Always at the public square dot com for Dave's a not Am wait Shepherd will see you next time in the public square. Your body mind and soul good to decay in 67 feel t t k o t g h d come or sit him f. And 95 going and screaming was it 670 Cale t.v. Dot com. I can cheat in the cars intelligent in full in act lol. Well we're on our way to Zion So why don't you hop aboard the Bible boss and join us now last week on through the Bible our teacher Dr j. Vernon McGee set the course for our journey with a series of pilgrim songs that the Jews would sing or should bring the Lord as they traveled from far and distant lands to the sanctuary of God in Jerusalem and today will study the last of these wonderful songs in songs 132 to 136 now while you grab your copy of God's word and find your place the. The Bibles president Greg Harris is here to update us on a really exciting ministry that we have in Uganda so hi greg we're glad to have you with us and I know you've got a lot of great news from this ministry in Uganda don't you why do Stephen and what a great job I have to bring good news to all of our friends our listeners are supporters and we want to thank people for continuing to pray for our ministry specially our world per team members because God opens doors I think before we even talk about what's going on in Uganda we want to talk about the birth of this ministry because of our 120 plus languages it is unique Yeah and that's hard hard to say when we have so many different ways of getting the gospel out right now for those of you that aren't familiar with the way we get languages out a lot of times it comes through our ministry partners either Trans World radio or Far East Broadcasting or someone else that's kind of working as a liaison between the producer themselves there's a sample here for exactly this was a contact made by one of our board members wonderful brother at Anderson who loves Dr McGee loves through the Bible we just love having him on our board and God just providentially led him to these gentlemen who are pastors in Uganda who just quote unquote happened to end up in San Diego near where he lived he met them we don't have time to tell the whole story but what's unique about this is that we are managing this project directly and as you said we often do it through an intermediary and it's been such a blessing it's different it's a lot more work for our team but it's been an incredible blessing right now we started in Luganda in January of 2017 and we started with 3 f.m. Stations we weren't able to get into the capital city of camp which has millions of people there but we wanted to get a foothold and that's another thing I like to point out about our global ministry is we need to have patience we need to realize that God opens these doors we go through them sometimes we have to wait out. But when he opens doors we try to move through them quickly right and one of the exciting things that I like about this part of the world is that it's so much of an oral culture yes that literacy is not really what it is certainly in the western world so radio really plays a vital part in ministry in spreading the gospel it does and even if people are literate and are able to read you're right the oral cultures people often prefer to hear something and so Uganda is one of those places and we're excited as you said the ministry started about a year and a half almost 2 years ago and then it expanded again in March of 2018 a door open for us to go into the capital city of camp pala and so we started a whole new set of the 5 year cycle going in camp Allah and the responses have just been wonderful Now I know that everything is not sweetness and light wherever we go we always encounter challenges what are some of the challenges for getting the gospel into Uganda and Africa in general well what you have in Africa is a lot of a nominal christianity of people often tell us it's a mile wide in an instant it's easy to get responsiveness but it's hard to get people to go deep There's also a lot of poverty and then the thing that we often talk about is the prosperity gospel unfortunately is raging like a virus through Africa and it's giving false hope and it's giving people who are living in poverty the kind of hope that isn't real and so we come in and we give in the Word of God Dr McKee's teaching and that we need to pray that people will get rooted in the Word of God Now one of things I always like to read of course are the letter yes of course because that's the best indication of what kind of fruit is being produced so with start out here's one here's a pastor he's name Samuel I've listen to the program for 2 months so far I now understand how to identify the false prophets that plague my area I now tell everyone in my church to listen well never it is Steve I mean that's what we were just talking about and to. A pastor who is really learning that how to be grounded in the Word of God How to exegete that is how to bring the meaning out of the original text rather than coming in with your own ideas or your own paradigm like God wants us healthy wealthy and prosperous all the time this is probably what he's referring to about the false prophets in his area yeah here's another one John recently wrote your program is the best I have listened to it is help me know who God is and get my life with him right that is so encouraging and now here's another one this is the manual he says yes I have been listening to the program it has helped me to know the deeper truth of the Bible and to strongly believe in the Word of God I am able to stand firm and have faith in Jesus in preaching to other people that is a great life it is a great letter and part of what I love about whenever we read letter Steve is we can talk about how different each country is but the the content of the responses and the tone of the responses seems to be the same all over the world which is thank you for giving us the whole Word of God and we would encourage you if you haven't done so already to join our world prayer team at t t v dot org forward slash pray get a daily e-mail Monday through Friday that allows you to