You're tuned to a m 670 calle t t k l t t h d comer City Denver known at 95 point one and streaming world one at 670 calle t.t. Dugong. Says. There's one thing you need to do in order to have the spiritual authority God wants for to listen to Adrian Rogers. Submission and. Heads and tails of the saying. a boss who is unfair what about a godless official What about an unkind spouse you'll discover there's strength and obedience in submitting as God has instructed even the most difficult of situations welcome to love worth finding featuring the dynamic and biblical teaching of Adrian Rogers if you heard about what Pastor Rogers was working on before he passed away we have a gift for you I think you'll treasure and learn from. More about that in just a few minutes now let's get to the lesson and learn how to succeed in the Christian life by employing the principle of submission this message today is entitled godless government bad bosses and mean mates have any of those in your life look at 1st Peter chapter 2. Now we're studying book of 1st Peter under this general heading timeless truth. Tough time and this specific title of our message today is Godless government bad bosses and mean may. Now Chapter 2 verse 11 Dearly Beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the Soul that is which make a battleground a battlefield of your mind and its war against the soul disobeying the psyche the mind the emotion in the Will having your conversation on us the among the Gentiles that whereof they speak against you as evil doers they may buy your good works which they shall behold glorify God in the day of visitation submits yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake just put a hold right there we're going to read a great deal more scripture let me tell you that in Peter's time it was open season on Christians they were speaking evil of these Christians and they were saying unbelievable things about you can't believe well maybe you can believe because what they say about us today what they were saying about the Christians in Peter's day they work using them for example of cannibalism they said because in the Lord's supper they would talk about eating the body and drinking the blood of the Lord Jesus that they were cannibals They also accuse them of incest because they called their husband or their wife brother and sister. They also accuse them of them Suresh and rebellion because they would not bow down to Caesar and worship c.c. They had all kinds of things they said about these early Christians just as they say Oh. All kinds of things about us now Peter is writing to tale how to muzzle them as a matter of fact. He says in verse 15 that you may put to silence the ignorance of food dish men and that word put to silence means to muzzle like you'd muzzle a yapping dog he's telling us not only out a stop the criticism but he tells us further how to go and when those who are criticizing us and bring them to Jesus Christ he gives us a very powerful weapon and you know what that weapon is are you ready for it and you're going to be amazed when I tell you what this mighty powerful weapon is and this method that not only is going to stop the criticism but convince the gainsayers you know what it is submission you say that doesn't sound very strong to me then it sounds weak to me but you're going to find out it is the mightiest force than God could give to those of us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Now let me show you several verses look in verse 13 submit yourselves to every ordinance of man all the Lord's sake look in verse 18 servants be subject to your masters with all fear there it is again look in chapter 3 verse one likewise the wives be in submission to your own husbands 3 times in just a few short verses God tells us to be submissive and if we don't learn how to do it when not going to have the victory that these early Christians had when it was said of them that they turned the world upside down which really meant they turned it right side up because it was upside down to begin with I heard about a little girl who said to her mother Mother do you remember that heirloom that priceless vase that we all love so much that's been handed down in our family from one generation to another generate. And that is so very very valuable she said yes she said this generation just dropped it. And we can drop it I mean this fate that we had has been handed down from generation to generation and this is the generation now that has it in its hands and we must not fumble the ball we must not drop the priceless heirloom that God has placed into our hands so let me tell you be mighty Inus of meat ness and the stream of submission and God will enable you by submission to do phenomenal things where you are now 1st of all I want to talk to you about the principle of submission what is submission anyway when the Bible says when to submit every ordinance of man when servants sort of be subject to the Masters when wives are being subjects into their own husbands what is submission submission is one equal voluntarily placing himself under another equal that God may be glorified one body and terribly placing himself under another equal that God may be glorified now a person without a spirit of submissiveness is never more like the devil you want to be like the devil at they just have a rebellious spirit you see it was rebellion that made the devil the devil to begin with he rebelled against the authority of God and that's what made him a devil now all Saul in the Old Testament was a Cain and God tool Saul to do thus and such and Saul refused to do it and God's prophet Samuel came to Saul and this is what God's Prophet said to Saul and I want you understand what God said to this rebellious King through his prophet Samuel and 1st Samuel Chapter 15 verse 23 he said this now listen to it are you ready for rebellion. Is as the sin of which cracked. Now why did he say that because dear friend when you have a rebellious spirit you get over in the devil's territory you began as it were to practice the cult when you have a rebellious spirit and as a matter of fact it was not long until all Saul was going to see a witch and he was dabbling in the occult because he already had the spirit of witchcraft in his heart which was the spirit of riparian all Saul was a man