Very good man I was telling this before you are my favorite Jew and he says No I'm your 2nd favorite you isn't it great you are my favorite Jew No he said you I am your 2nd favorite Jew he knows Jesus Christ and I pray that one of these days one of these days he's going to come know Jesus as his Savior Oh praise the Lord you are blast you are so blessed to dispense you are blessed to give and so those seeds I know that most of you tie and tithing is giving 10 percent of what comes in to your bank or you know that you bring in that you have to live on you give 10 percent to the Lord but there are times when you're sowing seed and the sowing of the seed is going to bless you be on measure so you are blessed to dispense for any Him You live and move and have your being Last week I read articles about Judge course it and what a great constitutionalist he is well here is an impressive article about the most conservative of the 9 judges Judge Clarence Thomas and thank you Archie for this article it takes a certain kind of character to be capable of Liberty and Clarence Thomas embodies that character his character is bound up with his jurisprudence in an exemplary way born in a shanty in a swampy Georgia Hamlet founded by freed slaves Thomas enjoyed a few hot fan like yours until his divorced mother moved him and his younger brother to a savannah slum tenement I can't imagine. Honor me a meager maid's wages her children knew hunger without the prospect of eating and cold without the prospect of warmth Justice Thomas recalls after a year of this lack and hunger Clarence's mother sent her 2 little boys a few blocks away to live with their father her father and stepmother who turned Clarence's life around judge Thomas' or just as Thomas' grandfather Myers Anderson was a self-made prop or pry it or of a fuel oil business they lived in a sparkling clean house with porcelain plumbing and fully stocked free fridge rater I'm sure that's what he was you know really excited about the refrigerator with food Anderson sent his grandsons to a strict parochial school teaching that all men are created equal they worked hard for their grandfather entailed fields butchered livestock harvested crops and helped build a house on 60 acre 60 world acres these lessons formed a bedrock of Thomas' worldview Clarence's grandfather. He told him he was not a victim he taught him Clarence you are not a victim and he didn't send him to college to become one 0 we've got so many of those nowadays he went on to graduate from Holy Cross and Yale Law School Oh this is so good when I think of what he left when I think of what the Left did to him in trying to ruin his reputation I say that God has brought justice to this issue because Clarence Thomas is a terrific just as of the Supreme Court of the United States of America and I'll tell you his confirmation hearing was brutal it was absolutely brutal but God had his way and he brought into a a rino that is pure white out purely left but Thomas Clarence Thomas is one of the wonderful consist cons constitutionalists and he's a marvelous born again believer also I'm so grateful we've had conservative presidents who have a norm appointed godly justices who honor the Constitution and President Reagan is the one who appointed Judge Clarence Thomas and I'm so glad he is on the bench there so thank you for praying for President Trump we need those prayers for him the Democrats are looking at losing in 2020 if they continue this hunt for some kind of evidence that President Trump colluded and that he has done right things that were wrong f. Course were not perfect but I believe that they're going to lose in 2020 because of this action that they've taken. So continue to pray for him let justice roll down like water and righteousness like an ever flowing stream Luke 20 verse 17 says but Jesus looked at them and said This is the part I want you to remember this week the stone that the builders rejected this became the chief cornerstone and this is the most repeated scripture of any other scripture. In the Old Testament and I love this scripture it's the stone that the builders rejected this became the chief cornerstone and you and our lives here you and Mayan and all the Christians lives are built on this Chief Cornerstone my confession for today by Rick Renner I confess the Holy Spirit is helping me to develop a keener desert meant about people I am able to recognize those who are genuine and I can detect those who have all teary or undeclared motives for getting close to me because the Holy Spirit sees and knows everything I rely entirely on him to lead and direct me in my relationships as a result of being Spirit led I am making fewer mistakes in who might choose to be my friends and close associates of that so good I declare this by faith in Jesus name of Praise the Lord and we've got to be very watchful of the people that we choose to have in our owners inner circles you know there was a teaching about how we we pick people as acquaintances and they're in the outer court but the people that we want close to us are in that holy of holies and I pray that you will choose the best kind of people to be around you and people to listen to also. I wanted I want to say to you before we get into Daniel and this is another Scripture passages scriptures about the end times and both Daniel and John in Revelation heard about the absolutely catastrophic things that were going to happen in these last days and his messages from Gabriel were very important now John had visions but he didn't have messages from Gabriel as Daniel did and it's not so important that you know the prophecies as well as detailed prophetic scholars do you know like Perry Stone he's just really a scholar about the last days I believe we should be aware of what's going on but the most important thing in your life is to know that Jesus is Lord of your life and beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're going to heaven you are born again and I want to give you a