But God had been working in my life making me realize that I needed him in the worst way after 3 times listening I bowed my head and asked Jesus for eternal life I repented of my sins and now have a new life in Christ praise God We now have a holy worship service in my brothers car every noon we invite others to join us in our own Bible bus and in time we hope they will thank you through the Bible for telling me about Jesus well praise God for that story of grace and for men and women like that coworker who share the gospel in the most inviting ways as we travel through the entire Word of God in 5 years who could you invite to travel with you ask God to bring someone to mind now another listener This is Mary from Glen our Maryland shared each night when I drive home from work my thoughts and concerns are usually related to my work responsibilities but when I listen to the 6 pm broadcast I can reflect back on the day and realize how unimportant my concerns were the words of dear j. Vernon McGee are a wonderful reminder to me that the Lord Jesus Christ is always with me and will guide me throughout the day I just need to keep my mind on him and things above now let's focus our hearts and minds on what God has for us today in his word heavily Father thank You for Your Love your mercy and grace and how they're the most important part of who we are use us to show others what we found in you and help us to listen to and receive your truth today in Jesus name Amen Here's through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee. Our friends would come back and we're going to say the 1st time I think and we come to the 1st chapter of this very wonderful of pestle and last time I put down and then adoption and my thought in the entered option laws that although we are going to deal here with that which is really the nitty gritty of the local church it has to do with sleep in a place gather not the song books and a meeting of the deacons and all that sort of thing but the important thing is that the characters are all these men in the caliber of these may well be that which will determine whether that church is really a Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Now that's important for us to see and with that in mind let me just give a brief outline that we have in our note this a pestle and we haven't Chapter one The Fight of the church. And then in Chapter 2 we'll have public prayer and woman's place in the churches and my friend that all stirred up a little interest and by the way if you haven't friends in women's layoffs have them lessen the reminder or this week or the next few times and I think maybe that we can hope we can get their man pissed now in chapter 3 we have officers in the judges Chapter 4 of pasta say in the churches and chapters $5.00 and $6.00 huge Is officers of the church choose Now this is the fighting that we have before us and we come back now to chapter one and here we have the faith of the church and actually I probably ought to call at the wife of the church it now in the 1st 2 verses here we have they enter duction and that's an adoption is rather remarkable. It's remarkable because it's different than anything that you've done in other posts of Bessel I'm of the opinion that many of us by the time we got from Romans through 2nd Thessalonians we came to the conclusion that all east had the same introduction but that's not true leaves pastoral pestles are a little different and this duck of venison says the salutation as a whole has no parallel and paw that is you won't find this and any of the other a pestle actually is different now we want to see in which way it is different he calls himself now Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ who is our hope under Tema day my own son in the faith grace mercy and peace from God Father and Jesus Christ Our alone and I saw remarkable 2 verses a scripture very remarkable and Paul care again even with Timothy our search his apostleship and somebody says Well he's certainly done that before well he had and we find for instance and Galatians that he says that he is an apostle by they will of God. Now you notice that this is a little different here it's by the commandment of God and somebody says What is the difference between commandment and will of God Well Paul and I was writing to a young preacher he says Brian and this personal I think is much more personal though it has to do with a local church but it's very personal because it's written to this young minister you this young missionaries shall we say of the larger pieces and actually the well of God and the commandment of God are synonymous and yet they're not the same and let me put it like there is all of commandments that you find in the Bible reveal the will of God. And there not just confined to the 10 Commandments by the way they reach out much farther than the 10 commandments we are told that it's the will of God for us pray you remember we had that back and 1st Thessalonians you will recall that we are to pray without ceasing and in every thing give thanks for this is the will of Christ Jesus to discern in you so that there are many things that are the will of God and they will of God is expressed in a man but I do not think that you have all of the will of God even in the sum total of the Commandments that we have in the Scripture we have a null reveal that man is not by commandments of God And I'd like to reiterate that and emphasize that because there are so many today the law they say is essential to our salvation now when we get down to verse 7 I'm going into this and a great deal of detail we won't get there today I'm sure he says there we know that the low is good if a man use it lawfully Well how do you use the commandment it's good well that's true and the law will pass as an Romans is holy and the commandment holy and just then good but it's the very fact that the law is good and it's absolutely good and then man doing absolutely goodness from man in whom there is no good flying because Paul says I know that in me that well it's no good thing and it's because the law is good that the sinner cannot have by it that's the whole thing about it it reveals the will of God and the commandment of God or. The use of the will of God so all that in order that the center might be saying it was necessary to find a way apart from of b.d.s. Of