pray along with thousands of other members of the team about a specific area of the world including in proper time Africa and Uganda Great want to pray for us as we open our study and songs father we are so honored to be able to take your word to as many places on earth as possible we pray that you will honor your promise that it will not return void that it will produce fruit and now we pray that you would produce fruit in our own lives as we open our Bibles and our hearts to you in Jesus' name amen Here's through the Bible with Dr j. Vernon McGee our friends I'm coming to day end they tell really Psalms again Psalm 132 we have only 3 more obvious songs that are call the pilgrims songs. And we want to follow through with them now Psalm 132 here it rests found the Word of God again and the promises of God and is that which becomes all important it is by the way messy and it psalm and it's a very wonderful song there has always been a question about its authorship and it's about David but I do not believe David wrote the psalm although the authorship has been attributed to David yet there are those of real scholarship that have questioned that day which says it is suited to the mile of Solomon and also their own as says it is perfectly natural that Solomon should write a song for such an occasion speaking of the earlier efforts made by his father to prepare a habitation for Jet Hova and his belief was that it was composed by King Solomon when they are of the Covenant was removed out of the town of habitation that David had prepared part when he brought it up to Jerusalem and that it was now being moved in the temple that Solomon had built now that seems to fit in better with as Psalm and actually the only mention that we have here of the ark is in this Psalm here and that I think makes it very important to see now we need to know however that the son of David here is not Solomon but the greater son of David this coming now with that as a background let's continue on with phase psalm as you say now that they have lyre in Jerusalem and they go back to the fact that they have come. Where the mercy seat was above that are the place where they could approach God Now will you listen to the sum as we begin to read it lauded remember David in all his affliction see how he swore under the law isn't valid until the mighty God of Jacob surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house not go off into my bed I'll not give sleep to mine eyes slumber to mine eyelids on Cal I find out of place on the low I don't have big cation for them I take God to Jacob Now you recall back in 2nd Samuel the 7th chapter it was in David's heart build god a house now you can see here that this was the old were winning ambition of his life this was they one great pulsating thought that he might build a temple or they are God now we find here or say a rise a lot into via Ras the our and our vice. This was evidently the song they sang when the ark was moved into the temple that Solomon had Bill it was really David's temple and that they are here was being moved in and your mother the glory of the Lord build a temple as it had the tabernacle of Lo now we refer to David again verse 11 the law would have sworn in truth son to David he will not turn from it of the fruit of the 5 body Well I sat up on the side throne now that is our reference to the large Isa's cries now listen to verse 12 if thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them and their children shall also set upon by throne for Adam or let you see they didn't keep and the reason they were. But out of that all I am and the reason I was sent into Babylonian captivity was simply because of the line of David that had seen him but that didn't destroy God's Ivan that there would come the fruit of his body that he'd sat up on his throne that is what they New Testament is all about when it opens with the book of the generation of Jesus Christ the Son of David that the son of David we're talking about and that the Psalmist is talking about now listen to verse 13 you are the Lord have chosen Zion he asked desired it for his habitation this is my rest forever here will I do well for I have desired it I will abundantly blast serve probation I will satisfy her poor with Brian Now this is the city that today this is not full faith at all and I personally wouldn't desire it at all and I walked up to the top of Mount Zion the 1st time with the brand when we got to the top and saw what it was he said I wonder if it is worth walking out here while I told him I said I magine David in the lowered thought so they say something year we don't see how it's going to be in the future or the lard to have chosen design desired for his habitation that's very 13 that's important now that Psalm is a psalm they would sing when they was lyin because it was the fact that here was the place they were to meet God and he made that very clear now you have in this 100 and 33rd psalm that we're coming to we do have some of David and it's a beautiful jam and it's a rather short one but it's a beautiful thing and it has been called. Psalm I think of brother good it's certainly a psalm of Balash you see not only did this man come up to Jerusalem as a pilgrim with his family and his children and wife around him not only in the place that God It shows him but now he's there with randoms and he's having wonderful families share there not in a little cliques and a little group a great many folk today they move in a little quick and the reason names they'd rather be a big fish in a little pond and be a little fish in a big pond lot of folk like that partially explains some of the cliques we have in our churches today now here is a wonderful psalm of bellow share a brotherhood behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren while together in unity we're told to keep the unity of the Spirit today it's like the precious own upon the head that ran down upon the beard even a were and they had that went down to the skirts of his garment Now this was at the time that Aaron was annoying the high priest and best speaks of the priesthood of the a large Jesus Christ someone is sad you have here the fragments of a lovely rose you say this on this Frank and Sam's that was put on the priest that indicated that he was a priest and gone we see that this is a picture of a large ease the christ is not only keen he has our great eye and we say that in some 45 in verse 7 that he's annoying dead with the oil of gladness of but of his powers and in that day we read in as see killed 3929. Neither will our hide my face and him or from them where I've poured out my Spirit upon the house of Israel Safa law are gone that's the day that's coming like that ran down on a rim Well that's the way God the poor Audi spirit and that's the meaning by the way of the prophecy and Jolo where it speaks of a future out or in the Holy Spirit of paan there s. a Real love a coming day not all failed on the day of Pentecost but the day we are bad ties with the Holy Spirit put in the body of believers and Christ is great I praise and sense that is true then we should attempt to keep the unity of the Spirit now that is the meaning of this wonderful song little jam now we come to the last pilgrims psalm and may I say we have arrived this is there that's 100 and 34th psalm and it's their final song that says they grand on man probably not a sevenfold man but a 3 fall one notice it be a Hall last year lard all us servants of the Lord who by night stand in the house a lot left up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord now you see the Pilgrim he's come from a get go come from a lays where he's under suspicion he was being criticized maligned lied about his neighborhood wasn't good now he's come up the general said Lamb is now in the sign she away and he's lifting up his hands in the sanctuary and these last single lowered the log who made heaven and earth lastly out of Zion and in turn he's looking for the glassing of God to be upon is a lie then. Great worship some and this is something that should be incorporated the day in our worship may I venture to guess and this of course is always the curse of being a retired preacher you can always tell the other fellow what to do whether you did it yourself or not and I know something about retired preachers I used to have many of them in my congregation and today I happen to be one of them so you can always tell what's wrong maybe not to major in that and I try not to but when the time comes somebody ought to say something let me say this. And I can speak freely I trust you understand that I believe that worship today isn't too formal Now I do not believe that we should have fanatical out right in worship but there are a lot of us that can't seem to express our oh I just have to stand you know in a service just like a dummy I can sing I can't carry a tune and my wife she doesn't even want me to even try to sing when I was standing with her news service he says everybody turns and looks at you and it's not a very pleasant look that they're giving you well frankly I can't say but I just like some. As it were just so I write is the Lord alluvial how wonderful God is or God is good we need a little bit more and more Malik that day our services are just a little stale and still did. Start and some sort of a revolution I could hope so this is a wonderful song the song that we have now and the other Psalms were coming to our Psalms of praise and there is a similarity and them and we probably are going to hit some high points and now praise year the Lord that's the way Psalm 135 begins Here's how to lose some and you want to know how they end just like it begins praise she Lord there is Psalm that's in parenthesis and the parenthesis is a hallelujah at both the beginning and I am now it's a great song of praise it's a call to praise God It says here Praise ye the lard crazy the name of the Lord praise them all you servants of the Lord you who stand in the house of the Lord in the courts of the house of God Praise the Lord. God For the Lord's good saying praise this son to his name for it's class and you know we are not saying it and today that God is good if you ever told anybody that God is good all out want to get on his radio and just say one thing God is good and let it go at that because that's wonderful Our God is good and this is a call to raise and and now let me move down to verse 6 watch so ever the Lord please that did he in heaven and in earth in the seas and all the places he calls that the vapors to his sand from the ends of the earth he make up the lightnings for the rain he bring us the wind out of his treasures it's God that makes the weather and weather man doesn't make the weather proof live it is as the times that he misses he says tomorrow it's going to be so and so he's not in touch with headquarters he hasn't touch with a lot of scientific gadgets and they can come up every now and then with an educated guess but not in Mike's The weather is that create or Not only did he created not only does he make the weather but friends he's running this universe as it pleases Him Maybe you don't like it and if you don't. Why don't you move out why don't you get channel another universe start one of your own run it show a way this is here and if you're not satisfied with it I suggest that somehow or another that you become reconciled to this universe and you accept that and that she would accept that create dark because he's also the Redeemer of my own today and there are a lot of questions that we have to ask but he hasn't given the answer and the very interesting thing is friends he doesn't have to give the M's that disturbing to me but it just happens to be true God doesn't have to answer you or me that day ers just trusting and it should be a life of faith now I compares the living God with idols verse 15 the idols of the nations are silver and gold the work a man's hands they have Miles but they speak not eyes have they but they see not they have ears but they hear not neither is there any breath in their mouths they that make them a light dawned on them and friends you are going to be likened to your god what do you worship worship something it could be gold or silver It doesn't have to be on