You. Know listen has 2 boys and yeah their brother he's getting ready to have his his 1st one yeah so my brother Greg is catching up with me because you know we have 7 in the immediate family now when Derren was alive there were 13 but now they're now Greg is catching up with me he's gas up 77 as of December or last part of New Hampshire is all right so you got to stay over for a day or so and you're going to act so morrow so yeah they will have me. On the air. You were thank you for having me it's such a joy we were enjoying just conversation at the table and then we just thought well let's just keep let's keep conversing this way when we get to the studio let's just keep talking about who God is to us and that one phrase that was in Bible study last week I just think it's so worth bringing it out in the open and let the listeners hear this we were reading from e.w. Kenyon's book in chapter 16 and he says faith is measured by our appreciation of our position in the father's family I'm going to say that again because I don't think I've ever heard that as a definition of faith you know that's right faith is measured by our appreciation of our position in the father's family and as I've been meditating on that and realizing you know that's true as we appreciate who we are in our family and the position that we have maybe in this world or in this life I think back to my time in school my time in high school and realizing I'm very different than all of these other people here you know after being raised on the road and proclaiming the Gospel everywhere we went and really having to exercise faith everywhere we went. Because often we wouldn't have enough money to get to the next place we wouldn't have enough gas to get to the next place we'd be in accidents those accidents would happen and we'd have to have faith that God was truly watching over us providing for us every moment of every day and I being in school and having you know we stopped travelling I was probably 1213 ish 14 somewhere and then was just in school full time and I'm looking around at all the other people around me they didn't have the same experiences they were raised the same way and I realized Oh I'm I'm very different than these people yes and not not necessarily on a different level just that they didn't have the same understanding of faith they hadn't had to exercise it they didn't they didn't have the life of proclaiming the Gospel that's what I was raised doing I I don't remember a time in my childhood that we weren't doing that and so Sarah is finding herself coming out of homeschooling with me and being thrown into public school on the largest high school she's in the largest high school in the nation what that amazes me because you would think Los Angeles or New York schools would Bush encouraged to go on now or some big. Arrow Oklahoma as in arrows and students yeah goodness that's like a town that's like a town here in Colorado so it's like a college campus and she's surrounded by all these people and she's realizing I'm really not like any of these people and she didn't have the same upbringing I did but being homeschooled you know she just had a very different different priorities every day every morning and having devotions and realizing oh these people don't think like that they don't talk like that they don't even have the same morals. It's it's easy for them to think about cheating and just do it just cheat yes every day yeah I think e.w. Was getting a to a point here where he was saying don't be dependent on others for their faith to produce the answer in you you've got to be appreciating your position in the father's family as a child of God as one who has his own rights God has given you so many rights as an heir in joint air with Jesus you are enjoying everything that Jesus enjoyed talking about school I remember this one incident I was in 3rd grade and I admired my neighbor Sandra she just was beautiful she had everything I didn't have just I don't know if she was slender I was chubby I was you know German and so there was a test and the only time in my school life I would look over on her paper and I would erase the answers I had and put Sandra's answers down now Mrs Briscoe who was a fabulous 3rd grade teacher after the class she says Barbara I want to see you you know the teachers are always. Noticing things and she said Barbara here's your test paper I want you to see here what you erased was the correct answer what you put in its place was not the correct answer I want you to be your own individual not to look at others not to depend on others for the answers but you alone are smart enough and you have the wonderful gift that you have to get the right answers on the test Yeah I Kimberly that was the greatest lesson I could have learned as a 9 year old oh sure that day on I never looked at anybody else's paper that's really good and I'm glad you brought that up because not everyone has the same upbringing I had ordered my daughter's. You know not everyone has that but the point is that we do have something that can cause us to appreciate our background or appreciate our history or appreciate the gifts that God has given us in this life we've got something that we can appreciate and say oh I really am capable of standing on my own 2 feet because of who God made me to be and what he has planted in me. And I I was just meditating on our faith being measured by our appreciation of our position in the father's family I think any time you like you looking at Sandra at who she is and the way she dressed and how beautiful she was and her answers on her paper you know they've got to be the right answer. That that there's no appreciation for who you are in all of that and that's such a good point when we're focused on someone else's stuff and who they are and we want to be like that I'm sorry any time anything about