The story of Elijah the prophet would make a great movie I figure it would rank right up there with the 10 Commandments. But Cecil b. Demille is long gone and so is Charlton Heston for the title role for a while I thought maybe George c. Scott would make a better Elijah figure than Heston anyway but he's gone to all we've got left are these child actors in Hollywood and none of them really at all would reach the level of this acting job. The drama of the story lies in how he lived had this big window on Mount Carmel and days later was fleeing for his life from a woman. You remember don't you he he said as the Lord God lives before whom I stand there shall not be do no reign these years but according to my word then he disappeared for 3 and a half years is amazing this guy the architect of all prophets really the power of this man and he had hardly anything to say just that short sentence and he was gone so here he is he comes back he says I'm going to make it rain but let's get everybody together on Mount Carmel so he gets all the priests of the birth of Bale the profits of bail all these religious leaders of the pagan religions that Jess ability to put in office got everybody up to Mt Carmel called down fire from heaven and consumed an offering and everything around it and then he took all these profits down and killed all of them so it was that last thing I think that really got Jessica bells higher up and she said that I'm going to God do so to me and more also if the head of Elijah still rests on him by sundown she sent out guys looking for men to look looking for Elijah with instructions to take off his head when a line ended up thoroughly discouraged in a cave on Mount horror. And the word of the Lord came to him there and said What are you doing here is a lie just. By this time the great prophet was feeling sorry for himself so he replied I have I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts the Israelites have rejected your covenant they've broken down your altars they put your prophets to death with the sword I am the only one left and now they're trying to kill me too he had actually asked on one occasion Oh take away my life I'm not better than my father's Well God was not impressed the reply to him was blunt. Get back to work he even told him to appoint a successor which was a unique idea for the work of a prophet is usually temporal and was done it's done in this case I guess the work had to go further than one man's life but the most interesting thing about this whole episode comes almost as a by the way it Alijah was not the last faithful man the Lord said Oh I still have 7000 in Israel all the knees which have not bowed to bail and every mouth which has not kissed him. Now Elijah did not know and never would most of these people were that the population of Israel ran to a 1000000 folks at this time which one already said it did and God is talking about 7 tenths of one percent of the population if there was a similar proportion out there in the United States today that would run to about $1400000.00 souls in the United States that had not bowed the need to bale nor kissed him sounds like a lot of people doesn't it but it town of say 100000 that might mean only 700 disconnected people. Who didn't even know who each other were they were just people who refused to kiss that aisle who refused to bow down to that Idol because they believed in God now and having said that I have to note the number 7000 is probably not absolute like the 144000 in Revelation the number is probably symbolic and not literal I really don't think God means said I Well I've got 6795 people who have not bowed the need to bail sorry 941 of them just died I don't think so I think the number is talking to kind of give him an impression of a group of people out there who are carrying on now much later at the fall of Jerusalem there was a remnant who were left behind in the land they were said to be the poor of the land they were left behind as vine dressers and farmers in what was to become a Babylonian province called Judah one of their own as you named get Elia was appointed governor of the land and there existed a structured civil life farmers raised their crops they brought their crops to market they did all the things that people do they got they could get married they could have children they could see their grandchildren they could have peace because the Babylonians were going to see to it that they had peace now surprisingly a number of captains of the Jewish army were left as well Babylonians weren't stupid they realize you can't take all the fighting men out of here because bandits will take over everything they needed a governor they needed people to kind of keep things under order they wanted these people living and raising crops and paying taxes Well it happens that one of these men was named Ishmael of all things assassinated get a lie and fled across Jordan and disappears from history. So they couldn't be happy with everything just being like it was we have to improve on it which naturally they did not. Another one of the officers a man named Johannes and led a deputation to Jeremiah to ask for prayer and I think this was really an interesting it's a pivotal point in the whole story he asked please hear our petition and pray to the Lord your God for this entire remnant the idea of a ram that gets in here and it seems to hold throughout all the Old Testament prophecies for as you now see Jo-Anne continues that we were once many now we are only a few who are left pray that the Lord your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do Jeremiah 42 is where you'll find all this now Jeremiah did what they asked he got an answer from God but they refused to