scripture before we get into Daniel in 2nd Crimson's 5 2nd Christians 5 is one of my favorite chapters in that chapter he says If any man is in Christ he's a new creation all things have got passed away behold all things of have all things have become new and then in the 21st verse of 2nd create the ends 5 he says he made him who knew no sin to become sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ that's a beautiful verse when you think that you're just a bunch of of messin up and you don't have any right to be a born again believer take 2nd Corinthians 521 and say it over and over and over you are the righteousness of God in Christ then there's another verse of Scripture here in verse 7 a 2nd Korean 54 we walk by faith and not by sight and this is the one I want to talk to you about verse 8 of 2nd Crimson's 5 says so be of good courage I say and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be home with the Lord Paul is telling us right here. Or that when you are absent from the body when you die you're going to be right with the Lord you're going to be there with him Oh praise God So here's Daniel's vision. Of the winds and the great sea and it's from Daniel 713 through 14 I saw in the night visions and there was one like the Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him and his dominion is an everlasting Dominion Well we know that that was Jesus he saw in the vision Daniel had a dream in which he saw the rise of 4 nations symbolized by 4 beasts which came up from the great sea which had been stirred up in Great told by the 4 winds of heaven so we see that 1st of all looking at the origin of 4 kingdoms the Babylonian never could measure the Mito Persian the Greek and the Roman and we know that those 1st 4 Kingdoms have already taken place but I believe they're going to be part of the last days the end of days they're going to be part of this year a peon grouping of of nations together to come against Israel so the Babylonians the Mido Persians the Greek and the Roman that they are earthly in nature they rise up from the sea and are contrast it with the kingdom of Christ which is a kingdom that comes down from above Christ's Kingdom is given by God the Father praise God Secondly we see here that these kingdoms are to mulch us in their nature violent and earthy and demonic they are usually brought about by force by revolution by war by usurpation of one sort of another usurping power from one from one nation to another and by conquest by contrast the kingdom of the Son of Man is given to him God gave it to him these earthly kingdoms rise and fall but when Christ's Kingdom is a stablished it is an everlasting kingdom which extends from. A ration to generation on into the endless ages of eternity and it has no ending whatsoever as Christians we can be grateful to be a part of the kingdom that will never fail Oh praise the Lord and we praise him because you know we are like dust before him but he has an eternal kingdom he is he is including us as part of his body remember he's the head were the body and he's going to have a wonderful wonderful celebration with the us the people of God Praise the Lord now in Daniel 815 through 27. Daniel's visions are in the same vein as John on the Isle of Patmos and in verse 15 of Daniel 8 he says as I Daniel was trying to understand the meaning of this vision someone who looked like a man stood in front of me now I'm so glad that when doctors o.t. Audi's did this key word study Bible that he capitalized pronouns because you can really distinguish Jesus from an angel for instance Gabriel here and I heard a human voice calling out from the you live river Gabriel tell this man the meaning of his vision All right so someone told Gabriel I want you to explain this hate the angels are really wise if you need wisdom as God to bring his angels to not only comfort you but to give you wisdom as Gabriel approached the place where I was standing I became so terrified that if I fell with my face to the ground son of man he said You must understand that the events you have seen in your vision relate to the time of the and that's Daniel 8 the time of the end while he was speaking I fainted and lay there with my face to the ground I probably do the same but Gabriel roused me with a touch that helped me to my feet then he said I am here to tell you what will happen later in the time of Wrath time of Wrath I believe is the tribulation what you have seen pertains to the very end of times friends were in the very end of times the 2 horned ram represents the kings of media and Persia the shaggy male go represents the King of Greece and the large horn between his eyes represents the 1st king of the Greek empire. The 4 prominent horns that replaced the one large horn show that the Greek empire will break into 4 kingdoms but none as great as the 1st at the end of their rule when their sin is at its height a fierce King a master of intrigue will rise to power he now switches from where they are at that time. When that the Babylonian Empire split into 3 other empires which were as not as strong as Babylon had been with Nebuchadnezzar but now he's going into a place here where he's talking about the future and he says he will rise to power he will become very strong but not by his own power he will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does now Alexandria was an example of what will come to pass in these last days with the Anti-Christ Alexander defeated all the nations around him and when he was 22 he was crying because he had nothing out to to be victory be victorious over so he was an absolutely. Probably strong dynamic leader and I think of David David Love the Lord and of course Alexandria didn't but I think of David as the kind of king that Alexandria wanted to be but he didn't know the Lord . This man will become very strong but not by his own power he will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does he will destroy powerful leaders and devastate the holy people he will be a