In those words he was thanked all the people there listen you got to understand that's very special to me that person there he is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased again mount of transfiguration Matthew 175 now if you 705 Peter is up there saying well this is really a momentous time if God Jesus and Moses and Elijah I know will make 3 monuments here that's what we'll do he got a present big cloud because and you know understand this person is very special to me the Lord Jesus Christ when of when I Now if you 75 while he yet spake behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the clouds which said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased to hear him do you get the picture how much God the Father is focused on the Lord Jesus Christ he so love him now when when able with killed by Cain we are told that the shot blood of Abel cried out from the ground and the ears of God heard that it says in Genesis $410.00 Genesis 410 he said what it has done he's speaking to King what does doubt done the voice of the i've brother's blood cried unto me from the ground the after Cain killed Abel God said the voice of the of Abel it's not just speaking to me it's yelling to me it's crying to me from the ground now can't you just see God looking and listening to the blood of Abel it's crying to from the ground now again think of this love that God the Father has for God the Son and just imagine God the Father now looking and listening to the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ of God the Son the one who is his daily his delight the one who he wants to be with more than anyone else it's crying to him from the ground of Calvary he can't prevent your God the Father with all of us focus on the blood he's really focused on the body just he just needs really eagle eyed focus of blood because he's delighted in him for all of the journey that's his blood and the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ you know with this crying out it's crying out for gives. Them forgive them I died for them just like he said Father forgive them they know not what they do that's the voice that's come out and the fathers all take it up with the voice of the blood saying forgive them an allergist imagine that as he's all focused on that and then we find ourselves also shoulder to shoulder which is what we're going to do on Good Friday and we do hopefully every day shoulder to shoulder with God Look at the same blood we're just shoulder to shoulder and we can almost like look over there is God the Father He looks over us that's it there's us and then just imagine another voice starts to come out and that voice is coming from a Duggar place and it's listing all of our sins and so God is hearing one voice listing all of our sins everything that we've done against him and got his hearing another voice of the Lord Jesus Christ thing Father forgive him and you know what God the Father does he says God The Father says justify him. As he hears the voice of the blood of the Lord saying forgive him so he says justify him justify him because I'm that's the blood of the one on well pleased with that's how we could understand how God the Father could justify it in spite of our sins it's the voice of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ crying out Father forgive them that's lager than the voice of our cues or because justification is a legal term it comes from God the Father and it can't be reversed is it every time it's given here just because in the Bible in the New Testament in the Greek it's always in a one time tense never a continuous tense there's never a continuing justification it's just it happens once when God raises as his gavel up and comes down with it's a justified that's it it's one time and that's it that's why it's so important verse 9 to see what it means when it says justified by his blood justified by his but you know there's a song that very powerfully shows the power of the blood of the Lord Jesus the I'm in and I want to turn to this Psalm 859 saw maybe 59 such a powerful Psalm here because what it says it says here it's says his salvation Psalm 859 his salvation is not I have them that fear Him that glory made to all in our land mercy and truth are met together righteousness and peace have kissed each other now what does that mean I want you to think now of 2 persons I want you to think of 2 persons here and one was once the Mr mercy and then there is called Mr truth here is mercy here is true and mercy is looking at you mercy is looking at you and mercy as they give him a break let him go let him off the hook don't judge him for his sins that's a mercy saying and truth is also looking at you and truth is saying no way he has broken the laws of God He has got to be. Judge for his sins now Mercy in truth this is such a great conflict where they get angry with each other and they get so angry with each other almost ready to duke it out over this and so when instead you know what happens really goes to that corner of the room truth goes that corner of the room and they turn their back on each other and as they're turned their back on their own each other all you hear is mercy saying you know one corner mercy a saint give me a break in truth a saint given judgment given all the judgment he deserves and there are the 2 corners of the room now I want you to picture 2 more people I want you a picture 2 people 2 more people here they come together this one's called Mr righteousness This one's called Mr Peace and they both are looking at you in your sins and peace is looking at you Mr Peace is looking at you and he says poor guy is tormented with this war with God bring peace to his soul bring peace between him and God But then righteousness is also looking at you and your sins and he's saying no way there's no righteousness in him when he thinks is his righteousness is really filthy rags according to I the 646 so bring it on bring on the full judgement for his own righteousness and again these 2 people are righteousness of peace they're so mad at each other that again they go to these 2 corners and they go to the street corners and and peace over here is and bring peace to his soul bring peace between him and God and over their righteousness is they bring righteous