It. As an example for us how we should operate in our faith when these things happen to us. But I wanted to mention 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4 1st of all verse 18 Well let's take 17 and 18 for our light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we do not look at the things which are seen do you see we do not look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal 2nd Corinthians 418 and so God was making Paul Abraham was leading Abraham to trust in the invisible in the things that are not seen God was more real than his human flesh God was more real than the rocks in the mountains and the trees in the fields in front of him God was invisible but more real than anything that was visible so we have this statement. Romans 418. Who the God who gives life to the dead and calls things which do not exist as though they did now I want you to think of how Abraham believed I have emphasized and tried to make it clear to you more than once now that. Faith does not come from man's side it is not man's will operating if that were the fact then salvation would be by by works and faith would be our work in exchange for God's righteousness but that's not how it is Paul talks about the righteousness of faith that phraseology makes it very very clear that faith is not ours because that would imply that we have a righteousness that. To give to God no faith comes from God side now let's look at an example or 2 and write in the Book of Revelation the Book of Genesis remember that God came to Abraham in Genesis and said get out of your country from your family and from your father's house to a land that I will show you I will make you a great nation I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing and I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed Well Abraham was absolutely bowled over of course and he made an altar at that time it says then the Lord appeared to Abraham and said to your descendants I will give this land and there he built an altar to the Lord who had appeared to him that is when he arrived in Canaan he arrived there and he and God said to him I will give you this land now why did God say that at that time when he already said it because when he got there the Canaanites were in there in the land all over the place and what do you think happened in Abraham's mind while he began to wonder how in the world can I have this land is already occupied by the gay knights and so there was doubt in Abraham's mind and what does God do. He appeals to him and he says to your descendants I will give this land. Well then you know you remember there was a famine in the land and obviously Abraham and his massive family there were over 500 of them servants and all and everything they he begins to wonder how in the world is this land going to sustain me and he has to leave and go down to Egypt more doubt in his mind no doubt and then when he gets to Egypt he notices that the Sarah his wife is very attractive to the Egyptians and he's afraid that the courtiers. The pharaoh will kill him and take his wife for Pharaoh and so he asks his wife to call herself his sister well that leads to humiliation of course because Pharaoh finds out and he sends Abraham out of the land and what happens. Well what happens is this God leads Abraham back to the place where he built an altar to the Lord it says to the place of the altar let me see to the place where his tent had been at the beginning between Bethel and Ai and to the place of the altar which he had made there in the 1st place and there Abraham called on the name of the Lord What did God do then he called Abraham back to the place where he had believed God in the 1st place when he had arrived in Canaan. And then of course there was that time when Lot wanted you know Lot was an enormous company as well and there was no room for both of the families and so Abraham in his humble way offered any choice of the land to lot and lot being pretty selfish chose the best part and then of course Abraham is beginning to doubt again if this land is going to be mine how come lodges taken most of it or the best of it and then it says The Lord said to Abraham. After lot had separated from him lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are northward southward eastward and westward for all the land which you see I give to you and to your descendants for ever. And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth so that if a man could number the dust of the earth then your descendants also could be numbered arise walk in the land through its length and its breath for I give it to you and don't you think that Abraham had a jolly good walk after that as far as he could go because all of it would be the laws you see though what is happening every time Abraham gets into something of a turmoil and a bad situation God comes and stimulates faith or and genders faith or creates it in Abraham. And then there was that time that Abraham had to deliver a lot from because a lot of it got into trouble the kings of the land were at war and a lot was in the midst of it and he was kidnapped and Abraham had to go and rescue him he and his men. Went to war with I think 12 kings against 12 kings and rescued Lot Well what do you think Abraham thought after after that he must have been afraid that he was near death that he could have been killed in that situation. And that would have been before God fulfilled his promise or what happens Chapter 15 verse one after these things the word of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision and said Do not be afraid Abraham for I am your shield your exceedingly