a perfect law and the lowering of the gospel is that God found a way that he might be just and the justifier of him that believing in Jesus and we are told today that we have through this man and as the Lord Jesus is preached on to you the forgiveness of sins and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the Law of Moses why because it was a ministration of day and the law condemned us the law wasn't given to save us the Law was given to reveal that we are dealing with a holy God and that you and I are not holy therefore God had to find a way that saves and that way is the way of the Cross that way is the way of the Lord Jesus I am the way he says the truth and the life they law is not the way to God Christ is the way to God and that is the important thing now when Paul is saying to this young preacher something here he says not the broad statement he gave the go lation I'm an apostle but the will of God which was of course true but Paul is saying now that this young preacher came and say I am an apostle by the commandment of God He made me an apostle it's not just because I'm in the will of God The day that I'm an apostle but I was a time when he come that ended me be an apostle now I think Paul was rather reluctant to become an apostle I'm sure that Paul would offer to the law of excuses this Moses' day that he could well say well look Lord I will. With the other 11 apostles and they were with you for 3 years and I never knew you in the days of your play I know you today as the glow replied Right I'm not worthy to be an apostle and he says that also and the large Easter says I command you and that's the reason that this man walk into a synagogue and go before gainsaying audience and Athens and a group of rotten corrupt centers and current and stand before them and declare the gospel you know why he was a soldier under orders he was an apostle black commandment not by a commission but by a commandment nobody laid their hands on him and made him an apostle a large Jesus and I gave him an authority Now you remember when we looked at Jeremiah that we saw that same kind of father and take this man Jeremiah a shrinking like a shrinking violet retiring all the time a man with a broken heart and yet he could step out and give these strong strong statements from God why he's under orders he's a soldier under orders now Paul is making that clarity and I think any man that going to speak for God Today needs to speak without authority Arriaga keep why I think that when a man gets up and says I think they're sent if you believe in a fashion I expect that maybe you'd be saved if you would believe in a way on Jesus Well when you begin to talk like that then you haven't anything to say for God at all now Paul is this kind of an apostle Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our savior now is God our Savior He certainly is the. So loved the world he gave us only the gotten Sunny's the Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ who is our hope now God provided the sacrifice and the Lord Jesus Christ is the one that acts like you did He is the one that came to that sir and then you have this strange statement here he is our hope and that is a strange expression because it's not used very many times tell the truth you're only going to find that use one other time and that will be an cautions Christ in you the hope will gloat and the largest died to save you he lives to keep you safe and he's going to come someday and take care in order to consummate that salvation my friend anyway you look at him if you're going to look backwards He's our fight and when we look around us there's a loved one we look ahead it's hope my friend and it's hope actually all the way and it's anchored in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ you see that's just a little different inner duction now he says and camera my own son in the play. Now notice that he is called Tema thing and he's called to most yes and somebody is going to say well what difference does that make Well actually it doesn't make too much difference only the most serious is made up of 2 words and it means that which is dear to God and I think we need to see that that this man was there to God it was dear to the Apostle Paul and he was dear to the local churches of that day what a wonderful picture that we have here let me say a word concerning him now we have Timothy energy use to us and we and something to say about him but for when we were in the book of Acts also when we were looking at for instance the person to the Asians then they present to the Libyans now his father was a Greek will see that when we get a little farther along and his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice were Christians before him he lived in Leicester and that was where Paul was known and I think raised from the dead by the way and I'm not sure about what had a lot to do with the conversion of young Timothy problems like any other young man rather skeptical but I'm sure that convinced and then he became an out loud follower Paul after his conversion and he was the man that had a good reputation by the way we're told then at 16 beginning in verse 2 well recorded up by the brethren that were at Leicester and I Kone of him what Paul have to go for with him and took and circumcised him because of the Jews which were in those quarters for they all knew that his father was a Greek and as they went through the set is they delivered them that decrees for to keep that were ordained of the. Fossils and elders which were at Jerusalem and so were the churches a stablished in the faith an increase in the number daily and then as the fall of the of Passover Paul he became one that all had utmost confidence am and Paul had in the churches many that proof out of breath read that this sleeve as always the tragedy I think of every pastor is the fact that you do have wonderful people wonderful friends and which are which I tell you one of the lower is of my ministry today is that right here in Pasadena I began serving you're 19 already and I've been here a long time and there are people I meet all just everywhere we came to the lord way back in 10404142 they are following in the lowered steps and their loyal faithful friends as one of the reasons we keep our headquarters here we've got a world of wonderful plans in this area people you