the car dash and comes on I just I just cringe because they've got these shows and it's like keeping up with them why do I want to keep up with them I don't want to keep up with them or the Joneses or anybody else I want to be who God made me to be and I want to live in appreciation for what God has given me and as I live in that appreciation this is saying that's faith that's faith and it's that my faith is being measured by how much I appreciate who I am what he's given me and where I'm living in his family in in his realm and so then I was thinking about Jesus saying I have faith in him Marco 1122 have faith had faith in God But there's another layer to say it rather Hagen brought out I think he's one of the 1st ones maybe e.w. But he's a brother Hagen is a. The 1st ones that said and you can say that now that Mark 1122 have the faith of God Yes Yeah not just have faith in God but have the faith of God And so I was really thinking about that and if a thing is our appreciation it's measured by our appreciation then can we say in part surely not all the way because God is so vast there's no way we can wrap our minds around God but does he have pretty she ate us and our Trast in him and our loyalty to him and that appreciation of us in our loyalty and who he's created us to be as we walk in that he's got faith that we're actually going to fulfill his dream we're going to fulfill his dream that he has for us to be in his family his dream includes us it's like having a dream of being married I'm dreaming of being married I'm dreaming of having a good marriage here not a marriage where somebody is not loyal I'm not dreaming of getting married and 20 years down the road all of a sudden they're changing their mind and they don't really want this anymore that's not my dream and nor is it God's dream he has a dream to fit us into his family into his love and really enjoy us and so I just started meditating on that and thinking about faith how faith is really an intimate trust Yes And don't you think that's why he brought Jesus down as a human so he could be an example for us because we can't conceive of God He's just too vast to write big too great too powerful you know the creator of the universe how can we even begin to can have a conception of God but we can have a conception of Jesus Christ who walked this or. What have you to forget to give a pass so that we can see him yes and then Jesus going on right before he died on the cross and saying we're going to send a Holy Spirit and he's going to lead you and direct you and teach you he's going to guide you every day of your life so we know that wonderful presence of Holy Spirit we were talking when we were at an area today about how your dad just saw it Holy Spirit when he was a college student and he had been raised in religion and he was fighting to get out of it and one night when he was even still sick in bed this man Brother Fox came over and told him about Holy Spirit now our denomination talked about Holy Spirit but not the intimacy that he wants to be and I'll tell you after brother fox your dad John talks about this how he laid hands on him and prayed for him and he didn't speak in tongues right then that moment but as Brother Fox left he raised his hands and he couldn't get him down he was raising his hands in praise to God that God was doing a new thing in him and he was going to raise him up from that bed of affliction and he couldn't get his hands down and he began speaking in this unknown language and he was shocked because as that denomination goes this is very dangerous and this is of the devil. Because you know it doesn't bring order to a situation and so your dad was a saw a glimpse of what a freedom and the Holy Spirit could be like and love yes and it's really isn't that kind of what we want with a mate in life we want them to know us so well that they they can actually respond to the way we might respond or we respond the way they might and and when you get to know someone like that there's a joy in that there's such a joy so to be able to be filled with the Holy Spirit and Reece be king his words. To be speaking his faith his hope his peace into a situation to be speaking the thoughts of the Holy Spirit so that he's taking over and it's no longer us in control it's no longer our mind or our senses in control but it's the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God Himself coming through us what a beautiful faith and to know him and have him know us to not have any hidden agendas or hidden purposes or plans that is a that is a wonderful walk to a wonderful reality that we live in it is a reality it is a fact Jesus promised and Holy Spirit came and he's living each and every one of you listening who have accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord we were talking also about Paul and how he had to learn and learn everything that he had grown up with as a fair a see as a. Scholar of the Old Testament the Torah everything he had memorized and he was a great student and then when God blinded his eyes and he came to an end I used to be prayed for he had to and learn everything and what how do you think he was about 40 years old or maybe 35 when you know that he had to change everything everything that he had learned and probably that's why he says I believe it's in Galatians that he went aside for 14 years because that's a huge thing to get rid of that past because a lot of us our identity is in our past a lot of it is in our past you know it's interesting he he was a scholar and it was all based on the scriptures the Old Testament it was all the Word of God and when the Jews were encouraged by the Lord to keep that on your mouth to continue. Really teach these teachings to your children as you walk as you are sitting as you are eating make sure that you are continually teaching these teachings Well that's