Done to do now what has happened is this that we have a constitution is a very wonderful wonderful instrument I believe that certainly is not inspired like the word of God but because of the inspired word of God we have the constitution because the Constitution reflects in many ways the values of God's word but today we're shooting frozen chickens I mean today we're doing something that our founding fathers did not intend for us to do now on July the 4th 1776 that was signed in the city of Philadelphia a document that we call the Declaration of Independence. That was independence from Great Britain but what many people fail to understand is that this same document was a document of it dependence upon Almighty God Now the politicos today many of them seem to forgotten that but it was clearly and plainly a declaration of dependence I want you to listen to the closing paragraph. What begins We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are endowed by their create a whore with certain inalienable rights begins that way but it closes this way with a firm reliance upon the pro texture of Divine Providence Now what is Reliance That's dependent is with a firm reliance upon the protests divine providence what is divine providence has God what we mutually pledge to each other our lives our fortunes and ours sacred honor all of that in the context of depending upon all mighty God it was then that the cannons fired it was then that the fireworks went off it was then in the Old State House now called Independence Hall the Liberty Bell began to ring out freedom and all that bell inscribed these words from Leviticus 25 verse 10 proclaim liberty throughout all the land and in that document they said that God created us in the shame we can't teach that in schools today in that document they said that God gives us our rights not the government these are in a winnable rights like life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness these have come from the Almighty and not from government now the 3 things I want you to see today as we look in our tax and Proverbs Chapter 14 in verse 34 righteousness exalted the nation but san is a reproach to any people and the very 1st thing I want you to see is that righteousness which is the x. Alteration of a nation the actual Taishan of a nation righteousness exalted as a nation learn this that righteousness and liberty are Enix trick of Billy interwove you cannot separate. Righteousness and liberty you see the reason that we are in danger of losing our liberties is we are losing our righteousness in the what is righteousness righteousness is responsibility assume and the more responsibility that you assume the more liberty you have for example a little baby doesn't have to assume any responsibilities he doesn't have to go out and earn a living he doesn't have to mow the grass he doesn't have to do the laundry he doesn't have to do the grocery shopping the little baby assumes no responsibilities he's fed and bathed and cared from this place to that place see he doesn't make choices about anything he doesn't have any liberties either because he assumes no responsibilities but as a child he continues to grow and after a while he can learn how to clean up his own room after a wad of carry out the trash after a while to do the dishes after a while to cut the grass after a while to come and go on time and the parents watch that child assume more and more responsibilities and as that happens the child is given more and more liberties after a while they can walk to school by himself or herself then comes that they daddy can I use the car when you've shown yourself to be a responsible child and you give to this teenager the keys to that automobile which in today's age is the symbol of almost total liberty I've got the car now Mom is not driving me anymore I can go where I wish within the rules that my mom and dad have set down for me because I have shown myself to be a responsible person now learn this about government and this is taught in the Word of God the more responsibility we assume that's righteousness the more liberty we are given the less responsibility we're willing to assume the less liberty we will have we have more or less liberty therefore according to our character or according to our righteousness when we have Buz responsibility we. Lose liberty and when there is a demise in character there's always a growth in government did that sink in when there's a demise in character there's always a growth in government you cannot be irresponsible as an individual or as a society and at the same time expect to remain free now our government began with a dependence upon Almighty God. And the Constitution was written by people of character for people of character and it will work for no other people if we lose our character in the United States our Constitution will not work we'll be shooting frozen chickens it wasn't made for that kind of society you see this nation was born in the white heat of revival from 17421770 Jonathan Edwards and other preachers were preaching up and down the seaboard of America and America was aflame with revival and as a result churches were built institutions were formed character was placed in the heart and mind in the bosom of our founding fathers and study the writings of our founding fathers and you will see that they were tinctured and died and moved with a great belief in God in the Judeo Christian ethic and out of the fires of that revival out of that character came the Constitution of the United States and to our founding fathers they believed in self-reliance they believed in responsible lives they believed in righteousness and therefore they believed that the best government was the smallest government the smaller government was the better they believed it would be and so our founding fathers formed a republic we pledge allegiance to the republic for which it stands which is a government of law with a representative leadership and these representatives represent us but they governor an only with the consent of the governor and and