Commentary and respectful debate showing the truth of our faith as Christians really does then the test is a good thing so sit back and enjoy defending the truth with Bob to go on today's program the modern Episcopal Church is embrace the culture around us and has become extremely tolerant and accepting of the secular world but how and why did this change happen and what can we do to stop it Bob interviews William Murchison a possible church member and author of the book opposed to pale aeons and the crisis of mainline Christianity later in the hour Bob and author Charles Chris Morrow to talk about deception in the body of Christ but 1st Bob and William urges in take an insider's look at the negative changes that have happened within the Episcopal Church on defending the truth with Bob Duke Oh. It's always painful I think to. To look at other brothers and sisters in Christ or denominations within the Christian church and call them on the carpet for certain beliefs or teachings that are becoming borderline heretical and I've been very honest with you folks over some of my concerns about the church officially. And in some of the directions that they seem to have gone in some of their teachings we have of course the ordination of the openly gay bishop Gene Robinson. You have of course Katharine Jefferts Schori in her 2006 interview with Time magazine in essence saying Jesus is not really the only way to be saved what's going on with your own church and not just get the Episcopal Church but mainline Christianity itself William urges and his nationally syndicated columnist is a commentator on the Episcopal Church and he's author of the book Mortal follies opposed to pale years in the crisis of mainline christianity and he joins me now Mr merge some Thanks for being with us today thank you my pleasure thank you now you are still a practicing member of the Episcopal Church right well yes I. Have been now for over 30 years and despite all the problems of the church I have remained where that people sometimes ask me Are you are you still in a prisoner play in and I sometimes reply yes very still but but but nonetheless it's at a place that for all the problems that it that it faces are capable of great Holderness and I'm strong Christian but Short Well it's got to be very heartbreaking for you when you see things like what I mentioned in the introduction the Gene Robinson thing the Katherine Shepherd Jefferts Schori interview with Time magazine in 06 and as an Episcopalian what what goes through your head when you see an experience things like that within your nomination Oh I durst not for one thing and it's a particular account of a bad spirits that successor baited by the fact that companions have always put themselves. First and I suppose a certain amount of vanity is as president of this but they but they always. Put themselves on a little level. To be. And respected and they have been many ways provided for a stronger sample to do other Christians for example the Book of Common Prayer has . Given over the centuries very familiar phrases to other Christian denominations but many of the prayers that we have entered in other denominations came from the Book of Common Prayer the 1st call church does things very well. And and also has maintained a very high level of belief and spirituality a source of bursting through to be brought to this level where where people like what's the matter with you what's how could you people. I'm not entirely sure how we could do it. And I'm wrestling with it partly in the pages of the book Mortal fall is sure well let's you know I mention Katharine Jefferts Schori before and I just I think about her interview with Time magazine and one of the questions she was asked in 2006 was quote is belief in Jesus the only way to get to heaven and her answer was quote we who practice the Christian tradition understand him as our vehicle to the define divine but for us to assume that God could not act in other ways I think is to put God in an awfully small box and so here's what I'm curious about I don't mean this in a in a negative or Jordan way I'm just genuinely curious does there come a point when if the presiding bishop of an entire denomination now takes the position officially that Jesus is not really the only way to heaven. Does there come a point when the entire To nomination itself has become heretical and you have to say much like my. Armin's and Jehovah's Witnesses the individuals themselves may have a hard for God But they're following a teaching that is not a biblically sound teaching doesn't come a point to say the individuals within the Episcopal Church have a genuine hard for the Lord but they're now following the teachings of a denomination that has gone astray Well what kind of there's no question about that and were tainted also bad and that much of the the general convention of the church which meets every 3 years and elected Katherine Jefferts Schori the last time around and and they do other things that are brass and put us to the test but. The thing about the Episcopal Church that's difficult to understand unless you're inside it and sometimes even when you're inside it is that there's there really is very peculiar authority structure that does not bank and eventual congregations at that call parishes or administrative units called down stages to to the beliefs and the actions and the craziness as of the national church so called that there really is not a national church that's that's the that's the odd thing about it. Church is a collection of Das cases all over the country is a collection of bishops and it's Bishop has a collection of parishes undergoing there really is no national church structure that lays down. General law or for the for the for the church they they they