an idol there are a great many people today worshipping gold and silver that's covered chestnuts that's modern idolatry you don't have to hang the gold and sell her own stature are an idol you can worship manage things why do you fear God whatever you God it is if it's not a living and true God made Adam out weekends be he may have an Arab League game here you only the living God can hear you today and for that reason you will become a light your gone. And that for we ought to blast a lot of blasts the lot less said be the lot out of Xi'an who do that Jerusalem this is a tremendous song now in Psalm $136.00 this is a psalm that has to do with the Mercy of God and you know the mercy of God is mentioned in every verse and we are to give thanks Joy Not only because he's create or but because he's rich and mercy all give thanks to the Lord for He is good for his mercy endure it for ever he has plenty of it and he will never run out of it is Mercy injurious forever oh give thanks son to the God of gods for his mercy endure it forever all give thanks to the Lord of Lords for his mercy endure it forever and in every verse of this some while you have the mercy of God mansion all give thanks on to the God of heaven for his mercy endure it forever now this is a psalm that exalts the mercy of God God is rich in mercy all say. I won't mercy. And God is rich any have you call it on their fault that I have hang ups we get letters I have done this say and you thank God will forgive me friends he's rich in mercy do you want forgiven Do you really want well he'll give it to you somebody says Well I think I'd like something you know maybe a new car would you go ask him for it and he's rich in mercy and if you need to car and you should have it he give it to you are God's rich in mercy and that's the way he deals with us he deals with us according to His mercy I don't know about you but I feel like saying hallelujah again all how wonderful our God There are wonderful Jesus is Omar Randy learned to fall down before him and worshiped him ease worthy and when you get down in the DAs you know you have to get down to get up and he'll lift you up a wonderful. Yes He's wonderful to learn more about the mercy and love of our amazing God visit t.c.b. Dot org and click on the banner that says how can I know God And if you'd like to share Today's message or any of our other messages in our study of songs made with a family member or friend then visit t t v dot org forward slash songs is it easy to praise God when life is hard Well if you struggle with this like so many of us do then join us tomorrow as we continue our 5 year journey through the Bible I'm Steve Schwartz and I'll see the op Oh ooh oh soup it oh jesus it. Was so grateful for the baby only generous supportive through the Bible's partners were being used by God to take the whole word to the whole book at home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word calle t.-t. Comer City Denver in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the way at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. Throughout history there are Christians who chose to run into the brokenness not away from it and one just won the Nobel Peace Prize stage and to break one of them from the coals in a center for Christian worldview Here's John Stonestreet with breakpoint. It's no bells season the annual week long period when Nobel Prize winners are announced and most of us will just have to take the academy at its word that the winners in fields such as physics chemistry medicine and physiology are worthy of the honor but when it comes to the Nobel Peace Prize ordinary informed people can recognize whether the winners are deserving or questionable I won't cite any examples but by all accounts this year's winners not be a mere Od and the name the quick gay are definitely deserving mere out is a u.c.d. Woman who isn't slave by ISIS and repeatedly raped and tortured after a near miraculous escape she made her way to Germany and campaign against. What the Nobel committee called the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict in the Middle East and around the world your odds a remarkable and inspiring story befits a remarkable and inspiring woman the other recipient as Dr Denny McCuaig as surgeon from the Congo and I understand McCuaig a story you need to know a little bit about the recent history of the Congo and Central Africa in 1906 Rwanda invaded the eastern part of the Congo in order to a stance of Billy eradicate the remaining forces responsible for the Rwanda genocide where that reason was soon forgotten and the conflict became known as Africa's world war 9 countries and 25 militias join the fight for control of all or part of the Congo and especially its mineral riches by 2008 an estimated 5400000 people have died countless women have been sexually assaulted as a military tactic while control of the Congolese government is no longer in doubt an enduring legacy of those conflicts in the region is the use of rape as a weapon of terror of course rape as a weapon of war is not unique to Central Africa it's a horrific practice is old as warfare itself but what sets Central Africa apart is Denny McCuaig in 1909 the French trained surgeon opened the Ponzi hospital in the country's most war torn region since opening the hospitals treated more than 85000 patients with complex conical logical damage and trauma an estimated 60 percent of those caused by sexual violence McCuaig has been dubbed the man who men's women he's become a ferocious critic of both those who perpetrate sexual violence and the governments that stand idly by and September 2012 in a speech at the un he criticized the Congolese government and others for failing to stop what he called an unjust war that used violence against women and rape as a strategy when he returned home armed men attacked his home killing his bodyguard and taking his children hostage he escaped and went into exile long enough to recover from his injuries. And then return to the Congo 2 months later why does McCuaig a run toward the danger when the sensible thing to do would be to run away from it