Doing works in the flesh they are going on to seek maturity in Jesus Christ they've come to the conclusion that we must come to as we come to faith that our salvation is not of works lest any man should boast and then Paul said but there are some who think otherwise probably they assume that they've already arrived at majority they don't need any help maybe they wanted to grow but they were paid the price that was necessary for them to take forward steps. Whatever the situation Paul is reminding these believers that their spiritual progress up to this point had come from following the standards set down in God's word and he encourages them to go forward in the same way if they were saved by grace through faith and not by their own works they're to mature and progress according to the same standards they're to continue to grow knowing that faith in Jesus Christ and walking with Him daily is the routine that has set up for them that was Paul's message what these believers had attained spiritually had come through certain principles and procedures they were not to let the legal list who had come from Jerusalem as we learned last week to change the way they approach the Christian life Paul's words to the churches in Glacier carried a similar challenge here's what he said are you so foolish having begun in this spirit are you now being made perfect by the flesh and other words however we start out in the faith that's how we go forward in the faith Paul's encouraged it was straight forward. The Philippians were to keep on walking the same walk and thinking the same thoughts and the language here is military in other words get behind the leader and stay in your lane they were to walk toward maturity perhaps the greatest example of that kind of ministry was the apostle Paul I never realised until I set out to study it what an incredibly encouraging teacher he was he was always encouraging others and even though it sometimes looked like there was nothing to encourage He found a way to listen to these words from Paul to the Romans everything that was written in the past was written to teach us that through and Durrance and listen to this and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope May the God who gives in door and said encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus he said something similar to the Thessalonians he said May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our father who loved us and by His Grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope encourage your heart and strengthen you in every good deed and word Paul understood the importance of encouragement and did you know that in the book of Hebrews it says When we come to church every Sunday were to bring with us a word of encouragement that we can share with someone that we might meet along the way. I want to tell you that one of the one another's in the Bible is encourage one another. And in the church today we need to follow the example of Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul and be. Ambassadors of encouragement. If you say well I can't find anything in that person that I can encourage give them something for the magnificent margins in their life find a way to say something good and encourage them encouragement goes so much farther that criticism and helping us to grow and Paul emphasizes that in these verses great encouragement within us and then he adds in verse 17 grade godly examples around us Brother and join in following my example and note those who so walk as you have us for a pattern. Paul invited the Philippians to join in following his example actually the phrase could be translated become fellow imitators of me and the word is related to our English word mimic. Just as Paul was mimicking Christ he asked his followers to mimic him this is always been a hard thing for me to comprehend and I can't imagine having the spiritual courage and confidence to say to other people I want you to follow me whatever I do but the fact of the matter is that's what happens whether we ask people to do it or not and the last phrase in this verse is a phrase that has the word to pos in it that's a Greek word which is translated by our word pattern and Paul is asking those to follow him he's the pattern of Christianity they want them to follow him he said you have us for a pattern and I know that this is a heavy item for most of us we would like to say I do not want to be a role model I remember one of the best known athletes in our country did something they shouldn't have done and they said Don't you think you should be a model he said I don't want to be a role model for anybody. Unfortunately he doesn't have that choice he is a role model you get to a place of success or a place of influence you're going to influence other people and if you don't understand that you're going to just be frustrated your whole life and many years ago someone gave me a column from the Alliance witness which is a magazine that used to come to our house and nice to read a lot of the articles in it and the article was in titled secret weapon in the classroom. It was to encourage Christian teachers to live godly lives now let me just put a little parentheses in here and I have nobody in mind so don't try to think I'm talking about anybody and this is a disclaimer and I hope you hear I'm not talking about anybody I'm just making a general statement here. But there are some who teach in schools like the one we have and what has happened to us in the past who believe that the only kind of accountability they have is accountability for what they do when they're on the campus and in the classroom and what they do with the rest of their life is nobody's business but their own and they can do whatever they want and they used to get away with it until the Internet. Now the Internet is the ultimate policeman in the sky. Who calls out that kind of thinking. Here's what the alliance witness said in no other profession save possibly the ministry which is a form of teaching does the total character of the individual count for so much and immoral