Never know someone who had a near death experience almost without exception a person who's been through something like that has a new appreciation for life a new perspective let's also true spiritually when you experience real salvation when that happens as Adrian Rogers points out at today's broadcast you are for ever changed and your lifestyle will reflect that she'll learn more about this as we continue with our series The sweetest fellowship this side of heaven right here on love worth finding thanks for joining us for another dynamic and biblical message from Adrian Rogers now in today's lesson we're going to consider the fellowship we enjoy with God as believers in Christ you'll see how that relationship assures us deliverance from the penalty of sin the power of Satan and from the principle of self look in 1st John Chapter 3 as we learn about real salvation again here's Adrian Rogers. Now I say that many people are deceived because they have a gross misunderstanding of what true salvation is now there are many definitions of sin in the Bible but this is perhaps the clearest in the bed whosoever commit a sin transgress is the law Sam is breaking God's Law let me just put it another way sin is lawlessness that's what sin is Sam is the transgression of the law it makes you an outlaw you say well why did God give us these old laws it be a whole lot better if we didn't have all these laws know the laws are for your welfare Every time God says Thou shall not be saying Don't hurt yourself. Every time God says Thou shalt gotta say Help yourself to happiness God doesn't need anything he has everything God made these laws for offs but sand is the transgression of the law and when we transgress we break God's law and we break God's heart because God loves us now what we need to do is to take the policeman off the street corner and put the policeman in the heart so the very 1st thing I want you to see is the rebellion that proves our sinfulness verse for whosoever commit a sin transgressive also the law for sin is the transgression of the Law Number 2 I want you to see and contrast to that the righteousness that proclaims our son ship and we know that he Jesus was manifested to take away our sins and in Him is no sin whosoever abideth and him Senates not. Now if we are in Christ if we're saved the Bible says we are not going to San that's what God's word sags now we have a lot of people who say they're say. We have a lot of people who say they're on the way to heaven. But there's been no change in their lives. Not at all that's the reason I call them baptized pagans. There's no change listen to me the Bible says If any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things are passed away all things are become new now I want to be very clear here you're not saved by reforming your life I Lord never tells us to clean up and therefore he will save us that's backward we come to Jesus just as we are but for Him Jesus did not come to save us in our Sandy came to save us from our sin He came to save us from our San look if you will in verse 5 and you know that he was manifested to take away our sins in Him is no sin whosoever abideth in Him Senate not now that brings a real problem because all of us know that we as Christians failed to look at verse 6 now I want to slow down and pay a lot of attention with me now whosoever abideth and him Senate not now this is not talking about send list perfection there's no body senselessly perfect. If you study the Bible and you look at the lives of the saints you're going to find out that they sinned are you going to find out for example that Abraham lied about his wife that Moses lost his temper and that Peter denied the Lord that David was unfaithful are you going to find out that the Saints in the Old Testament the New Testament the Bible shows their faults and their failures and yet this passage of Scripture says that if we have died in Him we will not sin now it simply means this that if you're a Christian you do not make sin your lifestyle that's what it means. What he is saying is this that when you gave your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ there is a change a radical dramatic change. And now because you are saved because you have the nature of God in you and we're going to see more about that later on your life is changed you do not have a bitch really practice in you see for him God sent me here to tell you that if you do not care for God's commandments then if you live in your willy nilly life doing as you please not caring about God's commandments not steering by God stars if you are have been truly practicing sand you don't know him you are not safe and. And John says hey don't let any body deceive you the problem is today folks we have a lot of folks who have joined churches have never met Jesus I mean they have never really been saved and so what he is saying is there is the rebellion that proves our sinfulness there is the righteousness that proclaims our Sonship like father like son now the rebellion that proves our sinfulness the righteousness that proclaims our son sure you say Ok but Pastor I don't have what it takes to live that way neither do I So here is the 3rd and most important thing the redemption that provides our salvation the redemption that provides our salvation when God tells us how we are to live that doesn't mean that we can automatically do it apart from Him Now look if you will here in verse 5 and you know that he was manifested Jesus to take away our sandals and in Him is no san so our Lord doesn't just give us these holy commandments and say now if you can live by these you go to heaven what about the sands we've already committed. Jesus is manifested to take away our sands So listen what is the redemption that provides our salvation number one we are redeemed from the penalty of sin Jesus took that away that's what it says he was manifested to take away our sands when John the Baptist Saul him in John chapter one he said Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world but not only did he read deem me from the penalty of my saying I still me though he also redeemed me from the power of Satan look again in verses 7 and 8 little children let no man deceive you