it will not work Listen folks it will not work apart from character righteousness exalted the nation you say what do you know about it your bad this preacher What do you know about civics one. You know about government well let me tell you what someone who did know said about it his name was James Madison he was the architect the architect of the federal constitution the 4th president the United States of America let me give you a direct quote from James Madison He said We have staked the whole future of American civilization not all the power of government far from it up we have staked the future upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves to sustain ourselves according to the 10 Commandments of God is what Madison said he said We staked everything on this. What he is saying is this is not the government is going to do it we must govern our selves there must be this inward character and what was the basis of that character not by majority but the 10 Commandments of God which 10 Commandments our leadership in this nation says must come down from the classrooms in America because if they were to see those 10 commandments they might begin to venerate them and obey them spoke of the 10 Commandments are out and x. Rated humanistic literature your is in but Madison said We have staked a whole future upon the ability of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the 10 Commandments of God What Madison the architect of the Constitution was saying is it will not work it will not work unless you use it the way it was intended to be use don't fire frozen chickens that's not the way we've built this can we build it it was made for people of character by people of character and it will work no other way why what is liberty liberty is responsibility assume liberty is responsibility. Assume license is not assume the responsibility is doing your thing now we think we can have license and have freedom but we cannot liberty is responsibility assume and real liberty therefore always comes from within you have to take the policeman off the street corner and put it in your heart the last God rules in your heart the more control you're going to have from without Now let's go back to a little baby we were talking about he has no responsibilities but he has no liberties as he grows more and more he gets more and more responsible he's given more and more liberty but let's say he gets to be an adult and as an adult he ceases to act responsible and becomes a criminal then what happens he's put in jail. He has no character therefore his liberties are taken away now he has no responsibilities he doesn't have to turn out the lights but he has no liberties he can unlock the door because when he sees to act responsibly then his liberty diminishes it follows as night follows day the difference between slavery and freedom is simply this where are the laws and slavery the laws from the outside and we'll make you do this in Liberty Bell laws in the heart it is righteousness that exalt as a nation now when our founding fathers understood this and they said with a firm reliance upon Divine Providence will build this nation and we build a constitution as Madison says that will not work apart from each of us governing ourselves according to the 10 Commandments of God when we believe this when we came as a nation out of the womb of revival what happened well friend we had an industrial revolution and great wealth was produced Why is that. Because Americans are bigger brighter smarter no way human homo sapiens like other people on the face of the air why is it Autumn or minerals in our soil as a rain more in America are other nations a beautiful travel and see what makes America different God has blessed America. God has blessed America that's what makes America different we have been the recipients of the beneficence blessings of Almighty God and God gave us well and God gave us military strength protractors by the I might great God our king we have the technology but do we have the will do we have the manpower but what's happened we had a time when we as Americans were respected around the world and we were people of culture and a people of respect today were laughed at even by those nations where we have pumped money trying to buy respect they cannot be bought with the Yankee dollar. Let this fasten itself upon your mind righteousness is the actual Taishan of a nation here's the 2nd thing I want to learn reproach is the humiliation of a nation God says sin is a reproach to any people America today is living in reproach now the American dream has begun to dissolve. What happened is this we came to an agonizing Civil War We got ourselves back together and turn to God and then we had World War One and God gave us victory in World War one but rather than giving God the praise. We wanted liberty without responsibility the flapper a cane the Roaring Twenties came the Great Depression came and we failed to understand that these blessings have come from Almighty God and when the Great Depression came as a result of our debauchery as a result of our loss of character then we began to turn to the government that's the government to help us out and great social programs began to come in America governmental programs everybody said this is wonderful what the government is going to give us but the government can't give us anything they don't take from us and so what the government began to do was to begin to grow and redistribute the wealth and take theirs off the top. You know the government always assumes more and more authority when the people lose more and more character and as character goes down control goes up and government begins to grow and the government began to provide for people but when the government provides the government must as night follows day must control I've told you before about a man who had some wild pigs all rooting up his farm and he tried to capture them but he couldn't and a man said I can capture those pigs for you and he went out and put some food on the ground and withdrew the pigs came out of