David explains more about this coming up 1st we have free resources as part of our ministry to you and here's David to share more about those. Are you aware that we have a newsletter monthly and it's free. Once you join thousands of others because there are articles in there that you're free to use to the glory of God but we've got something else you may not know about and that's a weekly e-mail called h f t connect Now if you go to our website David hockey dot org It's on the front page just click it on put in your e-mail and every Sunday approximately you're going to receive a copy of this special communication about insulin. And more in Romans one at a one a subject verses 24 and 32 when God gives you up Wow Well instead of being rewarded with sexual satisfaction a sexual obsession is created that brings does satisfaction have becomes a penalty not a reward it's possible that he's referring to sexual disease or simply impotence or other things that might happen in the days of the Roman Empire homosexuality was glorified. Made desirable. And most of the emperors who are. Well. Let's get started for us today. It's not out there in the environment there's bating there's and facing there's temptations but the problem is in our own hearts that's the 1st thing we learned and we have no one to blame but our own choices we decided to let our lust be unbridled unchecked uncontrolled we decided we didn't need to live in accountability to God or to have his fear of controlling us and as a result we pay it terrible price they were controlled by their physical desires the desire comes within But secondly notice that this honor that involves their physical body it's people are often startled by this argument of Paul and Romans one but he said when God gave them up the unclean is the work all kinds of lust out of their own hearts and says to dishonor their own body it's between themselves shameful dishonoring. A reduction of the beauty and honor of physical life and sexual. It's well known at the point a graphic industry would collapse if people decided that homosexuality and adultery were wrong my friends even the viewing of that is condemned in no uncertain terms. Contrary to what everybody says we need to get right with the Lord that this honor involves our physical bodies were to glorify God in our bodies they belong to God God wants to use them he's not against sexual desire he invented sex not Playboy magazine God is the one who knows how it works but the dishonor is incredible Let me show you turn over to 1st Corinthians Chapter 6. You can see it in the way people act and what they do and the perversions that they get into once they start down the road of that kind of lifestyle you know several years ago we did a series on the radio on Sodom and Gomorra and a win over the radio broadcast for 2 solid weeks we got thousands of calls literally thousands of calls I never remember a time and which we are bombarded like that when the interesting thing because we began to catalog it is that we had not one single homosexual who called us and was angry at what we said not one and yet hundreds and hundreds of them called crying their blooming hearts out and asking how they could have deliverance and freedom. In the lower we saw many people come to know the Lord and be set free from that it was my pleasure to go to the homosexual community in San Francisco several years ago and speak yes on world famous to Lawrence Street 1000 homosexuals I felt a little bit when we began like Daniel in the den of lions that's for sure. I opened it up to the audience for questions the 1st question says What do you think of homosexuals as the 1st question I thought this meeting is over with right now. And I made a quick prayer to God to give me wisdom and I turned to the audience and I said God loves homosexuals you should have heard a 1000 of them cheer and clap when they ran down I said But God hates homosexuality and if you continue in that same you're headed for hell and not have and the silence was incredible I'll never forget it as long as I live that night over 280 homosexuals gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Because they saw that there was an answer don't compromise with God's word in a crowd this size you don't only have friends who are homosexual you probably have them in your family even you don't even know it has been so widespread throughout our culture it's unbelievable what's happened in the last few years we've been sold a bill of goods there must be a gene there must be a chromosome there. And on and on it is God that somehow it's genetic and they're made that way no they're not it's a learned behavior pattern it always has been it still is to this day homosexuals cannot regenerate they can only recruit. And it's time that we come back and say we have been to God says the desire is in every one of our hearts and what happens is when you get involved with it dishonor comes to your body yes the physical body is dishonored. In 1st Corinthians 6 verse 18 we read this for We've fornication the word is from which we get pornography it refers to the following things in the Hebrew Old Testament when it's translated into Greek it refers to incest homosexuality adultery and bestie ality animal sex fully the wrong use of sexual desire we could say free sexual immorality run away from it now watch this every sin that a band do it is without the body being outside of that expose it will process is all I suppose ultimately it could begin to affect your health. But there is something that attacks it immediately he that committed fornication sexual sin sin if against his own body the Bible's very clear people want to read this. Turn over to feed Chapter 4 please verse 18 and 19. God meant when he said we will dishonor our own physical bodies. I have read the research studies especially of the lady doctor who ran the emergency