he they do as righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous he that committed sin is of the devil for the devil Senate from the beginning for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil but as the 2nd reason he came 1st reason he came to take away our sandals but the 2nd reason that he came is to destroy the power of the devil now I am redeemed from the penalty of sin I am redeemed from the power of Satan John is saying if you're still living like the devil is because you belong to the devil you know sometimes we criticize Hollywood and the liquor dealers and all of these people what they do is all they send of course they say in this centers that's what centers are supposed to do I mean what else would they do their senators here see he they committed Sandy is out there damn. That's the problem in so many churches we don't teach people how to be saved then we get them in the church and the Church rather be machine falls become a zoo everybody gets in and nobody gets out and his pastor spends all of his time trying to teach Billy Goats not to but. All this senario gaining command is Santa is on the damage that's why they do it. And coming up the conclusion of this stirring lesson on real salvation you'll discover that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil what does that word destroy really mean we'll find out straight ahead on love worth finding what would it take to motivate you to support this ministry today I want to read you a note from a listener who reached out to us who says this I want to tell you that I enjoy listening to pastor and teacher Adrian Rogers It is such a blessing hearing the truth being preached and a blessing to have a radio behind these prison walls to enjoy the peace and comfort of the word I have been rebellious all my life but God has poured out so much love that I have come to know that his love has come from his son Jesus and I get to learn about him through the messages of love worth finding Aren't you glad that God has placed this ministry in this man's life and he no doubt is influencing others in that prison right we are he is you know how because listeners like you have said yes for many years to keeping the Biblical teaching of this program going and we cannot thank you enough maybe you've never given would you reach out today we have a special thank you right now it's a leather bound copy of the tapestry faith in forgiveness journal I know it will help you dig into the truth of God's Word and God will show you his truth about his love for you just as this man wrote us call the gift right now we'd love to send the faith and forgiveness journal called Tapestry your way here's our number 1877 Love God 187-756-8346 extension 3 or you can give online at our secure Web site l w f dot org l w f o r g ask for your copy of tapestry when you get in touch with a gift today and thank you for your generous support now the meaning of the word destroy and a prayer if you're not sure you're truly a follower of Jesus once again Adrian Rogers. But now notice what he says here look at it here that given the same is of the devil for the devil Senate from the beginning for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil now the word destroy does not mean and I laid in the Greek language it means to make an effect that we use the term today like I just wiped me out Jesus to wipe him out on the cross he put him out of commission on the cross Jesus ruined Satan's kingdom in and Satan has no power no authority over you before you were saved you were Satan slave it you were Satan's dirty plaything you say well I was free you thought you were free you're free to do what you want to but you were not free to do as you all you were Satan slave but Jesus has come to set you free Jesus came to destroy the Destroyer and because I have new life in the Lord Jesus Christ I will never ever face the penalty of my sand for Jesus took my sin away and I can tell Satan to go sit on a tack I don't have to listen to him I don't have to obey him because his power is broken and cheese us has destroyed the power of Satan if you don't understand that folks you're not going to live the Christian life. I'm telling you folks that what we're talking about here is something real Jesus came to destroy the destroyer. But we're still not home yet we're talking now about the redemption that provides our salvation not only does he deliver us from the power Satan He also delivers us from the principle of self Now look if you will in verse 9. Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed remain within him and he cannot sin because he is born of God Now this tells me that I am redeemed I am redeemed from the very principle of self you see if Jesus just dealt with my sand and that's all I've still got me to deal with I'm my own worst enemy but Jesus has redeemed me from the penalty of sin Jesus has redeemed me from the power Satan and Jesus has redeemed me from the principle of self not only did he die for my san's he died for me what I am and look at it again whosoever is born of God does not commit sand for his seed remain within him and he cannot sin because he is born of God when you get saved and we're talking about the principle of self number one you get a new dynamic write that down a new dynamic You see he calls this born again when I was born the 1st time I had physical life when I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord I receive spiritual life remember wide Jesus told naked Amos in John 3 Verse 6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit everybody has had a fleshly birth not everybody's had a spiritual birth a look again in verse 9 whosoever is born of God now you're born of God Well I was born of rose in Arden because those were my physical parents one of my spiritual parents the Word of God in the Spirit of God. Well word of God and the Spirit of God in the womb of Grace have made me a new person you see the Bible says of being born again not of corruptible seed sperm but of incorruptible by the Word of God You see it the Bible is my spiritual Father the Word of God and you can't separate the God of that word from the Word of God And so I am born there but also it is the spirit