So much but he loved the Lord even more and he knew that America would only be great if we would walk in and honor God's ways as you go through your day to day remember to walk in the light of Jesus for love worth finding I'm Chris favoring. Welcome to friendship with gun with our Bible teacher Tom canter Today's message and previous messages can be listened to or downloaded for free at Friendship with God done oh argy friendship with God done oh r.j. You can also obtain free resources from time Cantar and view our online bookstore at Friendship with God dot o.-r. G. Or call us at 802473051802473051 Tom Cantor also has a daily devotional verse that comes out each day by email and on Facebook to receive a small daily devotional verse the time Cantor puts out you can sign up a friendship with God done origin friendship with God done orgy for fun Tom Cantor on Facebook by searching for Tom Cantor and friendship with God Now here is our Bible teacher Tom Cantor. For he said Surely they are my people children that will not lie so he was there savior in all their affliction he was afflicted and the angel of his presence saved them in his love and in this pity he deemed them and he bare them and carried them all the days of old but they rebuild and vexed his Holy Spirit Now these are some of the most wonderful verses in the Bible about God's love for the Jewish people these verses speak of God's loving kindness is of His mercies of his great goodness to the Jewish people they speak of how God became the savior of the Jewish people and then it says in all their afflictions God was afflicted then God tells why the Jewish people have not been consumed the angel of his presence saved them and it was the. Because of the presence of God in the fire in the middle of the bush that kept the Bush from being consumed it was because of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the middle of the Jewish people that have kept them from being consumed by their enemies God by His presence in the midst of the Jewish people in the midst of the Jewish people who have rebelled against him in the midst of the Jewish people who have vexed him has nevertheless God has nevertheless preserve the Jewish people as a nation from being destroyed and even though the Jewish people they rebelled against the Lord Jesus Christ He has not he never will forsake them because of his great love for them throughout history this always see he has marvelously saved them over and over again from their enemies now in verse 3 and Moses said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the Bush is not burnt so now we see Moses talking to himself Well it's no wonder if we were that wonder for us to see Moses talk to themselves other wrong with that it's out there is out there is no one else to talk to you may forget how to have conversation to go on as in the backside of the desert the sheep don't talk some of those wants to have a conversation so what does he do is speak for themself Moses tells himself that he has decided now to turn aside he wants to see what Moses cause a great site a great site and the great site is that the Bush is not burned so Moses was so impressed with the bush that it didn't get burnt up you know it's interesting in all of the Old Testament the word Bush only occurs here in these 3 verses verses 23 and 4 and one other place that's all you never find this word Bush any place in the Old Testament except here and the and in Deuteronomy and it's each pristine how the verse in Deuteronomy when he speaks about the bush and it goes back to this Bush how it refers to it it says in Deuteronomy 3316 and for the press . Just things of the earth and fullness thereof and for the good will of the him that dwelt in the bush let the blessings come upon Joseph in the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren in this passage Moses is explaining how God bless the sons of Jacob goes one by one and here Moses comes to Joseph and he speaks about and he refers to the one in the bush here as the one having the good will and he says the good will of Him The dwelt in the bush now what happened in other words what Moses was saying here is what happened at the bush was a display of the good will of God and when Moses spoke of God in the bush he said that God dwells in the bush and that's a very important Hebrew word dwelt that's the word shotgun for the use for that wealth and that word is used in the Bible also for the tabernacle the word tabernacle is mish Khan and Mr Khan comes from a shotgun to dwell so what God emphasized about the tabernacle was the goal of the tabernacle or the purpose God's purpose for the tabernacle which he stated when he gave his introduction to Moses that he wanted to make a cat tabernacle and Nexus 258 when God said to Moses left and make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them make me a mission got a tabernacle that I may share Conn may dwell among them so the purpose of the tabernacle was for God to dwell among his people and that concept of God welling with man in the tabernacle was used as a basis for how the rabbis described the fire or the glory that was seen over the tabernacle the rabbi's not the Bible but the rabbis called that check enough the Chicago glory. Again it comes from the word shock con to dwell Now this is the