make changes in the book of Count prayer they they're all thrashed to do that and they did 20 odd years ago they authorized the ordination of women to the to the priesthood but which I think was a mistake some 30 odd years ago but they. None the less Don't don't have continuing authority at the terraces exercise considerable authority this is the kind of subsidiarity. We we can to do what we want to but danger is that. The dashes come out of the control at the leadership level. Of people who are in sympathy with the National Office of the fiscal church which is at New York City to change 2nd Avenue and they implement their Zhorzh and designs that or consonant with what they're trying to do at the National Church noble but butt out I will tell you that the DAs of Dallas for example the 2 which I belong with which aren't affiliated it's very wholesome very very sound and solid and it's played led by a very sound and solid vision of James and Stanton and we frankly keep the faith and live the play and and carry on as there is as if there were no Katharine Jefferts Schori It's an odd thing and I know it's hard to understand but I don't understand what you're saying I just know to say no and hang on hang on just a moment we'll pick it up from there just kind of that's more with William urge since the book again folks is mortal follies next more insights into what has happened to the modern opposable church in 2 minutes on defending the truth with Bob to go shoulder to shoulder we stand this is the mighty $670.00 k. L. T. . Listening to the mighty 67 Denver now more of Bob's conversation with a possible troop member and author William Murchison on defending the truth with Bob juco continuing our discussion with William Murchison he is author of the book Mortal follies talking about the appears on Church and the crisis of mainline Christianity really that's just the Episcopal Church but others as well the. You seem to be sliding farther and farther away from biblical truth and when you're talking about the structure of the Episcopal Church and how it's not really a top down hierarchy governmental structure of it's firm but fairly loose giving a lot of authority to the individual diocese what happens if you do have a diocese and a local diocese bishop who takes a position against the official position of the Episcopal Church and what if you have a diocese says we are not going to ordain homosexuals we are not going to perform homosexual marriages and we are going to outright rebuke and refute the positions of Katherine Jefferts Schori I mean when they get into any kind of trouble at all or how is there any discipline structure at all that exists well there's not much and in fact what you said is already being done there are bishops and asses and in the United States and if there's one church that they have specifically and explicitly said that they do not buy into this. Katherine Jefferts Schori agenda that they're not going to are doing practicing homosexuals and that they're not going to push for same sex marriages and that sort of thing so it's already happening and there really is no disciplinary authority Yes and this might be the only worrisome part of it every day as this has and there's a national requirement every every diocese has a bishop for terrible 72 years a successor must be confirmed by Jordi. Other bishops of the church therefore other bishops of the church get a better of control over who we elect as bishop and if. They are truly determined to. To punish a dash Yes they could try to reject the at the choice of an Orthodox bishop hasn't happened so far we can go a little bit close with the DAs of South Carolina. It was not. The choice of South Carolina for an Orthodox bishop was not repeat the ated but there were a lot of negative votes against him and can this be can this be turned around do you think in that space be put back in the tube and the Episcopal Church once again reclaim orthodoxy in its doctrine about think so and I think it is it doesn't necessarily have to happen I'd like to think it's not physical pain it would be advantageous to the Lord for it to happen I don't like to put it that way but I think we've done a lot of good things and I would have about I would like to say yes preserved for future generations to this but the thing but yes whether or not the physical church endures. Is up to as Exxon's essential needs 2 parties it's up to the Lord and it's up to individual Episcopalians to take things in their own hands there are 2 things that we are out to do in an intentional concentrated way that we really have not done. First of all we have the conservatives abd the theological conservatives that will put it that way within the church need to fight back that not this not just by resolutions at a general convention and expressions of concern and unhappiness with what the national church does but but that firm assertions. In every form that they can possibly think of from the pulpit to the publishing house to to affirm Orthodox the Elegy orthodox teaching to show why. God has has. Given himself the revelation of Himself in a particular way and we're going where we're obligated to. Save it and that white that's that that's the theological that will that we really haven't seriously gauged and 2nd of all and I think this is the most important thing of all is that we we need to engage and I and a very concentrated and and deliberate form with prayer. I think Baden turned a this is we sometimes resist. We Because we're we're very proud of who we are in our tween things are nails and and are good manners and so on and so forth we we don't engage the power of prayer and I see this changing as a matter of fact does and that and I'll tell you one thing happening real quickly in the DAs of