person can assemble a good Chevrolet a salesman can play the horses in off hours without jeopardizing his client relationships but a teacher is teaching 24 hours a day his out of class contacts with students may in fact be the more important his standing as a teacher depends on a wide variety of assessments the teacher is more influential than the subject matter he teaches the attitude of his students toward the subject matter and the benefit they derive from it will be conditioned largely by their assessment of him or her as a person if those assertions seem too strong said the writer of this article think back to your own formal education apart from the basics of reading writing and arithmetic just how much hard knowledge can you recall from the years you spent in the classroom. Yet you can look back and recall teachers who made a lasting. Impact on your life. I went through that exercise and it's absolutely true I can name maybe 3 teachers that I had growing up who made a lasting impact on my life it wasn't anything they taught it was an offhand comment it was something they did to encourage me and because of their life I was changed we need to get rid of this nonsense that we can compartmentalize our lives into places that protect us so that we can do whatever we want to over here while we're doing what the Lord wants us to do over here how many of you know Christianity is a lifestyle it's not a momentary experience Paul said there's examples and you follow me and we may not want to say that out loud to anybody but we need to recognize they're doing that whether we like it or not and let's ask God to help us to live our lives in totality live our lives for Christ not just some time but all the time and you never have to look over your shoulder for somebody misunderstanding then he adds a 3rd motivation great encouraged within us great examples around us and this is great enemies are godless enemies away from us once again Paul is going to sound a warning he says there are many who walk of whom I have told you often and now I tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ whose end is destruction whose god is their belly and whose glory is their shame and who set their mind on earthly things here's a little study and inductive Bible study you want to know what Paul thinks about the teachers who have come into the church and Philip with all of their false doctrine just look at the word Who's And who and you will see the 4 things that he says about them 1st of all their goal whose end is destruction. The word for destruction is perdition it's the word that is used for Judas who was called the Son of Perdition the true child of God glories in the cross but the enemies of the cross according to Paul are headed toward the lake of fire people who bring false doctrine and try to use it to corrupt people in the church don't have a very good future. Their goal is whose end is destruction their god is whose god is their belly. Their appetite is their god I'm not just talking about food but that's probably part of it they are not in control of their appetites their appetites are to control of them Paul had no confidence in the flesh and he did not believe he had already arrived but these enemies of the Cross took as their god whatever felt good Romans 1618 says for those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. Their goal is destruction their god has their own belly their appetites their glory this is unbelievable their glory is in their shame. First they give themselves to indulgence and then they begin to justify their behavior and then they begin to proclaim it as if it was something to brag about. This that happened today let me give you a current illustration. It is now thought to be a bragging thing. To declare that a baby can be born wrapped up in a blanket put on a table while the mother and the doctor have a discussion as to whether or not that baby should have the right to still live no longer in the womb now out of the womb and people are talking about it and I actually heard people bragging about this new great wonderful freedom we have to kill people. Who could imagine that. It reminds me of what Isaiah said he said whoa to those who call evil good and good evil who put darkness for light and light for darkness who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter Please note these enemies were out somewhere outside of the church they were in the church they had wormed their way into the Philippine congregation and they were having little small group discussions with the believers trying to get them off the path of righteousness and back onto the path of works and I love Paul because he stands in at the gate way to that church and he says not here not now not while I'm involved but he calls them out I think that's one thing a shepherd should do don't you keep the wolves away from the sheep God only knows any middle ground in these things he says that friendship with the world is enmity with God and we're to set our minds not on things below but on things above so we have great encouragement within us to keep going we have great examples around us to keep going we have to watch out because we got some enemies around us will keep us from growing but here's a great thing at the end of this passage a great expectation before us Philippi in 320 and 21 some of my favorite verses in this book for our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for the savior the Lord Jesus Christ who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body according to the working by which he is able even to subdue all things to himself. Paul says If you want to stay on course and keep growing and keep moving toward the goal don't lose sight of what the goal is we're going to heaven some day we're going to be with the Lord someday our anticipation is glory it's not this earth it's something heavenly it's really worth whatever sacrifice we have to make to stay on track and keep going in the right direction Paul always said this before his followers always reminded them Heaven is our goal I remember reading