Bob George heard weekdays at 11 am on Calle t.t. a special edition of Washington Watch today were highlighting the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church taking place this Sunday November the 3rd according to open doors an organization that. Persecuted believers over 245000000 Christians live in places where they experience high levels of persecution in just the last year over 4000 Christians have been killed for their faith in Jesus Christ and more than 101800 churches and other Christian buildings have been attacked and these numbers are staggering and the trends are even more troubling persecution is becoming worse Well what are we to do for Christians it begins with a call to prayer on behalf of those who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ in today's program we intend to highlight persecution in several regions of the world and tell the stories of these persecuted believers we hope this helps Christians here in America see how they can pray for their brothers and sisters who are being persecuted around the globe specifically we will explore the unique threat. Opposed to Muslim background believers something that our 1st guest Joshua Yousef in batter Rummery know quite well finally we'll hear from how we can pray for believers in Syria an area which has been in the news but some Isaak a Christian who is co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council who has representation here in the United States will help us understand what is going on there we'll also get an update on how believers in China are fairing under the persecution there and joining me to be a part of this special broadcast is Travis Weber who is the vice president of policy here at the Family Research Council and the director of our center for religious liberty Travis welcome to Washington Watch thank you Tony and by the way folks to find out how your church can participate in stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ go to Tony Perkins dot com There are a number of resources on the topic of religious liberty of available at that site and if you have as we've often discussed according to open doors an organization that supports persecuted believers over 245000000 Christians live in places where they experience high levels of persecution in fact just in the last year over 4000 Christians have been killed for their faith in Jesus Christ and of course we also have an account of a 1800 churches and other Christian buildings that have been attacked these trends are troubling if they are so and you know this shows us the scale of the threat when we talk about international it is freedom it also drives us to prayer as we see this problem we not only advocate as believers we're called to an honor to stand with those who are suffering under repression internationally for their face so this is an opportunity for us this is this International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church and it begins with prayer obviously doesn't stop there but it's. With prayer in today's program we intend to highlight persecution in several regions of the world and tell the stories of persecuted believers and we are goal here is to help Christians here in the United States. Really put faces to this persecution and to give them some guidance on what they can do so and I think what we hear from our guests today what will realize this is not only our calling but it's an honor to stand with those fellow bullies or flavors who face persecution it's an honor to to pray for them pray with them as we bear the burden that God has called us to bear on Earth we know Christians are going to face suffering and this is something that we are on Earth undertake today now we're going to explore the threat posed to Muslim background believers something that our 1st guest Joshua used to batter Rummery know quite well we'll also get an update on what's happening with Christians in China and then we will discuss how we can pray for believers in Syria an area that we've been covering a very closely these are key areas to pray about because the folks who are Christians who have converted away from Islam face the threat of of oppression from from changing their belief from choosing to follow Christ is a key element of how we understand religious freedom this is essential to be focused on praying about as you know we've talked about here about Syria the threat to Christians and others in northeast Syria we need to be in prayer for them now also and folks by the way to find out more about how your church can participate and praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe go to Tony Perkins dot com or. You can go to remember the persecuted or gee where we have these resources available Well let's let's move now to our 1st guest joining us here Travis. Joshua Yusef and batter Rummery we're going to bring them on to to the. Joshua Youssef is the president Joshua Come on up he's the president and c.e.o. Of help the persecuted an organization dedicated to providing a practical spiritual on the ground support to Christians who face persecution in the Middle East and North Africa Josh welcome thank you Tony thank you for having us around to say appreciate all the work that you do on the front of religious persecution we're grateful to you guys for taking an interest in religious freedom and as you stated Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world today and I think that's hard for us in the West to understand. In batter Rummery you are a convert to Christianity from a Muslim background you found Christ in Iraq Oh you now run a ministry here in the United States in have heard your testimony a powerful testimony and thank you for joining us today thank you for having. Let's just start with a we're just going to have a conversation here for the time we have together but battered just share your your journey in coming to Christ is a long journey and the thought of being in the 23 years. When I accept Jesus as a law that said here it was 1st. Here in the radio ministry. Or very new from Monte Carlo when I. Began to us question. For one. Began the correspondence word for Correspondent. My perspective to our Christianity The toward Jesus began to chant and then began to understand Christianity from inside because I began to. Jesus Jesus was crucified the Bible and every big question on the House 1st. Began to argue after one of the out on the half of. Correspondence on the acts of Jesus Lord and Savior when I. My perspective to workers and it's got a lot of. Jesus starts from my heart of this. Accepting love and severe and 1996 that some of the incentives are 6. And from the time the position begin informally with the. Islamic groups it's. Before me my own father was trying to slide me with a knife to wise and kick me all out of the house several times with the government . Investigation all the time and when I begin the ministry the buying my wife and took the moral call she is live on is. Also. For my daughter. She was 11 Mons. Told me. On the sports. It's hard to. Believe Jesus is the. Song all through glorious time do persecution is what it was a glorious time of glory for for me and my for the. Joshua man she was because you know you work with batter but you have worked in the Middle East you've worked in North Africa in Muslim dominated communities is his story unique you know you shared some cities takes at the beginning and those statistics are only a slice of the problem they don't share so if there's $4000.00 Christians that were murdered this year the reality is it's much more because if batters dad had been successful in killing him the police would have come in and said this was a family matter this was not a persecution matter this was a family matter and on or issue and it would not have been treated it would not have been registered as and so that happens across the Middle East North Africa where believers are actually killed by their own family members from Morocco all the way to Iran and we see this even in Egypt where someone is martyred but the police cover it up and so this is the reality of the familial persecution is that 1st level persecution then the state gets involved in this goes through a discussion about religious freedom you know some countries allow freedom of worship but when someone changes their faith that's where they draw the line great distinction between freedom to worship of worship and freedom of religion because they'll say that you can stay in. Elaine that you were born and you were born a Muslim you stay a Muslim but you can't become a Christian and even in the most moderate countries this is unacceptable converting is it so better this journey that you've been on for the last 26 years. Have you seen other Muslims come to faith what's happening in the Muslim community a lot of Muslims counter the faith it's all around the out of the core and it is it is hard to accept this in the families and government. It is the challenge to the religion to be convert to Christianity it's. For them to accept it and it's a personal personal choice and there is no freedom of religion or in America. Because. This slogan on the side is that is true for 14 of only 4 foreigners if you are going to from outside to come in Riyadh right to have a gathering and I thought of that for moral because your gun not also we we have a Bible. Can die the house. It can go it's a very Muslim. And it's also for the kids the sick kids from you and give it to you from really lot of Evan the Bible you can not have a Bible. By the name Oracle it's hard but. The Goober would say that you have freedom but. In reality your own home for them as American citizens. Better I want in a moment I want to get to your testimony to how you got to hear one hear more about your journey but Josh I want to bring you back in on him. Use common banners comments that this persecution is real it's prevalent but also about the number of Muslims that are coming to the faith to mean you see this as we do and even We've even seen members of ISIS come to Christ we had a young man that called the gentleman that took place in Lebanon and he received a phone call from. An ISIS member he actually was a prince of ISIS and he had a dream that a man in a white robe showed up with an envelope full of blood and when he smelled the blood it smelled like perfect and our man on the ground Peter this is we call him Peter he told him what that blood was and what it meant and he became a Christian he's now a pastor in northern Lebanon. So it's not just We live in a time of great political division and this division only intensifies during campaign season the toxic tone in politics can be discouraging which makes it a very real temptation for many Christians to wipe their hands of politics altogether and after all if God is sovereign and controls the heart of the king as proverb says we really need to get involved in the messy world of politics because political engagement can be divisive Christians abandon politics and direct their own interest toward more spiritual pursuits Christians are colleges to make every area of their life to God which includes how they get in politics they're called to engage biblically this requires Christians to be prepared to follow their political theology to its logical end and vote for candidates and parties that support clear biblical values for more information on the Christians call to engage in politics it's at f.r.c. Dot org splashing against. The dot org. News we can get it from many sources but what can you trust these days we're going to get news that doesn't make you as suspicious as you are informed if you're looking for something better for honest coverage of the latest news one trusted news source I look to is the Washington Times when preparing for the radio program and selecting gas to join me on the show I will often read The Washington Times and have their reporters join me here on the program because I trust how they