ward in San Francisco for the homosexual community and it is shocking indeed but what was amazing is to find out what the average lifespan was of the of the homosexual at that time according to her book it was 39 years old while the general population was 72. We dishonor our physical bodies. In a fetus for 18 and 19 having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart being passed feeling have given themselves over and in a city is Snow's standards anymore to work all unclean as that's what our verse says God gave them up to uncleanness with greediness they can't stop. But you have not so learned Christ back to Romans one the 2nd thing I bring to your attention is they're not only controlled by physical desires these actions that show they deserve God's judgment but they are concerned for the creature rather than the creator I was interested to see how many in the gay community supported the argument of Save the whales but kill the babies I was astonished the percentage is much higher. Than the non homosexual community the truth of the matter is once you start to dishonor you stop honoring God and you decided to physical process light becomes cheap the same to be of life goes out the window and all of a sudden now the creature is more important than the create or. So interesting that verse $25.00 is simply reiterating what was said in verse $23.00 God told us that we are all without excuse in verse $23.00 because we change the glory of God without excuse bunch of verse 20 but the argument includes a verse $23.00 they exchanged the glory of the un for a couple God into something they've made now verse $25.00 is the same thing they exchange the truth of God into a long time and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator. That can happen to anybody who decides that somebody else is more important than God I could have been in a marriage in a friendship we better be careful and righted to Smolny says who is blessed for ever and it's not the end of his paragraph or the end of his argument on condemnation or the end of his book but it's time to say a man God is bless wherever we are accountable to Him and to Him alone is like saying with a loud thunderous shout Yes it's gone and God we answer as Peter said in x. 529 we ought to obey God rather than men the 3rd thing I point out to you in verse 26 and 272 verses that are constantly argued especially among so-called religious leaders they are not only controlled by physical desire and concern for the creature read of the Creator but they are corrupted by unnatural passions verse $26.00 foreigner this cause what cause he's referring to the issue of verse $25.00 which simply strengthens the argument of verses $21.00 to $23.00 the steps that lead to God's judgment for this cause what did God give them up to here 1st and cleanness now violent affections the New American Standard translate degrading passions new International says shameful lusts I want you to see 3 things here 2 of the most awesome verses in the bible several years ago I debated a homosexual teacher let me explain how it happened a man and his wife had a child in our Christian school. The man revealed after some years of marriage that he was a homosexual turned out he was quite a leader in the gay community his wife knew nothing about it it all came out she divorced him he then went to court to get the child he then charged star church as. Discriminating against homosexuals because we took a stand against homosexuality and we went to court I'm happy to say that it was a terrible terrible terrible lawsuit and lots of people were hurting that. You know sometimes we beat up a little bit too much in our courts with it thank God we're a country still ruled by law and those chords they were reasonable man they followed through we have no desire to discriminate against homosexuals or anyone else in matters of employment or living or anything else so don't misinterpret what I'm saying but I refuse to believe that homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle that's taught in the Bible and is Ok for Christians it is no and you continue in it and you will go to hell according to the Bible you refuse to repent of it and you're going to go to hell doesn't mean you haven't done it and can be forgiven that isn't what it means but if you continue to do it without repentance you're headed for Hell the Bible's very clear about it you will never inherit the kingdom of God very serious goes for adultery also we went to that court issue and I can remember it. The battles were incredible and it came down to Romans $126.27 that's what it came down to when we argued the case as it related to Sodom and Gomorrah there is a passage it is equal that implies in hospitality as a set of Sodom it certainly was that there were quite inhospitable but it was more than that. We went over the word where it says Adam knew his wife and she can see these men one who didn't know men and they said what I was just to be friends and we prove beyond a shadow of a doubt know that it implied sexual relationship but the court couldn't rule on that couldn't answer on that couldn't say anything about it so we continued on in the battle came down to Romans 126 and 27 and I can still remember it very well. First of all the court protected the church's right to stand for what we stood for and believe that our statement of faith in which we said the Bible the whole Bible nothing but the Bible and the fact that we stand in our ministry upon what the Bible says and Bible does not say the court respected dad and have held that I'm happy to say and encouraged to say so felt that our interpretation of Romans 120 $6.27 was exactly what that text actually says is that it takes a contortion or I forgot what their word was but it takes. A re staging of things far removed from the text to believe anything else and that was upheld and I