master of deception and will become arrogant he will destroy many without warning he will even take on the Prince of princes in battle but he will be broken though not by human power Hallelujah this vision about the 2300 evenings and mornings is true Nessie talking specifically about the tribulation here but none of these things will happen for a long time so keep this vision a secret then I Daniel was overcome and I lay sick for several days afterward I got up and perform my duties for the king but I was greatly troubled by the vision and could not understand no he could not understand it and in Daniel 12 I just want to read this little bit. Daniel $121.00 through 13 at that time Michael the archangel who stands guard over your nation will arise then there will be a time of anguish greater than any sense the nation's 1st came into existence but at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be rescued every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be rescued many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up we're talking about the Rapture here some to everlasting life and some to shame an everlasting disgrace those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky I love that in some translations they have insight they have insight as to these last days as bright as the sky and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever but you Daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until the time of the end when many will rush here and there what are we doing today were rushing here and there and knowledge will increase knowledge is increasing look at what's going on with the i Phones and all of that's going on is. Mazing that we're seeing so much of this coming to pass right now friend but don't be anxious Don't be worried because he promised that God's people will be rescued and I believe that rescue is with the rapture we will be caught up as I talked to you yesterday caught up Oh praise God I have a song here by Jensen Franklin and I love this song I vowed on my knees and cried holy we're going to hear about heaven today. A dream you. Really should call. Mean. SUV. And when I. Gave. Me. Graves. You know you if you have loved ones that have gone before you you want to see them but the one you want to see the one that died for you is Jesus you want to see him 1st of all I want to I want you to turn to Luke 23 just for the last few last minutes that we have here and it shows Jesus dying on the cross between 2. Criminals and the soldiers also mocked him coming up to him offering him sour wine and saying if you are the king of the Jews save yourself now there was an inscription above him this is the king of the Jews and he realized that Jesus knew that he was even though they would not receive him but one of the criminals who were hit was hanging there was hurling abuse at him saying are you not the Christ save yourself and us but the other answered and rebuked him and said you not even fear God since you are under the same sentence of condemnation for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds but this man has done nothing wrong that one criminal knew Jesus had done nothing wrong him he might have heard him speaking and teaching and when he was saying this Jesus and then he was saying Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom and this is a beautiful promise for you today if he said this to the criminal that was hanging be beside him this is what he says to you today Truly truly I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise and friend don't fear the time when you are going to escape this earth this earthly crust and all that is involves and go to be with Jesus is going to be a wonderful time remember today you will be with me in Paradise God bless you Dan and I are on the air tomorrow you just have a wonderful day stay warm and know that I love you. Thank you for listening to a call to freedom with Barbara Carr Mag You may get in touch with Barbara had a call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may be. Your message at 186-691-7725 extension 6 call to freedom is Thanks for joining us for called a freedom with Barber Carmack brought to you by fire and rain ministries on this Thursday afternoon on the body 670 k.l. T.t. The nation's most powerful Christian voice contact barber for a copy of this show or any of the past ones and don't forget that she's here because of God's faithfulness through you his people who call him become power partners and donate to the ministry on a regular basis and pray for Barbara as well do that today at 866-917-7256 then join us tomorrow a Good Friday show is awaiting you on called a freedom awaiting your next is Ron Darden bored to win with a good perspective for all of us on this day we call Halloween that's ahead for you on the mighty 670. This is Anna Graham Lotz with the daily like for daily living Paul instructed Timothy in 2nd Timothy 16 every minute to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands the gift of God was the Holy Spirit Timothy had the far it was his responsibility not to quench or grieve the Holy Spirit but they yield every part of his life to him so he was filled with far and deliberately maintained maintaining the fire requires intentionally establishing spiritual disciplines there are simple choices but not always easy daily prayer daily babble reading sharing the gospel continuous ability and so you live out what God says in His word continuous trust as you relinquish your expectations and let him have his way deepening surrender to his authority especially in times of pain and suffering listen to me which discipline do you lack which one do you need to develop further in order to keep the fire burning this is a engram lots honoring God and country this is Colorado's Christian station am 670 k. L. T. . The c e l network is pleased to present Ronald l. Dart and born to Will. Excuse me for asking but what's wrong with you people why on earth would you dress up your children