For joining me today you are listening to the good news of the gospel the good news of our God and Father his heart towards us in His son expressed in his Son Jesus Christ how this gives us new hope new courage to believe new belief that we have access to the Father we can go to him at any time with all our troubles and all the details we have confidence now that we will share in God's glory when Jesus Christ returns and all the kingdoms of the world will be handed over to his son and we shall be with him. It is just so beyond comprehension in one way and yet our faith is able to embrace it this program will help your faith to embrace the great truths of the Gospel listen in Monday through Friday at 10 o'clock in the evening repeated at 4 in the morning on k l t t m 670 Denver Colorado and the surrounding states and also any time of the day or night on your remote device download a free app Sound Cloud Pod Beano Spotify and simply key and how it happens with Collin cook when you get there so now we look at Romans Chapter 5 and this is what it says for us personally and the 16 and the gift is not like that which came through the one who send for the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation but the free gift which came from many of fences resulted in justification and interestingly the verse that is most parallel to that is verse 18 so 16 and 18 are very close parallels let's read 18 therefore as through one man's offense judgment came to all man result. Thing in condemnation even so through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all man resulting in justification of life now I'm going to read those 2 verses together with no pause in between 16 and 18 listen carefully and the gift is not like that which came through the one who send for the judgment which came from one of fence resulted in condemnation but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification therefore as through one man's 0 fence judgment came to all man resulting in condemnation even so through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all man resulting in justification of life these are or some passages as I've said before they are Himalayan mountain peaks in the book of Romans the high point of the whole book or some in their grandeur in their extent in their meaning. Now you see from the beginning there that we do not simply come under. The consequences of Adam's sin many people say Well Adam sinned and we suffer the consequences because we learned from him and we are all big we all became sinners and we make experienced the consequences of his death to. So that we all die Well that's true but I'm sorry to tell you it's not enough and it is a little bit strange to hear what I'm about to say I admitted myself but it's in the text we don't simply come under the consequences of Adam's sin we come under the judgment of Adam's sin look what it says and the gift is not like that which came through the one who send for the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation. And look at the parallel verse 18 therefore as through one man's offense judgment came to all men resulting in condemnation. That's very hard isn't it to take what does it really mean does it mean that God's pummeling every one of us and saying it's your fault that Adam sinned I'm punishing you because of what Adam did know it doesn't mean that we're not going to turn this verse and these verses into ogres as if God was some green eyed monster poking you every day that's what Satan wants to believe it wants us to believe of course no I think what this is saying is that when Adam sinned a judgment had to take place in regard to his human nature it was now rifled with corruption it was now in a state in which only death reigned and they existed and God had to say I am sorry human race I am deeply grieved but I have to pass a judgment on all the human race because it is all now corrupted. You see as Paul says in 1st Corinthians 15 as in Adam all die in some way we are in and I'm we are part of his genetic structure we structure we are somehow subsumed in his existence. And therefore we die in him we die don't die as a result of him we die in him we come under the condemnation of Adam because in some way we're in him. So that brings us a reality doesn't it that we need to recognize. That you and I when we are dealing with our human nature on a daily basis we're not simply and only dealing with our own sins our own imperfections our own weaknesses and for the bulls we're dealing with Adam's I mean the nature of guilt it seems to me is much more far reaching than simply our own guilt we belong to a condemned human race. The sooner we recognize that the sooner we'll get off our high horse and sell sense of independence and bring ourselves before God and say Oh God I am undone just desire said you remember in chapter 6 of our Zion I do well among a p.r. Man Don I am clean I do well among the people I'm clean lips and I am clean myself . Now the point is though and this is where the gospel makes eminent sense. Does God want us to stay in that state and belief Absolutely not because look at the next potion of the verse the 2nd part of Verse 16 and I paralleled that with the 2nd part of Verse 18 so let me read the verses again. Well let me read the 2nd part now I better read the whole thing the the gift is not like that which came through the one who send for the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation but the free gift which came from many of friends is resulted in justification and then verse 18 therefore as through one man's of fans judgment came to all men resulting in condemnation even so through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men resulting in justification of life. Now I want you to notice that word justification it means