Reading from Romans chapter 2 therefore about our inexcusable old man. Whosoever Well Art that Judge just for we're in the judge just another will condemn us die so although the judges do washed the same things. But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things and thank US style this old man that judges them which do such things and do it just the same that they all showed Xscape the judgment of God or despises Thall the riches of His goodness and forbearance and long suffering not knowing that the goodness of God Later they say to repentance but are to the hardness and impenitent heart treasures want to buy sell Routh Against the Day of Wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God who will render to every man according to his deeds to them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honor and M.R. Pal or T.V. Eternal life but unto them which are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey on righteousness that Diggnation and. Tribulation and I wish upon every soul of man were still with the evil of the Jew 1st and all the gentile but glory and honor and peace every man work out good to the Jew person also to the Gentile. For there was no respecter of persons would go on for as many as 7 without them all shall also perish with all the law and as many as have sand in the law shall be judged by the law were not the hearers of the law are just before Gawd with a do or job of all shall be justified. Or when the Gentiles which have not the law do by nature of the things contained in the law these Having not the law already onto themselves which show the work of the law written in their hurts their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or ex-co saying one another. In the day when God showed job says Sigurd so men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. Behold were called a Jew and rushed of the law and make a study boast of God in the West his will and approve of the things which are more actual and big instructed of the law and are confident that all they sell are a guide of the blind the light of them which are in darkness and instruct. But teach you a big surge which test the form of knowledge and the truth of the law though therefore which teaches them other teaches not all by so now that preaches a man should not steal steal all the say so men should not commit adultery style commit adultery while that of Horus titles the style commit sacrilege while that maker still boast of the law breaking the law on earth all going for the name of God This blessed famed among the Gentiles who you as it is written or circumcision verily prophet or if they'll keep the law but if all be a breaker of the law by circumcision as made him circumcision so far we read God's Holy Word and surely it is holy teaching us that we are sinners. One as well as the other or sell as well as others but realize that as we come before God giving thanks for these words and asking him to teach us through them. We're Father we come to the WHO JUST COME giving thanks for all of a word. But wish to live by this word as well those of parts of the word. That we might think are more praising to us here we say ourself judged by the untold why they feel the kind of call that we sound like others that we ourselves are guilty but wish to see other rightly or into this word and according to all my words the zeile has said by the kind of Moses the Zoll has said Lord Jesus that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that were saved from the IMO Make us to believe every word of the church that the church might soon be one in the Word and believing it and doctrine and believing out in practice and living out in faith and obedience and especially the faith that we're going to love that we might have more of that toward one another in the church than the home in the nation then toward the rest of the world we pray Father such a reviving may take place in repentance and faith and in a way didn't. We pray for these things 1st we also give thanks for the temporal blessings that we have specially us who have more than many others we pray for those some suffering in hunger homeless persecuted the ravages in nature and blood fire when earthquakes pray for those in war we pray especially father the women suffering of the hand of those that have murdered their husbands we pray for the broken homes that they might be reconciled with each other in Webby we pray for the children in those homes especially that would guide them and give them the leading that they so much need we pray for the SEC the would give healing to many give them favor to look to the for about blessing the younger to as well all through Christ in which name we go thanks Amen we have here the solemn word all here speaking as it were 1st of all to myself their provider went to school oh man whoever the hour the judges were no judges to another condemn us by cell with all the judge just do washed the same things we read that last week but the not make much comment on it saying many other things in that 1st chapter reminding us this is my father's world Paul taught that we can know God by nature enough that we are without excuse and as eternal power and gone heaven that we should then want to know more all says that when they know God to glorify them not as God knew there were thankful but we can then in their imaginations and therefore his heart was darkened we might say how true that is of those who believe in and promote evolution instead of seeing God's fan in God's power and nature that the heavens to declare the glory of God. But if we think of that verse as we judge others who are guilty ourselves there are Sam's both of omission and commission Senzo doing the wrong play and sense of not doing the right thing when there are those who openly promote evolution and teach should what are we doing to stop it what are we doing in the church to make it known part of the church has compromised and teaches it sadly in schools seminaries What do the rest of us do what God has said Lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions an issue of their 7 yes God speak to the job here particularly in the 2nd chapter as emphasis there of their goal with others is