Well used to present Ronald L. Dart and born until when. 11 score and 12 years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal Abraham Lincoln said something like that in Gettysburg but we've passed through a few score years since then in the War Between the States we paid a terrible price in punishment for the slave trade and in some ways we are still paying it but the ideas that led to the end of slavery in this country were buried in the founding documents of this republic and we have never been a people who learned our lessons the easy way as I watch on the way our government is changing I can't help thinking back to a time when man enjoyed maximum freedom under god stories in the Bible of all places and it describes of all things a theocracy now a lot of people worried nowadays that Christians want to establish a theocracy in this country but they needn't worry you can't establish a theocracy in a country that doesn't recognize God in the Bible the story of the theocracy and the end of it is told through the books of Joshua Judges and Samuel it began ironically with another freeing of the slaves in that case the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt now if you just sit and think about this for a little bit you will know you cannot just grant man liberty by setting them free. Merely freeing the slaves leads only to Anarky to be really free requires an internal commitment to the rule of law and the only law that can guarantee liberty is the law of God So God brought Israel out of Egypt and 50 days later spoke to them all from the slopes of Mount Sinai What do you have to say well he gave them what the Bible calls his testimony 10 Commandments the people were frightened beyond measure at the display of power but they agreed to the words of the 10 Commandments and voluntarily entered covenant with God as their only King it was this law and God They guaranteed their liberty and that's why James in the New Testament calls it the law of liberty it's a long and difficult story through the conquest of Canaan the establishment of the nation but fundamental to the nation and the economy were the same principles that guided the fathers of this country all man are created equal that doesn't mean they're all equal ability it means that they are equal before God and before the law and this is reflected in the Bible and the division of land by lot and the permanent protection of property life rights in in Israel somebody went out they did their surveys and they laid out the land according to lines that were there and then having done that they cast lots my own and then you could see it looked like a random choice as to which tribe got which lot of land and that permanent guarantee of those Rights was written into the law you could not sell off that property that God granted to you by life right. You could actually set it off till the Jubilee Year In other words you could sell it leasehold you could not sell it for you hold it here great grand pappy you know in some drunken orgy of his back when sold your land all for a lost in a gambling debt at the jubilee year you get it back property rights were guaranteed. Now they're followed after the conquest of Canaan about 330 years of some of the freest societies the world has ever known I suppose that over the generations though people could forget what slavery had been like. And the fear of being controlled like slaves had passed from them you know their great great great grandfathers had been slaves in Egypt but as a generation dies off and the stories grow cold you kind of begin to forget how bad that was they had seen in this corps of years since their founding that liberty has a price there were periods of terrible oppression by a neighboring warlords that required them to fight for their land and when they called on God He answered them and he fought for them and he fought with them I made no mistake God expected them to fight for their freedom men don't really appreciate what is handed to them on a silver platter you take it for granted God had no intention that they take their freedom for granted Gradually though through the generations that followed Liberty had become more of a blessing them in more of a burden than a blessing at least that's what the elders of Israel seem to have decided was the case at the time a man named Samuel was God's man in his room it was through the light hand of Samuel that God to govern the people. And people being fallible as they are Samuel made a mistake. It was a mistake that could easily have been remedied but it brought to a head all the frustrations of a tired generation. The story was told that when Samuel grew old he appointed his sons as judges in Israel name of his 1st born was Joel his 2nd son was a by a servant Beersheba but his sons did not walk in His ways they turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice and human beings being who they are don't always do good things so all the elders of Israel gathered together to simulate rain on now they could have insisted that Samuel do something about these boys and he would have had little choice but to listen but that is not what they asked for they said to him Your old and your sons are not walking in your ways now appoint a king to lead us such as all the other nations have but when they said give us a king to lead us it displays Samuel So he prayed to the Lord in the Lords that said to him Listen to what they're saying to you it's not you they have rejected they have rejected me as their king you know I had an uncanny feeling through the election campaign of 2008 that the candidates who are running not for president but for King what made me feel that way were the promises being made promises that under the Constitution could only be fulfilled by and here's the term for it the people in Congress assembled. the founders it had their fill of a king they wanted a government of the people by that people in for the people what gave me the failing was the difference between the expression on the one hand we must to which is what you tend to hear in a state of the union speech to congress we must new this muster that and i don't the other hand i will best the wording of the divine right of kings and we herded again again during the campaign i was worried by the language of the candidates who seemed to completely ignore the fact