years ago something I think it was c.s. Lewis who said if you get heaven right you get everything on this earth while you're on your way if you get heaven wrong not only do you miss heaven you miss everything on this earth because Heaven is the goal and eternity with the Lord Jesus Christ is the promise when we put our trust in Him Now the one part about this passage scripture that all of us love is we love the Strewth we love the truth of the return of Christ how many believe it could happen at any moment there's nothing left to take place before Jesus comes back and while we're all wrapped up in our daily experiences then we love life and we have some great goals be honest with you I remember when Don and I got engaged I pray that the Lord wouldn't come back till we got married. I guess that's all right to do. So here's what Paul was saying Never lose sight of the goal Stephen Covey who is from a different mentality and most of us had some good things to say in his book that was such a best seller he said always live your life with the end in view. Live your life with the end of you Paul saying listen one day Jesus is going to come back you're going to be so glad that you stayed on this growth pattern that you didn't drop out along the way and one of these days you're going to stand with the Lord in heaven make sure that you don't forget what is waiting for you as a follower of Christ. And then he said when that happens he's going to change our lowly body into a body like his resurrection body now if I don't see anything else in the service encouraging to you move around just enough to feel the pains you have in your body and remember that one day God's going to take your lowly body and he's going to change it into a body a resurrection body like his own that's going to happen someday. When he says Our bodies are lowly he was in saying that our bodies are bad he's saying that our bodies are limited Can I get a witness when people ask us how we're doing as we grow older we usually say we're fine but it's relative isn't it there's nothing whatever the matter with me I'm just as healthy as I can be I have arthritis in both my knees and when I talk I talk with always my post as we can my blood is thin but I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in. Art supports I have for my feet or I wouldn't be able to be on the street and every morning on the site sleep is denied me night after night my memory is failing my heart's in a spin I'm practically living on asprin but I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in the moral is in this tale I on fold that for you and me who are growing old it's better to say I'm fine with a grin than to let them know the shape we are in. One day won't matter because the shape we are in will be the glorious body of the Lord Jesus Christ if you want to know what it's going to be like when that happens just go back and read everything after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and watch what he did he went places without having to take the journey he moved inside places without going through the door he ate That's good news. It was an amazing the glorious resurrection body of the Lord Jesus Christ and Paul holds that out as a high and glorious goal for us never to forget as we go through the discipline of walking with him and growing with him in a world which more and more doesn't want anything to do which uses Christ. While we don't know exactly how our bodies are going to be changed on that glorious day we do know that pain and suffering and death will be forever gone. To the current the Paul said that our bodies will be buried in decay and raised without b.k. They will be sold in humiliation and raised in the splendor they will be sown in weakness and raised in strength they will be sown a physical body and raised a spiritual body our new bodies will be like the glorious body of our Lord Jesus Christ. And we have the opportunity of being involved in that promise because Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life if we believe in Jesus Christ he promises us that one day. When the resurrection comes our human bodies that have decayed on us and stop working for us in this life will be totally renovated so that we will have bodies like the Lord Jesus perfected bodies never again to have pain or sorrow or weakness and I just thought about it this week Jim's will be out of business. Somewhere you want to clap on that I don't know if I said. So we have a lot to look forward to and we have a lot to be thankful for and the Bible tells us that when this happens the Lord God is going to subdue all things to himself and we're going to be in Heaven with Him for ever Paul looks back over these moments that he has shared with his followers and he sort of in his mind at least makes this comparison the enemies of the Cross are heading for destruction the champions of the Cross are waiting for a Savior from heaven the enemies across worship their earthly bodies the champions of the cross look for transformed bodies the enemies of the cross have perverted values and glory in their shame the champions of the cross have true values and look forward to the glory of the future. Whenever we compare the belief systems of 2 groups it's always important to look at the end of the story how does this story end so let me do that as we close today. Back in the year 8992 famous men died in America one of them was an unbeliever who had made a career of the bunking the Bible arguing against the Christian doctrines and the other was a Christian Colonel Ingersoll after whom the famous and your Saul lectures on immortality at Harvard University are named was an unbeliever his death was sudden and it came as an unmitigated shock to his family. His body was kept in the home for several days because in their souls wife could not bear to part with it it was finally removed only because the corpse was decaying and the health of the family required it. At length the remains were cremated and the display at the crematorium was so dismal that some of the scene was even picked up