Can be divided into 2 parts the 1st part is biographical studying the man and then the 2nd half explores the prophetic insides that God gave to Daniel about the future in the study will discover a great lesson on the power of prayer in the man and woman of God specifically how prayer is our connection to the Word of God and our battle in spiritual realms that are far beyond our ability to fight so if you have your bible ready turn to Daniel Chapter 10 beginning at verse 10 but before we dive in we've got just enough time for a quick letter from a fellow passenger on the Bible bus named John in Hollister California I grew up in a devout but ritualistic church in college I had what I thought was an open mind and I wandered in the flash and eventually into New Age doctrines the Lord never gave up on me and would never let me go too far to return somehow he led me to leave college and come back home it was in the sixty's and I think I focused too much on myself during that time I took a job as a gardener at a college and to pass the time I would listen to the radio while pulling weeds in a parking lot one day I happened here through the Bible and became immediately attracted to the simple sincere teaching of Dr McGee The rest is a long story but this powerful Bible teaching brought me back to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and gave me a very peaceful heart for 45 years my wife and I have led Bible studies leaning very heavily on Dr McGee's commentaries we are members of the world per team all right and we really appreciate hearing the letters and notes that you read I appreciate the podcast so that I can keep up with the programs even though I have listened to it for $900.00 trips I still learn so much every time and try to read the word before each program may God richly bless you on well thanks so much for that e-mail John it's great to hear from you and what's your story well We'd certainly love to hear how our time in God's word is changing and challenging you just like it did for John over these many years you can e-mail us a Bible bus at t t v dot org or send your note to box 7100 Pasadena California 9. 1109 or in Canada box 25325 London Ontario and 66 b. One let's pray Father please use your living inactive word to turn our hearts and minds to Jesus he's only hope only comfort and our only way in life we ask and pray this in his precious name Amen Now here is through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee our friends last time we got into the 1st 10 verses of this tent chapter of the Book of Daniel and we saw Daniel was given a great wonderful vision at this particular time this my own had been in prayer actually for 3 weeks and he had received no answer and that was unusual for Daniel because Daniel generally got answers to his prayers right away and 3 weeks went by any received no answer but in the mean time the Lord compensated for it by giving him a vision of him self and we have indicated that we believe that he was given a vision of the post incarnate Christ not prey incarnate I think that he was given the 1st view of the Mount of Transfiguration care of this glorious person it's always been difficult to identify this one the vision now is older and after 3 weeks why Daniel receives an answer to his prayer and as we've said Daniel is a great man of prayer and I think we could emphasize prayer as much as prophecy and we saw in his last great Prather was confession on his part of sand not only for his people but far him Sal I mentioned the fact that when God had healed me a cancer that every day I thank Him every day. That I come Frank in I have here before me a prayer that a very fine lawyer he's a retired lawyer now down here in one of the Is coast towns and Southern California and he's done a very wonderful friend of mine over the years and he was healed many years ago in a similar way and being a lawyer goes into more detail and I guess I would go into and he has a prayer written out here I magine by now he has it memorized but he prays this prayer every day now I'm not going to read all of it but just this excerpt to show how essential confession is in prayer and right at the very beginning he says I thank the Father for giving me another day to label upon this beautiful earth that was created by the and the opportunity to live this day as a Christian with a clean mine and a clean heart I pray father that my thoughts and actions yesterday will be some improvement over those of the past and will continue to improve in the future so as to be more pleasing and acceptable to the d. But when I fail father as we humans do so frequently I pray that that will correct me and if necessary chasten me as a father what is own son as I hopefully prayed Father that I would be considered by the end I cite as one of the line on this earth and I pray Father that I'll be able to do something that will reflect low re upon the dead not lovely I wish I could read all of it to you but I consider that a very wonderful prayer that this man prays and he tells me prays that every day well I pray a private day but it's much briefer than that but it can fashion and. Then it's a Thanksgiving that he's brought it to another day well Daniel was a great man of prayer and he can instruct you and me in prayer as well as in this matter of prophecy but I'm afraid too many people have put the emphasis on prophecy and have ignored the other side but I call attention to this now Daniel I think is just a little this my Probably he is greatly disappointed that he has not received an answer to his prayer now he's going to get an answer he's had the vision now that they should which would encourage him of course but now there is sound I have unlimited injured and verse hand I'm reading of the can't chapter of Daniel and behold a hand touched me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands you see apparently he was just sprawled down on the floor where every was just sprawled down there not just on his all fours but absolutely problem with the urn the hand now touches him late hand of the