word that would Welsh a con that Moses used to describe what he saw in the burning bush he saw God welling in the bush in other words God was totally at home in the bush like the word well implies God had commie and packed his bags and he's going to reside there he's going to stay there he's at home he's comfortable in the bush and this amazed Moses and so he talks about it was the good will of Him The dwelt in the bush and what amazed most about all this was that the Bush was not consumed and Moses described God as dwelling in the bush and he had a good will in the bush was not consumed and so when he referred to him in the bush as the good will of Him the 12th in the bush the question for us is how was the good will of God seen in the burning bush and Moses said it was the good will of him the 12 the bush so it's a good question for I was that good will seen of God in the burning bush Well the answer is what impressed Moses about the bush he says why the Bush is not burned that's what he said in x. This 33 why the Bush is not burned in other words why the Bush was not consumed Why was Moses impressed with the fact that God was in the bush that God had a good will and that the Bush was not consumed fire in the Bible always speaks of judgment as a matter of fact Moses told later in Deuteronomy 23324 he told Israel these words take heed on to yourselves that's the forget the covenant of the Lord your God which he made with you and make you it graven image or the likeness of anything which the Lord thy God hath forbidden I forbid in the now verse there $24.00 for the Lord die God is a consuming fire even a jealous God So now Moses warns Israel that God judges sin. And he describes God in this judging sin mode as a consuming fire so again we ask the question if God is a consuming fire then why was not the bush consumed and the answer is the bush was not consume because of the good will of God You and I and every one of us has sinned we all should be consumed by the fire of God's judgment God is a consuming fire in his judgment we should all be consumed by the fire of God's judgment but like the bush we are not consumed by the fire why because the fire should have consumed us because of our sins but that fire fell on the Lord Jesus Christ that's what Isaiah 53 is saying all over and over and over again in Isaiah 53 for when he says Surely he has borne our greets and carried our sorrows and Isaiah 535 where he says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities in Isaiah 536 word says the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all and Isaiah 538 for the transgression of my people was he stricken Isaiah 5312 he bear the sin of many over and over and over and over again the truth is being stated which is summarized in 1st Corinthians 153 Christ died for our sins and that means the fire the judgment that was due us it fell on him and it's expressed so well in this Him Christ what burdens bowed by head all Christ what burdens Valdai head our load was laid on these thou students in the sinners stead didst bear all ill for me a victim lad die blood which. Shed now there's no load for me death and the curse were in our cup Christ was full for the but down has drained the last dark drop to empty now for me that bitter cup lot drank it up now but less things left for me John Hoeven lifted up his rod all Christ it fell on these that I was sore stricken of by God There's not one stroke for me the tears that I've blood beneath it flowed the bruising healing me were like the bush the consuming fire of God's wrath does not consume us because it fell on the Lord Jesus Christ that's why Moses referred to the bush in Deuteronomy 3316 as the one who had the good will the good will of Him that wealth in the bush now in verse 4 we read that and when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see God called on to him out of the midst of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said here among Now we see that when Moses stopped and turned aside to look at the bush that out of the middle of the Bush God calls to Him So God calls out the name of Moses that must have been really a surprise for him oh this deer is named coming out of a bush with the fire and Moses knew that this was God because He knew his name Moses knew something about God and he had heard God now for the 1st time call him by his name and most a spoke about this he spoke about this incident in Exodus later on Exodus 33 percent 19 where he says and the Lord said unto Moses I will do this thing that thou spoken for the has found grace in my sight I know the by name God said to Moses I know the by name is that wonderful Winchell is that a great thought of the God saying I. I know you by name and when Moses heard God call his name Moses knew that he had found Grace with God as what he said for that was found grace in my sight and I know the by name and when Moses heard God call his name Moses knew that God cared for Moses Moses knew that God loved Moses you know God told another person I'm not Jewish Cyrus the king of the Persian was a Persian and he had called him by his name he talked about that and Isaiah 453 were God said to Cyrus and I will give the the treasures of darkness and hidden treasures of secret places that valley MEUs know that I the Lord which call the by the