judgment to him he deserves it so here we are we've got used to oppose to people opposed here to people opposed here and all of a sudden there's silence you can't believe your eyes mercy in truth they start off they just turn around from these 2 corners they walk toward each other they get to the middle of the room here and they just sit down and they start laughing and talking with each other you say what happened and that is. Even more amazing is that these 2 pieces over here and righteousness over here they also turn around they start approaching each other they're laughing and they're smiling things get think other when they get here to the middle and you look at then you say look at the sworn enemies of each other turn around and kiss each other how's that happening and you see the reason why because mercy in truth because peace and true are together and righteousness and peace are together and it all has to do with where they met that's the reason why they're all together you know where they met Calvary Calvary you know what they all saw blood blood on the ground blood that was shed that's the power of the blood to justify us that's a picture of how God could do what it says in Romans 3 Romans 324 it says being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God has set forth to be a propitiation a sacrifice through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the sins of the remission of the sins that are past the forbearance of God I get this Romans $326.00 Romans $326.00 to declare I say at this time is right just this that he might be just and the justifier of him which believe in Jesus that's how it could happen that's how those parties all meet together and it's the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that that makes God be just and the justifier of him that leaves in Jesus that's that's how you and I can be saved that's how you and I are saved by the blood so roll is $59.00 when it goes on it says much more then being the being now justified by his blood and it goes on said We shall be saved from wrath through him now that is the that's the WHO's wrath is that that's God's wrath that's God's wrath the sentence of condemnation was reversed. In justification by the blood What a reversal that was we went from condemnation to justification we went from guilty department we went to rejected by God to accepted by God who went from being an enemy of God to being a friend of God That's what the blood does it makes this great reversal reversal the blood of the Lord Jesus he saves it saves us from the wrath of God in this sense in this sense Romans 59 justification is really referring to a deliverance of deliverance from the wrath of God You know we always think that we need to be safe from the world the flesh and the devil and we do we need to be safe from the world around us we need to be saved from our sinful flesh especially we need to be saved from the devil in the Says the Romans $1210.00 this is what the Romans Revelation 1210 Revelation 1210 is what the blood of the Lord Jesus did when it says in Revelation 1210 I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation strengthen kingdom of our God and power for it as Christ for the queues of our present of cast down which accused them before God day and night and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb by the word of their testimony it's great to see the blood of the Lord Jesus overcoming the devil but have you ever thought that there is something even greater than the devil that we need to overcome if the wrath of God is the wrath of God and this is what the blood does for us it overcomes the wrath of God against does much more Romans $59.00 much more then being now justified by his but we shall be saved from wrath through Him Now what comes after that is important in Romans 510 Romans 510 it says For if we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by His life and not only so we also. Joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ so what we see here is reconciled by his death that's good Friday justified by the blood of the Lord Jesus that's good Friday saved by the life that Sunday that's Easter saved by the light and our response joyful joyful twice it says in there much more was so dramatic love very dramatic love but there's one enemy that we have and it stands in the way of us putting our faith in the blood of the Lord and that's described in Romans $44.00 Romans $44.00 says to him that work is is a reward not reckoned of grace but of debt but to him that work with not but believe it on Him The justify the ungodly his faith is kind of righteousness to the only person who can avail themselves of the person who can take advantage of this great blood that does so much is the person to work if not their minds and I was in Ethiopia one time and there was a priest there from France and he was all in robes and everything really looked quite the site but anyway that's where he was in Ethiopia at the Hilton there not as he was in the help and so I went up to him and and and I told him how I came to the Lord Jesus Christ and how excited I was you know to be a child of God you know and he was listening to me and listening as he says yes he said and he says Oh that's great that's good but you must keep the sacraments. Akron's Oh yes you did that the mass and everything else and things like that him that work if not is the one that receives what because a person who works it's all about debt it's all about 10 other words a person who works you what do you work for you work for wages and when you work for wages then when you work then the person you're working for has a debt they have to pay you and that's a picture because of a person who's relying on his works to get to heaven he's expecting that will God's indebted to me now he's got to reward me gotta let me and they have because of my good works that's why it says in Romans 45 Romans 45 that the only one that you read that receives all these benefits from the blood is the one to work of not him that work at not he's not trusting in his works and this is where the religious Jewish people have gone wrong as it says about them in Romans 13 Romans had 3 he said 4 they being ignorant of God's righteousness in other words God's way of righteousness