when the answer is his Christian faith he see McCuaig both the son of a Pentecostal pastor and a minister himself he was inspired to pursue medicine after watching his father pray for the sick and yet his mission goes beyond medical care speaking before the Lutheran World Federation he said it is up to us the heirs of Martin Luther through God's work to exercise all the macho demons possessing the world so that women who were victims of male barbarity can experience the reign of God in their bombs McCuaig joins lame about we have Liberia's recent African Christians who were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for restoring what human sin and evil have broken or is McCuaig it puts it it is the mission entrusted to us by Christ for breakpoint time Johnston. We're glad you could join us today for the concepts of faith broadcast this program is dedicated to teach you how to put the word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life and now here's Charles caps. Confessing the Word of God causes faith to go. Our you can say it this way because his face to grow confessing the faith in in the promise of the Word of God will cause that promise to grow and become bigger in you . Now this is why I have been an individual that confesses the Word of God and knows the word of God and teaches the Word of God concerning salvation will get the force. Because that word is in it there is faith that people will be say. But then right only other hand they buy not get it but it healed it all because they may not spend it in time in the healing scriptures therefore they don't believe that God heals because there is no faith in that they don't have the word concerning healing but if you confessed the Word of God in the promise and the Word of God It causes faith to come to you faith to come from that problems that we talked about this most of the other sessions that within the Word of God is the seed because the manifestation of that promise in your lives the seed is in itself as the law of Genesis says the seed is in itself an apple see the has the ability within that Apple you see that seed is in the apple so the seed is in the food itself. And it has the ability to reproduce that same tree a tree just like if the produce an apple just like that one garbage word is filled with. Soul then when you confess the Word of God say the word of God out loud where you can hear yourself say it then it causes faith to come because Romans the 10th chapter the Apostle Paul gives us some insight into that he says So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God serve the faith for the promise whatever it may be will that salvation divine healing baptism of the Holy Spirit whatever it comes by hearing the Word of God That's the source of the source of it is the Word of God It produces faith when you speak it when you proclaim it when you say it when you decree it and declare it as being to the more you say it the more you believe now I think we'll return there to Romans and chapter I want you to underline some phrases here because. Paul deals with this subject very thoroughly here let's begin with verse 4 in Romans Chapter 10. For Christ is the in of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. Farmer was a scribe of the righteousness which is of the law that the man that do those things shall live by them but the righteousness which is of faith speak of their own this was the Notice the phrase the righteousness which is of faith speakers on this one does say not in the heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring Christ again from the dead now notice that Paul is saying no righteousness which is of faith would say this say 1st of all it tells you what it would say if you found out what something is not it will help you understand what it is so he tells you what the righteousness of faith wouldn't say it wouldn't say who would bring Jesus back from heaven so he'll be here on earth so he meet our needs who descended to the deep that is to reverse the process of death get Jesus back on this earth and his physical flesh blood and bone body so he could lay hands on us or so he could Minister the way he did when he walked here on the earth but he said the righteousness which is of faith wouldn't say that. But our hearts say this verse 8 but what say a theatre the word Here's what it says the righteousness which is of faith says the word is not of the even in the mouth and in the heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach. And that's what the righteousness which is faith is. Since Jesus is gone and seated at the right hand of the Father until is in him is made his 1st do it says he's not coming back until His enemies are put under his feet he says now the Word of Faith is not. The word of promise and of the words. God sent His Word and heal them and delivered them from their destruction now God has left his word here on the earth Jesus was here in a physical flesh blood and bone body he showed you what God's word personified could do in this earth. He showed you that it could meet every need but now he's seated at the right hand of the father and now he says the righteousness which is of faith says there wherever now is Nami Jesus is not here physically but the word is now and he is close to me is get it in my mouth and speaking did into my heart that is the Word of Faith which I preach of which we preach he calls the Word of God the Word of Faith the reason he calls it that because every word of God is filled with faith Now remember faith is the divine in or just God It is a spiritual force it is contained in the Word of God And when you hear the Word of God It causes that faith to get in you. So the very context of Paul's teaching here is that you speak the word not someone else you could get some faith I'm sure but hear me say what God said she'd bring you knowledge and it cause you to have some faith in God but yet Paul is not talking about that he's talking about the word being in your mouth and in your heart. Say Now that's one that people have such great faith for somebody else to prove the prayer of faith for them and don't