Media dot org. Well I hope you're enjoying our study of Romans I sure am enjoying the teaching of Rome and I'm learning a lot and I wrote a book on it don't forget that commentary is available this month and it's normally $20.00 but this month 15 dollars and it's a huge commentary on The Book of Romans now we're in chapter $118.00 to $23.00 we're still there and the truth is that mental and spiritual darkness is a result of leaving God out of your thinking in your behavior that's what it says in verse 21 it says because that when they knew God they glorified it not as God Neither were thankful but became vain in their imagination and their heart was darkened bullets could start. The suppression of the truce the problem behind it and righteousness the proof calling to the Bible is a rather obvious and that's what Paul is going to lay out to show us why everybody is truly condemned before God. Psalm 1001 makes it obvious the heavens declare the glory of God and the expanse shows the work of his hands. That's pretty clear that you ever looked at a telescope it's amazing isn't it I personally think there's there's 2 ways to look at it if you ever been to the microscopic world that is amazing that and the telescope in world to unbelievable demonstrations that somebody with superior intelligence and intellect and design had to make this is what we call the teleological argument the argument of design there's a plan it didn't just happen there's a reason why the worlds don't collide Oh by the way kind of an interesting point. They hold down the truth but the Savior holds the truth together and interesting by Him all things hold together says the Bible by Him all things consist Hebrews $12.00 and $3.00 and also Colossians $117.00 pretty powerful when you think about how they're holding down the truth bought a savior is actually managing the truth and he is sustaining all the physical laws of the universe by his own power back to Romans one and let's look at a 2nd matter and that's the seriousness of this rejection you could capture it in just that one phrase at the end of verse 20 without excuse how By the way Paul's going to say that again about people who are very religious they're without excuse to they may believe in the God of creation but they've got some other problems in their life and are still without excuse so he's going to show condemnation on every level of human behavior and belief the seriousness of this rejection 2 things that I would draw to your attention here in verse 20. And it's a little difficult to understand let's just walk to it easily and and simply and step by step it says the invisible things. A New American Standard uses actor buttes and trying to get a new international I think it's qualities something like that but it's just the invisible things of him has got invisible absolutely no menacing God at any time thank God the only begotten son who was in the bosom of the father displayed him otherwise he would know who he is God became man to show us what he's like the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen you might read that and stop and say if it's invisible to you how is it clearly seen in other words it's a paradox but there's an answer here not only clearly seen there understood the mind is able to grasp this by the things that are made there's just one word there in the Greek it's Poyan a mouth from which we get our English word poem and other words God gave off a beautiful message in creation about himself and he expects all of us to know it the invisible nature of God That seems so hard for anybody to understand who is God The Bible says it is there is things about God that are clearly seen and clearly understood by what he made it for that which he made clearly demonstrates what kind of a god he is. Now we don't learn everything about God from creation by the way there's an interesting usage of the word Poway Maya also in a fee jps to $10.00 the members faeces to 8 says For by grace you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it's a gift of God Not of works was to any man should boast 1st 10 says for we are his workmen ship it's the same word tollway my that's here in Romans 120 in other words God has a poem of creation to show you about himself certain things but he has a poem of redemption in the lives of his people which also reveals what kind of a god he is because I look at some of us I look at myself and I say only a graceful compassionate forgiving God could have put you into the Body of Christ Amen there's some real stinkers in the church let me tell you and every now and then almost seems like it's weekly somebody mentions somebody that has gotten saved and they don't believe it have you heard it you know did you hear so and so God said I don't believe that that that's a boss I know that guy. You know it's unbelievable a few years ago I was confronted with a guy I used to have fights with in high school and he was an alcoholic he heard me on the radio he called me make a long story short while I'm talking to him I'm realizing the Holy Spirit's work in his life he wants to get saved at the same time I'm saying to the Lord Lord not him please not him you you don't know him like I know him you know and I felt like saying look if I tell you how to be say where you go away you know it's one of those deals you feel so carnal embarrassed about years later well he did come to know the Lord but the fact is that there's a lot of weird wacko people in the body of Christ and God says oh by the way that's my poem to you to tell you what I'm all about see it's obvious is it not that God is a God of forgiveness otherwise this meeting would be cleared out pretty quickly and the wonderful God forgives you he's gracious and