cover the news join me and more than 7000000 readers who turn to The Washington Times every month to get real trusted news for a limited time only listeners of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins will receive a special annual rate of $6995.00 for the 1st year subscribe to The Washington Times and get this special offer by using my name and visiting Washington Times dot com slash Tony Perkins That's Washington Times dot com slash Tony Perkins. Radical abortion laws in New York Illinois and Vermont are challenging the sanctity of life these laws have lifted the few existing restrictions on abortion in the name of family planning and mental health of pregnant mothers Americans need to Welcome back to a special Family Research Council broadcast highlighting the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church I'm Tony Perkins I'm joined by Travis Webber vice president of policy here at the Family Research Council and the director of our center for religious liberty we're also talking with Joshua you Saff and batter robbery. About the work that they're doing among Muslim back to believers and actually sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with those with Muslim backgrounds better you we talked earlier about your coming to Christ in Morocco you made a journey here to the United States and in part is because there was no freedom of religion in Morocco. You know as. I was a prisoner considered moral code and simpler ways from the government from Islamic groups from the family from teachers from a lot of people and there is no through them we cannot solve them it's a work on will to how and why by the way this is and also I moved I began ministry in Morocco in a low culture it's a home we meet in secret. And sometimes it is full of the scum in inside. Of this to geisha and unthinking kids from death. And I moved to Lebanon. And I have muscle out and most that anybody got closely in. A no no and in it's day for if it was a. And. I was. The persecution under persecution from has been from. The group. To this. Moment and you're also going to want to mar was for my daughter. The answer. There it's very easy to get that. Somebody in the modern form has. All the power there and there we when we. We as. A. Way to you know when I'm. Doing studies 2 years. We're going to have any until a few years. Just me issues what why the why does the Islamic faith and those that have those background why are they so intent on persecuting people who come to faith and grow old in my studies the chronically doesn't give explicit rules for what to do with someone who leaves the faith in the deed it does give explicit rules there's about 3 or 4 cases of people who leave Islam in all of those cases death is the ultimate course of action if they don't return and so that's where this springs out of us from there the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad in the deep and so when when for instance when high on ISIS came into northern Iraq they basically put a piece of a piece of paper on the doors of the Christians of the piece of paper said you have 3 options you can convert you can pay the tax penalty to remain a Christian as a Dimmy under the Muslim control or you die so that's that's the those are the 3 options if they if you can consider those options 3 options for people who come from an ethnic Christian background but for the convert there's only 2 options die or come back to Islam those are the options that they're given I mean that's incompatible with what we would. Highlighted in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights as it pertains to religious freedom because religious freedom is the ability to change one's face and we see many of these Muslim countries refusing to acknowledge that aspect of freedom now better let me ask you this question I want to get to this before we run out of time how can Christians here in America be praying for min women like you that were one time in Morocco or another Muslim country Muslim majority country how can we be praying for you Ok thank you and it's mirror turn to something more moral cosign for the obstacle number 18 of all to human rights and the only reason freedom. Respect is. Going to prayer for us. Those last 3 thing it's more and more to be good witnesses because if well the shaman about the Gospel we're going to die physically and spiritually This is someone else if we don't sprinkle in the ghost. Of this high this hard field. And also we have the freedom here we have freedom here but. There are a lot of people who are in that. Economy krises they are the come along to breathe they can not believe. That. Their families their people and that fun movie is oh. Because they are under us it economic situation this is hard for them and that's why we think a lot. You know it's that's gave us the the rights and the ability to worship God in Free Gold your prayer for. The church stand in all our countries in moral going to live on in all the realities and Josh it actually sounds like a good admonition for I was praying for the church here in America that we would not shrink back from the Gospel because when you look at the believers in the Middle East who look to America if we grow weak word of a find their strength that's right I mean we we you know hebrew Surtant says that we need to remember those that are in prison and those that are being persecuted we need to act as if that's happening to us because they are members of the body is what the text says so we need we need to remember them for sure well Jim and I want to thank you for for joining us in this special broadcast focusing on the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted Church thank you for that and prescience the work that you do. When we come back we're going to talk more about The good news of Jesus for you in high definition radio and streaming it 678 Cale t.t. Dot com This is calle t. T. Commerce City Denver. The enemies of liberty I know you're out there