can trust and Paul had those that he couldn't trust but Timothy he could and Olympians the 2nd chapter verse 19 you know what he says there I trust in the lower Jesus ascend to most years shortly on the you that also may be a good one I know your state or I have no man like mine and who will naturally care for your state we're all seek their own not the things which are Jesus Christ but you know the proof of him that as a son with the father he have served with me in the Gospel in that for I hope to send presently so soon as I shall see how it will go with me and I trust in the Lord The Also myself shall come shortly now we find here that. Timothy when you say he is one very close Paul and Paul here mentions that under Tammany my own son in the faith and that could be translated not true son in the faith or my genuine son in the faith Pollard led him to the lower now he says grace mercy and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and somebody says well that's just like the 100 options we've had before no it s. And I beg to differ with you and the difference is there us yes we've had grace before and we've had peace mentioned before and we've spoken to but friends we've got another word here that's mercy Well what is the mercy of God Well actually mercy is a word that was used back in the Old Testament and it actually it was a well balance to the word grace because it was the mercy seat that there and. It was the sacrifice that made the throne of God which is holy and righteous and just my set of mercy and when you and I come to God we don't want justice what we want is mercy and we need mercy from God now Mercy is what God has provided for all of his creatures God's got all the mercy that you need you can call upon it but it's just like money in the bank my friend will do you no good as you write a check and you write a check of 5 and believe me when I write a check I write it but 5 a lot of times because it's not always there but where frankly that's what mercy is God is rich in mercy weirdo we've seen that one before he has plenty of but one God saves he saves you by his greatness God's mercy a lot of mercy of a dollar he sent his letter in the world today that blast fame him and repudiate him and turn him back on Him God is merciful he sends rain on Yes Not yet he doesn't play favorites even with those is own centers today get rich like Prosper they sing would do better nobody Yeah but it's merciful don't but you see you'll have to come by play. And write the check the fame you'll have to come by faith and then got all save you by His grace now you see these 3 words love and mercy and grace are a little Trinity love is that in Gone which existed before he would care to exercise mercy or grace God was love at the night churches and. Now mercy is that in God which provided for the need of sinful man and grace is that also in him which acts freely decide because all the demands of whole iness been satisfied so that God because he's merciful you can come Toyman by His grace you say you don't have to bring anything back you bring nothing because anything you bring is there right now I have read several letters from people who criticized neighbor talking about do gooders now my friend a do gooder is one that thinks he does not need the mercy of God If feels that his own good works will say that I had a nice man years ago right up here and out of the unit here in Pasadena he said to me and it was on his deathbed he said to me says preacher you don't need to talk to me about that I need Christ as a savior and I need to Mercy and the grace of God I don't need it I'm willing to stand before him just like I am you see and you know what he told him he told me what all he did he'd been chairman a president I think of the community chest and he had headed up and he was head of an orphan home at one time a chairman of the board all he was a do gooder and he's going to stand before God on it my friend let me say to you I do believe salvation will do you any good when you really need it the salvation that God provides for you will enable you to go to do good a kind of good that is acceptable to God because even the righteousness of man is filthy rags and his side Francis is a marvelous inner duction that we have here will pick right up our necks that uncle then may God bless you my beloved. We appreciate that reminder of God's love mercy and grace Dr McGee said because God is merciful you can come to him and by His grace he'll save you if you'd like to know more about the grace and mercy of God Well we'd love to tell you more just go to t t v dot org and click on the banner How can I know God There you'll find several resources by Dr McGee about how you can meet God and what his offer of salvation is all about you can also call us and request that we send you a couple of these resources our number is 1865 bible that's 180-652-4253 now this weekend I advise you to join me for more of Dr Biggie's great teaching on a Sunday sermon he dives into the controversial topic of women's place in the local church you can listen online at t.v. Dot org or check our listings of local stations that carry the program and while you're visiting us at t t v dot org Be sure to check out this month's featured booklet called what to do when life is hard we may be saved but Dr McGee says perilous times come and worldly things can still creep into the heart of believers how can we overcome them well that's the focus of this booklet based on one of Dr McKee's most popular sermons what to do when life is hard and more than 100 of Dr biggies other booklets are available for download when you visit the resources section of t t v dot org and click on free booklets as always if we can help you locate them online just call us at 1865 bible Now on Monday we continue our study of 1st Timothy in our 5 year journey through the Bible may God bless you today as you walk with him he was a live all. Through you know the Tolo soon live. It was a little We're so grateful for the baby only generous supportive through the Bible's partners who are being used by God to take the whole word to the whole world our greatest need was for a given issue of so God fantasists like you dear need help and shepherding our seniors word then join us for through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee Monday through Friday 8 am right here on the mighty sick 70 k. L. T. Denver. This is calle tt's Weekend Edition broadcast on am 67 E.