thought about it a lot as I prepared to specify Drummond's 126 and 27 and I want to just simply walk through it again as though we were in that courtroom long ago 1st of all there's a sexual principle that's violated here. It's very clear look at verse 26 for this cause God gave them up on the vial of fictions why for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature the next verse says and likewise the Greek means in the exact same manner the men leaving the natural use of the woman burn in their last one toward another. In verse 26 it says change the natural use in verse 27 it says leaving the natural use the word use in Greek was commonly used in that time for sexual intercourse there's no doubt about it the evidence is overwhelming that which is natural refers to what God intended how he made it's a sexual principle therefore is being violated it was God's original plan that a man would sexually desire a woman and a woman would sexually desire I'm a man with a few exceptions those whom God is uniquely prepared for his service who can remain single without that pressure but still it is natural it is natural for a man to desire a woman and for a woman to desire a man therefore the 1st thing that's wrong here is the sexual principle of God is violated Secondly a sexual plan of God is completely ignored in verse $27.00 it says working that which is on seemly the Greek word is the word shape or plan or design with the negative in front of it meaning no shape plan or design it means that God had a plan that's being totally ignored here. The consequences of not believing are accountable to God you wind up being without excuse for fessing yourself to be wise you experience the glory of the Creator to something you design you now the master you are now the captive of your fate and what happens is we see the consequences in your whole attitude toward sex towards a physical desires that you have and what happens is because you don't have accountability of God You ignore his original plan is there any evidence in the Toll Road God's the law of what the original plan really says absolutely go to Leviticus Chapter 18 and look at verse 22 by the way I warned you all last week about coming you going to stand it those of you here as a man you go find some else to do and look at you you came back. This is not an easy passage but you and I both know on the basis of what we've just handled and we're just getting started that we are in direct contradiction to society today you know and I know it. Do not fear Him who can kill your body but fear him of can cast bald body and soul into hell. The very careful. Yes indeed we all need to heat that warning David has more to share about this coming up in just a moment make sure you stay to 1st David's stepping into the studio and much to tell you about some of our resources. Our resource package this month of October is what are the Bibles answers to life's biggest questions how go even know that the Bible is the answers can be trusted Well u.s. Spent a lifetime studying it and I have a stop time I'm still going up and the truth is the Bible gives me all of the answers that I need now if you want to m.p. 3 with $24.00 messages on it that's only 25 dollars can you believe it but if you want to see the album in all $24.00 C.D.'s was still a great deal at $50.00 but it's a little more than m p 3 Anyway you give us a call 1875 bible in the United States and in Canada 188875 Bible and I hope this resource package will be an excellent way for you to continue your growth in the Lord God bless you . Thanks David again our resource package this month how we deal with life through the Bible is just $25.00 on m p 3 or get the traditional cd album of how we deal with life through the Bible for only $50.00 and get your order in before the October price goes away order it David Hawking dot org Or when you call us we'll have those numbers for you in just a bit we'd like to hear David teach live well come join us Monday nights 7 for David studies in the book of Hebrews that's at Main Place Christian Fellowship in Orange California all the details on David's speaking schedule are David Hawking dot org And while you're there order David's books booklets and audio messages on cd or m p 3 is a great time to buy and expand your library or get some early holiday shopping done discover everything we have for you David Hawking dot org send your letter our way when you write to hope for today box 3927 testin California 92781 in Canada it box 15011 r p o 7 oaks Abbotsford b.c. V 2 s. 8 p. One or send your email to info at David talking dot org Well once again here's David thanks for listening friends to hope for today I hope you're enjoying the broadcast when I say it Joy I know this is tough stuff this this is hard but God sexual standards will not be violated the Emperor Nero married 2 min at the time Paul was writing he married a boy also. Plato spoke highly of homosexuals love and his work called The symposium. And the Jewish historian Josephus clearly identifies the sin of Sodom with homo sexual practices wow in the whole apis Dali Constitution we read now shall not corrupt boys for this weekend this is contrary to nature and arose from Saddam it says in the 4 century John Chrysostom road and said there's absolutely nothing more demented or noxious thing this wickedness he said at folks Augustine confessed to having been contaminated by it Thomas Aquinas said homosexual acts are vices against nature Wow Look I know the world is. Teaching us something else and I'm sorry about what they're doing in our schools toward children. But folks the Bible is talking about when God gives jus up. Condemnation is coming don't ever forget. Playing to be with us for our next book. Of things to do and we do hope you'll join us and before we go remember for your financial support this month with a donation of any amount we'll