Our time in God's word is changing and challenging you just like it did for John over these many years you can email us a Bible bus at t t v dot org or send your note to box 7100 Pasadena California 91109 or in Canada box 25325 London Ontario and 66 b. One let's pray Father please use your living inactive word to turn our hearts and minds to Cheesus he's only hope only comfort and our only way in life we ask him pray this in his precious name Amen Now here is through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee our friends last time we got into the 1st 10 verses of this camp chapter of the Book of Daniel and we saw Daniel was given a great wonderful vision at best particular time that's my own had been in prayer actually for 3 weeks and he had received no answer and that was unusual for Daniel because Daniel generally got answers to his prayers right away and 3 weeks went by any received no answer but in the meantime the Lord compensated for it by giving him a vision of him self and we have indicated that we believe that he was given a vision of the post incarnate Christ not prey incarnate I think that he was given the 1st view of the Mount of Transfiguration care of this glorious person it's always been difficult to identify this one the vision now is all over and after 3 weeks why Daniel receives an answer to his prayer and as we've said Daniel is a great man of prayer and I think we could emphasize prayer as much as prophecy and we saw in his last great Prather was confession on his part of sand. Not only for his people but far hymns I mention the fact that when God healed me a cancer that every day I thank Him every day that I come Frank in I have here before me a prayer that a very fine lawyer he's a retired lawyer now down here in one of the Is coast towns and Southern California and he's been a very wonderful friend of mine over the years and he was healed many years ago in a similar way and being a lawyer goes into more detail and I guess I would go in to and he has a prayer written out here I magine by now he has it memorized but he prays this prayer every day now I'm not going to read all of it but just this excerpt to show how essential confession is in prayer and right at the very beginning he says I thank the Father for giving me another day to lay of upon this beautiful earth that was created by the and the opportunity to live this day as a Christian with a clean mine and a clean heart I pray father that my thoughts and actions this day will be some improvement over those of the past and will continue to improve in the future so as to be more pleasing and acceptable to the d. But when I fail father as we humans do so frequently I pray that that will correct me and if necessary chasing me as a father would his own son as I hopefully prayed Father that I would be considered by the end eyesight as one of the line on this earth and I pray Father that I'll be able to do something that will reflect lower a upon the good night lovely I wish I could read all of it tell you but I consider that. A very wonderful prayer that this man prays and he tells me prays every day well I pray a private day but it's much briefer than that but it can fashion and then it's Thanksgiving and he's brought it to another day well Daniel was a great man of prayer and he can instruct you and me in prayer as well as in this matter of prophecy but I'm afraid too many people have put the emphasis on prophecy and have ignored the other side but I call attention to this now Daniel I think is just a little this my father he is greatly disappointed that he has not received an answer to his prayer now he's going to get an answer he's had the vision now that they should which would encourage him of course but now there is sound I have unlimited injured and verse hand I'm reading of the can't chapter of Daniel and behold a hand touched me which set me upon my knees and from the palms of my hands you see apparently he was just sprawled down on the floor where every was just strong down there not just on his all fours but absolutely problem with the earth the hand now touches him late hand of the heavenly mass inject and this heavenly messenger apparently was sent by the post incarnate Christ and so Daniel's petition who could he be well I have suggested Gabriel sense Gabriel had been the messenger on former occasions and he was the messenger in the New Testament the make the 1st announcement it could be here I could be just any other angel but we are going to find out now something about in verse 11. He said on to me old Daniel man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak under they and stand upright bar under the and I am now saying and we need spoken this word on to me I stood trembling You see Daniel it 1st was prone upon the ground he was ours on a with the ground and now he's brought up on his all fours now he's told to stand up and they began he's reminded of the fact that he's a man greatly beloved That's a nice reputation to have in heaven by the way and so he gets now up on his feet now we read verses 12 and 13 in the can't chapter of Daniel then said he under me they're not then you know far from the 1st day that thou didst set on hard to understand and chastened by cell before the 5 God by words were heard and I am come for the i word but the prince of the kingdom of Persia with stood me one and 20 days but lo my one of the chief princes came to help me and I remained there with the Kings of Persia now for the 1st time friends of Viola's lifted momentarily and it reveals a heavenly warfare that is going on it reveals that there's a great deal moa about this universe that you and I live in than meets the eye and there's a great deal more than we know to day and we ought not to try to know any more dull than is revealed but now let's see what we have here it opens the unseen world to us. It reveals a conflict going on the conflict of the ages between good and evil light and darkness between God in sight and it reveals that there are say tannic forces and that there are heavenly forces and why did it happen was there it seems very simple in a way and yet it reveals a great deal this I mean Joe says that he had been sent to answer Daniel's prayer he