follow instructions they gathered up the king's daughters and decamped to Egypt dragging an unwilling Jeremiah right along with them and the rest of the story is written the book of Jeremiah of the things that God had to say to them because of that stupid mistake this is an idea of a remnant is remarkably to sit persistent in the Bible when the Assyrians invaded the land before this and carried off the whole house of Israel from some area to the nor they invaded Judah all the way to Jerusalem I.Z.'s speaking on behalf of Israel at the time lamented in saying except the Lord of hosts had left us a very small remnant we would have been like Saddam and we'd been like a moron and basically the fire descended from heaven and destroyed both of those cities and everyone in it. Isaiah repeatedly speaks of an escape being rim that preserved by God through every calamity the New International Version calls them the survivors some time ago I read a speech by a man named Alfred knock and titled Isaiah as job I really think this article or speech was done back in the thirty's and his it is so prescient he paraphrases Isaiah and here's what he had to say in the interviews I as death the Lord commissioned the prophet to go out and warn the people of the wrath to come. Tell them what a worthless lot they are he said tell them what is wrong and why and what is going to happen unless they have a choice in change of heart and straighten up don't mince matters make it clear that they are positively down to their last chance give it to them good and strong and keep on giving it to them I suppose that perhaps ought to tell you he added that it won't do any good. The official classes and their intelligentsia will turn up their noses at you and the masses will not even listen they will all keep on in their own ways until they carry everything down to destruction and you will probably be lucky if you get out with your life I say I had been very willing to take on the job in fact he had asked for it but the prospect put a new face on the situation it raises the obvious question why if all that were so if the Enterprise were to be a failure from the start was there any sense in starting it. The Lord said You do not get the point there is a remnant there that you know nothing about. They are obscure unorganized inarticulate each one rubbing along as best he can they need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs they're the ones who will come back and build up a new society and meanwhile your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on your job is to take care of the remnant So be off now and set about it is a rather free paraphrase of Isaiah I'll admit but it tends to resonate with what I know about the book and those words your job is to take care of the remnant ringing in my ears stay with me through this short break and when I come back we'll talk more about this remnant Isaiah as the most loved and admired of all the Old Testament prophets if you would like to receive a free introductory cd from the album I say all the Messiah's profit right to Born to Win Post Office Box 5 of 60 White House Texas 757914 call toll free 1808 Bible 44 That's one a day to 4 to 53 or 4 and tell us the call letters of this radio station. Your job is to take care of the rim that I don't think I really ever thought of the role of a prophet in those terms before but I can see it I really can why are they there why does God send somebody down or just tell us everything's going to come down around our ears Of course I understand it is so that we were a pant but he doesn't even we knows we're not going to repent. It's odd because this also resonates with where we find ourselves today and in more ways than I might have thought I think it's true knack Nationally there are more people than we know out there trying their best to be faithful to God As far as their headlights penetrate into the gathering darkness I think it's also true of the saints of the church and this is led me to revisit an old idea the idea of the chosen ones it arises most powerfully in a parable of Jesus now I have to remind you of something or caution about the parables they're like allegories they can actually find different meanings to different people it serves the purpose of speaking to a man in any place any time it allows us to bring ourselves to the story it allows us to adapt the story to our culture it also serves to reveal to one person while it conceals from another soul these parables have to be approached with care you want to look for the central idea the parent on the parable I'm talking about is found in Matthew chapter $22.00 is one of the kingdom parables introduced by this formula the kingdom of heaven is like the kingdom of heaven said Jesus is like a certain king a sovereign who planned a marriage for his son now we all know I think that a royal wedding is a very big deal nothing at all like the marriage of even a wealthy man and family it's a very big deal it's a national deal and I would presume that the people who would be invited such a marriage would themselves be important men and women chieftains perhaps. Perhaps goes to explain their response to the invitation they are big enough they can afford to turn it down they snub to the 1st invitation they got and then they mistreated and even killed some of the servants who brought the insistence 2nd invitation. The result was predictably dire the king sent armies the next time and burnt the cities of those arrogant barons who rejected his invitation then something remarkable happens the king since his servants out into the road to invite anyone and everyone good and bad to the wedding and fill the royal hall with guests it would have been quite a