send you David's book Life's greatest questions is just our way of saying thanks you can donate at David Hawking dot org Or when you call us at 1875 bible Canada it's 188-7551 from the message when God gives us our monthly question and answer program and a message Don't judge others all of that next week and hope for today. Join us on Monday when Pastor Hawking returns with another good study out of the book of Romans for you on the Mahdi's examine detail t.j. The nation's most powerful Christian voice and this good ministry of hope heard today brought to you by the ministry continues on Calle t.t. Through the faithfulness of God's people like you who donate call today with your gift at 875 bible. Learn about the mercy of God as you stay tuned for In Touch and Dr Charles Stanley and the Join us this Sunday you're invited to recall to worship with Pastor Bernie to run of the ministry of Zion chapel in Holland Michigan or traditional Presbyterian teaching will come your way from God's word each Sunday at 8 am when your Join us for call to worship with Pastor Bernie Timmerman here on the bodies. Hello everyone this is James Dobson inviting you to join us for our next edition the family every day we come to these microphones with someone in mind whether it's a busy mom looking for tips on discipline Farai has been who wants to learn more about connecting with his wife we want to put an arm around your family in any way that we can so join as next time for family one family with Dr James Dobson weekdays at 430 and 9 pm here on the mighty 670 k. L. T.t. . Thanks for listening this is the public square from the American Policy Roundtable with days a not a day let's talk about Christmas in America this year 1783 is the choice and that's that's the year we're doing Christmas in America this year and it has to do with the life and story of George and Martha Washington and the theme is home for Christmas now people go Ok. I don't get it. And we've had program directors and station manager saying Ok how you can pull this off a live radio variety show from 783 Well we actually went to the very front porch the George Washington walked across to $783.00 in Mount Vernon and did some filming there as well and some interviews it's going to be an exciting interactive production if you can come and join us either in Franklin Tennessee or Cleveland Ohio or in Peoria Illinois this year 3 shows you're much welcome we love to see you there and if you can. And you want to be listening to the publisher Radio Network and visiting us at the public square dot com If for no other reason than figure out how we pull this one off but I can tell you Wayne at it we're going to be dealing with music from the period music that actually takes us back to songs that would have been familiar and $783.00 and then taking a few songs from our era and bringing them back and applying them to 783 and as always we've got some brand new music coming up out of the era that we have from our wonderful producers and writers Chris Eaton and John Hartley that are joining us as well so this is going to be a wonderful musical presentation and a great story to tell of George Washington working his way to get home for Christmas in 783 looking forward to the music and the lessons from history we learned Christmas in America look for information at the public square dot com. Salt and light light on the mighty 670 k. L. D. . What could you not do to ever deserve to be saved what can we do to deserve the mercy of God at the cross the bridge they get that on the holy might become a holy in Christ Jesus there is no way to be safe except through the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ that made it possible for a god of holiness to remain hold and at the same time taken on a holy man and bring him into the presence of God and live with. Welcome to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley we're glad you joined us mercy has been described as not getting what we deserve and Scripture teaches that God is merciful but does that mean that His mercy will cover every once and today in our. Series on the character of God here with mercy does and doesn't do. Let me tell you what I want to do this evening because one of the verses I'm going to read says the mercy of God is from everlasting to everlasting and it would take about that long to explain the mercy of God So I really want to 0 in on one particular area of the mercy of God and that is as it relates to salvation. As it relates to arid and shin and what I believe is a misconception the part of a lot of people today about the mercy of God So I want to look at 2 of 3 verses here about the mercy of God for just a moment and 23 that you and I are familiar with look if you will in the 51st song and we will look at 23 Psalms here. And then I want us to look at this matter of the problem that I think a lot of people have when they begin to think about the mercy of God If you recall the 51st is probably one of the most beautiful songs of confession to be found in the Bible and the song is says Have mercy upon me o. God according to via loving kindness calling out of the multitude of tender mercies blot out my friend's aggressions and you remember this is David psalm of confession of sin before God If you look at the 57th Psalm for a moment. Again the 1st verse to be merciful to me Oh God be merciful and to be for my soul trusted in the yea in the shadow of the wings will I make my refuge until these calamities be over past the 103rd Psalm look if you will just a moment. The 17 verse we ask where did the mercy of God begin it never began verse 17 says but the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him and His righteousness on the children's children and if you'll turn to 1st Peter for a moment the 1st chapter and the 3rd verse. He says bless it be the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his