that the thing is they were promising could only be enacted by congress have we become so frustrated with congress that we were it willing to hand more authority to the president the make him into a virtual king now that's worrisome but it's not entirely surprising when you understand house civics is neglected in school these days and how it is that people will lay their liberties down he maybe you surprised the god told same you'll to listen to the people and to give them what they wanted the reason you'd be surprised though it is because you don't understand how committed god is to human a liberty it is fundamental to understand the bible and so many people go astray because they just don't get that what follow in the heels of this this except inspired god is instructive and a lot more applicable to where we are today than you might think Listen to the short message and I'll be right back with what God had to say about this change in government join us on the World Wide Web that born to wind up net read essays by Ronald Arkin listen to Born to Win programs every day including the program's leading up to this one give us feedback on the C.M. Forum and visit our online store for tapes cd's literature and books that's born to women dot net when corresponding Please be sure to tell us the call letters of this radio station. Now listen to them God said but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do you'll find this in the 8th chapter of 1st Samuel So Samuel went out and told what God said to the all people who were asking for him a king he said this is what the king who will reign over you will do he will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses and they will run in front of his chariots now the modern reader I'm a missed something at this point horses and chariots in those here eras had nothing whatever to do with agriculture they were instruments of war and the man who ran in front of his chariots were part of the armored cavalry in other words what he's saying to the people is he is going to institute a draft he wanted to King to go on fight for you did you think he would do the fighting by himself Oh no he's going to take your sons and your daughters now in the period before this the Army was volunteer like ours is to day but weaken your forces and you will be forced into a draft. And then you have an army a lot like the army we had in Viet Nam. Soon some of these people he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of 50 and to plow his ground and re reap his harvest others will and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots he will take your daughters even oh yeah he will even draft your girls but in that day and age they would not be sent into combat they were going to be perfumers and cooks and bakers if we get a draft from where we are right now they'll have to draft the girls and the girls will have to fight he will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants he will take a 10th of your grain and your advantage and give it to US officials in his attendance and this is uncanny and it's very likely the reason for the final clause of the 5th Amendment of the United States Constitution you know how that reads Here's the whole 5th Amendment No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on presentment or indictment of a grand jury except in cases arriving in the land or naval forces or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger. Nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb you've heard of that double jeopardy. Nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to bear witness against himself as what the USAF people offered before Congress saying well I'm going to take the 5th Amendment or they don't they're not going to be compelled to bear witness against themselves nor can they be deprived of life or liberty or property without due process of law nor And this is what I was aiming at shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation versus 14 and 15 in this passage form the corruption clause of God's warning it is he will take the best of your fields and vineyards and groves and give them to his people and it will happen he said and sure enough down through history it has preceded by he will take the best of your fields and yours and all and grows followed by he will give them to his attendance he'll take a 10th of your grain and your advantage and give it to his officials in his attendance in other words government will just get bigger and bigger and he will take from you so he can finance it so this is what happens when you start laying down your freedom and that's what you do when you say we want to King to reign over us 6 times in this passage God says He will take. Politicians in the modern world promise to give us things they don't actually have to give and never seems to occur to anyone that to give these things they have to take them from somebody and that the ones they give it to are not the ones they take it for them they give it to their cronies their campaign donors you know that don't you does anyone have to explain that in a modern world or have don't we see it every time which room but modern politics only serves to illustrate what the biblical warning was all about the people wanted a centralize ation of power power corrupts says Lord Acton and absolute power corrupts absolutely for some strange reason we keep denying what is right in front of our face the corruption of centralized power your men servants of your maid servants say no one on the best of your cattle a dog in the donkeys he will take it will take for his own use he will take a 10th of your flocks and you yourselves will become his slaves now folks that oughta make your blood run cold or even think about it there were a people delivered from slavery their great grandfathers were born in slavery and they were freed at great cost great expense and great sacrifice they entered into a covenant with God and now they come to the place they're ready to lay it all down and he says this is where it's going to go you will become his slaves when that day comes you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen and the Lord will not answer you in that day so Samuel concluded. But the people refused to listen they said no we want to King over us then we will be like all the other nations with the kingdom leaders