after the devil's own heart now David who took over came from Saul was a man after God's own heart because he had a spirit of submissiveness old salt rejected the water below or now Samuel went on to say and 1st same a chapter 15 verse 23 Saul because you have rejected the word of the Lord God has rejected you from being king now you are ready for a great truth when a person gets a rebellious spirit God takes away their authority because you have rejected the one of the Lord. For it has rejected you from being king there is a biblical principle that if you would be over then you must 1st be under and if you refuse to be under you can never be over God only gives authority to those who live in submission and if you don't have a submissive spirit or if you have a rebellious spirit big God is going to take away your thought now let's just turn that around you're never more like the devil than when you're living in rebellion you are never more like Jesus Christ then when you're living in submission it's a matter of fact the Bible says in Philippi and chapter 2 and verse 5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation. And took upon him the form of a servant had been found in passion as a servant he humbled himself and became obedient on today even the death of the cross wherefore John also have highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is more like God the Father now you see. Jesus when he became submissive was exalted. When he became rebellious was demoted what I'm trying to say to you there is a principle to have authority you must know submission. The way up is down the way to authority is submitting to the authority over you it sounds counter-intuitive but you see this perfectly in the life of Jesus you'll hear more about Godless governments bad bosses and mean mates straight ahead on love worth finding this note came to us because of the television program we have the viewer right several months ago my 83 year old aunt who was visiting our home was led to the Lord after watching one of your messages on t.v. And with me praise the Lord as from a viewer in Ohio you know our purpose here on the radio and on television in the Internet is to bring people to Christ and help the mature in the faith through the biblical teaching of Adrian Rogers and you are an important part of that with your gifts to this listener supported ministry if you reach out today with the gift will send a special Thank you Adrian Rogers last written manuscript before he passed away has been edited and brought together by his son Steve it's called when we say Father it takes the Lord's Prayer and breaks it down to its most. Basic components to help you learn how to pray from the Ultimate Source Jesus himself is hardbound book is our gift to un we believe God will use it to mightily encourage your prayer life call with a gift today we'll make sure you get a copy of when we say Father by Adrian Rogers and his son Stevie Here's how to reach us call us at 1877 Love God 187-756-8346 extension 3 or give online it l w f dot org or write with a gift Our address is love worth finding box 38600 Memphis Tennessee 38183 and Canada right p.o. Box 152 Maple Ridge b.c. The 2 x. 7 g. One thank you for your support we really appreciate your part in this ministry remember to ask for the book when we say Father when you get in touch with a gift today you know Jesus met a man who knew about the principle of authority and submission listen as we continue the stirring lesson again here's Adrian Rogers. Remember that man who he was a Centurion he was a Roman army officer and he had a servant who was sick Jesus was own his way to heal the centurion servant and the sin Turia and the Roman army officer sent a message to Jesus and he said this to Jesus you don't even need to come into my house all you have to do is just speak the word in my servant will be healed and then this is the rationale and the argument he gave for that he said for I too am a man said under authority and I say to this man go and he go and I say to this man come and he come. And when Jesus heard that centurion say that Jesus stepped back in marble and he said I haven't seen faith like this in all the house of this rule here was a Gentile who understood more how the kingdom of heaven work than his Jewish compatriots did because what had that man figured out that man understood that there was a system a chain of command and had authority and that the lid Jesus Christ was submitted to authority and therefore the Lord Jesus Christ had authority this man was an Army officer and being a centurion a view how the Army work he was a leader of officers and so he would say to the sergeant go in the sergeant would go he would say to the lieutenant come and the lieutenant would come but I want to ask your question so opposed this interior and slant the general. Then does he say to the sergeant go in the sergeant goes and he says to the lieutenant come in the lieutenant comes no because he's in the guard house right I mean if he lives that long in that day you see this is the only way he could continue to have the authority that he had as an Army officer was to be under the authority that was over him now I want you to learn that he had figured out how the kingdom of heaven works he said Jesus I know that you have authority over this. Disease because you are under the father I to my Ma'am under authority now friend listen do you want to live by authority do you want to party would you like to pray with authority would you like to preach with authority would you like to witness with authority what you like to raise your children with authority what you like to experience power and teeth better Christians ought to have in this world. You'll never have it with a rebellious spirit. Only. When you're under Will you be oh and there are many mothers who don't have authority over the children because they're rebellious to their husbands there are many pastors who do not have authority with their congregations because they're not submitting to the authority of the Word of God and on and on I could give to people who refused to be under and therefore they will never be over now listen if you don't learn any of the truth today I want you to learn this truth are you ready for it. Mission and authority are heads and tails of the same coin. And