abundant mercy everlasting mercy abundant mercy have gotten unto a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ of the day it now there may be many attributes about our heavenly Father there we may not be quite so sure about but the immersed. All of us have experienced over and over and over again we live in His mercy and His grace and His Love day by day and have the not been times when you've prayed and maybe some sin the slip into your life and you come before the Lord and you've said Lord I just want you to be merciful to me just show me mercy. But listen the mercy of God has already been expressed to you and to me in the absolute fullest extent in which God himself is capable of expressing Mercer you and I as his children do not have to plead the mercy of God We are living in His mercy living in His grace living under the umbrella of his love and goodness and mercy toward us every single day of our life we not there may not be conscious of it we may not take advantage of it but we live in His mercy and the Old Testament when they prayed for the mercy of God and to see his mercy they didn't know what you know they did not have what you have they were only ones out of the cross you are now on the other side of the cross the cross of Jesus Christ is God's fullest expression of mercy and goodness and love toward us. But I think there are many many people today who have a very erroneous concept of mercy and so what I want to do I want is to look at this from the point of view as God would have us to see the relationship between his mercy narrow salvation and His Holiness and I think you and I can divide the mercy of God into 2 different categories one of them is that. Mercy of God then he stands to the whole human race and over all the are that sort of his universal mercy and their couple of verses if you look in the 145th song for just a moment. And look if you will in the 8th verse he says the Lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger and of great mercy the Lord is good to all and his tender mercies of over all his works now let's look at the last man for example he has no recognition of God He has no allegiance to God No a Loyal to de God No faithfulness to God and His rejected God's Son that does not mean. That he is not under God's Universal umbrella of mercy there's some things that God is going to in his mercy this story upon mankind the pun his or it simply because he's a God of mercy that does not mean he's able to enjoy all the mercy of God but there is a degree there is a limited degree to which all may and are able to enjoy something of the mercy of God But the mercy of God is not just general it is not universal only but the mercy of God On the other hand is limited to believe or is now this. God's universe so limited mercy is bestowed upon all men to a degree but that which makes us the child of God and God's whole redemptive plan the mercy of salvation is not automatically automatically bestowed upon all men the opportunity is extended but those who enjoy the mercy of God's redemption those who respond to his all for by faith in Jesus Christ peace is in Christ Jesus that whole 1st chapter of efficiencies and fact Paul's 2 key words in all of his epistles in Christ everything we have from God comes in Jesus Christ we do not get what we do is there we get what Grace provides We are talking about the mercy of God which is an expression of the love of God and the grace of God is the means by which God brings about our salvation Now what about God's redemptive plan on the one hand his is redemption of mankind and the sin of man what about the whole in this of God and the sinfulness of Man What about the righteousness of God and the sinfulness of man. You see if God is a God of mercy a God of grace and a God of love you and bikes spirits and by faith know that he's saved us he didn't save us because we deserved to be say he's saved this out of mercy and grace and love so we never come to him on the basis of what we deserve only overhand God said in the very beginning he said to adamantly all the trees in the garden are available for your feasting but there is one tree that you must not eat out of it is the tree of the knowledge of good Knievel in the day that you eat of that tree surely die now you know the story in the age of the trees so God had one of 3 things he could have done from a human point of view could have said all right Adam. You have violated my law but. Because you have. I'm going to just forgive you this time I'm going to overlook that this time but the next time I'm is going to wipe you out or he could have said because you've sinned against been violating my law I'm going to be lost in eternal a separated me forever and all who follow you will follow in your footsteps and they too shall be eternally separate or he could have done them or he could have done what he did he said to Adam You violated my law and the condemnation that is the judgment upon this is death and you deserve death and you'll experience death except I'm going to provide a substitute for you and that substitute will pay your price in order that you might be re d. From your sin and you may be redeemed from your condemnation. Now you see God was giving us that 1st book of the by a 3rd chapter of Genesis a picture of what he was going to do for all mankind the mercy of God is expressed even there even though man deserves death and condemnation and judgment go on in His mercy has provided a way for men to be saved that's where the cross comes in the cross of Jesus Christ makes the mercy of God the love of God and the goodness of God vailable to you and me in a redeeming manner whereby the mercy of God expressed through the cross by the grace of God through faith you and I are acceptable to God Now watch this. What is it that makes the on holy man acceptable to God because he's holy no. Because