that quickens and gives life Jesus said that which is born of the Spirit is spirit so you take the word of God and the Spirit of God and there is a conception in the womb of grace and you become a new person and when you become a new person then dear friend you have a new life you have a new dynamic you are not dependent upon just trying to do it. There is a new life that is coming to you when I was a teen boy I received Christ in my heart I was born again I received a new dynamic and because I have a new dynamic listen carefully Here's the 2nd thing I have a new desire look at this verse again in verse 9 whosoever is born of God does not commit sin watch this now for his see did remain within him was I mean his seed remain within him Well my father seed is in me I'm a Rodgers if you were to see my father see me you'd recognize that I am a child of Arden Duncan Rogers because his natural life isn't me. And when I got saved I am born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God and there is a divine life principle that is in me and that principle gives me not only a new dynamic but it gives me a new desire one translation says God's nature abides in him Well what is God's nature God's nature is whole in this look in verse 7 little children let no man deceive you he that does righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous if Jesus Christ is in use for the new birth not only are you going to have a dynamic you're going to have a new desire you know I believe in eternal security I hope you do I believe that once you get saved that you can never again be unsaved in a more than I could ever be I'm born I'm born of God when I was born physically that was settled as once and for all when I was born again that said less once and for all I can't be born physically I can't be born spiritually but once I came to the Lord Jesus Christ and I got saved God's nature came into me and I and now I have the nature of God in me and that nature of God in me says I don't want to send. You know some people say if I believe in eternal security I get saved not just send all want to I send all I want to I don't know if you want to you need to get your water fixed now you need a new one or you meet to be born again when you get a new dynamic you get a new desire are. From the moment I gave my heart to Jesus Christ and God is listening there has been a desire in my heart to live for ham. He'll have that desire you better check up on this thing you call salvation don't let anybody deceive you he that commit a sin is that the devil that's the way the devil does it he that is righteous has the Spirit of God in him he is born of God his seat remains in him. He hands the new design does that make sense to you. Here's the 3rd and final thing now we're talking about we're being delivered now not only from the penalty of sin in the power of Satan but from the principle of self Hi I have a new dynamic God's life is in me I have a new desire I want to be like him because he is in me and I'm in him and I'm abiding in Him and I have a new terror that's the 3rd thing write that down in new terror it says here in this verse and he cannot say man because he is born of God He cannot say it. Because he is born of God Fran. If the God that I know lives in you. And again this is present continuous tense you cannot habitually live in stand you just can't do it. If Jesus Christ is in you. You cannot go alone carelessly. Thoughtlessly continuously practicing a lifestyle of sand you just can't do it. Not if you're born again Kala carry you to the woodshed and beat the daylights out of you the only spirit of God in you will tear you up you will be under conviction and he the Holy Spirit of God will live in you and work in you and dwell in you because he is delivering you not only from the penalty of sin in the power of Satan but from the principle of self you are born again you have received a new nature and with that new nature you have a new dynamic a new desire and a new to share your living for Jesus there is no rebellion that proves our sinfulness sin is the transgression of the law there is the righteousness that proclaims our son ship that's the way we know that we've been saved there is the redemption that provides our salvation that redemption Radames us from the penalty of sin from the power of Satan and from the principle of self. Now the Bible says let a man examine themself where they be in the faith. Or you say. This where you last moment. You absolutely know if you go to heaven. And if you are not certain that you're saved would you pray this prayer right now. Dear God. I have broken your law. I am a sinner. And my sandals serve judgement. But I need mercy. I need to be redeemed from the penalty of my sand. I need to be redeemed from the power of Satan. I need to be redeemed from the principle of self I need to be saved from me. Oh Lord Jesus. Thank you for paying for my stand with your blood on the cross. Thank you for dying for me. Thank you for taking my place. Now by faith I accept you I receive you into my heart. As my Lord and Savior. Take control of my life right now. And again now to make me the person you want me to be. And help me never to be ashamed of you. In your name my. Man And if you have received Jesus Christ today you to know the real salvation and new life in the Savior and you can learn to walk as Jesus walked as you grow in your new found faith we'd love to be a help in that by sending some free materials called the new Christian study helps write us today will make sure you get a copy right love worth finding box 38600 Memphis Tennessee 38183 or in Canada right p.o. Box 152 Maple Ridge b.c. The 2 x. 7 g. One how glad will be to know that you now know and enjoy the sweetest fellowship this side of heaven reach out to us today well the title of our series this month is the sweetest fellowship the side of heaven you can receive an order a copy of that series by calling 1877 loved. God or go to L.W.'s dot org to order all 11 messages are yours or if you just like today's lesson by itself the title is real salvation it's included in the series but for a single cd or the entire series go to L.W.'s dot org or call 1877 Love God Well that's our broadcast