a real authority flows out of genuine submission. And if you have a rebellious spirit God will never ever give you the authority that you ought to have and there are many people who are not living lives of spiritual authority because they have refused to do what Simon Peter said to do here in just a few short verses be subject be subject be subject there is a principle of submission you say well that would just make me an old weakling that'll just make me a doormat No it won't listen Jesus was the strong one and because Jesus was submitted the Bible says God had given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every nation bow things in heaven things on earth and things under the air and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is and glory to the glory of God the Father in that wonderful Now the 2nd thing I want you to notice not only the principle of submission but I want you to notice the places of submission Now Peter could mention many places but he chooses 3 better very difficult and very hard just to illustrate what he's talking about he talks about 3 tough situations 1st of all he talks about Godless government. Secondly he talks about bad bosses thirdly he talks about mean maids and he tells us in all of these situations where to be in subjection For example look in chapter 2 verse 13 so Mitch yourselves to every order that so man now the word ordinance here does not mean the law as such but it means institution every institution of man for the Lord's sake not for man sake but for the Lord say whether it be to the king as Supreme are under governors as Or on to them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil doers and for the praise of them that do good you say well sure I'm sure you'll be in subjection to a good government like all those wonderful Kings they had back then but we're living in different times today. I want to ask your question Who do you think was the king back there when Peter said those who do you think was the emperor of Baghdad Nero and he was the 1st of the persecuting Caesar's that were to come. And it was while this man was the King it was while this man was the Emperor that Peter said Be Subject be such a. Godless government you see dear friend we need government and even bad government is better than no government you say well I don't want government I just want to do my own thing all right get out here on the way home and just go the wrong way on the expressway and see how long yourself government is going to last Now when we rebel against the civil authorities Paul says in Romans 13 where rebelling against God And Peter says here submit yourself to every ordinance a man for the Lord's sake and not only should we submit outwardly but we should submit and wordly we must not have a spirit of rebellion and I don't care whether you're Democrat or Republican you are to honor your president yes. Well I don't like his politics has nothing to do with it listen to what the Bible says and verses 16 and 17 listen to it we are free man but not using your liberty for cloak of maliciousness don't you let your freedom in Christ make a rebel out of you but as servants of God Now notice 1st 17 honor all man loud the brotherhood that is love your brothers and sisters in Christ feared Ga you don't fear any man feared. But notice this are making. All her liking. You give him that reverence and that respect that is due to the office and if not. You have a spirit of rebellion my friend you will never ever be over on to you are under and that goes with the government but not only when you have a godless government but also bad balls anybody here work for a bad boss you say that slave driver well I see what the Bible has say about that slave driver verse 18 serious be subject to your masters with all fear you say sure got a good boss work hard but I listen what he says service be subject to your masters with all fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the fro world now for a word means a bad ball I mean I mean to lay good devil. And you are to be subject to him as a matter of fact Paul says the book of kolache and you are to work for him as though he were Jesus Christ you say that God that's right you to serve Him you not to be in rebellion against your bad boss but you ought to serve hand you say well I don't understand that he will take advantage of me we're going to show you a little later that when you get in submission to Him He is your way not only to shut up his criticism the criticism those around about you but to bring that man to Jesus Christ because you're practicing the mightiest. On the face of this earth now you are to be subject to a bad boss now when the Bible says servants here is talking about households slaves and that day in Rome there were millions of slaves and the slaves were not necessarily ignorant as a matter of fact a man would have a doctor silly he would have a lawyer so he would have a teacher a slave to teachers children and many of these slaves were learned wise and cultural and many times the master was cruel unfair. But yet. The servant according to the Word of God here was to be subject. To his master the philosophy of Aristotle had come to full last Aristotle said there must be a distinct difference between the master and the slave he said Asli is a tool and that a slave is a living too and a tool is and animate slave and there is no difference between the 2 the difference between a man slave and a man shell is one has life and one doesn't has what Aristotle said and that was believed and practiced in that day and yet you do not find Peter moving out here into some kind of a social movement I gangster slavery as such at this particular point but what he does he is infuses that whole mountain of slavery he's boring holes in it and sticking in gospel dynamite. And after a while. And it's all coming down because here is a new system now and it is a system a powerful thing Betty is making men mighty for Jesus is the meek thought they shall inherit. The such. Not only to the good. But to the bad. To the 4. What a powerful picture of the mightiness of meekness and while Peter is not condoning slavery he is showing how God's power can and always will overcome for he is God's is the ultimate authority Now tomorrow we'll continue this message and you'll hear more about