he's right yes no because he's sinless know that which makes a holy righteous God able to accept an unholy unrighteous man is that his son Jesus Christ who was equal a god holy righteous and just was willing to lay down his life on the cross he became the bridge of blood he became the eternal sacrifice whereby God could say to the on the holy man. My law has been fulfilled my demands have been met and the demands are death for sin therefore you can walk across the bridge of the cross of Jesus Christ and you are accepted not on the basis of my mercy but on the basis of the one that right use this has been fulfilled and holiness has not been violated in the fact that God provided the bridge but it is his his grace and mercy and love that brought Jesus Christ into the world and Jesus Christ is man's bridge to God If a man can get to heaven any other way except to cross that bridge then that bridge was absolutely unnecessary and we are wasting our time talking about the atoning death of Jesus Christ. It is by His mercy and grace and love that we are saved. But his mercy provided the way his mercy within itself apart from Jesus Christ does not make a man acceptable to go. And this is why. He says so simply not by works of righteousness which we've done but according to His mercy He saved us it is the mercy of God the love of God the mercy of God the grace of God that laid the bridge and the most unholy man who ever lived if he's willing by faith to receive Jesus Christ and to meet God on his terms and that is that his sin must be atone for it was the tone for the cross if he's willing to accept that and ballot his knee in his heart before God that unholy man is accepted by a holy God and made right use in the eyes of God. But back in Romans just for a moment verse chapter 3 again and notice what he says. He says in verse 26 to declare us a at this time his righteousness that he might be just and at the same time the Justify of him who believes in Jesus he is the bridge that makes them or see of God a reality in the human heart unto the redemption of that man's soul so that. A man is justified what by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone no on the bridge no the way no the attribute no other characteristic of God will ever make it possible for him to get to him. And you see because of ignorance of who God is and that's one of my purposes for this long series we must understand that the nature of God does not allow some things that men practice does not allow for the philosophies and the little Addie ologies and the personal forms average dictions salvation and lifestyle that men followed today and they will say to us but this is just the way I asked see it when you and I stand before God the way we see it is not going to make much difference now man says I just don't believe at the mercy of God. Be lost forever. Well look in Revelation chapter 20 you know the verse there is that universal mercy of God there is that individual redeeming mercy of God that is applied to a man's heart when he received Jesus Christ as his personal savior but let me tell you something the mercy of God has a limitation do it. And people who live in sin and disobey God and rebel against God and in iniquity and in vile contempt to the Word of God that people who are living in sin who disobey God who know that what they're doing this very moment is in violation of the 10 Commandments of God they did liberally move their way. Trampling on the foot the mercy of God What does God do he just keeps extending mercy. He keeps letting him have good health and they keep making lots of money and they still live in a nice house and their family is still healthy and they just keep on going and they have their places label do all these things Paul says no you not that the goodness of God has its ultimate objective you read pendants before God Listen listen God's Universal mercy upon men can has as its all come objective that men may recognize God and come to him for Christ and when a man turns his face the other way and tramples on the mercy of God He will someday stand in the judgment of God and He will be absolutely totally without excuse Romans one says he's without excuse for the mercy of God his candidate this whole earth and when a man absolute forms and enjoys and takes to himself one expression of 1000000 expressions 6570 years out the universal mercy of God and really does Jesus Christ he will stand in the judgment of God and He will be condemned to listen not by God. But by his own sinful good disobedience before God Revelation chapter 20 verse 14 and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the 2nd death and whosoever was not found written the book of life was cast in the Lake of Fire you say well how can God be a God of mercy and do that. Let me ask you this Is there any evidence that you have that God is not a God of mercy. How many times is he forgiven you. How many times is he for giving you the same thing. How many times did you hear the gospel before you would say. You heard it once and you rejected it and God's mercy was extended to you you heard it again and again and here's a man 72 years of age he walks down down the aisle to say album to give my life to Jesus Christ listen is that not an extension of the grays and the love and the mercy of God. Is there a one of those who feels that he or she deserves to be say. What could you and I do to ever deserve to be saved what could we do to deserve the mercy of God There is nothing we can do that's why at the cross he bridge the gap that only hold him in might become a holy in Christ Jesus there is no way to be safe except through the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ that made it possible for a god of holiness to remain holy and at the same time taken on a holy man and bring him into the presence of God and live with. Guns that if you sin you're