and going about to establish their all right just as have not submitted himself for the righteousness of God Each person in Orthodox Judaism is simply going about to establish their own righteousness and the way out of that trout is to become the person who is described as him that work if not so instead of working it's believing on him that justifies the on God when it says believes on him it doesn't just mean what I believe Jesus lived I believe that he was born of a Virgin Mary I believe that means one and that it means more than that because it says it is today room it says in James 219 James 219 thou believe us that there is one God Oh good God do us well the Devils also believe in Trumbull that puts you right in the category with the devil's perfect. It doesn't mean that it means when the Bible says when the devils believe that it's true and then they get to try to get others to believe it's not true but when it says that we believe on Him It's got that word that Greek word that means into him believe in to him in other words it's believing in to him that justifies the ungodly that's the word that's used in Romans Romans I kick up my mind and start in John 316 John 316 which says God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in to him shall not perish but have everlasting life see this is what it means to believe in to it's this picture of Jake up with them or a deal grip on God in Genesis 32 that's what it means it's the thing it's Jacob saw his need I need a blessing I will let you go unless you bless me this is the our need as dirty rotten sinners clinging to the Lord is to believe in to him it's to to trust in the mercy of God who justifies the ungodly that's really what faith is faith is clinging faith is clinging faith is clinging to the Lord Jesus like Jacob clung to him in Genesis 32 just like what the Rock of Ages him says Rock of Ages him says nothing in my hand I bring simply to die cross I clean naked come to the for dress helpless look to the for Grace foul I to the fountain fly wash me savior or I die they this clinging its clinging what description of God In Romans 45 as he is the one who justifies the ungodly and that person who believes in that his faith is counted as righteousness God's God justifies the ungodly was any God justifies the ungodly the dirty rotten sinner type of ungodly and those who were there were those we see that in the case of John the Baptist they flock to him many were coming and as they were coming they were confessing their sins and their and and nephew $35.00 then went out to him now if you $35.00 Jerusalem all Judea the region about Jordan baptized him and Jordan confessing their sins you mentioned that. By what we did was didn't want to get to cause I don't need to hear them but they were they were just open and confessing their sins he's then he's many of the fairest reasons that he's come to his baptism and he said to them oh generation of vipers who have warned you to flee from the raft to come as a nice welcome. But he said bring forth their 4 fruits me for repentance think not to say within yourselves we have him bring him to our Father I say unto you God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham that wasn't very flattering and now also the axe is laid up for the root of the tree therefore every tree which bring it forth not good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire so here are these people just imagine the scene most of the people are coming there confessing this is they're crying they have a broken heart over their sins they're confessing I'm dirty rotten sinner and then there comes others and they're not crying and they're not confessing and they just want to be baptized along with everybody else but they're not confessing and John the Baptist warns them instead of the wrath of God He says the wrath of God and He gives them a very solemn warning because of a sees right through the means that I know what you're trusting in you're trusting in your birth that you are sons of Abraham but God But but John the Baptist's is that me tell you something God is a gardener and God the gardener has just taken his axe and put an axe mark at the root of your trees at the base of your trees that was an old custom in those days that whenever they had a tree and they didn't get any fruit off of the tree for the season they said Ok I'll give it one more season one more season and then I'm going to chop the street down I'm going to places tree and I'll get one more season and I just do I remember was on the gardener just or a member which tree it was that didn't make any fruit I'm going to put an x. Mark at the base of the tree and that's what they did and so therefore the next season comes around there's no fruit cut the tree gets cut down and that's what God That's what John the Baptist was saying to his people God's and God's a gardener he's in his orchard here you're part of his orchard and you haven't brought forth roots to God you haven't brought forth can. Session you haven't told God your dirty rotten sinister that you can receive His Grace it's what he's put that there he's put that x. Mark there to root at your base what a great term him that justifying the ungodly is a matter of fact if you wanted one short description of the Gospel thats it. If the Gospel justifies the ungodly that pretty much sums it up the gospel of God justifies dirty rotten sinners now Romans $45.00 says to him that work not leave it on him to justify a young godly his faith is counted for righteousness see this is not automatic what it says is faith this kind of for righteousness does the vacation is not automatic it's only for those who put their faith in the blood of the Lord Jesus believing in to him with his total reliance on the blood and God says When a person does that his face is counted for righteousness that's the counting term that's in the county church when Hall was dealing with a person named Filey men about his in his servant on Islamists who had wrong finally human and ran away and so Paul says Look take him back take him back and then he said look I know he's done stuff against you but limit me just ask you Paul says and by the I'm in 1005 even 1000 if he has wrong the if one is of his is wrong the arose the ought put that on my