to declare innocent it means to pronounce not guilty and innocent Now we were pronounced guilty or under the condemnation of Adam in the 1st part of the verse 2 verses there but now we are pronounced not guilty and innocent in Christ this is the beauty of the Gospel that God introduces Christ to the world and Christ undoes everything that Adam did Christ redoes everything that Adam undid if you want to put it that way. Now you say yes but for those who accept Galant No I am not saying that no no no. These verses indicate to me that God is going to make sure this happens for everyone and to everyone. The message of the gospel is that you and I will be given the necessary faith to believe because the belief is part of the Good News How could any sin or any enemy of God belief that's what we are we are enemies of God according to Romans Chapter 5 verse 10 were enemies who have been reconciled while we were enemies which means that if you have an enemy state of heart which we do have before Christ then there's no part of that heart that could possibly believe it's an enemy heart enemies don't believe they hate they don't trust but gone through His Holy Spirit with the good news that he brings about Jesus Christ is able to implant faith in every one of us and so I say to you now listen to me. When you are overwhelmed with your broken and your sinfulness your imperfection your wrong thoughts your wrong desires and you feel terribly ashamed and guilty you must say Father that is my Adam state that is speaking. But father in Jesus Christ. Father in faith I recognize that I am also in Jesus Christ and in Christ my natural humanity has been wiped out my natural humanity has been declared dead in his death on the cross I was wiped out when Jesus was wiped out by faith because he because he stood in for me he represented me he substituted for me and therefore father I will not allow and think. Allow my Schuman nature to speak to me as in its abusive way that it does I will not be abused any further anymore by myself to a god for Christ has come and listen to me Christ's death You're understand Christ's death doesn't just didn't just take place 2000 years ago and operates only for those there after Christ's death is for all humanity and goes right back to the beginning of time that is why Adam was closed with skins remember where did you get those from God must have sacrificed an animal more than one animal to to close Adam and Eve with those skins he was representing right there the coming of the Messiah and the death and resurrection of Jesus so listen I ask you again. Whose humanity are you living in you may live by faith in the resurrected humanity of Jesus Christ in which there is no condemnation in which you are reconciled to him in which you are looking forward to eternal life that is the privilege of every Christian affirm it by faith wake up and say good morning to you Lord in that kind of spirit. Please help out I do need your help I'm serious about it please help out with the radio rent I don't want to sound like a beggar I'm just trying to be as earnest tonight as I can with all respect and calmness. Around like I'm panicking but anyway please help if you can the radio rent is $860.00 per month 39 dollars per program would you please help with a donation that's how I keep this broadcast on the air which is now in its 22nd year so if the broadcast is training your faith encouraging your heart helping you to understand the gospel in a deeper and greater way then please send your donation to faith Quest p. O. Box 366 Littleton Colorado 80160 or make your donation online at Faith Quest Radio dot com That's faith Quest Radio dot com and the address again faith Quest p.o. Box 366 Littleton Colorado 80160 any kind of donation any amount and any time you want to know fixed thing although monthly is helpful so take care thank you so much I'll see you next time cheerio and God bless. The preceding program is sponsored by. Perspectives. Are you struggling with addictions. Actions to send Colin Cook could help you could hear Cullen cook on how it happens weeknights at 10 pm right here on the nation's most powerful Christian 67 calle c. . At home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word. Commerce City in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the way at 670 k. O. T. T. Dot com. Be sure glad you could join us today for the concepts of faith broadcasters the this program is dedicated to teach you how to put the word of God to work so that it would make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life and now here's Charles caps. You go to say and I believe I'm get an infection out today and that things are getting worse I always come down with infection when I get a cut I do stall and you talk in that way. And it won't be but a few days to you probably have an infection. One because it's God's will know you know your words has sent an impulse to your system and said Shut it down he's a good infection. Now. I know we may be stepping out in some things and assuming some things there but now let me share with you something that they found out that the part of the brain and I don't know what part that is the part of the brain that controls the speech also controls the chemical substance that is given to the body. Now they've discovered that medical science has discovered that now even then amazing not forget had many different chemicals that the body has in store that can be given out to the body at any given time and then they found out that. The part that controls the speech also controls the chemical supply of the Mahdi. And I think that's significant I think it agrees with the very thing that James is saying here it agrees with what Jesus say a man can have all the say as if he believe in a doubt not as ardently but