compassionate but he told us something else in creation so he has both poems so to speak now and all things were made by him says John 13 without him was not anything made 2 things about the seriousness of the rejection from verse 21 is that the power of God he says is clearly sane What is Emmy it clearly says in verse 20 his eternal power so that without excuse Well let's just put it down where all the kids can get at the cookies in a bottom shelf the truth of the matter is folks that you and I and I'm pretty up to date on this have not been able to make a galaxy yet Hello Who of us has made a solar system do you understand I look at the mounds I look at the trees and let me tell you something I can't do that there's an old saw in his Has somebody bigger than you and I had to do this as we're sure. Now that isn't a lot of theology is it but you see God holds us accountable for that fact alone the power is demonstrated by the universe he created somebody bigger than you and with a lot of intelligence by the way and design an amazing power to hold it all together somebody had to make it you could look up at the stars and you can see that. Somebody bigger than you and I made this and you know what God's going to hold you accountable for that knowledge right there now the interesting thing is if you live up to the light that God has given you God's going to give you more light according the arguments of Romans God's going to reward you for obeying what you do know in the beginning God created the fire you had Shall glory and praise because I don't give you a little more information has very interesting the 2nd thing about the seriousness of this rejection not only that the power of God is clearly seen but the presence of God before the creation is understood why he calls it eternal power and Godhead in other words to who the nature of God would in fact be collages 117 says he's before all things obviously if he made all things so here it is let's write it down there are 2 things every person in the world can learn from the universe that's been created one who ever made it is bigger than you and I that's power and too if he made it that he obviously was in existence before it was made Amen that's 22 things not much but God holds us accountable for it isn't it interesting that the intelligentsia of our day the academic world has decided that neither one of those 2 is true. And according to the Bible God's going to hold them accountable and they're literally holding down what they know is in fact true it was my pleasure many years ago to be a part of God's wonderful work in leading a brilliant space scientists to the Lord and he became a good friend of ours and of our family. Lived in Ohio since then he moved to Florida and was just a brilliant scientist and we spent hours discussing the whole issue of creation and one day when we were debating as he was definitely an evolutionary thinker and I was young brash and knew some things but you know was very immature in my approach I'm afraid but one day he said you know you almost need me to help you in your presentation I said what he is saying he said well haven't you figured out yet that I don't really believe what I'm telling you I said What does you say. He said I don't really believe what I'm telling you he said I just don't have any other answers I said well what do you think happened he said well the best statement I've ever read is that 1st verse you showed me in a Bible in the beginning God created it makes more sense to me than anything I said but you're committed to the opposite view well I've been trained in it brother I've known all my life he said if you just get a hold of that you probably can help me get out of the mess I made he was helping me to witness to get all of us all messed up by that know where I was and he said you know you probably haven't figured this out yet but I really don't believe what I'm telling you now sense that as I've gotten older older I realize when people talk they are usually telling you more than they know. We all have a tendency to do that don't with the. Head somewhere along the line because it wait a minute just sit back and say whoever made this saying got to be bigger than you and I had ever made it obviously was in existence before it was made. That's where we start and a very important start to say the least now come to a 3rd matter and that's the steps leading to their rejection I think this is one of the most insightful passages when you're witnessing or dealing with anyone or even with yourself what are the steps that lead to this blatant rejection of God and you might be surprised at what they are there are 5 of them number one they refuse to glorify God you know that's where it starts. Paul said in 1st Corinthians $1031.00 whether we eat or drink or whatever we do do all the glory of God and in Romans $323.00 it says for all of sin. Not because they committed murder now because it committed adultery or guilty of abortion or something else that isn't what it says it says all of sin because they would come short of what was it say the glory of God You see we don't glorify God in our lives Psalm 1151 says not into us not into us give glory to give glory in his holy name it's the Lord we are to glorify but we don't do that the 1st step that leads to blatant open denial and rejection of the obvious truth of God's presence and power . Is you don't glorify God they refuse to glorify God That's step number one Step number 2 they rebelled against giving thanks to God. You know it takes a little humility doesn't it to thank God for all things if you thank God for that means that you probably didn't play such a significant part in it as you have been telling your friends hello you know a