account just put it on my account because what Paul say says put that on my account that's the word that's the same word in other words God says When you put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ I'll put righteousness on your account counted to you for righteousness same work wow what a thing we have here so that we've seen here in Romans 59 is that the blood justifies us and now we can add this to the list of all the things that the blood of the Lord Jesus say we can say Behold the blood the readings us the whole the blood that makes us come here to God Behold the blood that cleanses our souls behold the blood that gives us peace with God Behold the blood that removes our sins and now behold the blood that justifies us that's why the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ is all that heaven asked for that's all that have been asked for and it's all we need is the blood of the Lord Jesus that's prayed. Thank you so much for the blood Lord thank you that you gave the blood Lord Jesus it was your blood just like you said on road in a Leviticus 1711 I've given it to you on the altar you gave it to us on the Cross thank you Lord for your precious blood in Jesus' name. Another wonderful day studying the Bible with our Bible teacher Tom canter here on friendship with God Don't forget the today's message in previous messages can be listened to and downloaded for free that friendship with God does no argy friendship with God God. You can also go online to find free resources from Tom 802473051. Reach Israel join Tom cancer for the 2nd annual Israel restoration ministries Jewish evangelism entraining conference in San Diego California Feb 22nd and 23rd at the Creation in Earth history museum early bird registration only 99 dollars includes a 2 day conference pass meals teaching. Creation Museum and tabernacle admission plus over $150.00 worth of acquitting resources to come here Tom cancer Dr Michael Brown dancer read and more on how we can reach the last in America and Israel on February 22nd and 23rd call 61959911046195991104 or sign up at reach Israel dot com That's reach Israel dot com. What are you doing Sunday nights to join friendship with God radio Bible teacher Tom Cantor of the Friendship with God Fellowship church every Sunday night at 5 30 pm at the Creation inter History Museum in St e. California Watch and listen live around the world to tone counters Sunday evening on youtube dot com by searching for the friendship with God fellowship by going to our home page of friendship with God Doug o.-r. G. . Grew deeper in God's Word with the friendship of God King James Version Study Bible prepared by Tom Tanter this you genuinely skim large print Study Bible features the history of Israel colored a Jewish born again Christian and Bible teacher. Would it be wonderful if we grabbed a Bible and it said these words on the cover here is not my daughter or my son my child here is not in the be great because all the colors are Bible if we remind us the Bible is not just a cold sterile book to us the Bible or the words from my father. His child joined us for. Friendship weekdays at noon here on the. World wide at $670.00. And all over Colorado in digital. Am 670 calle t.t. . This is seeking him with Nancy Demasi while committed you can hire professionals to do just about anything these days fixing your computer to mowing your lawn especially been trained to take motional problems to the experts looking for professionals and pills to solve the problems of soul and spirit. There may be a place for psychologists and if their counsel is rooted in God's word remember the words of James find me among you afflicted let him pray is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray for their confession or faults one to another and pray one for another. James says that when you're hurting you need to let the body of Christ minister Grace ask them to pray with he confessed any sin that might be causing emotional weakness or sickness and start to be accountable to other believers with. I'm Nancy Demasi. I voters dot com my voters dot com my voters dot com No matter how you emphasize that we never stop talking about hi this is Dave let's talk about it one more. Time here on the public square. I do apologize in these major election years we talk about i voters stop your public support what is it it's an online site that's designed to help you do your homework and it's unique because we don't tell you who to vote for and we cover both sides of the story yet from the statehouse to the White House we give you both sides of the argument the candidates speak for themselves we don't speak for them we put up or endorsing organizations left and right and center but we don't endorse that we give you an opportunity in just a few minutes to get some homework done on election so you can go and vote with confidence we don't doubt a minute we don't ask you for your name you simply give your address so you get yourself to the right districts you only have to look at the races that apply to you where you live and then you can go into whatever you want to do it's a true Voter Information Service and it's free but it's not free really it cost millions of dollars to do something like this in every year people around the country actually contribute so that we can do this the site has been basically in production and live online in one fashion or another since 1998 and we've been doing it as I voters dot com for a long time now we hope you'll visit there and feel like you can do your homework no matter where you're coming at the issues from that you can look here and feel safe that you can get information that will help you and we hope that you'll join those who have said this is worth supporting you don't have to pay a dime but we hope you consider contributing something so that more people can be encouraged to be good citizens because that's what our founders were counting on our citizenship this is Dave's not here on the public square it sure helped make sure. That. This is the Crawford broadcasting company devoted to bringing new god and country. If you want to live a life pleasing to God. Here's an important reminder from Adrian Rogers there all the kind of service that is rewarded is the service is just natural it