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Transcripts for KLTT 670 AM/K236CQ 95.1 FM KLTT 670 AM/K236CQ 95.1 FM 20191102 180000 :
Transcripts for KLTT 670 AM/K236CQ 95.1 FM KLTT 670 AM/K236CQ 95.1 FM 20191102 180000
I had a stroke and I didn't realize that my colleagues thought that until after it got better and I discovered some time later that I had scoliosis of the spine and I was bent over to the left but yet I continued to work and it wasn't that painful then around 2010 it got worse I went to the doctor had M.R.I.'s and I discovered that there's that I had a problem with almost every 3rd or bring my back from my neck all the way down excruciating pain by 2010 and I got to the point where I couldn't walk I was living alone and I'm only about 4 steps on the bathroom from that room and to the bathroom and I would have to get out of bed and crawl on my stomach and just to stop every portion of my opportunities just to get there it would take me 30 minutes there and back and then I had to get in I never liked meditation it wasn't until 201213 that I discovered just how serious it was so I retired 2011 until I spoke with you maybe a month ago it was last month I've been even when I called you and you sent me some products I had excruciating pain every day of my life never decided to take medication which frightened get a rest break and then the spasms went away and after I got the products from you the very it didn't take I promise you it did not take 5 minutes before I could tell the difference I put it on my that the best I could any needy a sleazy. It was just like you pull wanted on the jury I could feel something from not that going all the way down to my feet and even mediately I could feel the relief and I thought that's amazing the next morning I got up I thought I'm not going to use anything today to see how this is going to work it took me through 2 days before I take care of my sister who has been diagnosed with both also timers and Parkinson's and I'm on my feet all day long now I can go through the day without the pain and I don't use it every day because I felt so good the 1st time I thought I gotta be careful because I sure I'll hurt something it if I keep going like this while I'm on my feet and I'm with her all day without any problems getting work even mediately I don't mean 30 minutes and I've heard some testimonies you know I've heard you say well it may take a little while but if you keep using it it didn't work that way with me being mediator be it worked and I so appreciate what you have done if people like me get these that pain cream and then solution I use the pain cream and the oriel Ok there's something to go along and then I did the pain Ok yeah yeah that. Confuses a nerve and charset that immediately the drop and the cream isn't one when you put that cream on you feel that and goes and one thing it's unnerving travel all the way to the feet tall that's amazing I did not I knew what I felt that I called a friend and I've always been very sensitive to my body in terms of being able to describe what I've been experiencing. So she said just see it couldn't work that I said I promise she said she said well the way you describe it she's in the medical profession she said well the way you described it she said well what's in it and I told her what was in it as she said All I see but I've had so many people calling me about that I've heard from others how the screen has worked for me well I should say the product because I added some more to it about 2 weeks after I had got my 1st shipment right the 6 and all. The big settlement the pain deliberately you have to pain can't he have and pain can't we do for 105 each one of them but pain can is that's really good for taking care of most issues are as frightened as just any kind of nerve pain you know the other thing I discovered I had also accident the airbag exploded on my left wrist and that started to reduce. Our use some on that and it's that mediately Also I am so very thankful for you all what you have done for poor people that suffer chronic pain. The Lord for invited us answers in the Scripture and that for I don't mind them from the best source did in the event source you've got it that is an awesome test and I am so happy to hear that I know that when you came to me at the meeting you got down on your knees when we were talking. And you said that was the 1st time around like him that's pretty good to get down on your knees. And I had forgotten about that because I had issues also I had surgery years ago to be. Moved in the torn meniscus on my left knee I never had it on my right knee I use it on my right knee I was just like something that had been mangled and thank God I have something that I can use without breaking something else. Even I forgot I got down on my knees because I couldn't do that before. Ok Well listen I really really appreciate you coming on is there anything else that you wanted to mention you know I'm using it now on on my sister and the areas that you have that you explained to me on the day that I went to you have a session. The part the sun restrict the muscles I use it on her elbows on her shoulder and it was my chosen she would get our arms up above our head she can get on top of all the hay and we've had a few children. She can straighten her elbow out and she's doing so much better in her part to sort of exercise as we all have with her going through those exercises but she's much better and she's been using it I think it's been about 2 weeks maybe we are in the 3rd week Ok All right we take for 20 days regenerate a new nerve that's so you know you can resource 70 percent to damage a nerve so that's a good thing Ok Well listen I really really appreciate you coming on today and I will keep working on your sister and you know you have anything you just give me a call Ok thank you and God bless you and thank you God bless you my 