by the newspapers and communicated to the nation at large anger Saul had used his great intellect to deny the resurrection and when death came there was no hope and the departure was received by his friends and his family as an uncompensated tragedy. In the same year the evangelist died and his death was triumphant for himself and his family who had been declining for some time and his family had taken turns being with him on the morning of his death his son who was standing by the bedside heard him exclaim earth is receding heaven is opening God is calling your dreaming father his son said Moody answered Oh well this is no dream I have been within the gates I have seen the children's faces for awhile it seemed as if he was reviving but he began to slip away again he said is this death this is not bad there is no valley there is just bliss this is glorious By this time his daughter was present and she began to pray for his recovery he said no no emma do not pray for that. He said God is calling this is my coronation day I've been looking forward to it and shortly after that movie was received in the heaven at the funeral his family and friends joined in the joyful service they spoke and sang hymns they heard the words proclaimed were owed death is your victory where death is your staying the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to God He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ Moody's death was part of that victory I'm a pastor seen many many people exit life. And those who know Christ are totally different than those who don't if you know Christ you have an implicit patient death is sad this the Bible says we don't sorrow as others we sorrows not as others who have no hope we still sorrow but not in the same way it's different it's sorrow with an ultimate hope is not despair and so what happens to us at the beginning of this journey is what determines to us at the end of the journey if you put your trust in Jesus Christ what is the gift the gift of God is what eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and that life begins the moment you believe but it extends after you die if you don't accept Jesus Christ you don't have eternal life and you mess up the life you have and you get to the end like Ingersoll with no hope. Only despair you wonder why I stand up here every week and sometimes get excited and go off on a tangent about becoming a Christians because I know for a fact the only way you can ever have eternal life is through Jesus Christ and the only way you can ever make sense out of this life is through Jesus Christ so why wouldn't I stand up here and preach with all my heart come to Jesus let him have your heart let him have your life get rid of the old way don't make fools out of yourselves by believing the lie that somehow you're going to make it. When the Bible says no one can without God Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me how many get to the Father except through Christ. You can't go to heaven without Jesus will you say worry about that later no you won't. No you won't you won't have time to worry about it you take care that you have the opportunity. We hope you enjoyed today's turning point weekend edition with Dr David. You can also hear turning point Monday through Friday on a radio station near you to find one or to contact just visit our website at www notes and articles by Dr Jeremiah get the details when you contact David dot org slash radio next weekend is Dr David brings another message from God's word here on turning point Weekend Edition. Oh this is David was turning point meet me here will study the Bible together and find help and encouragement to navigate the road of life with all of its twists and turns turning point. 73670 k. L.t. . Worldwide it's $670.00. All over Colorado in digital. Am 670. And. Name for God It speaks of his eternal power and divine nature. Christ ministries the different names for God in the Bible help us to understand his character and care for us this week and kingdom covenant and mediator refreshed your soul by joining on the power of the Creator to restore and provide listen every Sunday evening at 530 on Calle t.t. Am 670. Today and family talk. Welcome everyone to this edition of family dog k. Listeners supported Ministry I'm Dr James Dobson and I hope you know how much we appreciate your listening along with As for your cause and prayers and your support each day we should be thankful to be an American at least that's the way I feel about it from deep within my soul Dr toonies the freedoms and blessings of this nation are matched throughout the world and I might even say throughout the history of the world unfortunately today the liberties that our founders ensured for us are under siege from a progressive culture that leftist culture you and I have a responsibility to protect this nation's Christian heritage and to stand for morality and decency and biblical truth in a moment we're going to conclude the presentation that we began yesterday on the topic of defending those religious liberties our guest then and again today was Dr Jay Sekulow thank you missed the 1st part of that message here's a piece of what we heard from last time in god we trust not in government not in programs. Our founders had a very unique understanding. That liberty and freedom were not the grace of government but a gift from the creator that's why we're here and down with these inalienable rights and that's why when you go through the Statue of Liberty and you see that beacon of freedom and I think about the My grandfather. Came to the United States at 14 for freedom and here we are today and we're still fighting. For freedom. When you I when you think about the majesty of America and the wonder of America that's the reason you can probably hear that passion in Jay's voice for preserving our 1st Amendment rights today Dr 2nd low continues to review some of the key religious freedom lawsuits that he's argued he also challenges believers to consistently petition God for justice and protection before we hear the rest of this message