said from the very 1st day that you set your heart to understand and chasing yourself but for God Your words were heard and I was sent out as a messenger to answer but on the way my pathway was blocked and I couldn't get through to you that's an amazing statement is it not now doesn't that throw some light on what Paul says the un made in the 6th chapter of aphasia and verse 11 put on the whole armor of God that she may be able to stand against the wiles of the Dead though but we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities Now here is principality is again they use different gradations demons today Prince of politics against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places our air again there is that warfare might but this explains the reason the job prayer in my prayer didn't get answered my best is the reason that prayer doesn't mean more to you and me than it does and it ought to mean a great deal more because actually prayer is fighting out spiritual battle all the time. That's exactly what prayer is all made that very clear that he was fighting that kind of battle all the time and he asked that they join Him in prayer he says in verse 30 of the 15 chapter of Romans he says now but see to Brander and for the Lord Jesus Christ sake and for the love of the spirit that yeas try together with me in your prayers to God from me now that word strive we get our word agony from it you are to agonize with me in prayer you know prayers then made a sort of a light sort of thing today most of the prayers I hear are either very flowery are very theological and I think we could do without both of them these days prior is agonizing it's getting through these barriers today that well release their actual power and their Sadegh getting up on Sunday mornin an entertaining the Lord with flowery language and it's all het said Dempsey It's a nice sweet a little faint are trying to be very profound and theological friends were fighting a spiritual battle today and then you don't now is told by this angel he said Now when you began to pray God sent me to answer your prayer but on the way the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me now who is he well he's one of the minions of seitan one of the Demons we've said before that site has his demons organized God has here and there and gradation like you'd be in the Army of the generals and then their colonels and their lieutenants and then there are 2nd lieutenants and sergeants and so. On and apparently this angel was out rank by the chief Prince of Persia and he couldn't get through so here descend back for reinforcements in fact in my field the Archangel had come to open up the way far and now why would the way be blocked Well to begin with Daniel is going to be given information here about the Kingdom of Persia 1st of all as well as Greece will see that when we get to Chapter 11 and naturalists site and then want that information gotten out it was secret information you say and it was not to be reveal it was not part of the Pentagon papers it was a secret very secret indeed and he didn't want that information released and now God wanted them from Nation gotten through to Daniel and so that's angel is out rank and he has to send for reinforcements and then we find that reinforcements come but there's still a problem there and that had to be some matters saddle we're told but law Michael one of the chief Francis came to help me and I remained there with the Kings of Persia apparently there was a conflict going on Blair that needed to be some heavenly forces to help why well the fact of the matter is that's where Daniel hears at this particular time and it was about the time that he had the experience of being put in the Lion's Den So you see the Lord was active on has been have without Daniel knowing anything about it at all and we need to recognize today as believers that I warfare really is a spiritual warfare and it's amazing how many times the devil cuts. Well short circuits are prime lie and one of the reasons today that public prayer and prayer meetings are so Dan is because those that go there just go to say some pretty little prayers and they do not realize that there's a battle going on and there is a war that must be won and they do not realize that it all lets them to Paul again and 2nd Corinthians the 10th chapter beginning at verse 3 lesson to this for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh far the weapons of war for are not carnal but my way through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted themselves against the knowledge of God and brain and captivity every thought to the of Bt and so Christ runs the Christian life is a bigger undertaking than any of us ever dreamed that it is all that you and I might recognize how we need the power of the Holy Spirit to day in our lives and how we need the presence of Christ today there's a spiritual warfare going on and some apparently don't seem to be conscious of it at all now I'm reading verse 14 he says now i'm time to make the understand what shall baseball vied people in the latter day is for yet the vision is for man a day now this is the key which opens the door to the understanding of the remainder the Book of Daniel now there are 3 things for us to keep in mind from here on it concerns the vide people now I think that we can dogmatically and categorically identify those subject of the prophecy as being a surreal. Now how anyone can say anything else is really beyond me then actually words mean nothing at all some Mannix and send tax or meaning less than but we know now that I've people means this real the 2nd thing in the latter days now that place is the final fulfillment in the period of the 70th week that Daniel we've already seen are the time of the Great Tribulation period now that's important the latter days places it at the very end now the 3rd thing the vision is for many days now that emphasizes the fact that a long period of time is involved not only in fulfillment but long before they vision will be finalized so that we have going now to come to part of it they historical That is it was prophesied in one it's given it's already been fulfilled and that which is yet to be fulfilled now if you