what Saul That's what he had received as a child and that's what he was doing in that I just I can kind of relate to that being hearing hearing the Scriptures and being completely submerged in yeah in all of that teaching. But this new covenant is about knowing God in a way that surpasses human knowledge or human effort Kimberly because as you look into the Old Testament especially Let's go to Deuteronomy 28 this is a chapter that a lot of teachers Full Gospel teachers everybody talks about you know now it shall be if you will diligently obey the Lord your God being careful to do all his commandments now I don't know about you but I can't do all of God's commandments and it goes on to say if you will do this say when Jesus came he became unto us wisdom from God redemption righteousness and sanctification he did everything for us it's no longer if I can do all the commandments because I can't possibly do all the commandments right but and Jesus example to us is doing the will of the Father he said it over and over I didn't come here to do my own works but the works of Him who sent me and he's constantly listening that's what he was trying to tell all of us I'm listening all the time this is a constant conversation going on this is how you stay in touch with the Father and you do His will and if you follow my example if you follow me he's saying in John 1412 he says if you're following me then you will do these works also the same works I'm doing you'll do also and greater and grader at marks because I go to the Father so that is such a wonderful I think I have longed for that in my own life and I've been in a lot of Bible schools and I've heard a lot of bought Bible teachers talk about that they they want to have that same power and that same they want to see the mountains move they want to be able to have that that faith has. Small as a mustard seed that moves mountains and I want that to in my life but I think we've skipped the intimate part of knowing God and having that constant conversation that stays in touch with him instead of us doing our own works it gets a little confusing in there because we're such a complicated human being and it's hard to separate out our own purposes our own motives our own ideas to separate those out from what God might be wanting in that situation and so staying in touch with him and having that conversation going so that they were always asking Jesus was always asking the father he was only doing what the father showed him to do yes absolutely it's just a relinquishment Kimberly of what we are ideals and our ideas and our plans and our dreams and saying Ok Father God Not my will but yours be done right letting go letting go and let God having His perfect will in our lives yes we can't possibly have a perfect. Thing going on by our own human efforts that's right or our own thoughts and our own ideas working it out in our own way yet there's no way but if we're listening to him at all times and see he was able to say God was able to say this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and we if we stay in conversation the way Jesus did and we follow his example we are able to hear the same words these are my beloved sons and daughters in whom my heart is well pleased and has found perfect rest and satisfaction Oh I want that I want to be that person that God can look at and say oh I have found perfect rest and satisfaction right there with you that's right absolutely I remember you know letting go just brings up all kinds of memories I remember and I told the listening audience I told you guys on the radio here about the time that we were going from Salt Lake City to Laramie on I 80 and a huge blizzard it was a ground blizzard and. Icy and we had it was the motor home and your dad was saying we're hitting ice I'm going under an overpass and he was going under an overpass it was a 4 lane road but it was just so blinding you could hardly see extinguish that distinguish the next lane and I was holding your 2 girls in the back of the motor home because it was pretty dangerous and I said let go of the wheel why I would say that I am such a control freak I'll admit it. I'll admit it to the Yada audience yes and I'm like oh like words out all I mouth were let go and he let go the wheel Holy Spirit took over and the cars under that underpass Kimberly and we just passed. The vehicles and we were on the other side I would remember it I remember it very well I remember that we could not see any taillights of any vehicles in front of us the white out was so bad and I remember coming up on a truck very quickly that we ourselves could not have avoided that but when he let go the wheel turned and we got around that track without sliding into anything and it was amazing what America just letting go and your father was a prime example of when he heard from Holy Spirit he let he did what Holy Spirit told him to do yes and those words helped him to let go that we all now what conscientious father could. Do that in the natural it's unheard of well and it was remarkable that it came from you. And I am not even trying to make a joke of that I mean in our own efforts none of us would really say just let go of the wheel you know that's not the 1st thing you think of so that was truly the Holy Spirit speaking through you and we as a family were listening in the I'm so glad daddy was at the wheel and he was listening to the Holy Spirit in that moment and doing what the father was directing and instructing us how important that is wow I love Hebrews 10 we were reading this earlier and starting in verse 32 it says and I'm reading from the passion. You endured a great marathon season of suffering hardships yet you stood your ground and at times you were publicly and shamefully mistreated being persecuted for your faith then at other times you stood side by side with those who preach