and that you're afraid afraid of us I'm here to remind America of where we began where we are now and where we're heading if things don't change. The stride in the conservative Hello America this is David Rieff bestriding conservative on July 2nd 2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama made an interesting campaign promise in Boulder Colorado we cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set we've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful just as strong just as well funded in 2017 only days after his inauguration Trump indicated his desire to see Obama's dream become a reality by issuing a police state inspired threat to Chicago due to its excessive gun violence in August 27th team Trump announced that he would revive the program providing surplus military equipment to local police forces now in the heat of his reelection campaign Trump is doubling down on the idea but he's also going to add something else right out of the police state handbook speaking at the International Association of Chiefs of Police in Chicago recently Trump announced that the d.o.j. Is preparing to launch a sweeping crackdown on crime with a program he's referred to as the surge a term previously associated with George w. Bush's decision to send tens of thousands of additional troops into Iraq in 2007 according to former Congressman Ron Paul the surge is the Patriot Act on steroids and will target people who have committed no crime his surgeon crudes a plan by the f.b.i. To target potential criminals and identify the anti-government. Quote I recently wrote an article. Listing some of the ways come visit the Constitution and the flag but it does appear with this search they will be laughing much longer if you'd like to let us know what you think physics try to Conservative dot com. Recently a Washington Watch life Tony Perkins talked about America's blindness to what is right and what is wrong and we need to be praying not only do we the scales falls and people it's can see. But we need people to have an understanding what evil is and I think we've lost that understanding because we've been immersed in many ways we've become comfortable with we need to be at a point again where those in Scripture says it was so bad they couldn't block they were on the shamed of what they did and I'm afraid that in many ways that's where we are as a country and a culture is that lead we don't block we're not ashamed that comes with the truth he was wrong about earlier comes with an understanding that there is right and wrong. And. Knowing that. You know when we do we're accountable for that but there there is an accountability coming Paul you can find out more when you visit Tony Perkins doctor. The great American once said we have the duty to protect the life of an unborn child. Ronald Reagan. This is the mighty sick 70 k. T. . I'm Tony Perkins is this is a special broadcast of the Family Research Council focusing on the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church joining me in studio is Travis Weber vice president for policy here at the Family Research Council and the director of our center for religious liberty Travis. Religious persecution hotspots around the globe but one of those places that is near if not at the top of the list is China China Tony as you know we talked about China a lot from the religious freedom perspective China has a history of religious persecution stemming from its communist ideology which has been in place there for many years recent years this is grown worse they've persecuted. Terms of their religious freedom policy of persecuted the weaker Muslims to bed Buddhists other religious minorities in China and including a very they don't discriminate who they per They do not discriminate how they persecute and the church there is a need of prayer God is doing amazing things in the church in China but we need to pray for them in fact there are some reports some estimates I should say that there are more Christians in China than in the United States and the trend is that number is going up and you know that's really encouraging because even though we're advocating for Shine to protect religious freedom ultimately this testifies to the power of God that cannot be stopped and courage and conviction to to practice and live one's faith I mean you have pastors that are going to jail in China churches being torn down and of course you mentioned where there's a lot of focus on the weaker because the atrocities there of these concentration camps is is horrendous. But oftentimes there's not a lot of discussion on the persecution of Christians but it's just it's a very bad Tony you know we talk about Pastor standing remember the pastor of early ring Covenant Church who stood strong in the face of government persecution he issued a statement it was a great statement theologically defending how a Christian should live in society relate to an oppressive government it was great and other pastors joined him in this is basically saying look we're going to be good citizens be respectful we're not going to violate our conscience we're not going to be compelled by the government to compromise our beliefs and this is you know so into. To see some poor for us to know about it and to continue to pray for their church to stand strong well let me let me move to something more foundational as we talk about the persecution of Christians around the world. It's not an issue of fact we've done polling on this too to determine just how well informed the church in America is about religious persecution and quite frankly they're not that well informed nor are they necessarily motivated what does the Bible have to say about that well you know as we already have discussed the Bible commands us to pray for fellow believers who are who are persecuted and who are suffering it numerous references to remembering fellow believers in prison fellow believers who are being persecuted the Bible also has so much there's so