celebration well back after all you don't want to keep your kid getting married and nobody coming on to celebrate so filling up in this parable some people see the unresponsive leaders of the Jewish community who did not respond to God's invitation followed by the invitation of the Gentiles into the wedding Ok that's one interpretation but as I said one has to be careful interpret ing parables there allegories and it's the central theme we want to understand there was a fellow who came to this wedding but who did not dress appropriately when the king saw him he said Friend How did you get in here without waiting clothes the man was speechless the king had his servants grab him and throw him out in the dark this king was not a man to be trifled with and there are couple things worthy of special note in this parable but 1st here is how Jesus summarized it if you're looking for the central theme here it is many are invited but few are chosen. It seems there are 2 things required number 12 to be one of the chosen 1st is the invitation The 2nd is the correct response the sad thing is not many seem to make the response some people ignore it some people persecute the person who brings the invitation only a handful respond and even some of them don't respond properly. An invitation to the kingdom of God is much broader than some of us might think but it's meaningless without an r.s.v.p. You know what that means of course respond if you please I'm having a wedding here I'm having a reception we've got food being prepared I need to know if you're going to be here or not and that you don't show up to a wedding in blue jeans and running shoes respect to the occasion respect to the couple respect to the king is demanded Oh I know it may be one of these weddings there are some weddings you might dress differently there was one that happened some time ago I think to a couple of skydivers they got married jumping out of an airplane falling to the earth so if you're invited to that waiting you would want to bring along a parachute but normally we dress appropriately and somewhat formally for a wedding. Well it does seem that even in the modern world as it was in Elijah's as it wasn't Jeremiah as it was in Isaiah as there is a remnant there invited from every walk of life and a response is demanded most ignore the invitation. But there is that handful the remnant the chosen the elect who respond to the invitation and say we'll be there with bells on but in the days before the wedding none of us knew who else had been invited and it's Ok it is as if you're going to the wedding and you'd already you know sometimes you're hesitant to say to your friend you're going to the wedding because maybe he wasn't invited that happens to people from time to time but it is often as not we wind up at the wedding and we see somebody having seen a long time we didn't know they were going to be there there are reasons to think that God may want it that way. For example Matthew $513.00 in Starman on the Mount Jesus said You are the salt of the earth but if the salt has lost its savor what shall it be salted it stands for it's good for nothing but to be cast out and tried and underfoot of Man Well you don't put all the salt in one place just regular all over the place then there's another parable Luke 13 verse 20 again he said we're like in a kingdom of God It is like leaven which a woman took and hid in 3 measures of meal until the whole was leavened. You know it seems it was not long ago that I really tumbled to what this means. The real work of the remnant goes on out of sight and out of mind you can see salt in food usually you can't see leaven in bread usually but it is obvious that it has done its work. In the founding days of our society the remnant was much more active than it is today and you can see the results and want as nation became people in the earlier days and those people were before didn't know the Bible you were considered partially illiterate because the Bible was a part of the literature that was expected to know to be cool to be culturally literate in that time the results of that knowledge of the Bible and so many people and so many leadership had any facts like leaven on the society in a radio program not long ago I laid the responsibility for the sorry mess our society has become at the feet of Christians we stopped reading our Bibles like our forefathers did like salt gone flat our leavening that has no life we no longer f. Fact society as we once did. Nor do we have fact families nor do we even affect churches like we once did you know it's a mistake to think of the remnant in terms of this or that had church the remnant like salt is not all together in one place then might make it too easy to gather them up and wipe them out oh well that couldn't happen you think no one can do that oh how long has it been since you thought about what happened in the Holocaust if you've never seen it get the movie Schindler's List it needs to be a part of your education of why God may keep his people scattered and out of sight. But there's another side to that I'll tell you what that is right after the short break for a free cd of this radio program that you can share with friends and others write or call this week and request the program titled The remnant the right to Born to weigh on post office box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 Bible. That's 188824253 or 4. On the other hand there is this admonition in the book of Hebrews let us consider one another to provoke and to love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching we absolutely must be in an assembly of b. Leavers but even there there is a remnant you remember the parable of the tears in the parable a man