the woods and ate the food he did that several days and then he put a fence post up in the pigs came and ate the food that fencepost didn't bother them and then he put another and another and another look takes didn't like it necessarily but no harm done they were getting fat and sleek being fed by someone else no longer did they root in the woods for their own acorns somebody with their feed them. And then after a while the corral was built. And the wire was strong. And only an hour again and the pigs learned to go in and out of that gate to get their food and then the bar was drop the trap set the pigs captured and the man said that's that simple any thing that depends upon me for its food I kin in trouble now when the government gets people to depend upon them the government says I will be a subsidy it follows as night follows day when we lose characters at the same time we lose freedom and we have watched in America as one fence post after another has been set around us and we're still eating out of the government trough and yet the government is only giving to us what it is 1st taken from us and now folks we turned into a welfare state what is the purpose of government read Romans 13 government is here for protection to punish evil doers to defend the land he bears not the sword in vain that but when you get the idea that government is not here to protest but to provide then you and difficulty our founding fathers knew this our founding fathers said that government is to provide for the common defense promote the general welfare not provide the general welfare provide the common defense you and I can't raise an army. Why should. We become vigilantes we're here to protect one another that's what the purpose of government is to provide the common defense to promote the general welfare the Bible says of a man will not work neither should he when I talk about people who cannot work or people who are temporarily out of work they ought to be helped and did they should . But when we have a welfare type of state a form of socialism then we have gotten away from the teachings I believe of the Word of God One person has wisely said we are in deep trouble when we look upon our government as a cow to be milked rather than a watchdog to be fed. Something happens when we make that change from governmental protection to provision for us and you can see that so starkly in our culture today coming up tomorrow a government that can control can oppress as well dome is part 2 of the only hope for America if you'd like to order a copy of this message on cd call 1877 loved God and we so appreciate your generosity God is using these messages powerfully in people's lives Thanks for your support when you call 877-568-3463 or you can give it L.W.'s to god bless you enjoy this next time you're on line were. When do you hear Love worth finding a listener in Pennsylvania wrote and said I wake up at 6 am every weekday to listen and take notes on Dr Adrian Rogers Bible talks he is so clear in his preaching he tells it like it is thank you for broadcasting his preaching Please do not stop we appreciate that no because we don't want to stop but we need your help as we continue presenting profound truth simply stated on this program right now when you support us. I would like to send you a collection of 5 booklets that will encourage you and show you how to fortify your faith how to break Satan strongholds and how to weather the storms of life ask for this help to booklet collection for strength and faith when you call 1877 love God or go online to L.W.'s dot org to give L.W.'s dot org And thank you for standing with us here at love worth find. The good news of Jesus for a great. Business and Graham Lotz with a light for daily living God's blessing on our nation is directly related to God's people getting right with them 2nd Chronicles 714 says If my people were called by a man named Paul humble themselves pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land previous revival. Began with a longing in one person's heart that became a prayer leading to more prayer and more people joining him in 1734 when Jonathan Edwards began to pray urging churches to join the country experienced the 1st great awakening listen to me if God used the prayer of one person to spark a great awakening he can do it again maybe he's waiting for the spark of one person's prayers but we'll never know until you an upgrade. The one person who prays now for revival this is an engram lots salt and light light by the 670 a l d. C. Please to present Ronald Eldar. Born to when. My. It's always painful to see a good man fall and the affair of David and Bathsheba Well that's pretty much what happened it happened to a good woman at the same time and I wonder if when King Solomon set down to write in the book of Ecclesiastes that he'd thought about this because in the 10th chapter he said dead flies cause the point of the perfumery to send forth as thinking savor So there's a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor and he had a classic example of this in his own mother and father this affair is loaded with lessons to be learned and questions to be answered someone once said power corrupts and at the time this happened David was at the absolute peak of his power his influence and his popularity. There seems to be a sense of invincibility that comes over powerful men at times they come to think they're above the law they think they can get away with things ordinary man can't get away with after all they are not ordinary but in David's case this is singularly stupid he had a covey of wives and some of them are sure quite beautiful and if they had not been enough there was the entire flower of Judean womanhood before him he didn't have to take another man's woman girls would have lined up to be David's concubines and he could have taken his pick So why did he take another man's wife what on earth was he thinking. Answer is easy he wasn't thinking he saw he wanted he took and if it hadn't been for one small problem he might have gotten away with it but back