Therefore her on Wednesday afternoon I said Ok well let's do it Tuesday Well 1st of all we said Thursday then she had another appointment on Thursday so I could Ok well let's do it Tuesday not knowing that it was going to be snowing I've got a foot of snow at my house snowing and blowing and so called And so when Matt called in and called me and said Why don't you stay home today he says I do have an encore show and I said you know why Kimberly is prepared to teach Isaiah 61 and I hope you enjoyed that teaching by Kimberly she was so excited to talk about oaks of righteousness. And then we were talking about Lord Of The Rings when she called me about the trees that came and they brought victory for the little hobbits and they were oaks of righteousness so I pray that you are an oath of righteousness in your community in your family today in your home today that you are strong against the diabolical forces of the enemy. Thank you for praying for President Trump coming against the lies and deception in the shadow government and deep state government I'll tell you I just wish that he would have a thorough cleansing of the White House I think there are some Obama holdovers that are just willing to just spew all kinds of lies about President Trump and of course if somebody followed me around they'd find something wrong with me every hour on the hour but I'll tell you watt it's just been a challenging a very difficult time for this president. And you know people say well he didn't get the popular vote well you know why in the 2nd term of Bill Clinton when he was elected he didn't get the popular vote either in 98 so I want you to know there were other presidents that got it by the Electoral College and I want you to know that there was not this shouting in this horrible reaction to the election as it as it was in in 20072 in 16 so continue to pray for him I don't know if you heard but on Sunday Joe Biden was was attending a Catholic church and the priest would not permit him to have communion because he said I don't believe God would. Have be approving of anyone who votes for abortion I am so with that priest God bless him whoever he is I believe people are beginning to wake up that that stuff that was planned in the darkness God is bringing to his divine light and we're seeing things happen so don't be surprised or what happens and what's coming up because it's going to be absolutely amazing so I'm going to say with you today Isaiah 5417 for president no weapon formed against President Trump shall prosper and every tongue that accuses him in judgment we can damn in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Lord of Heaven and Earth. And I pray that you will if you have some things that are coming against you you can say that same prayer Father God no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that accuses me and judgment I condemn and this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and you're a servant of the Lord this prayer this absolute verse belongs to you. Our memory verse for this week has been Luke 20 verse 17 and Jesus said it said to them the stone that the builders rejected this became the Chief Cornerstone this scripture is repeated more than any other scripture from the Old Testament it's found not only in its origination in Psalm $118.00 but it is repeated in Isaiah $2816.00 in Luke 2017 in Matthew 2142 in Romans 933 and 1st Peter 26 and you might find it in other books also in the New Testament but the stone that the builders rejected this became the Chief Cornerstone praise God. My confession for today by Rick Renner I confess that I am strong in the Lord I am strong enough to do anything God will ever tell me to do the Word of God abides in me and the power of the Spirit works through me therefore I am well able to overcome the strategies of the enemy see you've got wisdom from God and now wisdom is going to help you to apply your your decision making and everything every little thought process that comes through your brain today and you're going to be able to overcome all those darts those fiery darts from the enemy those negative things that come along you're going to put them down in the mighty name of Jesus and regret or goes on to say the future is mine and heaven Heaven is yours because I have the promises of God's Word and the power of the spirit on which I can rely I declare this by faith in Jesus name praise God I love that I love that and I. Picked this verse today because Revelation 1211 I want to talk a little bit about the rapture a little bit about are we going to be going through part of the tribulation or what's going to happen here. And Revelation 1211 says they overcame him that's the enemy that's the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony I know this is very familiar to most of you and they didn't value their lives even to the death in today's world it doesn't seem as if the Christians are winning and sometimes I know that you know you're looking at things and you're saying oh God this is this is difficult but you have not suffered to the death or you have not even suffered even in bleeding because an enemy has come and beach you or attack you and in today's world you may think that the enemy is winning that the left is winning that the people that are against the constitution or against the Bible are winning they're not it seems that unbelievers have the victory they've taken over all of life here in the United States don't believe it don't believe it they run the government and the media and the schools and most everything else but things are not necessarily what they seem as The Book of Revelation points out here and I want you to know that since the beginning of this year. And even Let's see I