notice here we have in this Elias section he's terrified by the appearance of this heavenly visitor and Daniel is father assured and strengthened to understand the scripture verse 15 I'm reading and when he had spoken such words under me I set my face toward the ground and I became dumb and verse 16 and behold one lie the some elocute of the sons a man touch my lips then out my mouth and spoke and set on them that stood before me all my lard by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me and I retain no strength was having a tremendous effect upon Daniel physically you can see now verses 17 and 184 How can the servant of this Mylar pall with their smile are far as for me. Straightway there remain no strength in me neither is there breath left then me then there came again and touch me one like parents of a man and he strengthen me when I hear people tell me today they've had a vision of and I enjoy and that doesn't seem to have affected them very much I know but that they really didn't say an angel it had a tremendous effect of verse 19 and he said oh my and greatly fear not peace beyond they'd be strong a Be strong when he'd spoken and to me I was strengthened and said Let my lords be for the our strength and me verse 20 then said he know was that out wherefore I come under the and now I will return to by * with the Prince of Persia and when I'm gone forth lol The Prince of Greece will come in other words another angel comes that represents Greece and he's got to get back to the battle you see that was going on verse 21 but I will show the that which is noted in the scripture of truth and there is none that hold it with me and these things but my Kill Your prince now the angel turns Daniel to the Word of God and he says here noted means recorded that which is recorded in the scripture of truth in other words he's not going to hear or see anything that contradicts the Word of God the Word of God friends is the only weapon a viable for the child of God for effect use today and it is call the soul of the spirit and some of us just don't know how to use our solar and we ought to have solar Grayle more often to be able to use the word of God Now we have coming to Chapter 11 and we'll get there next time and that we are going to see the prophecy concerning. Persia and then that which concerns Greece and that part of it will be has started that as it has already been full of fail it was prophetic when it was given to Daniel but today it has started and then we're going to say that which reaches right down to the latter days and time and that's the time of the Great Tribulation period and that doesn't make this one of the most remarkable proper says here in this chapter 1112 that we're come into now that we've had in the Book of Daniel so until next time thank God Rachael had last year my beloved What was prophetic for Daniel is now history for us we'll see that again on Monday as we continue our study in this amazing prophetic book we pray the study drives you to get into God's word on a regular basis yourself with us here every day and also on your own God's word is as we've learned the sword of the spirit and our only weapon that we have to fight the spiritual battle against the world our own flesh and the evil one you know that fact alone compels me to be in the scriptures every day learning and growing stronger in my walk with the Lord one resource that helps me apply what I'm studying on the Bible by us is through the Bible's monthly newsletter The 1st article is always right from Dr McGee on the same subject as on the air but then we offer ways to apply Scripture in a relevant way you also get a sneak peek into the next book that will be studying on the Bible bus so it's really a great resource it's practical and it's personal and I like to read it on my phone by the way so you can get it via e-mail if you want to sign up to receive it online go to t t v dot org You can also get it in the mail just give us a call at 1865 bible and we'll get it taken care of of course we've got many other great resources there were available on t t v dot org that will help you in your own walk with the Lord most are free to download and some are available at minimal cost again it's t t b o r g. Or just give us a call if we can answer any of your questions about any of our Bible study resources and tools Our number again 1865 bible Now before we go I want to invite you to join me this weekend for Dr McKee Sunday sermon titled Will everyone alternately go to heaven visit t.t.p. Dot org to listen or to view our list of the stations in your area that carry the Sunday sermon God promises in Isaiah 5511 that his word would accomplish exactly what he intends we hope our study today impacts your life as he intends to there's a way that you can help that too for next time as you hear our opening music why don't you ask God to help you hear and obey what he wants to teach you maybe even read the passage ahead of time come ready to hear from God and you'll be ready to receive his best Artur the Bible chapter by chapter continues next week I'm Steve Schwartz and I'll be here on the Bible bus and hey I'll save you see. Molo sleep. Reduces a really. Live wall and shoot was snowy we're so grateful for the faithful and generous support of through the Bible's partners who are being used by God to take the whole word to the whole world the preceding program is sponsored by through the Bible network. Our greatest need was for a given that some god fantasists like you dear need help interpreting our Saviour's words then join us for through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee Monday through Friday 8 am right here on the mighty $670.00 k. L. T. Denver. This is calle tt's Weekend Edition broadcast on am 67 E.