A lot of incredibly discerning questions about God's word and specifically the Book of Revelation and Dave is going to get to as many of your questions as he possibly can and that's coming up. And remember if you have a question for David you can e-mail that to info at David hocking dot org And for the latest updates on what's happening here at home for today including David's speaking schedule head over to David hocking dot org And David wanted to get us started with a special word about today's program. Folks one of the blessings we have is once home mother we bring you a question and answer program and by the way your questions are outstanding. These we've all summarized there from the Book of Revelation and some are really good and we're excited about it and hope that our ad servers will be helpful to you and we're looking forward to you. Wanting to know the Bible the whole Bible have nothing but the Bible Let's get started. Jim services with me David good to be with you yeah collection of questions we're going to capture a lot of questions here and can occur some territory by this 1st one. They listener says I've heard that you have taught the Rapture is in the Book of Revelation my pastor said that was wishful thinking. Can you explain I want to be your Cuny programs yes I'd be happy to in your pastor better not be foolishly talking Revelation 3 verse 10 to the church at Philadelphia he said because I was kept the word of my patients I also will keep the from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth Now folks this needs to be translated directly from the Greek language and not tell you why some people think that the statement here is just. A protection of God's people during the time of tribulation that's not true when it says I'll keep the From he's not talking about protection from it the word is AK which in Agree proposition is out of in other words he's talking about remove all from the hour of temptation and the definite article the is in front of the word hour and in front of the word temptation is not just any old temptation it's the one in the Book of Revelation the tribulation and according to this verse. We who are believers in our Bless of the Lord are going to be removed from enduring anything in that tribulation period that's pretty strong evidence folks that the Rapture is taught in the book or revelation not counting the fact that in chapter 2 in 3 of the church a so to speak there are 7 churches as classic examples of problems and in chapter 4 right after he finishes that it says After this I looked and behold a door was open in heaven and the 1st voice I heard was as it were a trumpet talking with me would said Come up hither and I'll show the that things which must be here after so once again it looks like John will not experience any of the tribulation period we have a lot of reasons but this will get you started and if they want to dismiss study they can a course consult your website excellent resources for you yes David the next question a do you believe that the 7 Spirits mentioned in the Book of Revelation refers to the Holy Spirit from Isaiah Chapter 11 I know a lot of men do know I don't for several reasons 1st I think it's very clear that the 7 Spirits are the 7 angels in the Book of Revelation it is not a reference to the Holy Spirit now people go to Isaiah leaven to prove that. And is talking about the spirit of the Lord coming upon him but there are not 7 Kerry tourist takes there there are only 6 in the Hebrew there are 3 couplets of 2 each so once again. A little better understanding of the original language against us into a lot of trouble yes indeed if you have a question for David by the way you can send that to us via our website David hocking dot org information on how you can send a message to David a question to David and we also appreciate notes of encouragement for David and the team as well Dave The next question what does Revelation mean when it quotes issue as saying Behold I come quickly after all it's been almost 2000 years and he still has not Richard the statement does not refer to his coming within the 2000 year period it's talking about when he comes at the end of that and we have both the Rapture as well as his revelation coming to the earth to set up His Kingdom and in fact it's talking about how quickly he will come and do it all it's not going to drag on I will come quickly means I'm going to come faster than you can even think. In a moment there's really no I. Meant. It could happen today could that boy hurt sure could let's let's let it happen Lord David could you explain briefly the outline of the Book of Revelation as you teach it yes I would be happy to do so after an interjection in chapter one we have 1st of all the Lord of the churches that's chapter 2 and 3 then from Chapter 4 all away the 19. We have the lion over the nations which speaks of our Messiah in chapter 5 and the 3rd section is Chapter 20 wanted $22.00 he's the lamb among the redeemed that's a Lord of the churches lyin over the nations and the lamb among the redeemed. Dave this is a question we have seen before but it is an important one it comes up in time to time who do you believe are the 24 elders in the Book of Revelation Well I appreciate the question and I have written on it extensively and have given the answers that people need to hear 1st they cannot be Angels chapter 7 separates them from all the angels Secondly they cannot be Israel is Israel's on earth during that time so who in the world are they they are not angels they are not anyone else in heaven except this group 24 elders around the throne of God Now people ask me well does 24 stand for 2 sets of 12 like 12 apostles and 12 tribes of Israel no it does not don't divide a number unless the Bible does does the Bible teach that the number 24 represents something yes it does in the Old Testament it represents not only the priests and their divisions $24.00 of them but it represents also all the musicians both instrumentalist and vocalists so. It would seem logical to me that the word elder which is used of the leaders of local churches by the Apostle Paul very clear if there's 24 then 24 is a number of completion it represents the total body of the church in heaven during the tribulation if you're interested in this we have a booklet on the rapture and it goes into detail about it and you can find more information on that course on our website David hocking dot org idea for the next question did the wrath of God Only Come on earth at the 7 by Also judgment Well I never thought this but I do know Bridger's who do well that's because of Chapter 16 in Revelation which deals with the 7 the last play and here's what we read in verse one I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the 7 angels go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth that's where they get it so the 7 last place to them as the only issue of the wrath of God then they use 1st thus alone eons 5 or God says you're not appointed to wrath but to obtain salvation so they said it isn't on the Rapture It's just that the last 7 plagues we will escape Well nice try but once again not being careful. We get into trouble in Revelation Chapter 6 and the opening of the seal judgments for the tribulation I read this earth 17 for the great day of His wrath is come and who shall be able to stand of course no one so the wrath of God is not just referring to the last 7 plagues of the bowls of Wrath no the rest of God is dealing with a total tribulation period hope that helps you if this question starts like this what is your proof that revelation 59 through 10 is referring to the 24 elders singing a song every temptation about themselves by bible seems to indicate they are singing about those who will believe in the Lord during the tribulation that's a very thoughtful question because that's the major reason why people yet messed up in chapter 5 verse 9 and 10 folks as deals with manuscript evidence and it is dealing with the pronoun their is it us or is it them has he redeemed us to God. Angels or not redeemed and has he made us under God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth as pretty strong folks well here's the proof there are only $24.00 known fragments of Revelation 59 and 10 in the world today 24 and out of those 24 manuscripts 23 of them read us not them or those while. I had a pastor who follows a translation the does read those he said Are you sure I said well why trust me why not look it up yourself it's an easy job you can find out for yourself and as a matter of fact you don't even have to rely on Chapter 5 verse stand because in chapter one of Revelation verse 6 it says he has made us kings and priests and to God and his father to whom be glory and dominion forever and ever and did you know Jim it's the exact words in Greek of chapter 5 verse 10 as well know this question the only manuscript is Codex Alexander ionise very spirit has indeed so please folks be careful it's a 24 elders who sing a song of redemption when I read Chapter 5 I like to think I'm there while I'm going to be wow yes. Again folks if you have a question for David you can find out how you can send that to David David Hawking dot org We don't answer every question we can't possibly do that but we get to his means we can and it would be just wonderful to hear from you as well something and we do try to summarize the question so there's a general theme sure and the yelping folks have the same same questions the next question David do the cries of the martyrs in Revelation Chapter 6 imply that such communication is carried on by those believers who have died in the past that is a very good question oh I don't recall a specific it seems like we've had it before but this is a little different well let me read it Revelation 6 verse 9. To 11 it says when Ian opened the 5th seal the opening seal judgments I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held and they cried with a loud voice saying How long oh lord wholly untrue does down not judging avenge our blood on them that dwell in the are white robes were given until every one of them and it was shattering to them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brother and that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled and the answer to your very fine question is it up Piers that when we get to heaven 1st of all we're not just gas or a spirit floating around no folks we have apparently a temporary body that waits for the resurrection and that body has white robes on it you don't put white robes on gas or vapors Ok and they're communicating they're talking with the Lord How long oh Lord until you you know revenge Err I think it's very interesting here's the problem folks that is created by this question Does that mean that my loved ones who have died in new the Lord are they able to talk to me the answer's no. But they can communicate they are in heaven talking with the lower the men Amen and the next we'll hear back to the Book of Revelation David the 144000 hand the listener asked Are they 144000 Jewish people of Revelation 7 the way in which the Lord will bring a great Gentile multitude to faith in Christ during the tribulation I think that's a wonderful question it takes some time to polish out of the text but I believe that the 2 witnesses which I think are Moses and Elijah. I believe that they are instrumental in bringing that remnant of 144000 Jews to the Lord and it appears according to Chapter 14 that these 144000 Jewish believers are going to take the everlasting Gospel to all nations on the earth I think that's pretty excited he meant something the so yes yes you know we believe they will. Do this next question goes to Revelation 12 the listener ask who is the woman closed with the son in Revelation 12 well I didn't put all from this person's letter. But