the way we should interact with the godless government bad bosses and mean mates and I hope you can join us then if you'd like to order a cd of this complete Les and use that tied. When you call us at 1877 Love God godless government bad bosses and mean maids or get the complete timeless truths for tough time series Today's lesson is included you receive 16 messages on 8 C.D.'s or on a u.s.b. Flash drive the number again 1877 love God or go to l.w. F. Dot org Well thanks so much for studying and God's Word with us today and thanks to Matt Bryson Gary McWilliams for their work behind the scenes join us tomorrow as we learn more about the power of submission your life and mine right here on love we're funny. And crisp Avery with love worth finding join me for the teaching of Adrian Rogers weekdays at 7 am on your Crawford broadcasting God and country station k l t t e $670.00 am the nation's most powerful Christian Voice World War or old what it's 670 k. L. a T. T. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age d. On am 670 k l t t ecommerce City Denver. Only one thing in life that you can 89772177 compass stuff o r g. Salt and light light on the mighty 670 k. L. D. . The c.d.m.a. Network is pleased to present the Ronald l. Dart and born to Will. Why does God had himself why not come right out and reveal himself to man this is an old question you know if there's something he wants from us why does need just say so well the answer is really quite simple he did right there in your house you have a Bible which contains the testimony of dozens of people down through the ages who have encountered God and lived to tell the story you have to also credit though the stubbornness and the obtuseness of man who really don't want to know I mean God could tell us and we don't want to believe it and that God could show Himself to us and we'd figure out some kind of an explanation for it men may say they would like to see day see God but deep down inside I don't think so and then there's this other side to it the very being of God the existence of life the actions of God in a man in the world create a very complex set of relationships that aren't so very easy to deal with so that's why the bible tries to keep it simple here's what a prophet had to say about this his name was Micah and you'll find this in his 6th chapter verse 8 he has showed you old man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God You know how hard is this God doesn't ask us to climb every mountain for every strain he doesn't require heroic efforts he just requires a good life lived well oh Ok then you want to know what's the rest of all this stuff about while the laws the ceremonies the rules and all these holidays you keep talking about well there are a couple of reasons for one thing the laws Commandments rules and stuff are all given to define justice and mercy right and wrong he said here's what's good Here's what God requires of you to do justly Well how are you going to know what that is unless there's something to explain it to going to lay it out for you oh I know people say well we receive the Holy Spirit it tells you all these things and it yeah I know that's true but when the Holy Spirit comes to tell you all these things it is going to tell you anything new it's not going to be something that isn't already written in the Bible the Holy Spirit is not going to lead you off in some other direction from what God has led man down through history and how on earth is your conscience going to be educated and why should the Holy Spirit tell you something that God told you a long time ago in writing Secondly if you're going to walk humbly with God You have to know where he's going otherwise you may not be walking with him you may be walking with someone else the problem is we human beings are never satisfied we were made with a restless spirit we can walk the simplest way with God but something inside a says hey there's more and we're right there is. And it's in the observance of the holidays of the Bible that we learn about the plan of God We learn where he's going and we learn how we can walk more closely with him in this series of programs I have insisted that these are Christian holidays not just Jewish holidays as they are so often dismissed as and they are the only holidays found in the pages of your bible now I can recall my own surprise many years ago when someone pointed out 2 important things about traditional Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter one neither of them is found in the Bible either instructions or in observance nobody's ever told to do them no one's ever told how to do them and there are no instructions for them 2nd almost everything about Christmas and Easter is of non Christian origin everything about Christmas from the date December 25th to the tree is a pagan origin with one exception the Nativity of Jesus that's the one thing about Christmas which didn't come from paganism everything about Easter from the date to the colored eggs to the rabbits is of pagan origin with one exception the resurrection of Jesus Ok I saw all that. Then came an even bigger surprise these holy days are not in the Bible but there are 7 holidays commanded in the Bible that not only are not pagan but have everything to do with the life the ministry and the work of Jesus Christ one of the greatest losses of the Christian faith is that so many have lost touch with these festivals and no longer see Christ in them even though the early church did keep them and did see Christ in them I've told a story in earlier programmes about how these changes came about. The tough question is how a Christianity that has lost touch with them could ever restore them the resistance is strong and persistent and has hundreds of years of custom and habit built up there was one of the Apostles in a test of his name was Jude who said this beloved when I gave all diligence to write to you of the common salvation it was necessary that I write to you and exhort you that you should earnestly continued for the faith once delivered to the Saints noticed there was a faith that was once delivered and already by the time Jude wrote it was being corrupted he says this for there are certain man crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this calmed in condemnation ungodly him in turning the