and go out before us and fight our battles. Well and Samuel heard always said he repeated to the Lord in the Lord says listen to them and give them a king salmon said to the men of Israel everyone go back to his town now here is something crucial to understand God did not give them short shrift he gave them the best man they could be found in Israel for the job his name was Saul He was tall strong handsome Not only that he was an all together good man he was a godly man and a man upon whom God placed the spirit in short he and the people were given every possible chance to succeed but you see there was no way to avoid the corruption that comes from the centralization of power and that's why God told him what was going to happen now I've told the story elsewhere and I won't go into it here but the upshot of all this is found a little later in 1st Samuel Chapter 15 cell has been sent off on a mission and he has messed up so Samuel came to him and he said I have somewhat to say to you he said Say on in Samuel said when you were little in your own sight weren't you made the head of the tribes of Israel and the Lord and no one to do You came over Israel I love that when you were little in your own sight he was a humble man he was a good man head and shoulders tall over any money around he was a warrior fighting many could do it all. But then he was sent on a job by God and he just thought he knew better and he didn't do it and finally he says size Samuel does for rebellion is a sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry because you have rejected the word of the Lord what he did he put his own opinion ahead of what God told him to do he said The Lord is also rejected you from being king and force all ended up a pitiful creature tormented insane and was finally replaced by David and even David a man after God's own heart probably the greatest king Israel ever would know could not escape the corruption of power and that story is found in the pages of the Bible in the remaining 500 years of Israel's existence there were ups and there were downs but the lows kept getting lower until finally they were destroyed as a people throughout all those years there were prophets who came along to warn them about what they were doing and the end canny thing about that is how apt these prophecies are to the modern world I suppose it should not surprise because human nature hasn't changed the divine nature has not changed the only thing this changes technology we can kill more people now than ever before we can steal and destroy more wealth than we ever could before otherwise not much has changed. Grab a pencil a pad I want to give an address and phone number when I come back we'll go on for a free CD of this radio program that you can share with friends and others write or call this week only and request the program titled how freedom is lost right to Born to weigh in Post-office Box 560 White House Texas 757 I want or call a toll free 18 a day Bible 44 and tell us the call letters of this radio station. Those old time prophets were a lot like the bloggers and radio talk show host sorry you're a you know and the king's didn't tolerate them very well either freedom of speech is anathema to rulers but they are essential to free people in the old days they did everything they could do to shut up the voice of critics even the voice of God Jeremiah his last years of work are some of the best illustration you'll ever find of how this actually want to bound all Jeremiah did was go down to the city gate or up to the temple and preach and he was stand up and people gather around and he would speak to them and anybody in listen to him going to walk away what he had nothing only thing he had were just words but these words were critical of the governors they were critical of the judges they were critical of the priests they were critical of the society they governed he came along when the fruits of centralized power were in full flower he criticised them all the whole leadership structure the upshot is he was 1st placed under house arrest he wasn't allowed to the temple or to the city gate. So God said well let's see if you can't go down there you can still write so he dictated his prophecies to Baruch his scribes who delivered them to the king who proceeded to burn them. Jeremiah went into hiding and he wrote the same things again and added some more to it later there was a change of King and Jeremiah was free to come and go and King Zedekiah even asked him to pray for them after that some of his enemies got him jailed on false charges and finally you know they had him beaten they had him in prison and a house of Jonathan the secretary they'd made in a prison you'll find this whole story in Jeremiah 37 he was put in a vaulted cell in a dungeon where he stayed for a long time then King Zedekiah sent for him and had him brought to the palace and ask him privately says is there any word from the Lord Jeremiah Yes Jeremiah replied he will be handed over to the king of Babylon Jeremiah ask him please don't put me back in the dungeon and the King had been kept in the courtyard and given food so far so good but some of the princes powerful men who had felt the sting of the words or Jeremiah insisted that he be silenced and the official said to the king this man's got to be put to death he is discouraging the soldiers who is left in this city as well as all the people by the things he's saying he is not seeking the good of these people but their ruin Zedekiah a rather weak man I might add he is in your hand the King can't do anything to oppose you so they took him and they put him into the cistern of the king's son that was in the courtyard of the garden and they lowered him by ropes into the cistern had no water in it only mud and Jeremiah sank down in the mud. It was their intent to let him die there nothing ever changes and the last stages of the corruption of power is the attempt to silence the critics. You might want to watch for that in the news even Jesus you know was murdered essentially for political reasons he was a threat to the power structure you remember the incident where he raised Lazarus from the dead you'll find the story in the 11th chapter of John Jesus called him out of the 2 men have been dead for 3 days and 3 nights and a lot of the Jews they saw and they believed on him because of but some of