great reward now why did he say that why did you put it that way because obviously Abraham had been afraid and obviously he was afraid that he wasn't protected well enough and God said to him I will be your shield I am your shield now I want you to gather from this the nature of faith faith is not something that comes from our side faith is what comes with the promise it's all part of the package when go. God says I will be you in you all families of the earth shall be blessed That's the promise he gives faith he creates faith in us to believe it that's how our salvation works I want you to understand that because we have a very distorted view that God is going to save us but but but but we have to believe as if the butt indicates that faith is ours and if you don't believe it you're lost now look if you rely on faith in that way all of your trust in God will just dissipate all of your assurance all of your sense of peace in him just will not be sustained it is gone and who gives us the life of faith let me give you one quick illustration before I go here and it's in Romans Chapter 5 where it says While we were without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly will jump to that will go to get to that later but think of it now you are without strength that means you don't have faith you don't have the strength to Will belief I mean to to will it from your own will power but Christ died for you while you were without strength and you know what Christ died means in this context it means that we are reconciled to the Father through the death of his son that's what verse 10 says so we are reconciled to God while we are without strength. That's wonderful isn't it it means that you can say to your father of father I don't have enough faith to believe I'm without strength and I am totally beaten down by my addiction I can't believe and then you hear the word of the Lord and you say oh but it's alright Lord isn't it because you are the one who gives me trust even though I feel faint I know that trust comes from you and Lord even though I am without strength I believe you. Well we are at that time of the month where we have to pay a bill that isn't a day or $2.00 it's only the 4th right now but in 4 days I have to send the radio rent to calle t.-t. Which is $860.00 I need your help I don't have the money there and I wish that you could help I know you can if you would just take action put pen to paper and send off a donation to faith quest would you the radio rent as I said is $860.00 per month which is $39.00 per radio broadcast we are now can you believe it in our 22nd year of broadcasting 22 years thanks be to God and thanks to you for supporting it all through these years so send your donation if you would for the radio rent whether it's a small amount of 5 dollars or a nice amount of a 100 or $200.00 and sometimes someone even decides to underwrite a whole month's radio broadcast of a broadcast of $100.00 of $860.00 thank you so much for doing that and thank you for so much for the smaller donations to send them to faith Quest p. O. Box 366 Littleton Colorado 80160 that's faith Quest p. O. Box 366 Littleton Colorado 8 o 160 or make your donation online at faith. Radio dot com. The Web site is out of date I'm so sorry about that but you can get loads of on our website from programs years ago as well as the press almost the present so take advantage of it see you next time then cheerio and God bless. The preceding program sponsored by face. Are you struggling with addictions addictions to sin Cullen cook can help you can hear Cullen cook on how it happens weeknights at 10 pm right here on the nation's most powerful Christian 670. 670. Welcome to enjoying every day life with New York Times best selling author Joyce. Anger management deal with anger from time to time. And a willingness to face your emotions if you can experience a breakthrough in your life before we get to the teaching we'd like to give you an opportunity to give a special gift to one of our missions outreaches 100 percent of your giving to be designated to a specific area like water feeding medical project. Please visit Joyce Meyer dot org to see more needs and how you can make a difference now here's Joyce with the series Anger Management. 8 summit. Buy some you want. If you need a laugh go find somebody funny and hang out with them all day. Don't get around some angry sour puss go find somebody funny. I can tell you there's a lot of people listening right now that one of your greatest needs is to start doing some things for yourself once in awhile. So you're in a really clapped good on that you know why because as Christians we're just we think why am I need to say. Yeah there's a time for psycho fight but you won't even be good at that. If you don't occasionally do something for yourself you know why because people who only sacrifice all the time they become martyrs. And there may be sacrificing but they're telling you about it all the time how much how much I do for my family and everybody here takes advantage of me and blah blah blah blah blah same Going to the Lord a new song. Lord have mercy. Fair is the root cause of a lot of anger now more for fear and let's go to 1st Samuel 17 then they show you just one man's story and you'll get it we still haven't fun. For almost out of time. First time in 1728. All the men of the army of Israel were running. Frightened because of Goliath nobody would face them nobody would confront him David a little shepherd boy who nobody really seem to respect that much sure had a mighty relationship with God and so he thought maybe he could do something about