the message of hope you sympathized with those in prison and when all your belongings were confiscated you accepted that violation with joy convinced that you possess a treasure growing in heaven that could never be taken from you when we keep that perspective we're able to let go of those things here that we want to stay in control of but they're not the things that bring us joy anyway and so being able to let go and say oh you want my things oh you want my home you can have my house I have a better home and I may have been working for this house for a long time but I will not fear you taking it I know who my God is and that's that childlike faith coming back to the faith it's measured by our appreciation of our position I don't need a position in this house here in this world I don't need that I need my position with my father and heaven and I appreciate that so much that I can let go of this house here I can let go of my worldly goods and considerate Joy That's right considerate choice it's like Jesus said when this man came to him and he said I have no where to place my his head he was saying in essence I have no home of my own nowhere to live right by then his mother was maybe doubting him a little bit his brothers were saying he needs to be instituted in a mental hospital I mean he he did not feel welcome even with his mother and his family and so he if Jesus had no play. To sleep at night or put his head how much more should we should we major these earthly things as valuable in our lives when he didn't take didn't know right yes and so moving on to verse 35 of Hebrews 10 so don't lose your bold courageous faith for you are destined for a great reward you need the strength of in durance to reveal the poetry of God's will and then you receive the promise in full the poetry of God's will if we could just see God's will is that wonderful poetry Oh it's thank you Kimberly it's I'm going to miss you but I just pray good travel for you going back to Tulsa and thank you for listening that friend and I pray that you will allow God to just work in your life let go and let God have His way with you. Thank you for listening to a call to freedom with Barbara Carr Mag You may get in touch with Barbara had call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at That's called freedom on this Monday afternoon brought to you by fire and rain ministries on the body 678 calle t.t. The nation's most powerful Christian force a barber would welcome your phone calls today with their praise reports and prayer requests at 866-917-7256 she would also covet your prayers for her and the ministry and you can do that on a regular basis when your become a power partner power partner support the ministry with regular prayer and a regular monthly donation find out how you can become one today when you call Barbara at 866-917-7256 born to win a straight ahead so keep it right here on the body 678. Women agents want to discover who God has fashioned to be by walking in your kingdom inheritance you are destined to change the atmosphere everywhere you go join us Nov 7th through the night at the women right conference on the campus of Harris Bible college in Woodland Park this event is free fellowship with other faith filled women can learn from influential speakers such as Dorothy Brown the wife of newscaster James Brown register today that women rise conference dot com. The city network is pleased to present Ronald l. Dart and born to when my. Man. What in the world is God doing I suspect there will be some people who would answer that question say well not very much the world looks to me like God went into started spending and then walked away from it and if you should ask well how was the gospel doing in the world same people might say well not very well after all most of the Christian world is not Christian never has been and all those dead people who never heard of Jesus in their life time where are they. Now I realize I'm making some people uncomfortable with these questions but they're honest questions and I deserve an honest answer in one of his letters Paul wrote this to Timothy he said this is good and acceptable on the side of God our Savior who will have all men to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth you'll find that in 1st Timothy 2 verses $3.00 and $4.00. That God will have all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth so we know that it is God's will that all men be saved Well sure there may be a few that reject this in the end I'm not a universalist but not half the world surely most people who have ever lived on this planet never got a chance to reject it in the 1st place now let me show you a paradox there was a day when Jesus was speaking to a crowd of people and he gave them a parable it was a parable of the sower and a seed and how a man went out into his field sowing seed and it fell in different places and produce different results and when Jesus and His disciples got off by themselves the disciples came to him and said Why do you speak to them in parables Now the traditional explanation of this is that Jesus' parables are illustrations their literary devices he used to make his meaning clear in fact I think if you went through Christian literature of various and sundry to nominations and Sunday school literature and what have you you would find here in their comments that would say this basically that their illustrations their literary devices they are that ways in those stories homily is that Jesus used to explain things so people would understand what he is driving it now if that's the case why did Jesus disciples ask this question Why do you have to say Lord why do you speak to these people in parables because it should have been apparent why he did it the answer is that a parable is much more like an allegory than an illustration an allegory is a representation