them went to the fair seas and told him what Jesus had done and they gathered the chief priests and the councils together and is it what are we going to do this man is doing many miracles if we let him alone everyone is going to believe on Him and and here is the big crux and the Romans will come and take away our place and our nation one of them name Caiaphas High Priest that year said you don't know anything at all you don't even consider it's expedient for us that one man should die for the people and the whole nation perish not and so because of the threat of the loss of their power their position and their status they were willing to murder Jesus Christ and that's why when I look at the world as it is today I think it's only a matter of time until the critics secular critics radio talk show hosts bloggers religious critics will all have to be silenced you know one would think that men of power would just ignore the critics the 1st time that they are thin skinned comes when they start calling them out by name you know what that means that means they feel insecure. That insecurity leads to fear fear leads to hatred and that leads to doing away with them you know this is going to take a little while but then it's moving faster than I thought it would so who knows Here's a passage back in the Old Testament I think about a lot these days it's in the 8th chapter of the book of Amos verse 11 behold the days come says the Lord that I will send a famine in the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord and they shall wander from sea to sea and from the north to the east and they shall run to and fro and seek the word of the Lord and shall not find him and that day shall the fair virgins and the young men faint for thirst so I feel compelled to say what I can while I can because Jesus made the statement he said I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night comes when no man can work it is one of the saddest stories of human history and it just keeps coming around again and again men get tired of being free Oh you wouldn't think they would but freedom carries a burden and when it becomes heavy We are just all too ready to lay it down. Until next time I'm Ronald dark the Born to Win radio program with Ronald Eldard is sponsored by Christian educational ministries and made possible by donations from listeners like you if you can help please send your donation to born to women Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 you may call us at 1888 Bible 44 and visit us online at Born to Win dot net The preceding program is sponsored by Christian educational ministries. I am Ronald Jr tune in for my Born to Win every day Monday through Friday at 1 30 pm right here on AM 670 calle T. And we'll talk. Your listening to calle tt's WEEKEND EDITION in addition infusing your night of the light of God's word Kal T.T. Is broadcasting in high definition to on AM 67 e-commerce City Denver. God is still in the room prayer changes. Thank you friends for tuning in this is pastoral Larry we have arrived at the end of the week it is Friday September the 13th Now before we get to our interview with Jonathan Kohn remember Air conference in Gettysburg Pennsylvania it's October the 24th through the 26th it is birds a beautiful place in the fall very close to the battlefield I know many folks come to our conference and stay a few days extra to tour the battlefield lots of good restaurants there too if you like Amish food if you don't like Amish road there are many other kinds of restaurants all hope to see you in Gettysburg Pennsylvania now Today's my last interview with Jonathan Kohn On his new book The Oracle You know Jonathan. Has also made the oracle. Available to our listeners in a few minutes or announcer Matthew will tell you about that in our special package offer if you are new to Johnson Khan You will want to get all of his been Tiro it's really great Believe me this is good reading and good study here now is the last of a series of interviews I did with Johns and con on this new book The Oracle. Because we look at the film in a prophecy and the way things are moving I think. You know the world looks like it's out of control but I think cameras things I learned are going trolling you control guns I want to thing is one thing with the Oracle is I want I want to lead I want believers to be strong and encourage that way you'd listen to God he's totally control you're the god in the Bible you're living in Bible times too and that God is just the God of a life and Joshua and Moses and the Apostles is just as alive now be strong and for people if you have friends who are not saved that is for them to show them because it while God is real is real Yeah well that's what makes a tour to Israel as far as I'm concerned so exciting I'm I'm not much of a world traveler although I've traveled a lot in different parts of the I'll go anywhere for missions and I'll go anytime to Israel because there's there's no place like Israel Yeah I mean you know before I was a Christian I wasn't interested in Israel Yeah you know I want to go fishing or something like that but I think there's so much happening in Israel that has happened is happening and will happen yeah and it's no surprise to God because he's told us no and you are the one who like to say you're a bonehead has have gone into it and you've seen all about it now what about the Jubilee and man he's telling you about it usually isn't as though we're going to get to right now and that mystery and Donald Trump you going to be going to see a link here and the future OK now all right the last jubilee we saw was $967.00 and we saw the return to Jerusalem and we saw all the prophetic events of our talk and so. What happens if we count 50 years well what is the 50th year the 50th year is the year 2017 now Did anything happen in that year concerning Jerusalem or Israel or the return of the of the ancestral possession to the original owner could that possibly happen amazing it did and event happened that then Germany and Yahoo called one of the 4 great events of Israel the birth of Israel the Balfour Declaration Jerusalem and this and what was it it was the Jerusalem Declaration it came right on time like clockwork and what did it come right before it happened a month later it would have missed the Jubilee It happened just then a December of 2017 for