lot of us are not thankful for a lot of things that we think we did well and told me one time after he got a good job he had asked me to pray for he got a good job and God answer prayer he said Well really I'm the one that you know got it. He so I went out and I you know I look for and I you know filled out the application it was my you know abilities and talents and so for that got me that job I mean I'm not appreciate you pray and. You know I was really not motivated to pray for him anymore. But I said to him I said Don't you know God could take that away from you the bottle says the 1st good news for 7 we haven't got anything that didn't come from the hand of a lawyer you see one of the roots of developing a certain turning away from the Lord if you want to call it that one of the roots is that I don't thank God for everything and you know what I see that in my life and I know I'm a believer and I know I believe in the Lord Jesus but sometimes things aren't in my category good they seem bad and I forget Romans 828 this is God's work in all things for my good and His glory and I might forget all of that in a moment of thinking this is a painful thing this is a difficult thing this why did God let this happen and before I know it I am following the steps that lead eventually to open rebellion against my Lord they 1st refused to go or 5 God 2nd they rebelled against giving things to God you know I think a classic scripture here to put in your little file of notes if you're doing that is Luke 17 verses a leavened a 19 that's the story of the 10 lepers remember that. Only one came back to give thanks only one and Jesus called it did only one come to give glory to the God of Israel you see when I thank the Lord I'm also giving glory Psalm 100 verse 4 entered to his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise and be thankful and to him and blesses main and so many times were complaining complaining about what occurred complaining about what happened and things didn't turn out like we wanted and instead of thanking the Lord that all things are being worked for his pleasure and His glory and 2nd Timothy $31.00 to $5.00 been discussing the perilous times that are going to come where men are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God One of the things it mentions that characterizes that culture is they are thankful you can read it 2nd Timothy Chapter 3. Number 3 the 3rd thing in the steps that lead to open rebellion rejection he gets god they not only refused to glorify God they rebelled against giving thanks to him but they reasoned in their own minds as to what might have brought the universe into existence Be careful my friends about human reason I've been in that world I spent a lot of time in that world at the academic world is an interesting world to say the least but you know a lot of the men that I sat in class with in especially graduate and post-graduate studies and doctoral programs I I now after living as long as I have I can look back and see the tragedy of intellectual is of. There are guys that are bombed out copped out dropped out I'm telling you lives messed up guys that I thought had a tremendous future for their knowledge and their brilliance be very careful my friends the Bible says point blank they became vain new international new American say futile vain means empty in their imaginations now be very careful because imagination to us in English is like fantasy that is not the meaning of the original English word but the Greek word is our English word dialogue just said into English dialogue de la gets most its use 14 times as a noun 16 times as a verb or a New American Standard tries to help us here and says speculations you know what happens when you're on the road to flat out rejection you all of a sudden become empty headed vain in all your attempts to reason things out differently than what the simplicity of the Scriptures say by the way I saw an evidence of that in studying for this message. I saw commentators attempting to explain what was obvious but it hit the maybe a little too hard so they tried to explain it differently you see folks we all become vain in our reasonings we become vain when we try to figure it out I love this verse it's so unlike me but I love it Proverbs 35 trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding I'm always amused that God told me not even attempt that way. And neither should we all Thanks David for sharing that with us and David returns in a moment with more insights and application for us stay tuned 1st though David I wanted to step into the studio to tell you about one of our must have resources. By the way this month as we're teaching the book of Romans. For a donation of any amount we'll send you a copy of our book Life's greatest questions we get such wonderful comments from people in many doctors and dentists and people with business offices have ordered copies for their own lobbies life's greatest question why we're here where do we come from what went wrong his or any hope in my friends the world as a lot of deceptions here you need to know what the Bible says so there it is for any About all you need to do is ask for it the book called Life's great is questions for any amount in the during the month of October God bless you. Again life's greatest questions is yours in October when you partner with us in ministry through a donation of any amount and you can donate at David Hakim dot org or call us and others when numbers for you in just a bit hang on and while you're at David Hawking dot org remember to look at our October resources package for calling this how we deal with life through the Bible the Bible is God's instruction manual far life's and we need to heed its call to