for today thank you for studying with us all this month as we learn more about the sweetest fellowship this side of heaven coming up next time we'll learn about the power of a legacy of love tomorrow right here. Were. The Resurrection radio is online at 670 calle t t v dot com and presented in crystal clear digital h.d. On am 670 calle t.t. Commerce City Denver start your car and your morning drive at 7 am with Mr Adrian Rogers and love worth finding it's just the encouragement and wisdom you need to kick off your work day love worth finding Monday through Friday at 7 am on the mighty 670 k. L.t. . Hi I'm Nicole is traffic broadcasting this holiday season I am thankful for my bright beautiful baby girl and my 2 handsome intelligent sense every day and more and more proud of them may God bless you and your family this holiday season thank you for listening from all of us at Crawford broadcasting. This is an Graham Lotz for the daily like for daily living Abraham was comfortable in the land of his father the city in which he had been raised the values you live by the culture that it shaped in the attitudes the adopted the religion he had followed it was all familiar territory what is the familiar territory of your life values have you lived by what culture is she. Your thinking attitudes have been molded by your environment what religious experiences formed your concept of God God commanded Abraham and Genesis 121 leave your country your people and your father's house and I'll bless you listen to me like Abraham if you want to receive the fullness of God's blessing you must choose to leave your familiar territory and follow him back faith on a journey that will last a lifetime so step out now embrace the God filled life this is and Graham Lotz this is the Crawford broadcasting company devoted to bringing you God and country. To c.e.m. Network is pleased to present Ronald l. Dart and born to when. Is it really possible for a man to know God can a man understand God or is it just really too high for us now to be sure there are things about God that are a little tough to understand how can a finite comprehend the infinite How can you grapple with a God who can just say the word and out of nothing create a universe that turns out to be 15000000000 light years in every direction minute hung a lot of labels on God The don't really help very much they say that God is omnipresent that is he is in every tree every blade of grass there is no place where God is not they tell us they say God is omnipotent that there is nothing too great for God He is powerful beyond anything we can grasp they say he is omission and that he knows everything there is to know and maybe some things there aren't there to know. But there is something that tends to get lost in all these omnis omnipresent omnipotent omniscient and that is that God while He is Infinite He is also personal and that while God is in court can be wherever he wishes to be there is a place where God is and it's the idea of a personal God that's tending to get lost in some modern theology Francis Schaffer calls him the God who is there not just know where he is there and he has personal and God said something very important to Jeremiah about the something something that gives us a lot of hope and a lot of encouragement I don't know where we'd be or where I personally would be if it weren't for the short passage and what it tells me it's found in Jeremiah 9 in verse $23.00 thus saith the Lord let not the wise man glory in his wisdom Don't let the mighty man glory in his might Don't let the rich man glory in his riches Let him the glories glory in this that he understands and knows me Oh really what that tells me is that it is possible for me to understand and know God more he says that he understands and knows me that I am the Lord which exercise loving kindness judgment and righteousness in the earth for me and these things I delight all really there is something God delights in yes it's loving kindness judgment and righteousness and once we do of his hand God clears the decks of all the theological obfuscations he says he can be known he can be understood so if we don't know him and understand him it's our own fault. We may not understand many things about God but we can know and understand him personally and what may be and more important than that we can relate to him but there's a funny thing about man atheism is pretty rare and has always been rare because man was made to need God So when man loses touch with the real thing the real God he make substitutions he creates gods by their dozens or he maybe remakes God in His own image it's truly astonishing when you read of King Josiah's reforms Josiah by the way was a contemporary which are a modern part of his career that when Josiah did all of his reforms he had to remove idols from the very temple of God the whole nation was just shot through with idolatry at the time. Now when you read look read all the stuff and Jeremiah and the prophets looking back through all the generations is easy to lose touch with any kind of moral for us to take heart today in the 20th century we don't car vitals out of wood do we maybe not but what makes us think we won't make the same mistake that they made they were religious people who thought they were worshipping God in spite of all the idols that they brought into God's house Think carefully about that they thought they were Ok with God when they were paying no attention whatsoever to what God said they should do the corruption of God's law had allowed all kinds of corruption to enter in Jeremiah 10 verse one. Here's the word of the Lord which he speaks to you house of Israel thus saith the Lord don't learn the way of the heathen Don't be dismayed at the signs of the heaven for the heathen are dismayed at them for the customs of the people are vain one cuts the tree out of the forest the work of the hands of the workman with the axe they deck it was silver and with gold they fasten it with nails and hammers it it doesn't even move it it sounds a lot like a Christmas tree doesn't it because it out of the 4 as they deck it was silver and gold they set up with a hammer and nails and so forth it is of course a carb diet all 1st 5 says