prepares his ground and so is good wheat seed in the field overnight some jerk some teenage vandal came along and sewed noxious seeds among the week probably Halloween no one knew about this until the plants begin to grow now we have got wheat mixed with all who knows what So what do we do now well here's what Jesus said in answer to the question of what to do about it it's in Matthew 13 verse 30 lead both grow together until the harvest and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers gather you 1st the tears myname up in bundles to burn them gather the wheat into my barn. I take from this it's a mistake to try to separate tears from wheat at this time just like it's a mistake to try to separate members one from another because you may think one is more righteous than the other it's too easy to make an error and from this I gather it is a mistake to think you have to be part of a pure congregation in fact if you are in church and you put out your elbow the odds are even he will bump into someone who is a weed. It's a terrible thing to say I'm sorry but it's in the book it's in there more than once that same idea is presented to us we grow old together and we can't always tell and so we need to be nice to everybody and treat everybody like we're supposed to and do our job one of the most pernicious errors I have ever encountered is the idea of the One True Church there is of course the Bible says one Lord one faith one baptism but doesn't go on to say one church and the problem is that the very idea of a true church implies that everybody else except our church is a false church well in the New Testament there are false prophets false teachers falls brethren but you never read of a false church make of that what you will don't ignore it now there's a natural question that follows on this and some want to ask Jesus about it I think it's fair that would take a look. Once said to him Lord are there few that be saved Jesus' answer is also in Luke 13 he said to them strive to enter in at the narrow gate for many I say unto you will see to enter in and shall not be able. Now there's a mistake here something you can trip over you can assume that the time of seeking and being rejected is going on around us all the time and it was many people were seeking into the kingdom of God just not going to be able to do it it's not exactly what is driving it the parable places the moment of decision in the future listen to how he puts it when once the master of the house has risen up in a shut to the door and you begin to stand outside and knock saying Lauren or an open to us he'll answer and say I don't know you I don't know where you come from and you shall say we have eaten and drunk in your presence you've taught in our streets but I shall say I tell you I don't know where you came from get away from me you workers of iniquity. And there should be weeping and gnashing of teeth Jesus said when you will see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God in yourselves thrust out and if you come from the east in the West in the north in the south and shall sit down in the kingdom of God and behold there are last which shall be 1st in 1st which shall be last. This is damaging in a way it's plain that from where you sit there will be all sorts of people you never heard of coming to sit with you in the kingdom of God and a lot of people who thought they were insiders will be tossed out in the dark. All these kingdom parables fit together to form a bigger picture in all of this there is certainly the element of a calling of the invitation God is calling some now others will call a later time but even now that calling is broad. Problem is I keep running into verses that suggest that the calling does have a lot to do with the choices that men make. You know the words there is a call but there is also volition a will a response a decision ultimately people will come from the 4 points of the compass and sit down in the kingdom of God One word for all the scattered people is a Christian diaspora the scattered ones another word for them is the Saints they are the remnant one way we can minister to the remnant is to pray for them regularly you'll never know who most of them are but they're out there and they need your prayers I regular remember these people in prayer with the phrase for all the saints Lord I speak on the radio to an audience that well may reach 150000 some weeks one out of a 1000 actually contact us slowly and tentatively those of the remnant reach out and once in awhile they bump into each other well we do our work mostly in ignorance of the people we serve we may know about one and a 1000 but we still know what we have to do hang in there it may be rough but is worth every effort you have heard Ronald elder if you would like more information or a question write to born to a post office box 560. 7579. In the us and Canada call toll free 1888 Bible 44 and visit our website at Born to Win and Dot Net. The preceding program is sponsored by Christian educational ministries. I am Ronald Jr tune in for my Born to Win every day Monday through Friday 1 30 pm right here on am 670 calle t. And we'll talk. To her listening to calle tt's Weekend Edition In addition infusing your night with the light of God's word Kal t.t. Is broadcasting in high definition different on a m 670 a calmer City Denver. God's will. For Change. This is pastoral Larry thank you friends for being with us we're going to continue our interview with Mack Dominic are we building the Kingdom of God Well the answer is no the kingdom of God is the rule and reign of God That is something that God has to do we are in no way equipped to build the Kingdom of God If we could build it it wouldn't be the