-Commerce it events in stunning high definition and online at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Do you tell family stories around the dinner table you should this is truth itself in an article for The Wall Street Journal Suze Shellenberger says research shows those storytelling moments have psychological benefits the best stories are funny or entertaining and often convey life lessons they teach children I belong here I'm part of these stories they provide not just a script for life but a set of values in guideposts more than 90 percent of teenagers and young adults can retell family stories when asked even if they seemed an interested when the stories were told that's according 282800 study and the youngsters value the stories for their lessons and insights family stories told face to face have advantages over social media rather than the story fragments and fixed images displayed on most apps children's interpretations of family stories can evolve and take on new meaning as they mature intergenerational stories anchor youngsters as part of a larger group helping them develop a sense of identity Researchers at Emory quizzed 40 youngsters aged 10 to 14 and family history questions such as how their parents met or where their grandparents grew up those who answered more questions correctly showed on separate assessments less anxiety and fewer behavioral problems sharing stories around the table for Thanksgiving later this month or when families get together for the holidays may be a good place for your family to start it's amazing the true when it comes to one of America's biggest household expenditures health care a lot of people think they don't have a choice but the fact is you have the freedom to choose an alternative to health insurance it's called metes year and it's a Christian health care sharing ministry that costs a lot less the typical family saves $500.00 a month Find out why people are switching at age 4 for $49.00 Bible that's 8 for for $49.00 Bible. You can see these stories and more on our website truth itself dot com truth itself news that in cash or for. A family and country. In a burial tomb near Jerusalem 2 small silver scrolls were discovered most likely dating from the 6th century b.c. They contain text which is similar to that found in the Bible and Numbers Chapter 6 it speaks of the priestly blessing Moses gave to Aaron for the Israelites the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord's her in an arduous process to unroll the scrolls and decipher the characters gave access to yet another amazing discovery one of the words deciphered was yeah way the name of the Lord the scrolls were probably worn as an amulet for protection and blessings the silver scrolls provide a significant discovery in aiding biblical scholars in reconstructing the historical time frame of these tax cuts and in highlighting the role of religion in ancient Israel brought c.u. By Museum of the Bible opening later this month in Washington d.c. . Welcome to hold a freedom with Barbara Carmen this is Jimmy Leahy and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour you can reach Coulter freedom at Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or by going to the Web site at w w w dot freedom Street dot org If you want to leave a message or order a word power daily reading Bible guide or a freedom St express newsletter you can call us toll free at 186-691-7725 extension 6 leave your name and address including your zip code if you want to talk to Barbara right now she is expecting your call you may call that same toll free number 186691772. 56 to speak to her and now let's join Barbara in the studio on this encore show Derren begins talking about how some people think their situation is so unique no one has ever gone through what they've gone through or no one has heard as much as they hurt we talk about how the Lord Jesus was tempted in every situation as you have been tempted as it is explained in 1st Corinthians 1013 the temptations in your life are no different from what others experience and God is faithful he will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand when you are tempted he will show you a way out so that you can endure a way of escape Derren introduces the fact that Jesus paid for your sins in his body on the cross and your answer is on will call Jesus already made a way for you and escape into liberty and freedom he wants to lead you through the unbelief barrier to become a person of great faith because the believer walks by faith and not by sight job was a person that went through so much more than most of you will ever experience and Elif as gave him this promise in Job 2228 and 29 you will decrease a thing and it will be a stablished for you and light will shine on your ways when you are cast down when you don't think there's any way out you will speak with confidence and the humble person he will save God has your back now let's join the program now let me address as matter of uniqueness you know all of us look at our thing as little children sometimes and little children whose whole world revolves around him or her and let me tell you. There's nothing new under the sun when it comes to dealing with these problems and I can tell you that the problems go in less than 50 categories. And I can tell you that by many years of being on the air and sometimes we think well I just don't want to do this I just on my deal is special no really isn't and. When you get to where you're hurting badly enough you reach out for help and Jesus will touch you many times we get to thinking well my deal is just so different than anybody on nobody has ever heard about my thing nobody's heard exactly like I have . Let me tell you that I know I know we're not all made out of cookie cutter we're all individuals but the problems really aren't that far out there and Jesus has an answer for every one of them he sure does and your problem it may be hard for you to talk about your situation than what you've gone through but there may be others listening to you and identifying you and relating to you and if you have become victorious if you're standing in perseverance in your standing and waiting on God for the answer in full faith in full believing that he's going to answer it may be just a shot in the arm for that person that is going through it and doesn't know what to do and they're saying somebody else is hurting like I am somebody that's why the Old Testament was written down and that's why the New Testament was written I can relate to some of these men and women of the Old Testament that were alone that were fighting this thing by themselves that were under great duress and distress