177231332618772313326 that's a number you can call to speak with one of us and get some recommendations the specials we have this week the kings always will. They kid it $89.00 you're going to get $110000000.00 or Kings oil and then 2 for Allan Sloan arge Kings oil. The pain kid $89.00 as well will get you one pain relief plus oil and 2 pain relief creams so Jessie when she shared her testimony for the scoliosis and that terrible pain that she was in she used in the King's oil and the pain cream that is a really good deal to get a free pain cream a 4 ounce pink cream or of 4 ounces fix it all that's really awesome the king's oil you know he has some good savings there the regular price is $89.00 so you'll get an extra 4 ounce container for free so give us a call 187-723-1332 extension 62 get in on these products we are continuing the numbers kid to each is formally known as the Moses kit that's the one that wards off bacteria and viruses and it's good to have throughout the year but because we're coming into the the cold and flu season that's perfect to get right now the special on that is $69.00 off of $89.00 and that's going to get you a 4 ounce cream and a 10000000. We're move on with our next set of testimonies we're going to speak with Andree and white so now I'm going to bring Andrea. Under way there are you there you are right all right so tell me what was your problem. I had. Preschool really really. Wanted to do. Surgery on. Crisis. 20 think. Because if you. Think about the lines in your family you have. Yes my mother had He's a family you know my mother had it my grandmother had a few that my great grandmother that didn't they don't want to work but she settled on course if she were. Younger adults or to sit around thinking you know. She's been you know it's generational curse the funny. Bird. And oh I got so oil and. X. Are you taking the side and also I got the cream go. Under the as gold of all the bra and I got putting that on high and go for one I went better because that was like 4 months later I. That's not because I'm Christian not Christian we're down to 70 or so that were hurled off all right now yeah he fell I am quite happy Yeah and that is the upgrade. It got me going on are you now thank. Praise the lord for me you know I do as well a lot of times they played. Right from. Thank g.-d. . I don't have to go well very very often Yeah yeah yeah you know that yeah I'm gonna get him you know yeah well he. Is like the wrong I read for he was a line for 7 years and he used it and he said I was like 1st time in 7 years. I mean it's just so nice to hear that the Lord takes care of us and he put these wells in the Bible and you know he and them in the New Testament 40 times there Peter marrying out of the oils term for over time as healing Lord in translate from Greek to English so here is she intended for us to so used for I always incorporated with it it is. So Ok well I'm happy to hear. The brand of killing off screen. Door or the diet book because I know there aren't counties are somehow Yes Right yeah. Right sure we're Popeye's. Crazy but you know continue to do what you have occasionally you have to believe you are what killed Arafat a lot of. Your weight Yeah I think he honestly says you know that diet book is is it's unbelievable it is the most awesome medical information you'll ever get and you know it. I. In the Lumia way and I mean I knew a lot about what was going on but that one blew me away so. How did the. New. Child if I want to praise the Lord God is good you remember yesterday all right all right now right I really do not appreciate you coming on today God bless you God bless. Ok Hider Why don't you there is if I ask you now chaos I'm Ok so I'm a nurse you have a testimony I wanted to make sure we got that one downloaded because it's a really nice one so you had bought the essential I forgot a comma and the got the I dropped with it and you sent it off to relatives you want to just give me the testimony real quick. She used to she's dated 2 years old and she had just had surgery on her right to drain the fluid because of pressure. Too high Ok and then the left eye she had a pressure for the most 30. So she will she only each chilly didn't want what they had so much problem that they had to do the surgery 3 times while she didn't want to take a chance on doing both in time. So in the meantime I found out about you guys and I I bought the big local money I dropped and I sent it to her and she tried it. For a few months she went back to the doctor and the doctor. I was kind of surprised as a needle in the statement to her that this usually doesn't happen that the pressure or drop usually doesn't go down by itself shit that gone from 30 to 98 call and then a week later. She went up some knowledge of this and it was at 15 in the left I. Said but they're right I've gotten solo in the drop this was the one she had the surgery and I'm drawn to 11. So I told her the stop using. The drop. And the glaucoma. Ruler on the right. To to get the pressure back up. But the thing that she was able she couldn't even read the. Left eye she couldn't read the big client and the I charge a No she's really not only the big Frank but the one the know it. Getting better Yeah yeah I think. You know we're kind of delayed for the right eye because I. Always usually get back out you know we can repair 7080 percent of damage nerves and that's what the eyeball is so but maybe switcher over to the essential Iowa oil and that one will be for maintenance so that we don't have to you know address this issue again so yes but Shelley says the other one for backup if it ever goes wrong so right now those eye doctors are important to keep going to maintain the sea where you are you know that would be nice if we could take a blood pressure on our eyes can't do this so well. Ok Well I'm so delighted to hear that I'm happy to hear that. And I got a big