much scripture scripture referencing the encouragement of the faith of fellow believers to stand strongly Paul talks about running the race and standing strong there is so much here that allows us to perfectly fit into and apply to the persecutor church internationally and we I think we just need to bring this home 1st cells because he sometimes dismisses it's not right in front of us right we need to remember there's a scriptural basis for the hall is interesting point in Paul because Paul who as Saul persecuted the church so if he if anybody knows about persecution it's him because he was both a persecute whore and he was persecuted himself but one of the things that he did is that he actually went to the churches collecting offerings to help the disadvantage church and even some of those being persecuted that were driven from Jerusalem but he also asked for prayer remember Paul in the fact that chapter 6 where he encourages people to pray says pray also for me that I would speak as I ought to speak here's. Guy who's written the lion's share of the New Testament we were shipwrecked persecuted thrown in prison and beaten a number of times this is pray for me that I will lose the courage to speak the truth of the Gospel Tony these are incredibly relevant passages for what we're talking about today and on top of that as it's been a reference to the we can break the spirit of a Christian where a Christian may in a worldly sense not be oppressed but their spirit is defeated and broken and so right under world the oppression if the Christians stand strong as a beating to God That's what God calls us to and it's our honor an obligation to because we have the freedom in the us to stand with those believers who do not have that freedom overseas as we would talk a little bit about the resources available to individuals who would visit our Web site Tony so we've heard today we've talked about religious freedom as the idea that you can choose and change your faith and live out freely This is key to how Christians biblically understand religious freedom we do not want to coerce anyone even to agree with what we believe they should have the freedom to and choose to God is not coerce us we should not coerce this is an important understanding in aspect religious freedom we have a publication which we have talked about for a while we've produced this last year on apostasy blasphemy conversion laws this publication is no review of these types of laws worldwide that restrict one's ability to choose and change one's faith and you know we've heard testimony even in this program about that it's key that we see the legal link to what we're seeing play out culturally in terms of the family dynamic and spiritually legally and policy wise in the culture often backs this up when there's pressure against those in the case of apostasy laws often from a lot of the background pressure against them converting changing and choosing their faith freely we see the link with that cultural prohibiting a penalize a mosque you see so it's key to this is key to our understanding of a. It's freedoms and this is one part of how we have to pay for this freedom for everyone what the folks you can find out more about that today you can go to remember the persecuted or g. Or Tony Perkins dot com lots of resources there remember November the 3rd is this Sunday the focus of praying for the persecuted church by Stay with us we're going to come back with a look at Syria Christians in northeast Syria and how we can pray for them more to come right after this. Well all this is only virgins president Family Research Council here in Washington d.c. I want to invite you to join the wanted myself along with Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann for f.r.c.s. Israel to or June the 2nd through June 12th 2020 whether you're sailing on the Sea of Galilee standing in the ruins of Capernaum or journeying up to Jerusalem Israel is unlike any other place on Earth you'll relive the final earthly days of Jesus or should pray the garden of God Similarly you look upon go and stand in the garden to know the reality of his story will come alive in a transformative way this one of a kind to or will not only allow you to explore the land of the Bible in the loops of our Christian faith you'll also hear firsthand from some of Israel's political defense and religious leaders join us in June the 2nd through June the 12th for this life changing experience for more information visit Tony Perkins dot com or call 844-872-5155 Planned Parenthood is not pro woman for decades the nation's leading abortion supplier has claimed to be the champion of women's rights but nothing could be farther from the truth Planned Parenthood has repeatedly violated the law and violated when and from aiding and abetting sex traffickers covering up child sexual abuse and selling the remains of aborted baby parts to ignoring the devastating effects that abortion has on women's physical and mental health permits. Racist eugenic roots to the targeting of vulnerable communities Planned Parenthood is an organization that not only promotes a culture of death but makes it a reality in a new brochure from f r c You will find evidence that will challenge your assumptions about Planned Parenthood and equip you with the information you need to be a true champion for women and the lives of unborn children to order this Pershore and to download your free digital copy visit f.r.c. Dot org slash Planned Parenthood we live in a time of great political division and this division only intensifies during campaign season the toxic tone in politics can be discouraging which makes it a very real temptation for many Christians to have their hands of politics altogether and after all if God is sovereign and controls the heart of the king as proverb says we really need to get involved in the messy world of politics because political engagement can be divisive Christians are banned in politics and director and I choose 2 or more