like witches for hobgoblins ghosts demons dead man's bones and then send them out to commit extortion on your neighbors by demanding treats and threatening tricks if the neighbors don't come across. What could you possibly be thinking and why allow your children to go to the door of the house of a total stranger and said gifts of candy I thought we didn't want our children accepting candy from strangers and Anyways got to the place where you have to take the candy and the apples and stuff down to the hospital have next right to be sure there isn't a razor blade in bed it is somewhere my you know can we afford to go out and buy some candy for our kids do we have sentiment of the neighbor's house begging for it they call it Halloween because it falls on the eve of All Hallows or All Saints Day This is the day when the church honors all the great Christians of years gone by people who live good lives and sometimes sacrificial lives in their service to other Christians and other peoples Well you know considering that I've got a question since this day All Hallow's is all about people who have lived their lives doing good works why don't we dress our kids up in costumes representing these good people and take them out on All Hallows' to do good works good that have gone either way i could we have made that choice I mean we do we have to go dead men's bones and all that stuff couldn't we have gone out and done good works instead of tricks or treats why don't we put together packages of candy and gifts and take on the Angels to a nursing home somewhere and go around giving gifts to the elderly and the infirm why don't we teach our little angels to sing songs for the old codgers that would bring tears to their eyes why would we have let's say one of these cute little girls call up in the lap of an elderly lady and give her a big hug any idea what a difference would make in the life of an old person who put her on the ever gets to see or own grandchildren because nobody will bring I mean why is it that we don't teach our children how good it feels to do nice things for other people instead of teaching them greed and extortion. Again I said I don't get it we had a choice of doing one of the other who in the world made the choice of taking it one way instead of the other what you're allowing your kids to do by the way on Halloween has nothing to do with all saints it's the old Druid New Year Sam again the night in which the doors of the abyss the underworld with all their evil spirits are released out into the world I was rummaging around last night on the Internet trying to find something about Halloween and I came across one of these Internet magazines called Sam pain of all things and I found this little item in there that I thought you might find of interest it says this Sam Hain in the Druidic calendar was the beginning of the year a time when barriers between man and the Supernatural were lowered fires were lit to honor the descending sun god on the eve of Samhain the gates of the abyss were unlocked and spirits from below flew free human souls that have been trapped in the bodies of animals were released by the Lord of the dead and sent to their new incarnation it sounds like lots of fun didn't the rituals of the eve of Sam Hain have passed in a modern mainstream custom as Halloween today of course this is the magazine article continuing there is rarely any religious feeling in the festivities but a fascinating celebration of night and imagination remains children and adults reach into literature television comic books for the depths of their own minds that's not like that the depths of their own minds and bring out the faces of mythic creatures or characters to wear over their own the creative energy at work in the streets on Halloween night is electrifying and I suppose that's true if you're a member of the same pain group. An important factor continuing to read is the opening of the abyss Although Christianity has absorbed the shell of the concept of hell and you know Aryan as hell myth the pagan underworld is not simply a pit for the torment of the unconverted in many cosmologist paradise as well as torment can be found in the underworld shucks folks you can find even have heaven or hell exist in the underworld according to Homer the underworld is a vague shadowy place where the dead have only a dream like awareness heroes descend to the underworld and always return with some essential knowledge or prize of a c s n e s Hercules and several more outer Graeco-Roman mythology alone. This aspect of the underworld the article continues is the most illuminating what as far as the archetypes origin is concerned the dark terrifying realm of night and death the how age the solutions to the limits of legendary heroes is in the same dark terrifying realm and which artists delve for inspiration the Delphic Oracle has delivered their prophecies after breathing a mist that rose from the underground Likewise an artist weaves the phantoms of the ideal buried in the deep unconscious that rise out of the abyss into her work. Sam Hain past and present is a symbol of imagination Unbound The purpose of this magazine is the same join us open the gates of the underworld inhale the or ocular mists and speak with the voice of the best so. No thanks I don't think I want any of that. A lot of people are concerned about pornography on the internet but naked ladies are not the only hazard your kids face on the internet here's a magazine online inviting them to join Sam hain and to speak with the voice of the abyss but that would be seen as cool I suppose by parents who allow their kids to observe Samhain on Halloween and to do so in the traditional Samhain customs covering your face with another person's face dressing yourself up like animals are like creatures or like demons but what you may not know about Halloween with all its witches and hobgoblins and spirits and demons is that the whole thing is based on a great big lie when I come back after these words I'll