I'll tell you here on the radio the woman has a Catholic background attends Catholic church likes to ask her priest many questions about the Bible and he argued the typical Catholic view that the woman clothed with the sun is the Catholic Church very interesting and in chapter 12 we got a problem with that what is it. Well what's. Happening here is that a woman is clothed with the sun and the moon and her feet and on her head as a crown of 12 stars well then the Catholic Church raises huge argue about this being the 12 Apostles and that they are you know standing themselves via vote every year and all that anyway no that is not true. This is referring to the dream of Jos of Genesis 37 to 39 The woman is Israel folks don't ever forget that David you firmly believe that God still has a heart for his role don't share Oh absolutely that's a bit of an understatement but folks if you want more on that topic or any of the questions that David has dress today now go to our website again David Hawking we are also mentioned the bestselling book already our last book on Revelation has 576 pages in a hardback and people told me including prophecy teachers that it's the best they've ever read the Bible says live another man prays you're not the words of your own mouth they are not trying to score any points with any people but apparently from all my friends this is one of the best books that have been written on the Book of Revelation yet again David Hockney dot org for information on that and other great resource David that we haven't mentioned today at the least at this point you know I haven't mentioned it each of te connect every week I get that in my inbox as that's right it focuses on Israel and what's going on there but always something about your way we have a lot more readers now of age 50 connect that we do the newsletter the monthly newsletter which is also good as well they are the monthly newsletter and you can receive that by mail in the mission on our website David Hawking dot org David this next question is Who are 3 why is the woman seated on the beast called Babylon the Great because she is Babylon the Great. I know a lot of people who get all mixed up because. Catholic doctrine through this section is not easy to follow Babylon the Great is where it started and the woman who was propagating. Immoral behavior all over the world was the wife of Nimrod mentioned in the Bible in Genesis. Nimrod was the 1st guy who built the empire of baseball or Babylon and his wife's name was Samir a mess there's a lot of history about this woman and she was terribly immoral James was just awful Well according to a chapter $1718.00 a revelation this woman whoever she be. Has influenced all the nations of the world seduce them and it's just remarkable that it's still in existence clear to the end of the tribulation period Wow. This this is been a very serious issue now to help you folks I have a book you can get it from home for today called Babylon it's history and prophecies and believe me that will be an eye opener to you and help you with this question yes indeed Dave The next question here is the anti-Christ the head of the 10 nation confederacy mentioned in Revelation 17 you know most of our listeners ask very interesting questions shows a lot of study. And it's possible Ok because we do read that. The beach talking about the end of Christ is connected with the 10 nation confederacy in Revelation Chapter 17. And they will make war with the Lamb of God So I think your question is yes appears to be the way he's coming to power Yeah well folks we're out of time here I think living but thanks for your questions and thanks for your prayers for this ministry that means so much today will and that is it ever start with I pray for us every day if you can there and your financial support is also very helpful particularly in the summer months a man a man indeed and I'm going to tell you how you can send your donation our way in just a moment real quick though I want to remind you that today is the final day to order the whatever happened to morality package as our special offer for the month of August at our special monthly prices just today today is the final day and the whatever happened to morality package comes with 8 audio messages on either cd or m p 3 disc it's your choice along with the sermon notes on the messages and 2 D.V.D.'s of David teaching this amazing series that means you can watch the series with your kids or maybe even share it with your church Bible study class Now normally this package would cost you $90.00 but order at this month and that means today is the final day on m p 3 disc and you'll pay just $25.00 the traditional cd album version of the package is going for $40.00 Remember to include shipping in those prices and if you're in California there's taxes Well again these discounted prices are going away after today so get your order in as soon as possible and you can do that at David hocking dot org Or when you call 1875 bible that's 187524253 in Canada it's 188875 Bible and by the way those are also ways that you can make a donation to this ministry again head over to David hockey dot org or call us at 1875 bible and in Canada it's 188875. Buyable You can also mail in your donation to us if you like you can send that to hope for today box 3927 Tustin California 92781 in Canada it box 15011 r.p.o. Sevenoaks Abbotsford b.c. V 2 s. 8 p. One and remember your purrs are always important to us and let us know how we can pray for you to send your e-mail to info David talking. To him will join you next week when they be back in our exodus series head into David's encouraging message God has a plan and they will hear the important message that David's titled Don't make excuses can be something here for all of us right here on Hope for Today. And you want to be with us on Monday when Pastor David Hockney returns with more of his study in the Book of