obedience and worship in every aspect of our lives we don't want to fall into the steps of open rebellion that David talked about earlier right how we deal with life through the Bible comes with 24 audio messages on cd or m p 3 dealing with life's greatest questions God's love trials and temptations and issues of Bible accuracy and inerrancy an m.p. 3 how we deal with life through the Bible is just $25.00 disc or download prefer traditional audio C.D.'s Well then order the cd album of how we deal with life through the Bible for just $50.00 and you can order right now at David Hawking dot org Or when you call us at 1875 bible in Canada 18875 buyable send your letter our way when you write to hope for today box 3927 test in California 9 to 781 in Canada at Box 15011 r.p.o. 7 Oaks Abbotsford b.c. E. V. 2 s. 8 p. One well once again here's David thanks for listening to hope for today I hope you're enjoying our study were in. Romans 118 to 23 dealing with the principle the 1st principle of the gospel of righteousness by faith which is condemnation and boy you talk about learning about it that's what you're going to see here in this whole section we're told in verse 20 that the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made evident as even his eternal power and Godhead so that they're without excuse well as we are reminding ourselves of what we've studied today the truth is that God's nature is eternal and all powerful Whoever made this universe had to exist before it was made if he made it eternal and if he made this universe and all of galaxies and cetera then he has to be pretty powerful and God holds us accountable for that and if you don't pay attention to that that brings the principle of condemnation. And actually religious Paganism is a result of our reviews refusal her failure to worship God as the God of all creation. Well planned to be with us More's coming. In to review or share these messages in Romans head over to David hockey dot org You can also order these audio messages for your library and there's great pricing on them right now again order it David Hakim dot org or call us at 1875 bible in Canada dial 18875 buyable Welcome back tomorrow for more on our message without excuse right here on Hope for Today. Brought to you by the Ministry of hope for today that's a great message from Pastor David Hawking for you on those Tuesday morning on the body 678 k. All t.t. Colorado is Christian station and you can get more this message when you contact the ministry and order the series out of the book of Romans 1875 Bible don't forget they're here because of the faithfulness of God's people like you to send a gift their way do that on this Tuesday morning at 875 bible will learn more about the power of God with Dr Charles Stanley in the Tuesday broadcast of In Touch and then join us later on the c evening at 630 for hope is alive with Pastor Robin Holland he has a message out of 1st John chapter one verse 5 entitled leave the light on so and join pastor Holland for this good study and God's word this evening at 630 and hope is alive here on the mighty sick 7 day. Let's talk about our public policy briefings on the public square here I'm going share with Dave's an audience did you find people just worn out talking about this kind of thing worn out talking about politics in America Yep it's sort of the feeling like there's a building that's crashing in slow motion on top of us and about the last thing people are interested in right now is hearing more political banter because it's so hot and so polarizing and so difficult we get it we really truly get it the difference between what we do and what happens on your average cable news program is that the people that serve here actually do public policy for a living we understand how these systems work and our goal is to help people understand how they can make an impact whether it's in their own home and family in their own local community in their state or in the national perspective of politics we do this stuff for a living we often tell people to try this at home but don't try it alone that's why we do a broadcast called the public square where we can keep talking about these things and we have websites like a.p. Roundtable doubt org and the public square dot com And we do live events where we can come together and basically share notes and say here's how it's going here's where we think we're doing well here's where we're not here's where we think we've got answers and here's where we still have questions but the idea of civil government in America has always been designed to be participatory because ultimately the power for our system of government flows from we the people and that's what we try to do in these meetings around the country is to help people know how to do that job better to learn more about the American Policy Roundtable and our public policy briefings as well as this radio program log onto the public square dot com or did mention a.p. Roundtable or large and join us each day at this time right here on the public square. In God We Trust was k l d Denver. God's power knows no limits Haitian whatsoever. No human limitation can be placed upon dependent upon no one for any thing therefore all pallid that is every single iota of power every atom of power all power in the whole realm of the universe is to be found in one person and that's God. God is all powerful Now if you believe that how much difference does that make in your daily life welcome to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley as we continue our study on the character of God we move from a theological discussion to practical application when we acknowledge the power of God it should change the way we live. When God revealed