like a scare crow in a melon patch their idols cannot speak they have to be carried because they cannot walk don't be afraid of them they can do what do no harm neither can they do any good now there's a real irony here and God often uses irony and it's this one drips with it you're afraid of your idols aren't you you're afraid of what these things are dismayed at the signs and all kinds of portents and everything and it never crosses your mind that this thing that you have made this wooden idol that you have carved as you cut him out of the forest you made it we are own hands you fasten it with hammers and nails it will stand up like a scarecrow in a melon patch it never crosses your mind that this thing can't walk you have to carry it in your freighted why should that be Paula later say the Idol is nothing and I Dollar Tree often involves a kind of superstitious fear but the things can't hurt you they can't even walk but there's a problem here if the Idol is so harmless why does God become so exercised about Israel's idolatry. That's an important question. In this tense chapter verse 6 he says this No one is like you a lord your great and your name is mighty in power who should not read viri you Oking of the nations its due to you among all the wise men of the nations and all their kingdoms there is no one like you they are all senseless and foolish they are taught by worthless wooden idols hammered silver is brought from Tarshish gold from you fast but the craftsman in the goldsmith have made is then dressed in blue and purple all made by skilled workers and no one even stops to think they made this thing they can melt it down if they wish to they can burn its little clothes they can do all these things if they wish and yet this worthless wooden or silver or gold Idol is what is teaching them you understand of course that the Idol can speak or teach them anything then their doctrines are really coming from the priests of the idols they are nothing more than human ideas and they are far inferior to the teachings of God Now what can modern man take away from this. But modern man can take is that when you depart from the Bible you are on your own you can look far and wide you can go all the nations you can go find whoever you want to and all the wise men and find there is absolutely no one like God who can tell you how to live a life man needs a standard of conduct and worship that is outside of himself you follow me because if we have our own standards and our own morals and ethics that are derived from inside of ourselves then we can change them at will. We can decide today I'm not going to steal this particular thing because my ethics one allow me to do it but tomorrow we can adjust our ethics and say well I can steal it under these circumstances because of that man needs a standard of conduct and worship that is outside of himself without it we have no moral compass but the truth is there is a creator that creator has communicated with man he communicates with man by system of communication that he created in man so that man could understand him and know him you follow what Jeremiah is driving at you can understand you can know you don't have any excuse for not listening to God He has talked to you and most of you have got it right there on a coffee table or a bookshelf or maybe by your bed stand in your house the question is what is it that is driving you what is it that is orienting your value system is it the Bible is it your own ethics is it your own standards is it your own sense of right and wrong or is it what God says. I want you to think about that I'll be back after this short message. Asking yourself what would Jesus do may not be the right question and maybe more important to ask what does Jesus tell us to do you can be sure of that for a free introductory cd titled The words of Jesus the right to. Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 Bible 44. In case you didn't get it that phone number is 1888 Bible 44 Get a pencil a piece of paper and we'll give it to you again once or twice before the program is over continuing Jeremiah now in chapter 10 verse 10 but the Lord is the true God He is the living God and an everlasting King and His wrath the earth shall tremble and the nation shall not be able to abide his indignation. Now I want you to think about what we're going to be reading here this is kind of a solemn at this point to God's power and God's glory and it falls on the heels of this comment about worthless stupid idols that you have to cut out of the forest and fasten with hammer nails and if they move anywhere you've got to carry him that's those gods Here's the god we're talking about the show you say to that he says in verse 11 the gods that have not made the heavens and the earth they all perish from the earth and from under these heavens he has made the earth by his power he has established the world by his wisdom and has stretched out the heavens by his discretion go ahead walk outside and look at the night sky with the stars scattered there according to what he says here all that is stretched out by God's discretion if he wanted another way he could have it another way. When he utters his voice there's all of a sudden a great multitude of water in the heavens he causes vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth and finally when they're all gathered together in a great thunder cloud he makes the lightning and rain and brings forth the wind out of his treasures that's the God that we're talking about every man is brutish in his knowledge every founder is confounded by the graven image for his molten image is false hood you make this image of a god it is a lie there is no breath and them their vanity their work of errors in the time of their visitation they shall perish the portion of the of the God of Jacob is not like them that's God He is the former of all things and his real is the rod of his inheritance the Lord of hosts is his name well now we don't exactly make ourselves idols of silver and gold but in a way we worship silver and gold we orient our lives around our possessions we make our possessions the really important things in our lives they become the defining issue they they they define our