going to die and God said but I'm going to pay the price I'm going to come and die in your place in order that you might be saved and every man who goes to heaven will walk across the cross of Jesus Christ to get there. Is mercy is from everlasting to everlasting His mercy is plenty Yes it is bound to fold. It is good. But I want to tell you my friend the mercy of God does not mean that he simply turns his cheek toward your sins. And I want to ask you this evening has there ever been a time in your life. When you recognized your sinfulness before God. And you said to him that you are accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior. And you are accepting his death on the cross as adequate sufficient payment for your sin which you deserve to suffer all. But that your accepting Him as your substitute and you surrender your life to him. There is no other way to get to heaven except. By the love the mercy and the grace of God expressed in the cross of Jesus Christ. Thanks for listening to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley How did you answer Dr Stanley's closing question as you responded to God's merciful offer to forgive you and received Jesus Christ as your savior from the penalty of sin if you made that decision today then we invite you to visit in touch. Slash believe to find guidance on what to do next and from our home page in touch Dato our g. Search for many free resources to guide your spiritual growth and navigate to our online bookstore if you'd like to order a copy of today's complete message the mercy of God It's also available as part of our character of God teachings that again you'll find these resources at and touched auto r g or call 1800 in touch to write to us address your letter to In Touch post office box 7900 Atlanta Georgia 30357. The mercy of God has a role in salvation but alone it does not save anyone the explanation is coming up into. Days moment with Charles Stanley what is God's will for your life. Does he really have a specific plan for you how do you know for certain if you've heard him correctly what happened since his will if you make a mistake or simply fail God's will for your life doesn't have to remain a mystery. Introducing Dr Stanley's newest book the will of God to order your copy call 1800 in touch or go to in touched on the orgy slash will of God. What's next for the church where do we go from here it's sustaining the mission of the church for future generations while sacrificing and offering ourselves in worship to him we can steward God's gifts as we look ahead preparing as the Body of Christ for His return let's finish the journey together get your 4th quarter guide and join us as we find our place in the whole church to learn more visit in touch the orgy slash church. God's mercy provides us with the offer of salvation but his mercy doesn't save us here's the moment with Charleston. You see there are people today who think that they can sin against God and be permissive in their life and just live a life of disobedience. And in spite of that because God is a merciful God He can just overlook that and then the last people you ask them to do believe in God Oh yes you plan to go to heaven when you die Oh yes because this God of mercy of mine he forgives me of my eyes and on what basis because he's merciful but you see that is not I did like the Lancer. And the same man who thinks he's going to get to heaven on the mercy of God and at the same time he's detouring around the person of Jesus Christ detouring around the cross and he says he's going to be saved because God is a God of mercy. And what I mean doing the train pulling the mercy of God under their feet they live in sin and disobedience and absolute no. 1000000000 against God and they think one of these days they're going to stand before the judgment of God and say all right Lord. God of mercy. And what have they done they have trampled under the feet the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Because listen had not God built that bridge never is not one single soul who'd ever get to heaven. If a man can get to heaven any other way except across that bridge then that bridge was absolutely unnecessary and we are wasting our time talking about the atoning death of Jesus Christ. His Mercy provided the way his mercy within itself through the grace of God and your faithful prayers and. The preceding program is sponsored by in touch ministries. At home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word calle t.-t. Comer City Denver in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the way at 670 jail t.t. Dot com. Why would medical professionals give patients what they. I think they want and set of what they need how the fear of being politically incorrect is creating a whole new category of victims to the causes and Johnstone street this is a break point. And a strange sort of way a recent Sky News story reminded me of Luke 11 that's where Jesus asked whether if your child asked for a fish you'd give them a snake or if they asked for an egg would you hand them a scorpion Well here's the headline hundreds of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex the story featured a woman who after publicly admitting regret over her so-called surgical transition was contacted by hundreds of other people in her part of England who felt the same way one of those people Ruby also struggled with eating disorders one would think that the combination of gender dysphoria and eating disorders would suggest a medical professionals that Ruby was suffering from body image issues but as she told Sky News the doctors never even suggested there might be a connection there worth exploring instead it was here's your hormones Here's your surgery off you go orders are Jesus's words here's your scorpion Here's your snake this story is far from uncommon young people in emotional pain in distress