not limited to them alone the same thing is true of us if we have much the same blessing as God gave who is shown to the Joes giving them his word many of us have had his word from our childhood like chemically all could say to him from a child the highest known the holy scriptures which are able to make the wise unto salvation through faith which is them Christ Jesus Sadly there are those in the church who don't think they have to become Weiss unto salvation through faith in Christ they already believe that all is well some even say I was Love the Lord that is not true none of us still. And all of us whether we teach others or whatever state we're in we are to gather guilty as Paul will ask the question in the next chapter chapter play of Romans are we better them they and theirs answer as in no wyse we have who gather become profitable there is the comparison between Jew and Gentile we might say between the church and the world are we better in the church no no no we need one to die for us everyone in the church that's bad we are have we learned to have we learned as on catechism States well pleased things must I know to live and I humbly 1st how great my sounds of measures are not just were our Paul who wrote this for Tema. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save centers and then stated of whom I am chief Chief Paul the Apostle the chief of sinners we may believe that God short of not we could read of it at other places as well father in this letter to the Church at Rome he speaks of the good that he would he does not the things that he hates that he does and we may believe that is in the present time. It's true that he did gain the victory and I would say that he fought the fight well and for him were played up a problem sometimes or seems to be 2 messages and there really is because there is the flash and the spirit and if we want to think about Paul saying I'm a chief or centers he states in my flesh there dwelleth mo good thing not from the beginning to the end the clash is to be crucified what are we stop doing not in the point in our life in the flesh hold sway in the flesh is leading the way that can be if we enter into any way of pride even the things that God has taught us or the things that God leads us to do we are told God resist the proud who resist us and if you resist us or takes away his spirit there's all of the flesh left and then we are like some sort of old as weak as others when his secret was known his hair was cut he was weak he didn't have the strength that God had given him earlier and we could say the same thing of all of us as Paul says I can do all things through Christ who strength of the why when we don't have that we are like this there who have our Mexico show man who to our of our of the judges for when God judges another they'll condemn us thyself with all the judges do or say the same things. And there certainly are always areas in our life we have not done it the writer of Proverbs directed us to wing us crushed in the Lord with all of our own heart lean not to an own understanding in all ways acknowledge him and he would direct haves often have I had to have you have it that we think afterwards I didn't acknowledge him and things didn't go wow we may have fallen into some we may have had things that are just like others even when we may have described it in others I've had it I've told people of this or that person has done nothing but later sort of I Why speak of another what should be done is confess our Sam before the Lord and then help another and to all the blessing of forgiveness the blessing of repentance as Paul writes of it here in the 4th verse but often as with these that he was speaking to and we could substitute the word church just as well as Paul uses the word in the middle that chapter we hold our called a Jew and rushed to the law and make us by boast of God. We could say. Reform. Our Baptist our Methodist our Presbyterian make us that boast of God you believe your church is right and it may be right in many things. But when we know as well as we read here progress the things that are marked and we construct of a law and are confident that all by self are to God of the vine a lot of them which are darkness instructor over who are should teach are all behaved which house the form of knowledge and the truth of the law we could take all of these churches and others beside our Any one of us assault and light in our nation today we may hold our government what they're doing there are some very busy doing work unless there are some very slow to do things that annoy the right claim the right have it in their statements of politics this party believes that the party lose out some are better than others but where are the better than others in doing today we are a nation of murderers who you know what if you don't do something very wrong because today between 2 unclean 1000 babies were murdered in the mother's womb yesterday too and the day before and that a bit hard every day that takes place babies torn apart in the mother's womb all of them but many of those terrible ways of murder awful almost too awful to stage and yet there are so little concern. That in that we have to say those that are doing it are guilty and those that are unconcerned are guilty with them babies are big murdered in spite of people that say we don't matter we don't have a law. We know all A says Thou shalt not kill or even a better translation from that commandment or the 10 Commandments is that all shalt not murder that's the way or the Hebrew there was no believe it stated murder just killing there is a place for killing and punishment there is a place of killing. Or there is called a Joshua war while there are many that are unjust most are probably on just what there is a place for that but not for murder murder is taking one's life wrongly not what's being done now it is going on and on and on and on to the point. We may so surpass those that have killed their millions when there came a change of government in certain nations through the years some speak of 70000000 being killed their son speak of other millions but. We have had an. Almost 50000000 since we called it all right and how many 1000000 were