kingdom of God but rather the kingdom of Man Now there is a form of the Kingdom of God in the present age collections one verse 13 says who have delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in this verse Kingdom does not refer to a region or an empire here it means that the Christian is no longer under the rule and reign of Satan rather we are under the benevolent rule of God Son the Lord Jesus Christ One day however the Lord Jesus Christ will return he will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords let's hear part 2 of my interview with Max. Well today we're going to continue visiting with Mack Dominic in our previous program we're talking about his new d.v.d. Day are we building. The Kingdom of God Mack thank you so much for being our guest once again it's a pleasure Larry Well we had really I thought a very eyeopening very Bible oriented show yesterday and today we want to continue it's very important topic so my question is this is Jesus currently reigning in heaven as King of the church well you know the answer that question is What does the Bible say and what we read in the book of Hebrews is that Jesus is in heaven at the right hand of God functioning as our High Priest after the order of milk is of that I mean you know that is pretty much it's pretty much cut and dry and so if Jesus came or is he high priest and the answer is if he is hot freeze making intercession for all believers sitting at the right hand of the throne of the Father and doing is precisely work now the whole idea of Jesus is King comes in with some different views of eschatology and what is happened in the past and what's going to happen in the future and that most people believe that when Jesus rose back that has a lot of people who believe that Jesus is King let me rephrase my on my answer here a lot of people to believe that Jesus is running as King believed that his. Well send it back to Heaven is it the right hand of the throne of God and He is King in heaven reigning over the church now the same time this summer the same people will say Well as far as the Kingdom of God is concerned yes it's already but not yet and so that's a view of progress of dispensationalism isn't already but not yet you where yes the kingdom is is here because Jesus is reigning in heaven and because Jesus isn't the end because the Holy Spirit's in the heart of the believer Jesus is raining is king of your heart and Jesus is your lives king over the church although the Bible never says that and so that's what the problem is is that people x. Falcon the on the Biblical truth and come up with these theories that you just cannot support biblically because there's nowhere nowhere in the scripture that it says that the truth of the Word of God is that the book of Hebrews tells us Jesus is our High Priest he is our intercessor in the book of Romans chapter 8 it talks about he sits at the right hand of God interceding for us and so none of those passages speak of kingship they all speak of his high priestly work and that is what he is doing here is our High Priest he is the great high priest who has brought his blood into the into the holy of holies in heaven and is forgiven the sins of all of those who accept Him by faith and that's really what his function is right now he's sitting at the right hand of the throne of God interceding for those believers to the Father as a matter of fact you know the Bible tells us that when we are to pray we are to be . Pray in the name of Jesus and the reason we pray in the name of Jesus is because it is our intercessor he is not our. High Priest and that's basically the biblical concept that we have to hope I know you know Jesus certainly is not king over the world you know we're we're certainly not in the millennial reign we see wars and violence and all kinds of crazy things and you know Jesus even taught us to pray Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven so it's obviously not being done you know on Earth at the present time however is there a sense in which is his lordship you know we say Jesus is Lord he's lord of the church down the Lord of the world of course he will be but what about his warship How does that fit into our obedience to Him just simply because he's God that has to do with. What we really have to understand this oh I feel Jesus is King James. Replacement Theology it came from the idea that the church is replaced is real because it's real crucified to the fire because Israel. Turned their back on the messiah when the kingdom was offered to them then they were replaced by the church and the church becomes the kingdom and Jesus becomes the king and historically once the church becomes a kingdom in any practical sense it has gone only in one direction political control of the state by the church and so therefore it is because the church is given a divine right to rule and the church has been designated as the one to establish the Kingdom on the earth and that is absolutely not Biblical but we do know you know a rather large church located in Rome that teaches that very philosophy and doctrine and so we have to understand that Jesus is not own David's throne Jesus actually could not be raining on David's from because the prophet Daniel made it clear that the Vedic Messianic Kingdom cannot come until the kingdoms of man had run their course all we have to do Larry is take the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. In context of itself let Scripture interprets Scripture and stick to the text and you will not go down this road because it's just not there you know Kingdom now theologians contend that the smiling stone that the cross is the finally empowers a man represents a spiritual kingdom that was supposedly