name am the God of Israel in that verse God is one of the many many encouragements for the Jewish people and that is Speaking of names that God has chosen to name himself using the name of the father of the Jewish people Jacob or Israel or new using the name of the Jewish people when he said I the Lord and the God of Israel that's amazing Now Nathaniel was a man in the New Testament he didn't know the Lord Jesus Christ he never had met the Lord Jesus Christ when he was approaching the Lord Jesus Christ for the 1st time for his 1st encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ it's written the council is written in John 147 through 49 and it reads like this Jesus saw in the Faneuil coming to him and say of him he hold in Israel light indeed in whom is no guile Nathanial say a thing to him when snow as me Jesus answered and said to him before that Philip called the when da was under the fig tree I saw the Nathaniel answered and say I am rabbi. Vallarta Son of God dark to king of Israel so here was the Lord Jesus who had made the 1st statement the 1st words on this encounter come from him and he says to him Behold Here's an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile when he said that Nathaniel then speaks next and he asked the question from where do you know me and then when the thin you knew that the Lord Jesus saw him when he was alone all alone under that think tree and yet he saw him and he knew that he wasn't physically there in the fen you all knew that the Lord Jesus knew him he knew him as good as he knew his name and because a Lord Jesus knew him Nathaniel worship the Lord Jesus and he called him 1st rabbi as an teacher he called him 2nd the Son of God or God the Son as in gone and 3rd he called him the king of Israel that's what really broke the back of Nathaniel's doubt and any good thing come out of Israel he told his friend out of a Nazareth He told his friends speaking of the Lord Jesus but when he understood that the Lord Jesus knew him as good as knowing his name and could see him and all the tape is see him in his secret place there when he knew that then that broke the back of unbelief in the Faneuil and he confessed and worship Him as God And when we realized that he knows us that the Lord Jesus Christ knows us that broke the back he knows our name it might have been a church service for example were all of a sudden we think that the pastor knows us and he's speaking right to us and we realize. It's God that's using that pastor is speaking of the pastor to speak to me why he knows my name God does or it might have been as it was with me by reading the Bible and all of a sudden there's a passage that just that jumps out and that passage is so striking it's just a little too close to home to just be coincidence and we realize as I did god knows me he knows my name that's how God calls individuals personally he calls souls to himself as he said in Isaiah 2712 years she'll be gathered one by one or you children of Israel he calls us to Himself one by one name by name and the Lord Jesus calls each one of us to himself and what does it say when he calls us to himself he says Matthew 112-8329 common to me all you that labor and are heavy laden I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me fry and meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest on to your soul and what we learn of Him When we come to him as that he's the one with the good will of the woods dwelling in the bush now was God going to say to Moses was very important how do we know it's important because he called them's name twice Moses Moses by calling his name twice God was saying to Moses Moses is very important what I have to say to you very important might even think it's a warning and maybe think your is old danger here and so Moses immediately straightens up and he says here are my inner literally behold Me So what was so important for Moses to know what was the great danger verse 5 and he said Draw not nigh hither put off by shoes from off by feet for the ground were on the stand as is holy ground Moses needed to take his shoes off. Well why do you have to take issue of Us Well that was the custom in those days of showing great respect the Egyptians did that whenever they went into their temples and God was saying to Moses that because God was in that place where Moses was standing that that place was now special ground it was holy ground and now the 1st important message that God wanted to communicate to Moses was who he was so he says the next in verse 6 Moreover he said I am the God of die Father the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob and Moses hid his face for his afraid to look upon God So just as shocked as Moses was who was to hear is name called out by God Now no Moses hears God identify himself with names of people he knows and he hears God called himself the God of His Father the God of Abraham the God of Isaac the God of Jacob those who are not just to stare a list of historical people there from Moses each one of those names elicited a real picture of a life in the mind of Moses when Moses heard God say that he was the God of his father most the start of his father and the faith that his father and mother had when they saw that God was going to use Moses in a special way they trusted God as they hid