here is art. Bible teacher Tom Cantor. Father again thank you for your word thank you for being our teacher this morning we open our hearts to you Lord and ask you to plant the seeds of truth that you want in us this morning in Jesus' name amen Ok just $49.00 verse $14091.00 Jacob called out to his sons and said Gather yourselves together that I me tell you that which shall be fall you in the last days Gather yourselves together and here you sons of Jake up and hearken to Israel your father Reuben thou art my firstborn my might the beginning of my strength the excellent sea of dignity and the excellency of power unstable as water that shall not occur because our oneness up to buy father's bed then defile us thou it he went up to my couch. Sim even Levi your brother in instruments of cruelty are in their habitations old my soul come not though into their secret to their assembly line on or be not the united for in their anger they slew a man in their self will they dig down the wall curse it be their anger for it was fears and their wrath for it was cruel I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel with an introduction like that why go on. Like boy anyway this is what happened Ok so here we are so now we know here that we were in his then the last moments of Jacob's life on Earth then we know that he's going to die actually there were several times in Jacob's life when he thought he was going to die I was sure it was going to die like when Esau had vowed to kill and die he is going to die then when he was alone in the desert on the run from him it was all alone in the expose that is going to die then when Laban had said he was going to want to kill him that he is going to die then you saw came to meet it with 400 men thought he was going to die them said a lot of disappointments in life because he thought his going to die and die and starvation and so forth but from all those times were when he was sure he was going to die but he didn't die and so what it shows us is the truth of some 3115 which 6 planes it 30 some 3115 my times are in Die hand and then David says deliver me from my enemies so which means that we're not going to die until God God's hand says Ok this is when you're going to die and that's a great thing about when the believer comes to die is that it's all been mis all been determined by God and and and and God doesn't take the death of saints light lead and say Well Ok he's going to die everything but everybody's going to die you know don't say that he says he and install modern 16 verse 15 some 106-1516 verse 15 he uses the word to describe the death of the saints and he calls it precious He said precious in the sight of the Lord is a. Death of his saints and that's how it got views the death of his teens and what it really is what death really has it's a it's what how the Lord Jesus was described when he was about to die or when the time was coming that he was going to die and it says in Luke 915 sorry the 95151 he came to pass when the time was come that he he should be received up then he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem what precious operation is that that death is they read being received up which as we saw in the case of Stephen when he died well Jacob would come to this time in his life like bald and take up was thinking of going to die good guy I've got a lot of unfinished business to do and so here he is this unfinished business he has to get these final prophecy and that's what it is this is the last patriarch Abraham has died Isaac has died Jacob is about to die and Jacob now is giving like this full bloom of the patriarchal prophecy here which he gives us and that's what we have here in Chapter 49 it's a Treasure it is Chapter 49 is a precious treasure that has been regarded out way down through the generations because he's are important words last words the profound they're very important last words I think about thinking about my wife Cheryl's last words was thinking about that at the time I was it when she was dying I was trying to see if she was still conscious so I asked her I said What is your birth date. And you know what her last words were stop bothering me. That doesn't sound like something we should write down and stop bothering me Ok that was that stuff fathering me all right. So it will take up do you have a lot to say very important and we see how it Jacob had passed from he had already had a private meeting with Joe's. Surfin his 2 sons very important meeting he wanted to 1st of all adopt Josephs 2 sons event bless them he wanted to make sure that it was established that just as 2 sons if or I am in my mess it would be 100 percent part of Israel so joke it is so he took care of that business for he died and now he begins his address we saw I began his address in verse 2 when he says Gather yourselves together and he says You sons of change up and hearken to Israel your father so striking the same person so then person who is it who has called himself a chink of you sons of Jacob and called himself Israel harken to Israel your father same person the only one name Jake of refers to his natural person and the other name Israel refers to a spiritual person but it's like he's showing them look Jacob's going to die but Israel's going to live on and I want you to follow me from becoming from being Jake up which you don't have to work out you're just that to becoming Israel with the new nature it's