the 1st time in a major power a world power recognizes Jerusalem as belonging to the Jewish people and has the eternal capital of Israel NOW Not let how significant that was the 1st time that ever happened in modern times you have there's no there's not there's no other example it was the 1st time it ever happened since aged time so that was the 1st time when President Trump recognized your Islam is the 1st time since and you have to go back to the Romans when they they knew it was the capital but to go to do something that was pro Jerusalem we have to go back to Cyrus which is another mystery of the whole mystery of Cyrus and Trump is in the Oracle I mean with amazing things but I don't have much will be able to get into that but we will touch on something but so here's that so we got all we got that now now now I want to show you something that is just really really cool and that is this 2070 Year of Jubilee is the Jubilee near what happens to the year Jubilee we said from the last time we closed with the Jubilee and mad the trumpet has to sound you have to sound the show from what happened the last one at the at the key moments of that you believe when the church soldiers of Israel are entering the gates entering the temple mount on the wall all the sudden a trumpet sounds a show far sounds and it sounded by this man a Rabbi Shlomo Grande and we found out that also his original name. Means means Horan and he's sounding the horn OK he's the central figure in the jubilee of 2000 team who is the central figure it is clearly President Trump It is clearly trump it doesn't matter what you feel about of it's good what can God use them now here's the So here's the thing now Amazing think about it we've been think of think about it we've been having this president troubles and think about it here it is the year of jubilee and God raises up a man called Trump Trump means trump it Trump has 2 meanings in English it means the one the man who sounds the trumpet that's Trump and the one who is the trumpet Trump is the trumpet and so think about it so amazing when does he what does he raise up 2017 he comes out he didn't come to power 2060 or do it 2017 is the Jubilee is what the Trump has to sound when is the Trumps on the Jubilee Year comes the Trump begin sounding when he began Sunday when he became president to the January of 2017 what happens to the Jubilee the Trump must sound throughout the last so the Trump has been sounding throughout the land now the sound of a trumpet is going to loud and it's kind of it is kind of harsh you know but and but it's the sound of the trumpet the sort of the drum but what else has to happen and that is that the trumpet and in the butt you know also the Trump is when the Trump sounds what happens in the Jubilee when the Trump sounds the land or the ancestral possession goes back to its rightful owner think about that the Trump sounded in the year of jubilee and the ancestral possession of Jerusalem went back to the original owner I mean who could put that together who came with the idea but if you think that is something let me tell you one more thing as a model and that is this there was we found out there was this the 1st time your people to hear this there was. A scripture dollars Trump was born on Friday that's the Sabbath there was a scripture appointed for the day of his birth what was it again this and could God be in charge of every event what was it it was the scripture. The only place in the Bible where it speaks of the making of the Trump. That the Trump is made is that Scripture Oh you shall make the Trump it's the it's the scripture on the forming of the trump of God the trauma on that day the Trump Trump is formed who can put that together ad so it's proclaimed all over the world and so you got this troubled people think about this I mean this is the lesson it's beyond truck I mean Trump is not thinking about this you know but you have a man named Trump and he's but he's born and he's going to be waiting to sound when the Jew Year of Jubilee comes so it's all perfectly converging AD And here's another thing Larry that very scripture that was there for the birth of Trump is the same scripture that the other Jubilee and man that's the scripture that led him to take a show far to the Western Wall to Jerusalem on that day it was in that in the same scripture it says the Trump is going to sound at a time of war you'll sell the shop so it was because the trumpet that was the scripture of trumps birth that the other Jubilee Ngai senator and his name he's Rabbi Horne and we got President drop amazing I mean listen God has a sense of humor to a God is awesome is not a you know when I think God is probably smiling out of time. But. As we think of you know the door yeah there's another mystery I could share Yeah I mean I mean the reason is a lot of mysteries but I'll share as you want to hear that I'm not I'm just looking at only thing oh yah sure I sure know that is OK all right there is a mystery now now the Bible says that there will be a declaration that will go forth concerning Jerusalem and it went forth if the Bible says after 70 years remember the Jews who were taken into captivity how many years 70 years it was 70 years. From the time that your captivity the exile begins to the time of restoration So who is the one who is the king who did it Cyrus now there's a whole mystery that is going to that's going to link up Trump and Cyrus I mean and more things that have been shared of his amazing stuff but here's the thing when does the declaration of war there remember there is this the 1st time that there's ever been a declaration by world power concerning the recognizing Jerusalem it's only Cyrus and TRUMP That's it you know what is that too would have 1000 years to men OK so he does it he speaks about it and I won't get into this but even in his declaration his declarations going to follow the pattern of Cyrus his declaration OK but he's not trying to it's just happening now in the south rose and he was as he says at the end of 70 years in the 1st year of the king of Cyrus It's his 1st year in world power why did Alsheim do this in his 1st year which just listen so even the election of Donald Trump had to happen when it happened I mean listen he was elected by the American people to be President Trump for the year of jubilee even that is amazing OK there's