price so I use it for you know I don't really having issue my you know I I used to drop single use the roller. I guess it's preventative for me so I get it to that yeah yeah it is for me too and yeah because with the diabetes it'll get to the kidneys when it starts messing with those kidney numbers it affects the eyes yeah yeah so yeah you got to kind of keep that off there Ok Well listen I do appreciate you coming on today and I just praise the Lord for the report. Thank you. Thank you God bless you. That was an honor or 1877231332618772313326 and on the i products we're continuing with the I kid that's the Ikrima and the I or you all individually that Ikrima $69.00 and the IOU is $89.00 but the special they were running this week we're continuing the special because it was a big hit is 99 dollars for those 2 items and those are the products that the white and Andrea used for their issues then we also have a beauty special that we're doing this week and that is the part of gold Esther's de creme the essential i cream and the esters pedicure now individual price on all of those is $216.00 for all of those products those 4 products the special $129.00 for those 4 products and a lot of people have been asking for. Getting these and these products together in some kind of kid and so they put together really good deal for 29 for the beauty special Usually it's my my Christmas thanks to guys you can get straight wife Ok ladies the pot of gold and yesterday are esters beauty treatment before she went to marry bikini that she did for 6 months the daughter goal beauty cream is more for wrinkles all age the extra day is more a day cream is flat surface I use the pot of gold I've used it forever I love that one right there the chemistry favorite is the day cream the eye cream that one right there I'll smear it on my face sometimes don't. Not only good for your eyesight but it is a beauty cream on top of that it's great for the wrinkles around the eyes and after a pedicure there is not a best to the best pedicure in the world is right there and that is I mean no one is going on someone quick to dry cracked whatever no one's going to she butter in there is the one that's going to give you all that moisture is a sheen you need for those spots so that's a good one to have so give us a call 187-723-1332 extension 6 then we have one more testimony we're going to talk with Deborah So now I'm going to bring Deborah on she has an awesome testimony Debra are you there yes. All right so you had a problem what was your problem I had a stroke in December of 2009 and it was. The right fight and on that from all lobe and I having physical like you could tell by the smile that I had had a stroke I can walk into reaching mentally I had washed like my memory as far as like mine are still needs to be in hospice nurse and I just couldn't do it anymore because the stroke it taken away the memory of showing mental pain and I had always listened to you have free weekend and 2 years ago. You're bringing totaller oil right and I just started on my forehead and on the right side where the scar tissue shows that what the chaps can Aaron I had been having to go to the hospital quite often her local trash family room dusted for prints and headaches and I had a lot of. Just take what you see the scar tissue from both of the strokes for happened in December 2009. September of last year I started different like I can remember change. Everything I could she seems colors more brightly is what I was in the stall after stroke a world that I had been in since December 2009 and I told and mentioned it to my husband I said I don't see that I have been here all those boils didn't you know you can change the only place city. I could she will miss you knowing I had to go to the hospital September like a really bad headache and they wanted to do a test you know so I said yes. There was no Us team that could call that I had had a stroke at all and I had just been in the hospital I know and just 6 weeks earlier I had been in the hospital and they had done a cat scan and things from there on the frontal lobe is all the damage that the stroke does the doctor told me. Dr hospital if I had not kept a stroke in content that hospital and they didn't have it on record they would have thought that I there was something wrong with me going look at the x. Ray that there's no stroke at all because if there was never a stroke my doctor told me flat out it's a miracle it was a miracle from. God and being a Christian he's watched me go through all this stuff a stroke and he is so happy that I bought the oils you know. So that's right. Yes Well that's an awesome test. And I really thank you for coming on 1877231332618772313326 the brain power that Deborah used for her stroke that one is $69.00 and then we also have the memory support that is also $69.00 in the difference is the brain power is for when you had a stroke concussion bump to the head a fall car accident and it kind of trauma to the brain the memory is more for old age related forgetting to turn off the coffee pot the keys things like that so you can get each of those 69 dollars or we can do the kit one of each 489-187-7231 extension 3326 The power I used after car accident and it only took a couple weeks for me to come out of the full blown of timers I had from all the damage that was done in the car accident but anyhow that one I love love love so I want to call it in talk about the special we have today because we're going to give you a free booklet and invoke it is atop a g.e. . Top the g study research a guy got a Nobel Prize vaca few years ago for his research on a choppa g. Which is the Bible. Talked about Actually it's about fasting it's about you can do restricted water dry fasting Dr fasting is the Bible fasting but I go through all the different fasting and how he actually goes through and shows how it works out of Parkinson's it works on