of spiritual moral or other abstract meanings through the actions of fictional characters that service symbols and is in the nature of an allegory that the reader or the listener has to find the meanings for himself and that means that people have to find different meanings in an allegory you may hear it decide one thing from it I may hear it Get something quite different from it. Hince the disciples question Lord why in the course of teaching these people are you using allegories Jesus answer is nothing short of astonishing he said because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given so here's our paradox on the one hand it's God's will that all men should be saved on the other hand Jesus spoke in allegories so that some would understand the gospel and others would not and in fact to this day people understand Jesus differently and by anyone's definition of salvation a lot of people who claim to be Christians aren't Well I mean look at the doctrinal statements of all the different churches look at their approach to these things and you will see very clearly how differently people can look at the statements in the teachings of Jesus and how far and wide they can define them and most of the people in the world couldn't care less you would think that God isn't really trying very hard to save the world and have fear you might be right for God is God if he's all powerful all knowing and nothing can be withheld from God then wouldn't you think that if he were trying hard to save the world right now he would do it so maybe our answer is that God is not trying to save the whole world right now seems logical maybe saving the world is a little further on in God's plan but hey you know that still leaves a very large question mark about all the people who have died in the past who never knew and never got a chance. Years ago I learned that the holidays in the Bible actually picture of the plan that God is working out here on this planet strange to say this because most people don't really think about it they they look at the holidays of the Bible as purely Jewish holidays and they see them as commemorations of events in Jewish history just like the 4th of July commemorates American independence and it has nothing to do with anything else well as we've been seeing in this series of programs that isn't quite the case when it comes to the holidays of the Bible they are called the appointed times of Jehovah they're not merely Jewish they belong to and identify God and they picture elements of the plan of God Now virtually the entire Christian world dismisses all these holidays as Jewish they picture things out of Jewish history they have no relevance to the Christian faith or so they think but they're wrong every single one of these biblical holidays also picture of the plan of God and are entirely relevant to the Christian faith in this series of programs we walk through each of these 7 seasons in the year and have found Christ in his work in every single one of them and the questions I am asking you right now arise from the last of these biblical holidays and from the question of the Christian faith what happens to all the rest of the millions of people who never heard of Jesus not in their entire life what about the gentiles What about the nations who are to all intents and purposes down through history cut off from God and shut out of the promises of God. We'll talk about that when I come back after this message Never before have children been in so much danger danger from sex drugs alcohol guns even from their own family what can you do about it write or call and ask for a free cd titled save your children and find out the right to Born to Win Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 Bible 44. In the 7th chapter of John there's an interesting section about the Feast of Tabernacles John introduces it by saying after these things Jesus walked in Galilee for he would not walk in Jew read because they sought to kill him there was around Jerusalem and Judea was very dangerous place for Jesus so he stayed in Galilee in the north now the Jews Feast of Tabernacles was at hand his brother and therefore said to him depart has to go into Judea so your disciples may see the works that you're doing for there is no man that does anything in secret he himself seeks to be known openly if you're going to do these things show yourself to the world for in fact his brother didn't believe in him either they're kind to him I guess but they don't really believe so Jesus said to them My time has not yet come your time is always ready the world cannot hate you but me it hates why because I testify of it that the works there are over evil and nobody's going to like you if you tell them what they're doing is wrong. Going up to the feast Jesus told his brothers I'm not going out yet to this feast for my time is not yet full come and in fact if he had gone up there with his brothers if he'd been part of a group going into town from Galilee he would have been spotted right away but by going up there alone later he could go incognito as it were you know looking back in the 20th century is hard to imagine how Jesus could walk into the city of Jerusalem and not be recognized but the truth is they didn't have television his name wasn't plastered in or you know in everybody's home every night of the week on the news broadcasts most of the people there had never seen him and those that had seen him had not seen him long enough that he would really register that strongly perhaps on their minds so when he had said these things to them he stayed in Galilee the what his brother were going up he went also to the feast not openly but as it were in secret just as an ordinary. Carpenter then the Jews look for him at the feast and he said work is easy and there was much murmuring among the people concerning him for some