grace of our God into lies seriousness and denying the only Lord God in our Lord Jesus Christ the faith had already been corrupted by people who have been given the marvelous doctrine of the grace of God went way beyond grace and turned it into license the departure from the faith began in the 1st century and has continued to this day there is among some teachers a rank hostility to the law of God in spite of all the statements in both testaments that the law is holy and just and good there are some who persist in condemning the law at every turn but for those who respect the law of God it still serves as a lamp to their feet and a light to their path so they don't have to stumble in the dark. For me personally the opening up of the festivals of the Bible in a Christian application was like turning on a light in a dark room These festivals are called the appointed times of Jehovah and around them flow the entire history of the people of God from the Israelites to the Jews to the Christians of every race and not only the history of God's people but their future as well because all these biblical festivals are prophetic as well as historic when I come back after this break I'll tell you what these days have come to mean to me this is the last program in a series titled Christian holidays if you would like to have the entire series of 24 programs in an attractive album it's available this month only at a reduced price write to us at Born to Win post office box by 60 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888. Thanks for listening and we look forward to hearing from you soon. I've been observing the biblical festivals the biblical holidays for something like 40 years now but I really can't say that when I 1st started that I understood what they were all about there's no rule I used to follow though called when all else fails do as you're told and since God said do it and since all I had to do to do it was to take a day off work and go to church I thought let's do that it was a simple 1st step because it was our custom to teach the meaning of the days in their season year by year I learned the rich history of God's dealing with his people especially at those pivotal points in their history like the original Passover but once the original groundwork was laid in the history the analogies from that history became more and more obvious and the connections to Christ became more and more obvious that history was not to be ignored Paul warned the current DNS about this. In his 1st letter to them he said Moreover brethren I don't want you to be ignorant how all of our fathers are under the cloud and all passed through the sea he's referring back to the exodus to Israel coming out of Egypt and crossing dry shod across the bottom of the Red Sea We're in chapter 10 of 1st Corinthians and they were all baptized in the Moses in the cloud in the sea and they all ate the same spiritual meat and they all drank the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ Now this may be a surprise to you it was to me at one time but most Christian churches believe that Jesus preexisted his human birth they believe that Jesus Yeah the Jesus that we know from the New Testament was with Israel in the wilderness and so that Paul because he said that Israel drank of Iraq and that rock was Christ but with many of these them God was not well pleased because they died in the wilderness then he says this all these things were our examples to the extent that we should not lust after evil things as they lost lust and were supposed to read these things and learn from them he said Don't be idolatrous like some of them were as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play neither let us commit fornication Paul continues as some of them committed and fell and one day 23000 and let's don't tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed who serpents and Dome are alike some of them are and were destroyed in the destroyer then he says this astonishing thing now all these things happen to them for examples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come wherefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. So I'm appalled when I hear people say they don't think we need the Old Testament a longer one fellow I was chatting with one said these are all the Old Testament is like a road map used to get from Texas to California and when you get to California you don't need the road map any more well Paul didn't see it that way Paul said all these things were written down for our admonitions upon whom the ends of the world are come we're supposed to be admonished by these things so that means to me we do need them they're part of the road map they help us understand where we are and where we've come everything about the history of Israel was written down as an admonition for those people upon whom the ends of the earth have come and guess who that is so from the Old Testament I began to learn what Paul meant when he said Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us he speaks of this in writing to the Corinthians a little earlier in the same letter because the letter was written we learned during the Passover season right at the time of the year whenever they were thinking about these things and Paul wrote to the Corinthians in 1st Corinthians 5 or 7 purge out there for the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us therefore let us keep the feast not where the leaven needed with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth and this is what I mean when I said that I learned from the beginning to do what I was told to keep the feast and as time went on the analogies that grow up out of the observance of these feast began to become more clear to me as they did for Paul as he explained Yeah we keep the feast Christ as our Passover but it's not a question of having just a leaven it's the level of malice and witness we've got to get out of our lives we've got to have the unleavened bread of sincerity untruth. I learned in connection with this what John the Baptist meant when he looked up and saw Jesus coming down to the bank of the Jordan River and said to people around him behold look the Lamb of God. We take that statement for granted looking back through all this time but it must have sounded very strange indeed to the people who