let me tell you more about our guest Dr Jay Sekulow is a seasoned attorney a New York Times bestselling author and a prominent speaker he also serves as the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Dr 2nd law is an expert in defending religious freedom switched to a certain they recognized through this presentation here again is Dr Jay Sekulow on this edition of family talk. I was at a conference at a well known university William and Mary and there was a Supreme Court conference and I was one of the panelists speakers and were sitting around the table before I was all the Supreme Court reporters are there and you having dinner and and the Chancellor universities there and the primary architect of the whole same sex marriage debate but again lesbian groups was there as well. And we're sitting at the table and. She said to me you know I have a question I've always wanted to ask you. And folks I will never forget this I've always wanted to ask you this and everybody there and she was think we can be some grand discussion. About the Constitution some grand discussion about. The issue of marriage or church state separation she was the one question I've always wanted to ask you I've known you for a long time you know you went on board in the same town Brooklyn New York we grew up in the same neighborhood in Long Island lived a couple exits apart. How did you end up believing in Jesus that was the question you want to answer. That was the question I was delighted to answer. I had this experience also let me tell you this now let me let me tell you this I was asked to speak a word God utilizes the media sometimes we don't even realize are being utilized. I was asked to speak at a conference from the Reform Jewish congregations Social Policy Committee and the rabbi asked me to give to participate in a debate he said one condition no proselytizing I said after this is your territory absolutely I'm not going to do I hate that word proselytizing by the way but all it means is a vandalism but it's such a negative connotation but I didn't react to it I says will be a good opportunity again which must be a church state separation in prayer in school in these kind of issues he goes no Jews Jesus No I said Ok. Front page of The New York Times that very day front page New York Times above the fold. Profile on me and believe me most of it is about a Jewish kid from Brooklyn a lawyer at the Supreme Court who believes in Jesus so we do the debate and then it's time and these are with his major donors the major donors for this organization and it's time for questions and answers and do you think anybody had a question about can Mary Sue have the Bible study Nope 1st question comes up I could picture this to this day sitting in the back row has been New York Times. He said You want to tell me about this. I said Rabbi I told the rabbi I would not they started booing. And I spoke for about an hour I never proselytized I just answered questions. If it wasn't for that New York Times article. I don't think there would've been a question asked that's the truth about that. So you don't know how God's going to utilize these things to impact the culture now. I mention these key cases we've been involved in there's been some great ones let me tell you another one I did. And it was probably the most difficult Gunt wrenching case I've ever been involved in my life. And we've not talked about this much and it will be the 1st time we've really talked about it we've given snippets of this but it's well settled now. We had a call from a ministry in Kentucky. And they had contact with a Palestinian Christian woman in Gaza. And she was under distress because you see your husband ran the Christian bookstore in Gaza. The Palestinian Bible Society. And he was assassinated in broad daylight. There are kids here so I'm not going to say that extent of Appeal of me tell you a brutal. He had 3 children of his own one of which he never saw because his wife was pregnant. And that was bad enough he was assassinated for being a Christian and reading the Bible Book Store. But then the local sheik. The Islamic cleric demanded custody of her children. Because she was worried about those kids and she knew she had to get out there was only one problem she was in Gaza and to get out to where she needed to go she had to go through Israel. And it was about to be a war. And we began working on this December 19th of last year. And. On the day before Christmas we received a call from high ranking Israeli government officials that said when you get on a plane and bring your team. And you need to be here. I landed. At the Ben-Gurion Airport and I looked up and the terminal and c.n.n. Was playing it. And a war had broken out in Gaza. And we just landed in Tel Aviv. On our way to Gaza and that area. And we had to extract her out of Gaza. Into her safe zone. And you talk about miraculous groups and groups and groups trying to get her out we utilize every legal diplomatic political spiritual . Avenue we had. The area and we've got this on video the area that you go through the as we're crossing crossing that's where you go to between Gaza and Israel they weren't letting her out they weren't letting anybody out there was a war going on I mean I was watching the war. Government officials from Israel said they'll be a particular time she need to be there at that time don't be there 15 minutes early and don't be there 15 minutes like. She'd already been there once they won't let her through and she wasn't really thrilled about getting back with a 2 hour trek to get there while the war was going on. And all I will tell you is that the crossing situation was no longer an obstacle for her to get through. And out she went. To when I get criticized by the left when you don't understand the plight of the Palestinians I said you know that's really easy for you to talk about in Kansas or in Washington I represent them. I was there when it happened. I have it recorded. I saw what God could do if we become vessels for his service because I will tell you something folks if you would have