himself to Abraham in the 17th chapter of Genesis listen to what he said. When a broom was 90 years old and 9 the Lord appeared in the Abraham and said and to him I am the all mighty God was before me and be thou perfect now when he said Almighty God what he was simply saying is this I am the God of all might and of all power therefore he could say to him Walt before me and be the perfect our estimation air concept of God will govern our actions and our attitudes what I think of God will allow certain things in my life and my estimation of God will remove certain activities or attitudes from my life so that we can just about tail what each of the thinks about God by the way we live when the man understands that God is holy something will happen to his life when he understands that God is omniscient something will happen in his life when he understands that God is omnipresent you'll see a difference in the actions of his life when a man comes into the reality to believe that all mighty God is all powerful you are going to see something happen in that person's life now watch this it is one thing to as sin intellectual add to the fact of the scripture that God is omnipotent it is something else to emotionally believe in your heart that God is an omnipotent all mighty God That means that God can do anything he wants to anywhere he wants to any town he wants to without in a reservation or in a hesitation or in or is this is from anyone else. But let me say a little bit Clara for those of you who understand a little bit deeper. When we say that God can do all things that are in keeping with his mo attributes that puts no human limitation upon God does say that God is omnipotent says that within the self exists the being of God and that's what the word Yah way means Joe hope that he's self existence that means he's dependent upon no lawn at any time for anything which says through was that all power are within God is generated from God and is not dependent upon anything else because he does self exist and he leans upon no one and looks to no one for anything for example the Scripture says by the Word of God the world's came into being he spoke. And the very Word of God Listen when omnipotent God said. Out in nothing. Lit there be light light came where did it come from ate Cain and it was was from the mouth of the holy right his omnipotent God. He spoke and the worlds were framed. God is the create build but likewise the scriptures says that no one has he created the world but he sustains it as scientists tell us all about the laws that govern this universe who put the law laws into action rather the laws originate where do we find the saws of the law of gravitation that man think that up he may have thought up the name but who put the activity in motion God did it. When you look out on a beautiful star at night when there is no mood showing the shining very brightly and you may just look up into the heavens and see hundreds and millions and billions of stars we don't see that many We just know they're out there. What makes one stay in a certain orbit not run into the other one. How do you not count for the perfect design and not only is the sign created but it is constant to sustain God is sovereign God is in control and my friend if God is not omnipotent all of us are in trouble. It is his unlimited power that is of a the bow to his children and we walk around like we just scared to death and we are subject to the world we are the sons in the daughters of an omnipotent key and we act like frightened children not knowing where we are going. This is we all in a very humble saw the way and now humbled saw the way walk and stand before God with all the humility of our soul you and I are the servants and the children out the key who has all power are at his fingertips and all the asker's the sweet whatever he wants can take place where you know I could talk about all the miracles in the Bible the raising of Lazarus and all the rest but you know one of the great things. Is the fact that you and I experience more than we realize the omnipotence of God in our daily life I think of all the things in your life and mine let me ask you something who could save you except God. No but. When it comes to saving a man's So it takes the omnipotence of God to do it only God can do that when he says for example. That he makes us a new creature who can make a new creature unless you take for example here's a 60 year old man who's lives 60 years in disobedience and defiance to the will of God He drops upon his knees at this altar and crying out to God to save him and forgive him of his sin listen can you tell me where is there a man where is there a preacher all right he you know are awful lots of us who can do one thing for that man apart from the supernatural power of God to forgive him of his sin and write his name of the Lamb's Book of Life not a man. God in His omnipotence does what he always works from the heart of love. He's got omnipotent but now does get around to you and me. Because the omnipotence of God is going to declare itself in 3 areas of our life and I want you to get these down the 1st one is in our prayer life. Now you look at your prayer life for a moment I'll tell you have much you believe and the omnipotence of God. You believe that God has no limitations upon him. That he is the self existed saws of all the power that there is in existence when you and I come to God We ought to come to him with confidence with boldness not with the fam bull but we all have a 1000000 gallon barrel waiting for God to do something. God's pressure lies is in things that seem impossible he knows of 1000 ways to make a way for you and me. And the reason the work of God drags in this world is because