spiritual pursuits Christians are called to submit every area of their life to God which includes how they engage in politics so they're called to engage biblically this requires Christians to be prepared to follow their political theology to its logical end and vote for candidates and parties that support clear biblical values for more information on the Christians called to gage of politics is it f.r.c. Dot org slash engage that's f.r.c. Dot org. Back to this special broadcast of the Family Research Council as we focus on the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church I'm Tony Perkins and I'm joined in studio by Travis Weber vice president policy here at the Family Research Council and the director of our center for religious liberty just by way of reminder Sunday November the 3rd is the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church and we have plenty of resources available for you you can go to Tony Perkins dot com and follow the links over there we're joined now. By someone who is very familiar with what's happening in northeast Syria this is an issue that we've been talking about for some time now in the wake of the Civil War Kurdish led forces gain control of northeast Syria where they instituted strong religious freedom policy some of the strongest in the Middle East even those who converted to Christianity from a Muslim background we're protected now this is something that's very rare in the Muslim world as we just heard a few moments ago yet the recent Turkish incursion into northeast Syria has changed the power dynamics in the region and put religious freedom at risk here now to talk more about this situation and what it means for religious minorities in Syria is beside a sock the co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council representation here in the u.s. And some Welcome back thank you great to be with you let's just start with. The conditions as it pertains to what's happening on the ground I know it's still unfolding but give us the latest information. That the next press and press and catching about 460 kilometers of the it's. Sward that was Syria and at 30 kilometers the 20 miles the so in this region basically lives. And Syria Christians and I doubt. About the Kurds in Syria Christians where there are people who spirits father grandfather had run away from Turkey 100 years ago from the massacres that were committed against I mean eons and cd access. By the 1950 so Now 100 years later they're being followed by Turkey again and when Turkey says they want 10 to 30 kilometers the 20 miles basically this is the good agricultural area that provides for the livelihood of these people so if they are pushed out of this region even if they're not. Forced out of it they're being pushed to that and their only option would be to the you see it right so it's really an ethnic cleansing that is going on. Before being traversed in here just for context for those that or a part of this broadcast. This area of the world is home to some of the oldest Christian communities right now it's not like these folks just kind of moved in there they have been there since the beginning of Christian to right the city at shows goes back to 1st century because she and I think they've been there for at least 2000 years and even before Christianity this was their homeland so basically what Turkey's doing is just. Taking. Of Christianity from decision that is known historically as Mesopotamia so taking this route out and bringing. In an army they called them Mohammad the army was shit you had the extremists who really replace this truth of Christianity. To someone of the us that we've talked about the Christian communities that are there earlier in our program we heard about those converting from Muslim background to Christianity and if we think about religious freedom we want to protect the freedom for everyone to choose to live out faith is they see fit. But in northeast Syria as you know we could Bonnie there are churches in other places that protect these people who've chosen to follow Christ and this is very unusual so can you talk about how do we pray for them what's going on and how can we highlight. Them as fellow believers that we can pray for here in the United States so we had assured me that grew in the last 6 months actually to 3 shifts. And. Also and other cities and that Asian like there were thousands of people who had converted to Christianity as hundreds of believe now all of these believes have to feed because just like was expressed earlier that those you had these are not going to tolerate people who are Muslim and converted to Christianity I mean they may not kill to the historical a Christian because that he's a pressure from the war not to kill Christians but they are not going to. Give in to pressure not to kill. And those are and how is it it's and many of them have not even yet proclaimed their faith they would on the disciples ship local churches they do not feel safe to live and continue to do in that region with the presence of those she had these. So this is really put think a stop to progress saying that gospel and northeast Syria we were. I mean I went visited there in December of 2080 and you can't miss the presence of the Holy Spirit there and the work of God there and now again that the self administration was not being vice that they couldn't. They were saying people are afraid to choose whatever religion right whether to believe enough to believe and that had given the space for the. Progression of the Gospel to the Biblical approach is what we have here in the United States no one can be forced to believe they have the freedom to believe and then live according to those beliefs and that's what was so unique about what was happening in northeast Syria with that in mind as Travis was saying how can we best pray for those believers now it's many of them are now refugees they've had to leave their homes I personally believe that their presence in that region