Ok to now as you said he starts off any any any starts off go through his firstborn and what a heart ache this is for Jacob's amazing he didn't die right then from a heart attack as he goes back and he remembers Reuben raped by wife of wow that's what happened here this infamous rape and when he let his sexual passion just overpower him and boil over like boiling water and so take up spoke about how personal as we know this was an offense that he did when he was in verse 4 there and he said then when it's now up to die father is a bad then d. 5 us that he went up to my couch so as we think of this terrible hurt in Jacob's life and and. We can see that it picked up just had a lot of troubles Jacob had troubles outside of his house looked troubles like with Esau and Laban and so forth and then Jacob had troubles major troubles inside of his house with Reuben who filed his wife with and then we think back on the insight troubles that you make up out with his wife Rachel there was a lot of drama with Rachel and then we think about how Rachel was the one who introduced idolatry into his house and we think back on Jacob sons and how they really hurt shake up and and in the end he was sure that they killed Joseph and in all of this experience that Jake up had it just as an illustration of what the Lord said would be it would be in Matthew $1036.00 Matthew $1036.00 where the Lord said on man's follows Shelby they of his own household courtship Cup I mean he had troubles everywhere you to me it was like Paul had all these troubles and he talked about it in sect Corinthians 187 Chretien's 18 where he said we would not brethren how do you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia that we were present out of measure above strength in so much that we despaired even of life let's check up chick appearing has troubles within his house outside his house and the question is Where does he go for comfort where does Jacob go for the soft shoulder to put his head on well anybody who asked that question finds the Psalms are the are the direction the guide word says for example unsolved 2710 some 2710 when my mother my father and my mother for sake me then the Lord will take me up the Lord will take me up or like Isaiah Chapter 40 versa Levon Isaiah 40 verse 11 were speaks of the Lord with Hender verbs tender terms when it says he shelf be his fly. Ah like a shepherd need he show Dow there are the lambs with his arms gather in a gather and carry them in his bosom carry and shell gently lead those with young gently lead see all these troubles that shake up had just drove him to the Lord and that's the way it is for us that's the way it is for us troubles drive us to God Jacob was pressed to God by the troubles he had in life and so. Now. Jake up obviously as we're seeing here Jacob as his revealing his troubles he has just uncovered or revealed a secret that nobody knew about except for Ruben and Bill and Jake up he's just he's just exposed what he what Ruben did and so he goes from this 1st who are from the terrible act of his 1st born Ruben and now he goes on to his 2nd 3rd borns which are Simeon Levi and like it's that it's just amazing that he just doesn't die right on the spot and said just the you know but but he turns to Simeon and Levi and take up the real lives what they did back in Genesis 34 when when when a when a prince named Sheck he felt she he fell in love with Jacob's daughter Dina you can say Diana if you want but it's really Dina But anyways whatever you want to say but if Dina so shek I'm forces or rapes Dina and Jake up is the 1st one to hear about this what happened with his daughter Dina and then Jacob sons here what happened to their sister Dina and Jacob sons were very angry and remember all this from Genesis 347 Genesis 347 the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it and the men were grieved and they were very wroth because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying and that doesn't mean telling a fit in lying with Jacob's daughter which thing ought not to be done so now we have this son and this guy his son but this prince this prince Shikha 2nd he has whole policy in love with Dina and he would have done anything to have Dean as his wife as it says and in Genesis $3043.00 Genesis $3043.00 and his soul Klavan to Dina the daughter of Jake up and he left the damsel and speak only into the DMSO. So shut up now he goes in to listen in the help of his father a more to come to Jake up and pleaded with him to let his son Sheykh a merry Diena and that there should be either marriages within Jacob's family and the and the and the and his people the 2nd mites and then it says that when this happened that they sons of Jake up just took over the took over and in Genesis 3413 Genesis 3413 the sons of Jake up answer check him in him or his father deceit fully instead because he had it and said because he had to file their sister and they said on to them we cannot do this thing to give our sister to one that is uncircumcised that were approached upby and approach reproach unto us but in this will we consented to you if you will be as we be and every male of you be circumcised then we'll give our daughters to unto you will take your daughters to us will dwell with you will become one people all deceit all deceit all lying but if you will not hearken unto us to be circumcised then we'll take our daughter will be gone so that he more and shut