are asking adults for help but because of our it illogical blindspots we're giving them serpents and scorpions instead of what they really need just consider the name given to a new children's pediatric clinic at Akron Children's Hospital quote the Center for gender affirming medicine since the fundamental connection between gender and any biological reality has already been severed by our idiot logical commitments it's safe to assume that doctors here will affirm both in their diagnoses and with their prescribed treatments whatever gender a child claims they are but what about the Rubys of the world what about the hundreds of people in that one part of England that were given the wrong treatment for their psychological issues they are victims of our bad ideas and our blind spots too often in fact they're forced to be invisible victims ignored because they're very. Distance challenges the new sexual orthodoxy many physicians today simply ignore that up to 80 percent of children who suffer from gender dysphoria will eventually outgrow those feelings even worse they fail to connect the dots between gender dysphoria and potentially serious mental illnesses that often accompany it like depression or generalized anxiety disorder or in Ruby's case a severe eating disorder multiple issues like this spark the chicken and egg question Does gender dysphoria cause depression and anxiety or is gender dysphoria a symptom of depression and anxiety Well the truth is no one knows with any certainty but the new gender idiology leads many professionals to proceed with treatment as if gender dysphoria is no disorder at all so the best treatment the theory goes is to affirm the young people's belief that they are transgender and initiate the transition process as soon as possible this will supposedly reduce the inner conflict and in turn help with their other disorders where this neat and tidy theory has a big problem there's no evidence it works in fact evidence points the other way a 2011 study that followed 324 Swedish men who had undergone sexual reassignment surgery found that 10 to 15 years later their suicide rate was 20 times higher than that of their peers Well today affirmation passes for care not because it is but because it affirms gender idiology even if it leads to life altering surgeries or hormonal treatments if the patient later regrets it or hurts themselves or are measurable Well hey we'll just blame it on trains phobia the ideas have consequences bad ideas have victims we must ensure that the victims of bad gender idiology are no longer invisible their stories be heard for breakpoint Johnstone's free. Choice to tune into the mighty 67 big change to. Hear. Nancy to mosque walk with my friend Marcy experienced a lot of her growing up with an alcoholic father and God changed her life she realized that she had sand in response to her father's bad choices I had that point wrote a letter to my father and sent it to him asking his forgiveness for all that I had done against him so when I finally got a hold of him I said Dad I need to know if you got that letter since you and he said yes Marcy I got the letter and I need to ask your forgiveness you're not on the knees and asking me for forgiveness I said But Dad I need to know that he forgave me for a ride down against you and he said Yes I've forgiven you and I said that I have already forgiven you and God will forgive me to feel out in a short time Marcy Esol the fruit of her forgiveness he told me that he had decided to make a change in his life and turn his life over to Christ you need to ask someone's forgiveness God may do amazing things through the process. With seeking Him I'm Nancy Demasi. Infusing your morning with the light of God's word or 2 to a m 6 a pale t.j. K o t g h do or say to them and no effort at 95 point one and streaming world war 670 calle g j Docomo. Jews long. Long. Welcomes a classic Christianity radio with Bob George today we're pleased to present a special radio show featuring Colin listeners from Bob's original people to people daily radio program that was on the air for over 30 years offering real answers for real life problems as he addresses common questions as well as the tough issues of today directing callers to the central. Of Christ in you your only hope of glory we want to remind our listeners that Bob George ministries need your financial support to continue to have classic Christianity radio on the air please visit Bob George dot net to find out how you can help support us financially Let's now join Bob as he presents practical biblical insights as he helps people experience a life of faith hope and love in Jesus Christ. We're going to go to end back in Lubbock Texas losing one k. Jack and you're on the air well not quite why and I had calmed back in several weeks ago about not being able to tie than he had been giving me the peak about that that I recently then entered. Not only quit if I get job but I'm thinking of it and being able now. 3 Is that something that it's wrong to pray for because I want to be able to get to pray that I'm able to get that job back that kind of thing and you can pray for anything that you want to and because what God is looking on he knows what your heart is and he knows whether that sincere or whether it isn't sincere. But I would say that you would want to be going to work through in order to supply for your family and to take care of the material needs that you have not your greens but your needs and I think whatever you're making that we do take a certain percentage of that and give to a ministry that's teaching the grace of God as I mentioned before you know if you're looking at tithing as an Old Testament way of giving I don't want anyone tithing to us or any other ministry because tithing is not a New Testament form of giving. But I have.

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