tell you what that lie is. If you need help in teaching Christian values to your children at home write for call and give us the ages of your children and the call letters of this radio station warns away and we'll send you a free sample lesson from educational adventures listen for the address at the close of this program or call toll free 1888 Bible 44. Allen weened with all of its witches hobgoblins ghosts spirits demons and representations of evil the whole thing is based on a great big lie. But start with the idea of underworld of Hades of the place of the dead you know where the place of the day it is probably got one not that many miles from your house it's a cemetery the next time you visit a cemetery maybe to play some flowers on a grave or loved one or just make a visit of Honor to the tomb of somebody that you liked and respected the next time you visit one of these places spend a little time walking around the place look at the flowers look at the care look at the grooming of the place we'd what is put on the stones of remembrance of people this where you're standing is the place of the dead and it may be one of the most peaceful and quiet places in your community I mean you could park on a tombstone and talk to the people there without any fear of interruption no arguments no nothing it's peaceful and it's quiet and there is not a soul in the cemetery that's going to do you any harm at all it's not a place of dread and he will fact of the matter is there are more expressions of love per square yard in a cemetery than any other part of your town by far you know I guess the place this really came home to me and I hadn't thought much about it I had heard all the old myths and I guess kind of bought into a little bit about well cemetery I don't want to go cemeteries I suppose we're dead people aren't all that kind of stuff but one day my old inaudible German short haired pointer died she'd been with me a lot of years and I loved her dearly and I couldn't bring myself to have that old faithful old dog thrown out on the you know a trash heap somewhere and where I lived it was not possible to bury or so it cost all that much to have her buried in a pet cemetery I wasn't there when he actually put her in the ground and all that but the guy told me where it was and said there's a little metal plaque that says this is where it sat so I went out there to see where my faithful old dog Sugar was buried. Well I stood there looking around at all the expressions of love in that place I was moved to the core of my being I stood there where dozens of cats and dogs were buried and it's awfully hard to fight when I thought about it to think a lot of evil thoughts when you're surrounded by a bunch of clowns and the fact is that cats and dogs are our court jesters at home they give us more laughs than anyone we know and more love than most and I really felt silly standing there in a way reading the sentiments of love placed on tiny tombstones because here I was in a pet cemetery with tears running down my face and I came to realize this is not an evil place in fact I can't even think of the possibility of evil around a cemetery where all these good friends of families you know that you read what they write their beloved our beloved Palace Shorty going all the different names they gave these pets and expressions of love in fact in the pet cemetery the expressions of love are almost more gushing than anything you'll ever read in a human cemetery. I realized that even a pet cemetery is a place of love. Evil couldn't exist in the presence of that much love it's just not possible and so from that time to this whenever I do it in terminal cemetery I I read my scriptures and I remind the friends and family there that cemetery is not a place of death it's a place of love and that expressions of love and honor are found on every hand and I treat them not to just go away not to flee this place but to spend some time here and walk among the tombstones and see where the families are buried and see the little short graves of children and understand the love that we're going to putting them there and the tears that were shed been when these children died and to look at the ages of the very old that are buried nearby who lived in the ninety's and nearly 200 and understand how much went into these people's lives and realize that expressions of love and honor are found on every hand evil would be totally out of place in a cemetery and as I said I like no place better for peaceful reflection than a cemetery but since my visit that day to a pet cemetery I have never felt uncomfortable in a graveyard you know you really ought to teach your kids this early on they have nothing to fear from the dead. In the world a dead person is going to hurt them at all and there is no evil to eling in a cemetery or as there might be evil living right next door and very naturally to the next big lie of Halloween. It is the lie of the appearance of evil of what evil looks like is the lie that causes everyone to look at all the wrong places for evil why they overlook completely the evil that are right under their nose it is a lie that evil looks like all those masks and costumes of Halloween it is a lie that evil looks like a skeleton or a woman with a wart on her nose and a broom to ride it's a it's a lie the whole thing is a lie real Ok what does evil look like well it's in the Bible tells us very clearly what we ought to know about this but people don't think about it very often it's in 2nd Corinthians 11 in verse 12 the Apostle Paul is talking about some of the frustrations he had with people who were fighting his ministry and undercutting him from time to time he talked about how that he had gone way out of his way and been very careful to avoid any occasion of criticism or legitimate criticism from these people he says and 2nd printings 11 verse 12 what I do I do that I may cut off occasion from them who desire an occasion they worry and they glory they may be found like we