Moses and God help them to keep Moses from being found they trusted God as they set Moses in that little boat in the Nile and God helped to keep Moses from being killed in the Nile so when Moses heard God say that he was the God of His Father Moses knew God was speaking to him and he was saying that he was the one who kept him alive as a baby in Egypt when Moses heard God say that he was the God of Abraham Moses thought of how Abraham was saved many times 1st he was saved from the Dollar Tree in his own city of her when God called him to leave then Moses thought of how God saved Abraham from being killed by a bimah lack and also another time by Pharaoh because they wanted to take his beautiful wife Sarah then go. Moses realized the God who was speaking to him is the one who saved Abraham and when Moses her neighbor God say that he was the God of Isaac then b. He understood that he was saying to him I am the one who substituted the ram for a sacrifice so that Isaac would dot be killed he understood that he was saying I am the one who saved him and Isaac from the Philistines who stopped as wells and wanted to kill him and when Moses heard God say that he was the God of Jacob Moses thought of how God saved Jacob many times he saved them from his own brother Esau who wanted to kill him he thought of how his own Uncle Jacob's uncle Laban wanted to kill him and God save them from him he thought of how his sons had made him hated among the people and he was afraid that they would kill him when Simeon and Levi went and killed all the men of shock and so Moses knew that when God identified himself as the god of those men God was saying I am God that's in this bush here I am the saving God I am the saving God But most important of all that caused Moses to Marvel was when Moses thought in Moses now 80 years old of how his father must be dead and Moses thought of how Abraham Isaac and Jacob had died over 400 years ago and Moses taught my father Abraham he's just mentioned Isaac Jacob he's talked about they've all died they're all dead they've all died and yet it was the tense of the verb that God used the verb to be that God used the tense of the verb to be that caused Moses to Marvel Marvel Marvel he just sat there he marveled as he said to himself God did not say to me I was the got of your father he said I am the God of your father and Moses sat there and said God did not say to me I was the God of Abraham He said I am the god . Of Abraham and he said God did not say to me I was the God of Isaac he said I am the God of eyes of Isaiah he didn't say to me I was the God of Jacob he said I am the God of Jacob he said I am he said I am the God of your father Abraham Isaac and Jacob he did not say I was the god of your father Abraham Isaac and Jacob God just said to me I am still the God of your father Abraham Isaac and Jacob as if God was saying to Moses They're here with me right now your father is here with me Abraham is here with me Isaac's here with me Jacob's here with me I am their God present tense right now and Moses realized when he heard that God is the God of Living God is the God of life this life is temporary death is coming yes but those who trust in God will be with him forever be as my father is and Abraham Isaac and Jacob because they trusted in him Moses knew him as Jehovah we know him as the Lord Jesus Christ Jehovah Jesus that's exactly what the Lord Jesus Christ said in Mark chapter 12 versus 26 or 27 where he said and as touching the dead that they rise Have you not read in the Book of Moses how in the bush God spake unto him saying I am the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob he is not the God of the dead but the God of the living. That's a wonderful thought for us he is not the God of the dead but of the living at that point when Moses heard those words he realized the truth that the Lord Jesus Christ said in John 1125 Jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live let's pray Father we thank you so much for being Lord our remedy Lord for being the life to replace our death and we know that it has not come at a cheap price because we were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold but with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ thank you so much in Jesus' name amen. Another at 802473051. What are you doing Sunday night's joint friendship with God radio Bible teacher Tom Cantor of the Friendship with God Fellowship church every Sunday night at 5 30 pm at the Creation in 3rd History Museum in Santee California Watch and listen live around the world to tone Cantors Sunday evening on youtube dot com by searching for the friendship with God fellowship or by going to our home page of friendship with God done o.