killed before that one it worse considered illegal yes just think again of verse 29 of chapter one being filled with all our righteousness fornication where Could nice covetousness malicious not us fall of and the murder the sate a leg no pay wish prayers and the list goes on in the next verse it's. Gaw state said and then giving the conclusion of all those sons one as well as the other will knowing the judgment of God that they had that commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that would them some are guilty of. Murder they wanted to be done they don't want people in government that would be against it but there's others that are guilty of negligent homicide not doing what we can do what we should do and one thing especially pray pray pray pray that this last part of the song that we sang will take place in our time no this is our father's world the battle is not done Jesus who died shall be satisfied and earth and heaven be one is the Lord Jesus satisfied with the thousands that died today in the mother's womb he taught us to pray Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come by will be done On earth as it is in heaven. The God who in his commandments said shut not murder began speaking from on Sinai in this way and awe speak all these words saying I am the Lord thy God which brought the on the land of Egypt out of the House of on its all show serve no other gods not make under the any graven image or likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that of the earth beneath or that is in the water of the earth while shot not bow down myself to the nurse serve them for I or them or by God am a jealous god. Visiting the neck with the of a fathers upon the children of the 3rd and 4th generation of them that hate me and showing mercy to thousands that love me and keep my commandments it doesn't say thousands of generations it says thousands that keep His commandments and one of them you haven't told shalt not murder yes we have seen it 1st chapter has it come to our hearts the summary of it will knowing the judgment of God if they commit such things are worthy of death what only do the same but I have pleasure in them the 2 of them and as I stand here and read that and stated and then raid their who are of our and I skilful man who share with our the judges or another judge just another they all condemn a slice out with all the judges do it the same thing he's all guilty of murder yes again by coercion by actually wanting to do it by omission by not doing what we can do which is shouted from the housetops and do what Paul writes to the Church of the Hebrews stating exhort one another daily every day I hear people say I don't want to hear about abortion will we be quiet. Which I'm me but there are things to do the right things to do especially repeating what I said a moment ago in prayer and not just in prayer but prayer and fasting with our forefathers knew their worst trouble in the land they called for a day of prayer especially the church's days of prayer and fasting it is in scripture I'll have to admit. I haven't done that for years fasting I have done what I should be doing it know why or will I continue to be guilty with others and not doing all that can be done not realizing as the 2nd verse of that 2nd chapter stage but we are sure that the judgment of God US according to a truth against them which could have such things and think or Staal of this old man that judges them the doors these things and voice the same that thou shalt Xscape the judgment of God When I close with the 4th verse or despise or style the riches of His goodness and forbearance and long suffering not knowing that the goodness of God Later if they to repentance but after the hardness and input and hard treasures of device wrath against the Day of Wrath the revelation of the righteous judgment of God Again Paul knew repentance he said I keep my body in subjection lest when I preach to others I myself be a castaway part of our body should be called the fasting and prayer James says you have not because you ask not and you also state or something just as bad you have not because you asked the mass to consume and on your must do we want our way or God's way while we all submit to gather to God's good way in Christ. Thanks for listening to call to worship if you have questions or comments regarding today's program you can write to Zion chapel 937 voice Ave Holland Michigan 49423 or their e-mail address is worship at call to worship dot org for more information on call to worship and its ministry check out their website W W W dot to worship dot org listen again next week at this time for call to worship. The preceding program is sponsored by Zion chapel. Worldwide at 670 calle T.T. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital H.D. On AM 670 Kayleigh T.T. Covers it in for. Him. You see John. Welcome to the broadcast outreach of Living God ministries with Aaron budge and Aaron discovered Jesus is His Messiah while preparing to be a rabbi he now teaches for several organizations and is the teaching pastor for a living God ministers strongly distinguishing between the old and new covenants Aaron presents the scriptures from a day and historical frame of reference join Aaron now as he reveals the reality foreshadowed in the new life we can now experience because of what the Lord Jesus accomplished for us. I've been presenting a series of programs on the book of Romans going through the book of Romans verse by verse and today's program is going to be the end of this study I'm going to finally bring this study to a close I'll be taught. In about Romans Chapter 15 in Romans Chapter 16 but really just from a summary point of view I'm not going to be trying to go through the individual verses because he brings his letter to a close in these 2 chapters and so I'm going to go ahead and bring the study to a close as well the 1st thing I'd like to talk about of course is at the end of Romans Chapter 15 the Apostle Paul talks about the journeys that he went on the missionary journeys he spoke about his journeys in the context of going out into the whole world the whole world that was relevant to his time he went around to various places he made several