I can relate to them and I know a lot of you listening this morning can relate to these old prophets and prophetesses that went through it and Paul that went through it and out we know that maybe your testimony may be hard to give but it may really help somebody in the long run and that's why we're here we we were really we really want to be a help and kind of mediators between people that need help and people that have already found the answer any of you found the answer please call in but there's a. Scripture in 1st Corinthians 10 during the talks about no temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man that means everybody has gone through these distresses in these trials and there is no one that has stood out that I am the only one I am the only one and that God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to see are faithful God is going to bring a way of escape but with the temptation he will provide a way of escape for you how Louis that's 1st Corinthians 1013 that's a promise for you he will provide this Kate for you now let me give you an example here on Friday we're going to be having a testimony on a boy that was healed of asthma now a lot of you think that are dealing with that as well it's just I mean it's a killer it's something that I really got to deal with her got a plan for it got to make room for my daily schedule Well the Lord just spoke to me and said no look you can tell the people I understand this because I suffered every kind of disease every kind of malady there ever was I suffer that in my body you know we heard a sermon by a Pastor Bobby end in Tulsa here this last weekend. And we were at Grace Fellowship in Tulsa and Pastor Bob was speaking about Riley designing the body of Jesus Christ don't just get carried away on the blood of Jesus because he paid for our sins and our sickness is in his body in his body his body was more messed up and tormented than any humans ever has been before or ever was before has been since and you can find that in his Isaiah 52 in so he is acquainted with your grief so that's what Scripture says he knows about the asthma he knows about the migraine headache he knows about all of these things that go wrong and he suffered everyone for you and already paid the bill and your healing is on we'll call in when you. Can't get through that faith barrier then you have to deal with the sickness. He wants to lead you through that faith barrier of say that way or he wants to get you through that doorway so that is not a mystery to you anymore not a mystery is something that you can understand you have to take it by faith and this is a scary thing for us Americans we want to see it and we want to handle it and we want to taste it we want to experience and then we'll say it's for sure. God says it just the other way around he says decree a thing it shall be established for you in light or no other words understanding was shown on your path and what scripture is that I'm going to give that to you that's not a job Jeremy wanted to God and you see the flesh says Well now if you show it to me and I can experience and I can really see it then then I'll believe it but here's what it says in the 23 years of Joe 22 you shall be Korea thing it shall be established for you a light will shine on your ways and that's the way of faith bargain if God says you're already healed then maybe you need to start make a name declaration. While you're still in pain while you're still in debt while you're still in trouble that you have been answered your prayers been answered and I'm like What if they were says in his book Christ either Jesus Christ has already qualified you. To say that your prayers are answered I mean he's qualified you in a sense that that. He said I qualified you in this book he said I qualified you to consider your prayer answered while you're still in pain still in trouble still in a tight spot and that's walking by faith in the flesh absolutely screams and we would say it this way the flesh screams bloody murder no no no no I haven't seen it yet I haven't felt it it I haven't tasted it yet it certainly hasn't happened yet in the flesh wants to go entirely by symptoms and God wants us to go by his word and when you get where you can stand on his word and His Word alone as being fact factual then you've got it now that hooks up with the scripture Mark Levin 24 that I quote all the time that's a great scripture. It says all things well a supposed I'm praying for healing all things all healing that you pray for believe you've received it will be granted into you but you say I still got the migraine I can't see across the room eyes are crossed I'm ready to vomit and I've been around a lot of migraine headaches and I want to tell you that's the way it works seemingly with a migraine sometimes a bitch in a bed for 3 or 4 days at a time and sometimes they give you the strongest drugs possible just to knock you out. But if you pray and you get the revelation that God heard you when you prayed answered you when you prayed and even though the symptoms still say that you have a migraine headache if you will realize that Jesus qualified you a moment to consider your prayer and you stand there or you lay there or you sit there and you say I am healed and I'm going with the fact of the word or the apparent fact of the pain. You say it sounds awful awful hard to do you know it is but you can learn it in Jesus is there with the Holy Spirit to teach you and when we say with Jesus by His stripes and you were healed then I am already healed I'm going to get my healing is on will call for me and I'm going to see it come into my body in this plane take off as high praise God Jonah when he was in the belly of the whale and he was saying water is in compassing me to the point of death we needs are wrapped around my head must have been seaweed the great deep has engulfed me I descended to the roots of the mountains in the earth with the with its bars around me forever but then he goes on to say I will sacrifice to the with a voice of Thanksgiving that which I have vowed I will pay salvation is from the Lord and the ne mediately the fish just vomited him up on the beach when he gave his sacrifice of Thanksgiving in