heard him say it was do you mean the Lamb of God Well possibly they did understand better than we might have in that they were used to the idea of a lamb being sacrificed and then I learned that at the very moment when the High Priest cut throat of the Lamb in the temple for the Passover at that very moment a Roman soldier was thrusting a spirit of the side of Jesus as He hung nailed to a tree and blood and water came out of his side the connection between the Passover lamb and the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world was in the escape of all Oh sure the Old Testament Passover was an Israelite institution sure it was a historical thing for them but we've gone beyond them now we've gone to the world and even in going to the world we take to them the message of the Passover Lamb. I learned that I was supposed to eat unleavened bread for 7 days after Passover because leaven is a type of sin and as a disciple of Jesus I should live a holy life at 1st it seemed like a strange thing to do and yet one Easter Sunday morning I was in a hotel in Chicago sitting there having brunch and there bounced into the room a 6 foot rabbit figures basket of eggs in his hand they were around giving eggs to all the kids now you tell me is that a strange custom or one why should I feel strange with a custom like eating unleavened bread for 7 days when the rest of the Christian world is doing this normal thing of dressing up like rabbits and giving out eggs to kids and claiming the rabbits lay eggs who's crazy here but the fact is it's not merely a matter of abstaining from leaven is a type of sin I also learned that I am actually to eat unleavened bread during that 7 day period and the connection with the Last Supper is kind of hard to miss remember how Jesus a Paul wrote of this in 1st Corinthians 11 verse 23 he said I have received of the Lord what I delivered to you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and he given thanks he broke it and he said Take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me the eating of unleavened bread for 7 days came immediately to mind to symbolize my need for the bread of life every day of my life and you know there was one little season in Jesus' ministry it was right before the Passover when he revealed himself to people and said I am the bread of life. God gave you your father's manna in the wilderness and ate the manna and they died after a period of time they didn't live forever but I am the bread of life if any man eats of me he will live for ever that's when I came to understand why I needed Jesus Christ in my life every day of my life it was in the observance of these days that I came to understand what happened the Sunday morning after Jesus' resurrection you may recall the event where Mary Magdalen met him and tried to grab him by the feet and he said Don't touch me for I have not ascended to my father yet later in the day same day he allowed himself to be touched I learned that on this day Jesus Christ that at the very moment the High Priest in the temple was presenting the 1st fruits of this year's grain to God Jesus was being presented to the Father in Heaven as the 1st fruits from the grave the 1st human being to be rescued from death and presented to the Father and I learned that Jesus is only the 1st of many to be so presented I learned that the 7 weeks of harvest between the Day of Pentecost and that day in the day of Pentecost pictured the time of harvest in which we now live and I recalled how Jesus told His disciples you're saying that there's still 6 months to harvest I'm telling you the harvest is white and bright now and you need to be busy in it you need to pray that God will send more workers into the harvest because the work is being done right now even as we speak not later and I learned the things to Pentecost picture not only the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh but the time of the presentation of the rest of the 1st fruits to God that's even me. I learned that the Feast of Trumpets in the autumn looks forward to the return of Christ in the day of the Lord when 7 great trumpets are blown and I notice that the last great trumpet that is blown is the time of the resurrection from the dead I learned of the Day of Atonement pictures the reconciliation of man to God and the final disposition of the age old problem of San which stays with us it seems no matter what I learn that the Feast of Tabernacles is a confession that we're strangers and pilgrims in the earth and we look for the kingdom to come that this festival looks forward to the 1000 year reign of Christ on this earth a time of peace a time when Satan is bound and a time when Mimo bit beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into printing hooks and won't learn war anymore a time when the line shall lie down with a kid when a child put his hand on the hole of a cockatrice den and nobody will hurt anybody for a 1000 years and finally I learned that there is a shadowy 8th day at the end of this festival that implies that all is not yet finished there was an ancient man named Job One of the oldest of the Patriarchs in the Bible. In the 14th chapter of job reveal that he understood things that frankly many men for many generations after him never quite grasped he starts off in the 14th chapter by talking about the way of a man man he says that is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble and buoyant that like life he comes forth like a flower and gets cut down he flees like a shadow One minute he's there and he's gone and do you open your eyes upon one like this are you going to bother God to bring me a judgment with you who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean nobody seeing man's days or determine the number of his months or with you you've given us boundaries we can't pass turn from him that he may rest till he shall accomplish like a higher Ling his day he had basically crying out that God would take his hand off of him and just let him rest there's hope of a tree if it's cut down that it will sprout again that the tender branch thereof will seize though the root wax old in the earth and the stock dies in the ground but give it water it will bud and bring forth balance like a plant. Man he put man of the earth in water him nothing is going to happen man dies man