cancer which is the number one worker It works on it works on just about any health condition and it is amazing the results that you get from that because it actually is shown to reverse a lot of this so it is great science a cynic for you you will love it it's a lot of things I can't talk about butt. Is free with your order and you've got some recipes on there are some really good recipes on there that are included with the oh yeah yeah yeah I have the best ice cream in the world sugar free card for an Ok so a house and I wanted to make sure that I got the opportunity to mention real quick that we still have this special on the i.q. Plus the cancer support and we have a special going on I love my doggy right now which is good for dog pain dog whatever so you like that one for your doggie and your dog will love to taste this wonderful couple us God bless a man again 1877231332618772313326 this show is sponsored by Mercy connections the preceding program is sponsored by faith family crisis center your toon am 670 calle t.t. Commerce City Denver k o t t h d and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Live this is an felt well from bright side natural health we are located at 678 3rd Street in a flourishing semi greenhouse I'm also opening up a new location in Fort Collins I do desire to share what God has shown me about his natural ways to achieve and maintain good health because I believe knowledge about natural health is still very lacking in many Christian circles it's sad that many still don't know about the power or safety of God's natural remedies the oils the herbs and extracts from food that have amazing restored of the bill I'm amazed at how many people are still having nice shoulder and hip replacements when I totally believe we can repair these with natural substances God made. Body to heal as a matter of fact he sent out disciples with the command to heal the sick and I believe he still wants us to do that in these days we just need to follow the directions in his word but 1st we must pray and ask Him to guide as Cindy is truth and then we must be willing to pay attention to what he shows us and not reject it even in Isaiah's day the lack of knowledge was an issue Isaiah 513 says Therefore my people go into exile for their lack of knowledge and their honorable men are famished and their multitude is parched with thirst are we famished and thirsty why verse 12 says they do not pay attention to the deeds of the Lord nor do they consider the work of his hands we must begin to pay closer attention and consider the works of his aunts I don't think his will is for so many of us to lose our own shoulders knees hips gallbladders cetera all because of a lack of knowledge or belief that he can and will heal us without all those chemicals and synthetics Hosea 46 says My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge I will also reject you from being my priest since you have forgotten the law of your God I also will forget your children our children are suffering because we are willing to be blindly led by doctors and their vaccine pharmacopeia which is sorcery I've been sharing this fact for years but I really wonder how many have really taken the time to study it out for their self I pray that God will give you a hunger to learn is truth about health he cares but he wants you to come to him many people over the. Years of told me that they prayed and somehow God sent them to me It humbles me but I do want to serve faithfully in this ministry that he has called me to I am excited about what I get to share with you today because in order for our soul to prosper we must feast on the word our spiritual nutrition and God has also provided amazing new products to give physical nutrition even at the d.n.a. Level there are many things that can hinder us from enjoying the spiritual feast of his word so we must prepare and 1st Peter to one gives us a list of toxic things that he says we must put away from us 1st like malice deceit hypotheses envy and slander I wonder how often we try to read the word without putting all of these away 1st I have to admit that I've read these verses many times and it never struck me that he said to put all of these things away before feasting on his word 1st Peter 21 through 3 says therefore putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and on slander like newborn babies longing for the pure milk of the word so the by it you may grow in respect to salvation if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord verse 3 also catches my attention if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord because without it I don't think that we will be able to put away the toxic sins only after we have met the Lord and receive His forgiveness for our sins can we then forgive others I must admit I carried a lot of malice deceit and I park proceed toward my mother and my husband before I found the Lord he really helped me to see my own weakness. Does And therefore understand them and forgive their weaknesses too to look at it a little closer malice is the intention or desire to do evil ill will or a desire to cause pain injury or distress to another deceit is the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is falter invalid the action or practice of concealing or misrepresenting the truth High-Pockets see is a practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform Envy is a feeling of discontent a jealous desire or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions qualities or luck and slander is an oral defamation in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another person the untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed when we are born again and receive Jesus the Lord and Savior were born again spiritually like newborn babies we have a fresh new start to walk in the spiritual salvation gave me a whole new perspective on life my Purdy's