heavenly messenger and this heavenly messenger apparently was sent by the post incarnate Christ and so Daniel's petition who could he be well I have suggested Gabriel sense Gabriel had been a messenger on former occasions and he was the messenger in the New Testament the make the 1st announcement it could be here I could be just any other angel but we are going to find out now something about in verse 11 he said under many old Daniel man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak under they and stand up or I saw are under the. Now sand and weenie spoken this word on to me I stood trembling You see Daniel it 1st was prone upon the ground he was our Zinah with the ground and now he's brought up on his all fours now he's told to stand up and they began he's reminded of the fact that he's a man greatly beloved That's a nice reputation to have in heaven by the way and so he gets now on his feet now we read verses 12 and 13 in the camp chapter of Daniel then said he under me there not than you know far from the 1st day that thou didst set on heart understand and chastened by cell before a vibe God by words were heard and I am come for the i word but the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and 20 days but lo Michel one of the chief princes came to help me and I remained there with the Kings of Persia now for the 1st time friend of Viola's left it momentarily and it reveals a heavenly warfare that is going on it reveals that there is a great deal more about this universe that you and I live in than meets the eye and there's a great deal more than we know today and we ought not to try to know any more dull then is revealed but now let's see what we have here it opens the unseen world to us it reveals a conflict going on the conflict of the ages between good and evil light and darkness between God and Satan and it reveals that. There are say Tanny forces and that there are heavenly forces and why did happen was there it seems very simple in a way and yet it reveals a great deal this I mean Joe says that he had been sent to answer Daniel's prayer he said from the very 1st day that you set your heart to understand and chasing yourself but for God Your words were heard and I was sent out as a messenger to answer but on the way my pathway was blocked and I couldn't get through to you that's an amazing statement is it not now doesn't that throw some light on what Paul says the un made in the 6th chapter of aphasia and verse 11 put on the whole armor of God that she may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil but we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and I here is principality this again they use different gradations of demons today Prince of politics against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places here again there is that warfare made but this explains the reason the CIO prayer in my prayer didn't get answered maybe this is the reason that prayer doesn't mean more to you and me than it does and it ought to mean a great deal more because actually prayer is fighting out spiritual battle all the time that's exactly what prayer is Oh make that very clear that he was fighting that kind of battle all the time and he asked that they join him in. Prayer he says in verse 30 of the 15th chapter of Romans he says now but see to Brander and for the Lord Jesus Christ sake and for the love of the spirit that yeas try together with me in your prayers to God for me now that word strive we get our word agony and from it you are to agonize with me in prayer you know prayers then might a sort of a light sort of thing today most of the prayers I hear are either very flowery are very theological and I think we could do without both of them these days prior is agonizing it's in getting through these barriers today that well release their actual power and their Sadegh getting up on Sunday mornin an entertaining the Lord with flowery language and it's all I have said don't say it it's a nice sweet little thing are trying to be very profound and theological friends were fighting a spiritual battle today and Daniel now is told by this angel he said Now when you began to pray God sent me to answer your prayer but on the way the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me now who is he well he's one of the minions of seitan one of the Demons we've said before that site has his demons are going to rise God has hair and they're in gradation like you'd be in the Army they're generals and then there are colonels and then they're a lieutenant and then there are 2nd lieutenants and sergeants and so on and apparently this angel was out rank by the chief Prince of Persia and he couldn't get through so here descend back for. And in fact you might feel the Archangel had come to open up the way for him now why would the way be block Well to begin with Daniel is going to be given information here about the Kingdom of Persia 1st of all as well as Greece will see that when we get to Chapter 11 and naturalists seitan didn't want that information gotten out it was secret information you say and it was not to be reveal it was not part of the Pentagon papers it was a secret very secret indeed and he didn't want that information released and now God wanted them from Nation gotten through to Daniel and so that's angel is out rank and he has to send for reinforcements and then we find that reinforcements come but there's still a problem there and that had to be some matters saddle we're told but law Michael one of the chief Francis came to help me and I remained there with the Kings of Persia apparently there was a conflict going on via that needed to be some heavenly forces to help why well the fact of the matter is that's where Daniel years at this particular time and it was about the time that he had the experience of being put in the Lion's Den So you see the Lord was active on has been half without Daniel knowing anything about it at all and we need to recognize today as believers that I wore for I really was a spiritual warfare and it's amazing how many times the devil solved short