so much of a zing So the thing is that so so he did it it says the Lord stirred up the king Cyrus so Lord stirred up trump that doesn't matter what he was they can enter and it says he made a proclamation and then it says that he put it in writing will trump makes the proclamation and then before the whole world he's puts it in writing and signs it before the world all that OK but in the mystery the declaration the proclamation comes at the end of after 70 years after so could there be a 70 year thing going on here well 1st of all 1st of all you know Cyrus is going to 70 years when he makes the proclamation How will was Trump when he made the Prague how it was told when he became president 70 years old 70 years old so even his life is a 70 year period but there but the 70 years also link to Israel could there be a link to Israel could be significant in Israel's history if you take this that the makes the definition 2017. Go back 70 years words that bring you 2947 the same year that the 50 years of her soul brought us from the other side doesn't it what's not in 47 the year for the 1st time Israel is voted into existence since the beginning in 70 years but now here is here is a deeper mystery and it's very important but it's really very cool and that is this why did Cyrus make that declaration or what was what involved it involves It involves bringing the Jewish people back to Jerusalem recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and all that now when did that when did when were the Jewish people separated from Jerusalem when to begin 70 years before that's when it began so could there have been anything linked to the mystery would trump to this here's the amazing thing the same declaration the same resolution that brought Israel into the world people don't realize it was a double edged sword it brought Israel into the world unite Asian nations but they cut off Israel from Jerusalem that same declaration they declared that Jerusalem was not the possession of his real it belonged to the United Nations they declared it separate so that moment they cut it off OK How long did it lasted that kind of well well listen Israel got Jerusalem back in the end that Jubilee and here but the legal recognition of the world never change they the whole world never recognized it all the way there was not one nation one power went all the way up to Trump's declaration 1st time ever it broke it OK so how long was that period 70 years but the day of the day that is that that the U.N. Made that that resolution that separated Israel from Jerusalem was November 21047 on the Hebrew calendar it was nighttime it was the it was Kislev 1770 the OK just remember for a 2nd and this is here's the thing the Bible says after 70 years so what happy. If you took that and you went 70 years from the day and then you go after the next day after 70 years that would take you to the 18th of KISS love Donald Trump issued the Jerusalem declaration on December 6th through thousands of teen It was the 17th day was the 18th day of Kislev it was exactly 70 years to the day after 70 years to the day where you know as we work at what's happening now we look at what's happened in the past I think the 6th door takes us into another round you know it speaks about the future I mean we've got time to I think you want to yeah I'm going to if you I'll take a break as I know you want to tell people how to go and then I'll get into I'll get into the military that's really really important you do you want to make and we'll be right back with Jonathan Kohn He is certainly a might share a sought after speaker and has been highlighted in the New York Times he's also spoken on Capitol Hill at the United Nations and to millions of people around the world friends were offering a book and an a D.V.D. Set of the book is titled The Oracle and the D.V.D. Is titled The Oracle uncensored or toll free numbers 180-652-1144 wow we there's so much stuff in that there's so much that I 1st of all we only listen everybody no matter how much we're don't like crazy but we're only touching the door knobs of the 7 talk is that what you're going to enter into the doors but the thing is that that's so so much in the book that we haven't could do and then because there was so much I made the Oracle uncensored because there's so much I can't even be in the book so the Oracle censored is no where else and that is not even available in stores or it's not until the Amazon it's only we only give it to a few ministries and this is one of the ministries so the thing is you're going to get things in there that aren't in the book that are not anywhere else and yet there are things in the D.V.D. It's I'm giving aid we're giving aid you can get one hour presentations with images with all that. Stuff and with things that are un censored Also I've never revealed because it's uncensored but I get into the timing of the end and the mystery of the end of the mathematically in which I never do anywhere else so that's what's going to be there so so if they wanted it how would they get it Larry they won 806521144 but you know if they you about the end I guess the taste tell us about the yes of years your were you know you know what does the Bible say OK where at the 6th the 6 door gets into the the end even more the end times and more the future where things are going now let me tell you and there's something called the matrix of years which gives years we won't get into it but I will share this the the mystery of the Oracle are the Jubilee mysteries is not just for Israel it's for the whole world 1st of all 1st of all salvation applies to all of us what is salvation about we're coming home we're coming back to our lost possession we're coming back to the bull life that we were meant to have before the fall so it's all about salvation but there's also a prophetic thing an amazing from anything the mystery of the oracle and of mystery is that you read it's about return return Israel returns to the land and then they return to Jerusalem but it's not just Israel you see the mystery is that in the end everything returns to where it was at the beginning of the age the Jewish people of the being in the age were in Israel so they returned they were in Jerusalem they returned the world listen there's there's a there's that what I can only probably touch on one mystery here but there's a chapter