think he's taken President Trump and this is grassroots America has taken in 300000000 dollars this year 300000000 dollars from people just like you and me that realize we got a great president I'm going to give to him and it's important that we do that we support him just as it is it important that you not only pray for people that teach you the Word of God but you give Yeah you give because you want them to be blessed and continue on in their ministry. Revelation 11 says it and we're talking about the 2 witnesses that come and preach the gospel and they. You know the enemy appears to be victorious here because they die and they lay in the streets they lay in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 and a half days now boy most people say well get them out cover them up do something and yet the people were rejoining and sending gifts back and forth because these 2 you know probably radical teachers had been had been engaged in telling the whole area about Jesus Christ but they lay there for 3 days. And it's I just love this part of this Scripture yet there the rejoining the rejoicing of the people and the gift giving was premature and God breathed new life into them and they stood upon their feet and had dominion over the world with Christ the King of Kings see they ascended into heaven I don't know how that's going to happen but I believe that we're going to be with Jesus Christ watching all this and we're going to be clapping our hands and rejoicing when these 2 witnesses come and appear before Jesus Christ is ever pictured throughout the entire book of Revelation over and over again as the victor he is the victorious one and because he is victorious we who are in Him are victorious also in spite of everything that may seem to be the other way around are believers in great tribulation they shall come out of it are they killed they shall stand up on their feet and there will be people in the tribulation that come to believe in Jesus Christ during that time yes and they will probably be killed because and a Christ is out to sweep out anything that is for Jesus are they persecuted they shall stand victoriously upon Mount Zion are their prayers not heard their prayer shall set the judgments in motion and they will rule the world Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will one day inherit the nations as he has been promised I want to turn a little bit to hear Revelation 19 it's talking about Jesus being the victor and in verse 11 of Revelation 19 his god so good and I saw Here's John on the Isle of Patmos alone a lonely man and he's seeing all these visions and I see heaven opened and behold a white horse and he who sat upon hit called faithful and true why does Jesus to you he's faithful this he is he complete it is. Simon here on earth and he's true Jesus is the truth he's full of grace and truth as John ones tells us and in righteousness he judges and wages war and his eyes are a flame of fire and upon his head he has a name written upon him which no one knows except himself and he is clothed with a robe dipped in blood yes and his name is called You know what his name is called . The Word of God The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and is name is still the Word of God His name will be the Word of God through all eternity and the armies which are in heaven and clothed in fine linen white and clean we're following him on white horses that's us that's us. I'm from his mouth comes a sharp sword so that with it he may strike and smite the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron and he will tread the wine press of the fierce wrath of God the almighty he's going out there to defeat the enemy for the last time praise God forever we have a champion that's going to defeat the devil forever and on his robe and on his thigh he has a name return sat with May King of Kings and Lord of Lords a lujah. Jesus King of Kings we praise and on are you for being the ruler of the Nations thank you for revealing what is to come thank you that we will be victorious with you and the evil $11.00 day will be completely uprooted and destroyed. Our believers in the Great Tribulation and as I said just a few moments before. When we are raptured all those who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will join Jesus in the clouds he will not come down to earth but he will be sounding as the trumpet will sound and he will gather the Saints and us and everybody who knows Jesus in the clouds and there will be people on this earth that when the tribulation begins they will have enough smarts enough wisdom to say Ok I know that I was wrong Jesus is Lord and I don't care if you kill me because the majority of the people will say Ok I'll take the mark I'll take the mark so I can. Get groceries or I'll take the mark so I can buy enough gas but let's look at 1st that's alone eons for 13 through 18 there are several scriptures that are very plain and clear about what's going to happen and here's Paul saying in 1st this alone eons for and now dear brothers and sisters we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope for since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again we also believe that when Jesus returns God will bring back with him the believers who have died we will tell you this directly from the Lord we who are still living when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those who have died for the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a calm and ing shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God you will know when Jesus comes. First the Christians who have died will rise from their graves their souls and their spirits who have been with the Lord when they have died they are going