he sins come to pass and it's not magic it's just simply the fact that God knows how we're made God said it that way told us about that because that's the way it was. Sometimes we get that did that well you know because God said it is that way. Well not necessarily so it might have been sold the reason God said it. That makes a difference see the Bible is not true just because God said it the Bible these principles were already true it was the reason God told us about him. Now. Let's go to Proverbs I want to show you something the degrees well we're not through with this yet let's read own down here James has reversed 6 and on down and the tongue is a far world of iniquity so is the tone among our members it defined with the whole body so far the course of nature is set on fire of hail and every kind of beast in bird in serpent and things in the sea are tiny and have been tamed of mankind but the tongue can know my and Jamie it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison. Now listen I want to shed the tongue is an unruly evil full of deadly poison old man containment man has with his natural ability has tame the biggest of the earth the fish of those the eat everything has been tamed by man's natural ability except the Tom No man can tame the tongue well somebody said well we're hopeless case then no thank God we're not. It takes the supernatural ability of God to control the Tom and the Holy Ghost can control. Tom So you're not a hopeless case now listen to what he goes on to say. There we bless we God Even the father in there with Curse we me n. Which are made after the similitude of God out of the same mouth proceed blessing in cursing my brother in these things ought not so to be well they all thought so to be but they are people bless and curse out of the same breath and out of the same mouth. I heard some people talk and. 2 ladies talk and one day I was in a recession eat and numbered one of them said well you know so and so after food operated on and said she's just take a day off she don't have any pain and she's just tickled to death and I'm sitting there thinking well now you know the shame she got her foot healed and now she did . See they don't realize people don't realize the words they speak contrary to the Word of God You hear him saying tickle me today at last I thought of dying to go. Now that's perverse speech. See out of the same mouth as the blessing and cursing and all it not so to be now he goes home say death a fountain bring forth from the same place sweet water and bitter. Can a fig tree my brother and bear Olive bear is are a either a virus and figs so can no fountain bring full e.o. Salt water and fresh. And somebody said well he says it can't be done out of the same stream No you misunderstood what he said it can't bring forth fresh water and bitter What is this a sweet water and bitter. Watching it is a 1000000000 see have you ever tried to mix in salt water with fresh water and put it in the sane pipe and get it to come out there in fresh water over here and salt water over there it just won't work it comes out a mixture and it's all salty and not good for anything. And that's what he's saying here he says and when you allow the Tom to talk this way you come out with a blend of speech that is a mixture that causes everything to be defined as Rajiv said so much to say about he said Let's say you be a d.n.a. Anything more than that cometh of evil in other words don't talk all this food. I know we're getting a little bit off the subject but I think it's important that we understand they say we're still talking about confession brings perfection and you know that you realize not that it's a subject will now let's go to proverbs and see what proverbs said concerning this now someone told me this is the day I have checked it out I would soon that they know what they were talking about though because I believe it was or Roberts that told me this that Solomon was a doctor a medical doctor now I didn't know that but that may be the reason he knows all of this stuff. Now let's read from Proverbs the chapter verse 18. There is that speak of the lie of the piercing of the sword but the tongue of the why as is health. That is you get there he said the tongue of the wise is health you can speak healthy thing. And it will produce healthy in you I believe the problem with many people and if you will notice this and chronically ill people they always want to talk about sickness and disease and want somebody with a motive everybody else is going to get we're all gold I was something you know. And again ever get their mind off of sickness in this these you can't walk into health and talk sickness and disease an impossibility you cannot walk in wealth and prosperity and Talkalakh it's an impossibility because your tongue will lead you to it it's the governor that govern and controls the direction you go and live if you're going to have health you. And I have to talk healing and why if you're going to have wealth you're going to have to talk abundance no lack and talk what the word says about you if you're going to have healing in your body you going to have to get centered up on healing instead of sickness and disease. Own read that again there is that speaker like the piercing of the sword see some people talking they cut you some of you've been cut in journey only by the words you speak. But the tone of the eyes is health because you're speaking healthy and you'll be healthy you'll speak good thing you'll do well on good things Proverbs where were there in the verse 14 a man shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and the recompense of a man's hand should be returned to him a man shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth now see this tells me that the fruit is what he speaks out of his