people said well he's a good man Other people said no he's not he deceived the people and nobody would speak openly of him though for fear of the Jews and by that they mean the Jewish leaders now about the middle of the feast Jesus went to the temple and taught and the Jews Marvel saying how one knows this man letters having never learned. You know as I guess it's obvious that Jesus had no degree he hadn't studied in any of the famous schools and yet when he spoke they knew that this man knew he knew letters and the letters in particular he knew were those of what you and I call the Old Testament the Holy Scriptures. And Jesus answered them saying my doctrine isn't mine it's his that sent me if any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it's of God or whether I speak of myself he that speaks of himself seeks his own glory but he that seeks His glory that sent him that's a true man and know and righteousness is in him didn't Moses give you the law and you know if you keep the law why are you going about to kill me. And the people said you were crazy who's going about to kill you they know and Jesus knew he said I have done one work and you all Marvel as you mean by then he means that he read their minds that they were going about to kill him and frankly it probably didn't take a great deal of discernment to spot it. Moses he says gave you circumcision not because it's of Moses but of the fathers but you on the Sabbath day circumcise a man and now if a man on the Sabbath day receive circumcision so the law of Moses should not be broken why are you angry at me because I have made a man every wit whole on the Sabbath day Judge Not according to the appearance judge righteous judgment now the he's basically making one of the arguments that he has an ongoing battle with these people and that was how the Sabbath day was to be observed note not whether it was to be observed how it was to be observed they said that it was a sin to heal a man who was sick on the Sabbath day on the other hand they were circumcised on a day old child on the Sabbath day so that the law would not be broken and then they criticize Jesus for healing sick people on the Sabbath day water difference well then some of them Jerusalem said Isn't this he that they are seeking to kill but look he's speaking boldly and they're not saying anything to him do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ alone and this man we know where he comes from but when Christ comes no man knows where he came from then one day cried Jesus in the temple as he taught saying News in the temple day in day out teaching you both know me and you know when science and that I am not come of myself but he that sent me is true the problem is you don't know him but I know him I am from him and he sent me well then they actually tried to arrest him but no one would lay hands on him they just nothing would work for them because his hour was not yet come and many of the people believed him and said look when Christ comes do you think he's going to do more miracles and what this man has done the ferrous he's heard the depressed people murmured such things concerning human affairs season achieve pre-sent officers to take him. And then said Jesus to them yet a little while I'm going to be with you and then I'll go to him that sent me you'll look for me and you're not going to find me and where I am there you can not come then the Jews said among themselves where is he going to go with we shall not find him will he go to the dispersed among the Gentiles and teach the Gentiles there where did this come from but what's generally not realized is that there are numerous places throughout the Gospel where Jesus makes it very clear that the truth of God the promises the covenants all the great gifts of God were given to the Jews and that they had were supposed to share them with the world and that they had not done so and there are many many references about the Gentiles and that the gospel must be taken to the Gentiles and people had heard this and so now they're wondering well well when is he going to do that what manner of saying is this that he said You shall seek me and you shall not find me and whether I am there you cannot come and then in verse 37 Jesus says this in the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come to me and drink he that believes on me as the Scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this he spoke of the Spirit which they that believe in Him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified. Now consider what's going on here this is the last great day of the feast it is a unique day one of the great days of the Hebrew calendar the last great day of the feast but oddly enough it's one you rarely hear about of course the Jews do they're very much aware of it but Christians by and large many have never heard of it beyond this particular saying and it never registered on them that Jesus Christ on this occasion is engaging in some very important symbolism. Jesus chooses to issue a call on this day not just to some but to all men to come to him. The 1st mention of this day is found in Leviticus the 23rd chapter this is the chapter in which all the Christian holidays as I call them are laid out the world looks at them Christianity looks at them as Jewish holidays but whenever you study them and find Christ in every one of them there's very good reason to call them Christian eliminate those 23 in verse 33 The Lord spoke to Moses saying this speak to the children of Israel saying the 15th day of the 7th month shall be a feast of tabernacles for 7 days to the Lord the 1st day is a holy convocation it means you go to church you should do no servo work in that day and you take a day off 7 days you should offer an offering made by fire to the Lord and on the 8th day another holy convocation you go to church and