have anything their own prayer because they haven't confessed the Word of God they haven't developed and grown in that like they could if you get it in your mouth and get it in your heart and I realize that when you're teaching the Word of God and notice his nose Damone live there when I'm not teaching or preaching for quite some time then my faith live a good slow. Because I tell you when you teach in a word of God every night in court the Word of God every night your faith proves your faith is stronger and certainly it's not wrong to get someone else to prove the prayer of faith for you if you're not developed to that point but here's the point I'm trying to get over to this is why it's important to confess the word not because it causes that faith to come that faith it's in the Word of God the divine energy in there which is the seed the ability to cause the promise to be manifest in your life is in the word itself and if you get it in your mouth and speak it it will get in here and what the Bible calls the heart and is not talking about the blood pump is Tom about the spirit it causes faith to come let me read you something that the Psalmist David said and I'll tell you some of you need to start saying that some 118 for 17 he said I shall not dad but live and declare the works of the law or now I know people that say that's blasphemy you must think your god. No. David didn't think he was God. But he declared. I shall not die but live and declare the works of the law. And you know for someone this Dan was an incurable disease to say that you know they might feel like their lives but you see that's faith talk when you get the promise in your heart when you get the word in your heart you begin to decrease some things and say some things. In the Book of Job It's written there and says decree a thing and it shall be established to. See it should be established to you decree a thing and it shall be established the why because your words have more effect on you than anybody else's words. Now I can decrease the thing over and over and over it will not mean as much to you is if you hear your voice say it now God created us with 2 sets of ears. There's outer ear and there's an inner ear the energy is made up of bone structure inside the head I believe this is the design of God so that the words you speak is put directly into what the Bible calls the heart of the spirit of man if you plug your ears with your fingers and talk it's louder to you so you're the number one here of what you say so the very idea that Paul is betrayed and here in Romans is that the word is not you it's in your mouth and in your heart now you see an individual may know about a promise in the Bible but if you don't speak it proclaim it and say what the Word of God says there then that faith won't get inside. People can memorize the Bible and still don't have it if. It is speaking the word speaking the word until that truth comes inside you it becomes a powerful force in you call faith it's a seed of a miracle that you need it has the ability to reproduce that promise whatever it is physically financially spiritually or whatever in your lines. But it must be spoken that's the way the faith gets transferred from the Word of God in the you to cause the manifestation So you declare the word of the Lord now start out to tell you what the Book of Job said there and I don't recall to this point where it's found it's somewhere in that one of the chapters somewhere alone but here's what he said Create a thing it shall be established to you and the light show shine upon your pain. In other words you decree a thing and the spirit the heart will receive revelation of how that that will come to pass let me give you for instance if you confess the Word of God thank God my needs are met according to His riches in glory because I've given it's given to me good measure press down shaken together running over so I said well how on earth could that do think for me financially well you have decreed a thing because the words said it you have been a bigot and given therefore God will enlighten you. And he will give you directions where to go you'll meet the right people at the right place at the right time and you get the right job and your need will be met according to His riches in. And then everybody say well they must be the luckiest person on earth no you were led by your spirit. See the things that the word says here is not just telling us something just because they're trying to fill in pages in the Bible God calls things that are not as though they were God speaks the end from the beginning. And expects us to do the same thing given decrease in things because of the Word of God not because we believe we are God or we're trying to act like God but because the Word says that we say it I appreciate so much you joining us for the concepts of a broadcast now we're offering this week cd all for number $73153.00 cds for $22.00 plus $5.00 postage and handling for a total of $27.00 faith and confession is a title of it it's important for you to know that faith comes by confessing the Word of God If you don't understand that you will always wonder well why in the world of people go around saying what God said in His Word are you trying to act like God no I'm not trying to act like God I'm trying to act as God would act if he were in ma situation. So when we confess the Word of God We are confirming the word is true in our hearts and we're planting a seed in our heart. Paul said wrong winced in the word is now you does in your mouth in your heart you read Little Father said at the outer confess without a mouth the Lord Jesus believe in God raised involved that is shall be saved so here you see that you are born again by this very principle of faith faith is a law of change if you're going to change anything you've got to get the word of God in your heart faith and confession confession of the Word of God creates faith that's where it comes from Paul said it's not you it's close to you is get it in your mouth and speak it in your heart if you have lack began to confess abundance I have given it is given to me good measure