circuits our prayer lie and one of the reasons today that public prayer and prayer meetings are so Dan is because those that go there just go to say some. The little prayers and they do not realize that there's a battle going on and there is a war that must be won and they do not realize that at all listen to Paul again and 2nd Corinthians the 10 chapter beginning at verse 3 lesson to this for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh far the weapons of vile warfare are not carnal but my way through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imagination and an every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God and brain and captivity every thought to the of Bt and so Christ runs the Christian life is a bigger undertaking than any of us ever dreamed that it is all that you and I might recognize how we need the power of the Holy Spirit today in our lives and how we need the presence of Christ today there's a spiritual warfare going on and some apparently don't seem to be conscious of it at all now I'm reading verse 14 he says now i'm time to make the understand what shall baseball vied people in the latter day is for yet the vision is for man a day now this is the key which opens the door to the understanding of the remainder the Book of Daniel now there are 3 things for us to keep in mind from here on it concerns the vide people now I think that we can dogmatically and categorically identify the subject of the prophecy as being surreal now how anyone can say anything else is really beyond me then actually words mean nothing at all some Mannix and send tax are meaningless they. But we know now that I've people means this real the 2nd thing in the latter days now that place is the final fulfillment in the period of the 70th week the Daniel we've already seen are the time of the Great Tribulation period now that's important the latter days places it at the very end now the 3rd thing the vision is for many days now that emphasizes the fact that a long period of time is involved not only in fulfillment but long before they vision will be finalized so that we have going now to come to part of it they historical That is it was prophecy and when it's given it's already been fulfilled and that which is yet to be fulfilled now if you notice here we have in this Elias section he's terrified by the appearance of this heavenly visitor and then you'll this father assured in strength and to understand the scripture verse 15 I'm reading and when he had spoken such words done to me I set my face toward the ground and I became dumb and verse 16 and behold one lie the some elocute of the sons a man touch my lips then out my mouth and spoke and said on Damn that stood before me all my large by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me and I retain no strength was having a tremendous effect upon Daniel physically you can see now versus 17 and 18 for how can the servant of this Mylar with this Mylar far as for me straightway there remain no strength in me neither is that breath left in me then that came again and touch me one like parents of a man and he strengthen me when I have been. People tell me today they've had a vision of and I enjoy and that doesn't seem to have affected them very much I know but that they really didn't say an angel it had a tremendous effect on then verse 19 and he said oh my and greatly fear not peace be and they'd be strong a Be strong when he'd spoken and to me I was strengthened and said Let my lords be for the our strength and me verse 20 then said he know was that out wherefore I come under the and now I will return to by * with the Prince of Persia and when I'm gone forth lo the prince so greasy I will come in other words another angel comes that represents Greece and he's got to get back to the battle you see that was going on verse 21 but I will show the that which is noted in the scripture of truth and there is none that hold it with me in these things but my Kill Your prince now the angel turns Daniel to the Word of God and he says here noted means recorded that which is recorded in the scripture of truth in other words he's not going to hear or see anything that contradicts the Word of God the Word of God Francis is the only weapon a vial of all for the child of God for effective use today and it is call the solar to the spirit and some of us just don't know how to use our solar and we ought to have solar Grayle more often to be able to use the word of God Now we have coming to Chapter 11 and will get there next time and that we are going to see the prophecy concerning Persia and then that which concerns Greece and that part of it will be has started that as it has already been full fail it was prophetic well. It was given to Daniel but today it has started and then we're going to say that which reaches right down to that latter day is and time and that's the time of the Great Tribulation period and that does make this one of the most remarkable proper says here in this chapter 1112 that were common to now that we've had in the Book of Daniel so until next time by God Rachael had last year my bell added what was prophetic for Daniel is now history for us we'll see that again on Monday as we continue our study in this amazing prophetic book we pray the study drives you to get into God's word on a regular basis yourself with us here every day and also on your own God's word is as we've learned the sword of the spirit and our only weapon that we have to fight the spiritual battle against the world our own flesh and the evil one you know that fact alone compels me to be in the scriptures every day learning and growing stronger in my walk with the Lord one resource that helps me apply what I'm studying on the Bible by us is through the Bible's monthly newsletter The 1st article is always right from Dr McGee on the same subject as on the air but then we offer ways to apply Scripture in a relevant way you also get a sneak peek into the next book that will be studying on the Bible bus so it's really a great resource it's practical and it's personal and I