Goliath it's amazing when you hang out with God You get quite bold and courageous. But he had older brothers that or some of the ones that weren't doing anything about Goliath and so in verse 28 it says his elder brother heard what he said to them in and anger was kindled against David and he said they him why did you come down here with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness right away he's trying to belittle him and make him feel like he's unimportant I know your presumption in the evilness of your heart for you have only come down here that you might see the battle and verse 29 and David said What have I done now. So you know what that tells me David was used to this kind of the treatment come on maybe maybe you grew up in a family where you were not the favorite sibling. Are the favored child. You didn't get the best grades or there were things that other siblings got attention far that you couldn't do and you didn't get that where you can spend your life now hating them because they didn't treat you right or you can turn your attention to God and know that true promotion comes from him. And if you give up the ashes he can give you double blessing for your former trouble. Like this. Merciful day. 1st there are no 186. As they were coming home when David returned from killing the Philistines Well now he is working with Saul he's in Sol's army and they were returning from a battle and the women came out of the Israelite town singing and dancing to meet Kings soul with temporal songs of joy and instruments of music and the women responded as they laughed and frolic saying saw all this plainly is thousands but David has 10000 years now let me tell you it had been worn really secure King for that not to bother you. And actually God wants us to have that kind of security. He doesn't want us to have to feel like that we've got to dislike somebody else because they seem to be like a little bit more than we are so come on. Look at me you don't have to live in competition with anybody. Have your own life have your own relationship with God Let God do what he wants to do with you without comparing yourself with anybody else. I'll tell you what I think I think this song those women saying was a test for Solve I think sometimes God will test us and he'll let us be in situations like this on purpose. Versus a and so was very what. What's our word today. And so was very angry for the same displays of him like a stone and he said Well you've given the David 10000 and to me only a 1000 what more now can he have but the kingdom. And soul jealously identified from that day forward. And the next day an evil spirit from God came mightily on Saul. And he raved madly in the house . The 1st 11 and saw a cast the jamma one for he thought I will pin David to the wall and David if they did him twice here's the thing if you keep a good heart I don't care who tries to come after you they will not be able to hurt you God will deliver you every time. And I'm not saying it won't hurt I'm not saying it won't be challenging but God is our deliver however let's rewind you've got to give up the ashes. And the ashes represent the bitterness I mean you know David could have been like he had been married god why why you stick me in this house with this crazy came and he's gonna throw spears at me all day but you know what I noticed with David Salter his fears of him for years but David never threw spears back. John. Avlon there's more there than you're hearing. The important thing is not rather your soul is throwing spears at you but rather now you're throwing spears back. And you know the story I mean Saul tried to kill David for years and years and years and God just kept protect him kept protecting him kept protecting him I mean David would not touch the Lord's anointed he wouldn't talk about him badly he wouldn't come against him he had an opportunity to kill him he wouldn't do it he put his self in God's hands and God exalted him to the throne and he became one of the great escape. They want to be angry. Are great for. The last of the filth to rid of anger that is feeling like you're being controlled. Boy does that make people mad. And they my dad controlled everything and you know of course you can imagine what that was like for me because I had a strong personality anyway and people that are strong and personality really can't stand to be controlled and I mean he controlled everything what you watched on t.v. What you didn't want time you went to bed what time you got up I mean everything he controlled it well I hated him for it. I retained a sin I became a controller come on. And I'm enjoying my message to bomb actually preaching this for you so if you are a controller. Ok I'm just going to say you're. Trying to control people is a form of witchcraft. That is not witchcraft but it's like in that same family because that's what devils and demons try to do they try to control where the Holy Spirit leads and guides prompts and offers us options. I said before you live their good a volt choose the good but he's not going to force you to do it. Now last thing I'm going to talk about if you have somebody controlling you it is wrong it is wicked it is evil but if you won't confront them. It's just as wrong. I think you didn't want me to leave you with something to do did you. C C. I'm not standing here because I can't think of anything to say I want you to get it . That they honestly did there are people that will treat you good even if you don't and says that they do. But the biggest majority of people and sadly even Christian people they'll probably give you whatever you put up