told me so much Jewish Christian from Brooklyn would be on the border of Gaza and Israel on a mountaintop watching the rockets come in and the rockets go over my head and interviewing. As an Benjamin Netanyahu in bomb bunkers because they were actually incoming. I would never believe that. We were able to capture that on video we've distributed 75000 of these D.V.D.'s we've aired only snippets on t.v. For other reasons. But this is the reality of the global struggle we're in. This was a victory for Jesus Christ it was a victory for that family it was a victory for the lawyers at work the case for our team you talk about stress level that stress but isn't the stress that she went through and that's what I remind myself. The opportunity is laid before you. And in a sense it's really laid before all of us and for those that are watching by television or watching this on our television broadcast this is an opportunity we all have. To show the stamina. The perseverance. And the desire to make sure that this message of hope is communicated globally. I'm not a theologian. I'm a lawyer. I've always been fascinated by theology and a lot of great theologians were lawyers I'm a good lawyer I'm not a theologian but I do know this. When I read the Scriptures. And particularly one parable. In the parable of the un just judge now we may have some judges here I will tell you I have been if you are for you are just judges in my day. You know in a case not too far down the road from you in Wichita I had the opportunity to defend the summer of mercy many years ago. Rescue. I was asked to do Barbara Walters broadcast that very night. Are supposed to be inside a nice air conditioned studio on the 104 degree Wichita night that it was in July or August of that year and. I ended up in front of the abortion clinic that's where the driver and their security deep it tail for a.b.c. Took me and they wanted me to go live against Laurence Tribe who was in the nice air conditioned studio the Harvard law professor in Boston and I'm going to be in front of the abortion clinic at 104 degrees with 20000 pro lifers behind me. And there was a 3rd guest. And they didn't tell me who the 3rd guest was going to be back they didn't tell me there was going to be a 3rd guest but there was a 3rd guest and as I put the headset on and got miked up and had a debate with Laurence Tribe it went pretty well I thought actually I knew my case I knew I was going before the judge tomorrow I was ready this was good prep except for one problem the 3rd guest was the judge. That I was going to be before the next day. Instead of being the umpire he became the cheerleader for the other side. That's when despite the fact that I lived in Atlanta since I was 15 years old the Brooklyn to me came right back. And right back the next day in that courtroom to. The judge said on national t.v. I have instructed this lawyer Jay Sekulow to tell his client to not violate my order and he refuses to I said Judge that's not correct I told my client what your order is. I told my client that if they violate it there's consequences. I'm an officer of the court I am not my clients conscience I am their lawyer if they're going to violate your order I'll defend them aggressively against your order but I said Judge you're supposed to be the umpire the next day we're in court my law partner tells me he's been practicing law about 10 years longer than maybe we've tried hundreds of cases together he said you have a tough we are really careful here this judge is angry and he is angry at you my friend and you are the lead lawyer on this the clerk of the court will get in there says the judge would like to see counsel in chambers and I want to hear it goes by the way he was famous for saying this great line Logan has it on this d.v.d. They're working on this movie they're working on right now and he told the protesters have a violate his order bring their tooth brush because we're going to be in jail right through Christmas. So Monahan tells me goes if you bring a tooth brush. This judge is angry we get back in the chamber the judge bolts off from under is you sit on his desk had his feet up on his desk pulls up from the desk give me this bear hug. To secular we made history last night. I said Indeed we did judge. But I got to do something I said Judge I don't want to do this in open court but you know what you no longer the umpire. You're the manager of this team. And you can't be the judge in this case you've got to recuse yourself and let another judge in the rest of this trial. He was angry. And he said your motion is denied and I mean this Brooklyn Jewish kid I was a lot younger than March right up to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. And I follow that order and I'm telling you 48 hours later a judge was off the case rude aggressive and I'm not just. With us rude aggressive and I'm not just probably. Probably. But when your client's getting battered. What is the role of the advocate . Now we have an aggregate advocate far greater in Jesus Christ. Luke 18 the parable of the unjust judge as I said I've been before a few of those. But what happens in that parable is there's this woman that wanted justice as she was a widow and she wanted justice so badly that she went to the house of a judge. And she knocked. On the door that house but you see the judge. Didn't fear God. In fear man. That he didn't fair this woman and what did she do. She knocked the judge in fear of God. He didn't fear man this woman cannot all night. She did by the way this woman could have been my mother centuries back. These are Jewish mothers are pretty intense. In a good way. And she knocked you know that judge he didn't fear God he didn't fear man this woman was driving him nuts I told you I was not a theologian That's my version of it but what happened. He opened the door. And she got justice. And what does Jesus say. How much more well off father do for us if we continue to petition him. Let me urge you. Let me implore you. Let me encourage you. To petition God for righteousness for justice for freedom to