they go out and they convince all the men of should come to to get circumcised you know it's confusing to me and the city is called check on the boy's name check on market whatever but anyways they go in they and the inner Mary and then Levi and Simeon they wait till the 3rd day when the man a shotgun mar the surest from from the infection that undoubtedly set in from all that and it isn't and in Genesis 3425 Genesis 3425 it came to pass on the 3rd day when the men were sore that 2 of the sons of Jake up and here we go Simeon and Levi they're the they're the ones who let all this Dina's brother and took each man his sword and came upon. The city boldly and slew all the males and they slew him are in check of his son with the edge of the sword and took Dean out of shekels house and went out the sons of Jacob came upon the slain and support of the city because they defiled their sister they took their sheep their oxen that's important to remember they took their oxen and their asses and that which was in the city and that which was in the field in all their wealth in all their little ones and all their wives took they kept up that structure to make for a really happy how home they're taking all the wives that they had murdered their husbands up taking all the children that murdered the fathers of I don't know why you'd want those a party house but that's what they did and spoiled even all that was in the house and Jacob said to Simeon Levi You have troubled me to make me think among the inhabitants of the land among the Canaanites of parasites and I being few in number they should gather themselves together against me and slay me I should be destroyed I in my house and they said this to be Levi and seems to me leave it they said should he deal with our sisters with an harlot this horrified Jacob and now on his deathbed he has brought it all back up again and the 1st thing he says as he thinks back about this in verse 5 is Simeon and Levi are bred through him. Now obviously they had the same mother lay the same father Jake up their brothers not talking about that essential that they are brother and that they are together and that means that they conspired together they deceived together they murdered together they plunder together they're just the same they have the same temperaments they have the same thoughts they have the same actions and feelings against the 2nd mites they're one there was no hesitation on either of their part one of them didn't say to the other one I don't know if we should do this no they were just 100 percent they were in it and this amazed Jake up in verse 4 when he says to me Levi your brother in this is in amazement of unity Jacob is amazed at the unity that they both have into in this evil is a little bit like Peter is all about Peter when a certain couple name and I and Safira had had seen everybody else selling all they had in getting all the money of the church and this is what we want to appear like that so they had a piece of property they sold it and they gave the monies that that's all the money that that that we made from that property only that it wasn't all the money and they kept part of the back part of the same seemed like a good scheme for an innocence a fire of whatever anyone else was bringing everything into the church and they didn't want to be out of step with the rest of the congregation so what could be wrong is that it actually they had every right to keep that part of the money if that's what they wanted to do but what was wrong was what they did was to keep that part of the money and then lie and say they were giving all the money and their plan would have worked because they tricked everybody but except for one person God didn't trick God And so the husband of and and I as comes in and when he's question is that all the money that you made for the property Yup that was it he light God struck him dead. And then later his wife came in and Peter asked her if that was all the money that is with that when they sold the property and she with the same sincere conviction she lie just like her husband now that was amazing to Peter and what Peter said and that's $59.00 x. $59.00 he said How is that that you have agreed to gether to tempt the Spirit of God So he either was amazed that neither had a nice nor Safira showed any hesitation to lie Any asked them how they could both be in such a lockstep agreement to lie well this is where Jacob is coming from in verse 5 when he says to me and Levi are brother and he said he's easing they were in lock step in agreement to conspire into the sea even to murder all the shock of mites and Simeon the Levi looks so good on the outside you know but but they murdered just like the Lord said about the fair season the scribes in Matthew 2327 Matthew 2327 when the Lord said will want to use scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for your like the whited occurs which indeed appear beautiful outward but within are full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness So Jacob goes on and he says about Simeon and Levi in verse 5 instruments of cruelty are in their habitations now the word habitations. There's a lot of the translators years have used a lot of liberty with some of these Hebrew words in if they would have asked me I want to told not to do it but they never asked me So what can I do but the word habitations is actually the Hebrew word for sorts and it's a referring