often are you getting up once and I had twice and. Sometimes 3 periods of time so this is been going on quite a while yes there have Ok Well the really simple cases we use Holland of flu are and you go on maybe. To permeate you do it about 2 to 3 weeks I tell you as seen over the change and for many people that's all we need to do and then if you see no further change and make probably cut back to 2 at breakfast and you're done with it Ok however. Some people will have potentially a biofilm in the urine or a tract and now you're talking about a tougher job now you would need to use something like bladders support so you can target right at the bladder and probably about 2 or 3 per meal your body weight it's got to be 3 permille I'm sorry and at the same time you would take about 3 per meal of garlic Seiden And this of course is the act of fractions of garlic Allison and what this does is it's a gentle but very friendly biofilm buster and this may take anywhere from $4.00 to $10.00 weeks and you'll start seeing and eyes change of that and I would probably do the whole 10 weeks so you clean your clock nicely Now this starts to happen to us when we can't digest their food well so are you taking any kind of digestive support when you eat you know Ok well that's only going to come back at you like a banshee Yeah here's what's happening Janice at your age when you eat especially the dinner meal there's no way a body can digest that the way it did when you were 20. And by 75 year at 0 in the hydrochloric acid so what you need to do is not eat another cooked food meal without taking to quantum digest that's pancreatic enzymes and perhaps and preferably at the start of the meal but if you forget it works almost as good at the end of the meal and then the end of the meal about 4 Batanes hydrochloride now you're digesting more like you didn't your twenties no rotting food is going into the gut into the urinary tract into the bloodstream so you're going to have more energy going to feel better you know get rid of some of that funky nasal sound you've got the whole body starts to perk up and I can tell you that 2 things that kill everybody can't digest your food no minerals so the minerals when you buzz the online they can explain to you what to do and how to do it so you're you're going to be covered there Ok. Ok I have one more question shoot. I am experiencing. Here Law Oh it is so what you have to get on is something we called quantum greens and this is loaded with graphs of Venus a t.v. And that's known to trap Di hydro testosterone which is produced in males very quickly in females after usually 55 or sixty's so you need a couple tables boom's that is today you could put it in a smoothie take it with the organic banana something and you can get capsules Ok see what's happening right now is this going on top of your head to go away as card meaning and so it's choking the hairball to death and so this dead stops that Ok Ok how I take care I know I think. All right let's go right back to the phones let's go to Carly in Norton Massachusetts she wants to know what would be good to take while she's pregnant are you there Carly I mean well I will do women are you know how much do you weigh. 30 years ago. I would say. Ok well your best bet is to visit with a cure or a person there in Massachusetts so they can test you and see exactly what you need but what I would say is that there's several things that need to be done as quickly as possible the 2 most important one is to make sure you have adequate iron and most of the time when you see an o.b. G.y.n. They give a rock form of eye and which often can make you feel ill we make a product called quantum iron support and that would cover the iron we should cover the air the next. Thing we need is a roll of Vieja paper and you will want to force your 1st morning your in ph into the Green Zone 6470 This will prevent the child from decomposing your bones to get minerals Ok And so you would do that by going on ph trio and that's the simplest easiest way to do it and the Order Line will talk you through how to do that these are the couple most important things there are many other things you need to do maybe depending on your genetics so you might call the over the line get the number of some of those q. Or a and have them test you to see what else you may need Ok Carly Ok Ok thanks for the call by now all right this is Dr Bob Marshall ph d. This is health plan live we're answering your the nutrition and health related questions you can reach us at triple late 5887576885887576 and you can also visit us online prior broadcasts all our radio times around the country so you can tell a friend and have them join us and don't miss our wonderful Saturday one hour broadcast a lot more teaching a lot more material we can cover there so q. And labs dot com And remember if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired by all means you're going to want to visit with someone who has mastered 21st century Clinical Nutrition It's called Q r a quantum reflex analysis and you can buzz the online and get the number of someone they're going to be a lot pinpoint exactly what nutrients you need and how much and they're also going to be able to find those old Haski scarred dramas ones you may have even forgotten all about and they're going to be alone. Back those so that their ability to choke the life out of a key organ to gland the reflex thing too is dead stopped So this technology has no equal that I'm aware of and it can give you a new lease on life give a buzz to our on line 8037 day 3447 all right this is Dr Bob Marshall ph d. This is Health Line live let's go right back to the phones let's go to Joshua in Boston and he's concerned about his mom who retains fluid in the summer is that you know just to Ok Well any time you see any retention of fluid like swelling in the legs or ankles or anything you want to think kidney and obviously we can support kidney with kidneys support how old your mom and how much does she weigh. She's. Ok she laid what to me hey it's a lot of weight Ok so you could get her own kidney support maybe 3 per meal maybe even 4 per meal and what I would do is work on her weight there's a wonderful diet to help called the biofuel diet so Mom could start on that to try to knock down some of this weight which will reduce the burden to the kidney the other thing that may be going on is she obviously had babies she had you Joshua and so she may have torn wreck the lead of agilely and that is called in a p.c.i. To me and if that's true then she needs to get some plays to mud pack that because ultimately it may take a long time but ultimately it will destroy the kidney to which it's reflex thing and it may be a serious player in her summer of fluid retention so you'll want to figure that out if it's true you'll call the on line and get the number of someone who knows quantum reflex analysis q. Or a in your area in Boston and get them to too much back bad so that the energy