mouth and may not be satisfied with the human spirit will receive whatever you say out of your mouth and receive it as being Hachi won't and will lead you to it. Now come around over back up into the living chapter and read verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is the Tree of Life. The fruit of the righteous is the tree of live now what is the fruit is what comes out of his mouth he speaks these things from his lips now go to the 13th chapter of Proverbs in verse 2 and 3 a man show is good by the fruit of his mouth but the soul of the transgressor surely vomits. Mantilly good but the fruit is now see the things that you say kid even lead you to a better job. Cause you to be more prosperous cause you to enter into business deals that you would normally enter into. We're still talking about confession is a way to possession runs possession some of the things you present about You'll never enter into to get your mouth straightened out and began to speak in line with that and say things that are geared toward that. Then verse 3 he says he that keep of his mouth keep of this alive but he that open to the why of his lips shall have destruction see there's times that you gotta keep the mash it I mean there's times when your faith is not high and you prayed believe God 5 days ago that your need was met and Faith was on you had the Word of God in you and you released you faith in it and then thousands got worse in the washing machine broke down you car wouldn't start you had to buy a new battery and then you said dear God every time I pray and release my faith and won't believe that I receive something in the devil to steal everything I have. Well you see you've turned over to the devil and you know if you pray and with he say it you've got yourself in the position where the devil is going to defeat you. Go to the proverbs the 15th chapter and list look at verse 2 in verse 4 the time of the law is use of knowledge arrived but the mouth of food without food this. See is here a while as you will eat as knowledge arrived the tongue of the why will use knowledge of right verse for a whole some time is a tree alive but perverseness there is a breach in the spirit Well the tree of life is in the garden the this is the closest thing going to get to the tree of life in this life is the whole from down . Thank you so much for joining us for the concept of broadcast a day now before I leave the broadcast I want to remind you that our cd all for this week is seed. We offer a number $70.00 to $50.00 is for releasing the ability of God through prayer it's a talking book narrated by yours truly Charles Capps 2 cd use for $15.00 plus $4.00 postage and handling a total of $19.00 and it will be a blessing to you you can back it up and listen to it again and you can't back the radio up some of you found that prayer is a key Someone said prayer is a key to heaven storehouse but faith unlocks the door. A prayer without faith is lock a key without a hand to turn it and how important it is you know James says the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord chill raise him up so prayer doesn't make faith work faith makes prayer work if you're not praying in faith you're wasting your time and John Chapter 5 verse 14 and 15 John said and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his wail he here with us and if we know that he hear us whatever we ask we know that we have the petition we desired of him so if you know that he heard you know you have the petition John say that somebody said but I don't feel like my prayers got higher than the ceiling I don't believe that God heard my prayer Well you just said you don't believe that God answered your prayer because if you know we heard you know you have the petition you know Jesus said it this way He then asked the receive if he that seek a fun with him but not go that shall be open course we have to realize it included ask in faith because faith is the predominant factor that must be in prayer prayer doesn't make faith work faith makes prayer work this is all for number 7250 releasing the ability of God through prayer talking book to cd use for $15.00 plus $4.00 postage and handling a total of $19.00 We have a toll free hotline 187-7396 not 100 until tomorrow this Charles reminding you that the enemy is defeated and God is exalted and yes Jesus is coming soon to order the product offered today 187-739-6940 extension 4 right Charles camps p.o. Box 69 England Arkansas 720468 complete list of see these books and D.V.D.'s are of the. On line at Charles Capps dot com through the website you can listen to this radio program again can subscribe to our podcast this broadcast is sponsored by Charles camp's ministries and our listeners in this area. The preceding program is sponsored by Charles cabs ministries weeknights at $730.00 on k l t 2 an end for concepts of faith with Pastor Charles camp's God's word is powerful and his speech is full of life funding courage meant for everyday living from Galt's word on concepts of faith that's 7 30 pm on Calle to the Monday 67 days you're tuned to am 670 calle t t Commerce City Denver k o t t h d and streaming worldwide at 670 k l t t v dot com. Here's Maybe made by clicking on the donations link on the. Home page we pray that you will enjoy the clear Gospel of Jesus Christ and that today's concluding message of this teaching will be a blessing to you and your family. There in John Chapter 13 John Chapter 13. John Chapter 13. No it's just a couple of verses mentioned here that Jesus said to His disciples had made this statement 34 a new commandment given to you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another by this fellow men know that you are. If you have one to another and I know that there are. Loving one another but also there was. The