established by crisis 1st advent Well there's nowhere there's nowhere in the Old Testament that indicates that to be the fact but they are just saying that that stone that smote the image was Christ 1st advent Well guess what the at Christ was around those world kingdoms and not run their course it just does not add up and it doesn't make sense the Old Testament consistently depicts the visit thrown in to rest real rather than celestial term and to argue that the Vedic brought is now manifesting itself in this day from heaven is the place unnatural to rest on the notions of progress or revelation in the literal or normal grammatical historical hermeneutic and that is what is really key is what is your hermeneutic are you do you have a literal historical grammatical hermeneutic or are you going to interpret the Bible allegorically or symbolically how are you going to do it if you're going to say literal the stork ungrammatical you have to stick to the fact that the divinity throne is an Earthly throne and not a heavily throne it just doesn't you can't have it both ways you know we had in the church fathers for the 1st 200 years after the Ascension of Christ we had this really a dispensational view of the world we had a literal. Romantic historical view Scripture but then god like Origen came along and then he left the flame we had off a good thing came along and all of these guys started you know an allegorical view of scripture and in my. Opinion an error allegorical view of scripture is nothing more than we've got to tear this page out because it doesn't make sense to leave it and therefore we're going to interpret it symbolically or allegorically and you get into all kinds of crazy things why didn't turn 41 the 12. Well I'm actually really mean and what they stand for and all that type of nonsense because Terry do a logical conclusion an allegorical view of scripture Legion down a road of error and away from the path of proof Well I think what you have said is very very true I know going back to your comments on replacement theology you know if you look at reforms theology if you look at Westminster theology if you think of the role of Calvin in Geneva and the role of the consistory you know it had the power of the sword Michael Servetus was the heretic no question about it and yet because they had confused this president reigned one of those present Rome of Christ in Heaven with the divinity Kingdom or the Kingdom of God on earth they felt that they were they had a divine right to execute Michael Servetus and it's very interesting you know if you read about Michael sure Venus he preferred to be be headed because it was sudden he didn't want to be burned at the stake I can understand why if I had my choice I would be beheaded also but you're right that this became a monstrous thing. Where there was no division of the Old Testament of the Kingdom of God no acknowledgment of God's real purposes for Israel for a kingdom on the earth in the future and that produced some of the awful abuses actual abuses the hunting down of you know of the end of that of similar horrendous the unbelievable it was kind of like a Christian shot if you know I mean so I think that's really right what you're saying well you know that your point is well taken because when you take the church and the Kingdom of God on Earth and you take it into the political realm and you say that we are going to rule over the world as a theocracy. You have license to do whatever you want to do and the problem with all of that is the problem with what happened during the Inquisition whether it be even you know the destroying of because our IANAL but in theon who weren't exactly fundamental Christians but even all that that authority totally does away with the gospel of grace and the love of Christ the comment that one of the pope by. When one of the soldiers couldn't tell who was Catholic and who was not Catholic the pope said kill it all and let God sort it out you know and it's just you get into that kind of thing and you know and then of course with Calvin is reform his Reform Theology we see the effects of that on the church today and I don't you know I'll be honest with you I've been to churches I've visited churches that were reformed and and if you do not believe that Jesus Christ is going to return in the rapture of the church and if you believe we're actually living in the kingdom of God today it changes everything Larry I'm it's just it puts an atmosphere in the church that is so different from what I see as being visible kl if we stick to the cat and the truth of the tag is. No new test birth or passage clearly put Christ they've grown in the prison I and it's just. Not there and all of this. Simple was made into allegory and that's what Reform Theology is so good at doing is taking you know probably good if it only half of the Old Testament and turn it into the biology now Goree and to me that is a nation and a desecration of what the Word of God is really all about if we believe in God's word we should believe God means what he thinks. What he means and we're going to like that and we're going to let quick your interpret scripture Well you know as you say that the max some of the only old additions of the King James Bible in passages like Isaiah Old Testament passages where is speaking about God's Kingdom about peace about the rule of God and on the top or in the margin it will say something like the church inherits the Earth Well it's not there's nothing in the passage about the church at all it's all about Israel it's gonna be some future as scatological realization of what God is talking about and I think that's a good example of the confusion the damage the great harm and I think the testimony