completely changed and I had a drastic change in attitude one step at a time the Holy Spirit brings to our remembrance the things that we must take care of this sort of reminds me of Matthew 5 verses 23 and 24 that says Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your offering there at the altar and go 1st be reconciled to your brother and then come and present your offering it's hard to say I'm sorry or go to someone with the truth when we know that they won't like it but afterwards it really does go. A refreshing even if they don't respond the way we'd like is still set us free spiritually and creates a right relationship with the Lord to receive what he has for us a right relationship with the Lord is truly the most important thing in our lives because through it he will show us many things that we never knew and we find so many precious promises when we come before the Lord with a clean heart having done our best to obey him and submit to His will we will have sweet fellowship with Him 2nd Chronicle $714.00 is the verse that I have chosen for this year because I really want God to heal our land it says If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven I will forgive their sin and will heal their land I really do want to have a closer relationship with the Lord and seek His face some 732-4226 says with your counsel you will guide me and afterward receive medical Henri whom have I in heaven but you and beside you I desire nothing on earth my flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever you know my late husband was a precious godly man and I'm so glad that I will see him again but I'm thankful that I love the Lord more than him or I would probably have grieved myself to death by now but I am now so blessed to have again the privilege of being a widow and therefore having the Lord to be my husband and protector who will never leave me as I see a 54 says from verse 4 on he says fear not for you will not be put to shame and do not feel humiliated for. You will not be disgraced but you will forget the shame of your youth and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more for your husband is your maker whose name is The Lord of hosts and you re Demers the Holy One of Israel who is called The God of all the earth for the Lord has called you like a wife for saken increase of din spirit even like a wife of one she used when she is rejected says your god for a brief moment I 1st took you but with great compassion I will gather you in an outburst of anger I had my face from you for a moment but with everlasting loving kindness I was have compassion on you says the Lord your Redeemer for this is like the days of Noah to me when I swore that the waters of Noah would not flood the earth again so I have sworn that I will not be angry with you nor will I rebuke you for the heavens may be removed in the hills may shake but my lovingkindness will not be removed from you and my covenant of peace will not be shaken says the Lord who has compassion on you oh afflicted one storm tossed and not comforted Behold I will lay your stones in antimony and your foundations I will lay and sapphires Moreover I will make your battlements of rubies in your gates of crystals in your entire wall of precious stones and your sons will be taught of the Lord and the well being of your sons will be great in righteousness she will be established you will be far from oppression for you will not fear and from terror for it will not come near you if any one fiercely assails you it will not be from me whoever assails you will fall because of you behold I myself have created the small. This who blows the fire of coals and brings out a weapon for its work and I have created the destroyer to ruin no weapon that is formed against you will prosper and every tongue that accuses you and judgment you will condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication is from me declares the Lord I have many of these verses memorize because there's such precious promises and a great comfort to me I trust and depend on them and I choose to claim their promises that my sons will be taught of the Lord and their well being will be great it is so exciting to me to have God here and answer my prayers my oldest son called The other day and said Mom God just answered your prayer I told him that I would pray for a buyer for their home and in less than a week he called excited truthfully God is just answered another one because I've been praying that God would show me what passage to memorize next and he's just shown me 2 that I want to finish memorizing Isaiah 54 and Proverbs 3 are both full of promises that I want to have in my heart because they help me to get to know my wonderful Lord better and they promise health and a long life Proverbs 3 is about the rewards of wisdom it says my son do not forget my teaching but let your heart keep my commandments for a length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you do not let kindness and truth leave you bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart so you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God in man trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight Do not be wise in your own eyes fear. Or the Lord in turn away from evil it will be healing to your body and refreshed meant to your bones honor the Lord from your wealth and from the 1st of all your produce so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats were overflow with new wine my son do not reject the discipline of the Lord or loath his reproof for whom the Lord loves he reproves even as a father corrects a son in whom he delights whole blessed is the man who finds wisdom in the man who gains understanding for her profit is better than the profit of silver and her gain better than fine gold she is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire compares with her long life is in a right hand in her