with or. If you say yes all the time and you never say no and then all of a sudden you say no if they're used to hearing yes all the time if I don't make a mad. One I'm going to go slow on this one are going. To say God fine and told me I had to go confront my dad man I didn't want to do that I mean I'd been gone from the house for years and the subject had never been talked about everybody hid from everybody ignored man I didn't want to do it because I still had fear of him on the time came God said it's time I went and I shook so hard through the whole thing that it was pathetic but I just told him I said we have to talk about this you were wrong and what you did to me it was wrong . And he tried to make a bunch of silly excuses I said No you were wrong you controlled me with fear and it was wrong. And I wasn't a whole lot more to it than that but there was a breakthrough for me and of freedom for me and finally confronting the situation now I'm not trying to tell you what you need to do but let me just tell you don't let people manipulate you and controlling you and use you and abuse you you know why you are valuable you have got worse and value God loves you he's created you for good purpose he want you to have a good life and the devil will always try to provide somebody who's going to try to take that away from you and you have a God given right through the power of the Holy Spirit and the leadership of the Holy Spirit at the right time you need to stand up for yourself and confront and say you know. That is not trust in God. That's being led by the Holy Spirit a man so don't spend your life angry don't go around with a bunch of repressed anger taken things out on everybody that you come around it's time to let go your box thanks for listening learn how to be an overcomer and enjoy God's peace by ordering today's offer keys to managing your package which includes 2 C.D.'s and a living beyond your feelings paperback book this package is available now for a donation of $25.00 or more in u.s. Funds and we do accept all major credit cards you can order today's offer from our website at Joyce Meyer dot org Or you can call us toll free at 187-9008 not again the number is 187890089. Experienced by you know who may. At the joint Meyer conference and I don't care what it cost me I'm going to go 100 percent with God And I'll tell you if he is going to do things in your life that would just leave you and believe me I'm a coming to her see Pennsylvania Nov 8th and 9th at Science Center all sessions are free for more information and a complete conference schedule visit Joyce Meyer dot org or call 1866 Julie. Thanks again for listening to enjoying everyday life our mission here at Joyce Meyer Ministries is simple sharing Christ and loving people remember Together we can do more for. The preceding program is sponsored by light Quest Media Incorporated Hello this is Joyce Meyer you know many people go through their personal lives miserable defeated and depressed but I want to show you how God's word has given each of us joy and victory if we just live life in the spirit join me right here every weekday and let me show you how you can truly start enjoying every day life and try to live for Joyce Meyer weekdays at 11 45 am here on the body search 7 day. You're listening to. Weekend Edition infusing your evening with the life of God's word k o t 2 is broadcasting in high definition on a m 670 ecommerce City Denver and the world was at 67 calle t.t. Dot com. Jews laws. In your lawn. Welcomes a classic Christianity radio with Bob George today we're pleased to present a special radio show featuring calling listeners from Bob's original people to people daily radio program that was on the air for over 30 years offering real answers for real life. Problems as he addresses common questions as well as the tough issues of today directing callers to the central idea of Christ in you your only hope of glory we want to remind our listeners that Bob George ministries need your financial support to continue to have classic Christianity radio on the air please visit Bob George dot net to find out how you can help support us financially Let's now join Bob as he presents practical biblical insights as he helps people experience a life of faith hope and love in Jesus Christ Let's go to Danny in Nashville Tennessee on in q.m. Danny you're on the air hey how ya doing is. Doing really good thanks Danny Ok Well every day I've got a quick and in my line of work I made a lot of people and I do and when it's appropriate I thought I would. Do you believe in the Trinity. No earthly make you equate or of any As you well know the word Trinity is not used in the scripture neither is rapture there's a lot of words that are used in the scripture but we are told that there is one God and yet that is declared in 3 different persons God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and in different parts of the scripture every one of those are declared is God Jesus as an example said Our raised myself from the dead in another place and said The Holy Spirit raised him from that they had another place and said the father raised him from the dead another place and said God raised Him from the dead well he would raise 4 times that it's just a different way of saying God raised Him from the dead. And so the Trinity is something that as a college as a seminary professor once said If you deny the Trinity you're going to lose your soul you try to understand the tranny you'll lose your mind. God is Spirit Danny and you must worship Him in spirit and in truth now what in the world is a spirit look like and we try to