though you offer an offering made by fire to Lord it's a solemn assembly you don't do any sort of vile work there and so we have 2 days the 1st day on the 8th day you take the day off from work and you go to church and you celebrate on these days 1st 39 in the 15th day of the 7th month when you gathered in the fruit of the land you should keep the Feast of the Lord 7 days on the 1st day shall be a Sabbath and on the 8th day shall be a Sabbath you take the day off. Now there is some question about whether this 8th day is a separate festival or whether it's just merely the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles will leave that aside for the time being and consider the special significance of the day for Christian people the last day of this feast on Temple Mount was characterized by a pouring of water one source says that the Temple Mount was awash in water on this day it was a great water festival and he is here stands Jesus in a tent in the Temple Mount on the day of the Water Festival and he stands and cries saying if anybody is thirsty let him come to me and drink he that believes on me as the Scripture says out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water he spoke this of the spirit that they would receive on him should receive the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified and the greatest meaning of the day is found in the words any man not just some. Just some in the western world not just some in North America not just some in South America any man for to this day you see the Gospel has not been extended to any man. And so Jesus somehow on this last great day of the feast stands and cries aloud in the temple that there is connected with this day a time when any man will be able to come to God. You know there's a parallel between the Feast of Tabernacles and and human history the pattern the Bible appears to be that man has 6000 years of human rule to do his best and oddly the chronology of the Bible seems to work with that even though you know as far as going back and actually look in archaeology the times involved are probably greater than what we find in the Bible this doesn't mean the Bible is wrong it simply means we don't have all the data the pattern in the Bible seems to be that a man has 6000 years to get what done whatever his he's going to do the 7th 1000 years what everyone calls the millennium is the time of the Kingdom of God. But if you've been following this carefully you may wonder. Ok then what about that 8th day that's outside the 7000 year plan yeah it is isn't it well what comes at the end of the plan of God. We'll talk about that when I come back after this important message for a free cd of this radio program that you can share with friends and others write or call this week only and request the program titled Christian holiday number 20 right to Born to weigh in Post-office Box 5.60 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1808 buyable 40 fold and tell us the call letters of this radio station now you don't have to be a scholar to figure out where to turn the Bible if you want to take a look at the end of the plan do you illogically you go toward the end of the Book of Revelation so lets do it Revelation 20 and verse one John is standing and he sees as I see an angel coming down from Heaven with the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent the devil and Satan and bound him for a 1000 years and cast him into the abyss and shut him up and set a seal on him that he should not deceive the nations any more until the 1000 years should be fulfilled after that he must be loosed a little season I don't figure looking at the world I live in today that that's happened yet the devil seems very much to be afoot right but when we come to this period of time when the devil is bound for a 1000 years this is what people talk about when they're talking about the millennium it's the 7th 1000 year period and is symbolic and connects to the Feast of Tabernacles and so he says cast him into the bottomless pit shut him up for a 1000 years and I saw thrones and they sat upon him and judgment was given to them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus for the Word of God that had not worship the beast or his image those that had never received the mark of the beast in their foreheads or hands and they lived and they reigned with Christ a 1000 years. You won't find the word millennium in the Bible but this is where the idea of the millennium comes from it's odd that often in Christian conversation it it's talked about in terms of the millennium rather than the Kingdom of God which in fact it is the time of the kingdom the reign of God upon the earth it says the rest of the dead did not live again until the 1000 years were finished this is the 1st resurrection Now if you look at the Feast of Tabernacles being 7 days as being symbolic of the 7000 years of human history in which we are all camping out down here on this planet were strangers were pilgrims were like Abraham wandering to and fro in the earth that during the 7000 years we're kind of at loose ends the 7th 1000 year period what we call the millennium is the time of God's rule instead of man's rule that's the way some people look at this then John goes on to say or the one speaking the angel speaking to John says bless it and holy is he that has part in the 1st resurrection on such the 2nd death has no power but they should be priests of God in Christ and reign with ham a 1000 years but do you realize what you just heard there when he said the 1st resurrection He implies that it's not the only one in fact it would seem here that we have got at least 2 resurrections the 1st and the 2nd are a 1000 years apart now I realize all this stuff can be interpreted in one way or another but that is seems to be the simplest and most straightforward way of understanding