to join their physical new bodies not their old bodies their physical new bodies then together with them we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up that's hard Pozzo in the Greek and it also wrapped Turo in the Latin I never studied Latin but I was listening to Helen's and the other day and together those who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up that's where Rapture comes our ra Pozzo Rapture comes from that caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air then we will be with the Lord for ever so encourage each other with these words. You can be encouraged friend and have hope that what ever happens you're going to be with Jesus soon in 1st Corinthians 155355 I I realize that as this this weather is just this one. Weather pattern is just changing all the time and it's like Matt was talking to me before the program today the earth is growing for the revealing of the sons and daughters of Jesus Christ and you're going to see more and more fluctuation of the weather patterns of this earth but God's going to take care of you 1st Corinthians 155355 what I am saying Dear brothers and sisters is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the kingdom of God Ok so we know that in the twinkling of an eye our physical bodies well if we're still alive when Jesus comes we'll be changed instantly into that wonderful resurrected immortal body that Jesus had. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever but let me reveal to you a wonderful secret we will not all die but we will all be transformed it will happen in a moment in the blink of an eye when the Last Trumpet is blown for when the trumpet sounds those who have died will be raised to live forever and we who are living will also be transformed for our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die our mortal bodies must be transformed in to immortal bodies then when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die I felt a little oh I'm really getting excited here this scripture will be fulfilled and death swallowed up in victory over death where is your victory Oh Death where is your staying and I'll tell you if you've known a loved one a close loved one a son a daughter a husband a wife then you know when they died there was a sting there was a sting in that death and it took you a long time but God is going to feel that void in use but you sweet people I know he's going to do that for you here's a song by Terry McCollum And can you hear the sound of heaven. Try to. Join Praise God when we see him all we're going to do is ballad down and say hold. Are you Lord he says in Luke 21 heaven and earth will disappear but my words will never disappear so he tells us friend beyond guard beyond guard Don't let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness and by the worries of this life don't let that day catch you unaware like a trap for that day will come upon everyone living on the earth keep alert I'll tell you God has kept his. Promises in the Word of God about Jesus he's going to keep his promises about his the 2nd coming of Jesus keep alert at all times and pray that you might be strong enough to escape these coming horrors and stand before the Son of God Well you know walk if you know Jesus as your Savior and Lord you're going to stand before him confident that he is your Lord of Lords King of Kings and Lord of Lords it's been so good being with you I'll see you tomorrow God bless you stay warm and take joy. Thank you for listening to call to freedom with Barbara Carmen you may get in touch with Barbara and call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 186-691-7725 extension 6 call to freedom is You're listening to the nation's most powerful Christian voice the Madi $670.00 calle t.t. Another powerful broadcast of call to freedom with Barber Carmack brought to you by foreign rain ministries and Barbara's very grateful letter joinery each day for its study in God's word and that you're blessed by the ministry returned a blessing to Barbara as well once you were in your color and become a power partner today at 866-917-7256 join her tomorrow for another good study in God's word we'd be glad if you'd stay tuned for some good programs up ahead for you and that includes born to win with Ron dart up next 2 pm it's the good news an edgy Austin and 3 pm a perspective on today's culture from a biblical world view is coming up at 3 for you on Bob in your live here on the mighty segue 70 Cayle to 80. Women of all ages want to discover who God has fashioned to be by walking in your kingdom inheritance you are destined to change the atmosphere everywhere you go join us Nov 7th through the night at the women arrive conference on the campus of Paris Bible college in Woodland Park this event is free fellowship with other faith filled women can learn from influential speakers such as Dorothy Brown the wife of newscaster James Brown and register today at women rise conference dot com. The c e m network is pleased to present Ronald Eldar and born to women. Suppose a young couple have brought a baby into the world and now they've decided they don't want it the reason could be almost a thing maybe they can't afford it maybe they're already got 4 children and a 5th is just going to be more than they can handle or maybe the baby is the wrong gender or they they wanted a boy and they got a girl or Perish the thought the child is handicapped Maybe it has Down's Syndrome or perhaps it was born blind perhaps lame perhaps deaf but would it be wrong I mean how do we feel as a society if this young couple should decide since they don't want the child would be wrong for them to kill the child. Now please I'm asking this question seriously because in the great