called the dark you believe and the doctor but he has this just as Israel is has to return in the end the world is is returning it will return and is returning to where it was at the beginning of the age was that mean at the beginning the age the Western culture means your culture wasn't Christian it was not Christian it was anti-Christian and it was Pagan it was wrong. Well then I mean that means that we're going to witness mainstream culture turning away turning away from Christianity turning away from the faith and becoming un-Christian pagan anti-Christian while we're watching it right now there's not a day that goes by what you want to understand why it's all happening it's part of the mystery is part of the mystery I doubt that the so it's all happening the same way but actually I'm going to throw in a taste of another mystery in this it's called the stained glass glass metamorphosis and that is this that just as Israel is returning to where it was the world is returning well that what about the church the church in the beginning of the age the church was on was radical was revolutionary was a was world changing it didn't have a lot of earthly power it had spirit it was filled with the spirit but what happened is as it got a success quote successful it started losing that radical relic is sort of becoming one with a culture became one with Rome you get a got rich you know lost the power you know much of it well what does I mean it means in the end times as as the world is returning Israel returns to where it was the church has to return to where it was it means the church is has to move away from being status quo to revolutionary from call a cultural phenomenon to be to be a phenomenon that transcends culture that is radical revolutionary on fire may not may not have the worldly the world's power but will have more of the spirits power so that is the other thing and a goal and Larry has had to have this is a gigantic deep mystery that as the world turns away the mainstream culture turns away from the faith and even starts persecuting believers The Yet it's going to cause the true believers of God to rise up in power to become the way we were in the book of that the Book of Acts So this is this is our Jubilee so it's good news so you got it yet and by the way on top of that the Jewish people going to come back to me. Because that's part of the Jubilee too and so it's all going to come together the church is going to come back to Israel the Israel to the church and all that and you know what it's all leading up to you know the final ultimate thing think about it all what's this all about the mystery of the jubilee begins when the person who owns the lad who is the owner leaves the lad Well you know we've watched all these the every He's leaving you know the church left Jerusalem Israel left Jerusalem and the world up but you know what it all begins with one person with one leaving it all begins with Messiah leaving Jerusalem it's Messiah on Mount of Olives that's the beginning he's the owner he's the original owner and Israel belongs to him it's his as that the Jewish people belong to him the kingdom because of the church belongs to him in the world and so therefore the Judah mother of all Jubal the mother of all separations is the king is separated from his kingdom from the separate from it's that's his ancestral possession so that's why he says I'm only going to come again when you say bless that are he does is he who comes so when he when the final Jubilee all these returns you know all the separations came from that all the returns are leading up to one big return the return of the Jewish people coming back to Jerusalem it means somebody else is coming back to Jerusalem and so that is the ultimate you believe when his fee Chel stand on the Mount of Olives and then what's going to happen Jubilee that's when the lion will lay down with a calf and and the knowledge of God will cover the earth and nations shall not make war against nation a war and he shall be our God and God A He shall be among us that's that you believe so it's all leading up to good news is all and that's where we're heading where Johnson has really been a great blessing as ovaries I mean I News would be a tremendous series Thank you so much for coming so Matthew please come to the mike and tell our listeners about our special is really special offer Thank you Pastor Larry our very special offer is the brand new book by Jonathan Kohn titled The aura. You can have your own copy for a gift of $25.00 if you live in the United States and $32.00 if you live in Canada to place your order just Card toll free number 1806521144 and of course this future bestseller is available on our website at S W R C dot com When you get the book we'll include at no additional charge the CD of the complete interview with Jonathan Karl on also available is the 8 D.V.D. Album titled The Oracle uncensored over 8 hours of a fascinating look at such topics as the trumpet man the mystery of the end the Massada algorithm and so much more you can have your own set for a gift of $45.00 Better yet get both the book and the D.V.D. Set for a gift of $65.00 That number again is 180-652-1144 the website is S W R C dot com Here again is Pastor Larry. MAHER And you know how you and I believe that Jesus is the only way and not only you and I but millions of Christians all over the world but you know how do we deal with the objections that people say Who do you think you are you know what right do you have to to impose your view on a pluralistic society Well we've often heard people say that our world is shrinking What are they mean by that well probably not that the world is shrinking in size I hope it's not shrinking in size my studies seem to be a little cramp I think as goes I got too many books that there is not that shrinking any how. Because of modern technology of the world in terms of accessibility communication in travel you know Mormon many years ago male would travel by Pony Express there was plenty of pony but low expressive that today however with the Internet messages communications and ideas they can be sent to the other side of the world with a click of a computer mouse ideas go all over the world just in a flash through cyberspace with the ease of travel and with modern communication the dissemination of ideas values and religions it's