-Commerce it hidden in stunning high definition and on line at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. City officials in South Carolina remove the word Lord from all and police officers memorial before ultimately removing the entire memorial this is truth itself according to the Christian posed a memorial containing the officers prayer was placed outside of the take a k. Police department to honor police officers killed in the line of duty after being up for only a short time the city reportedly received numerous complaints about the religious words on the memorial causing city officials to cover up the word Lord which appeared 3 times city officials decision to remove Lord from the prayer however did not solve the issue instead the move sparked even more controversy the city shared on social media that since they failed to find a solution to appease both those offended by the words and those offended by the removal of the words they would be removing the entire memorial the announcement read we have received many comments both locally and nationally in response to the monument at the Take a police station we attempted to find a compromise but failed as our community has further divided the statement went on to read at this time we have remove the monument while we continue to seek a solution that expresses our unwavering support and gratitude to those who risk their lives every day for ours we will continue to welcome feedback from our residents and seek further guidance from our legal team until we can find a viable solution for all concerned when it comes to health insurance do you think you don't have a choice you do it's called Medicare a big reason metes year is 400000 people strong and growing is because it just works with med is your your part of the largest doctor network in the country and you can get 24 hour online access for prescriptions look into joining that is share and see why so many people are opting out of the old. Way and into the new Here's the number to call 84 for 49 Bible that's a 4 for 49 Bible you can see these stories and more on our Web site Truth itself dot com truth itself news that impacts your faith family and country. The ubiquitous w w j d bracelets of the 1990 s. Were asking what would Jesus do a question that actually goes back to an 896 novel by Charles Sheldon in the book a homeless man hit a rough situation there was the congregation to put their faith into action when the man dies the pastor challenges his congregation to not do anything without 1st asking what would Jesus do today that forward question overshadows the title of Sheldon's original book which can be found in the Bible the 1st Peter $22014.00 here and 2 where he calls because Christ also suffered for you leaving you an example that he should follow in his steps Seldon's book title in his staff has sold more than 30000000 copies and probably that many bracelets engage with the Bible and its impact on history art and culture see you by Museum of the Bible in Washington d.c. . Welcome to cult of freedom with Barbara Carmen this is Jimmy leaky and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour you can reach call to freedom at Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or by going to the Web site at w.w.w. Dot freedom Street dot org If you want to leave a message or order a word power daily reading Bible guide or a freedom street express newsletter you can call us toll free at 18669177. 256 and leave your name and address including your zip code if you want to talk to Barbara right now she is expecting your call you may call that same cold free number 186-691-7725 extension 62 speak to her and now let's join Barbara in the studio I begin this encore show with a quote to encourage you to focus on the answer not the problem you can't have a victory as long as the problem is the biggest thing in your life Darren and I talk about how David focused on the good things of the Lord instead of the battles he was facing at the moment we get a call from Caroline and Deron prays against unbelief in the healing of her son Benjamin Derren quotes Jesus who says if you have faith and believe all things are possible I encourage her to help her son read a chapter a day to make him excited about learning we also get a call from Shelley who received tongues at one of our meetings and her former boss called her the very next day and asked her to come back to work God will give you favor as you trust in Him Now let's join the program. So welcome daring and I'm not above that wonderful day yeah I mean you just came in at the very last 2nd John he's pretty good isn't he yeah he's. The big sweats no I was just I was just really. I was going to enjoy the whole half hour by myself I thought this morning but I guess I'll have to be with you again well you. Know I enjoy doing the program with you. Lord for what he did last night I praise God for yeah. Holy Spirit was so very much there I needed that Derren I need that time of communion sometimes that we don't get because that life is so fast we're always on the fast track it seems you brought some goodies to brochures adopted on the way of going to the. Peace offering got a cup of cappuccino you're not sure you're looking for. You know how can you be how can you be upset where it is yeah and just about are many like you know you can know God put this little guy but you know just. My sister's Yes go right little play and his wife and I heard he's in there his name is Harry I don't hear you mean but you know God's been good to us from the great little great open place right up from downtown Denver right on the Hill real handy and I said Yeah it is business as it is and. Ok more of what he had for sale I got a quote in the offering from our our friend David again and I every week he puts 3 or 4 sheets of quotes in the off ramp I enjoy them so much more and really we appreciate your financial support so very much without that Derren in Denver wouldn't be here but also without some of the encouragement in the scriptures that you friends give us we would be overwhelmed sometimes. But here's one quote from David and I think it will really help somebody get focused in on what is most important in my life you can't win a victory as long as