the people of God I'm not convinced out the omnipotence of God and that that omnipotence is a vain the bill to man I do not mean that man becomes omnipotent but this absolute any exhaustible resource of supernatural power God is willing to do what he's willing to turn that into your life and my life if we're willing to ask you to know this and why should God give you a big infusion of supernatural power if you don't going to do anything for him anyway. Why should God turn on the faucet of a supernatural power in the churches of the Lord Jesus Christ today when people sit in the pews listen to sermons and have no earthly idea that their commission is the change this world or God why should he do it. Omnipotent This is why it's this if you really believe that God is all powerful you'll spend a whole lot more time praying than you've been prayed. So 1st of all it will be demonstrate never prayer life and secondly in the pathway of our daily life that's what I'm talking about the way you live every day. One of my favorite passages Psalms 71 but there for just a moment. I love this because. I think here is the expression of a man. Before he died he wanted God to express his power in his life. Verse 15 through 80 by malice or show for righteousness and not salvation all the days run up the numbers thereon. I will go in the string that is the power of the Lord God I will make mention of the righteous There's even a ban on oh god Del has taught me from my youth and hither to declare the wondrous works now watch verse 89 our all so when I am old and gray headed Oh god for sake need not until I have showed by strength. Under this generation and by power to everyone that is to come I believe that ought to be the prayer of every believer. The Lord God let me live long enough the power of God the string of God the all mighty resource of supernatural power might be demonstrated in their lives one way or the other and you see is what happens we get in this pressurized content of the world and we look to see what the world has to offer and what the world has to say and what they think and what they are doing and what do we do instead of stepping out of that and say oh lord what do you want me to do we just get right in step we watch the world and we walk in the way there was what are we going to do we're going to walk in weakness and disintegration God wants us to walk in His supernatural power. Listen if the world. Is ever going to turn to God they are not going to turn to God because we talk about God they're going to turn to God because they see the evidence of the supernatural and your life in my life. So 1st of all our prayer life the path whereby they lie the last thing is their performance and this. God never intended for you and me to do anything in our story. Now I'm a good example of the wrong way to do some things. And for 3 months I had to get myself back together physically because without realizing what I was doing I began to run into a energy of Charles Stanley and that doesn't go. 6 times a week I was a preacher doing all the things that I was doing but somewhere along the way it got to be my energy and I'm good at Ted I can tell you exactly what happened you just come to the point that it all it's all gone and you're lying flat on your back looking up like I've preached to you and there I was saying Lord what do I do now. And he probably is that I've been waiting. To see how long it was going to take you to get this part. You know what I thought about. I thought about London the hospital John 50. Look at it if you will. He says in verse 5 talking about abiding in the Lord and divine I am the vine you the brain she's in verse 5 he that abideth in me living in me and resting in me and I in him the same bring it full of much fruit that is as long as he is the source of our inner Jeanette's straight in our power much fruit. For without me you can do nothing. So it's hard to believe that. Without me you can do nothing that is whatever requires of us God is committed to giving is the energy and the power to do it. It take on more than God wants you to take on you have no promise to have supernatural energy to do what God didn't intend you to do. So you see some time with grab and birth was oh I can do anything. That's right anything it is the will of God for us to do but outside of the will of God We run in our own inner Janiero own strength after a while we fall flat on our face notice if you think about the omnipotence of God for a moment think about several verses here the great commission So let's turn to just a moment because you know the last 2 verses it's that 81st I want you to notice for just a moment. Matthew 28 remember that Lord. Is giving his last word of instruction to his disciples. They start with verse 60. Then the 11 disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubt and Jesus came in spake and of him say. Very important we remember this all power. That means he is in it and is given unto me in heaven my word is the last word in or my word is the last word all powers given to me in heaven and in earth. Then he said Go ye therefore and make disciples turn to Acts chapter one verse 8 you know it by heart but I want you to read them in. Action up to one verse 8. He has given to all of us the great commission but likewise he's given to all of us a ministry and the service and the vocation are to some of the family of whatever it might be. But he says in verse a but she should receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you should be witnesses on the me both in Jerusalem Judea so Mary in most parts of the ear and what does he say. That because he has saved us and because he has commissioned us and you say you are on the commission he says a you