of Jesus Christ is really maligned by that kind of thinking Womack we're just about out of time but thank you so much it's always a blessing to have you on you're welcome Larry I always love you with you Matthew please come to the By could tell our listeners how to get our special offer Thank you Pastor Larry our special offer today is the new d.v.d. Titled. Are we building the Kingdom of God Volume 2 you can have your own copy for a gift of $20.00 if you live in the United States and $30.00 if you live in Canada to place your order just Card toll free number 1806521144 you can order by writing to us if you like that address is post office box 76834 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73147 and the website is s w r c dot com We also have the d.v.d. Titled are rebuilding the kingdom of God Volume one it is also available for gift of $20.00 Today's special offer is to get both volumes $1.00 and $2.00 for gift of $35.00 when you order the d.v.d. We will include at no additional charge the audio cd of this complete interview that number again is 180-652-1144 The address to write is post office box 76834 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73147 and the website is s.w. Are seeing dot com Here again is Pastor Larry. More and more anti-gun hysteria is rising to the surface this time in San Francisco Here's a news item that amply demonstrates how confused some people are and I want to read from the report the San Francisco Board of Supervisors has passed a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association a domestic terrorist organization that urges the federal government to do the same well you know those are the latest escalation of the heated rhetoric. From Democrats regarding the n.r.a. In the wake of several deadly mad shootings the resolution says the u.s. Is plagued by an epidemic of gun violence then accuses the n.r.a. Of using its conserve all wealth and organizational strength to promote gun ownership and incite owners to acts of violence close quote the document resolves to assess the relationship that those who do business with the city have with the n.r.a. And says the city and county of San Francisco should take every reasonable step to limit those entities who do business with the city and county of San Francisco from doing business with this domestic terrorist organization close quote It's absolutely unbelievable it's kind of like treating the n.r.a. Like the Palestinian jihad it or be ISIS or something we can do business with them that is so outrageous it really is and I'm not necessarily supporting n.r.a. But I am supporting our 2nd Amendment rights and I know there are some issues with the n.r.a. But certainly our 2nd Amendment rights are are really sacred and when San Francisco does something like this a it's absolutely shocking well leave it to Sarah Cisco to come up with something like this pastor there I'd like to point something out August 31st the adesa Texas 7 people dead August 4th Dayton Ohio 9 people dead August 3rd El Paso 22 people dead May 31st Virginia Beach Virginia 12 dead February 15th Aurora Illinois 5 did none of these shooters were n.r.a. Members does like seem because we own a car we're all drunk drivers I have a car but I don't drive drunk you can't hold a whole group of people responsible for the act of one person if a Muslim blows himself up and kills a bunch of people the lame stream media doesn't say this terrorist represents all Muslims and so all Muslims are terrorist in fact they go out of their way to convince everyone. This Muslim killed a bunch of people because the teacher wouldn't call on him when he raised his hand in class where they make up some reason but if a nut with a gun kills a bunch of people then wow everyone who owns a gun is a terrorist the n.r.a. Is responsible once again the radical left have overreached they are trying to connect dots that don't make a cohesive picture but that's a good point because there are millions and millions and millions of gun owners who are absolutely safe they never have accidents they never way they're going around together for a hamburger and from fries or anything of the short it is so unfair in a society that we would ban responsible government gun ownership by individual citizens men and women by the way and some women have protected themselves just because of the 4 wish acts of a few and so the Muslim go always say well we're not all terrorists and that's right I know some Muslims are not caring so if that's not grounds for banning Islam then why it while we're talking against the n.r.a. And I've read recently that Wal-Mart wanted to stop so many guns and ammunition because somebody came in there shot up the place and yet they still sell alcohol and cigarettes which kill more people than guns do so it just makes no sense Larry so San Francisco has a multitude of its own problems that have been created by progressive leadership including outbreaks of disease human waste on the streets necessitating a to patrol homelessness crime and a massive drug problem the attacks on home and family the shocking restraints imposed on police officers and a criminal and force my procedure that coddles criminals has all contributed to a progressive utopia as moral bankruptcy while the progress of the Law meant the rampant shootings that America has experienced in recent days they say nothing about the multiplied millions of babies that have been slaughtered the pro abortion as doctors are party to die. Athan destruction on a scale that is shocking progressivism fuels a cultural violence that leads and isn't citizens distil the need to protect themselves that's right people are afraid I mean you know when Democrat mayors invite criminals