-r. G. . To preceding programme is sponsored by Israel restoration ministry this is calle t. T. Commerce City Denver broadcasting in h.d. Digital radio and online at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Did your other wish. That you could be starting all over again Billy Graham some of you are hurting some of you're ready Will Continue To connected with Bishop Israel at day a Jhala we appreciate you joining us live via Facebook calle t t on line and I'm sick 70 8 am k l t t and 2 I'm listening audience and k l d c on line and on 12 28 am k l d c For those viewing on Facebook please share bishop my jollies message with the others so that they too can be blessed we invite you to call in our email less to share your prayer requests to do so you may call 720-859-1737 or e-mail us at info at k c c c I'm lying dot org Now let's get ready to hear the Word of Faith here it's Bishop a jolly. The Bible says in toward John to. John to each his. Beloved I wish and I pretty I both all things I free diets you prosper in all things and be in health just as she goes to prosper John said I am praying I dismiss my prayer that you may prosper. And be in health just as you know Sue prosperous we've been talking about fee for prosperity but then we are talking specifically about fit for your healing prosperity in your health not just in your one late but in your health. I and the reason we. I felt a lot and asked me to stay on this subject for a little why is because you know as preach as we have a lot of people that listen to us I know some of you I listen to me you know Street in New Zealand and you know I've read in Latin America in India I mean in kind and all over Europe and we do appreciate the feedback that we have from all these continent God has given Norse influence it's very important. When we teach that we teach not to confuse people we teach to bring Harrity I believe that many preachers many teachers have the good heart of wanting to make people to be our way out of what the Word of God sees not about was his we should be careful. Not to rush to be teach us on to we are taught because if we just rushed to start to teach without being taught we my lead people astray. And so I teach me. I take the ministry of teaching very very seriously so that whatever I see I want you to go back study it and if you don't find each to be Sue give me a Kong or just even me out in full at Cannes this is the online door to our g very important if the enemy comic costs just to. Believe what is not true then it gets worn because we will be sincerely pursuing what God did not say. On to me is very dangerous that's why I said to you when we speak on Dees radio program please take what we are seeing seriously No Of the 2 go on fact check from the Word of God. When I hear some teachers are seeing prosperity is you know what God no dues I didn't live there let me put it this way the liberal people do this was a prosperity preachers those were not these are not that I understand we idea coming from you come with the Word of God You can not prostitute the Word of God If we want to put he doubts we you can use the word of God to do good people to get things from people and it's possible to do that are people doing that that's not my job my job is to bring carry out simply because somebody did died does not mean prosperity is of the devil. It does not mean that anyone any time we talk about prosperity then. Go fly. Go up and there you lump everybody together and say oh do is prosperity preachers I've come again now that's where I feel I was a voice in the body of Christ I felt the Lord spoke to me clearly teach my people what do I mean by prosperity I'm not so I talk to people who are nice I ask people questions I realized that a lot of folks just run with what somebody said without necessarily checking the Word of God themselves and so if somebody that you are listening to was wrong then you'd be wrong you know if he'd suddenly said Use your head to walk and you didn't know he's talking e.g. a Mighty day you decided to physically put your head on the ground edu You will break your neck a many times lack of understanding of the Word of God To the extent to which gone he speaking to us as a robbed a buddy of Christ of divine tally of the power and agrees that the body of Christ supposed to enjoy Qarase did not die for you to continue to suffer again you are not born again to suffer fine again you are born again touring to regain we Christ and that's why John was writing in 3rd John verse 2 is I prayed that you may prosper I pray God to me prosper I need put it in this way is a prosperous journey. Because he use degreed. You would do he'll do e.u. Oh dear oh I need to use it I need means you are prosperous on your journey that's why I say prosperity is not so much of a destination but of the journey that journey includes your health they turn includes your wealth their journey includes the work of your hand their journey includes your family their journey includes your testimony in the Buddy and in the Walt I pray like John that and every one of you listening to me it down to read you all from a social media that you need process I'm being held you need to know these and you must have faith in these Word of God number I want God want you healed guard wants you to be in half Let me read a scripture to you from Isaiah Chapter 53 verses 4 and 5 I say I have 53 verses 4 and 5 surely he has borne our greeds and that toward grief ease how I leave. I why I own it it's from do work my laddie d C's yards beyond our sickness is I know that translation yes Bawn our grieves I'm sorry under what sort of rule in Greek and Hebrew is the word Micawber am a k. Or b. And I need I need means I feel it should. Christ I was born ally decease deceases and I feel actions I was subtle ally pain whether physical or mental cries I was born eat Yeah I was born I live I grieve the word bomb or