Exodus From Hope for Today here on the nation's most powerful Cruise divorce the modest 670 Cayle t.t. But these question and answer broadcasts are always good ones and it's great of the ministry to do that that year your question answered If not then contact the ministry today at 875 bible and Dylan for next month and get a copy of the broadcast today and send a donation here at the end of August again that number 875 bible c m on line a David Hawking daughter or j. Will get a glimpse into heavenly praise as we stay tuned for in touch with Dr Charles Stanley that's up ahead for you here on the body 67 day. The return of the Jews to Please tell them you listen to the body 670 k. Old. Thanks for listening it's time for today's edition of the public square from the American Policy Roundtable and we share with Dave's an audience Dr Jeff Sanders alongside here today as well when Debbie and I were talking the other day about remember when we 1st started this broadcast back in 1907 when it actually came out of a dream we said we would be sit around one day all of us in this room and we'd be talking about the things that matter most to our country and people be listening in and you know what it's here we are here. And we touch on so many subjects and try to help people in so many different ways and one of our own panelist Dr Jeff Sanders is doing that not just on the radio but he's out there in the real world of business and families and communities and and he visits many places teaching and writing for us at the at the public square on the question of self-defense and how to protect yourself in a very violent era Jeff with all the things that you do in life why would you get involved in this as well as I was growing up I was always picked on I did have an older brother but I was picked on by a number of bullies and so I've put together an anti bullying program I call it bully Busters And I also have a grace martial arts v b.s. Program and this is for kids age 8 to 12 but as a pastor I have. I've had to counsel a number of women and girls who have been abused or molested and I said I've got to do something about this more than just the counseling aspects of also put together a program for girls for ladies aged 13 and up my oldest student ever was 73 my youngest is 13 and I teach women how to defend themselves I'll go to wherever the Church of the corporation as well and we're also getting this information in writing which is helpful because sometimes you want to read some things and try to get the details so you can visit Jeff's blog at a.p. Roundtable dot org It is free of charge and provided as a service to the nation Jeff thanks for doing this we really appreciate it and again it's found online an a.p. Roundtable dot au large. Salt and light light on the mighty 670 k. L. D. . God it is a big trend Sinden up above and beyond this earth there's not anything on this earth that can touch all to the cause of the position of the person of the Godhead and at the same time this same God who is beyond the touch of the reach of man were it not but Jesus Christ that same God is personally involved and interested in your life and my life and we are not to see him as some old grandfather sitting up in heaven who sometimes his affray as he is the celebrant of this universe untouchable by man the Bible says there is a crystal sea before him. When people think about heaven they often focus on angels streets of gold or other spectacular details all the while forgetting that the main focus of Heaven is our spectacular God today on in touch with Dr Charles Stanley will wrap up our series on praise with a reminder of how worthy the Lord is the power worship Stay with us now for a glimpse of heavenly praise. One of the primary reasons that we spend so little time praising the Lord for some people never praise the Lord is because of very an adequate understanding of who he is and somehow we forget that he is a majestic holy right just God and even when we talk about him being a holy God somehow it doesn't quite register with us that there's some things that God has separated himself from some things that God will not tolerate and when the Bible says Holy holy holy is the Lord God of host than that's exactly what it means when you think about who is this God when you and I begin to understand who he is the great this and the power in the mind and the whole in this of God You and I will begin to understand how to worship him so the title of this message is this a glimpse of heaven literary this and I want you to turn if you will to the Book of Revelation and if you will begin with me in chapter 4 and what I want us to do is to see who is this God whom you and I serve who is this God about whom we sing and to whom we sing these praises Chapter 4 verse one he says I look after God had taken him there and behold a door standing open in heaven and the 1st voice which I heard like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me said Come up here and I will show you what must take place after these things now so what is going to see is something that God is going to show him no person has ever seen so what does he see he says immediately I was in the spirit and the whole of throne was standing in heaven this is the throne of Almighty God and one sitting upon the throne that's God. And what I want you to notice here is that as he looked upon God what did he see he did not see a person in a human physical body it like you and I think in terms of Jesus Christ but he says and he who was sitting on this throne was like a Jasper stone which would be crystal clear like a diamond and a Saudi a stone in appearance that is red like a ruby and there was a rainbow around the throne not many colored rainbow like you not think of like an emerald in appearance which would have been green and so what do we have here he says 1st of all this God who was sitting on the stone and all of his radiance