put flesh and blood around Spirit which you can't do and that's why a lot of people get confused in regard to the Trinity is because we're trying to put flesh and blood on it and the issue is that if God is Spirit I have no idea at all how spirit exists but he says it exists in the form of the Father and the Son the Holy Spirit again we try to put flesh and blood on those but we can't that spirit and so yes this is the Trinity were to be baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And you have some people Danny who go into this Jesus only bit and I don't know why they're trying so desperately to cause divisions in the body of Christ because it's ludicrous Jesus certainly wasn't talking to himself in the garden to get seminary them on the cross the issue is that their talk about being baptized is that is there anything wrong with being bad guys the name of Jesus absolutely not everything that God wanted us to know about himself was revealed in Jesus 30 thing wrong with that but don't deny the source of all truth which is God the Father Jesus said that I don't do anything with the father tells me to do it so the source of all truth is from God the Father so that kind of wraps up a little bit as to about the Trinity there Danny and why we do believe the trinity Well if that's what they quit Well you know what it was. Like the scriptures in Revelation like everyone I think you know them a beginning the end in that thinking going to go on and it doesn't that word was God in the Word became and will. It likely that he thinks you know the mate and God is Jesus so the Holy Spirit God and so is the Father God so you can't and I the existence of those so. I really encourage people to quit complicating this thing like a nitwit we sit around and try that act like we're so smart on things that we've got everything figured out God is Spirit and if it says in the Bible that God the Father is God and God the son's God the Holy Spirit is God take that as truth and quit trying to fool with it oh I. Know I'm just saying that's what people are doing and his are trying to. You know they're trying to in the beginning was the word the word was with God The Word was God Well the word became flesh who became flesh God understanding God the Father Well Jesus talking to in the garden of the guest semolina self though is talking to God the Father and so we just have to accept that I say many times Danny I don't think we can i don't think we can totally comprehend that we can apprehend it but I don't think we've been told to comprehend that we have no basis I tell people is like an egg and they get make up of what you yoke and a white in the shell which ones had a rat I've got that you've got the yolk of the egg Why did the egg of the shell of the egg but you'll have want to make Well you know by. They didn't believe in it at all you know and now they say man and they look at the Scriptures and stuff but yet they come back to me and that and then I know when I go back down there and they go it be that way and they say well you know if it's true that when he was on the crowd he looked up and. They know not what they do. You think he did it was he don't you go out into the field. So you know I kind of put me in a I'm trying to search and I know treat is a man made water and it's not in the scriptures I came at it in words so no it's not there but the but the there's the rapture but there certainly is a declaration was being snatched out of the world so the Trinity is there's one God Take a look at the in the Genesis one in the beginning. A god created the word is l.-o. Een Ellaline was a Parra word Old Testament rabbis it scratch their head with that and say how could that be God is only one and yet l.-o. Even as plural let us go and confuse their language use the us and in Jesus their violence. Let us go down and make man in Our image use the our. And so plurality in the Godhead was all through the Old Testament it was just not understood or comprehended until Jesus came and made it clear so the very people that these people are trying to say is the only one that is God is One who clarified the fact that the whole god exists in the person of God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Remember where it says that all things will be put under his feet and it goes down say that does not mean God Himself and so you know these people who are doing this Jesus only thing Danny are doing a great injustice because a lot of their teaching is pretty right on in good even better least what I've heard of in regard to the teaching of grace but they've gone off in a zoo Moville here and just another way to come up with something to divide the body over an issue that is just plain not true. Well it's too complicated get down explain to them you know I just been trying so hard and you come up with something else I don't know where you leave it alone or yeah I absolutely you know I do not any people come down they think I've got to do inside that you don't have and brother that's where the pride of Man comes in and bro I know something if you don't know no you don't I Got News For You I believe that it nigh all of trinity is that that I love God and I believe that people who deny the Trinity are denying who God is just the same as a Muslim is the 9 who God is anybody who does not think it who believes that Jesus came over and over here in America that in the Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus of the Bible is God the Son and he talked to God the Father and said I do nothing unless a father tells me to do it I say nothing unless a father tells me to say it and how to say it