like to read it on my phone by the way so you can get it via e-mail if you want to sign up to receive it online go to t t v dot org You can also get it in the mail just give us a call at 1865 buyable and we'll get it taken care of of course we've got many other great resources there were a veil of all on t t v dot org that will help you in your own walk with the Lord most are free to download and some are available at minimal cost again it's t t b o r g or just give us a call if we can answer any of your questions about any of our Bible study resources and tools Our number again 1865 buyable Now before we go I want to invite you to join me this weekend for Dr biggies. Sunday sermon titled Will everyone alternately go to heaven visit t.t. Be dot org to listen or to view our list of the stations in your area that carry the Sunday sermon God promises in Isaiah 5511 that his word would accomplish exactly what he intends we hope our study today impacts your life as he intends to there's a way that you can help that too for next time as you hear our opening music watch ask God to help you hear and obey what he wants to teach you maybe even read the passage ahead of time come ready to hear from God and you'll be ready to receive his best Artur the Bible chapter by chapter continues next week I'm Steve Schwartz and I'll be here on the Bible bus and hey I'll save you see. Molo soup it was good reducing a live live Wolston news was slow we're so grateful for the faithful and generous support of through the Bibles partners who are being used by God to take the whole word to the whole world the preceding program is sponsored by through the Bible network. At home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word calle t.t. Come a city Denver in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the web at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Transform your family with the Word of God immerse yourself daily in the medical teaching of k.l. Teaching a newer. This is news politics and commentary with love to go have you ever stop to wonder what President Trump's approval ratings would be. If we had a credible media if the mainstream press if just a.b.c. N.b.c. And c.b.s. In their evening news shows actually reported the news fairly I'm not talking about reporting the news in a favorable way to President Trump I'm just talking about actually being fair and unbiased right down the middle a match and what his ratings would be right now 1st of all there's no way in the world there'd be impeachment hearings going on because the American public wouldn't have it and the Democrats would be a few too afraid to even consider such a thing. But you got people like me and others that have pointed out how there is a liberal left wing bias in the media and that the media is nothing more than the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party where you get Trump pater's and Democrats who say oh that's not true well my thing is let's cut through the emotion let's look at the actual facts let's look at the numbers Media Research Center decided to take 6 weeks and analyze every single 2nd of news coverage of a.b.c. N.b.c. And c.b.s. Evening news casts 1st 6 week period starting with the time that the impeachment thing started with the Democrats and so they took this window of time from September 24th to November 5th and here's what they found every single bit of reporting that was done that involved President Trump or his administration guess what percentage of it has been negative 96 percent negative 96 percent impeachment and Ukraine coverage they devoted 398 minutes of coverage to 95 percent of it was negative you might say well yeah but impeachment by definition is a negative thing so wouldn't it stand to reason that most of the coverage would be negative No that's not true at all folks there's all kinds of opportunities for positive coverage like for example reporting Donald Trump's side of the story you see the way they did this for methodology is they look at every single evaluative statement about the president or his administration from reporters anchors nonpartisan sources or experts or voters so in other words who are we quoting and what they say you're going to tell me that there aren't a lot of pro Trump people to be quoted that are giving arguments in favor of President Trump evidence to prove that there is no quid pro quo evidence supporting Trump from the testimony denying these claims examples of Democrats and Obama. And Biden and others that they themselves offered quid pro quo analysis of Trump's actual phone call showing that he didn't do it Democrats are accusing of critical analysis of one sided Democratic hearings showing Adam Schiff dishonesty there's all kinds of talking points but the bottom line 96 percent of everything reported about Trump has been from a Democrat perspective and just so you know the Joe and Hunter Biden issue where Joe Biden forced the firing of that prosecutor in Ukraine from an energy company paying all that money to his son do you know the reporting that's been done on that has been 71 percent positive in other words from the pro Joe Biden side of it this media even withdrawing troops from Syria was 98 percent negative coverage the killing of Baghdadi the ISIS leader still ended up being 67 percent negative How can anyone with intellectual honesty claim that the mainstream press is nothing more than the media mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. To go to news politics and government every is a public affairs presentation of. The station the views and opinions expressed is not necessarily those of the proper brought his to go but its affiliates ownership . Here. Welcome to buy the line with Dr Ralph Yankee Arnold pastor of Calvary Community Church in Tampa Florida clearly declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the radio and the internet your regular prayers and monthly support me. It possible for Bible line to continue on the air you can reach as toll free at 180-576-3771 online donations may be made by clicking on the donations