honor and e e's does e.p. War not socks and a and a and it means and. Many are. Including in doubt one is the what you lived yes leave our diseases yes leave that up our soul to yes lifted off our pain now if Christ if it is not God's we for you to staying healthy why would you just go to the cross why we listen found those things just for nothing not simply because it is God's will for you to be to walk in good health does not mean you will walk in good health you know why it's not God's will for me to be obese it's not God's will for me to be overweight but would I do everything that sometimes would not keep me from being overweight know who I was driving to the studio. This morning I was eating some things that I know will add to the already coming out believe that is coming that's not God Now if I suddenly discover that now no I cannot stand on the scale without his kids creamy let one of you come down now will I now blame God for that oh. That I feel is that how you do that I I live out of invited into myself let me give you I know the example. If I suddenly begin to suffer from mental blown out well is that God's will for me no but he I mean I I I I use our night studying a watching t.v. Or duties during the day I am under way again time no doubt 40 hours of work and I don't give myself an authoress I don't give myself a no break then I suffer I'm in tub or not then I'm you know what speakers I'm a Christian I go to church I don't do what I'm supposed to do to make my of body be healthy so now I Christian nice eat by speaking is only to tongue 66 Look I see when I succeed that little tongue you would now take over my personal responsibility to take to take care of my body now I set out to say I am even doing to well it is God's will for me to live in good health I am not co-operating with guard let me give you under the example God wants me to prosper in my home if I do not create an atmosphere of prosperity in my home and then I have problem can I go back and blame God No I don't simply because I have not done my part now. Whether I'm dealing with it as not done he's our part does not need God a line I know that's why we bring these to you that's why I want to share with you that it is God's will for you to prosper in all areas of your life not just in money but I will also see it includes money daddies that is no way you can say I'm working in prosperity when you don't have ability to do what your heart he's asking you to do. Now watch these devices he was wounded verse 5 of Isaiah 53 he was wounded for our transgressions you was bruised for our unique Wheaties the chastisement for our peace was upon him I'm by he's trying we are healed we ahd healed continuous present by is tribes transgression is the word decide which means means the Banyan which means working against God Which means and then begin to to do things that God said I shouldn't do I like the way somebody put it he said transgression is when I stamp over into the area God said I should not step over now the back uses Christ I was born to act out your sickness on your son who you are not suppose to be staying unhealthy now Eves does that mean people will not be sick I bet that you know I'm not saying that people will be sick why because of what we eat because of what we breathing because of what we think because of what we declare we tell our own mouth the Bible says because of transgression if they'll seek in now now now. If you want to stay with me from sickness the Bible tells you what to do is a inkling. Into my word let me give it to you improv ops. Proverbs program scepter form. Verse 2222 let me give you what to do if you want to stay with from sickness Proverbs Chapter 4 of us 20 to 22 my son give attention to my words incline your air to my sayings do not lead them Di upon it from your eyes stop it is a visit to damn way you already seek and that's what we do. We use the word of God like Tylenol we use the word of God as if it's only when we have nobody goes I'm beginning to take Tylenol when he's not have his own joint AIG And as the women you people treat the Word of God and the Tylenol are on spring of this pig killing pinky less you tell your little game where you are sick and many Christians only take the word of God When the hour I didn't trouble. Out to you I mean it does not work that way he said don't let dam d. Pont from your eyes cause t. Know I look at the world don't wait until the devil begin to trouble you yes that might come the trouble may come but you know you are already ready because you know it's like it's like taking vitamins I'm eating good meal to prevent you from being sick in the 1st instance you said do not lead them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart stop brothers and sisters as you are listening to me what is in the midst of your heart is it the Word of God Let us be frank most of the time he said. How you are going to pay your bills who worry how what I my children are doing or worry how the government is doing or want what these undock you know guard said to you if you want to stay healthy lead the Word of God be in the midst of your heart you know what I was keeping it in the midst of young Look at verse 22 for day I live to those who find him the Word of God East live to those who find him and half to flesh I love the