now how no world could someone be talking about himself through and so that's just it's of the. Idiotic theology that somebody has come up with but if you say Well Jesus is God Of course he's God the skull God the Son we say well that how could that exist because God Spirit so quit trying to put flesh on Spirit and figure everything out you know eating figure out electricity let alone the spirit. Thank you Bob I'm a llama leave him alone now if I got there I would do there I would do just let him wallow for wallowing or ignorance for a while maybe they'll come over say sooner or later all right thank you all right brother classic Christianity radio is a listener funded program and because of your generous donations we're able to be on the air go to Bob George dot net online for more information about how to purchase helpful books and Bible study materials to guide you as you grow in your relationship with Jesus the Bob George dot net website also has additional information on how you can join us financially to help support the radio ministry with your prayers and support we can continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ let's continue now with the teaching message we're going to go to her said California listing on the c.b.c. Larry you're on the air Bob and Larry I don't doing fine thank you brother when I'm not doing too well on the I'm really having doubts about my salvation. I believe that I gave my life to Christ. When I was about 22 years old. And my I really I felt the presence and I read read read the Gospel but I didn't. I didn't join with the church and get into the fellowship. And and I guess. That I I went back to my old sinful nature and started drinking again and so. I'm 45 now. And I've been drinking. For 20 years denying and he. Actually. Did 9 that I was an alcoholic or had a problem with the drinking. And I'm also I'm also. Bipolar Have you heard of that before but yeah I just don't believe in it I don't believe in it that's true Ok Ok but that's beside the point Larry what you're let me let's get the let's get to your problem number one you're not going to find bipolar in the Bible and it says the Bible that it's not what a man puts in his mouth that defiles a man but what proceeds out of his heart so literally you also don't have a drinking problem you have a heart problem and what you said there is that you gave your heart to Jesus then that certainly could be true there but the issue is is did he give in his self to you. If you have come to Christ Larry by. By recognizing the truth of something you have to come to a recognition of your condition you spelled out some of the things very honestly to me about your condition except when you get in that psychological gaba group that people always have to have a name for so they can give you medication if they can't give you a name for something they can't medicate you so that's why you've got all these bipolar Zen anorexics and believe me and everything else out there instead of just calling it what it is and that's a preoccupation with self what about is how the Bible would spell that out. What about schizophrenia that's just the same thing it's a double minded man it's unstable and always right so if so again you double mindedness is that you can put a psychological name on it I'm not going to be able to give you a drug by saying you're double minded but if I can call it some big fancy name why then I get your drug for it and now we're finding out that all his drug companies are. Planting these drugs in people and then finding out a few years later that it kills you and then they say whoops scuse me and take it off the market and move on the issue is that God didn't call us to alter our minds he called them to renew our minds and that's what I want to talk to you about Larry is renewing your mind the 1st thing you have to have come to conclusion to is your condition Here's what God says is the condition of the last man he's a sinner and if you are like me you have no problem at all arguing with that standpoint at all that's your center you also have to say that there's a consequence to sin that's called death the spiritual death. When Adam died he died spiritually and what death is is the absence of life so the life of God departed from Adam leaving him alive to the world but very much dead to God were born in that condition Larry were born they had spirits right and the only solution to death is life and the only life available to you to a Mormon to a Buddhist to person in practicing Muslim religion Catholic Protestant doesn't make a difference to your liberty you're dead and if you're dead you need life and the only life available to us is the resurrected life of Christ Jesus and that's why Jesus said I came that you might have life why because your day and I'm the resurrection and the life and then he goes in to explain that whosoever believes in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever lives and believes in me will never die and so he's not talking about in the Sweet By and by when you leave this earth you're talking about right now you need spiritual life but what why would you need spiritual life if you didn't understand that you were dead spiritually and so those are the 2 things that a man must come to grips with in his life the reason I'm doing what I'm doing is either I'm ignoring the life that is in me or I do not have that life I have not truly yielded to the life of Christ to say Lord I've been leanin all moan understanding I've been doing it my way as the song goes and I want you to come into my heart and to be my Lord and my Savior and to give me your