wastes away man gives up the ghost and where Izzy as the waters fail from the sea in the flood decays and drives a soul man lies down and doesn't rise again to the heavens be no more not awake to be raised out of their sleep this is the way of things just look at it's what you see around you all the time oh Jove said I was she would hide me in the grave if you would just keep me secret until your wrath has passed over me that you would appoint me a set time and remember me if a man die Shelley live again yes. It's job's answer all the days of my appointed time will I wait until my change come you will call I will answer you he will have a desire to the work of your hands is profoundly encouraging to realize the job one of the very earliest of the patriarchs knew about the resurrection and he understood something very important that it takes some of us a long time to learn and that is that God will not waste the work he has spent with us he will not take us so far down the road in cast of the way he went beings are not biological ways to be incinerated we are made in the image of God and destined to be like Him We are not born to lose we were born to win Think about that I'll be right back for a free cd of this radio program that you can share with friends and others write or call this week only and request the program titled Christian holidays number 24th right to Born to Win Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 or call toll free 1888 Bible 44 and tell us the call letters of this radio station it was in the observance of the last day that great day of the feast of John describes it that I came to understand that God will not waste anyone Oh I'm not a Universalist I believe there are some people who will push got away in spite of everything I believe that there are some people who will know every know what there is to know and who just don't want any part of it that there are some who will ultimately be destroyed. But I believe for those who are willing that God will do whatever it takes to make us in the glorious creatures that are just like him whatever pain and suffering we have to go in this life to get there that's where he's taking us and for some people there may be even another round of this in what the Bible refers to as a 2nd resurrection and poor old job suffered terribly to learn what that means there's no way to understand suffering in this world in the way God allows things to go on unless we understand what God is trying to make of us in biblical terms everything is finished in 7 days the creation was finished in 7 days probably man generation upon the earth is finished in 7 days whatever days are to God 7 is the number of holiness it's the number of completion and here's my question what lies beyond the finish line for why is there an 8th day festival is the only one in the Bible you know all the rest of them are taken and in 7 days well do we get toward the end the Bible in Revelation 21 John is a vision and he sees a new heaven and a new earth he says I saw a new have a new word for the 1st heaven and the 1st earth were passed away and there was no more sea now the implications of this are that if you were able to go on the night sky and look up you would see people are us and Orion and all the familiar stars of the night sky for it's gone you have a new heaven and a new earth where some place else than where the earth were at that time and on something entirely different. And I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared like a bride for her husband and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying look the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes there should be no more death no sorrow nor crying nor any more pain for all the old stuff has passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said Look I make everything new he turned to John he said Write that down for these words are true and faithful and he said it's done I'm Alpha and Omega the Beginning in the end I will give to him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely that means you're going to live forever and he that overcomes shall inherit everything and I will be his God and He will be my people you read what you just read there to him that overcomes not to him the drifts along we're going to have throughout their of our lifetimes here battles that we have to fight and we have to join those battles we have to take hold of them and we have to fight we have to overcome You cannot just let it sweep you along I support the 1st in the last the often Omega says he that overcomes shall inherit all things to the winner belong the spoils the scientists tell us that out there in the universe that we're looking in both directions say some 12000000000 light years. As someone once said What a terrible waste of space unless there's life out there I think there is and I think there will be more all that stuff we enjoy and science fiction from Star Trek The Next Generation and all that ever occur to you someday we may do something like that you don't want to miss out on that do you. Until next time I'm Ronald dart and you were born to win the Born to Win radio program with Ronald Eldard is sponsored by Christian educational ministries and made possible by donations from listeners like you if you can help please send your donation to Born to Win Post Office Box 560 White House Texas 75791 you may call us at 1888 Bible 44 and visit us online at Born to Win dot net this is calle t. T. Commerce City Denver broadcasting in h.d. Digital radio and online at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. The world is becoming so dangerous we can hardly afford to sleep where can you look for answers I'm Ronald tune in for Born to Win every afternoon at 130 Monday through Friday right here on a m 670 k. L.t. You enjoy all of your favorite ministries and informative Christian talk on 670 am but did you know that you can listen to the same great programming on 95 point one f.m. In Thornton North Glen and even up in Firestone and of course you can always listen to a lineup of your favorite Christian talk on line at 670 calle t.t. Dot com anytime anywhere they're just unforgettable drive above the Hudson River in fact the highway just hangs out on Storm King Mountain love that name it's a few miles north of New York City and