last man and I don't. Mean. The last man he came to see which was lost and so he said. You you know we had gotten to. Our hotel up there in. Chicago. We went in there and there's a lady behind the counter she didn't know me out to know her as you don't know me do you she says no. Let me give you my picture so I pull out my little track with my picture on it says this is when I was 17 at hair and they laughed a little bit not much but just a little bit. And I said you don't know me do you know I says and since we don't know each other we must be friends come we can't be anywhere don't know each other I says annoy a friend wants another friend to know something that's good I said not this is good as if you could know you could have eternal life would you like to know. So it didn't take long I explained to God loves you I just want to let you know that God loves you and he loved you so much had rather die than live without you and he want you to go to heaven to be with him assistance I'm going I want you to go to and so I went explained it to her but she did gospel is explaining how God loves and a lot of people live their whole lives and they don't know if anybody loves them or not well one of the most important people in all the world is the Lord and He loves you so I think it's the greatest news that you can ever share with somebody like let me tell you how much he loves you and you go right into the gospel but now on here in John Chapter 13 he makes a statement even in verse 15 by this fellow men know that you are my disciples see the way we prove that we love God love in them the way that we should because that's what God wants us to do is a way of manifesting the love of God the Holy Spirit lives within us is to shed abroad his love to the world and that's what we do take your Bible and turn to the book of the loney in chapter 2. First the Saloni and chapter 2. There is a verse here chapter 2 verse 13. And it talks here about the Word of God itself 1st us alone eons chapter 2 in verse 13 for this cause also we thank God that without ceasing because when you receive the Word of God which you heard of us you received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the Word of God which officially work at the also in you that believe we want people to know what God has done for them and you use the word of God to say Look God said God said and when we say God said we better be right that God did say that and that that is the most important thing turn into Bob into the book of John chapter 17 Gospel of John and Chapter 17 now when you read the whole 17 I believe this is haps really the Lord's Prayer the one found in man 2 chapters safe he says teach us how to pray and so there is an order that's given but I don't think God wants us to quote that prayer all the time for he says vain reputation just repeating something over and over and over again without it having meaning to us but you read this 17 chapter and that's it kind of lets you see that God is talking to his heavenly father about the things that are important and what's on his mind and so there in John Chapter 17 look where he says a verse 18 verse 18 this is also a very interesting verse he says in verse 18 as thou have sent me into the world now why they come into the world because God has manifested His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ. Died for us that was the manifestation of God's love he did something for us that. He didn't want us to do that they paid for my sins called he didn't want me to pay for them and so he says here in the last part of earth they didn't even so have I also sent them into the world so if God has sent us into the world evidently we're supposed to let people know. That God loves them. The reason we want to have camp is because we don't have anything else to do. And because all it is a spawn with the soaking in the sun on the beach. But we have camp because we want kids to know as early as possible. God loves you. God really does love you but for us to tell them this and put it into their minds we got to spend time with them so we're going to have to sacrifice something that we were maybe rather do but for the Gospel sake for Christ's sake for the last man sake we go ahead and pay the price and we go without sleep we were from morning till night we wear ourselves out they count surgery just dead dog tired and they give everything that they have because they want these kids to know look God loves you and only I can prove that to you as I gotta do this for you I'm doing this for you because this is my way of letting you know I love you and we're going to have devotions Tonight me haven't devotions and teaching you about the Lord and what verses the learn is my way of saying I love you. Because God loved me 1st and I want you to know what he means to me so you see all these things that we have the reason in given in a church that we work together we sing in the choir and we do all the things that we do is because we're supposed to manifest to others that we love the Lord and by us manifest in that love to each other you're letting God love them through you and sometimes people whom are not channels of the blessings of God of sharing joy and sharing love and sharing peace because the whatever God does for us that's what we're supposed to do for someone else and so here in this verse I think it's a very wonderful verse but I want to see another verse here. And verse 19 and for their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth neither pray I for these alone not just for those who already know the Lord those apostles that he's talking about here and that he had lost any of them but look at the next part of this verse but for them also which shall believe that means are lost at this time isn't that try you would say they're lost