of the world is very important and has a stabilizing effect upon the Middle East if they leave who's going to be the witness to the light there in the Middle East exactly because who was going to be the. Or the. ISIS type of program. That was going on and Democrat least. You know these communities give us hope because just because a military solution is not really. Right right you know. So what is happening now is that they're making military average minutes between countries Russia. Regime but. Nobody is. Thought of getting the loan because ice is military emerging on one site and if they get hold militarily then they will defend their ideology so what we need to pray for that they don't succeed. In this approach that the Lord 1st of all will protect his people who are flooding that they will continue to be a witness of war in this land because this is the. Strategic spiritually and I say this because in Isaiah 192324258 speaks of a spiritual revival and then I think this is why this you had is an extremist trying very hard to get control of the land. We've obviously talked about it heard about the need to pray for Christians to stand strong in their faith to be straight India in the face of adversity how can we pray specifically for some of the different communities in northeast Syria know we talked about the communities and Co Bania former Muslims we have the historic Christians elsewhere in northeast Syria even how do we pray for the Christians in Syria as a whole 'd how can how would you describe some of the different ways we can pray for them. Beyond just the need to stand strong and to be protected Yes Well the Christians in Syria and then at the least in the neighborhood have been on the fence you know and and why why are they being attacked even though that number had the wind build you know and many throughout the recent years have been experiencing soft cleansing through economic pressure if it's not just today that we are seeing the military pressure for the. Right to leave even on that I said supposedly secular many had to leave because of economic pressures sort of so we need to pray for them to be able to have economic livelihood continue to live can have economic livelihood and that sort of vibe now with this military pressure but also to be able to survive economically in the long. Run wise their option is to leave I mean just so Christians here in America will understand the gravity of the situation these are people who've had to flee their homes and they're not going to be able to go back in some of these areas and there would like they sold their home and they could take the resources and buy a home elsewhere they're leaving and they they have nothing. Yes but supposedly according to Russian press if we believe it. Is going to come back to the areas that has not been taken by Turkey and as you have these now it is the responsibility of in that case to guarantee the safety of the Christians of the northeast of Syria and also to guarantee their livelihood their economic. Economic well being and some of these will be in the same communities will be in different communities well if some of them will be now that Turkey has not gone past this 100 by 30. Kilometers deep the rest of the area Steve has questions and they are now they have their feet for a bit uncertain about the future so we need very fast we need to pray that they will know that they will be safe and protected and that Turkey and they had this will not take over and Syria will keep their word exact and protect them and give them we can. Make opportunity right so to you one of the things I thinking of past Ranger Brunson one of the things he said is it was so important to him that he'd not be forgotten that he know that there are Christians here praying for him when he was isolated it was key that he knew others remembered him and prayed for him I think with this and the other situations we've talked about it is key that these believers in northeast Syria in Syria as a whole and elsewhere around the world know that Christians in America are praying for them it's important that christians in america pray and our brothers and sisters overseas know that we're praying for them know that they're not forgotten I feel that particularly keenly right now with these fellow believers in northeast Syria I agree with you with this with one of the keep away it's to encourage them spiritually because although they all tolerate it to stay on their land they are persecuted in a way to break their spirit so they cannot be effective and share the gospel. So they are both on the defensive physically and spiritually and I heard in the previous segment talk talking about how bad the spirit right so they are trying to kill the spirit of God inside these Christians. And we need to pray for them and we need to do what we can to stand with them and could assure them unknown to tell them that. In order that to help them to sustain themselves that and then an effect if this pony of Jesus Christ. That we think God you know this his spirit cannot be suppressed by any government ultimately and even we know elsewhere in North Korea and very oppressive places. God's Spirit in the Holy Spirit and the spirit of a Christian within the Christian is still powerful enough to overcome that oppression but obvious. We need to do what we can do to advocate for religious freedom protection of Christians and pray for them. Before we run out of time I want to give you the opportunity to speak to our audience both watching online and those that are listening to radio to the average Christian and even the pastor here in America what would be your message is representing a community of believers that have been persecuted for just simply living for Jesus . Is the question that they had in my mind before coming into the show it was a boy and President Putin of Russia. Guarantee safety. And why not the Christian president of the United States can and he's they say to you. And I think we could