the valley in the belly of the whale before he was delivered it reminds me of these astronauts the train and train and train for years and years in that very environment they're going to now they haven't gotten there yet they haven't gotten to the moon they haven't got to Mars and it's a simulator that's right but they practice in what they are believing they're going to be in what they're going to go someday that's right and they practice and practice and practice in that simulated environment we as Christians should be doing that we should be going through it and say God Father God this is what you want for me I will practice and. Well that thing is manifested you know let me say though Barb one of the struggles here and I said this for a while but I need to talk about this that's the use of the imagination now some of you used your imagination pornography many of you used your imagination for years in fear you've allowed the devil to run the imagination of your life and give you all the fear scenarios and how you you're just going to get sicker and sicker and one day you're going to die or more and more and more and it and one day you're going to be bankrupt or more and more and more and you're going to some are on the go throw you in jail or throw you in prison or whatever and you've misused your imagination that ability to dream you need in fact we prayed for this last night in class that God would set you free many of you have been knocked on your backside so many times you said well if I don't get up anymore I won't get knocked down anymore so I'm just going to stay down and the devil has got all that inferiority in unworthiness and all the fear scenarios poured on you you bought into that program and folks it's not just too bad it's called sin. For you to stay in fear I don't care whether it's that fear is hooked up to financial problems of disease family problems if you're staying there it's called sin and it's not an option for a Christian you need to get out of that you need to get up and say God I want you to spring me free of this so I can dream again so I can allow the Spirit to speak into my life so I can walk on a higher road and I said this last night and I believe with all my heart I've said it for years for the people to catch on. And I'll tell you we've got some highly gifted people. Listening to this radio broadcast they're making minimum wage you're barely able to make I mean you're barely able to subsist scraping by. God Once you get out of that in many you should be making $100000.00 a year and I know the pain there been times when I didn't have any money Barb and I wanted to give a missionary came came through our church gave a great presentation and I could not give more than a few dollars I'm speaking to people like that not only in that category they want to take care of their children they want to take care of the family and they can do it because the income is not there well even $48000.00 a year would be a great improvement as you know when it's not about them but boy you know what that would be more what I'm saying is their potential is there the potential is there and you know God put that potentially in there for a reason he wants to bless you and bless a lot of people around you but if you continue using your imagination in allowing the devil to write those things on the tab of your heart you now some people are saying Derren now the Word says we cast down those emagine Nations. And that's in 2nd Corinthians 10 we cast those down on doctrine but I will mention it well vain imaginations and speculations vary and if you look at the original Greek you'll find that God has created our imagination to use in a Godly way and it's number 3053 in the Strong's Concordance for that word and says actually it is a consideration and intentions which are hostile to the Gospel this word it's a word that if it's hostile to godly things in the Gospel It's vain imaginations that that adjective vain is very important because God did create imagination that we can use it to well just think of Joseph he wakes up and he says to his brothers I had a dream last night. I dreamed you all bow down to me I mean. You know it was using his imaginations in his dreams to just really get his brothers jealous and of course then they try to do away with him but he had to dreams like that the sun in the moon in the stars and even his father he went to his father he says How dare you speak to me that way then you mean you have me bowing down to you too I mean this kid Mr really. You know ego it was little but it was godly it was godly and maybe he should have kept quiet about that dream but I feel that 13 years in the dungeon in the prison and then becoming 2nd in command was also a calling of God You know I was thinking about them will you know he was accused by part of hers was never a serious Yeah sexual assault in prison I think it was there 13 years where yes yes he was and you know I think the thing that saved his neck in that prison was the fact that he used his imagination he still get that faculty degree and why yes and I think that's so very very important we have got to revive that and the Word says stir up the spirit that is within you and part of that is to dream you know dare and a Holy Spirit was just telling me there are some of you who are listening today friends and neighbors and you're driving down the road and you've lost your dream there's been something happen in your past and you've lost your dream and you hate to even think about dreaming again you feel like you might fail and there and I would just like you to say a prayer for them I really feel a need here to awaken awaken that dream in us again that dream that Codd's going to do something great in and through us you know before a prairie and I know when we pray God will Europe or anywhere answer our prayers. I need to say that some of you can't dream because you have a broken earth. So you can't dream because you've been traumatized maybe in a divorce. Maybe you were on the physical side in a car accident maybe you've been traumatized just by. Your family. Or accidents you just almost afraid to go out of the house just. Says can be broken I know some people that don't go out of their