now but they shall believe through their word. That's one of the greatest verses I think in the whole Bible explain what missions is about because there's people that will believe in we're suppose understand believe that but somebody has to pay a price to go in to do that as I look back over my years I realize that 1968 I graduated. And now it's been 50 years. That I became a graduate of for the Bible College 50 years ago. And I've wanted to. Go as many places I can. Pay whatever price is necessary and. So I can tell people Look I want God you know God loves you and he made a payment for your sins and he loved you so much you'd rather die than live without you he wants you to have eternal life and that's why yes for the ready you know the Internet Nalanda and we still are and in 56 more sometimes of people trust in Christ every day from somebody somewhere in the world because of the you do ministry and the Internet it just is an awesome tool that we've been blessed to be able to years and so God has been good but look at that verse one more time when he says in verse 20 neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word does it look like Jesus is prayin for people that are lost his prince of those that shall believe they don't yet that's why I believe that he was praying for me. Somebody would come and bring the gospel to me and I mentioned this before you know I'm $76.00 now I'm close to the age of them the 7 that scares me to death. But in all those years only one man one man has ever witnessed to me. What if that man had missed me so far nobody's ever witness to me no one has ever given me a tract explained the Gospel how to go to heaven all the churches I've been to in the meetings and all that to nobody now don't come up to Manton churches do you know where you're going to die. I preach that one day and somebody came up with that don't count. Other than to count. Anyway and I think it's what God wants us to know what God wants us to do. I want you to get a verse with me it's a little maybe misapplied But look there in Matthew chapter 24 the book of Matthew and Chapter 24. Because we're supposed to love the Lord. And if we don't love the Lord like we should there's got to be a reason so in chapter 24 I want you to look there in this verse look at verse 12. And because a nick witty shall abound the love of many shall wax code your heard of Christians who used to be on fire for the Lord all the fire for the Lord and then it seemed like they begin to drift and get further and further away from the more than they have become cold to the things of God they don't longer have the spiritual discernment that they used to have but why do they become cold and he says here. And because iniquity shall abound the love of many code I believe a lot of God's children in their Christian life they're walking in the flesh and send us and moves you further and further and further away from the Lord. And because you become cold you see people that are cold they they don't love the Lord like they used to they don't want to get involved like they used to they want to quit things like they used to you know they used to be doing so much in so many way and then little by little you begin to drift in sometime it can happen and you don't even know it. That's one of the reasons I have enjoyed over the years of pigeon Personal Evangelism the book of Galatians and so forth and to get under the wall because you've got to teach it clearly according to how you learned it and so for 50 years I've been doing that and so it kind of helps me to stay on course but you can still do the same things the right way. You can still go to church seeing the choir take up the offer and be involved all day and as he says to the church there in f.l. Says I know that I work on by labor of love he said but you've left your 1st love the words he says you don't love me like you used to you're involved you can do things can people go to camp and help and camp as Joe not love the Lord not love the kids you see those kids can pick up whenever you really care about him and you don't really care where you just doing a job and you're just playing games and you just pass the time just get the job done so you can talk about all the sacrifices that you've made but without the love . That makes a big endian is in the hearts of those people that we witness to or try to influence in their lives I believe love is the most motivating power in our lives that can affect people's lives and we only get one life chance to do this it's not going to be long before some of them should go be of get known the other side now feel is going to go before me. And so God is going to take this one and he gone take that one and he just know he's getting a boat and he's some pick and some of the most beautiful flowers and he takes someone up of the heaven a ragweed eyes a thing that George or I thought their state flower was the dandelion it was in a dandelion as a dandy but in a way and. Do things as on to the Lord. And watch that you don't let your love wax code and the way to do that is continually keep demonstrating the love that God has no one to look at this person will close over here with this public in the book a tie does the Book of Titus. And Chapter 2 prizes and chapter 2. Titles chapter 2. Is a verse that tells us about. God's love for us because it talks about how his Grace has appeared to all men Grace is because of the Cross and the cross is because of the. Death of Christ Christ died for our sins that's why if he died for my sins I don't have to pay for them because it's by grace I'm not trying to earn my way to heaven because Christ died for my sins and I know I can't lose my salvation because Christ died for my sins and since my mind whichever one's mine they're paid he died for my all my sins what