debate going on right now in our land over questions of life and choice there's got to be common ground somewhere do we as a society have the right to force parents to take care of their children can we put parents in jail because they abuse their children or God forbid they go off on a vacation someplace and they're gone for a week week and a half and they left behind children that are far too young to take care of themselves and the children get in trouble can we punish that couple for child neglect Well of course we can of course we have the right to force parents to take care of their children of course we have the right to punish them in cases of child abuse child neglect or God forbid infanticide we believe it is the responsibility of the community of society to protect children to protect children from their own parents when it's necessary and sometimes it is tragically necessary any society that does not protect children does not deserve to survive any society that does not exalt life over death does not deserve to survive. Until very recently I would have said we had common ground in this country on the question of infanticide we're a modern people we're divorced from the old superstitions of the past we're a progressive people we can feed all the babies that will be born among us we don't have to starve some of them to death or or let's say neglect them to death by putting them out on the ice or burying them in the sand and and killing them because we can't afford to feed them we've got plenty of food to give to children we don't have to kill off female babies because we figure they'll never find husbands as some ancient societies have done because in our society women have a value on their own they don't have to have a husband to have a life we don't need to kill off our babies as some societies thought they needed to do in the past and so consequently I would have said no no we're a modern society we all agree that infanticide is wrong I would have thought we are on common ground on this whether we are pro-life or pro-choice now I am beginning to wonder because partial birth abortion seems to cross the line Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said of partial birth abortion it is as close to infanticide as anything I have come up on No why would he say that well partial birth abortion takes place very late in a pregnancy the baby is fully formed it moves its limbs it reacts to stimuli it opens and closes its fingers and as most expectant mothers will tell you it can kick in this procedure the woman is fully dilated and the baby is turned so they can be pulled out by its feet when everything is out except the head of the baby the baby can be seen moving its arms and its legs and opening and closing its fingers. The doctor then insert scissors into the back of the skull opens the scissors inserts a suction tube and sucks out the baby's brains killing it only then is the dead baby removed Senator Moynihan says it's close to infanticide how well how close is it answer about 4 inches one more tug and the doctor will have a live baby on his hands it may have a hard time surviving because you know at 242628 weeks they are pretty young but nevertheless it's a baby and for the moment it's alive if he kills it now he has committed a crime 4 inches earlier and he has committed a medical procedure and frankly you and I know and the doctor knows Senator Moynihan knows the press knows the difference is pure fiction and one wonders why it is that someone who would decry infanticide would lobby so hard to preserve such a procedure and in particular pardon me I wonder why they would lie about it the abortion debate in this country is divisive enough already without the participants falsifying information by now everyone knows the name of the man who confessed that he lied through his teeth trying to minimize the impact of partial birth abortion by now everyone knows he works for the abortion industry he works for people who are now living at it he works for people who build their fortunes out of the abortion industry they have to go do something else if abortion were a law. And so as if he were a tobacco executive or some other type of executive who stands up and lies about his product already that to sell it to maintain it or keep it out of trouble he would lie about partial birth abortion but you know I don't think we should really be unduly surprised that someone who would choose death over life would choose lies over the truth but I'm not a politician and I'm not going to enter into political debate over abortion I can grasp the politics of pro choice the theology is another matter entirely We'll talk about this question from a biblical perspective when I come back can you imagine the combined population of North Carolina South Carolina Georgia and Florida wiped out since the Supreme Court decision allowing abortion more than $58000000.00 lives have been destroyed and we engage in such destruction and not pay for its free program titled The class that never was right to Born to Win Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 188 Bible 44 I had a friend once who went on a big game how did what was then called Rhodesia one evening he was sitting on the porch talking to his guide who was a white man and they were discussing the problem of the Bantu in relations with the Bantu in South Africa and Rhodesia at the time the word Bantu by the way simply means people it's a term that's used in southern Africa for any person who is black. As they did carrying on the conversation my friend was startled when in the process the Rhodesian man informed him that he didn't believe that the band to head souls a black man he said has no soul. Now when I thought about this