way. The King James Version says and he says I'm Eddie seemed to have late night dissing to all the of late you know what I was you keep the Word of God You keep your eyes on need you keep your eyes on need you keep your eyes on need listen the word most already be in you so that that's the that's why I say you should not live by bread alone. But by everyone that proceed out of the mouth of God When the Word of God is in you can. Dandy on teen lightly not on event but on the progressive basis on totality Call Me Ted to the Word of God I can't get around to you even when you have sickness Combs you would not find the place to stay in your body bag Thank you Bishop for it definitely bringing clarity to the Word of God as it relates to prosperity in Your Health listeners will be back with more in just a few moments and these are some of Port important announcements that we want to bring to your attention if you are going through a tough time or you know someone who is going through a tough time we want to invite you to our free breakfast every Sunday at 730 and 9 30 am come in enjoy a hot delicious breakfast and join us for church for more information on this free breakfast please contact us at 720-859-1737 extension 0 So we want to invite you to our services that are held every Wednesday at 7 pm Friday at 7 pm and following those services there are free groceries for all Sandy said 830 and 10 30 am we want you to come and be our special guests we know you will be blessed Kingdom connection is located at $1391.00 Oswego Street and now we're a Colorado we're off of Colfax and also Waco street just west of Peoria Street Collis at 720-859-1737 the you can support this radio ministry to reach more people by going to a day a giallo dot org That's a d h j a l a dot org and click on donate every donation is tax deductible. Bishop indeed that was a fantastic. Absolutely wonderful teaching on prosperity in your health in just prosperity in general Bishop detached i'm so many important and vital subjects for our lives inside of that Bishop You share of that sometimes we participate in at Tiffany's that cost us physical illness such as over eating overstressing which can lead to high blood pressure diabetes etc and then we get a negative diagnosis from our physician and then Bishop what then we expect as she said we ran to the Word of God to take it like Tylenol all of us said when we've not been going there before the Bishop what do we do what does that one do who's listening they've received a negative diagnosis from their physician about their physical health we're today go now what do they do well Eve did Dr already told you some to news wrong with you you don't deny deny defat act you called phase the truth you don't deny the fact but you called Face the truth you know people would see where you are here you are healed when you like you you are healed that's it Conall Christian you did is say you we have a seat and do you believe it you say you believe it you we are. You believe each and you we have it's Mark 11. Mark 1124 he said after I said to you whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you received a m I knew we have them do those who teach that once you are healed you are healed they are seeing you we have them Day You believed him that's wrong theology that's wrong Bible the Bible says when you pray be to lead 1st and then you we have them Mark $1120.00 fall you see you've got to be careful who you hang around the signs does not follow the Tao ties this sign followed of believers if you continue to hang out on doors who doubt the word of God who use scientific means to explain the word of God The Bible calls them Canali Christie in their bunny again. They are not not sure I man if a Nigerian man cannot accept the things of the Spirit to them is foolishness but talk to a can not person they accept our God is their idea and said that goes he hears but is not ready to hear you I did have to read use the word of God to dinner name of the senses let me say to you in science science is able to identify 5 different senses into spirits rammed down our more than 5 senses that we have that are more science is a thought dimension where our faith is on the 4th dimension and even that is something that is big on down fade because when we talk of dimensions of God We are talking about the dimension to which we operate you are part time mention that is supposed to a pretty in the 4th dimension what do I mean by god you do you are you have it buddy you are finite you you you can only be one place at one time because of your body but yet spirit can travel anywhere you can see it and I hear your spirit is in New York you can see right here on your spirit is in I y m p pool in Colorado may be talking to you you are looking at them and you are no hear anyone Wardy unseen because your spirit is some we are else because God has given you the I believe he even Dorje but he is in the 3rd dimension your spirit supposed to operate in the 4th dimension which is the dimension of faith and on t.v. You understood and work in the dimension to which you are supposed to operate your mental faculty your your body will only respond to the dimension of science which is logged on to dimension not fade. So I'm saying to you brothers and sisters Eve did doctor tells you that you are