lives is what we have and how much of it that we have think about it no I don't I don't well not in the traditional sense perhaps but another since it is the fact of the matter is those things can't do a thing for you you've got to go out to your car and stick a key in the ignition turn it on and drive it somewhere for it to carry you anywhere and the truth is in the end it can't do anything of value for you by itself you've got to understand that the one thing that makes the difference is God now that the psalm having been finished. The Prophet returns and talks about the circumstances under which they were living now there's a difficulty in Jeremiah and the difficulty is this Many of the prophets have little markers time markers Ezekiel for example will tell you that a given prophecy came from God in a given year of a given King and so consequently they can be dated in sequenced the problem of Jeremiah is that his prophecies are in bits and pieces and there is absolutely no way of knowing with certainty you can only draw inferences as to when and where in his long tenure as a prophet a given prophecy was given to him someone once said it was almost as though they had been written on different pages and someone had dropped the book and gathered the pages up in the wrong order but since they were in a scroll that's hardly possible but nevertheless Jeremiah in chapter 10 says gather up your belongings to leave the land you who live under siege so we know one thing we know the Babylonians are here we know the city has been surrounded and he says you might as well get ready to leave staying here is not going to be an option for this is what the Lord says at this time I will her out those who live in this land I will bring distress on them so they may be captured whoa to me because of my injury Israel says My wound is incurable yet I said to myself This is my sickness and I must endure it my teeth tent is destroyed all its ropes are snapped my sons are gone from me are no more no one is left now to pitch my tent or to set up my shelter. The shepherds are senseless they don't ask of God so they don't prosper at all their flock is scattered it doesn't take a lot of insight right here to realize he's talking about spiritual leaders they're shepherds their pastors they now are senseless they don't really ask of God they talk it out of their own hearts and they don't prosper and their flock is scattered he says listen the report is coming a great commotion from the land of the north it will make the towns of Judah desolate haunt of jackals I know old lore that a man's life is not his own it is not for a man to do or to direct his steps correct me Lord but only with justice not in your anger lest you bring me to nothing that little soft plea is one I've had occasion to many times in my life correct me Lord but oh please do it carefully do a chant Lee because you know that I am trying to get it right Jeremiah continues to pour out your wrath upon the nations that do not acknowledge you on the people who do not call your name for they have devoured Jacob they have devoured him completely and have destroyed his homeland he had happened to them in spite of all their homeland security because of the fact that they refused to follow God He turned their back on them he gave them up to their enemies and they were destroyed what was left of them was carried off into captivity and it all started because they begin to put other things in the place of God Jeremiah 11. The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying Hear ye the words of this covenant and speak to the men of Judah to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and say this to them the same with the Lord God curse it be the man who obeys not the words of this covenant which I commanded your fathers in the day I brought them out of Egypt from the iron furnace saying obey my voice and do them according to all that I command you so shall you be my people I will be your God I want you to do this so I can perform the oath which I have sworn to your fathers to give them a land flowing with milk and honey as it is this day and Jeremiah answered said also be it Lord but then the Lord said to me claim all these words in the cities of Juda in the streets of Jerusalem everybody listen hear the words of this covenant and do them for I earnestly protested to your fathers in the day I brought them out of Egypt even this day rising up early and protesting and saying obey my voice Ok what happened yet they didn't they didn't obey they didn't plan their year they walked everyone in the imagination of their evil heart therefore I will bring up on them all the words of this covenant which I command them to do and they didn't do them here's my question what does it mean when God says I will bring up on them all the words of this covenant is that a little extreme to crush a nation to powder for little things like ignoring the Sabbath if you see that was one of the things one of the key things that God mentions was the reason why they were carried off is because they ignored you Sabbaths. So it's not a look stream is a little extreme to send them into captivity for abandoning the form of their religion and bringing in all just a little pagan color into it it might be if that was all that was involved but you see the problem is it doesn't stop there when you abandon the form of your religion understand as carefully and when you abandon the form of your religion which is prescribed by God Keep in mind not our form not what we divine but what God divined when you abandon the form of your religion you will over time abandon the substance of your religion as well Israel started off with some little pagan festivities and ended up burning their children in the fire to Moloch how in the world does that happen how do you get from here to there from a wise people with the law of God and we God being their leader in their Gov How do you get from there to the place you are so stupid that you go down the valley of Tofa and burn your own child to a pagan god that somebody had to carry down there and set up how do you get from here to there. I think possibly I can best explain this by answering the question I asked what does it mean I will bring up on them all the words of this covenant I'll explain that when I come back in half a minute for a free copy of this radio program that you can share with friends and others write or call this week only and request the program titled Jeremiah number 9 write to. Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 Bible 44 and tell us the call letters of this radio station. The phone number again is 1888 Bible 44 that's so easy you don't even need a pencil There's nothing mysterious or hard about the idea of a covenant a covenant is just another word for a deal I'll make a deal with you said God or he said here's the deal and when we ratify the deal whether it be a handshake a signature on paper or in the case of Moses a sprinkling of blood we have a deal. In this case the covenant or the deal is a simple if then statement if you do this then I will do that all of us know how to do this it's all a part of our life and the if then statement is found in this case in Deuteronomy Chapter $28.00 it's interesting he says in verse one it should come to pass if you feel diligently hearken to the voice of your law of the Lord your God to observe him to do all his commandments which I command you this day that the Lord will set you on high above all the nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you if you just listen to the voice of the Lord your God the list of blessings follows and he did it is all some it takes of 14 versus tell you all the good things that will come upon you and will overtake you then follows in verse 15 the other side of the coin but it shall come to pass if you will not listen to the voice of the Lord your God to observe all his commandments and all his statutes which I command you this day that all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you and the list of curses is longer I guess all the good things that we really want to have happen all the blessings in life are fairly focused the scope of the bad things that can happen to us is almost infinite and I want to discuss something that may be a little hard to follow so bear with me did you notice the wording in these verses all these blessings and all these cursings it is said will overtake us it isn't that God has to lift a finger to make either result happen. You have planted your feet on one of 2 available roads one is the road described this way if you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God to observe and do all his commandments which I command you this day that's a road that's a way that's a choice that we can make a life that we can decide to live obeying God listening to his commandments using the commandments of God as a guide to life we do that we are on one road the other road is described this way if you will not listen to the voice of the Lord your God to observe to do all his commandments and His statutes it's a very different road to walk down each of these roads lie different things and behind you on either road results are coming rolling down on you sometimes you can hear the rumble these results may be blessings or they may be cursings and they come upon you not because God does anything special they come as a natural result of where you are and how you are living your life the blessings and cursings may take a long time to show up and I guess that's where faith enters the picture because if we saw bad results immediately we probably would change our behavior but you know God created this world the best of all worlds to work for us in and told us how it would work. He needed to tell us certain things because events take time to develop if everyone who ever smoked a cigarette got lung lung cancer in a month you wouldn't see very many spoke smokers in the world but once you start down that road cancer and heart disease are among all the bad things that are rolling down that road behind you and they're going to get you probably have something else doesn't get you 1st because it takes time God tells us in his law what we should do and what we should not now here's a question we need to deal with in the Bible when God says he's going to do bad things to a people does he mean that he literally is going to do it himself or does he mean that his law in the natural course of events is going to nail your hide to the wall Don't get me wrong God does literally act in our lives but usually when he acts it is to chastise and when God chastises says it's for a purpose is to get us to move out of the way of destruction before that big rock following us down the hill rolls over us and crushes us to powder if he didn't chastise we might well continue down the wrong road until the great Rolling Stone finally catches up with us we may think that God is good and he would never let anything bad happen to us God is good but if you are on the wrong road you're going to be run over by the cursus if you're on the right road one day all the blessings of God will creep up behind you overtake you pick you up and carry you forward. It's your choice and the if then statements it's right there in the Bible do it my way says God and life will work and you will win the Born to Win radio program with Ronald Eldar it is sponsored by Christian educational ministries and made possible by donations from listeners like you if you can help please send your donation to born to women Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 you may call us at 1888 Bible 44 and visit us online at Born Joe when Doc Now the good news of Jesus for you in high definition radio and streaming at 670 calle t.t. Dot com This is calle t. T. Commerce City Denver. Ronald's are tuning in for corn doing every day Monday through Friday 1 30 pm right here on am 670. And we'll talk. Look some time in your life somewhere you've probably run into a waiter or waitress with a stinky attitude maybe even 2 or 3 times you can't blame them totally if you see the way a lot of them get treated in a dazed look they're not America's best treated people unfortunately they have this right made sort of a personal crusade to brighten their day a little bit by remembering their name and smiling saying thank sometimes even goofing off with the server a little bit sometimes when they come back during the