to the swords of Simeon and Levi that they used to kill the shekel mites so Jacob was saying that the swords that Levi and Simeon used were for cruelty as opposed to defense and those swords should have been only been used as weapons of defense but instead they used them as instruments of cruelty is are and by the way the word. Is a word that that is spoken about today the word for cruelty there is the word from us from us which means chair and so you know whenever he's a descriptive Hamas group in the Gaza which I'm sure you can hear more about tomorrow but anyway that's the word that's what it means cruelty and tear so Jacob was saying that it's demeaning Levi were violent men now we can just assume a lot we don't know they probably were the ringleaders in the ones you propose before Judas stepped in to just kill just to just kill him they did explains way but why just have singled out Simeon and said put him in prison until you get back we don't know but after Simeon and Levi had murdered the shekel mights Jacob gave them a chance to repent and any any when he told them you've made me to stink among the inhabitants but instead of repenting what they did as we just saw is they justified what they did in that last verse of Genesis 34 Genesis 34313431 when they said should he deal with our sister as with the Harlot. Now as Jake up to sitting here is remembering all that Simeon and Levi had done Chicot now it turns and he talks to himself he actually does this a couple times here he just says this is too rough for me to talk with him I got to talk to myself so he talks to himself in verse 6 when he said Oh my soul that's Jacob talking to his soul oh my soul come not down into their secret into their assembly mind honor be not to United for in their anger they slew a man in their self will they dig down well who are those in Scripture Have you seen someone talk to his soul what can you think of David David what did he say to his soul. Right right an insult 43 funniest as wire down old ice soul and Wired dot disquieted within me and then he talks to so it was hoping God for actually appraised him who is the health of my countenance and my God So when David doesn't have anybody to talk to him he talks to himself and either you think it's funny so he's feeling discouraged he's feeling depressed David as he talks to his soul he says a bond Saul why are you cast down it's time to rise up all man of God. I know they're wonderful day studying the Bible with our Bible teacher time cancer here on friendship with God Don't forget the today's message in previous messages can be listened to and downloaded for free at Friendship with God No argy friendship with God. You can also go online to find free resources from Tom Cantor 802473051. Reach Israel to join Tom cancer for the 2nd Israel restoration ministries Jewish evangelism and training conference in San Diego California February 22nd and 23rd at the Creation in Earth history museum early bird registration only 99 dollars includes You're tuned to am 670 calle t.t. Calmer City Denver k o t t h d and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com state of Israel is bucking a trend that is widespread throughout the rest of the rest of moral what's behind Israel's high fertility rate next on breaking from the polls in the center for Christian worldview Here's John Stonestreet with breakpoint. In addition to things like a high per capita in. Then high levels of literacy one of the defining characteristics of a developed country and least in recent decades is a low fertility rate we've spoken a lot about the demographic crisis facing industrialized countries on break point not a single member of the European Union is having enough children to replace itself right now even with high levels of immigration their populations are on a downward trajectory and the fertility rate in the us is only slightly higher than China even though China had an infamous one child now 2 child policy I guess the command to be fruitful and multiply has been largely forgotten in the developed world along with the God who issued the command but there's a notable exception I'm speaking of Israel the people to whom God's command was 1st issued a recent Wall Street Journal piece by pediatrician Robert Hamilton took notice of Israel's unusually high fertility rate 3 point one burst per woman as opposed to an average of 1.7 and the rest of the developed world now the obvious question is why one answer would be that Israel's numbers are inflated by the ultra-Orthodox Jewish population who are also known as the heredity and Hebrew but that's only part of the story as Hamilton points out the rise in the Israeli birth rate since the late 1990 s. Has been driven by the non her ready population while Orthodox Jewish women average $4.00 births less religious even completely secular Israeli women also have fertility rates well above what demographers call replacement level but just because the very religious and the nonreligious both account for Israel's high fertility rates doesn't mean that religion isn't still a crucial part of the story on the contrary as Hamilton writes The fact that Israel's fertility rates so exceed the rest of the developed world a rise from quote cultural norms sustained by religion has Hamilton puts it Israel treasures children and their high fertility rate reflects a consensus among Israel's communities both secular and religious. Then