not if people here are Christians here maybe they cannot affect the politics of Turkey but they can certainly speak to the politicians who represent them and I believe it is to the interests of the United States and the people here. To try to ask that of this question and try to be involved and that I'm sure they had a lot of people who had looked in the northeast of Syria Kurds and Christians who were looking to the u.s. And hoping that the u.s. Would continue to be there so they can sustain this model of religious freedom and these freedoms that there were experiencing. So I just want to pray that and ask you to pray that this. Free them. In northeast Syria this would be my main question and message where we certainly will be praying that that light that is shining here in the in the Middle East although it's the winds are blowing right that's 186-637-2723 extension 4. The preceding program is sponsored by Tony Perkins and Family Research Council you're tuned to am 670 Cayle t.j. Comer City Denver. H.d. And streaming worldwide at 670 k l t t v dot com We don't often hear an honest review of what's happening today that's about to change as Crawford broadcasting launches our national Crawford roundtable podcast you'll hear about current events hard news stories cultural ideas and other pertinent topics but without the smoke and mirrors of a left wing agenda national. Is available on ample podcast stitcher and Crawford broadcasting. Listen to the national proffered roundtable Friday mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full pod cast episodes at her website 670 k l t t v dot com. Hello this is Joyce Meyer and I'm excited about being able to teach God's Word to find joy in everyday life as Christians I believe that we should be charged up on fire for God and the Holy Ghost and we should live that life 24 hours a day 7 days a week I hope you'll join me next time as I teach you how to start enjoying every day listen for Joyce Meyer weekday mornings at 1145 year on the body search 7 day. Using. Long rumored. These huge lose. Lose someone whom you. All weigh. Dot com. He bore. As in his own body on the tree no God did sweep your under the rug and if that's what you think by believing in Jesus. Rise your crazy mind san was judged by my Bless of the Lord when Jesus died on the cross all the wrath of God against my say and yours is laid. Welcome to all for today the Bible teaching ministry of David Hawker it's here you get the Bible the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible you know sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that God's not going to judge us that because we're believe he's forgotten about our sin but the truth is he hasn't Jesus took the judgment that we should have gotten force him on himself do you know what this means it means that we have absolutely no cause for a holier than thou attitude with others were forgiven but not perfect David tells us more as he heads into the last day of his message in Romans 21 through 3 titled Don't judge others 1st David's here in studio. We're in the month of November Can you believe it and by the way I am teaching every Monday night at Main Place Christian Fellowship in Orange California it's only 2 blocks west of the $55.00 Freeway on Lincoln Avenue $1310.00 Lincoln and we'd love to see you there and love to have you be a part of our Monday night series. Which is currently in the subject of Hebrews was wonderful book and kind of tough it's got a lot of problems but you plan to be with us on Monday night if you can who we start that teaching at 7 o'clock can indicate a new will be an hour that will be fresh air heart God bless you. How about John 8 remember that one. John Chapter a versus one to 11 the woman taken in adultery talk about a judging situation they said we caught this woman in the very act verse 4 Johnny Moses said we should we should stone or now what are you going to say see they already knew that Jesus had kindness and love and mercy and forgiveness toward people for their testing him put him against the Moses Law This they said tempting him for 6 that they might have to accuse him what did Jesus do he stooped down with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard so when they continued asking him he lifted up and self and said that he this without said among you let him cast the 1st stone go ahead and again he stooped down a road on the ground now folks I do not know neither does anybody know what he wrote on the ground there's lots of use the one I like the most I think it was from j. Vernon McGee He said it was no doubt in his mind as an old man that he wrote the names of all those fellows on the ground. Maybe he did I don't know because he said he thought every one of them but already know about this woman how did they catch her in the attic without knowing where she was and how the you know the whole thing is just incredible but without dealing with adverse minds as they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience went out one by one beginning at the eldest little more wisdom of the upper years until there wasn't anybody there but the woman and Jesus Boy what a story. And what an illustration you can sometimes without realizing it be critical in judgment of somebody as something that is your own problem it doesn't protect you like you think to put others down and to be critical of them it doesn't protect you at all in fact it gives the enemy a base of operation to defeat you be careful. Be very careful number 2 back to Romans to the 1st thing that makes an excusable we understand their practices condemned and that's why they're without excuse the 2nd thing you notice is in verse 2 the principle of God's judgment will condemn them verse 2 why well look at it carefully what does that say verse to. We are sure that's the Greek Oyo or demand meaning we know there's no doubt about it it isn't a knowledge by experiences and knowledge by everybody knows that it's in the told we know of the.