she. Was pregnant her husband was away at war there was no way to cover this up now Goodness knows David tried he brought her husband home from the front in the full expectation he'd sleep with his wife and then believe the child was his own even if it was only a little bit early when David didn't count on was that her husband was a leader and a man of honor he would not go home and sleep with his wife in the house while his men camped out in the open field his man might never know but he would know that his self-respect would not allow it so there was nothing left for it but to arrange for her husband to die in battle David could manage that. Became guilty not only of adultery but of murder as well worse there was no way to cover this up they may not have had c.n.n. Or Fox News but word of these things always gets out you know the old joke telephone telegraph tell a woman but it isn't just women men are as good at it as women any day gossip rumor it all spreads. Now for just a moment let's see if we can look at this from another point of view that of David's God David is called a man after God's own heart he had been a man of extraordinary faith and courage when it came to going to battle he always asked God Shall we go up and fight shall we stay home and God would tell him to go or to stay and he had absolute confidence in God and God loved David he blessed him and supported him at every turn because the things he was doing were good for Israel and even though some of their neighbors didn't think so it was good for the world around Israel and the disappointment over this sin on God's part must have been heartbreaking so God ask himself What shall I do about David shall I dump him like I did Saul Well he's a better man than Saul by a very wide margin rejecting him could do a lot of damage to the people and to the nation and much that I've been doing would come apart. Now God must might have concluded that he must take steps to determine finally what kind of a man he was dealing with because when you have really screwed up big what you do next is the is the most important thing of all so we return to the story at the end of 2nd Samuel Chapter 11. When the wife of yours heard that her husband was dead she mourned for her husband and when the morning was passed David Sandton fetched her to his house she became his wife and bare him a son but the thing that David had done displeased the Lord and I would have thought David would know that I would have thought that would been the 1st thing across his mind as close as he was to God as obedient as he was the man of faith that he was you would think somewhere in the course of all this thing he would have said no no God's going to be very angry about this. So now follows the next step the next action that God will take. The Lord sent Nathan to David as the 2nd Samuel chapter 12 and Nathan came to David and said there were 2 man in one city one rich the other poor the rich man had exceeding many flocks and herds the poor man and nothing all he had one little lamb that he had brought up and nourished up he grew up together with him and with his children he did eat of his own food drank right out of his own cup and it would even sleep in his bed with him and it was to him like a daughter. It sounds like my dog may be yours but then there came a traveler to the rich man. And he was so stingy he wouldn't take anything out of his own flock and his own herd to kill and dress and prepare for the way for a man that was come to him No no he took the poor man's lamb and dressed it for the man who was come to him. It would be an absolutely infuriating thing to do and that David was furious his anger was greatly kindled against this man he said to Nathan as the Lord lives the man that has done this thing shall surely die he should restore the lamb fourfold because he did this thing and because he had no pity no feeling no compassion no wonder standing of what this would mean to somebody else David could see what that meant then Nathan said to David you're the man. This is brutal there is no sugar coating here you're the main thrust says the Lord of Israel I anointed you king over Israel I delivered you out of the hand of Saul I gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your bosom I gave you the house of Israel and of Judah and if that had not been enough it's too little I would have given you more and more why then have you despised the commandment of the Lord to do evil in his sight you have killed your Ryad the Hittite with the sword and have taken his wife to be your wife and there slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon Now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house because you have despised me and have taken the wife of your rather Hittite to be your wife. I know what came 1st and then he you have despised me. He didn't start off by talking about the sin he started off with David's contempt for God Oh surely David didn't have contempt for God Diddy Well he didn't think he did but his actions showed an utter callous disregard for the relationship he had with God. Says the Lord behold I will raise up evil against you out of your own house and I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your neighbor and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of the sun you did it secretly I'm going to do this thing before all Israel and in broad daylight before the sun. And I had to be done so. God could not allow his king to get away with this or be seen or assumed to have gotten away with it anything that just looked like he was getting away with it would have been a terrible mistake for the governance of God's people now what does David respond how does David react to this blood belly blow that he just got from Nathan because Nathan set it up so that David's wrath his anger his was totally against this man who had done this wicked thing only to find out that in God's eyes he was the man. Well talk about David's response but 1st grab a pencil and a piece of paper I want to give you an address and a phone number what do