just flows with us today we're going to be talking about the real thing or what it isn't in the Christian life there are people who play the role of a Christian and often they're so convincing they even fool themselves and will hear in the message today that these people may not even be aware of they're in the running for Satan's a can to me award that's the title a very intriguing lesson which takes us further into our spiritual steel for building believers study Let's discover what the Christian life really should be look in Matthew chapter 6 as we continue this challenging message. Now I want to look at this passage of scripture and I want to say 3 things in Matthew chapter 6 1st of all I want you to see what I'm going to call the shameful display of my pocket I Lord takes 3 illustrations I've read them to you number one in the area of our deeds number 2 in the area of our devotion and number 3 in the area of our discipline our deeds alms giving our devotion prayer our discipline fasting and I want you to see how the Lord pointed out the hypoxia say that is so often there Jesus gives a warning he says Take heed that you do not you're almost before men to be seen of them that is your in a theater Otherwise you have no reward of your Father which is in heaven therefore when thou do it do not sound a trumpet before the as the actors the hypocrites do in the Senate dogs and in the streets that they may have the glory of min verily I say unto you they have their reward but when thou do us all must let not by left hand know what the right hand do but by noms be in secret and by Father which see it in secret himself shall reward the open way now Lord here is not saying that we are not to give alms as a matter of fact if you will back up to chapter 5 in verse 42 he says give to him but ask if he and from him that would borrow of the turned out not away and over and over and over again in the Bible were commanded to give to the poor and commended when we do give to the poor and Psalm $41.00 verse one says bless it is he that considers the poor the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble and all of us every day ought to be looking for ways that we can minister to those who are less blessed then we are but what our Lord is talking about here is not what these men did but the manner and the motive in which they did it they did it. To be seen of men it was all a charade. It was all again they were actors trying to get praise of man and glory of man through their giving I Lord is just simply saying don't give to be seen of man don't be so exacting when you give just let it come out of your heart just let it flow out of your heart and God will see it and God will never forget it talks about my pocket and the area of our genes and then he talks about hypoxia in the area of our devotions continue to read verse 5 and when our praises Thou shall not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogue and in the corners of the streets that they may be singing them in verily I say unto you they have their reward but Valois and operated enter into by clause it and when the has shut the door pray to my father which is in secret and my father would see it in secret shall reward the openly but when you pray you is not vain repetitions but it is empty language as the heathen do for they think that they should be heard for their much speaking be not therefore like him to them for your father knows what things you have need of before you ask him now it is not wrong to give in public it is not wrong to pray in public as a matter of fact the Bible encourages us to pray in public or Bible commands us to pray in public and we read some wonderful things about public areas for example in Acts Chapter 4 verse 24 this episode in the life of the Apostles and when they heard that they lifted up their voice to God with one accord that is they were praying together and said Lord our God which hath made heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is we should never be ashamed to pray in public I hope when you go to a restaurant if you are used to thanking God for your food at home that in a public restaurant you thank God for your food you're not ashamed of it but Jesus is not opposed to a public prayer at all what he is opposed to is praying to be seen I'm in now here's the 3rd area that our Lord is talking about not only in our deeds and not only in our devotion. Ns but also in our disciplines look in verse 16 Moreover when you fast be not as the hypocrites of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that is they wear a mask but they may appear to me in the fast. Verily I say to you they have their reward but the hour now fast as annoyed by my head and washed my face but bow may appear not and I'm in the fast but I'm to live Father which is in secret and my father would see it in secret shall reward the openly now fasting is right and proper and there's nothing wrong with a public fast often in the Bible public past work all there's nothing wrong with fasting in letting other people know that you're fasting but you do not fast to be seen of men now what is fasting fasting is doing without food and other pleasures for spiritual reasons now Jesus did not say if you fast but when you fast he expected us to fast but you can fast with the wrong motive. And you can fast with the roll method these Pharisees would disfigure their faces what they would do would put ashes on they would put dirt on their face they would tear their clothes and they would go around with a gloomy look on their face trying to act religious and trying to act humble you don't ever act humble if you act humble you are very proud nobody is to act home but if you act in a way you are an actor they will be naturally going to be normally not posturing we're not posing we're not somehow going through life trying to look holy are trying to act totally We just simply are what we are by the grace of God and our Lord is saying to these people do you in the area of your deeds in the area of your devotions in the area be a discipline it's all an act it's all a charade you're a serial Saints cardboard Christians false prophets wolves in sheep's clothing and that's what our Lord warns against and so you see these a sickening displays of hype ocracy