link on the Bible on ministries gone home page we pray that you will enjoy our commitment to the clear Gospel of Jesus Christ and that today's message will be a blessing to you and your family well good morning and welcome devival line this is Yankee Yarnell and it's Friday I'm coming to you live from the broadcast studio here in Tampa Florida and I preached a sermon last Sunday on the Veterans Day message and I put it on our You Tube channel and I would love for you to hear it so the title of it was call should Christians be involved in politics it's a hot issue I know but it'll explain what's going on in our country and it'll explain what's going on in these these hearings that the impeachment I think that you will find a very informative and I love you to go and watch it you simply go to youtube and then type in Bible line space broadcast Bible lines phase broadcast and it will take it to my channel and there you'll see all of my sermons that I've got up on You Tube but you'll see the ones call should Christians be involved in politics I want you to listen to it by now listen you have to hear the whole sermon just the 1st part of it is laying a foundation he gets into the meat of it after that the metal soul listen to the whole thing and then if you have a good question I love to hear from you give me a comment and my e-mail address is Yankee at Yankee arm own dot com So do that for me and I also want to let you know you know every Friday when I come to the station to go live my wife always comes. Me But today she's not feeling too good so it's a new app preach it if you would keep her in your prayers and pray that she gets to feeling better and don't forget this coming Sunday this Sunday is our 3rd Sunday dinner and you know what happens on 3rd Sunday dinner we're used to try to have a good sermon of course but that starts at 1030 at the Calvary community church and we're located at 40 $811.00 George road and so I'd love to have you come and be with us this coming Sunday and just be our guests we feed everybody they come to church this Sunday and we do it every 3rd Sunday and also to let you know that you know the end of the years common and there's always expenses for the radio broadcast so maybe you can give a special donation for the end of the year if you like what we're doing and what we're preaching and try and get the gospel to as many people as we possibly can we want fruit that will abound to your account so we thank you so much for each and every one of you that stand with us month after month in order this day on the air so I've been here 10 years now and I thank the Lord for the open door that he's given to us and I thank you so much Also I want you to know that when you call in to get your book The Gospel driven man there's also another book that we're also pleased to announce that you're going to have it also free of charge no cost for mailing because we've got $2.00 individuals that have donated these books and they want you to get yours and Dr James Paulson wrote a book on how I skeptic found God So if you're skeptic about how do you know there's a God He wrote an excellent little booklet and we include that with the the Gospel given man book that I wrote and so just call the church the number big event in the broadcast but it's 813-884-4328. And you can even call now if you want to and the secretary or the information and you make sure if you e-mail is that you give us your a live address some people says give me the book and then they never give us a mailing address so we don't e-mail the books so if you care and don't forget to do that for us. Also to let you know I've. Got a bunch of questions in my life that I've always one of the answers and you know God has made us kind of curious and what we want to know why about everything you remember whenever he has some children and you tell him to do something they always say well why why because I said so why I want to go take a bath Why am I want to go to bed why and it seemed like a lot of times when we get older we still got a lot of questions I asked and God says don't be afraid ask me he says come in let us reason together see if the Lord. So I kind of titled this little message today. Lord I got a question I got a question and you know in the book of Matthew chapter 7 in verse 7 and 8 he says as and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be open and you for every one that ask of 3 Savior then he that say get find it then and that knock of that shall be opened it sounds like a guarantee and God is not against us asking you see if you want to know the will of God for your life ask seek and know he yes I ask and he says it shall be given the you seek you if you want to find something you gotta seek for it you see God even provided for the birds of the air but he doesn't throw the the worms in the nest but he supplied the bird with everything that bird needs to meet its needs and God is on the same thing for us has already met all of our needs before he put the 1st man into this world. So God already met your needs any is given you a mind given you some eyes and ears and a body and to find the will of God for your life. Sometimes you want to know well where does God want me to go well he says Knock and it shall be open and to you so God can open up doors for you God can also close doors that no man can open and open doors no man can close he see God the one that knows you and loves you then he has something for you so don't be afraid to ask God what is it you want me to do with my life and Lord where do you want me to go and what opportunities do you have for me and God will lead you little by little step by step. Now. God does not chide or make fun of us because we're in you know we're serious he says counted all joy when you fall in the divers temptations of the words when you have questions in dollars and problems you don't know the answer to them he says then ask of me he says And God says I won't mock your make fun of he said but I'll give you the answers but an unstable man's unstable all of his ways and then he also