home is they're so afraid of things happening and there's some people say you know it's so comfy in my bed I was ghost in my bed all day. We were talking about a lady the other night that we had gone home to pray for and she had probably the greatest cases ever seen in my whole life and she does want to lay around stay in bed. And she was a young lady I mean she had every reason in the world get herself out of bed but she thought she was a victim and she'd been hurt more than anybody else had i won't tell you the devil was stealing her ability to dream and that's really really sad Oh yes because. As we get older and more mature all that learning experience all that we have learned is so important and that we need to stay alive until Jesus calls us home we need to stay alive and and enthusiastic and excited you know the word enthusiasm it comes from in fail in God enthusiastic you need to be enthusiastic you need to be in God excited about life exhausted about Zoe So we heard you do well as. Now some of you going to have to give up your idol. And I want to be with battle is it your pain or it was your accident. Or was it time you think you were victimized or dumped on or short changed even embracing that thing I won't tell you today's the day you need to let God take that thing away from you because a Dollar Tree It says in Scripture is as you say how can you say that's an idol Well if I came to your house that probably be all you talk about if I didn't. Talk about Jesus if you think about it you get on the phone and talk to your friends what do you mean it is for your back to your idol what you love is what you talk and that's what you talk about that's exactly and so I'm challenging you here I'm challenging and good never been your face here today to say why don't you give it up just give it to do Lord let him. If you allow him to but he can't rip that out of your hands because he's given you a will and a choice so today I hope you'll choose to give that to God we pray on behalf of our friends here that are listening today and Lord all of us are tempted to get into idolatry and get into something a thing you know we want to hold onto those old memories and old old wounds those old accidents or dead has become in some cases our identity Lord today. Now what I'm saying to you is right now where you are you are you can say out loud I let go of that Lord I give it to you Lord I put it in your lap please take it away I can't get rid of it on my own right Lord I've been gripping this thing so long. That I don't know how to let it go so far the God for some of our friends and suburban heart you're beginning that healing process as we talk to people every day some are saying well maybe there's a chance for me yes maybe and the devil is there trying to keep them in the pit in the hole and holding on to those idols and memories and flashbacks the Lord you want to bring the healing into their hearts you want them to let go of those I would you want them to put them at the foot of the cross Jesus I thank you that you're bigger than all of this trauma bigger than all of the mess bigger than all. All of the hurt bigger than all the accidents all the pain all the recovery you're bigger than that bigger than that recovery from that horrendous operation so Father I thank you right now you're reaching back in our lives you're taking those things that we give you that we allow you to have so take the trauma Jesus take those accidents take the memories the flashbacks all of those hiccups Lord keep us down. Father I thank you for doing that and really do I thank you for healing and cleansing the tablet of our imaginations the Tablet of the heart of the word calls it so that we can dream a new dream unhindered by the Job Lord we have some people have been smacked so many times I ask you to give them hope they don't need to cope any Lord more and Lord help them they have hope and to have courage and trust you that you have something better for them and father for friends that are barely making it financially Lord show them that you have a plan for them your plan is not for destruction. But for their welfare for their good and I thank you Lord that you're giving in those plans give them the courage to dream again. And I know Lord that you're going to promote that in their lives Father God for those that are barely making enough money to subsist I mean probably we can't even say they're existing They're just barely hanging on that's not your plan your plan is abundance we read about that Deuteronomy $28.00 you said you would bless our basket our needing Bowl our offspring you bless us coming and going you blesses in the city and in the country and you bless the work of our hands and Lord if we're barely make and something's wrong. And I ask you as your friends if you give them courage to change jobs to change professions to move across town to move to another town. But Lord don't let the devil keep us one more day locked in the mess we're in and I thank you now father for many of our friends I pray and I ask you to bring forgiveness to them for living in fear for so long Lord let them face those fears and give you the fear confess it as sin come in that spirit figure out of their homes out of their lives out of that business out of that checkbook out of those kids out of those relationships because Lord you didn't die so we could be a bunch of miserable losers you barely eking out a living Thank you Father for touching us today in this prayer in Jesus' name amen amen we heard some testimony last night a family that has been very regular to class and they've gone through some real trials but they stayed in agreement and he is doing fabulously and it's wonderful he's topsails money his district and he got a promotion. I mean even some of the people mentioned how when he came into class last night he's even changing in his looks I mean the confidence from God that he is able to support his family and provide for his family and he's getting a great bonus here in the end of the month he has just changed his appearance and there's not a love of money no no God wants you me and who are listening to have such a confidence that you're going to provide for your family you're not going to