the problem is the biggest thing in your life and I really believe that's true and it's getting down to the bottom line if the focus of your day is your problem all the time then you can't win the victory that you want God to give you you gotta put your mind on something else and that's why David cried out to the Lord with the word and he says My God you're going to deliver me you're going to bring me the peace that I ask for in the presence of the Lord is fullness of joy even when the enemy was running after him daring he could say things like The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down beside green pastures He leads me beside still waters and here he was running from Saul in desert where there were no water ponds or or no streams but he pictured you know you say a lot about imagination and some Christians say well that's from the devil it is not imagination is God given and in the New Testament says casting down vain imaginations that's entirely different when the devil comes and you twist those things that God gives to us God gave us imagination and here David was saying I can see the quiet streams Lord I can see the lily pads on the pond and I know you're with me even in this horrible desert so I really appreciate your eating now you're eating so maybe I will get this hour our telephone number here if you'd like to just call in and say that Derren just really in love loves food and you can even say No I'm not going to say because God is his stomach now that would be wrong but . If you can't you can't even tell you give a partial quote. 16 will go yes and then you have written a beautiful song out of some 16 what are the words of that song well the chorus goes in your presence is fullness of joy and add to your right hand. Our pleasure is for ever more and I love that song and that's what that's one of the songs that helped me out after after my 1st husband John died and it was a real blessing to me you know several of us are praying and believing that you're going to have time this next year to write again and also to get some of those wonderful songs written that you've taken out of Scripture because they do build the heart I mean they feed the heart and if you want to pray for something be very special for Barbara and really for the Body of Christ for all of us would be that there would be time there would be the finances there would be all the things that have to come together the intersection of time that it would be there so you can write those songs so I don't have to keep the books and if you all of them. You know you. Bet I can probably tell I don't give barber a whole lot of sorrow to keep them going you don't know your doubt if you'd like to call in our number is 303-631-2812 extension 8 looks like Carol's go bail is set here Carolyn How you doing good how you do and I'm doing well. Wrote the letter earlier this summer and sent good donation by the come to say thank you for that I was going to call you and I just hadn't got around to it yet but. I had to write about the trip that we are making in June and that went really well I just really praise the Lord for that oh good I'm so glad yeah the car that the lawyer provided for I feel just so wonderful oh good god good he's so faithful Yeah Carolyn you must have trusted in him. Yeah and. We didn't know you know because I had a lot of miles. But it was it was just so wonderful I did traveling once so good. Well anything we can pray about I'm going to pray for my son's eyes. They're not real bad but they said at school last year that he needs to have them checked and I don't want him to end up in classes Ok Well God isn't the end of the world but I understand that. In order to afford that and Ok You know it's and I I asked him about it and he said he would like to have Jesus healed I'm Ok well you know like Jesus said as your faith so be it unto you and he sees your son's faith and boy Jesus children's faith is just absolutely primo here. He didn't lose his way up at the top of the charts what did you send me then she meant the engine. A little boy he's 91 is even 3rd grade he'll be in 4th grade so we're going to be starting pretty sound a couple of weeks has provided some learning difficulties for him. Not a lot but it's just we can see the beginning of problems Ok that it could get to be that the 1st something isn't done so. Well. Have you ever been healed Carol No I haven't as your boy No Ok so I'm curious are you married yes is your has been a believer Yes Yes Ok do you go to a church that teaches healing. Well. They do believe that God heals and I know that there are let me ask you know the question Do you ever see people get healed that are in your congregation Well there was a man called last year that he was in the hospital just close to death and and so many people were praying for him and and he is well and good when well that's an issue that's something we can pinpoint and focus on I'm. We build our faith here yeah we go to the community they are praying Oh Ok Well let me say this to you in March after 9 there's a story about a man who wanted his boy healed and his boy he had a very severe problem much worse than what your boy was in fact he had some type of seizures in the he was thrown seizures were thrown him into the water drowned thrown him into the fire and the father came to the disciples and said are the other father the boy came to the disciples and they couldn't get the job done and so ended up with Jesus and Jesus. Said Do you believe that I can do this and. Really the father said if you can if you can help us would you do something in the in Jesus and put it right back to the Father and he said. If you have faith all things are possible to him who believes now later on that evening the disciples when they got away from the ground. They said to Jesus why couldn't we do this and Jesus said this kind only comes out by prayer and fasting and he was talking not about the demonic spirit that was holding the boy down it was talking about their unbelief So right now I'd like to pray 1st of all Carolyn if there's any and believe that God would remove that. Does that make sense yes because when the unbelief is gone then God can do anything with us. And sometimes we by experience we get clobbered by and believe because we don't see enough people healed or we haven't had it taught to us and or