was then tomorrow Well that was as mine you know that mind that at paid well and right before you die well is that minute well if it's mine is paid how many of my sins of the die for that all covered so here in the book of Titus in there makes a statement he says in verse 11 for the grace of God that bring of salvation have appeared to all men teaching us that deny and ungodliness Worley laws we should live soberly righteously in God the in this present world so in this world in which we live what God did for OS is the lesson on how to live by grades in the word did God save us because we deserved it. So we don't love people because they deserved to be loved and so we pick and choose who will love and we hate everybody else no God so loved the world so we are supposed to love the world and not because they deserve it or aren't it and that's why he goes through and he says all these things I look in chapter 3 very quickly with what he says in verse 2 as a describes us before he ever saved us to speak evil of no man to be no brawlers but gentle show me. For we ourselves also were some time foolish disobedient deceived servant divers lust and pleasures leaven and malice and envy hateful and hated one another I wonder who is talking about there you. Are talking about me talking about us and that's the way we were. Now if we want to love people then it has absolutely nothing to do with how they live has nothing to do with their lifestyle we're to love them all and we love everybody equally God so loved the world except those that were really bad. And then notice what he says here that's the way we were but now look what it says in verse 4 but. Now here's a contrast but after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared That's the way we were and then we heard about God loves us. And because God loves us he says not of works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy He saved us can he save all those kind of people do all those bad things that's what demonstrated in manifested the law of of God regards to how bad people are what God did this for us had nothing to do with us loving God So when you manifest the love of God It has absolutely nothing to do with people loving you they may despise you hey Jew What it doesn't matter. God wants them to know that he loves them in spite of the way they are but isn't it so much nicer if we just be to people who are nice. To people who are kind. To people who are really sweet if you ever try to tangle with somebody it is a little mean feisty stick of dynamite you see some great big go do. Muscle thing all over the place tat too. So and I'm scared talk to him. And you start talking to him and he just melts like a little child. You're told to some little bitty womyn. No bigger than k. Myers. And all of a sudden you can have a tiger by the tail. Climb You're like a squirrel climbing a tree. And I'm talking about because of the don't look at their faces don't worry about Dad you'd be surprised we'd like to pick and choose who we do they deserve to hear the Gospel whosoever means. Whosoever and it has nothing to do with the way people treat you because they had nothing to do with the way we treated God So from God's example of what Grace means that's why we're supposed to learn the same lessons God wants to bestow grace upon them through us God wants to use us but sometimes see we become so selfish we just think about our own little life and I don't want to be involved I don't want to be involved I'm young I'm satisfied it's my life but what I'm so thankful for that God blessed me with a woman for 58 years that was willing to follow her husband and all those crazy dangerous places that I drug are. And we've sacrificed 58 years for the cause of Christ therefore I know there is laid out for me in heaven. A crown and righteousness but not just a mean before all them who. Love what. Is appearing because you live in such a way that you're always looking for the Lord to come back and it's worth every sacrifice you made because one of these days we're not going to have any more opportunities darkness coming when no man shall work where you got to do the work we can and so that's why you'll see while he's still trying to go do what he does I admire that guy fires me now he doesn't walk around like a stick of dynamite and always but he's as steady as he goes. Bang was just steady as he goes. Now me I'm all over the lake you know what I'm known from the storms and all that that's Ok God uses everybody differently and so you want God to use you then this is what you have to do does your version the book of James Chapter 2 verse 18 where says Show me the 5 faith. Show me that I Faith without works. I'll say it this way and show me that I love without works. You without works you can't do it so we don't like show me show me your love if you love the Lord it shall be known of you but if you don't love the Lord it will be known also. Because the. There is a hypocritical type of love that we kind of put on our smiley face are fake Christian response you know how you don't. And nothing is fine and you convince people that everything is wonderful and you're super duper and inside you're just like he would cancer because something's ugly in your life because you're tolerant and sin in your life things are not right you're not close to the Lord not walk with the Lord and you can fool people for a while but sooner or later is going to totally destroy you or bring you down love when it waxes colder hardens a person's heart and a lot of people cannot do the thing that God wants them to do because are hard hearted love the Lord and God bless you and God will Usia do you know that God wants to use you more than your desire to be used. Is not that much it's your ability. As your availability than. I had my our