makes a statement that you know don't be like the ship that's tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine and once you trust Christ as Savior and you know you have eternal life there's a lot of things that we may question. If it ever asked when you eat say Lord why have you ever had wondered Lord where you want me to go and what do you want me to do we have questions all the time but God says he knows what we have need of before we ever ask you see in the book of Romans in Chapter 5. The Bible says this and not only so but we glory in tribulations also this is chapter 5 Verse 3 through 5 knowing that tribulation work is patience you know the words tribulations sometime we don't get the answers that we want when we want them out God doesn't always just quickly help us find what we're looking for or even open up the doors that we believe God should open for us you see God's not on our timetable and in time a god will come through he always does and he's never late he's late according to but he's never late according to him I used to tell people I'm never late for a meeting because it doesn't start until I get there. That's nice for me. But it also makes a statement knowing the tribulation work and patience and lords it doesn't give you what you want when you want so you have to wait and this waiting time can be very excruciating sometimes because you may have financial needs and they don't come when you expect that you can get sick and you don't get well and it teaches you patience because some things you can't make happen if we had our way we would eliminate all of our problems all of our tribulations all of our trials called We just don't like them and one of these days wriggly leave this whole world go to heaven but I guess we want to die healthy we don't want to die of anything this bad . But the time will come when we'll leave this old world and will be with the Lord in heaven so the question that I found in the Book of Job When he said I don't I got a question now remember you know you take a man like job he had everything going for him he had 10 children evidently had a good wife he had a lot of prosperity animals and servants he had all good health. Until one day. The Lord was. Talking to the the devil and so is what you've been doing knowing just walking to and fro throughout the earth. And he says have you ever considered my servant job and the devil is his you haven't you got a hedge about him you won't let me get at him he says but if you move ahead you let me get Adam here Kershaw Well you know things did go bad for Joe for a while and he lost 10 kids he lost as well as lost a servants and his wife turned on him and says Why don't you curse God and die and the Bible says in the Book of Job in chapter 3. That he cursed the day he was born . He said I wish I never been born he says because of all the sorrow that I'm going through and maybe you kind of feel that way at times when his seemed like the days not worth living but you know there was something that God was trying to teach job it wasn't how much God had given the job or even how far Joe had gone is that God wanted to show Joe how much further he needed to go and see faithfulness to the Lord as remain in faith for when it appears and God let you down and you'd be surprised how many times we can feel that away because we look at things in life and circumstances and feel like I just can't when things are against me and so the question that he asked was. Why died I not from the womb Job Chapter 3 in verse 11 why was I born regardless of how long you have lived much you have accomplished you still need to know from God why was I born Why is this happening to me what's going on so God knows you have questions sometimes you'll answer those questions sometimes you won't sometimes just wait a while sometimes it might be 101520 years later you finally found some answers to questions you had years ago and so the Bible also says that he had another question in Joe 14 in verse 14 if a man die Challis live again is not a good question if a man die Challis live again because we know that. God is the one that gave us life that's in Jack repent of the at the job so he gave us the right to life but even though I have the right to life. Why does all these things happen to me. And if a man die will he live again cause we all know we're not going to live here forever you that are listening to me right now you know you're not going to leave here forever the time will come when you will leave this world and as we grow older we're noticing that this beautiful flower is going to slowly start fading away and one of these days we're going to drop and back to dust but the question well I live again. And the Bible says in the answer God says there's going to be a resurrection Yes your old body that you have is going to be raised again from the dead but it will be raised in corruptible and it'll be a glorified body and you'll live with the Lord for all eternity so yes. And the Bible says it. That if a man dies where is he you know words if you die that's in the Book of Job 14 verse 10 if a man die you know where is he then I asked a man one day I says where you go when you die he says Tennessee. I says I mean who are you going to go that's where your body may go but where are you going to go he said that's as far as I'm going I'm just going to go to the grave and Abhi lane or not cask and that's all there is to it so I thought hell he's trying to be a little smart I says Have you ever died before he looked at me and cocked his head and he says of course not. You don't know that's true do you you don't really know that whenever you die and leave this old body of your you really don't know that see end of it do you want to be ashamed to find out that wasn't all there is to it and that you will live again and the Bible says the one he created us says there's going to be a heaven and they're going to hell and he's the one that says how to go to heaven and he's the one says how a man goes to hell so it is important but where is a man well the Bible tells us and