life I thank you for what you did at the cross you took away my sins never see them again no man will ever go to hell because of his sins Larry because the sins of the world were placed on Christ Jesus and there he who knew. You know sin became sin for you so that you could become the righteousness of God in him so the only question that God will ever ask any human being on the face of this earth is what did you do as my son did you ignore him and his sacrifice and his life for you or did you accept Him and to acknowledge your sinfulness and acknowledge his provision for you at the cross and to recognize your condition a spiritual death and ask him for life is the only question that will ever ask someone and so as you're contemplating where what your condition is as we talk right now if you're if you're in a situation of being able to say no I know full well that I have fully acknowledge the fact that I was dead spiritually and I fully acknowledge the fact that the only life available to me is Christ Jesus and I really did ask the living Christ to come in and take up residence in my heart or I'm not sure that took place. And I'm like I cannot say I'm not sure that they claim. Well I can tell by your heart Larry that you want that to take place and I know. And that's that that's so simple for for you to do and what I want to suggest for you to diet is this. If you're willing to acknowledge the fact that. I just quoted you Scripture just quote one when you are dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your sinful nature is me in the scripture it says when you are dead in your sins so in other words an acknowledgment that Lord Jesus if you said that I'm dead in my sins and that's exactly what I am right and if that's where I am and you said to me that I came to give me life I want your life I recognized what you said as my condition and I read I recognize what you said is your provision is resurrected life and I want you to come in and to give me your resurrected life and if that's your heart's desire Larry we can settle that issue tonight thanking God for the fact that he's taken away your sins never to see them again he's not dealing with you on the same issue today he's already dealt with that the verdict was guilty the punishment was death and Jesus took it for you and so the only thing we're left with is thanking him for his provision at the cross where he took away the cause of spiritual death and asking him to now come in and to raise you from the dead spiritually. You know if that's your heart's desire I'd love to pray with you tonight as you ask him to do that. If you think that you're not tired tonight Larry you know right now I am I am in a mental hospital that's Ok Ok and I. And I've been. I go I go through depression. And I understand all that but the issue is. I don't avoid the issue the issue is do you recognize I don't care where they are mental hospital or not quite frankly you can't tell the difference between that which see on television. But if your condition tonight because you're talking very logically so you're not insane why you're in there God only knows but they issue is that if you're willing to acknowledge what God said because you can't reveal sin against the truth if what I've said to us true and all I've said to you is richer and of Jesus is God and he said the Scripture is true why then the Scriptures true and so if you recognize what the scripture is said about your condition forget all this other stuff you're going through your basic condition is spiritual death and the only provision for that is the resurrected life of Christ and if you're willing to acknowledge that Larry and invite Jesus to come into your heart as your Lord and Savior you will be born again you will have the rest of the the life of God living in you you'll have the mind of Christ living in you and you can start Renu ing your mind on truth and letting that truth set you free. And like 2 girls in level Kentucky that were taking treatments in a mental hospital. Shock Treatments in a mental hospital who got a hold of this truth through a depression series and walked out of that hospital in 2 months today having a ministry to thousands of girls in that area you don't need to be an old mental hospital you're lucid you can talk you can think but you need to come to Christ so that you've got a mind to greater than yours living in you that will guide you and direct you into the paths of righteousness Yeah. Do you want to do that tonight Larry by so much want it there's some there's some part of me just like myself. Pharaoh. You know I love the heart of his heart and I thought that my heart has been hardened. By the same sun glary that melts wax hardens clay it's not the fault of the sun it's depends on what it falls on. Pride will harden your heart and all pride is his say and I don't need this I'm going to do it my own a here you're sitting there you've got all kinds of evidence that you can't do it on your own to the point if you're stuck in a stupid mental hospital some place that ought to tell you that you can't do it on your own Larry and so it's pride that keeps you pride is what hardens your heart I know I am very simple I'm very proud person Yeah well then get rid of that pride you ought to realize by now that had done you much good. I mean how could you be pride when you're in the shape that you're in and in the condition a cheery and so raw Don't you recognize the fact that Lord I've been acting like an idiot because I'm not a big deal and what I want to do is be guided by someone other than myself because I haven't done too well and where oh by trusting