Now I want you to see the sinister danger of hype ocracy in verses 5616. All of these verses our Lord is telling us that people do this to be seen of man therefore hypoxia is rooted in idolatry Now what is the danger of this idolatry will number one it deceives these people who see you if you are a hypocrite are deceived by you if they think you are something that you are not then you have deceived them now that's not the worst thing about it not only does the hypocrite deceive others he deceived himself for example I'm speaking today to some doubtless who are hypocrites I'm speaking to some today who are very faithful to this church who give their money who teach Sunday school maybe their Deacon maybe their staff member but they have been a hypocrite so long that they don't know their hypocrite I mean this is their way of life they have to see themselves and the sad thing is that they deceive others and then you have if they are a religious leader like the Pharisees were you have this terrible tragedy you have the blind leading the blind now Lord said in Matthew chapter 23 verse 13 listen to whoa are you scribes Pharisees hypocrites for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men for you neither go in yourselves neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in and the sad thing about the hypocrite is not only is he going to hell but he's taking others with him verse 14 whoa when do you scribes Pharisees hypocrites for you to of our widows houses and for pretense to make a long prayer therefore you shall receive the greater damnation that's bad enough to go to hell as a pure pagan but the hypocrite is going to have a hotter place in heaven the greater damnation verse 15 woe and do you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you come past sea and land to make one cross a line you know want to proselyte is that's a convert to your religion that is they would go over the hill and dale land. In order to get somebody to join religion and when he has made he make him to fall more child of helping yourself. Those are words that sting aren't they it's a warning a wake up call for all of us and coming up the payment for a hypocrite what they'll receive for all of their play acting I hope you can stay with us 1st Janice in Missouri told us something I want you to hear she said thank you for keeping the legacy of Adrian Rogers alive with these continued broadcasts his teachings are a blessing to millions God bless all of you at love worth finding that's really important to us to get the encouragement of someone who values the teaching that they hear each day it's also a reminder to all of us that we're stewards stewards of our time and talent and money but also stewards of the truth of the Gospel our goal of love worth finding our mission each day is to bring people to Christ and help them a tour in the faith to help you become a fully devoted follower of Jesus that's why we hear the program on this station that's why we are on television and around the world on the Internet will you help us continue that legacy with a gift to love worth finding if you appreciate the clear biblical teaching the unique way Adrian Rogers had of communicating truth will you call us at 1877 Love God 187-756-8346 extension 3 when you do I thank you as a booklet titled this world is not my home if you are a follower of Christ you are a stranger a pilgrim a sojourner in this world let us send you this encouraging booklet is our thank you for your prayerful support you can also give online or addresses L.W.'s dot org Just go to l w f dot org Now the conclusion of Satan's Academy Award once again here's Adrian Rogers. What is wrong with this hypothesis a number one it deceives Number 2 it be frauds look if you will in chapter 6 and the last part of Verse 2 verily I say unto you they have their reward look in the last part of us 5 I say unto you they have their reward with a look if you will in verse 16 verily I say to you they have their reward now the word reward here is a technical word and what it means is payment in full just like somebody does some work for you and they give you a bill and you pay them in the New Right paid in food that's the technical word that used here and what that means is this that if you do this to be seen a man if it's a theater you're an actor you do it and they applaud that is your pay and God writes down paid in full paid in full there is no more reward you get paid here you will not get paid there you are paid in full you see you have defrauded yourself when you get what you want now you will not get what you want then when you stand before the Lord there will be no reward you have been paid in full you have the fraud yourself you have cheated yourself at the Judgment Seat of Christ I am convinced that most of what we will be rewarded for are things that we've forgotten . You know if we remember it if we say look what i did God God will forget it but if we forget it God remembers it in Matthew chapter 25 our Lord talks about the time when he comes to reward as saints and he said I was hungry and you fed me I was naked and you clothed me I was in prison and you visited me Lloyd says and you'll say But Lord when were you hungry when were you thirsty and when were you naked when were you in prison I don't remember this and the Lord will say and as much as you've done it unto the least of one of these you've done it unto me you know the kind of service that is rewarded is the service that's just natural it just flows out we're not aware well I'm doing a good deed no well I'm giving to the poor now now I'm praying now that's all sham that's all I Parker see you just live your life and let it flow out of your heart and let it be real and you won't be keeping a record but I'll guarantee you God keeps a record and not a cup of cold water will be given in the name of a disciple but what a person will receive his reward how how terribly We defraud ourselves but not only does it deceive and not only does it be fraud my dear friend it destroys now you are in Chapter 6 just go to Chapter 7 and look in verse 22 Jesus said he's talking about the same hypocrites listen to it many will say to me on that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in the name so they go be some preachers in this