this is why a lot of times in the Old Testament we have a lot of questions but we get a lot of answers in the New Testament but you see God says that when a man die is. Absent from the body present with the Lord so here I am right now and I'm talkin over the microphone at the ready your station and if I was a direct now my body yes would slump down in his chair maybe involved hit the floor but don't don't don't worry about it say to be absent from this body to be present with the door knob be with the Lord in heaven immediately I don't go to the grave and I don't sleep in a body absent from the body present with the Lord and that's a good thing to know and when Christ comes back he says he's going to bring those with him so he can't bring me where them if I'm not up there. Who are them so there's some questions we ask and there's answers that we need to know you see the Bible also makes a statement that in Job 25 version 4 Joe had another question he says How can a man be justified with God How can a man be justified with God because He talked about a man and how can he claim that is born of a woman because of about it is born in this whole world. All we all have a central nature Aachen we improve on it how can we get rid of this old sent from nature the way that we are how do we get rid of this thing and so there is a question how can a man be justified by the God you see to be justified with God is to be equal with God in righteousness This means that no sin can be imputed to your account in other words like I've never done anything wrong he makes a statement in a vocal Romans in chapter 4 verse a lesson are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sands are covered more as it is the man to whom the Lord will not impute say in another words I did something wrong but God doesn't impede it to me they didn't put it to my account how can this be he said when Jesus Christ came into the world and he took yours and in my eyes and died in our place he came back from the dead and said The only thing he wanted us to do was believe that he did it for us so when I believe that he did it for me he pushed that payment he made for my sins to my account as I'm I paid for all my sins so I can be just what God means God doesn't see any sins that I need to pay for because they're all paid so I would be free from my sins because of what Christ did for me so I can be just with God In other words devival says we've all seen the come short of the glory of God short of God's perfection but whenever you trust Christ as your savior he pay. All of your sins and lo and behold I am equal with God the Father I am his son. Without a central nature in my new birth and because of that I can go to heaven and be with the Lord because I will not have an old central nature I still got it in my old birth but my new birth born of God doesn't have a scent for nature and that's a good thing to know so that's how we can be justified where the Lord. So he also makes a statement. In Romans chapter 3 verse 23 and 24 he said we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God but we are not equal with God in righteousness when we are lost but when we trust Christ as our Savior God puts his payment to our account so that when God looks at me he doesn't see any unless ends and he doesn't see in my faults any of my failures because he's the Lord you see in Romans $32122.00 is that Christ is the righteousness of God that is imputed to every believe or at the point of belief righteousness is the imputed perfection of God So when I trusted Christ as my savior God imputed to me his righteousness his perfection and that's why I can go to heaven I'm not going to heaven friend because I deserve it not because I'm good it's because he is but God so loved the world that you too that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ. That whosoever anybody open imitation of hosts whoever believe it then Him should not perish but have everlasting life so by trusting crisis savior say he gives you everlasting life and the Book of Acts in chapter 13 verse 3831 through great verses in the Bible and this is what it says in verse 38. Under you therefore Men and brethren that through this man referring to Jesus Christ is preached under you they forgive this of sins in other words why would God preach the forgiveness of sins like God forgive in you because. You have to pay our sin debt we're all in debt to God when we are all going to die called the wages of sin is death so that's why we die so Jesus Christ died so that a man could live forever when a man die. And that's why I can go to heaven when I die because a I paid for all of my sins I really didn't do it Jesus did it for me but I believe he did it for me and he puts that payment to my account as though I did it myself and so that's why you go into all around praise the forgiveness of sins God forgives you if God forgives you of all of your stance all of. That is eternal security you see if he only figure me for some of my sins but not all of my eyes and then he didn't help me he forgave me of all my sin from the time I'm born till the through the time I die he made that payment for all of my sands and that's the only reason any of us can go to heaven so we have a lot of questions yes can a man go to heaven and know it before he dies Kenny know he's going to heaven I have known this for 59 years I was 18 years old when I heard this for the 1st time and trusted Christ as my Savior and then he says in verse 39 and by him referring to cries all get this all that believe are justified from all things from which you cannot be justified by the Law Moses see the law could not justify a man it can only condemn a man so trying to keep the law doesn't justify you doesn't save you it only condemns you and so you're under the curse of the law but when you trust Christ as your Savior because he died to redeem us from the curse of the law people who want to put themselves on the law are putting themselves under a curse curse it is everyone they continue if not in all things which are written in the book a lot