myself would you be agree with that you haven't done too well President you yourself have you. Well then give Jesus a try yes. The facts are there I'm 45 years old I'm. I really don't. Been drinking I'm done my life already done too well on your own and Larry that's understandable nobody can do well leaning on their own understanding God in the man Larry is indispensable to the humanity of the man just like a light bulb in a less electricity in a light bulb is indispensable to the function of the light bulb is a Finally instrument but it will not function apart from electricity and God designed you to not function apart from God living in you and we go out and try and God says Ok give it a whack and I'll follow you around but right now you're in a situation where you be ought to be in a situation of saying I cannot do it is obvious I've proven to myself that following my own inclinations is not going to work and so Lord Jesus if you want to come into my heart and save me and take me and to guide me I'm asking you to do it this very night yeah yeah. Yeah say. I'm stuck on this. Elect the children of God I well the chosen of God was in the jew in just a Gentile has nothing to do with us' and me Larry that's a that's a theology that has no biblical bearing to it all Ok he chose the Gentiles for salvation in the Jews for salvation but there are some Gentiles that respect Hughes and Jews that refuse and so don't get up on that this is an individual God is speaking to you tonight Larry in asking you Are you willing to come unto me and let me bring peace to your heart yes yes God I am Ok let's pray Larry then if that's your heart's desire and I think that is. And let's pray together and I'll say a prayer and why don't you just repeat after me but you're not talking to me you're talking to God Ok Ok. Lord Jesus I need you already I need you I thank you that you took away all my sins that's a cross thank you for taking all my sins away across never to see them again never to see them again. So that you could now offer me your life so that you can know for me your life. I now ask you to come into my heart I know I ask you to come into my heart. To be my Lord and my Savior to be my Lord my Savior and my best friend and my best friend. In Jesus name in Jesus name a man a man fell Larry based on the Word of God and it says to as many as received Him to them he gave the right to become a child of God You just received him What have you become a child of God child of God I too much child of God So what are we more and brothers your brothers absolutely right I've got a new brother in Christ I'm rejoice in with you says the angels in heaven are rejoicing with you. And you are now in a position of entering into a brand new realm of life altogether Larry where you're able to be plugged in to the Word of God and to learn on the Word of God and to grow in your knowledge of his absolute love and grace for you and I truly believe that. Do you have a viable there at the hospital Larry. Do you have one. Ok are you able to receive literature yes I am Ok I'm going to put you on hold and we're going to send you some literature Larry do you like to read are you able to concentrate everything. In the mad house. I. Didn't until you sent in my opinion you don't belong there I'm going to be praying my brains out that you will get out of that as soon as possible and start living a newness of life in Christ Jesus thank you but I'm going to put you on hold we want to send some information to you I want you stay in touch with us I want you to call us any time you don't think you're going over Call Call any time to talk and to get any question answered that you have I want to see it grow and I want to see it get back to normalcy Ok. Brother Ok brother got a place you Larry that you hang on because we're going to get that information to you Ok. You too Larry thank you for listening to classic Christianity radio with Bob George we are a listener funded program and your financial support is greatly appreciated you are generous gifts keep us on the air and they help so many people find hope in Jesus Christ George dot net online for more information about how to purchase books and Bible study materials to guide you as you grow in your relationship with Jesus thank you again for listening we look forward to our next classic Christianity radio broadcast with you in the mean time remember to always put Jesus 1st in your life. Jesus. The preceding program is sponsored by Bob George ministries. This is George and this is Amy George grateful for the opportunity to be back on the air Join us weekdays at 11 am to hear more about God's unconditional love that is in Christ she says tune in weekdays at 11 am to classic Christianity with Bob George on Colorado's Christian station the mighty $670.00. We don't often hear an honest review of what's happening today that's about to change as Crawford broadcasting launches our national Crawford roundtable podcast you'll hear about current events hard news stories cultural ideas and other pertinent topics but without the smoke and mirrors of the left wing agenda national Crawford. Is available on ample podcast stitcher and Crawford broadcasting dot com Listen to the national Crawford roundtable Friday mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full podcast at the said pattern website 670 k. L t t dot com. Or you can give 30 to 56 of. Them. At 95. And streaming at $670.00. I'm cherry Campbell your teacher with Victoria's faith heard at 6 am weekdays on the mighty 670 please join me and honoring the United States.

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