crowd and in the name have cast out devils they're going to be some exorcist in this crowd and in my name have done many wonderful works they're going to be some church workers in this crowd and then will I profess them to them I never knew you depart from me that work in a quickie I pocker see is an equity acting in religion isn't equipped a god hates it God hates it and it will destroy your soul and pale I've told you many times the worst form of badness is human goodness when human goodness is a substitute for the new birth it would be sad enough for the drunkard the harlot the prostitute the things. If the murder of the arsonist to die and go to hell but for someone who sung in the choir to die and go to jail someone who served on a church staff to die and go to jail somebody who sits in the pew who sings their songs who gives their money who goes through all of these things to die and go to hell those are saying Lord Lord when prophesied in my name and I name we cast out devils in the name we did many wonderful works and they did lose their religion they never had it their pseudo Saints cardboard Christians false apostles and I Lord says Be aware take heed that this be not true about you now let me come to the 3rd and final thing very quickly I've talked to you about the shameful display of pipe ocracy given 3 examples I've talked to you about the sinister danger in it deceives it defrauds it destroys Now let me talk to you about the serious design notice how our Lord begins this in chapter 6 verse one where he says take heat do you see that take he many times the hypocrite does not know that he's a hypocrite in order for me to preach this message I had to do some genuine heart searching I had to ask myself Is there some High-Pockets see in me is there a little Pharisee in me and we have some questions I had to ask and I think you have to as. Have I ever failed to obey God because I wondered what other people would think about it have you ever failed to praise God or to do something that you felt you ought to do because you you wonder what others would think. Then my dear friend you are more concerned about men than God Do you ever do service for God and how often do you do service for God that goes undetected that you don't tell anybody about Indeed you really don't want them to know about it let me ask this question. And I had to ask this is my private life. Consistent with my public image and my own private what I profess to be in this pool. And I ask this question. Am I wounded when others get credit for what I do are you wounded when somebody else is given praise and credit for what you did massless question. Have you ever stopped serving are stopped giving are stopped attending because you were not recognized. I've seen many who have I mean they will do something but if you don't recognize them if you don't stroke them if you don't pat them if you don't let them know that you know what they did they quit why do they quit. Because they won't the praise of man more than the praise of God knows is that not in a good enough for God to say well done let me ask this question Have I ever and do I ever accept praise for things I'm not done do I take credit when I know that credit is not there yet so there's a little Pharisee in me and here's the biggest one. Am I defeated and discouraged by the hypocrisy of another it is only the hypocrite who is defeated by hypocrites I know they're hypocrites Jesus knew they were hypocrites one of the 12 apostles was a hypocrite there have been hypocrites there always will be hypocrite but there is no hypocrite. Back and keep me from serving Jesus not tell you why because I know one person who is not one. Me If you're bothered by hypocrites it's because my dear friend you are one because if you have reality in your heart and you know God personally and he is real to you then you know that you know that you know that while there own he is not wrong and you know that you know him and love him and the person who hides behind a hypocrite is a hypocrite as a matter of fact you're worse off than a hypocrite you can't hide behind something unless you're smaller than what you're hiding behind and as a hypocrite between you and God he's closer to God than you are. For since I was on a go go to the church so full of hypocrites when I'm one that's a lie and you know it there are some hypocrites there do you know that every hypocrite my dear friend is a testimony to the Gospel we preach every one of them it is the tribute that this world pays to what we believe why a man don't counterfeit gum wrappers make counterfeit $20.00 bills because of the worthwhileness and the validity of the real every counterfeit Christian is attributed to what we believe and you know that you know that. Some doctors are quiet x. But you go to one when you get sick. Some lawyers are shysters But if you need one you call on him some money is counterfeit. But you don't throw yours away. Some eggs are rotten but you probably one for breakfast not a rotten one if you can help it is see I have to ask myself this question Have I ever been defeated or discouraged because of a hypocrite if I have is because I know that what I have is not real but if I know that what I have is real. Then I can pity the hypocrite I can pray for the hypocrite I can witness to the hypocrite but I never stop serving God because of the hypocrite I know better than that and so do you. So the question we need to ask ourselves today is there is. Is there a little fire see in me. And I've been a plaque and that doesn't mean that you have to be a vicious Wow wicked person. Many play actors don't realize they've been playing a game they're not wicked people vile people they just never have really known the reality to know the Lord do you know him. Are you say. Do you want to be saved you can be let me help you right now to pray to receive Christ as your personal Savior and Lord right where you are I want to invite you to pray a prayer like this Dear God just pray it out of your heart dear God I know that you love me. And I know that you want to save me I confess that I'm a center. My sins deserve judgment I am a sinner. I need to be saved. Jesus. You're the son of God. You paid my sin debt on the cross I believe you paid for my sin with your