and majesty and brilliance and light as he looked upon the throne of God What did he see he sees the radiance he sees the majesty he sees the whole of this he sees God's redemptive love for mankind and so therefore when we try to bring God down to some created b. We'll never be able to do that if we worship him as we should the Scripture says then he says and around the throne where $24.00 Thrones and upon the thrones us all $24.00 elders sitting close. In white garments and golden crowns on their heads the Bible says and from the throne proceed flashes of lightning and sounds and peels of thunder where it says that God's judgment is about to be released this is not a judgment throne of grace and mercy and kindness and love and goodness but something awesome is about to happen and so when John looks upon this throne and sees all of these elders gathered around and their white robes in their crowns and then he begins to hear these peels of thunder and the lightning begins to flash and the Bible says there were 7 lamps of fire burning before the throne which of the 7 Spirits of God. Now 7 is the number indicating completeness and more than likely it may represent to symbolize the Holy Spirit and before the throne there was as it were a sea of glass like Crystal and in the center and around the throne full living creatures full of eyes in front and behind then he says in verse 8 and the 4 living creatures each one of them having 6 wings and full of lies around and within and day and night what do they do they cease not to say Holy holy holy is the Lord God the almighty one who was and who is and who is to come that is their responsibility all their work around the throne of God is on ceasing praise to God. They ceased not to say Hold it hold it hold it is the Lord God the Almighty who was and who is and who is the come why did God the Father give John this revelation in order to impress upon the mind of John the Beloved that God is Listen God is a being transcendent above and beyond this earth there's not anything on this or that can touch alter the course of the position of the person of the Godhead and at the same time this same God who is beyond the touch in the reach of man were it not for Jesus Christ that same God is personally involved and interested in your life and my life and we are not to see him as some old grandfather sitting up in heaven who is about had sick and who sometimes hears our prayers he is the sovereign of this universe untouchable by man the Bible says there is a crystal sea before him and the only way you and I can reach a God such as this who is the God is through the person of Jesus Christ and think about this the Bible says that what John saw he saw a true experience of worship he saw everything in heaven Ballingall down to the Lord God worthy our Lord and God to do one to receive glory and all the other and power for that is create all things and because of the will they existed and were created Now if you want to learn to praise the Lord and in your prayer time and your only own personal private worship and praise just turn the chapter 4 and if you don't know anything else to say just get on your knees and cry out to God Holy holy holy are you Lord God Almighty who was and who is and who is the come I praise your name Lord God then you might want to have done the verse 11 Lord I thank you that you are worthy. Worthy God worthy Lord to receive glory and honor and power for that is create all things in because of the will they existed and were created this and if those who know him best those created beings who live forever surrounding the throne of God those 24 elders representing the body of Christ if they date and night praise him and reiterate again and again again worship and honor and glory and praise worthy of the Holy holy holy is the Lord God of host Listen the only reason they repeat that day and night without even because that pleases and on as God and if it did not please unama him it wouldn't be in the Bible because remember that John has been called up to the throne of God for God to show him who is this God whom you serve John who is this God whom you serve and what are they doing but saying Holy holy holy is the Lord God of hose and when you and I with our lips proclaim His Holiness and his righteousness His Majesty his power that he's the creator he's the savior he's a lord he's alive he's our sustainer he is Our sufficiency we are complete in him when you and I are telling that back to him What are we doing we are praising God that on his him but glorifies him and his sweet sounds of the ears of Almighty God . Now there's a time to be reverent there is silence in heaven but there's also a lot of sound and that sound is the sound of worship and praise and on are being given to Almighty God then the Bible says something very interesting chapter 5 John says and then I saw on the right hand of Him who sat on the throne that is in the hand of God a book written inside and on the back sealed up of the 7 seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice that as you go through the Book of Revelation most things in the Book of Revelation aloud everything from the angel shouting to the judgment of God Listen and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice asking this question who is worthy to open the book in the break in sales and no one in heaven or only earth on the earth was able to open the book or to look into it and it may have been when that Angel shouted that out and asked the question there was dead silence in heaven for those moments not a person not an angel no one listens he says no one worthy to open the book. And verse forces in John says I begin to weep greatly because no one was found where that opened the book or to look into it and one of the elders said to me Stop weeping the whole the lesson of this I love this the lion that is from the tribe of Judah the root of David has overcome