inform a citizens personal choice and inevitably affect the nation's demography and what does he mean by national consensus to treasure children come from and from Judaism the Talmud says that childhood is a garland of roses someone 27 calls children an inheritance from the Lord one Jewish sage taught that God gave the law to the Israelites for the sake of their children who would guarantee the law would be kept in the future while many Israelis may not still believe these things or even be aware of them these teachings are still deeply embedded in the Jewish culture and have therefore shaped how Jews in Israel even secular ones view children the conceiving of children is a private act but how a culture of use the role of procreation and children within their society is not the communal dimension of sex and families especially important in light of recent Jewish history and which approximately half of the world's Jews were murdered Israel's an outlier among developed nations when it comes to fertility because it's an outlier among developed nations and an even more important sense Israel is a society with a Tell us a purpose for existing in contrast the rest of the developed world including the us lacks any sense of purpose beyond just personal gratification having kids something you get around to not something you build your dog life around does in contrast Israel these countries are owed in favor of course one Jewish state but it a child without parents is an orphan a nation without children is an orphan. For breakpoints I'm Johnson. You're waking up to the mighty sick 70 k. L. D. Denver. Welcome to call to freedom with Barbara Carmen this is Jimmy Leahy and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour you can reach call to freedom at Box 370367 Denver Colorado. 802370 or by going to the Web site at w w w dot freedom Street dot org If you want to leave a message or order a world power daily reading Bible guide or a freedom street express newsletter you can call us toll free add 186-691-7725 extension 6 leave your name and address including your zip code if you want to talk to Barbara right now she is expecting your call you may call that same cold free number 186-691-7725 extension 62 speak to her and now let's join Barbara in the studio and on this beautiful song day in Denver Colorado welcome to called a freedom it was for freedom that Jesus set you free I hope you realize that as a child of the king because of his great love for you God who is rich in mercy made you alive with Christ can you believe that now that's so awesome it is just so awesome it's hard to believe and we probably won't really fully understand it until we get to heaven and today I'm going to be read about reading about the knowing and we're just going to have to learn that for eternity how much Jesus loved you and gave his life for you it's going to take an eternity for you to learn that for you and me to learn that praise God you are blessed to dispense for any and you live and move and have your being and we now have a new justice on the Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh God is so good I'm just every joy sing and celebrating in that wonderful wonderful fact and it was a battle it was horrific it was awful but I believe like with Clarence Thomas so many people say he's always going to be have an asterisk next to his name I don't believe that as soon as it was over and Justice Clarence Thomas got to work with the other justices It was soon for. Gotten and it's almost it was exactly the same vote for Clarence Thomas as it was here for Brett Kavanaugh I believe when he goes to work is going to be the next the next big thing you know the next big crisis some people especially the dam's they go from crisis to crisis to crisis so I'm just grateful I'm rejoicing we now have a new justice and he's going to be in the White House this I think later on today this tonight so thank you for praying for protection for President Trump and Brett Kavanaugh and his family these are challenging times friends and we've got to be praying so very much for our country those who are in charge in the offices that that somehow direct us in our daily walk here in the United States so thank you for continuing to wash your hands tomorrow I'm going to be going over some of the amend amendments and propositions I I'm still mulling over a couple of them but the redistricting measures I'm reading a little bit more did you get a blue booklet in the mail well you take that blue booklet and you try to understand it it's ridiculous it's like it's like a small Sears Roebuck catalog but I do want to go over the judges some of the judges and I'm going to give you some points I've been doing this for the past 12 years as I and I Google who appointed what's his name to the Colorado judges and so when I put in their name then I get who appointed them now it will tell you who appointed that particular judge if you Google who appointed judge so and so and what I want to tell you is vitally important here I want to get cute. To understand that the one is elected Ok one is elected by the people to be president or governor or mayor we elect them Ok but they up. Point judges and that's where it's so crucial because like Mr Obama he stuffed the court system with far left radical judges and we're seeing the awful lot sided result of those appointments today like the judges you know that came against Jack Philips