the vision that John is seeing here. Now he goes on to say when the 1000 years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the nations in the 4 corners of the earth god to May God to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea Mind you this is at the end of a 1000 years of peace of God's Reign but now the devil has allowed loose again and this is what happens they went up on the breadth of the earth and they compassed the camp of the saints round about the beloved city and fire came down out of heaven from God and devoured them and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the v. Beast and the false prophet were cast and shall be tormented day and night for ever and forever Hill devil has got a very unpleasant future ahead of him it seems and I saw a great white throne and him that sat upon it from whose face the earth in the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the Book of Life Now wait a minute where are we anyway Well we are at the end after that 1000 year period. They're numbered verse 5 it said the rest of the dead 1st of all the 1st resurrection is all those in Christ the rest of the dead did not live again until the 1000 years were finished as the 1st resurrection now we see this great white throne and the dead small and great stand what is it when the dead stand up. Resurrection right they stand before God The books were open and another book is opened which is the Book of Life and the dead were judged out of the things that were written in the books according to their works and I think about that for a minute. The book of life is the book of the names of all the saints of God of all those people who were in Christ in this life your name I hope is written in the book of life and I trust mine is now think about this since everyone whose name was in the Book of Life were raised in the 1st resurrection why are we opening the book of life again in this 2nd resurrection Well it can't possibly be to see who's written it because they've already been raised I know if you thought about this but the only possible reason for opening the book of life at this point is that names could be entered in the book of life. And the sea gave up the dead in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to His works and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the 2nd death and whoever was not found written in the Book of Life at the end of it all was cast into the lake of fire now I don't know what all the details are of God's plan or how he's going to work out every aspect of it but you know it's pretty plain when you make your way all through the stuff that I've been through in the last 20 broadcasts to help us understand what it is God is all about. That sooner or later he's going to come back and revisit a lot of people in this world who never knew and who never understood they're going to come up out of their graves and they're going to be judged now you could think that they're all standing in front of a bar of justice being judged for what they have done in the past but the judgment of a prize fight goes on while the fights being waged these people will be alive back on the earth and judged by the way they're living their lives. You know it maybe but your old Uncle Bob who never had time for religion will in the 2nd resurrection find time for God until next time I am Ronald dart and you were born to women born to win radio program with Ronald Eldard is sponsored by Christian educational ministries and made possible by donations from listeners like you if you can help police in your donation to born to women Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 you may call us at 1888 Bible 44 and visit us online at Born Joe when dot net The preceding program is sponsored by Christian educational ministries. At home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word. Comer City Denver in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the web at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. We don't often hear an honest review of what's happening today that's about to change as Crawford broadcasting launches our national Crawford roundtable podcast you'll hear about current events hard news stories cultural ideas and other pertinent topics that without the smoke and mirrors of a left wing agenda national Crawford. Is available on ample podcast stitcher and Crawford broadcasting dot com Listen to the national proffered roundtable Friday mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full pod cast episodes pattern website 670 k l t t v dot com. 23 years ago 119 day old baby was abducted from a New York hospital that baby grew to adulthood while growing up she didn't feel she was where she really belonged she became curious one day viewing pictures of a missing persons website Carlina White recognized a photo it was her baby picture. She contacted the mother who posted the photograph d.n.a. Tests confirmed their relationship Carlina and her biological mother have been reunited Every year millions of people around the world draw similar conclusions they sense the life they've been living isn't the one they should be live and you often felt there's something more according to the Bible that's God's invitation you were born to belong in his family whatever life you've been living up to now God invites you to something better he wants you to seek his forgiveness for your sins and join the family where you really belong he wants you to come home we'd like to help you find a way goal 8 need him you can chat with us live or download a free Bible that needed him dot org In March chapters 16 Jesus commands his followers to go into all the world and preach the gospel may not be able to reach the whole world singlehandedly but with T.T.'s powerful am signal you can reach up to 7 states with a message of hope join us in following.