other than but justification by faith and faith alone so if you listen to the broadcast and you've never trusted Christ as your savior got good news for you you can do that right where you are you don't have to spend any money you don't have to darken the doors of a church. You have to change your life got to promise God Anything you do have to be honest and say Lord I'm a sinner and friend you already know that and I'm a sinner but I believe that when Christ died he died for me and God said if you believe it and trust your Savior who gave you right now is eternal life and you go to hell because you've been justified. And he is a debt free gift that's the best news in all the world. You have been listening now to. Pastor Calvary Community Church located 4811 George Roden I love to have you come Don't forget now I want to go to bible line. Broadcast on You Tube and listen to the sermon that I preached. Should Christians be involved in politics thank you and God bless. Us. Pastor Yankee here and I'm so grateful that you're listening today to Bible line you are the region we're broadcasting on this radio station to preach and teach the Word of God with clarity and effectiveness and believe me God has used this very powerful ministry to reach many people over the years but I don't often have the chance to say thank you and so I want to do that the day thank you for listening thank you for your prayers and thank you for your financial support we could not be on the air on this station without your financial gifts as a matter of fact the overall response and especially our financial support has been down this month and so if you're able would you please consider helping us today we could use your support now more than ever contact information is coming up in just a minute but please consider. Today and again thank you. You've been listening to by the line a teaching ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa Florida with Dr Ralph Arnold you can reach the line and pledge your support to keep us on the air in your area by dialing toll free 180-576-3771 that's 180-576-3771 if you are in the area we welcome you to visit us the address for County Community Church is 4811 George road Tampa Florida 3363 for our Sunday morning services beginning 1030 and at 6 o'clock on Sunday evening live broadcast of our services may be seen by clicking on the Calvary Community Church link at by the line ministries gone oh argy. The preceding Prague. Sponsored by Calvary Community Church Radio. Morning noon and night we're broadcasting God's word on the mighty $67.00. Commerce ready to get high definition digital radio and streaming online at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. We don't often hear an honest review of what's happening today that's about to change as Crawford broadcasting launches our national Crawford roundtable pod cast you'll hear about current events hard news stories cultural ideas and other pertinent topics but without the smoke and mirrors of a left wing agenda national. Is available on ample podcast stitcher and Crawford broadcasting dot com Listen to the national proffered roundtable Friday mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full pod cast episodes pattern website 670 k l t t v dot com. Here's Dr Charles Stanley keeping believers in touch with God. support and so this idea of coming up with an aid to the prayer list kind of came to me I think was a gift from God and I started praying a adoptions be bullying and praying for the teachers in the school c. Was for cancer d. Was for depression and it was a way to just focus on one topic a day or one topic a week and remember all of the people that I knew that were struggling with those particular things and it just grew from there prayer is transformational it transforms you into transforms those around. You and more and more. Making your wife go. Come on. This is a m 670 calle t.t. And k o t t h d Commerce City Denver and now at 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Welcome to the national Crawford roundtable podcast a view of culture current events and politics through their political lens with your hosts Neal Boron. Roger Marsh and John Rush now let's join the conversation well as you folks know this week is the week that the impeachment hearings of the Democrats been running have gone. And people are watching these impeachment hearings and so this is obviously something we're going to talk about on the podcast today now we had this discussion about the Ukrainian phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian president. We talked about that a few weeks ago on a podcast episode but today we're going to kind of have a revisit it update on this whole issue including the impeachment hearings process that's going on right now this is an historic time it's only the 4th time in u.s. History that there have been impeachment hearings and I've been very open and honest about this I think this is all one big scam I think it is a sham I believe my personal opinion this is nothing more than Russia collusion $2.00 it's the Democrats' latest attempt at a coup to try to remove a duly elected president but far be it for me to offer my opinion or as enjoy having the guys with John Kerry for the oil Boron Hey guys. You know I just like we need some kind of joy. In here Rachel Maddow to try to take the other side of this but I don't I don't really know that we can I you know I kind of laid out my. Take on this I honestly genuinely believe that this is a political coup effort on the part of the Democrats that from the moment Donald Trump was elected they decided themselves we have to get rid of this guy somehow some way the very day of the inauguration of President Trump The Washington Post ran a headline saying impeachment starts today. We have seen this consistently the lawyer Mark has a head for the so-called whistle blower he's not a whistleblower he's a leaker but this this lawyer on the very day that Donald Trump was inaugurated he sent out a tweet saying that the coup has begun and started talking about.