we see that in the federal court system now President Trump has over $300.00 names of judges that he wants to replace in the federal court system and the Dems in the Senate are dragging their feet so pray that God will open the eyes of their spirits to see a way to approve the federal judges that President Trump has nominated for appointment c it's it's our president our governors and our mayors that appoint the judges now for the Colorado Supreme Court Judge Richard l. Gabriel was appointed by Governor Hickenlooper So you know how radical Governor Hickenlooper is so you you know you're going to either vote yes or no Colorado court of appeals judge John down Daniel Daley appointed by Bill Owen now Bill Owen was a Republican governor Judge Rebecca Ranken for a raw appointed by Governor Hickenlooper judge Elizabeth l. Harris appointed by Governor Hickenlooper see all these governors that come into play then they appoint their own judges for their own good Judge David j. Richman appointed by Democratic Governor Bill Ritter and in the section Judicial District Judge Shelley Gilman appointed by Democrat Governor Roy Romer long time ago but there they're still there Judge David Goldberg appointed by Governor Hickenlooper Hickenlooper Hickenlooper and it goes on and on there's only 2 that were appointed by Governor Bill Owens and they are like I said before Judge Daniel De Lay John Daniel Daley and also Catherine a lemon appointed by Governor Bill Owens now there's others here I just I noticed. As I went through the list. Andrea judge Andrea Eddy appointed by Democratic Mayor Michael Hancock judge Adam j. As Spinoza appointed by Governor Hickenlooper a lot of these have been appointed by Governor Hickenlooper and then another one Olympia z. Fate appointed by Democratic Mayor Michael Hancock so you can go through that whole list there's over 20 of them here and you can go over that whole list Google I hope you have online or you can Google because it's so important you just Google who appointed so and so judge in the state of Colorado and they will pop it'll pop right up for yeah it did for me and then for the 12th judicial district which covers Alamosa a country hosts the mineral and so watch counties you can do the same thing who appointed the judge that is in your little blue book I know it's it's kind of a long process I worked yesterday afternoon on it so that you'll find that then when you turn to your ballot sheet and you see all these judges and you say Who are they. Now you will have a an inkling of who appointed them and that's important I really truly believe that's important for you to know so tomorrow we'll go over I hope I helped you a little bit with that with the information and if you'd like a sheet for that call me at the end of the show and give me your address your name and your address and don't give me your phone number just give me your name and address and say I would like a sheet on that. On the propositions and amendments and on the judges and I'll send you the sheets so thank you for that memory verse for this week not last week it was Mark 1123 Truly truly I say unto you whoever says do this mountain be taken up and cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says he's going to happen it shall be granted him now this week it's the next verse and you know the difference because. As Jesus is saying in the 23rd verse of Mark Levin whoever whoever but in the 24th verse he gets really personal he says Therefore I say to you say to you all things for which you pray and ask believe that you have received them and they shall be granted you they shall be manifested into your world sees speaking directly to you today so Mark 1124 for you this week great review I love these 2 verses and those were the 2 verses that canot Hagen stood on when Raymond came into existence and now it's a huge campus huge campus there in Broken Arrow Oklahoma and at Christmas time oh they have over $3000000.00 lights at lighting up that whole campus it's something that the whole city of Tulsa and Broken Arrow come to see are the Christmas lights of rain. So from the book of mysteries by Jonathan Kohn day 362 and the time of knowing k.-n. O.-w. I n g I love the word knowing because it's a personal thing but the night before Derren and I got married he came to my house and he had this wonderful little box and it was from Estee Lauder and it was a bottle of knowing with powder and everything he just he was so romantic and I have been using knowing the perfume knowing all these years and some 20 Let's see 28 years and it's just a wonderful thing to remember but this is a different knowing day 362 the time of knowing I guess Derren did that because he said I know God gave me you I know that God told me that you were going to be my wife from day 362 the time of knowing the teacher led me to the chamber of books and removed from one of the shelves a large ancient looking book in a brown binding look through it he said so I did how long do you think it would take you to learn everything that's in this book in depth in depth maybe 3 months I said. That's if he is a speed reader Oh and what about all the books on this shelf there were many books I did the calculation in my head oh maybe 10 years I replied and how long to learn what's in every volume in this book case I would guess 80 years now look at all the bookcases in this chamber How long do you think it would take you to