trips to these places and he went there for the purpose of sharing the gospel with other people now for the most part he went to places where the Gospel had not yet been presented and that of course is a good thing because there are more opportunities to tell people about the gospel if somebody has not heard it than they get to hear it if somebody has already heard it well then you may not be using your time very well now by saying that there could be some issues for example some people may have heard of the Gospel but the Gospel that they heard of is not entirely correct there were many beliefs concerning the gospel back then and even today there are many different beliefs concerning what the Gospel is today all you have to do is just go around and find someone who claims to be a Christian and ask them Well what would you say the gospel is and you will find that people have many different ideas concerning what the gospel is and so when he talks about building on somebody else's foundation as is found in Romans Chapter 15 verse 20 it says and thus I aspired to preach the Gospel not where Christ was already named so that I would not build on another man's foundation he's not saying that under no circumstances would he go and speak with other believers that certainly would not be the case has special when you consider that he's writing this letter to these believers who he has never met before and he says that he's going to try and. Visit them sometime soon and he also says that he's going to go down into Jerusalem soon well just about everybody in Jerusalem had heard about Jesus already and so he's not saying that under no circumstances he's just saying that if he's going to make good use of his time he's not going to go talk with people who already know about the Gospel and was he just stopping by to visit things like that but there are many people especially today there are many people just as there was back then there are many people who do not have a very good understanding of the Gospel and do not really understand the new covenant they don't understand the implications of forgiveness the implications of what Jesus did for us and so I personally believe it's very worthwhile to spend time going and speaking with these people and I don't think that it fits into the category of building on somebody else's foundation at all because in my opinion the foundation is pretty worthless perhaps it needs to be ripped up I mean if a person does not understand the Gospel then what do they understand I mean that really is the foundation for everything in the faith so Paul went to various places he spoke with a lot of people but when you look into Chapter 161 of the things that I can't help but notice is the fact that he names names he refers to people individually and you know when you consider this and you also consider the book of Acts and you consider the number of people who he met with I think you can appreciate the fact that he put out a great amount of effort but very few people responded to the message that he gave it wasn't as if he went out and thousands of people responded to what he was saying and thousands of people tens of thousands of people got saved in their lives were changed it wasn't like that it was just a handful of people here and there you know sometimes it's very easy to be discouraged when we compare ourselves with other people today for example other people who might. On a radio like I am right now or who might have a large congregation a large church and they have lots of people listening to them once a week live or people who are on television or people who write books and sell millions of copies it seems when we compare ourselves with other people like that sometimes we might hesitate to use the time that we have at our disposal to go and speak with people about Jesus to go and speak with people about the things that he has revealed to us and how he has changed our lives how he has totally transformed who we are and what that means to us and what it can mean to them we hesitate to do that because we think as just one person or as just 2 people or a handful of people but I want you to seriously consider what Paul says here in Romans Chapter 1516 in the context of just a few people in considering the relationships that you have today either with family or friends or people who you work with when you consider the amount of people that you have access to exposure to and through other means of communication when you consider the internet and when you consider phones and things like that you have access to many people and if you were to take some of your time and use it productively concerning the gospel to tell other people about the things that he has revealed to you that your god has revealed to you then you would have a testimony that would look something like this you would. In terms of the number of people and of course in terms of the struggles that the people have if you've understood the gospel for a while now and and you've understood the implications of forgiveness and the freedom from a long graze and you've been talking with people then you know what I mean when I say that there are people who are immature in their faith and there are people who are mature in their faith and you may share something with someone and they might embrace that little thing that you shared and it can have a big impact in their life or a small impact per se and you can see them experience and personal growth but you know as well what it means to share the same thing with many others and they totally rejected and they don't respond to it at all and in Romans Chapter 15 the Apostle Paul speaks about this and says Listen there are some people who are not strong in their faith who are immaturity and their faith who are weak and you need to allow for that you need to consider that do not let that disappoint you do not let that depress you do not let that stop you from engaging with them in whatever way you can be at peace with them and enjoy what you do share in common and use those opportunities that you will have to share something else with them that perhaps they might embrace or my consider if they don't then consider that to be a learning