several things came together there are those who not only believe that black people had no soul but they were the beasts of the field mentioned in the Bible you know the words they were less than human otherwise it was very difficult for them to justify that particularly vile black slave trade that went on the last century no one knows how many slaves there were who died in the ships crossing the Atlantic it was sort of like the wastage of cargo on something that was perishable if you took it along with a black man died in a hole or a black woman died in the hold of the ship they just drugged a body a body up topside and threw it over the side simple as that no reason to worry about it it was no more than a cow or a pig or a chicken dying to them they weren't human they were beasts they were beasts of burden they were beasts of labor and so they were transporting them for sale to the new world when it was sold off terribly dehumanizing thing you know something similar was going on in Nazi Germany when the Jews were dehumanized and then carried off to be disposed of use a slave labor for a while and when they couldn't do that anymore just killed there were so many of them and the killing took on such proportions that the Germans had to find more efficient means to dispose of them always it seems when we charge off on these terrible examples of fratricide in our world and by fratricide I mean the killing off of our brothers because we're all brothers in the skin we dehumanize the person we're going to kill or abuse or oppress. Now the argument is made that a fetus does not have a soul that the fetus is less than human therefore what we do to it doesn't really matter we're saving the mother's life over saving the mother's livelihood or saving the mother's health or whatever other excuse we'd like to toss around about why we're going through this procedure the problem with this argument about the fetus and a soul is it has a fatal weakness a fetus may not have a soul but then neither do you John Shelby Spong who is Episcopal Bishop of Newark New Jersey wrote a book about Jesus and in this book he made a startling statement least it was startling to me he said quote immortality of the soul is not a Biblical concept. Now there aren't very many concepts that are more intrinsic to Christianity than the immortality of the soul and here is a Christian bishop measured in nomination major city probably the dominant voice in the northeast part of the United States in his denomination who says the idea of the immortality of the soul is not a Biblical concept and I was dead right I wasn't surprised because I thought he was wrong because I was just surprised to hear it from him and he went on to point out correctly that there is no word in Hebrew to express what the English word soul conveys the Hebrew word often translated spirit or soul means simply life. Bishop Spong went on to say that in a biblical sense to receive the Spirit is to receive life to be spiritual is not to be a mystic who goes away in a cave and contemplates and stares into the distance to be spiritual is not to be a monk hidden away in a monastery to be spiritual is to encounter life to the full and to live it to the full to be fully alive now if there is one thing that the is that science has taught us about the fetus the human fetus it is this the fetus is alive. And when the doctor pulls the baby from the womb feet 1st and prepares to kill it there are 2 things that are parent one it is alive and it is human and 2 he is about to destroy a human life science has told us that everything the human being is going to be his identity his hair color his eye color you know whether he's going to have b.b. 6 feet 3 inches tall or 5 foot 7 inches tall for the most part in a general way is determined before he's born it's written in the d.n.a. Of the developing fetus. Oddly enough the new science of cloning has underlined it still further the identity is there they tell us that whenever they take the d.n.a. From whoever they are the original source is that everything that there needs to be there to describe what that person is going to be in a physical sense is all there it is the with all those things that make that one person distinct from every other person who has ever lived they are all in that d.n.a. If you combine it with the egg of the new mother and with the genetic material that's there it starts to grow because that genetic material commands it to grow in all of its parts and you can actually recreate the original animal and without a doubt the original human as far as genetics will determine who they are now what you may not know is the Bible revealed this a long long time ago King David do it for example when he was writing his 139th song he said this to God in a prayer for you have possessed my reins you have covered me in my mother's womb I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are your works and that my soul knows right well my substance was not hid from you when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth the metaphor here folks is that while he was in the womb and covered there that he was not hidden from God while he was being made in secret he said in verse 16 Your eyes did see my substance being yet unperfect and in your book all my members were written which in continuance were fashion when as yet there were none of them. Water way of putting it actually I think David's way is much more poetic than science which is all it's all written down the d.n.a. Molecule and David says Lord in your book all of my members were written by the Rings fashioned when as yet there were none of them and David says that he had a personality he had an identity he was David in the womb and that God knew