something's holding us down there's a glitch in there somewhere and I'd like to pray guess that So your boy Benjamin can be with Yes Father God if there's any belief in me or in Barbara here in the studio or with Carolyn there at her house I pray and ask and you take that away that would be a problem that would be a blockage and and Lord I pray and ask right now as you take in that unbelief away because we prayed by faith and you can do that you. Bigger than unbelief and fear and. I pray right now that you would heal this boy is given perfect eyesight and and also do great healing there for mom and dad even in the church do that to thank . God as this boy goes into the 4th grade I ask you to give him the best years ever had. Any learning difficulties learn make him excited about reading. And I thank you for doing that and Lord I just see your annoying on the boys eyes. And we do speak healing to this little guy in Jesus name Amen and man thank you so much you know the best thing you can do probably Caroline is at the end of the day before Benjamin goes to bed I have him read a chapter begin him reading the word I remember a boy in junior high he was almost flunking And this this pastor challenged him to read a chapter a day and by the time you graduate from high school he was valedictorian and I believe that word is so important for our children to take in and we did that with our girls and they're both serving the Lord and just as doing so well and so I would encourage you to do that and you know I get him a Bible maybe with a simple story book line like the living for children or something and I let him start reading you know a little bit every night that would be great yeah I. Already had a book to read stories yeah I mean when we're done with that one you know we'll let him start doing a little bit now that we really encourage him. To have a problem I have to learn it I wouldn't read that he didn't he won't if you if you gave a little patience there and I'm just very slowly go through it I'd also suggest you think about getting the phonics reading. You have you heard of that I've heard about it well look into on Saturday morning at Sonic k. On Calle t. Here right here at 670 and it's an interesting. It's later morning so so if you would I don't know maybe you could. And find out from them that great well God bless you Caroline thank you know you keep listening I think maybe our engineer can find that out when that's. The problem where you gather to work. And I or whatever when you get it and put it on the air have a friend get their address or some for you so you can send for it Ok Don't give up now Ok All right thank you so much Yeah I you know yeah I believe we sold the piano to Kersey Community Church from when you know the ball we had was the door yeah even your piano or organ but I remember delivering it there I hope they've got it and our bank was crazy state I went there almost every morning listen to the coffee shop once in a while on the way. Through exciting times on those or many things when you didn't like their own rights. And learning new stronger just helped me so much of courtesy straight Oh he was a great thinker a wonderful friend and when John died he he really helped me encouraged me. Gave me a lot of strength during those days so as far as finances you know when you become a widow finances just crushing on you but Larry's a good friend you know last night we sang a song that John wrote and gave to me and it was. Well I tell you you're going to have me bawling. Is it the rain. That rain in the studio let's take a call here from Shelley with the bridge report showing how you doing I'm doing great how are you all right Ed Good to see hear you thank you and well last night when I was baptized by the Holy Spirit a man we all might want I was carrying in my prayer of language. And 10 o'clock today my former employer asked me to come back when your fellow Michel that's wonderful praise God absolutely you've been praying for them too yes I have. And I believed it was mine and today it was that it was yours. Yes I had one where you stood in faith or show and you kept a good attitude. And I share a little something about you absolutely you know last night when I talked to you you said you'd had a conflict with someone in the extended family but you walked in forgiveness so God could bring you your miracle today I think that's one thing you and I you know you had every say that you had many human reasons to get into really anger and bitterness and judgment and you stayed out of that by your choice and I think that's wonderful and you're going to be raising 2 little boys right boy or girl boy girl oh now what are their names Evan Nicole and Timothy. And so God is really giving you favor Michele I think it's because you know you are striving to be honorable in what you're doing and a provider for your children and a godly mother and God's going to really reward you for saying. God that well that's a wonderful report praise the Lord you want to share. Pretty much what I know that everything that we have been praying for in our household would confirm today so we're all just about to have a camper here today so had something edifying to say to Rebecca didn't she when she called and that a job could be available to her or grants for her to go back to school yet. At Arapahoe Community College they have a wonderful career center right there in the building where they can find her employment and then she also needs to she could also work for the college and earn credits and let tuition in the field that she then oh well that's wonderful if we're back I hope her back is listening today but if she isn't Could we give her your phone number absolutely Ok You know I think she got rained out last night and I hope she's listening the day and just. Because she didn't come to them when it was raining. Marvelous America you know I hear they apartment they're called institutional advancement is nothing but the scholarships and free money waiting for people really on a lot of people that's what department I work for for the state and there are so many scholarships that nobody bothered to even look at oh you're so glad you mentioned well maybe I could get a scholarship for doing the radio. I have about a $1000000.00 for retirement there's something that. Was good never fall in that and it got worse