left hand are riches and honor her ways are pleasant ways and all her paths are peace she is the tree of life to those who take hold of her and happy are all who hold her fast the Lord by wisdom founded the earth by understanding he established the heavens by his knowledge the deeps were broken up and the skies dripped with do my son did not let them vanish from your sight but keep sound wisdom and discretion so they will be life to your soul and dormant to your neck then you will walk in your way securely in your foot will not stumble when you lie down you will not be afraid when you lay down your sleep will be sweet Do not be afraid of sudden fear nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it's in your power to do it do not say to your neighbor go and come back and tomorrow I will give it when you have it with you do not devise harm against. Neighbor while he lives securely beside you do not contend with a man without cause if he's done you no harm do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways for the devious are an abomination to the Lord but he is intimate with the upright the curse of the Lord is on the House of the wicked but he blesses the dwelling of the right to His will He scoffs at the sky offers yet he gives grace to the afflicted the Wise Woman Herit honor but fools display dishonor Well what powerful promises are in that chapter I was thinking earlier what more could I ask for and then it came to me that I want to help others to find what I have found in the Lord spiritual and physical health it does all start with the right relationship with him so if I can help you in any way to answer your questions or guide you into a saving knowledge then please call me and for a while at 338332784 when we come to him we also find physical health as so many have found in times past but we must seek it stresses the silent killer and having God to trust in can greatly reduce that threat my health was very bad before I found the Lord living on pain pills but as I sought to know Him and His ways and asked him to guide my life he's shown me so much I've learned about toxic foods and water and how to clean it up I like to grow much of my own food or buy organic and grass fed as much as possible I'm thankful that I've learned about water filtration and I believe that the very best is the Birkie water filtration systems there are affordable and easy to use. I've used them for over 25 years and they're still beautiful in the fish and I'm now a dealer so I can sell them to people at the lowest cost they're allowed by the company if you're drinking tap water you're getting everyone else's prescription drugs that are not being removed in the chlorine in the fluoride are very toxic if you don't believe it and I challenge you to do your own research Associated Press did an in-depth research and found that no major city across America removes the prescription drugs even well water can be very toxic from things that are leeching into the groundwater once you take care of your food water and lifestyle that can put toxins in or on your body then it's important to detox from the heavy metals chemicals pollution and parasites that we have ever to believe picked up along the way these things cause free radicals and free radicals destroy I find everyone with any major health problem have these issues any accidents can really help but often they alone are not enough to turn it around it's also important to pray about who you let guide you there are a lot of people that are only in for the money sad to say even in the natural health arena some of the fastest growing multi-level companies have products that contain toxic ingredients Yes people are getting some results because they mix it with herbs but over time they have to deal with the consequences of putting toxic chemicals in their body I've prayed for non toxic products that really work and I'm so blessed to tell you about the polysaccharide peptides or p.s.p. Usually if you don't understand the words Be ware but p.s.p. . Is made from rice Dr Howard Piper natural path that Dr who was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and author of best selling books 180-8080 says polysaccharide peptides can prevent disease stave off degenerative processes and strengthen the immune system when ingested polysaccharide peptides can assist the body and healing at the cellular level as a form of a whole food complex they facilitate the body in taking an active role in healing and impacting the many conditions mediated by the d. Realm and of the immune system studies conducted at various research oriented hospital and universities are expected to reaffirm current findings that have shown that the polysaccharides peptides provide distinct benefits in countering a.d.d. 80 h.d. All Simers autism cancer chronic fatigue syndrome diabetes stroke Down Syndrome high blood pressure high cholesterol mood disorders m.s. Parkinson's rosé sheer fibromyalgia and to read syndrome when I 1st heard about this product I thought it was too good to be true but as I started to see the amazing results myself I realized that they hadn't done the product justice I believe God gave it to me in answer to prayer the day before I had a diabetic who was frustrated because he tried several things and wasn't cured after he left my store I prayed and said God you are the one who said heal the sick that sounds like a command and if you're going to give us a command like that thing you need to show us how to do it and give us products that work soon after I received a phone call from a man. It had a severe stroke and he said someone had given him a bottle of it and it totally repaired him he was so excited and seemed to have more energy than I had ever known him to have I asked him about diabetes and he said he would have the person who gave it to him call me for hours Dennis shared amazing stories about many health issues