sick donkey I give you we did talk to all but begin to confess the Word of God when God in 7 looked at what he created I need some Adachi he did not say why is he so doc that he just spoke what he wants to see begin to sate believe you have them down as we are we are problem most of the time I pray for people and I said Do you believe you are healed they say yes yes and then they begin to touch it they begin to touch the same place. As if you believe it why you touch in that place a Steve feeling is it feeling faith if you want to walk by Philly you better go take medicine because you would just find yourself bam you die but if you want to walk by faith forget about feeling he himself to call my infirmity and if he asked they can eat I don't have it he got less of what I'm feeling many people would know it's no doubt even though you preach no faith you also get a lead to be sick because you don't you don't you don't rest you do it good Milady time but you don't because of does not blame God I want to pray before I go to the that he's somebody you are listening to me and you want to say you know I've been going to doubt ditties I've been good to D's cancer I've been good to have these problems let me preheat you in dead name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I dk over you rise up I'm cursed out sickness I remove it from your system to be a man defense goes peace I need this healing in Jesus name Amen I need. Get connected with this it is really good as the radio ministers broadcast the kingdom connection Christian Center the well the place where champions are raised one bishop is all it is and came in connection Christian Center for services on Wednesdays at 7 pm Fridays at 7 pm and Sundays at 8 30 am and 10 30 am for more information call 7 to 0 851732nd visit is on the way. Ok c.c.c. . Until next week thank you for joining us. The preceding program is sponsored by Kingdom connection Christian Center. Resurrection radio is on line at 670 calle t.t. Dot com and presented in crystal clear digital h.d. On am 670 calle teach e-commerce at Eden for the Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual perfection and we must not select a few favorite passages to the exclusion of others nothing less than a whole bible can make a whole Christian a.w. Tozer. Gratitude matter things are more becoming in a child of God then a grateful spirit and conversely probably nothing makes a person more unattractive in the absence of gratefulness I've found that in every difficult circumstance I can respond in one of 2 weights I can whine or I can worship whining is a lot easier it's natural that God uses worship as a way for us to bless he and and for him to bless us and can't worship without giving thanks when we choose the pathway from worship in Thanksgiving especially in the midst of painful. Circumstances the sweet radiance issues from our lives when we give in to whiny murmuring and complaining we end up on a destructive slide that ultimately leads to bitterness and broken relationships so will you choose to be a minor or a worshipper today with seeking Him I'm Nancy Demasi walk on. This is Barbara Karnad with all the freedom on this encore show Derren and I talk about Jesus having made a way of escape for you from every adverse situation. Full coverage of the Rocky Mountain region with the good news or 2 am 678 calle t t k o t g h d comer City Denver and no 95 point one and streaming world wide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Welcome to cold of freedom with Barbara Carmen this is Jimmy Leahy and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour you can reach call to freedom at Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or by going to the Web site at w w w dot freedom Street dot org If you want to leave a message or order a word power daily reading Bible guide or a freedom street express newsletter you can call us toll free add 186-691-7725 extension 6 leave your name and address including your zip code if you want to talk to Barbara right now she is expecting your call you may call that same toll free number 186-691-7725 extension 62 speak to her and now let's join Barbara in the studio on this encore. Show Derren begins talking about how some people think their situation is so unique no one has ever gone through what they've gone through or no one has heard as much as they hurt we talk about how the Lord Jesus was tempted in every situation as you have been tempted as it is explained in 1st Corinthians 1013 the temptations in your life are no different from what others experience and God is faithful he will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand when you are tempted he will show you a way out so that you can endure a way of escape Derren introduces the fact that Jesus paid for your sins in his body on the cross and your answer is on will call Jesus already made a way for you and escape into liberty and freedom he wants to lead you through the unbelief barrier to become a person of great faith because the believer walks by faith and not by sight job was a person that went through so much more than most of you will ever experience and Elif as gave him this promise in Job 2220 $8.29 you will decrease a thing and it will be a stablished for you.

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