proclaim and defend the message of hope. We need to do this because we do live in the land of the free. We're the home of the brave and we've seen that in ways we didn't imagine we would have to right here on our shores again. Again and I pray that the president will ultimately say that we have been attacked again and when he does say that and I encourage him and pray that he dies. The reality of what we're dealing with. Will be borne out and I will tell you this. And I will tell you this with the military and with respect as we struggle for righteousness as we knock on the door for justice. Don't forget that we serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. That's the king we are with us. I want to leave you with 2 statements and I want to pray. First we've got a challenge ahead to we're battling at the United Nations the organization of the Islamic Conference they are the largest body inside of the u.n. 57 member countries they're trying to get this defamation of religion issue you may have heard me talking about this. We open up and off that we are European offices a non-governmental organization with the United Nations. We are 2 blocks away from the un in New York City it's amazing how it comes right back around and there we are again right back in New York my father said he worked really hard for us not to have to be in New York anymore and there we are. Right back. I got criticized by a group saying well I can't stand the u.n. Why are you there why am I there it's a battle ground. You only get in trouble when you don't report for duty I'm not saying we're not going to have shot at I'm not going to say the slings and arrows that we're going to be there you know they denied our application twice to be part of the u.n. . And I had our lawyers from France do it because they're European It was the whole European thing and then it was time for the Brooklyn again because twice we were denied they denied us from the Jewish National Fund so I went up to the secretary general of that not of the whole un of the NGO committee because they had this hearing in the in the big room you're used to seeing on t.v. And I said you know it's interesting thing that there were 2 groups denied in the u.n. Mission the Jewish National Fund an organization headed up by a Jewish Christian. And you letting groups that are promoting pedophilia. So here's the deal un. You can deny our application and trust me with our media outlets we will be your worst nightmare or you can admit us and we'll continue to be a nightmare. But it won't be as bad and that sounds very threatening but you know what it's the reality of utilizing the ability and the gifts and the resources that God given us to push back so the push back then becomes and I didn't even know this was an issue when we apply for that u.n. Membership pastor I did not know that the organization of the Islamic Conference was going to try to criminalize the proclamation of the Gospel globally which is what they're trying to do. But I want to tell you something the president of the United States Barack Obama sent a strong and which I told you this before when we were in a private meeting message that he was going to tolerate that defamation of religion and Hillary Clinton. The secretary of state was strong and you know what that made my job easier so despite political this and political that you don't know what God will use in a particular circumstance. For your benefit now I could flip that very easy on the health care issue I will not get into that tonight I will just tell you that same enthusiasm I had for the current administration as relates to the defamation of religion in the Organization of Islamic Conference I do not share on the health care issue. That's just not no no no that's just that's we have although we did get the pro-life amendment in and that was a major accomplishment and we can defeat all figured and by the way thanks to a pastor and let me tell you this. We could not have done it without the media we garnered almost 200000 signatures from you on radio and t.v. And blitzed the House of Representatives and the end result was. Not only did that amendment passed through the passes with an incredible margin including 70 Democrats voting for the pro-life amendment. God allowed us to utilize our resources in the media combining it with our legal capabilities and we got a great result. Here's what I want you to do I'm going to pray. Now I don't want to be disrespectful of this church but I want you to. Tap along with me as I pray. The new pastor is going to come up for a few closing words so you start tapping and I'm going to start crying. Father we come before you as your people and we thank you for calling us into your kingdom for services and father we want justice and righteousness and liberty and we pray for our veterans and for those that lost their life even this past week in service to our country right here at home. For your pastors who are not for this lawyers glory but for your glory in Jesus' name amen amen. What a riveting end to today's family talk broadcast featuring Dr Jay Sekulow from the American Center for Law and Justice we must actively and continuously petition God for his protection and to act justly on our behalf I really hope you've enjoyed this today program on protecting our Christian values and American liberties visit our broadcast page at Dr James Dobson dot org for more information about the American Center for Law and Justice once you're there you'll also find additional information about Dr Jay Sekulow and his bestselling books you'll find all this and much much more when you visit Dr James Dobson dot org and then click on to the broadcast page while you're on our site be sure you also check out our station finder feature as well now this tool allows you to see when family talk is airing across our immense radio network just click on the broadcast menu then drop down to the family talk radio stations button there you'll see our entire radio network on an easy to use an interactive map tap on your home state to see when and where you can