will freely flow to kidney and then you just need 2 or 3 months of support of the kidney maybe 4 months and that's it that's the end of the legs don't swell any more everything's fine and she doesn't have to do anything more so that's a wonderful wonderful solution now your dad challenge with blood sugar this is usually involves the teeth number one the teeth and number 2 and most commonly digestion the failure of the digestion can allow little bugs get through the g.i. Tract and into the banker is the kidney the heart the circulatory tree or all of the above so obviously the 1st step to dad is going to be to get him on digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid so he doesn't need another cooked food meal without him how old dad and how much does he weigh. He went to $48.00 he could be $850.00 Ok so our 1st step then is to get him on quantum dodges 2 of those at the start of a cooked food meal the end of the meal at least 4 of the tane hydrochloride and hopefully there's no burning or any problem when he or your mom takes that is if there is then we would know that there's a scar a trauma on the center line of the body like a broken nose a broken clavicle something that is sedating stomach and again we'd need to use something called a stomach support maybe 3 of those capsules as a TB for eats and he do that until he can get to someone who knows q. Or a who is going to be able to mud back the interference field and then you wouldn't need the stomach support anymore all right so that takes care of step one step 2 we get a come back to the teeth there's your dad have lots of different restorations like silver fillings and then a crown and other stuff in his mouth yeah yeah see this in my opinion may trigger an electro plating of the pancreas and as the years go by the management of blood sugar gets poorer and poorer and poorer so what we need to do here the long term goal is to get down to not more than one junkie metal in his mouth and that can be expensive but it's absolutely life sparing Ok if you call you by mail give you the number of a cure or a practitioner you can call in your area you can call them and see if they have a referral of a dentist who would use low fusing ceramic material and is start to work to support the teeth Meanwhile you can get him on pancreas support maybe about 4 per meal and you could also get. Him on something called Cardio p.g. And here we would like about for me more like 5 teaspoons per day you'd mix this in maybe 18 and says of water and he would drink that after breakfast and he has to use that for about 4 months now as long as he keeps up h.c.l. And I just that should be the end of that and you may see that the body responds wonderfully to these couple things he needs to do is a little on the young side to have all this too so you know I would get on it as quickly as you can if I went too fast for you just give a buzz to the online tell him that you are Joshua from Boston they'll pull up my notes and go over everything with you Ok Bonnie sounds good to me and it works let me tell you. Take care thank you you're welcome. All right this is Dr operational ph d. This is Health Line live you guys that are on the line stay there would catch you off the air I just want to remind everybody of today's great special this is the daily mopey you want to give a person it's only going to take one product and it's going to deliver broad spectrum natural nutrition which can really just naturally give you a better state of health so give a buzz to the or to line jump on this great special our quantum daily multi. Buy one that or you get the 2nd 150 percent off that's 25 percent off each just give a buzz to order 180370344780373447 Take good care that body you've been given by for now. You've been listening to Dr Bob Marshall ph d. On Health Line live to find out more about these specials or any of our other great products call 180-370-3447 that's 180-370-3447 Dr Marshall's comments have not been evaluated by the f.d.a. And are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease have a healthy and radiant day 'd 'd are you prepared for the upcoming season get immune support you can really count on quantum nutrition Labs has 3 key players on special for optimal immune support nucleotide complex featuring the basis for all cellular structure. With its naturally occurring immunoglobulins and ultra quality olive leaf support by 2 bottles get the 3rd one free 88587570 that's 888-588-7578 or visit us on line at q.n. Labs dot com That's Q n l a b s dot com Hi I'm Dr Bob Marshall pitched the host of the helpline tune in to get your questions answered and here the leaders breakthrough information for you and your family our product line quantum literature labs delivers what others only promise nutrition that really works. The preceding program is sponsored by b m m Incorporated. This is calle t.t. Commerce City Denver broadcasting in h.d. Digital radio and online at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Simon Tom Thompson here my family owns Broyhill of Denver dot com quality furniture that's affordable and fashionable Welcome to the maximize manhood minute with Ed goal. Scripture says a small mistake can outweigh much wisdom and honor in a parable from Brazil and tells of the inventor that after a lifetime of effort he finally created a watch made out of straw when people came from all over the world honor him they placed the watch on a table in the town square while they were greeting each other and old her wandered by and got to watch the moral of that story is that one jackass can ruin a Lifetime movie or. Confront various challenges faced by men develop insight and understand difficult issues Please check us out at the maximized Man dot com building a new generation of men who believe in proclaim manhood and Christ likeness are synonymous the maximize Man dot com. Your body mind and soul are 2 am 6 of tail t.t. Tail t t h d come or sit him. At 951 and spring world water at 67 dk l.t.g. Dot com Thanks for staying tuned for the narrow path with Steve Gregg this afternoon program is pre recorded so if you would like to ask Steve a question you can call him at 844-484-5737 each weekday from 3 to 4 pm Mountain time let's join Steve now for this afternoon's broadcast. Good afternoon and welcome to the narrow path radio broadcast my name is Steve Greg and we're live for an hour each weekday afternoon taking your calls if you have questions about the Bible or the Christian faith or if you have a different viewpoint from the host and you want to bring up a disagreement feel free to do so the number to call is 844-484-5737 that's 844-484-5737 The only announcement I have to make today is that on Thursday mornings which is tomorrow in Temecula I do teach a morning Bible study at 6 30 in the morning on the life of Christ covering the we're going we've been going for a few years now I think through a harmony of the Gospels certainly morning Bible study at Pinera bread.