much easier now than ever before consequently our society has become pluralistic if you travel to a modern American city you will find many different churches temples and religious groups so the question that is often raised is this what right do conservative Christians have to impose their views and a pluralistic society and you're right that's a common question well the answer I think is to remember that someone has values will always be imposed on a society that's a fact somebody has got some values and they're going to try to force it on a society now the only question is whose values will prevail for example until June 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court followed the Judeo Christian principle that marriage was a sacred union between one man and one woman but after the June 2015 rolling of over to fell verses Hodges the Supreme Court abandoned that principle for a new one a principle that the court is now imposing on the culture that is same sex marriage those who refuse to submit to this new definition of marriage and who believe that marriage is still an arrangement between one man and one woman for life are being labelled as bigots and in some cases they face government fines and bankruptcy I think of for example Jack Phillips the Colorado Baker who would not make a wedding cake for a same sex ceremony was regarded. As a criminal as a law breaker as a as a monster because his view of marriage was different from the new view of marriage the point is someone's values will be imposed on a pluralistic society it always happens you know pestle early Christians living in a pluralistic society shouldn't feel like they're doing it society and in justice when they witness about Jesus is the only way to heaven Jesus taught it we should believe it and the faithful should proclaim it Amen I've been doing that for 50 years you little younger than me but we believe that and so I guess what I'm saying to our listeners you know when somebody comes up with an argument like that well who are you to impose your views on society just remind them somebody is going to impose their views are going to be the L.G.B. T. Crad is going to be the transgendered people and they're really imposing it so we can say what right to they have I mean actually our our view is much older than their view there's craziness you know going back to Oberg of hell versus Hodge's only going back to 2015 what marriage goes back thousands of years and it's rooted in the Bible and some people say oh I don't believe a Bible lesson the Bible can stand on its own feet there is so much that that validates the Scriptures history chronology science and everything so I rather stick by my Bible and believe Jesus Christ is that I'm the way the truth of the life no man comes of the Father but by Me Thank you Pastor Larry wow great stuff a very special offer is the brand new book by Jonathan Kohn titled The oracle you can have your own copy for a gift of $25.00 if you live in the United States and 32 dollars if you live in Canada to place your order just Card toll free number 1806521144 and of course. This future best seller is available on our website at S W R C dot com When you get the book we'll include at no additional charge the CD of the complete interview with Jonathan Kong also available is the 8 D.V.D. Album titled The Oracle uncensored over 8 hours of a fascinating look at such topics as the trumpet man the mystery of the end the Massada algorithm and so much more you can have your own set for a gift of 45 dollars Better yet get both the book and the D.V.D. Set for a gift of 65 dollars That number again is 180-652-1144 thank you for being with us today be sure to stop by at this time on Monday as we begin a new series here on the watchman on the wall program from Southwest Radio Church. To preceding program is sponsored by watchman media. Southwest radio church ministry isn't it a prophecy since 933 people in this continuous Christian. And you can hear it became mornings at 930 right here on the mighty 670 am feeling. Your tune am 670 calle T.T. Commerce City Denver calle T.T. H.D. And streaming worldwide at 670 K L T T V dot com the only station where you'll hear both national and local Christian programming in the span of just a few hours. Listen all day to the mighty $670.00 K. L. T. T. . Use This is AM 67 calle T.T. And K O T T H D Commerce City Denver and know F.M. At 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 calle T.T. Dot com. Welcome to the classic Christianity radio with Bob George today we're pleased to present a special radio show featuring call in listeners from Bob's original people to people daily radio program that was on the air for over 30 years offering real answers for real life problems as he addresses common questions as well as the tough issues of today directing callers to the sensuality of Christ in you your only hope of glory we want to remind our listeners that Bob George ministries need your financial support to continue to have classic Christianity radio on the air please visit George dot net to find out how you can help support us financially Let's now join Bob as he presents practical biblical insights as he helps people experience a life of faith hope and love in Jesus Christ. Let's go to New Orleans Louisiana listing on W L N O and Roger you're on the air flow going actually blowing around all day oh yeah. Man I've been down with Hebrew that big thing and I understand you know I'm talking about sure and I understand that you can lose your salvation but I really did and I just haven't come to the point on the end of my. Lying to help you with that Logan because what this is doing basically it is talking to the very people that are teaching that you can lose salvation this is a passage along with Chapter 10 and if you have your Bible you'd want to turn to chapter 10 it's the same time and you're going to see that you're dealing with the issue of. The Hebrews the book was written to the Hebrews Now how did the Hebrews get their sins forgiven prior to Christ. They have a tone with wasn't and they sacrificed an animal didn't they you know and that's how they got their sins forgiven they went back to the day of cold dome and every year they get their sins forgiven. Now once Christ came to take away the sins of the entire world which is what he did if the cross do you still go .