pressed down say going together running over there is a bond of snow like my God has met my need according to His riches in glory by crowds Jesus you say what God said and you receive what God said into your heart and you plant a seed and it keeps the answer before you so many times people pray the problem no if you confess the Word of God Your confessing the answer you're going over the answer it keeps the answer before you instead of the problem that cd off for number $73153.00 See days for $22.00 plus $5.00 postage and handling toll free hotline is 187-7396 not a $400.00 until tomorrow this Charles capture about that the enemy is defeated God is exalted and Jesus is coming soon to order the product offered today 187-739-6940 extension 0 or write Charles camps p.o. Box 69 England Arkansas 720468 complete list of C.D.'s books and D.V.D.'s are available online at Charles Capps dot com through the website you can listen to this radio program again and subscribe to our. Podcast this broadcast who sponsored by Charles camp's ministries and our listeners in this area. Were world wide it's 670 calle t.-t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age and am 670. Spencer new listeners Welcome to the sound the face I'm sharing not thanking you for joining us today because we know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Today's message by my father brother Hardy is one of my favorites grace sufficient because it speaks to the heart of every child of God we will always sometime find ourselves in a place of great spiritual struggle Paul said he was pressed in spirit and even pressed a measure he testified once that he saw follower 3 times to remove the messenger of Satan next buffet him but God answered my grace is sufficient for you because my strength is made perfect in your weakness so if you're feeling weak and weary pressed and distressed got what you didn't know about grace sufficient the grace for the center is the fruit do the causes you to be able to be sent. And the grace of a Christian is that airplane or say that it is grace from God then enables you to their victorious even though the devil is sure to box you were out. There in other words growing for the saint there is overcoming power and in enabling power and one God gives you Grange your many able and in the special ponder shop and you couldn't without it and when God gives you Grace you're able to overcome something that you couldn't with the help of. Heaven show you man I remember years ago when I 1st started there was another brother with me and boy we would go together when I 3 meetings or prayer meetings for God would move in this brother I don't know God just give him a do. When souls see My God preach more to terms with every time you get up it wouldn't be something fantastic preacher but God would give him every sugar in the house. And we probably testified he would just had that ability to get people that would accept Jesus and then he had a hard time I mean his wife stood up against him. And he was traveling on all rough time. And he wrote a bridge rail and the route was close to where I live. And here we come to my house clean but I want to pray God gives me the victory. Over those cast and I play the Will God give him grace. Then he got a couple more streets from here we come knocking on doors that's pretty again. You know and I don't like to play for something twice. So I pray for his benefit only God given Grange helping to accept. So here he come about an hour later and said Now brother what are we going to pray with this time we ain't playing for Grace we're praying for victory. Not only what the victory and a thing but if it's about God's rule I can Paul's face a son in the way I want to Grange come out and say you made up this give me the grace. And God said to Paul I'm not going to remove it. And of other times God is not going to remove the buffing Pad He's just going to ease to pressure the devil is the pumping Pad but God controls the pressure and Grace is him essent that. My government quota 1st Corinthians 1013 God said I will put more pressure on you then you're a fool. And I used to pray God God what you think was able in one of the conceivable 2 different things sometimes a little humor helps. But you're a lot stronger than you think how many has kept God cord blood. How many you said God I place myself in your hands and whatever I need to do with going to play dead. Cow word. But I've done it like a lot of you and there for about a crowd Oh God God should you told me to have a cold plunge. And I said Well Lord whatever army don't pay any attention to what I say do what I mean. Don't my dogs will supply all your means that comes out of that scripture to. Show it goes Peter said I think it's the 1st Peter $17.00 you want to you want to read about suffering Christians read 1st and 2nd Peter those 2 letters were written to encourage Christians in trials and test and then the 7 1st. Post said to those Christians don't think it strange concerning the fiery trials that are to try you Islam some strange things come on you for the trying of your faith which is more precious than gold that commerce shoes God wants to find it under glory and praise and honor. He said But now Congress reason you're into having a newish through manifold tempting shit and incidentally let me tell you about the word temptation when obviously or Return of it it's trial he tries you to see if you're going to be obedient and do the will and stay up under the thing he asked should too. When it is temptation and the devil is the origin of it it means that he is tempting you to sin and to do evil dark and never tempt anyone to do evil James 113 says that will mean say when he is tempted that he is tempted to do evil he is tempted of God for God cannot be tempted to do evil neither does he tempt any mayhem to do evil but you're tempted to do evil when you're drawn in the way of your own most and enticed Peter said they were in heaven is through manifold temptation how many say you ma'am but he said you're you're trying to focus more precious than gold the power issues and even though not your