experience for you that you perhaps need to think of an alternative way to communicate what you want to communicate so that they will hear what you have to say so that they will receive what you have to say if it is the truth then it should stand on its own but in addition to that there's nothing wrong with finding different ways of sharing it with other people. And so I can't help but notice that when he names names and when you consider how many people he really did interact with when he was traveling when he would go to his synagogue when he would go to somebody's house and again in the book of Acts we have the testimony of a dozen people coming to know the Lord 2 dozen people or so approximately coming to know the Lord people responding to his message and searching the scriptures to see if what he had to say was true now from a religious point of view from a Jewish point of view at that time the subject of obedience was a big subject and that word had significant meaning to it when somebody use that word it meant something to be obedient for a Fair is see Paul was a fairest see for a Fair is see that word was a very serious word to use in when I was in rabbinical Judaism and when I was devoted to the law in the best way that I could possibly be which of course was not nearly adequate. I used that word obedience very carefully and today I use that word carefully but you know back then as well as today that word has to be defined it had to be defined back then and it has to be defined now because from a religious perspective that word means that you know the law of God and you will do all that God requires according to what he has defined in his law that is what it means from a religious point of view but from a New Covenant point of view not from an old covenant point of view but from a New Covenant point of view obedience does not have to do with what you do or what you don't do and it has to do with what you believe or what you don't believe the obedience is of faith the obedience has to do with hearing the truth knowing the truth understanding the truth and living your life in response to that truth making your decisions according to what he has revealed your actions are clear reflection of what he has revealed to you obedience has to do with believing if he tells you that he loves you then you believe that and there should be nothing in your life that indicates that you are trying to do something to get God to like you or love you or accept you there should be no indication of that at all you should be at rest you should be at peace with the knowledge and the understanding that he does love you and rest be at rest at that point that is the obedience that Paul was talking about when he spoke of obedience and Romans Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 for example in Romans Chapter 15 verse 18 he says for I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through. Any resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed is he saying by word in the sense that their speech was correct and deed in the sense that they did good works of course not no he's saying that they are obedient in the context of they believed the word that was shared with them and their lives their deeds were a reflection of their beliefs not because the law said do or don't do but because the Lord has revealed something to you about what he has given to you he has revealed something to you about what he has done for you and so in light of that your deeds should be a reflection of that in chapter 16 verse 26 he says but now is manifested in by the scriptures of the profits according to the commandment of the eternal God has been made known to all the nation's leading to obedience of faith that's what he ends his letter with is the idea that we are to be obedient to faith not obedient to law. That was the real struggle that the church was having that was the struggle if you consider Acts Chapter 15 for example it gives you a very good example of this struggle between the church in Jerusalem the apostle Paul and Barnabas and others who were studying under Paul it's very important to see this because if you don't see this it can be easy to assume that he's talking about obedience to law but he's not he's talking about obedience to the love of God to the acceptance of God which means that you live a life of rest in peace not a life of activity hoping to obtain his love and acceptance but because he loves you you are free you are free to love others with the love that he has given to you and through that of course there's going to be deeds but the origin of that the dynamic behind those demands has nothing to do with the law it has to do with the Spirit of God leading an individual personal way. If you were to compare the people back then just as you could compare the people today you know back then the fairest seas the Jews they lived a life of devotion to the law I mean these people were sincere they were dedicated they were devoted and there are many religious people today who are dedicated who are devoted not nearly as much as the Jews who were devoted to that back then and of course there are many Jews today who are even more devoted more committed more obedient to the law of God than many Christians who claim that they are obedient to the law of God You know I always get a kick out of that whenever I hear people tell me that they are obedient to God I always get a kick out of that because I know what it's like to be around people who are really committed to being obedient to God and the people who I see outside of the synagogues that I was a part of before those people who claim that they are just simply are not impressive to me I mean I know a lot of people who do not believe in Jesus and they are impressive I will give him that they are impressive concerning their devotion and their determination and their commitment to never sin and to always do that which is good I really do recognize that there are people who are impressive concerning their efforts they still need to be saved but I know lots of people who are saved and they claim that they are impressive and they don't impress me I mean they can easily impress others because there are many people who