so as to open the book and its 7 seals one of these elders said John stop crying there is one who is worthy to open the book and that one is the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David he is known although then and the Scripture says verse 6 and I saw between the throne with the full living creatures and the elders the lamb standing as it were slain having 7 home runs and 7 eyes which of the 7 Spirits of God sent out and all the earth and then he says in verse 7 and he came that is this one he came and he took it out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Now why could he do it and of course you don't know who that is why could he take it out of the right hand of Almighty God Jesus Christ the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world could take this sealed book written the Bible says on the inside and on the back not even an angel in heaven nobody could open the book when the angel shouted out that question everything was dead silent because nobody could answer nobody was worthy to take the book but this one the slain lamb of God takes the book Why is it that he can take the book because Jesus Christ the Son of God all fit his life as a sacrificial lamb on the cross of Calvary and paid the sin debt of the world in full and God Almighty made him and him alone worthy to open the book of the seals of the judgment of God upon this earth and the Bible says that he comes and he takes this book out of the hand of Almighty God Now look. And when he had taken the book the 4 living creatures and the $24.00 elders Faile down before the lamb having each one a harp and golden bowls full of incense which of the prayers of the saints that is when the Lord Jesus Christ the slain lamb of God who it is sent in the father sitting in the vial this right hand when he walks over and takes the book out of the Father's hand the Bible says the 24 Ellis fell on their face and what they began to do something listen while all this was going on somebody's been writing a brand new song and have a listen and they sang a new song had never been sung before Listen they sang a new song saying world they are to take the book and to break it seals for bow was slain and did purchase for God with by blood men from every single trial been telling and people a nation and that has made them to be a kingdom and priest the route to God and they will reign upon the earth why is it that the Lord Jesus Christ was the only one who could take the book they answer the question and they began the song by saying in worthy out bowed to take the book to break it seals why because he that is the lamb was slain and in his death he purchased by his blood you know redemption Mon and the Bible says that out of every tribe in every nation there will be those who receive Jesus Christ as their personal savior and one of these days will be in heaven he says then in verse 11 and I looked and heard the voice of many N.G.O.s around the throne and living creatures and the elders in the number of them was myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands and listed what are all of these angels in heaven say they going to be saying with a loud voice Worthy is the lamb to do was to receive power and riches and wisdom and my aid and on are and glory and blessing and every created thing which is in heaven look at that every created thing which is that heaven that sort of thing but God the Father God the Son got the spirit every created thing that is in heaven and on the earth and all of the earth and on the sea. And all things in them are herd saying what to him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and on earth and glory and dominion for ever and ever and the full living creatures kept saying amen and they all of us fell down and worship. Now why do I go through these 2 chapters of the scripture with this simple to say this we need to get our understanding of God of the level that God wants it to be that God is the transcendent beyond this whole earth of ours he is the sovereign of the universe he is your creator and mine and he deserves and is worthy of the praise that is due him. Here's the transcendent god of all of the universe hard and mighty beyond the reach of man except to the person of Jesus Christ and yet this same transcendent omnipotent omniscient omnipresent God sitting upon his throne this is he heard your prayer last night he loves you he's loving you for giving you cleansing you sanctifying you using you in His service whatever you may be doing that same hold a transcendent God knows every single thing about us and he's loving us just the way we are understanding our failures understanding our weaknesses and loving us just the same Does he not deserve all the praise and the worship on the we can give him. That so we came in does he or does he not bad he deserves the praise and the honor that is due him heaven for eternity is going to be a heavenly indescribable full completely contented blissful condition of serving and worshipping and praising God forever with those in the because God will have met them all in the person of Jesus Christ now you know next time you get out in the dumps what you need to do is to get out the book of the Revelation and read Chapter 4 and 5 and you'll get out of the dumps when you start thinking about who is this God who lives on the inside of you know think about this. It is that God above and beyond all of this universe whose sin is only big gotten Son Jesus Christ the down for your sins and my sins it is that same God who sent the Holy Spirit to live on the inside of you and me today it is that same God to whom the Holy Spirit now sins and offers our prayers and sins their prayers the glory it is this same God personally interested in you and me does not that evoke from us pray once you know him you can't keep quiet about God Once you know that the land that was slain before the foundation the world is