but hadn't worked with diabetes so he said he'd have Roger call me after listening for more hours I decided that even though it seemed expensive if it did one 4th the what they had said it was still the most amazing thing I'd ever heard of Roger said to put the sickest people on it and I began to see amazing results severe a living near eggs I'm a cleared up in days my dad also timers citied had for over 3 years was gone in 2 weeks and within a short time he no longer needed the insulin that he had been on 3 times a day for 10 years many with severe pain joint problems eyesight loss even brutal diabetics whereas static Nellie my 90 plus year old friend said it wasn't fair because she was now beating all her friends at cards in Scrabble she just knew it was making her smarter a man who's prize horse got a wound from a barbed wire fence that was a foot long and laid open 3 inches wide by the time the vet saw it he said it could not be sewn shut and could take a year to heal and leave a terrible scar yet in 2 weeks it was closed and the owner said he could hardly see it but sad to say the people running the company that I was getting it from did some unethical things and the company went under I knew that Dr Piper and others had split from the company before I came along and I did not find them again until recently I'm. So Glenn again have access to this amazing product the more serious your condition is the more amazing the results seem to be God cares about the sick and this is a natural product that really works I want to share a condensed version of the story that I 1st heard about p.s.p. To visit a Christian businessman wanted to feed the starving children in his country Thailand he invested several $1000000.00 to start a company that would produce cereals and food products to feed babies and children his company began producing these Green Bay cereals for distribution in Europe at the same time the company began donating cereal products to children suffering from malnutrition after a while to visit began to receive letters and calls from parents stating that is cereals were reversing in curing their children's malnutrition problems full of hope and excitement to visit formed a team of scientists from Switzerland and Germany their scientists found that their proprietary extraction process used stimulates human cells to produce the exact type of energy that the body needs to bring metabolism back to normal to visit found that babies eating this grain would experience improved learning capabilities and their immune systems became stronger and the children learn much faster Nellie my friend found out it worked even in our nineties instead of moving into a nursing home soon she was walking without her walker or cane and was out working in her yard pulling weeds and driving her car again so what makes 6 traction process so special Dr Piper says it's called Alpha Gleick cannot only by bonding that polysaccharide polypeptides. Gether under controlled humidity temperature and pressure and natural hydrolyzed Alpha Gleick can is form that's producing an incredibly beneficial functional food that when consumed is recognized by the cells of the body as a biological fuel for utilities they should buy the Modoc Condra for the production of the cellular energy or a.t.p. Their special characteristics of this proprietary functional food allows for 100 percent bioavailability this is essential to d.n.a. Repair and the resulting enhanced gene expression plus the alpha guy can ology process has shown its ability to preserve the functional value of the fighter nutrients so that they are not lost in vitro studies with human cells prove that the p.s.p. Triggers the cell and all the damage cells to recover or rejuvenate in a couple of days in essence the d.n.a. Repair process starts functioning properly and can now do is job a maximum efficiency this non-allergenic completely safe whole food provides each and every cell with the energy it needs to metabolize glucose with the body of toxins and waste products as well as rejuvenate and repair itself Dr Piper has a picture in his book of control nerves that were then damaged by beta amyloid neural toxins and then regenerated after being pretreated with the polysaccharide peptides they actually looked healthier them before they were damaged I just know that I have to share with everyone I can and pray that they are prepared and will pay attention to the knowledge that God is giving us if you. You are interested in this product or a Berkeley water purification system or being muscle tested to see what program would be best for you to achieve or maintain good health them please do call me and for a while for an appointment in either Firestone or for Collins at 303-833-2784 that's 303-833-2784 I've gone to half price for the full testing and consultation only $75.00 and I will show you how to get many of the products at wholesale prices I do look forward to hearing from you so please call me at this 303-833-2784 I do pray that the God of hope will fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit I thank you for listening and supporting me by prayers and appointments and may God richly blessed you as you follow his natural ways. The preceding program is sponsored by brightside natural health this is calle t. T. Commerce City Denver broadcasting in h.d. Digital radio and online at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. 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If these in 6th form fathers do not exasperate your children instead bring them up in the training in destruction of the Lord a reminder from this Crawford broadcasting station. You're tuned to a m 670 calle t.t. Calle t g h deep cover City Denver f.l. At 95 point one and streaming world was at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. My country is and will always.
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