unhappiness should you are to rejoice because it's God's will. That you should be in a task if it need being you see some of us need to be tested more than others need to be tested and I said God supply my needy and if I need to be asked to be supplied shouldn't puts me in a trial but that's all right because I know God is working all things together for good he's trying to bring my faith out that it will stay on the task and he'll be able to give me an hour in praise send more already. He said no temptation at the present this choice this but it through words it bring up for the peaceful fruits of the right to dismiss them that are exercised in the robot. Here and somebody say well it's a principle deliverance by the heart I'm preaching on the liberals come in and show you how who you are you see if God is shining you well and this is on the whole life experience that a lot of the pressures he's not going to send away he's just going to give you grades I'm talking about. Tennis our benefits from God 8 to us it's God's meads. Polishing us up. Removing the features and the imperfections so that we might be a sparkling German jewel and the Pearl of Great Price and a lot of ties were bought are still playing like Paul found himself praying for God through move the full or that's in our flesh or the pain it's in our neck caused by sink than sending his angel to stir people up against us and persecute us . And other times when we pray God is going to say no I'm not going to remove the thorn I'm not going to dismiss. The angel that's buffeting you I'm not going to lift the pressure because it's my means to polish you will go through the double is the pumping Pad are in control the pressure mild grace is sufficient for these all mired growing still in able be to stay up under the pressure in live victoriously. My grace is sufficient for the young for when you ought to be Who week you are going to be power will fall I'm going to be able when you and I am going to strengthen you how many say you may or I'm going to tell you a little story. About the oyster the one stroller you know was the one that creates these beautiful pearls but the process of the orchestra to create the pearl is not a blessing to the oyster in fact it's a terrible experience in order for the oyster. To produce the pearl. Some foreign material has to get in a grain of say and and that greyness a very good finance torch it irritate metal washed or cut him her. How many say you ma'am. And we can take this with the Holy Ghost use the Born in order for the flesh and it's like a for want to respond down to their irritate her every time you move it hurts. Got it in your way and it hurts to do it. And never the grain of sand it's just her doing. That. And taking its life and you know it the orthodontist. You just live with the secretion. And cooks it and it keeps on licking it until all the rough edges of that sink and become smooth. And according to how much it licks. That Sam gets coated with more and more secretion. When the pretty darn birds die. They bring up that oyster pulled open and there are various sizes little pearls in the oyster and some They're looking for those big pearls and they say you may not see what God's trial untested is. He lets the say in a trial and test good in the us as who work and then he licks it with grace he just kicks it with grapes just keep going it with grace you know the Syrian gets in their face and gets stirred up in other words here God used to do something for the in the morning so when your spirit has lifted up you feel good you're in danger then of getting so lifted up and pride prior to take over you know especially ministers have that danger whenever you think you preach good look out you're going to get jab with the floor in time the prints are pretty good as want to get out the pulpit say man I had a tough time that night then people say Why man that message was just what I needed you but you ain't feeling you know you feel when the thorns happen. How many say you man that's God's way of keeping your Ambo so you don't think it will have the advantage and coming to to so lift it up in front. That's why I guess so many ministries to get to big crash they get lifted up in pride think they're the greatest there it God couldn't get along without God Good morning Paul to be subject to that cast so we let the former you let the angel bump put him in right now but the more Paul prayed God looked in with British untrue Paul was ready to accept and so we played again in conflict theme of grace and Paul. Ready to accept it yet only pray to 3rd time and then goblet thin membrane should then he said Paul I'm not going to remove rip I'm just going to people like the new with Grange. Come out and say I'm am. Own Word of God God don't love Paul's hearers he won the memo per all he was a shard barely a pearl of great price. Come out and say I'm am going to get Paul and he said for the spin that's a good name for the Devil are a circle more rides that it might the poor promote. And he said or God on the many Margaux writings. Is sufficient for the Mar Grange. Will in a will be. Through study of under this thing I don't have to remove it I am not going to remove it but I am going to look to with grace and Mar Grace or any will you display an up under a man what an encouraging word of the Lord by my father brother hearty grace sufficient Aren't you glad to know that there is no temptation overtaking you except that which is common to man and God is faithful for he will not allow you to be tempted above that which you are able but with every temptation he will also make the way of escape that you might be able to endure a week guard lists of how severe the test may be God's promised my grace is sufficient for you to order a grace sufficient on cd send a love gift of $10.00 or more for the radio ministry and request off for 163 mail to sound of faith p.o. Box 174 for Baltimore Maryland 212034 order online at sound of faith dot a large e. I get the order number for a submission is 163 until next time this is Sharon on the scene now.

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