you do when you reach the end of your rope the old joke is that you tie a knot in the end and hang on there may be more to that old saying than you think right for a free copy of a message called staying power right to Born to Win Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 Bible. And tell us the call letters of this radio station. It's a terrible moment when you come to yourself like David had to on this occasion and when he had finally absorbed what Nathan had said and had himself under control he said I have sinned against the Lord he said a lot more than that his heart and he also said more than that in a solemn he would write not long after this when he had time to be alone if this I have sinned had not come from the heart what followed would have been quite different Nathan said to David The Lord also has put away your sin and you shall not die how be it because by this deed he would have given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheming the child that is born unto you surely die it seems awfully harsh in a way but notice what the problem was it wasn't just that David had broken one of God's rules that God could just simply overlook it if he chose to do it he said by this deed you have given great occasion to the enemies of God to blast fame. And surely that was true I mean worried about this kind of thing would go everywhere and there was no way this child could have been left in the lineage of David to become a king to have an illegitimate child born of this relationship in line to the throne because as time would have it and the circumstances would have it the next child born to Bathsheba would be Solomon who would be the greatest king in Israel's history that couldn't be done by this boy born this way all the child after Nathan departed became sick and David therefore be sought God for the child and David fasted and went in and lay all night upon the ground the elders of his house arose and went to him to raise him up in the earth but he wouldn't have it neither would eat bread with them it came to pass on the 7th day 7 days he didn't eat anything if the child died and the servants of David were afraid to tell him they said Behold the child was alive weeks but when he spoke to him he would not listen to our voice then what's going to happen if we tell him the child is dead and David saw his servants whispering and he perceived what it meant that the child had died. So he asked the servants is the child dead and they said yes he's dead so David got up from the ground washed and ordered him self changes apparel and came into the house of the Lord and worshiped only after that did he come to his own house and when he asked for it they said bread before him and he ate now I think we need to think about this after his time of repentance he did not hide or withdraw from God. It is a temptation when we have sinned even when we said we're sorry even when we wish we hadn't done it even when we have repented and all those who still feel bad and to back away and hide out and not want to show our face is a terrible mistake if we have repented we should return all the way to God just like David did when his repentance was finished when his pleading with God was over he washed himself clean himself up and went right straight to the house of God and worshiped there when his servant said to him afterwards we don't stand what you've done you fasted and wept for the child while it was alive but when the child was dead you Rose and 8 he said while the child was still alive I fasted and I wept for I said who could tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live because God in the past has been known to pronounce sentence and then relent. But now David said he is dead why should I fast can I bring him back again I shall go to him but he will not return to me simple thought we are all headed the same place that child and later David would go and David said I can't nothing I can do is going to bring him back at some point in this terrible time David wrote the 51st song it's a marvelous example of a repentant man's prayer to God Some $51.00 is called a Psalm of David and it identified the superscription that is when Nathan the prophet came to him after he had gone into Bacha. And in this great song David prays. Have mercy upon me oh god according to your loving kindness according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out to my transgressions it's an interesting choice of words here because the writing of sin in a book and in blotting it out with water is of an image that arises from the trial of jealousy in the law he said then why should me thoroughly for my iniquity cleanse me from my sin pride knowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. True and it will never go away it will always be a part of us when we have sinned It's a funny thing you think will doesn't God say that he will forgive completely and and that our sins in our iniquities he will remember no more oh sure he will never remember them but that doesn't mean that we won't it doesn't mean that we won't carry around the scars it doesn't mean that we won't carry around the minute memory of them the embarrassment the shame of what we have done and from time to time in the dark hours of the night these things will come home to us with a shiver and we realize where we could be instead of where we are David says My sin is ever before me and in fact the sin and the repentance coupled together become a part of who we are forever against you you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be justified when you speak and clear when you judge there is no hint that David thought God's judgment was in any way unjust he just says I know that you are right and I know that what you have done here is right. And he doesn't try to slough this office saying was merely a sin against your rye or merely a sin against Bacha he said it was a sin against you and that's the one thing I can't stand behold I was shaped in iniquity in stand in my mother conceived me Behold now you desire truth in the inward part