all over the presidency one thing Shelley I think we need to say to a lot of our listeners we have a listers praying for a listers and that's part of the mystique if you can say for the mystery of the Body of Christ you know it's not just one person it's not just there in a bar but on the radio so you know all this stuff happened it's listeners carry for listeners and people would be amazed if they knew how often we got a phone call could I get in touch with that person and the way we do it is is we don't. Give out phone numbers unless the person gives that you know permission or mission Yes Yes absolutely and you know how God always provides for me and my family I mean my trip out and all the way down to this weekend I'm given wonderful furniture for my house you know oh you just moved up here from used to the African He's got all far is that. 1400 mile an hour and you and your kids came just together right yes. That. Well you know when some people when they walk into a room chalet they they bring in oppression with them when you walk into the room you bring joy with you and that's why God is giving you favor because you choose the best out of life you don't choose to be under oppression during this time when most women could be very depressed but you have chosen the best part said the very best part so we congratulate you that's wonderful thank you in the last years. I think I will call us Barco you always park and yes I will answer Ok Tell your Mom and Dad Hi Sure well give your kid a hug I will bring their love you I love you bye bye Wow what a great opportunities for people like Rebecca who do want to go back to school let me tell you though there's a sticker behind this I'll talk about Shelley for minute because I know or that she got herself by herself got a rental truck got herself to Colorado she said I'm changing my lifestyle that's right and you know why are we talking on this but many times God is saying get up and get out of here I'm going to sing for you down the road that's right now for your and your stinking mountain long enough for you the answer was an unused because he was in Denver now for some of you may be in Denver a gun saying I want you to go somewhere else and if you're supposed to be in San Diego you better get out of Denver. Many times always say well gee I'm really comfortable here got lots of family here you know I've got my beauty shop or my barber shop or the dog groomer or whatever your stand here for and you need to ask God you know maybe God wants you to get up and get well get with it that's why it's like that quote You can't win a victory as long as the problem is the biggest thing in your life and Shelly chose to leave that problem and come up here to victory and you can't get to 2nd base to you take your foot off the 1st that's so gay we got Jenny from Fort Morgan how are you doing Jenny Hi there Jean Ok I want the car report on gave it well good and I think a picture of David Yes yes liver male I believe Yeah Ok I remember you oh yeah and congratulations on your move to the morning thank you thank you we enjoy it's like heaven around here what makes us run a little faster in the morning is that it's good we've been standing on Earth Peter 2240 good and by Dr King you were here you were that's were that. We know David being healed and we need prayer today for the manifestation. At that have here we can do that are you in a big hurry Ok. Let me just say this to you know I've said this start classes many times and if you ever get a chance to come up on Tuesdays I think you'd be abundantly blessed but when we get to know the character and integrity of God He watches over his word to perform and that's Jeremiah $112.00. And he he looks around for people he says in 2nd Chronicles $69.00 the last part of the verse the eyes of the lord go to and fro about the earth to find those whose heart is completely his that he may strongly support them strongly support leave you're one of those so he watches you yes every day when you're out there delivering mail he watches you that's right and when he knows that our hearts are right and he's watching over the word that we speak out of our mouth not the word in the Bible that's closed on the table or the word that we think we know but when we speak the word the word is activated for us and when I hear you quoting 1st Peter 224 I say I will praise Jesus and along with that when I would put the scripture market 1124 says this all things for which you pray and ask believe you have received them he and you believe see him leave the law receive and it shall be granted in to you let me add one more to that a lot of the scripture but 1st John 51415 says this is the confidence we have before him that if we ask anything according to His will and we know healing is his will absolutely he hears us if yours as we know we have those requests we've made of him let me add 2 more I love these these are scriptures on him possibility or possibility depending on how you look at my favorite scripture and probably all of the words Martin and 23 all things which you pray and ask I'm sorry all things are possible to him who believes and then Mark 1027 says now with men it's impossible and not with God for all things are possible with God. You've spoken of a friend Aaron for. The last 3 months and you prayed for confirmation or healing and finally it manifested after intense prayer and that's what we're going to hear what I had to hear I had to heal you have you want to link confirmation you know I have to tell you this my friend I will go up one morning in The Lord said I'm going to heal your friend today completely now is coming up out of deep sleep one off and he speaks to me in the very early morning hours and it was so neat and I told this friend in that day that friend got totally totally healed and they're still healed it was manifest that Adam yesterday they're doing he is God So we believe with Eugenie you know and we're going to pray that David right now has seen and but you know God loves these impossible cold and possible situations I mean he just laughed and said Man Our kids are catching on listening to them that get. To really go on ready the Father I thank you for the prayers that have gone up for David and I also thank you for that biblical principle of agreement in Matthew Chapter 18 verse 1819 you say if 2 of you