don't know people like I've just described and so I understand that but you know when it comes to this religious life of commitment and devotion the word that Paul used to describe these people is disobedient he uses the word disobedient which was not an empty. Word it was a meaningful word in Romans Chapter 15 1st 31 he says that I may be rescued from those who are disobedient in Judaism and that my service for Jerusalem may prove acceptable to the saints and of course we know what happened to him when he did go to Jerusalem we can read about that in the book of Acts and we know about the church and their response to that and what was that response they were gone we don't have any evidence of them intervening in any way possible we don't have any evidence that they spoke on behalf of the Apostle Paul Instead what we have is evidence that shows that they were probably thankful that the religious leaders started the problems that Paul had to deal with that Paul was arrested and he was eventually taken to Rome and there he was murdered they were probably excited about that at least to a certain extent in a certain way because to them he was a troublemaker but he went to go and speak with the disobedient people in Jerusalem why were they disobedient they were disobedient 1st of all because they rejected the Messiah and 2nd of all those who accepted the Messiah were still disobedient because they were still living their lives as if there was no Messiah. But there is a Messiah and he is just as much alive today as he was back then and he is just as active in people's lives today as he was back then and the same message that was communicated back then needs to be communicated today you know what Paul did in terms of his missionary journeys and the number of people who he reached out to what he did has echoed throughout time to this day this letter that he wrote to the Romans do you suppose that when he was writing this letter he thought that it would be read 2000 years later studied 2000 years later for thousands of years this letter has been studied this letter has been taught on people have read this people continue to read this and people will continue to read this study it and appreciate it do you suppose that he had any idea that this would be the case I doubt it it's my opinion that if he knew that we would be looking at this today that he probably would have written it a little differently you know especially considering Chapter 16 I mean he probably wouldn't name names like this because he would recognize that a few 1000 years go by and who's going to know these people I mean what is this going to mean to us today he wrote a personal letter and this letter has truths within it that have changed people's lives ever since he wrote it even to this day. And there are many people today who know they know that there is something in this letter but they don't know what it is they know that there is something here that will provide them with everything that they are looking for but they don't know where it is and that's one of the reasons why people study it so much is because they know something is there but they can't quite find it yet they know it's there there are things that they just can't explain and they hope that one day they will understand. I have confidence in saying that I understand just about everything that he wrote and I really enjoy reading it and studying it over and over again to me it never gets old but there are many people who have who are and who will continue to study this and they have no idea what's really in here they just know that something is here something is here you might be in that condition and if you are then I'm going to encourage you to keep at it to keep studying this to keep pursuing this but I can tell you I can tell you with confidence what opens the door I can give you the key that opens the lock so that this door can be opened The key is forgiveness forgiveness for all Sam. When you finally recognize that you have been set free from sin and that the sin issue between you and your god has come to an end it is then that you can fully appreciate what he wrote in Chapter 5 when he talked about the restoration of the Holy Spirit and the fact that salvation is about the restoration of the Holy Spirit and that forgiveness is what makes salvation possible but it certainly is not salvation but once you get past that once you understand that then you will be able to understand being set free from the law then you will truly be able to embrace that when you recognize a you've been set free from the laws so that you can walk in a new way of life then you will find that many of the passages that he wrote in this book will have new meaning to you they will have a different meaning to you. Because most of what he wrote about was related to the struggle that people were having trying to mature in their faith trying to grow in their faith trying to know their God and this was the obstacle back then it is the obstacle today it is the obstacle today and it will be the obstacle in the future it is a serious obstacle and until you are willing to let go of the law you will not grow you will not mature you will still be stumbling over that stumbling stone just as the Jews were as he described in his letter here. And so I really want to encourage you concerning this I want to encourage you to keep at it to keep studying to keep pursuing because you're right there is something here there is a lot here now the work that I have done on this book is available for free on the Internet through my radio archive that you can access through living God Ministries dot net all of the programs I have produced for this verse by verse study through the book of Romans are available there for free to download you can listen to them all you want and I really want to encourage you to do that and to tell others about these programs being available for free if you'd like to burn audio C.D.'s just send me an email contact me and I will send you the full quality M P 3 audio files the same files that I upload to the radio stations you can burn really good C.D.'s with these files please do contact me concerning the full quality audio files I would really