and in the hidden part you're going to make me know wisdom look what God wants from us is truth in side the 1st step is to tell the truth to yourself and that's what David once and as he puts this I was shaped iniquity in sand in my mother conceived me don't don't make too much of that because what David is doing here poetically is saying I have been a sinner from the start and am sinful from all the way through it is not just an outer shell it's not there is not I can't say that the sin is not the real me because it is the real me purge me with his supposed I should be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow make me hear joy and gladness so that the bones which you have broken may rejoice how your face for my sins blotted out all my iniquities Create in me a clean heart all God and Renu a right spirit within me comes a point in time where this is the only way that it can be done we can't sort this out we can't go the psychiatry's couch and tell all about how much we hate our mother in the various and sundry things they want to know and sort out some of the stuff what is needed is for God to create inside of us a clean heart and to Renu a right spirit within us. Don't cast me away from your presence don't take away your Holy Spirit from me which is interesting by the way David head God's Holy Spirit restore on to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with your free spirit then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will be converted to you deliver me from blood guiltiness Oh god you God of my salvation and my tongue Shust sing aloud of your righteousness Oh Lord open my lips in my mouth show show forth your praise for you desire not sacrifice I give it you don't delight in Burnt Offerings do that the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit broken and I can crushed heart oh God you will not despise when you bring the broken spirit and the crushed heart before God He will not look down. Do good in your good pleasure design build the walls of Jerusalem then shall you be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness with burnt offering with whole burnt offering and then they can offer bullocks upon your altar and so David in this dark hour of his life came to be a better man. We'll come back to the rest of the story right after this important message for a free copy of this radio program that you can share with friends and others write or call this week only one request of the program titled the book of Samuel number 15 write to. Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 Bible 44 and tell us the call letters of this radio station. And David comforted bastard by his wife and went in and her and lay with her and she bare a son and David called his name Solomon and the Lord loved him. God is not staying grief for ever he will put our sins behind us and even though we bear the pain with us for some time to come God's love doesn't go away and it's only at this time by the way that basher better really is called David's wife while she was burying the 1st child she was bearing the child as the wife of your riot. And God sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet and he called the name of the boy Jedidiah because of Ja way are you know Jova the I h. On the end of all those biblical names is yah or the 1st section of the name Jehovah. Then fought against rape of the children of Ammon and he took the royal city. And Joy I have sent messengers David and said I fought against right I've taken the city of waters now gather the rest of the people together in camp against the city and take it lest I take the city to be called after my name so David gathered all the people together and began to finally at long last tend to business again he went to rob fought against it and took it he took their king's crown from off his head the weight whereof was a talent of gold with all the precious stones and it was set on David's head and he brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance he brought out all the people in it and set them to work with saws and iron picks and iron axes or he sent them to work in the brick works this did he to all the cities of the Emma knights and then David and all the people returned to Jerusalem then follows a tragic event in the royal household and you have to just kind of realize that whenever people are so privileged when they are so far above and apart from the ordinary man but every wish every will of theirs as is fulfilled they do begin to lose track of what's important. Second Samuel 13 it came to pass after this that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister whose name was tame are an am none the son of David loved her. Oh we've got a problem here we have a man in love with his half sister and this is a completely self-centered self indulgent young man spoiled rotten no doubt as is too often the case with royalty. The girl was his half sister he had no business pursuing her unrequited love is painful but it is not fatal. And then was so vexed that he fell sick for his sister to mar for she was a virgin and Amnon thought it hard for him to do anything to her but he had a friend friend's name was Jonah dad actually he was a cousin he was the son of shimmy Davis brother and he was a very subtle man. He said to him Why are you being the King's son Haggard from day to day what is this all about are you going to tell me and I have none told him I love Taymor my brother Absalom sister and Jonadab said when a lay down on your bed make yourself out to be sick and your father comes to see you say to him Oh I beg you let my sister tame are come and prepare me something to eat while I can watch that I can see it and eat it at her hand so he did it play down made himself sick and the king came to see him he said all please let Taymor come down and making a couple of cakes so I can eat them at her hand so David sent home to tame our saying Go on down to your brother Amnon house and fix him something to eat so she went and he was laid down and she took flour indeed it didn't make a good skin