agree on Earth as touching anything it would by the father who is in heaven Father I know you're hearing this prayer because we're praying it in your son's Jesus Jesus your son he's the doorway we're praying in his name that's our code name Father God we're coming to you legally we're coming to you now with authority inability because you've given it to us and Lord we declare this boy is he now Father we're depending on you you're the only one that can manifest this healing we can't the doctors can but you can and we thank you so much that to allowed us to look up with you through Jesus and through Holy Spirit so far we've got I just say that you're strengthening mom's faith here give her a 1000 fold increase of faith and I think you just give her an absolute assurance that no matter what she sees whereas here is where there's it's done in her heart and it's going to be manifested in the flesh that's right and we're going to stand with that and on that until we have that complete manifestation on this confirmation will. Well you got that confirmed healing now we want the manifestation who uses the name. And as Jesus said in Mark $925.00 to the spirit within the Boy you deaf and dumb spirit I command you come out of him and do not enter him again man in Jesus' name we say that for David in Jesus' name we say come out of him and do not enter him again and we seal that with a blood of Jesus and the mighty power of Holy Spirit in January Goma I'm just going to because we're running out of time on Monday clear this in the name of Jesus that found spirit of infirmity is gone from your boy and a spirit of peace or deliver in garments Yes Hello Lou Yes praise God Oh really love Eugenie thank you just hang in there where you are I'll tell you the reward is for those who persevered and. Glad you found the morning right here on last Friday you know these are brave for her because she has a voice she just I mean her voice even shows the faith in it that you know we're not fighting a belief there now you know when the lady with the issue of blood person price it is a priest in touch that man and she takes just touch to him these come and Jesus said who touch me these days I was as you could be kidnapped all kinds of people jostling you why do you ask that he said Virtue power left me I knew that left me well Jesus this mom just touched Jesus to thank you for that he said in days that anyone seen you today and a manifestation of his devil you rotten thing your last day was. Thank you for listening to a call to freedom with Barbara karma you may get in touch with Barbara at call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 186-691-7725 extension 6 call to freedom as a listener some. Ported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up the whole to freedom ministry our partners support called a freedom with prayer and monthly financial support you will be blessed supernaturally Team together will learn God's ways through the study of His Word and what it means to live in freedom in this world so join me each weekday at 1 pm as well as 5 30 am for called the Freedom on Colorado's Christian station $670.00 am k l t t Hello this is Adrian Hendrix in Jerry Hendrix of say one more now. Incorporated where our focus has been lovingly come from all activities this honoring human life created in the very image of God We look forward to joining you every Sunday at 4 pm on Kate l t t 670 am and ask you to remember life is good guy gives life God is good. 60 minutes of good news starts on the nation's most colorful Christian voice this is a m 670 calle t.t. And Calle t. T. H. D. Come a city Denver and streaming live and 670 calle t.t. Dot com no effort 95 going. To. Come. Back. To. Reading some of the brightest audience in the country Welcome to real science radio I'm Bob n.p.r. And I'm Fred Williams creations speaker and software engineer welcome to part 2 of our S.R.'s list of discoveries squeezing evolution they came a evolutions big squeal and say Now many discoveries Fred they're squeezing beyond recognition the time frame of the theory of evolution and of course without a workable timeframe there's no workable theory yeah a few items from last week that we covered were things like dinosaurs eating rice before Rice evolved hell how does that work that was good internal shells we discussed last week that many are hard and many are soft Well turtle shells they existed 40000000 years before. Turtle shells began. What about advanced birds appeared before birds evolved that is yeah the fossil record is a wonderful thing it's great for creationists I think so and then insects evolved to eat from flowers before flowers evolved that's an all time classic. Yes 70000000 years before they evolved and Fred when you look at the tongue of an insect It's called the pre-buy. When you look at that time in fact you and I have a picture from an electron microscope it blows your mind the sophistication of a people think like let's say a hummingbird hovering over a flower and extends its tongue into the flower to drink the nectar and you think it's sort of just like a spongy kind of tongue thing yeah you know it's a wildly sophisticated intelligently designed series of compartments that open in close to trap the next Here it's amazing you know in my industry we have a slick chips and what not for stores devices when you Glock at those close up they get simpler when you look at things like this like you just described like this young this seems like just a pile of kind of a gooey thing yeah you look at it up close it's got all these crevices that are so well designed in these Yeah it's hard to say image bad off look at printouts Yeah this is the tip of a fruit flies proboscis and Fred I mean when you look at it stunning We have to load this photo with Today Show summary yes kind of like butterfly wings and how they have like Christmas tree shaped valleys all throughout the us just to give it the iridescence the way light hits them in one just is amazing so are a start out org slash squeeze and Part 2 will put this this electron microscope photograph of a fruit flies tongue so Fred when they. Say that the insect tongue evolved in my office and butterflies to feed on flowers but 70000000 years before flowers. That just strikes my funny bone Well it got a new the.

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