listen to Dr Dobson you'll find all that when you take advantage of the radio station finder feature when you visit Dr James Dobson dot org We welcome your responses and your thoughts on these past couple of. Your own family talk featuring Jay Sekulow you can visit family talks Facebook page and leave your comments on today's broadcast post there let us know what you learned or appreciated from this full presentation also feel free to share our post with your loved ones so they can enjoy it as well go now to family talks Facebook page and comment on today's broadcast post that's Facebook dot com forward slash Dr James Dobson's family talk we look forward to hearing from you finally as we conclude today's edition of family talk want to consider making a donation to the James Dobson Family Institute our ministry is entirely listener supported and we rely on God through your generous financial contributions to keep going the summer months are tough for every nonprofit and we are no exception so if you would like to partner with us simply visit Dr James Dobson dot org for more information on how you can make a donation that's Dr James Dobson dot org Or you can call us toll free at 877-732-6825 that's 877732682 find Thanks so much for your continued support and also your prayers for Dr Dobson and the ministry altogether I'm Roger Marsh thanks for joining us and have a blessed day. This has been a presentation of the Dr James Dobson Family Institute. Hello everyone do you need help dealing with the every day tasks of raising a family I'm James Dobson here and if you do I will be able to Nando our next edition of family our main purpose in this ministry is to put tools into your hands that will strengthen your marriage and now be raise your kids hope to see you right here next time for another edition of family talk badly talk with Dr James Dobson weekdays at 430 at 9 pm for your. In the body 678 calle t.t. . In the snow capped the Rockies to Chimney Rock in a brass stacked with broadcasting that he is on the mighty 678 k. L t. I this is Richard Robinson as you know the pastor and as you might expect Sunday is my biggest day of the week window it just got a little bigger you can cancel school interrupted sermon from yours truly So this Sunday step on the hologram with us at 9 am right here on k o t 2. City officials in South Carolina remove the word Lord from all and police officers memorial before ultimately removing the entire morning this is truth itself according to the Christian posed a memorial containing the officers prayer was placed outside of the take a k. Police department to honor police officers killed in the line of duty after being up for only a short time the city reportedly received numerous complaints about the religious words on the memorial causing city officials to cover up the word Lord which appeared 3 times city officials decision to remove Lord from the prayer however did not solve the issue instead the move sparked even more controversy the city shared on social media that since they failed to find a solution to appease both those offended by the words and those offended by the removal of the words they would be removing the entire memorial the announcement read we have received many comments both locally and nationally in response to the monument at the Take a police station we attempted to find a compromise but failed as our community has further divided the statement went on to read at this time we have remove the monument while we continue to seek a solution that expresses our unwavering support and gratitude to those who risk their lives every day for ours we will continue to welcome feedback from our residents and seek further guidance from our legal team until we can find a viable solution. For all concerned when it comes to health insurance do you think you don't have a choice you do it's called met as you're a big reason it is your is 400000 people strong and growing is because it just works with Met is your your part of the largest doctor network in the country and you can get 24 hour online access for prescriptions look into joining now to share and see why so many people are opting out of the old way and into the new Here's the number to call 84449 Bible that's it for 449 Bible you can see these stories and more on our Web site Truth itself dot com truth itself that impacts your faith family and country. This is life issues with Brad natus president of life issues institute these are 2 very different politicians from the same party u.s. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi often uses her version of religion to advocate certain politics recently she tweeted Jesus teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves and treat them with Mercy However her support of abortion on demand throughout pregnancy defies the state how can the deaths of millions upon or in babies demonstrate not a nurse on the other end of the spectrum is Thomas Scotch mayor of Quincy Massachusetts he recently left the Democratic Party saying the party platform is so far left on abortion it's sickening here are 2 politicians who are responding very differently to the American Tragedy of abortion we need to pray for them both like us on Facebook at life issues and stay informed more informed than you've ever been . To a m 67 calle t t t t h d. At 95 point one and streaming world war 670 calle t t dugong. Joining us now for college to worship dedicated to presenting the truths of God's word come to worship is sponsored by the Zion chapel of Holland. Hark has the shepherd's voice I hear a lot in the desert dark and drear calling the shape who've gone astray far from the shepherds fold away bring them in bring them in bring them in from the fields of sound bring them out and bring them and bring the wandering wants to Jaysus. Ours. Was a lucky there. Was a and was. Love to be a lover. Reading from Romans chapter one beginning at verse 16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ court as the power of God under salvation to everyone that believe Earth to the Jew 1st and also to the Rick.