own blood. I believe that God raised you from the dead. You told me if I would trust you that you would forgive my sin come into my heart and save me. I do trust you. Right now. This moment right now I trust you come into my heart forgive my stand save me Lord Jesus would you pray that prayer. Save me Lord Jesus say right now come into my heart forgive my saying and say you did you ask and. Then by faith this way. Lord Jesus because I'm trusting you. I am say hello. I am say. It's a gift and I receive. And now Lord Jesus because you died for me I will live for you I will not be ashamed of you. And I will make it public what has happened in my heart if you only help me. In your name a man. A man and if you've received Christ God will help you take that 1st step in your new walk with Him We also want to help you by sending materials you can use to continue to grow in your new found faith write to us at love worth finding box 38600 Memphis Tennessee 38183 in Canada write p.o. Box 152 Maple Ridge b.c. V 2 x. 7 g. One just let us know you received Christ and you'd like the new Christian study hopes to rejoice with you and send you these resources as our gift to welcome you into God's family and if you still have questions about what it means to follow Jesus go to our website L.W.'s dot org and click on the Discover Jesus link at the top of the page it's L.W.'s dot org Well if you'd like to hear the complete message which we haven't had time. For today or maybe you want to pass it along to someone else call and order a copy of Satan's Academy Award at 1877 love God or get today's lesson is a part of the Complete Spiritual steel for building believer series You receive 8 dynamic lessons on 4 C.D.'s again to order this series spiritual steel for building believers or just today's message call 1877 love God or go to L.W.'s dot org Well thanks for studying in God's Word with us today and thanks to Matt Bryson Gary McWilliams for their work behind the scenes Monday can an intellectual believe in God Adrian Rogers will answer that question from Scripture as we continue our spiritual steel for building believer series right here on the last word fire. I'm Chris Favre he would love worth finding join me for the teaching of Adrian Rogers weekdays at 7 am on your Crawford broadcasting God and country station k l t t $670.00 am your tune to am 670 k l t t comer City Denver k l t t h d and streaming worldwide at 670 k l t t dot com This is news politics and commentary with Hugo Well thankfully Hurricane Florence downgraded quite a bit in its intensity by time it actually finally made landfall in the United States and the Carolinas are a lot of people nervous that this was going to be a major catastrophic hurricane in Wa hurricanes are still serious and there's a lot of concerns about flooding as well this weekend the bottom line is that the hurricane is much less intense that it was believed to be early on and so that's a really good sign and I would say we need to keep praying for the people down there especially as they deal with all of the rain in the flooding and such but you know that has not stopped the media and the anti Trump crowd from do an air. Everything they can to try to turn this into some kind of Hurricane Katrina Donald Trump's The Washington Post actually this week ran an absurd story saying that Donald Trump was complicit their words complicit in Hurricane Florence you want to know why because Donald Trump has not been on the global warming bandwagon because Trump told us out of the Paris climate accord because he has rolled back some of the unnecessary and over the top regulations of Barack Obama's If you think about of folks were talking about taking us back to what the regulations were in the beginning of Obama's term in the middle of Obama's term a lot of Obama's regulations that were unnecessary on businesses regarding carbon emissions didn't come until late in his presidency so Trump rolling some of those back is not suddenly turning us into some dangerous country we're bringing about hurricanes think about how absurd of an argument that is if you look at major hurricanes I want to remind everybody we had a 10 years spread the just ended a couple of years ago where for 10 years we did not have one major hurricane make landfall in the United States major hurricanes category 3 or above and you know we have never gone 10 years without a major hurricane hitting the u.s. Since record keeping began in 851 yet these global warming alarmists warned us 12 years ago we were going to see a record number and record intensity of hurricanes. But if you're going to blame President Trump for Hurricane Florence My question is why don't we go ahead and look at the hurricanes that have hit the Carolinas or for that matter hit this country since we started record keeping back in 851 and you know what you find out the biggest number of power for hurricanes hitting the United States on a regular basis happened during the presidents he's of Are You Ready Grover Cleveland Rutherford b. Hayes and William Howard Taft So were they complicit in the much larger and much more frequent and much more intense hurricanes that hit during their presidencies than Hurricane Florence during president trumps that was downgraded anyway Washington Post you guys have out to be ashamed of yourself so much of the media is embarrassing themselves and they're bending over backwards to do everything they can to try to make Trump look bad at all costs. To go to news politics and government there is a public affairs presentation of Grover broadcast to go play this to this day should be the views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the proper broadcasting company its affiliates ownership or live in. Fort Morgan is listening to the mighty $670.00 k. L.t.-gen from here it's $50000.00 what $678.00 Cale each one of our programs teaches biblical principles from a variety of godly perspectives rather than the cookie cutter approach where many of the programs sound the same we provide a variety of biblically sound teaching styles and personalities plan your day around k l t t. Second Corinthians 1st 3 states Praise be to God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort zones in any.

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