are in other words I'm going to die they're not going to be it was say they're working like I am people people who do this for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and this should be no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light what is the devil look like he looks exactly like an angel of light. I don't look like some red demon with horns and a pitchfork and a in a tail with a point on it no no no Satan would be absolutely distinguishable if he came and stood at the foot of your bed from an angel of light but look the same be wearing white probably would have a face that was beautiful to look upon would have a voice that was soothing and encouraging he would be just like the real thing. That went on to say therefore it's no great thing if his servants also are transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose him shall be according to their works do you realize what he's saying here he is saying that Satan has servants or ministers in the world and if you look at them you would think they were ministers of righteousness whereas they are evil to the core So what does evil look like well the unfortunate thing is you really can't tell by looking whether something is evil or not if we use the Bible as a guide evil is handsome perhaps even beautiful the complection will be fair and smooth and even angelic and if in appearance evil can lie with total equanimity never even batted an eye and when caught in the lie evil is so smooth that he can talk you into accepting the lie and not holding him against him evil is a super salesman he can convince you that black is white and white is black evil can charm the pants off of you all the horror movies and all the stuff on television and Halloween seemed almost perfectly designed to get us looking at all the wrong places for evil and cause us to completely overlook it but it stares a straight in the face evil can even be religious. You know a good case could be made that it was not the witches they burned in Salem that we were evil but the people who burned them were evil so well now what should we do about Halloween Well I try real hard to ignore it we go out to dinner and a movie and by the time we get home all the little extortioners of usually gone home with their ill gotten goods is as we have no children we don't have to worry about what they're going to do on Halloween I suppose we could all get together society and try to ban Halloween but bad ideas have a bad have to have getting stronger when you try to ban them living in a free society that's not going to work we could try to move it indoors into a church or a mall where we can keep an eye on the Little Rascals we do that we still leave a lot of the bad lessons of Halloween untouched Isn't there some way we could go about this to where we could reverse the effect of Halloween that we could somehow begin to do things right and uplifting that we could begin to teach our own children the real lessons they ought to learn about this kind of thing. Well yeah I think there is I've got an idea and I'll tell you about that idea when we come back after these words or a free copy of this radio program that you can share with friends and others write or call this week only and request a program titled following right to Born to Win Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 Bible 44 and tell us the call letters of this radio station. What if we turn Halloween back into what it was supposed to be originally All Hallows Eve in the words it's the evening before All Hallows or All Saints' Day we can even call it good people's day Heroes Day What if we dressed our kids up in good customs and taught them to do good works kids are little hams and they love to dress up and perform are we so dim that we can't teach good lessons from that we can't take advantage of that somehow to do something worthwhile to teach them good habits take Jesus admonition that it's better to give than to receive no he didn't say this is some abstract thing he's saying that it is genuinely really and truly better to do that maybe you believe that and maybe you don't and maybe the reason you don't believe it if you don't believe it is because you haven't really given it a try. Why don't you consider this together some of your neighbors contact the director of a nursing home somewhere nearby and arrange for your kids to go down there and put on a little show for the nursing home people have them take along gifts of fruit and yeah even candy for the old folks they have are notorious for their sweet tooth these old ladies and old men life in a nursing home can be pretty bleak for old people and shamefully they don't get to see their own grandchildren and great grandchildren very often their kids are too busy to bring them by so they don't see those very often maybe maybe your own kids could go down there and you could go and your friends could go and let some of these old folks. Your kids since they can't hug their own grandkids I know some teens who make an annual pilgrimage to put on a show in a nursing home and they go down and they sing songs and they go around and shake hands with these people and touch them and sit down and and talk with them and they in the old folks get to cry a little together and it is it means so fairy much you know doing good and knowing you've done good really touches your heart makes you feel good these are the days we talk a lot about self-esteem he brag about self-esteem you can build a false up of self-esteem but you know when you really touch somebody's life and you've made their life better and you see their eyes water up when you have leave and they're so sorry to see you go that does something very real for your self esteem it's astonishing in a way to think of how small the difference is between extorting candy from strangers. On the other hand putting on a show for them and actually giving them something. I can imagine there are people in your community that would fall flat on the floor in their