your only hope of everlasting life and forgiveness. I'm here to tell you nobody can keep you quiet about Jesus and if they can't something's wrong on the inside here. And so chapter 4 Chapter 5 of the book of the Revelation then what happens when Jesus Christ took that book the Bible says Chapter 6 verse one of us all when the lamb broke one of the 7 seals and I heard one of the 4 living creatures saying is where the voice of thunder come he says and I looked and behold a white horse and he who set on it had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer and what happens beginning in chapter 6 God's all mighty Sargon wrath and judgment comes upon the earth in chapter 6 there 19 and what we see is the wrath of God sparing nothing coming upon this earth judging mankind. But thank God all of us who are saints are not going to be here. I didn't say that you and I couldn't go through some tribulation trials and heartaches but not through the Great Tribulation and my friend that indeed in itself should evoke worship and praise and honor and glory to Him Now I will just challenge you to take this 4th and 5th chapters of the book of the Revelation get on your knees by yourself to God and take these same courses look at this the 3 choruses in this 5th chapter beginning in verse non get on your knees before God and just say to him world they are about to take the book and to break it seals for that was slain and did purchase for God with men from every tribe and tongue and people a nation and that has made them to be a kingdom in praise through our God and they will rain upon the earth saying with a loud voice in verse 12 Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power in riches and wisdom in mind in our lingo and blessing listen when you and I get a glimpse of who God is we're going to praise him and the better we understand and the more we're going to have to say to him about him and what happens what happens is this you will find yourself asking for less praising more. You'll find yourself seeking less of man's approval and wanting to praise the living God Something happens when people learn to praise God you say but now I'm not a Christian and these 2 chapters really don't mean too much to me not having been saved you can fix that right now and here's how you do it by friend when you recognize that you've sinned against the almighty God and you need the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior and you're willing to accept his death and calories full payment for your sins and you willing to say to him Lord Jesus I confess my sins I know that I've sinned against you I believe that you died for my sins I receive you here and now as my personal Savior my lord in my life God will save you this very moment the Holy Spirit will seal use the child of God and forever and ever and ever you'll be one of his and one of these days we'll see you in heaven and then all the rest of us who are saved we need to learn to praise him listen when we learn to praise God Now don't as he do something in us but the very radiance and the countenance of Christ will begin to be reflected in our own countenance and in our own lives in such a fashion there will be a magnetism about your life that your friends or even your enemies won't understand but they'll see something about you they cannot understand but something about you that is mystifying and maybe a little questioning in their own heart the one of these days they'll say you know I notice there's a difference and you what happened and then you have the wonderful opportunity of introducing them to your best friend Jesus Christ the Son of God the risen Lord the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world in order that you and I may have redemption forgiveness sanctification. And hope for eternity that is the promise of God for every single believer and that can be your promise right now. Thanks for listening to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley. Today's program closed by directing us to the recipient of our praise God alone the better we understand Him the more our lives will reflect his glory. To learn more about who God is and how you can worship him and all you say Do log on to In Touch. And if you go to the bookstore page you can order a copy of Dr Stanley's complete message a glimpse of heavenly praise it's also available as part of his power of praise teachings and again that's in touch Dato our g or call 1800 in touch if you prefer to write our address is in touch post office box 7900 Atlanta Georgia 30357. Does Scripture inspire you does it energize you it sure has had that effect on Dr Stanley You'll hear his story coming up in today's moment with Charles Stanley becoming more like Jesus every day and reflecting his glory it's a lifelong adventure to receive We shall be like him no free book but from Dr Charles Stanley visit in touch dot o.-r. G.'s slash free the In Touch messenger lab is a family of solar powered audio devices containing biblical content and sermons from Dr Charles Stanley distributed for flu around the world to learn more call 1800 get in touch Have you ever forgotten something got you when you were reading the Bible when we take note of what God reveals to us it helps us to apply it to our lives with the Charles s. Daily life principles journal you can keep track of your spiritual journey and be transformed by God's troops this year and features artwork. Dr Stanley's 30 life principles lined pages for writing a prayer journaling section and more to order call 1800 in touch or go to In Touch . Do you feel rejuvenated by the Word of God here about the power of Scripture for believers in a moment with Charles to him. I was reading a fashion script and all of a sudden it's just like it just came pouring in the muscle feeding my soul just nourishing my heart and I I think about I felt like what I feel when I drink I'm a big milk shakes every