him and knew who he was and Jeremiah expressed a similar sense a sentiment because God came to him called him and turned him into a prophet when Jeremiah didn't very much want to be involved in that activity and in Jeremiah one verse 4 he says the word of the Lord came to me saying quote is God speaking to Jeremiah before I formed you in the belly I knew you and before you came out of the womb I sanctified you and I were detained you as a prophet under the nations now I don't know how far you think identity can go but here is a child who while he was still in the room was identified as a prophet to the nations he was set apart he was sanctified he God knew him while he was in his mother's belly now. And of course God also said before I formed you in other words while he was still an embryo before the form of a child took place in his mother's womb God knew him and or Dana prophet now if he was noble that he had identity did. He was a person he was life he was alive he was human and God knew him before he was born. Isaiah Isaiah learned the same thing. He said listen to Wiles and to me Isaiah 49 Listen no Isles into me and listen you people from afar the Lord has called me from the womb from the bowels of my mother has he made mention of my name. He's not only known he's known by name from his mother's womb so I suppose we ought to face up to the fact that when you go through this dilation process for a woman and bring her back to the clinic after the dilation is complete and you reach inside you could be grabbing hold of the heels of Isaiah or Jeremiah or David pulling him almost into the world and killing a child whom God could call by name whom God already knows whom God was forming in the womb Now mind you I'm not talking politics here I'm talking theology I'm standing on the Bible and I'm looking at this thing from a biblical perspective and don't talk to me about whether a fetus has a soul or not don't talk to me about whether a fetus has life or not it is alive it is human is made in the image of God. And those who call it a baby seem fully justified when one watches the terribly ugly partial birth abortion. I'll be back in just a moment if you would like to share this program with friends and others write or call this week only and request your free copy of abortion and lies right to Born to Win b.-o. Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 buyable 44 and please tell us the call letters of this radio station. When one does an abortion one destroys a human being theology tells us that's true Simple logic tells us that's true why do you suppose this is so hard to understand well one of the reasons is that we've been lied to again and again and it didn't start with one man lying in his teeth about the number of partial birth abortions being performed every year in this country has been going on for a very long time has pitiful women have chosen death for the new life forming inside of them rather than face life with the burden of a child or rather than face a husband when they got pregnant when he's overseas and it's not his child rather than face their father who they think will kill them if he finds out they've gotten pregnant out of wedlock and so we lie all this is a lot easier to do when there is a fabric of lies to fall back on I think it was c.p.s. Know that wrote somewhere the only ethical principle that is made science possible is that the truth shall be told all the time. If we do not penalize false statements made an error we open up the way for false statements made by intention and a false statement of fact made deliberately is the most serious crime a scientist can commit. But science and politics and everything else has gotten corrupted in this abortion debate why do they lie to us why why do they get on television and spin the facts in such a way as to try to make it look like when it's not are they afraid of us are they afraid the truth is not strong enough that it will prevail over error or do they fear the truth is not strong enough to get their way is it a political thing is it a power thing what's going on well what happens when a society chooses lying over truth when a society chooses death over life it's happened before and it is written that it will happen again when God spoke to a prophet in ancient times and and gave him a prophecy it wasn't just because he wanted us to know what was going to happen if you cheer it was because he wanted us to know why it was going to happen and here we sit staring the end of the age frankly in the face with a lot of the things that happened before happening again all around us and we don't go back and look as we should to the past to understand what happened and to understand why it's going to happen again there's a fascinating prophecy in Isaiah 59. Behold says God to Isaiah behold the Lord's hand is not shorten that it cannot save his ear isn't heavy that it can't hear you. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear and why won't God hear us he continues for your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity your lips have spoken lies your tongue has muttered perverseness no one calls for justice nobody pleads for truth they trust in vanity and speak lies they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity it's painful to think of it. But the image of one whose hands are defiled with blood the blood of the of the absolute ultimate innocence a child a fetus whose fingers work that death then it's coupled with the fact that your lips have spoken lies and your tongue has muttered perverseness it's a perfect image of the discussions you see on television when politicians and abortion advocates and others get on there to discuss whys and wherefores of what we're doing lies and spin I say as imagery is maybe a little hard to follow but it's strong he says they hatch cockatrice eggs and weave the spider's web he that eats of their eggs dies and that which is crushed breaks out into a viper their webs though shall not become garments they're not going to be able to cover themselves with their works because their works are works of iniquity and he act of violence is in their hands the indictment of Israel of old reads almost like it was written yesterday for our people he said their feet run to evil they don't just cozy over to it they run to it they make haste to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity and wasting and destruction are in their pasts and I think of the staggering waste of human life of maybe now they tell me up to 35000000 potential United States citizens destroyed and in Bourse abortion clinics they're going up in smoke from the incinerators or being ground up into some sort of paste to be made into cosmetics or maybe their little organs used to transplant to save another baby's life which is perhaps one good that could come of the whole thing. But they have shed he says innocent blood and there is no more innocent blood than the blood of a child the way of peace they don't know there is no judgement in their goings they have made crooked paths and whoever goes that way is never going to know peace therefore is judgement far from us justice doesn't overtake us we wait for a light what do we get obscurity we will look for brightness and we walk around in darkness and you know why we do it because of lies because people won't tell the truth I know the truth sometimes is a little hard to come by but the least we can do is not a lie we grope for the wall like the blind and we grope as if we had no eyes we stumble at noonday as in the night we are in desolate places like dead men why because we lie that's why because the truth has no value our transgressions are multiplied he said before you are treat your transgressions are with us and as for our iniquities we know them in transgressing and lying against the Lord and departing away from our God speaking oppression and revolt and conceiving in uttering from the hard words of falshood. Judgement is turned away backward justice stands a long way off and truth has fallen in the street I can't think of a more apt metaphor truth lying in the street lying in the mud why are we confused why we want to go around the dark because we have cast down truth yays as Isaiah truth fails and he that departs from evil makes himself a prey other people prey on the poor guy that will try to depart from evil and the Lord saw it then it displeased him that there was no judgement and he saw that there was no one in wonder that there was no intercessor And so he said I guess I'm going to have to do it myself according to their deeds Accordingly he will repay fury to his adversaries recompense to his enemies until next time remember liars are losers. This is Ronald art Don't forget you were born to win the Born to Win radio program with Ronald Eldard is Bonser by Christian educational ministries and made possible by donations from listeners like you if you can help please send your donation to born to women Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 you may call us at 1888 Bible 44 and visit us online at Warren Joe when dot net The preceding program is sponsored by Christian educational ministries. At home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word. Commerce City in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the web at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. We don't often hear an honest review of what's happening today that's about to change as Crawford broadcasting launches our national Crawford roundtable podcast you'll hear about current events hard news stories cultural ideas and other pertinent topics but without the smoke and mirrors of a left wing agenda national Crawford roundtable podcast is available on ample podcast stitcher and Crawford broadcasting dot com Listen to the national proffered roundtable Friday mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full podcast episodes pattern website 670 k l t t v dot com. If you were to make a list of all the times you've made mistakes how long would your list be one of the clearest signs of God is God He won his mind is when your heart feels burdened by the knowledge that you've committed what he calls sin sin is simply that deep awareness of your wrongdoings things that you can't clear up no matter how hard you try the good news is the truth but God is willing to clear your account he does it by taking the full. Load of your guilt and pain and giving it to Cheesus Jesus in turn gives you the most wonderful gift a gift of forgiveness and a promise of eternal life he can guarantee a promise because he was chosen by God to make things right does your heart desire complete forgiveness if you want to learn how to receive forgiveness and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ then call 888 need him that's 888 need him. You're tuned to am 67 calle t.g. Calle t g h deep cover city dump and now over at 95 point one and streaming world war 670 calle t t v dot com. You're listening to the good news with k.g. Also in the podcast The pair show at a.g. Alston radio. Now here's here's you all still with the good news Kate is good news gals you've got all gals because producer Marie is here in for Dave who is with I think 23 people at a house at Disneyland 9 of those being kids and he said Marie quote It's crazy better a lot of fun because I said why is it that many of you it is it's crazy better a lot of fun so with that said.

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