doorway if a kid walked up and said we've come by to give you a gift on Halloween. You know I remember Halloween when I was a boy it was a night of mischief we never called it Sammy and I didn't know anything about Sammy and I just knew Halloween but it was a night of the celebration of Sammy Nevertheless it was a night for pretending we were demons mischievous spirits poltergeist it was a night for slipping up windows and playing tricks on homeowners and where I lived in north western Arkansas back in those days the big thing was to go turn over outdoor toilets the town I lived in around 5000 population had a sewer but around the edges of town people were a little bit poor a little bit outside the range of the septic system or the new sewer system a lot of them had outdoor toilets you know there's a room in a path instead of a room in a bath Well Mr disguise we'd go out during the night and we'd turn these things over it was great fun well at least it was great fun until the night we turned over one that had a man in it at the time we turned it over truth is that most of our exploits were going to imaginations and the worst of the stories we told about Halloween all the bad things we did never happened at all in fact I think to get a bunch of guys together telling stories like that they'd be hard put to know for sure whether they really did that or whether the story just got bigger with the telling over the years. I have to say that at some perverse level there was something resembling fun involved in all that but I can't help thinking how long it took me to learn the very real fun of giving joy to others because it really is fun it makes you feel good. I am frankly a little annoyed at my parents in my church for winking and nodding at the mischief of Halloween for chuckling over all this stuff the least they could have done was disapproved the most they could have done was to have taught me a better way and of all people the churches ought to know that then they ought to be doing it the mischief gave me no joy learning to give some pleasure to others might well have given me great joy and the high that comes from giving can become addictive just like doing evil can be addictive you know for several years back in the late eighty's and early ninety's the city of Detroit was gripped with a wave of arson and Halloween in 1904 there were a $180.00 fires set on what they called Devil's Night Halloween it became an absolute epidemic of evil feeding on evil but the citizens of Detroit got together decided to try to do something about it merchants donated radios citizens from organizations and lodges took to the street in great numbers and they organized themselves to visit every nook and cranny of Detroit once every hour the next year the city declared victory over the devil and the number of fires was reduced to a record low and they dubbed it Angels night it's interesting they stepped across from the evil to the good they had the right idea drive out evil with good change the name change the conduct stop calling a Halloween call it All Saints Day or call it good People's Day call it good actions Good Deeds Day Saints or holy people they're good people and we can teach our children to imitate the example of good people by doing good works. I honestly believe that kids can learn that good works can be just as much fun as mischief. And a lot more satisfying in the 12 chapter the book of Romans Paul said this beginning in verse 19 let love be without pretense and the horror of that which is evil cleave to that which is good you know you you can't judge by appearances but we do know the difference tween good actions and evil actions and he says we need to learn even as little children there is absolutely no reason if it's better to give than to receive that we can't learn that as children it was better for adults is better for kids ever for that which is evil cleave to what's good be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love in honor preferring one another don't miss lawful in business Paul said be fervent in spirit serving the Lord rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation continuing instead in prayer and then he says distributing to the necessity of the saints looking out for good people out there in the world and considering people that are old perhaps and and can't take care of themselves in the way that they used to do and to distribute that is to give to the necessity of these people given to hospitality learn what it's like to feed someone to bring someone into your home to be kind to people bless them that persecute you bless and curse not rejoice with them that rejoice weep with them that we've learned the lessons of sympathy empathy and of caring about other people who think children can learn this recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men and as if it's possible as much as lies within you to live peaceably with all men and you don't do that by turning over his outhouse. Don't avenge yourselves but give place under wrath it is written Vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord therefore if your enemy is hungry feed him if he's thirsty give him something to drink for enjoy doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head and then comes this marvelous fundamental Christian teaching Don't be overcome by evil overcome evil with good. Until next time this is Ronald hearts and don't forget you were born to do good the Born to Win radio program with Ronald Eldard is sponsored by Christian educational ministries and made possible by donations from listeners like you if you can help please send your donation to born to women Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 you may call us at 1888 Bible 44 and visit us online at Born to Win dot net The preceding program is sponsored by Christian educational ministries God's word worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age d. On am 670 calle t.t. 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