morning and I put enough stuff in it in a jazz in a body and so when I get through immediately feel energized and feel good I'm down then leaving and opening a script isn't reading this passage and thinking that's what you don't the me you must souls get me a phrase my souls get inspired my souls get motivated when the Spirit of God illumines and minds and hearts and gives his understanding whatever we get inspired that was we get motivated to do what we want to apply it to our heart and we apply it to our life something happens that is the work of the Holy Spirit. That is the work of God. The Holy Spirit lives within anyone who has accepted God's gift of forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ learn more about the Christian life when you visit us at In Touch or Gene. Would you like to review today's message you can replay it at our website you can also stream previous programs or download Podcasts find us online at In Touch or Gene. It's tough to wait but it's not wise to move forward without God's direction next week Dr Stanley explains the basics of waiting on God's time and I hope you can join us Monday for in touch with Dr Charles Stanley. Program is a presentation of In Touch minister. Gov to Georgia and remains on station through the grace of God and your people proves you. Home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word calle t.t. Commerce City down in crystal clear h.d. Radio and on the web at 670 k. O. T. T. Dot com. It's not good for man or woman to be alone in a new Canadian study confirms that stay tuned to break point from the Colston center for Christian worldview Here's Eric Metaxas with breakpoint. What makes people happy I mean really happy many of us believe will be over the moon if we get a good education find a great job and make lots of money but a recent study found that what really makes us happy is membership within a tight knit community one that includes regular church attendance which is exactly how Scripture tells us we ought to live happiness researchers at Canada's McGill University and the Vancouver school of economics recently interviewed 400000 Canadians they found that people who are members of strong communities typically in rural areas are 8 times happier than people who live in cities factors in greater happiness include shorter commutes which means more time with family residents pay much less for housing than city dwellers who pay 30 percent or more of their income on a place to live something that can cause real stress while people who live in densely populated areas may interact with more people those interactions tend to be shallower city dwellers also tend to have less contact with friends and family and feel less safe which probably makes it harder to reach out to neighbors and that can be dangerous social isolation can literally change the brain flooding it with a chemical that fuels fear and aggression notes the Daily Mail By contrast people in rural areas say they feel a stronger sense of connection with their neighbors they tend to be less transients and more likely to attend church clearly small towns and rural areas are more conducive than cities to forming strong social bonds right. Christopher Ingram of the Washington Post this isn't the only study that found that a strong sense of community makes for greater happiness for instance the Danish people spend a great deal of time with family and friends which is likely why they are among the happiest people on earth despite awful weather and super high taxes a strong sense of community doesn't just lead to happiness it also brings down the crime rate Chuck Colson once wrote that an extensive study found only one reliable predictor of crime rates in a community whether it had or lacked a strong sense of community values and a willingness to impose those values on public space what researchers called Community Cohesion crime Chuck noted was low in neighborhoods where people felt free to discipline neighborhood kids caught skipping school or scrawling graffiti on walls this need for close community echoes the community enjoyed by God Father Son and Holy Spirit and in the book of Acts we read of how closely the new Christians lived in communities sharing everything with one another strengthening one another's faith and keeping each other accountable what doesn't make for greater happiness living in a richer community filled with highly educated people if you like me live in a city there are still plenty of ways to become part of a tight knit community the most important thing is to become active in a good church join the choir or bring meals to the sick you can join a small group and should or get together once a week for meals with fellow Christians or join an outreach ministry what else can you do move near a Christian school send your kids there and get to know the other families and yes this is a big thing think about moving to a Christian community within your city finally be countercultural try to get to know your neighbors we don't need to let where we live dictate our level of happiness but we do need to know why our rural neighbors are 8 times happier than city dwellers it's because they've mastered the art of creating and maintaining strong and caring communities just as God intended Now before I leave you today if you don't know that Canadian pro-life apologist Stephanie gray. You need to come to breakpoint dot org slash free to download a free copy of a chapter from her outstanding book Love unleashes life for breakpoint this is Eric Metaxas. Manitou Springs is listening to the mighty $670.00 scene. With Karen Sanders and Bob. Bob and I discuss the current events and how do pertain to end time prophecy and the Sunni turn of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Listen every Sunday at 1 pm here on 670 am. Infusing your morning with the light of God's word or 2 to a m 6 a. K o t g 8 color should be done in no.