go make disciples one who is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ by the way that we live and the words that we speak all of us are ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as you go he said make disciples What was he saying all of the power you need to obey me and a fool Bill my purpose for your life and of the kingdom I will bestow upon you. And he put it even clearer in next one he said and these shall receive what power now what can the power is that now watch this. What can the power did he promise to you and to me he did not promise human generated power. He promised to end fear us with the super natural dence of God. All of the power that is within us to serve him is a part of God's omnipotence. What I'm saying to use this with in you the power of God is an operation like an invasion chapter 3 for a moment. And you see we forget as we look up then Soul God all his omnipotence but look within because listen to what he says if visions chapter 3. Well let's start 1st 70. That Christ may dwell in your hearts how by baby that you being rooted in grounded in love may be able to comprehend fully understand with all the saints What is the breadth the length and depth and high and to know the love of Christ which has the knowledge that you might be filled to listen watch this a believer filled with all the fullness of God . Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly of bowl of all that you ask are think coding to of all what the power that work is in us listen when you became a Christian the Holy Spirit came into your life he set up housekeeping and he will stay there for ever listen he says the power of the Holy Spirit is in drawling you that means that the super natural power of God is in Welling every single believer that is up pushing of God's omnipotence is within you and me to serve him to obey him and to walk in His will. I'll tell you we ought to throw our shoulders back and our head up high not to be cocky not to be proud not to be a good has to go but my friend the face is unbelieving village rather warring world who understands nothing but power looked in the square in the I would love in our hearts and know that that is not one single force in the universe that can did see a child of God walking in the will of God and then to the supernatural power of God and by faith believing in God for that. Prayer life if they lead pathway and your performance as a believer. Is determined by your understanding and application of the on it it's a. Thanks for joining us on in touch with Dr Charles Stanley God's power is available to believers who are committed to walking in his will and who intentionally surrender their desires in favor of it is to learn more about who God is and how you can follow him more closely stop by our website in touch. Look around at the many articles and audio and video resources that can help you know Jesus better and that's where you can order a copy of today's complete message the power of God It's also included in our teachings and the character of God Again log on to In Touch. Or call 1800 in touch to write to us address your letter to In Touch post office box 7900 Atlanta Georgia 30357 does it seem like evil is running rampant these days it might be but it's not out of control God alone is sovereign over the universe today's moment with our. Stanley is coming up what is God's will for your life. Does he really have a specific plan for you how do you know for certain if you've heard him correctly what happened see his will if you make a mistake or simply fail God's will for your life doesn't have to remain a mystery. Introducing Dr Stanley's newest book the will of God to order your copy called 1800 in touch or go to in touched on the orgy slash will of God. What's next for the church where do we go from here it's sustaining the mission of the church for future generations while sacrificing and offering ourselves in worship to him we can steward God's gifts as we look ahead preparing his the body of Christ for His return let's finish the journey together take your 4th quarter guide and join us as we find our place in the whole church to learn more visit in touch or a g. Slash church. Evil is persistent and powerful God is omnipotent Here's a moment with Charles to. God has allowed Satan to have certain freedoms in the world he has allowed Satan to attack us our lad Satan to tempt does and allowed Satan to make our lives sometimes very miserable it is not because God couldn't wipe him out in a moment God could corrals Satan sent him a sad task them into everlasting fire and punishment why he's going away one of these days he could do it right now if God so chose to do it when the Bible says that the devil is the god of this age it does not mean he's omniscient omnipresent an omnipotent and that God is running around the universe trying to can't champ so you throw him in hell. God is sovereign he has a lot of. Sin and wicked this and the vileness of the human arch it spreads itself in the world and in so doing all of us who know is Son Jesus Christ get about a glimpse of the whole in this of God and the wickedness and the seething is of the through the grace of God and you were faithful for example. The preceding program is sponsored by in touch ministries God's word worldwide at 670 Caleb t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age d. On am 670 k l t t comer City Denver pro-choice or as it seems will back the choices of women with disabilities as long as they make the right choice for the causes that are on Johnstone street this is breakpoint. Nikolay is one of Australia's leading disability rights advocates a spinal cord injury when she was young left in a cold dependent on a wheelchair for