meal they ask how is everything and I'll say Oh wonderful You're a great cook it's always fun to watch their response usually they just stop cold for a minute sometimes the laugh sort of embarrassed you know and I'll say Oh oh I don't cook at all I know that they're delivering what someone else created. Well I run a trap that I whenever we're here today but only delivering. So our words are they from the Word of God Luke 913 the disciples are by. To be part of the miracle of feeding 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish but the way Jesus involves them was show them a life time lesson for them and for us they had just pointed out the problem it's time to eat there's a huge crowd and there's no food in sight Jesus replied You give them something to eat right well they did their best they found that one little lunch verse 16 taking the 5 loaves and the 2 fish and looking up to heaven he gave thanks and broke them then he gave them to the disciples to set before the people they all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up 12 basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over Question Did that miracle come from those disciples or no way they could never produce food for 5000 people but they did hand it out like that waitress with my lunch that she didn't cook no that miracle that day came through the disciples she that's how it works with anything you accomplish for Christ's Kingdom when the Corinthian church was getting off focused on Paul in a policy and make an heroes out of them Paul said in 1st Corinthians $35.00 but they were quote only servants through whom you came to believe and that's the power prep a zation of serving Jesus through it comes through you not from you Jesus creates it and just delivers it through you which makes 2 attitudes toward assignments for God totally inexcusable 1st one is pride it's God's working and when you forget that he will just work through someone else who doesn't steal the glory of belongs to him alone if I tell the waiter how great that meal is he can't really say thank you I did it myself the credible angst of The Cook the server only delivered it. Look when it comes to God you better make sure the right person is getting all the glory but the 2nd unworthy attitude is pleading inadequacy as a reason for not doing what God one should to do I order an omelet the waitress doesn't say I can't cook them her capabilities aren't the issue here it's what the cook can do that counts your ability your adequacy is not the issue in serving Christ. It is his ability through you. You do what those disciples did the day they were powerless to meet the needs of the hungry. You just make yourself available to God to send his resources through you. Make your hands your feet your eyes your ears your mouth your personality your possessions available to the master. At that point you know what happens it gets stupor natural . Something through which Jesus can love people reach people. Change people. Are simply of God's preparing right now that he wants you to deliver to some. Next time if you like bragging about it or copping out remember. You don't cook it. You just deliberate. Thanks Ron if you would like to have a free copy of Ron ebook thanks living life lessons from the 1st Thanksgiving it can be yours for when you visit a word with you dot com That's a word with you dot com a word of you is a feature of Rod graph ministries Thanks for listening. Full coverage of the Rocky Mountain region with the good news your 2 am 670 calle t t k o t h d Commerce City Denver f.l. 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 k l t t v dot com. So Paul now describes some of the Christian behavior that we as Christians can live out and I wonder where he got it from well I think he got it partly from his own experience of living as a Christian now having been humbled by the Lord's revelation to him and I think he got it from the sun. And on the mount I think he followed the life of Jesus and he got it from Jesus' life he might have got it from the proverbs as well so let's take a look at this it's not something we can do well on. To analyze but it's something we can meditate on and go back to regularly to refresh ourselves and to remind ourselves what we're supposed to be about in the world Collin cook here and how it happens thanks very much for joining me today this is a broadcast on the good news we go through the book of Romans every year and a half or so and as we do we see how God's grace comes to our hearts through Jesus Christ and how that gives us the courage to live with him and live for Him and live without selves as well you know because without the forgiveness and mercy of Christ it would be difficult to face up without up to ourselves every day so I encourage you to listen to the broadcast Monday through Friday at 10 o'clock in the evening repeated at 4 in the morning on k l t t m 670 in the den burn the Colorado area you can also get the program on Sound Cloud dot com slash faith quest that's a free app that you can download to your remote devices so you can hear the broadcast anytime of the day or night and you can listen to my number of my archives on the book of Romans and my story at our website faith Quest Radio dot com. So then Paul comes to verse 9 in Chapter 12 of Romans so let's read the whole passage. Let love be without hypocrisy. A Paul what is evil cling to what is good be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love and honor giving preference to one another not lagging in diligence fervent in spirit serving the Lord rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation continuing steadfastly in prayer distributing to the needs of the saints given to hospitality bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse rejoice with those who rejoice and we with those who we will be of the same mind toward one another do not set your mind on high things but associate with the humble Do not be wise in your own opinion repay no one evil for evil have regard for good things in the sight of all men if it is possible as much as depends on you live peaceably with all men Beloved do not avenge yourselves but rather take a give place to wrath for it is written vent.