learn everything that's inside every one of these volumes. Many lifetimes I said I know I have a book shelf in my home and it goes from ceiling to floor and a lot of the books were from when my dad owned the Bible Book House in Greeley and so I have a lot of those wonderful books and I've read through most of them but not all of my got to be honest I haven't read through all of them so when he says many lifetimes I understand what he's saying do you know why God gives us eternity why because the purpose of our existence is to know God And so it must be eternity for eternity is the time it takes to know God this is so good it's just a revelation it's like whoa why didn't I think of that and it's right there you know that it's going to take an eternity to know him but you just really haven't thought about that you hadn't meditated on it until Jonathon Kahn led you to that particular. Passage and here it is so it's going to take an eternity to know God for eternity is the time it takes to know him so never make the mistake of thinking that you know everything there is to know about God It's when you think you know that you stop knowing and you stop growing and if it takes an eternity to know God then how much is a lifetime of knowledge next to how much there is yet to know one eternity I said one infinity it's next to nothing no matter how much you know there will always be more there will always be so much more no matter how much you know him you've only just begun you've only just begun. To praise God you've only just begun and that's how you must always come as one who doesn't know the half of it which will always methe mathematically be the case so you must come as a little child as one who knows there's so much more to know and for whom everything is new Even the apostle Paul who knew more of a. God than anyone else even he wrote that I might know him if he could say that how much more we so never stop seeking Him never stop pressing on to know him and to know more of him and more than that for eternity is the length of time it takes to know him and a lifetime is just the beginning of eternity is that something to think about today it truly is the mission at the bottom of day 362 is since it will take any turn it easy for you to know God There is so much for you to discover seek to know him today as if for the 1st time your savior and your Lord so good Psalm 23 verse 6 is surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever do you know that goodness and mercy are following you there making sure that you're safe you're protected you're not going to be harmed isn't that wonderful it's just such a wonderful thing to think about Psalm 27 verse 4. One thing I have asked from the Lord that I shall seek that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to be hold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in his temple I'm going to say that again one thing that David asked from the Lord and that he sought all his life that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to be hold of beauty of the Lord and to meditate in his temple Psalm 63 sounds a little bit like this it's paraphrased by Barbara but God You are my God earnestly will I seek for you I thirst for you in a dry and barren land where there is no water so I look to you to see your power in your glory your love for me is far better than my life so I will bless you every day as long as I have breath to say you are my God and in the shadow of your Who will I rejoice God You are my God and with your right hand you a polled mate with his right hand he's upholding you today my King of Kings for ever I will praise your name. C soon. Praise God Praise the lord it's is so good to hear Daryn's voice is so wonderful is got the most annoying to voice but hear my King of Kings for ever I will praise your name it's in that for every that Jonathan Kohn was talking about you're going to know him you're going to get to know him and it's going to take any turn a day folks it's going to take an eternity Oh god you are my God Matthew 633 says Seek 1st the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you we've got to see God and not only seek him but his righteousness What does that mean it means that I need to drop off all those old habits all those things that are not going to be doing me any good in heaven hello they won't they won't and I'm going to get rid of them here on Earth before I see God in heaven that's. Right seek 1st the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you we've got to be stewards great stewards of what he has given to us in dealing with the things that have been in the flesh and have been part of that carnal make up that for all those years before we knew Jesus as our Savior and Lord in Matthew 183 and 4 he called a child to himself This is so good I love this he called a child to himself and set him before them and said Truly I say to you unless you are converted and become like children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven whoever then humbles himself as this child he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven I want to read a little portion of what I read in Mark here just a couple days ago in Mark tan the same thing Jesus is is saying they brought children to him that he might touch them and the disciples rebuked them this is in Mark 10 verse 13 but when Jesus saw this he was in didn't it and he said to them did Jesus get mad yes