inside and he she baked them and she took a pan and poured them out before him and the refused to eat pork came our couldn't do anything she was trapped her father had sent her down there and she hadn't suspected anything. Until the last moment the Born to Win radio program with Ronald Eldard is sponsored by Christian educational ministries and made possible by donations from listeners like you if you can help police in your donation to born to women Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 you may call us at 1888 Bible 44 and visit us online at Born to Win dot net. At home on the town or online this is your place for God's word. Commerce in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the web at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Keep it under glass that any air getting to it when it's not on display it's kept underground in a vault actually a bomb proof Yeah it's the most important document in the history of the United States yet the Declaration of Independence the men who signed it on that hot July 4th in Philadelphia knew it was very important but I want to go to possibly conceive what a sacred piece of paper it would become to the nation that a birthed here were subjects of the English king daring to declare their independence from their king they change their lives forever while it changed the world forever. And once a year every 4th of July America stops to remember that Independence Day one around which craft I want to review today about dependence day now for America's founding fathers it was a declaration of independence from their king that changed everything but for you as a child of God It's your declaration of dependence on your king the changes everything now when it comes to God running our lives you know what we've all declared our independence even of our theology compels us to officially say we trust God we are for the most part Sinatra writes Yeah yeah you're all Frank Sinatra signature song I'll sing it for you no I won't no I did it by way yeah even 1st Christians that's often how we really live I'll do it my way we're figure this out by ourselves we'll find a way to make it happen we will wait we're going to done now we tend to depend on our plans our schemes our cleverness our talent our experience our persuasiveness our hard work our connections will color on our programs our own strength that's where we need to declare our dependence daily and our word for today from the Word of God Jesus makes very clear how anything that matters in our life really happens it's in John 155 Jesus says I am the vine you are the branches So in other words the fruit of your life doesn't come from you it comes from Jesus through you like the life of the vine comes through the branch then he goes on to say if a man remains in me and I in Him He will bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing. Or well nothing that matters nothing eternal nothing that really works over the long haul nothing he doesn't say without me you can't do much no nothing he says it all comes from him so the size of your life depends on how big your dependency on God is as opposed to crank it out yourself Joni Eareckson Tada once said that when she went to Africa she was greeted by believers there was said welcome to Africa where our God is bigger he is bigger because we need him so much more. Actually we need them every bit as much we just have other things we can depend on Soar lives are smaller because our view of God is smaller because we don't depend on him desperately for each day's needs each day's choices each day's strength each day's answers you know what the language of dependency is. You can pretty much tell how dependent on God by offering you feel the need to cry out to him in prayer. For so much more waiting for you if you only learn how powerful it is to recognize your power lessness before God. And look at the frequency and the fervency of your prayers in any given day and you'll be able to tell how dependent you really are and you. Each new morning in the presence of almighty God. You need to sign it again your declaration of dependence on your king because that signature will make all the difference. Thanks Ron friend you don't ever have to miss a word with you you can have this daily devotional sent directly to your e-mail box as a transcript and with links to audio as well to subscribe simply visit our website a word with you dot com a word with you is a feature of Ron Hubbard craft ministries infusing your day with the light of God's word good to get a m 6 of k o t t j o t t h d cover city dump in no effort at 95 point one and streaming world one at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. So having finished the preface it now enters into a launches into the gospel but he launches it with a surprise. Yes and it's a little bit of a shocker really until we understand it so let's get into the Gospel as it is recorded here in Romans and beginning at the one verse 18 column called here and how it happens thank you very very much for joining me today you're listening to the good news of the Gospel the heart of our father and how he has in his son expressed his love to us atone for our sins broken the force of evil so that we might have access to his heart so here we are then this good news message by the way I should say trains your faith you understand that's the purpose of this broadcast so that you can walk more confidently with God enter into His presence knowing that Christ is your righteousness Christ is your access to the Father Christ as your atonement for your sins it's all about what all that has been done in Jesus that that then enables us through Christ to enter into the father's home I'd like to encourage you to listen to the broadcast every day Monday through Friday 10 o'clock in the evening repeated at 4 in the morning on k l t t am 670 in the Denver and Colorado area and surrounding states you can also hear the broadcast any time of the day or night anywhere by downloading a free app to your remote device download Sound Cloud or part.