appreciate the privilege of being able to send these out to you in addition to that have been other verse by verse studies I've done a verse by verse study through the book of Hebrews and through the book of Acts take a look at my radio archive there is a lot of content there a lot of material there listen to the programs on forgiveness they will answer just about every question that you can ask concerning the subject of forgiveness listen to the programs that I produced on spiritual warfare those programs are a study on law and grace because that is the nature of the war it is a battle between law and grace and the battleground is your mind this battle was initiated in the Garden of Eden when the devil said if you only know what is good and evil you can be like God and that question was eventually answered in finalized when Jesus said no matter how hard you try you're never going to do it so you have a need for the mercy of God that was his ministry now we have. His Mercy now we have forgiveness and everything we need for life and godliness he has given to us graciously now that we have all that we need let us live according to The Gospel According to the inheritance according to the New Covenant and you will find peace the gospel of the Lord Jesus has been described as a mystery because to many people it is a mystery but this is a mystery that will be revealed to those who want to know the mystery for those who do not want to know the Lord is not going to reveal to them the mystery he will reveal to them enough so that they will be confronted with the reality of who he is but for those who want to know him they must recognize that there is something that they do not know and that is the mystery that he has now revealed the mystery of godliness the mystery of salvation which is Christ in you your only hope of glory this is the mystery that the apostle Paul has revealed through this letter the letter that he wrote to the Romans but it will only be revealed to those who really want to know the mystery of God in accordance with the Mercy of God on the basis of the New Covenant and Romans Chapter 16 verse 25 he says now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel. And the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret for long ages past but now is manifested and by the Scriptures and the prophets according to the commandment of the eternal God has been made known to all the nation's leading to obedience of faith not obedience of law but obedience of faith which is obeyed by responding to the truth that he has revealed to you do not waste his efforts in your life. respond bullied trust be it peace and know your god you've been listening to the broadcast out reach of living god ministries you can hear all of our programs for free through a radio archaia that living god ministries dot net that is living god ministries dot net do help us develop new radio programs and continue broadcasting on this and other radio stations send your contributions to living god ministries p.o. Box 38353 colorado springs colorado 80937 or use the donation link on our website living god ministries dot net that is living god ministries dot net the preceding program is sponsored by living god ministries shunned this is aaron budge an inviting you to join me for a living god ministries our mission is to proclaim the new life we haven't cries through the power of his resurrection oh turn in every weekday at 5 pm for a living god ministries on it this station am 670 k. L. T.t. Your tune kit am sick 70 kale tietê comer city denver kale t.t. H.d. And streaming world wide at 670 kale t.t. Dot come we don't often hear and honest review of what's happening today that's a bounce a change as crawford broadcasting launches our national crawford round table pod cast you'll hear about current events hard news stories cultural i.d.'s and other pertinent top it's the without the smoke and mirrors of a left wing agenda national crawford round table high chance is available on ample podcast stitcher of and add crawford broadcasting dot com listen to the national proffer dante boat Ready mornings at 9 and Saturday nights at 730 and hear full podcast episodes pattern website and 670 K L T T V dot com. A seeking God lifestyle involves fervent and frequent prayer. By and large there is little to no dedication to regular prayer among Christians in the West. Tells us that without consistent dedicated prayer we can count on significantly less happening in the lives of our loved ones and in the world at large and numerous times the Scriptures admonished us to pray on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests many Christians lift up prayers during the day as they go about their business which is a good thing however the biblical patterns to do more than that repeatedly were told in the scriptures to pray night and day if you're not already doing so how about changing your schedule to pray mornings and evenings every morning and evening for the next 30 days and see what God does in your life. Mad Bennett founder and C.E.O. Christian Union for one cry dot com. Hi this is Nasser David Langer senior pastor. Invite you to join us Sunday mornings at 11 AM as we bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the front range to listen to the lake with them during our every Sunday morning at 11 am and 670 Calle to. Hear it K L T H E's 670 AM We proclaim the gospel of Christ 24 hours a day for you late night listeners we know there are certain hours when I am signal may not reach your radio clearly that's why we provide 24 hours of online streaming so you can listen all night long simply open up your laptop and type in 670 K L T T dot com That's the numbers 670 K L T T V dot com Here the message of hope no matter what time it is at 6 am. DK L.C.C. Dot com. THIS IS A M 67 hail T.T. And tail G G H D come or should be done and know F A N N 95 point one and streaming world was at 670 calle T.G. Dot com. Welcome to holy ground featuring the preaching ministry of Dr Richard Robinson senior pastor of Northside Baptist Church in North Lynn Colorado I'm David Armstrong. Today's study has drawn from 2nd Chronicles Chapter 30 the Passover celebration under King Hezekiah likes of which.