talent over character any day you can have all the talent nor do you have character this enters in you and me all of represents and we all have sand on us not God says He loves us now he hates our sin but He loves us and for us to pay for sand is eternal separation from the Lord and how God loves us and wants us to go to heaven they go to heaven we have to be perfect as righteous as God and none of us are perfect none of us righteous we've all sand. We've all come short of God through already short of God's perfection and God says you cannot save yourself and while we were all these bad things that Elizabeth. But God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world to demonstrate to manifest the world through or are they God loves them and spite of all that they've done responded Of all their stands so he cries came into the world he took all of the sins paid for them on the cross and came back from the dead and God says the only thing he wanted you to do is believe he did that for you so when you believe he did this for you he gives you eternal life as a gift and you get to go to heaven a while prices done so those who trust Christ as Savior because God loved you that much God says now will you manifest that love to others. Tell him what I did for you. What I did for them and you got a real issue for doing so as per show I am and just a moment if you are here and you have never trusted Christ as your savior what should you do about it if you haven't trusted Christ and is the most important decision you can ever make what should you do trust Christ as your savior Well when do you have to do that well I would definitely do it before you die. It's too late if you're watching by internet screens that. Say here I don't know you are but we'll know that somebody crisis Savior and I pray that you will but if you're in here and you've never trusted Christ as your Savior and you can trust the Lord right where you are. All in your own little mind you can say that made sense to me and I want to. Savior because God says Whosoever believe it and you can believe and if you believe in God say you give eternal life and you can know that you're going to heaven when you die you follow we are thankful so much for your blessings Thanks for the given to us to come together as a body of believers and we can truly learn to love you and demonstrate by the way we live. The way we treat each other. Praying for each other and courage in one another. In the way of your life. For one. Minute and reserve the last Saturday of the month for the. Community Church joined as its 730. 1 hour. In a relaxed atmosphere where questions and dialogue. Whether new believers who are Christians. And the study of God's word. Thanks for joining us The preceding program is sponsored by Calvary Community Church Radio. Week a mornings at 8 30 am to noon for Bible and ministry Dr Ralph Arnold God used those they will dedicate themselves and I want to be a disciple of Jesus Christ I want to serve him I want to grow I want to be what God wants me to be bible line ministries Monday through Friday at 8 30 am here on the mighty 67 calle tree. I know construction expert but I get is that a building is no good without a solid foundation with thoughts from her book The Wonder of his name here's Nancy to mosque while claiming builders will tell you that the most important stone in the foundation is the cornerstone it sets the course for the whole project in the Bible one of the names of Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone messianic Psalm $118.00 prophesied of Jesus the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone the apostle Peter called Jesus a living stone rejected by man but in the sight of God chosen and Precious is Jesus the cornerstone precious to you to see your solid rock your foundation the framework that sets the course for your life are you building your life on something it's doomed to crumble with seeking Him I'm Nancy Demasi walk among us. Infusing your morning with the light of God's word you're tuned to am 67 calle t.j. Calle t.h.d. Calmer city dim and now at 95 point one and streaming world was at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Welcome to. Friendship with God with our Bible teacher Tom Cantor Today's message and previous messages can be listened to or downloaded for free and friendship with God dot o.-r. G.'s friendship with God done oh argy You can also obtain free resources from Tom Cantor and view our online bookstore at Friendship with God dot o.-r. G. Or call us at 802473051802473051 Tom Cantor also has a daily devotional verse that comes out each day by email and on Facebook to receive this small daily devotional verse the time Cantor puts out you can sign up and friendship with God done oh our g.-d. Friendship with God done oh r g or find Tom Cantor on Facebook by searching for Tom Cantor and friendship with God Now here is our Bible teacher Tom Cantor. And the intensity turns to joy when he finds that as he says and when he had found it he lay it on his shoulders read Joyce sing and when he come a phone he called together his friends and neighbors saying and to them rejoins with me I have found my sheep which was lost this is the exit tale search for that one large sheet where the shepherd is going to risk his own life to go out and get that one sheep that's lost its the intensity of the Good Shepherd the Zen tale intensity of the Good Shepherd where he's not going to sleep he's not going to sleep until he brings that one sheep back you get this feeling of intensity in his equal as he killed Chapter 34 verse 11 is equal 3411 Where the Lord speaks about this intensity of search he says for thus say it the Lord God Behold I even I will both search my sheep and seek.

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