as you found on the Hudson River you get this incredible view and every time I've been able to catch a glance down there at this view of the Hudson I've been fascinated with this castle it's destroying the middle of the river on an island it's kind of like a Robin Hood type of Castle Well some years ago my wife and I got to take a cruise along the Hudson River and I could take an extended look at that castle went right past it and our tour guide said that's Bannerman Castle Mr Bannerman apparently was an arms dealer from. Any many years and over many decades there are a lot of very interesting stories about people coming and going for weapons all through the wars and all kinds of things and then the 1960 s. There was a large explosion there on the island What about the castle Well I was surprised to learn the truth about that castle I ran a draft and I want a word with you today about hollow on the inside now a word for today from the Word of God comes from Matthew chapter 23 beginning of verse 25 but 1st I have to tell you that Bannerman Castle according to the tour guide though it's very impressive on the outside is now hollow on the inside Ok Now listen to what Jesus says about human betterment castles woe to you teachers of the law and fair seas you hypocrites you clean the outside of the cup and dish but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence blind Fair see 1st clean the inside of the cup and dish then the outside will also be clean whoa to you teachers of the law and fair sees you hypocrites you are like whitewashed tombs which will beautiful on the outside but on the inside of full of dead men's bones and everything unclean in the same way on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy in wickedness Well look at this Jesus says there are people that look great on the outside religious on the outside but they got big problems on the inside this could be you I mean it could be true of a marriage could be true of a church an organization a leader you and me you know we live in a world where image and appearance are everything you don't we work on our fitness and our hair and our wardrobe making good comments making good impressions looking like we have it all together but then maybe there's another you when you're alone when you're thinking honestly can you feel that emptiness inside that hollowness you can explain that but you can't deny it and beneath the image you know the darkness you know the sin you know the struggle it's in there like one young woman said there's a darkness inside me that scares me. Well eventually it's all going to collapse Mickey Mantle said before his death I filled my emptiness with alcohol listen with Jesus and John 812 I am the light of the world whoever follows me will not walk in darkness Jesus is saying look invite me into that inner darkness invite me into that emptiness I can fill it he said later in this chapter in Matthew 23 how often I have longed to gather your children together but you are not willing Jesus says that he has been knocking on the door of your life why don't you give the emptiness and the darkness to the one who already knows all about you who sees past the image who can forgive that sin who can clean out that darkness and who can let you go free from and. Let it bring you not to depression or to the cross of Jesus or he died knowing the sin inside of you in wanting to forgive you and sit you free you need to clean it up not cover it up. Say Lord I need a savior more trusting in me it's all in your hands I'm all in your hands now from this day on Jesus look our website is there for a crossroads moment like this in your life literally a road that goes to the cross I hope you'll go there and see from God's word what you need to know to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ it's a new story dot com a new story Doc. See Jesus builds people from the inside out so open the door of that empty castle and kill it Jesus it will make you strong in sign in finally be done with that. That hollow spine your heart. A world with you is a feature of Rod graph ministries Thanks for listening. This is a m 670 k l t t and k o t t h d Commerce City Denver and now f m at 95 point one and streaming worldwide at 670 k l t t dot com. As always Paul comes up with some choice verses that make us ponder pause and ponder and think all over again about what the meaning of God's good news is and what the grace of God is we have one can a couple of such verses coming up right now so listen and call and Coke here and how it happens thank you very very much for joining me today you're listening to the good news of the gospel the good heart of our God and Father who through his the good heart of his son is redeeming the human race and all of this is communicated to us and supported. By the good heart of the Holy Spirit Also I encourage you to listen to this program every Monday through Friday 10 o'clock in the evening or repeated 4 in the morning on k l t t am 670 in the Denver Colorado area and surrounding states or get it online get it online at Faith Quest Radio dot com faith Quest Radio dot com that is archives were not updated Unfortunately we have a lot of problems with the Yahoo website and so but you will get loads of my archives on faith Quest Radio dot com Also my story is there too and if you want to listen to the broadcast while driving to work or sitting in the park or jogging or something then download the app Sound Cloud dot com and key in faith quest or go directly to Sound Cloud dot com slash faith Quest we're right we're looking them at Romans Chapter 11 and we have come to these 2 verses that I want to . Highlight somewhat today even so then at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace and if by grace. It is no longer of works otherwise grace is no longer grace but if it is of works it is no longer grace other work otherwise work is no longer work. Now remember that Paul has been explaining that that God has not cast off Israel. Certainly not for God has preserved a remnant and that remnant is an indication that God is going to save the whole lump as it implies in verse 16 and also he says in conclusion in verse 26 and so all Israel will be saved and so we are encouraged to know that wherever we see a few.

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