into their sanctuary cities people are afraid and now you're going to take away their guns were drawn with these people absolutely insane if you want people to feel safe enough to feel that they need their gun then maybe you need to enforce the law and not coddle a criminal and if one of the police say yes and support the police instead of saying well you can't usually force you have to defuse the situation have to wait 10 seconds before you defend yourself and you know that's why people are afraid they can't trust these liberal leaders these liberal leaders are doing evil creating problems that they claim we've created no they've created the problem we're simply trying to deal with the problem and protect ourselves I mean I'm just thinking of a situation where there have been mothers at home the doors closed them from Guy tries to break in and fight on and on or not I mean it's just a never ending thing one after another of these crazed killers going out they have a criminal record they come from another country they really don't belong here the city and the state will not support federal law and therefore they unleashed this this or this pack of demonically charge men and that when people want to protect themselves are you going to take away your gun you can do it you can even buy of all of. Creation involved and envy Hong Kong protest has been very generally speaking as the protests become increasingly bloody a local pastors and churches have been seeking to support the democracy movement while working for peace on. Hot and muggy night in August about 100 Christians gathered outside the Government House the official residence of Hong Kong's chief executive Kerry lamb holding plastic l.e.d. Candles and led by a youthful worship ban they say I can't and he's him based on Amos $524.00 let the righteousness run down like a never failing stream justice like a river god does not only reside in the temple he shows compassion to the oppressed God's tabernacle is among the people well yes and the worshipers prayed for peace in Hong Kong for the injustices in society for the injured and arrested protesters and for the countries later is to walk in wisdom and God's will and that night around 9 30 pm they walk down the hill singing saying Alan Lou you ought to go or that's the unofficial anthem of the studies ongoing democracy protests Christians have been involved in trying to be salt and light and bringing sanity and peace I love that song has the protest continued over several weeks Christians are navigating their role and politically fraught movement during the earlier more peaceful protest some pastors took a prominent place in the front lines standing between protesters and police to diffuse tension but as the demonstrations turn increasingly violent with some protestors defacing government property and police striking back with anti-riot measures many churches have moved to the sidelines churches have opened their doors to provide sanctuary for protesters spoken out against police brutality and have held worship and prayer vigils where yes some some churches with closer ties to the government are role looked into speak out and others have tried to stay neutral in the belief that Christianity and politics should mix views on the protester also split between generation. Older people tend to be more pro establishment and some pastors worry about offending congregants who may not be wholeheartedly on the side of the protesters Christians are well aware of the position of the Chinese Communist Party on religion and are concerned that if one country 2 systems philosophy begins to erode their religious freedom could quickly disappear especially if the 2 systems become one system dominated by a militant atheism on the mainland Chinese president has engaged in a militant attack on Christianity churches have been padlocked some of been destroyed pastors and their families have been incarcerated Carrie Lam Hong Kong's chief executive has said that the offending extradition agreement is now off the table and will not be implemented there is an uneasy calm in Hong Kong at the present time past. Our special offer today is the new d.v.d. 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Directing callers to the sensuality of Christ in you your only hope of glory we want to remind our listeners that Bob George ministries need your financial support to continue to have classic Christianity radio on the air please visit Bob George dot net to find out how you can help support us financially Let's now join Bob as he presents practical biblical insights as he helps people experience a life of faith hope and love in Jesus Christ. Plus go directly to us crowds burb Pennsylvania sit on the Internet Ernest you're on the air. Thanks brother all right I have a quick question and I can pretty well. And if we do are we will the rain with him if we deny Him He will deny it and I'm just curious what that he. Was the last person who denies cry why he denies they have other words if you are going if you're not going to accept him he accept our non-acceptance In other words is out I want a thing to do with God He says well then fine and he won't have anything to do with it so much as the fact that it's like you're saying I don't want to be around this person and he says well that's fine so then I don't want to be around you. And then in the last if we are faithful as that is that you're talking about Christians of we're faithless if we're faithless he will remain faithful for you can't there's only yourself so when you come to Christ you haven't denied him you've come to Him by faith but you can be faceless of the words not but continue to walk by faith and he says all the means in the midst of a.