he did Jesus got mad he became indignant and said to them permit the children to come to me do not hinder them because they were trying to keep the children from him just like Bartimaeus you know they were saying Get away get away he doesn't have time for you Bartimaeus and he just kept calling on him lard Lord and she's here and around he had compassion Hallelujah they didn't know they did not know Jesus the one they had traveled with do not hinder them for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these truly I say to you whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it at all it's because Jesus is saying children just find things so exciting and interesting and new and when as we get older we just get kind of old and saw like the rain outside so. Foggy and we just don't want to learn anything new and while I've learned everything I don't need to learn anything Momar I'm just gonna stay at home and retire and lay back and. That is such that is such a slap in the face for God It is he created you to be alive and inner Jadick and doing things for your family and York the people in your church done till the day you die you're supposed to be absolutely able to do all these wonderful things that God has created you to be so he says here truly I say to you whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it and he took them in his arms and began blasting them. Love it he began blessing them laying his hands upon them he was a man who loved to be close to the people that he was ministering to and you know he wasn't up on a high platform in a church somewhere I don't like that kind of stuff going on I remember one church I attended I mean they the platform was called the Blue Mountain it was just so high and the people were you know looking up at them and that we were look and I was in the worship group and we were looking down at them I don't like that situation I think we should all be on the same level I really appreciate the pastors that are on the same level with the people just like Jesus was here he was a hands on kind of of Lord and that's what the people loved as he was setting out on a journey I got to read one more little portion here a man ran up to him and said and knelt before him and began asking him good teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life and Jesus said to him Why do you call me good no one is good except God alone you know why because he was born a man he was born through a woman's womb and all those years since the Garden of Eden there had been sin and as. You are born through the womb of a woman you are a sinful human being although Jesus was not sinful I want to get that straight he did not have any sin in him but he was born through the same channels that every human being is born through and that's why he said Why do you call me good no one is good except God alone you know the commandments do not murder do not commit adultery do not steal do not bear false witness the that means to lie and we've got a lotta lying going on in the United States do not defraud honor your father and mother and he said teacher I have kept all these things from my youth on he was a good religious Jew he was and looking at him Jesus felt a love for him again Jesus coming right from blessing the children bless and loving this young man and said to him one thing you lack go and sell all you possess and give to the poor and you shall have treasure in heaven and calm and follow me come and follow me that's what he's telling you if you're born again common follow me but these words. About at these words his face fell and he went away grieved for he was all one who owned much property see how the property gets into us how the riches get into us how our money gets into us youse so that that becomes our focus that becomes our priority and we would rather choose that than Jesus no I'm sorry and Jesus looking around and says the disciples how hard it is. With those who are wealthy to enter the Kingdom of God So Jesus gospel is Gav and it shall be given to you seek and ye shall find knock on the door shall be open and to you it is better to give than to receive that's what Jesus says He says if you don't give you're not part of the Kingdom of God because that's part of who we are and there's a portion of. People who say who take all the time they sound going to take I'm going to take all that there is I'm going to suck the marrow out of this world you know and I'm here but there are those who know the Lord Jesus who say no I'm just going to continue to give give because I know when I give I'm going to receive back 3600 fold it's a wonderful is a wonderful system glorious system I hope you're part of that I hope I hope you're a giver I hope you're part of giving out into the kingdom of God That's the best way to live well it's been a great day being with you and I'll see you again tomorrow on the show God bless you and take joy. Does encourage me is only is ready on line and 670 k.l. T.t. Dot com. Infusing your morning with the light of God's word your 2 to a m 67 t.t.c. K o t v 8 color city dim and no effort at 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 calle t t v dot com. This is Barbara Carmack with called a freedom heard weekdays at 5 30 am and 1 pm on k l t t I'm grateful to live in our nation where I can still practice my faith freely Please join me now in saluting the United States of America with our national. Anthem.