mobility but as she revealed in a recent article a court's dot com accessibility and discrimination. Aren't the only challenges women with disability face one of the most daunting challenges she says is getting people who talk so loudly about the right to choose to actually respect their choices instead she writes no one blinked an eye no counseling no questions no support offered afterward looking back she sees just how differently she was treated compared to non disabled women at the clinic because of her disability people saw the decision to enter pregnancy as unquestionably the right one now if you think Lee is overreacting the story of her 3rd pregnancy proves otherwise when sharing the news about the child in her womb she was often asked how are you going to cope with being pregnant followed by how are you going to take care of a newborn baby this even though she was happily raising her 1st child Lee wants to know why wasn't I asked about my ability to cope after having an abortion why was no one concerned about my welfare then well at least part of the reason she suspects has to do with eugenics there is fear of passing on a genetic defect there are doubts as we put it about whether or not disabled persons can live a good life and remember Lee's disability was caused by an injury and her concerns are valid and her experiences are not unique in Australia as an other countries for sterilization of those with disabilities not only legal it's an ongoing practice between June 32016 and June 32017 at least 10 disabled adults were sterilized in Australia's northern territories the sterilizations occurred at the request of the Guardians not the adults themselves a recent United Nation report expressed concern about the nonconsensual administration of contraceptives and abortions for and sterilization of women with disabilities and their concerns included Australia for sterilization and other eugenics practices might seem like a throwback to a much darker period in. Recent human history but in many countries the laws that authorize these reprehensible violations of our humanity are still on the books even in America remember Buck versus balun which just as Oliver Wendell Holmes infamously declared that 3 generations of our enough wealth not Dougal it you'll discover it's still the law of the land the United States please account is compelling and shocking but her explanation still misses something vital the so-called right to choose and the disregard for the rights of those with disability come from the same illogical place both reject the sanctity and dignity of every human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death both to bar the title from Edwin Black's history of eugenics are part of the war against the weak so it should never surprise us when societies and movements already committed to abortion on demand advance trampling the rights of other vulnerable groups whether at the beginning of life as an ice Len which has eliminated Down's Syndrome by eliminating all babies with Down's Syndrome or at the end of life as in the Netherlands where dementia patients are euthanized against their will once we divide human life and categories a convenient and inconvenient anyone who falls into the latter category will be a loner for breakpoint Johnstone street. London is tuned to the mighty $670.00 cable t.v. help achieve this goal by putting the ira step behind. Again as 100 tax 1176 support the work of the mighty 670 kale by advertising your business on the station ask for general manager Mike dream when you call 303481804 more information you're tuned to am 67 calle t t k o t g h d Commerce City Denver. At 95 point one and streaming world was at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Jeeves . Long. Thank you so much for tuning in the classic Christianity with Bob George through our classic Christianity radio program and the books Bible studies cds and d.v.d.s. We have available for purchase online at Bob George dot net it is our desire and prayer of Bob George ministries that you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever I'm in let's join Bob now as he gets started with today's lesson. And so he says that go into there and. And place your hands on him to restore his. Loredana nice answer I've heard many reports about this man and all the harm is done to you say to Jerusalem you're going to hear this guy saying Lord you want me to go to whom. He has come out here with authority from the chief priest to resit all who go on your name this is the main guy you tell me to go to but the Lord said do and and I ask you know this man now here's the key is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel I will show him how much he must suffer in my name now here my friends is the declaration from God concerning Paul and his mission the mission of Paul by the Lord is this is my chosen instrument I have chosen you. I have chosen him to go to the Gentiles and to the kings of the Gentiles and before the people of Israel and I'll show him how much he's going to have to suffer in my name. And in eyes went to the house and entered in placing his hands on Saul he said Brother Saul the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here and set me so that you will see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately something like scales fell from Saul's eyes and he could see again and he got up on his baptize and after taking something. He regained his strength. All as conversion. You know I don't know about you but many people feel that conversion experience has to be like the apostle Paul where you see some light from heaven and see some unique experience taking place nothing to.

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