be on the bottom anymore you're not going to be the tail anymore you're going to be the head of your family you know some I'm going to call it go and see if it gives testimony on here last night he was saying you know my wife used to make more than I did and then she lost her job and then we were really out of our remember which. But you know those guys kept giving and kept giving them good giving and I know many times it had to be a sacrifice when I said yes. No because their face was to the Lord God's turning things around the whole family smile and you know I didn't ever saw them in self-pity don't know and then when they were going through their trials I never saw them. I only saw them praising God and digging deeper into the Word and daring that I know I just get so emotional that's what we desire for you we desire that when the trials get tough you just get deeper in the world word and said world I don't want you to get deeper in the world but deeper in the word and that just makes a so mad. He just gets so mad when we get into the word when the trials come on and we just get deeper and deeper into God that's what God wants and Satan hates that and don't you want to hit him don't you want to crush Satan and your feet Well that's one way to do it hallelujah praise the Lord Jesus as Lord and He does know what he's doing we've got one more minute here oh I don't want to know you have power go so greatly when I fasted. Votes I mean everything I said this morning about you building your dream you need to do that God didn't send Jesus to pay that horrible price on the cross so that you go out and pay another horrible price I mean by your choice and God as an answer for you tell me as an answer we're seeing people have been faithful to those classes to get in the in the morning last night the morning was so rich that's God's power and ability according to Isaiah $1027.00 to remove break the yoke and remove the burdens you get next to that anointing find it it's available find it next to that you're next to the kingdom of God and find out how God can change your life you don't have to live on the minimum spokes in fact it's wrong I'm just challenge you give up the fear let God put a new dream in your heart and get a new spirit fire in your belly as they say get up and get on with it yes you know perfect love casts out all fear so I just ask for God the God they love to be poured out on you today that it would cast out all that fear that's coming against you and in Jesus' name we bless your day. I hope that you have gained great insight in what is expected of a believer and what the believer can experience in this supernatural life style when you pray in faith believing that you receive what you have prayed for God will fulfill your heart's desire according to Mark 1122 and 23 have the God kind of faith truly I say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says is going to happen it shall be granted him therefore I say to you all things for which you pray and ask believe that you have received them and they shall be granted you so have the faith of God friend and God is able to make all grace of bounty you that always having all sufficiency in everything you may have been abandoned for every good deed until next week take joy. Thank you for listening to a call to freedom with Barbara Carmen you may get in touch with Barbara and call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 186-691-7725 extension 6 call to freedom is The preceding program is sponsored by fire and rain ministries God's Word World War at 670 calle t. T. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age d. On a m 670 k l t t Commerce City Denver this is Barbara Carmack with called freedom and I'm inviting you to listen to call of freedom Monday through Friday at 1 pm on the mighty 670 k l t together we'll learn God's ways through the study of His Word and what it means to live in freedom in this world so join me each weekday at 1 pm as well as 5 30 am for called freedom on Colorado's Christian station 670 am k l t t v brews 12 the Latin no discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful Later on however it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by a reminder from this Crawford broadcasting station. 60 minutes of good news starts on the nation's most polled Christian voice this is a m 670 calle t 2 calle t g h d come or should be done and streaming live at 670 calle Teju dot com and know that 95 going. It. Comes. Back. To. The. Greetings of the broadest audience in the country Welcome to real science radio I'm Bob and you are my longtime co-host Fred Williams here on real science radio he was not always a creationist He's an electrical engineer very successful Well what led him to reject the theory of evolution after one of his coworkers said it's a fact evolution is a fact Fred was talking to his Lutheran pastor and the pastor recommended a book written by a scientist now this scientist the one who reached Fred was a former atheist and evolutionist he was the recipient of a National Science Foundation fellowship award and a member of the American Society of zoologists His name is Dr Gary Parker What an honor Dr Parker to have you in the real science radio studio thank you for being here Oh Wolf what a pleasure to hear that story I did not know Yes and Fred Fred has been sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through the perspective of the creation message for decades now including on this show and God used you to reach him in fact I know the name of the book you've written a lot of books you wrote a book what is creation science and that's the one that got fret Oh praise the Lord so well it's so exciting here you know it's not often you. To see or hear the results of what health. Had that experience some time into Israel destroy you that people will come you know where you are here or a year ago or 3 months ago or something as usual you see here you know and you know it didn't make sense of 1st but the more I thought about it and it really changed my life you know oh yes that is thrilling it is thrilling because Fred he said both 3 times 3 is a creation speaker he spoke to.

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