Dallas. The. Anglican Consultative Council a body from the whole Anglican Communion around the world $77000000000.00 Anglicans is their representatives are meeting in just a few days to to consider the adoption of a covenant a document stating the the basic traditional beliefs of Anglicanism and Christianity that they want to recommend to the entire communion for assent and and formal agreement with it and now there is resistance to this movement within the Katharine Jefferts Schori faction of the things which are to Katharine Jefferts Schori isn't always an even talk about that right now we need a lot of time to study this we need several committees to to study it we need to think about it. And but what we need to do. Is to acknowledge that the a pickle church is being asked to assent only 2 propositions that it's always been late and laymen and priest across that they are Das's are now coming together in formal prayer. For the deliberations of the Anglican Consultative Council they are they're being asked. To pray that God will it be with respect as actor has picked so to council that this is a wonderful group that is that is a hang on just what was spent the last few minutes together next one more with William Murchison author of the book Mortal follies and his companions in the crisis of mainline Christianity it's from encounter books a turnaround happened to bring the opposable church back to solid orthodox teaching that and more in 2 minutes on defending the truth with Bob Do Co The enemies of liberty I know you're out there and that you're afraid of for a double us I'm here to remind America of where we began and where we are now and where we're heading if things don't change I am those dreaded conservatives Hello America busying David Lee striding conservative How do you know Trump is feeling the heat from last week's news regarding Michael Cohen in ball man avert he fires up his base with a round of tweets where he feeds them the same old tired mucky weaker dictates every time he needs a distraction to keep them from focusing on the truth one of drums favorite distractions is his unimaginative claim of fake news whenever news coverage is unflattering of the emperor with no clothes yesterday tribes fake news b.-o. Targeted Google for showing quote only the viewing and reporting of fake news media and quote he went on to say quote In other words they have it rigged for me and others so that almost all stories in news is bad fake c.n.n. Is prominent Republicans and conservatives and fair media is shut out illegal and quote in another tweet trying to get up a notch saying quote Goolwa and others are suppressing voices of conservatives and hiding information in news that is good they are controlling what we can and cannot see this is a very serious situation will be addressed and quote. Illegal will be addressed this isn't an empty threat Trump's economic adviser Larry Kudlow said in an interview yesterday that the administration is quote taking a look and quote at the possibility of regulating Google searches since January of this year Trump has threatened to expand libel laws in order to sue news outlets for writing bad things about him he's promoted the concept of state run media and he's media credentials for news outlets that report negative stories about Google is just the next step if you'd like to let us know what you think they did starting Conservative dot com. Now Bob and William urges and finish their look at why the church has changed and what needs to be done to correct it here's Bob spending the last few minutes with William Murchison a nationally syndicated columnist commenter on the fiscal Church author of the book moral follies of his failures in the crisis of mainline Christianity now William when I asked you Do you believe that this can be turned around Can the Episcopal Church get back to its more or orthodox biblical doctrines and truths and you said yes absolutely and you cited some very positive things that are taking place more dioceses focusing on prayer and such which is certainly good are the numbers there for a turnaround I mean I wonder about the percentages is this just a a vocal minority that bottom line is outnumbered by the majority that want the Episcopal Church to take a more theologically liberal direction or what's happening with the numbers I'm not sure numbers better that most of the Lord I don't know that. Could change anybody's hard numbers do matter to the votes of the general but they do and you're right about that not I'll tell you one thing that's that's embarrassing about the Episcopal Church but it's also very encouraging from our standpoint and then fact that we are a rapidly aging the nomination this is to say the people who. Or the problem or going to own our own encounters with the Lord of one candidate quality of the or the other and. The databases that are that are growing or reaching out to the younger people I asked a wonderful breed of young priest coming and we have we've got a great young priest that our parish raised up from from town to it and he has gone through the I'll just go at Duke University he has to be ordained and I dashed this for work in our parish which is one of the largest an Episcopal church within just a month or so and there there is a very very impressive quotient of young energy and faith and and these these parishes that that they were intending to remain true and I see more and more of this young it's hard we don't have the numbers right now but but the Lord will deal with that those it's like like when the Lords showed the lodge of the the Giants all all around the city where even surrounded there though those who are with us are going those who are against us and I know for a fact that laws were always going to be done whether it's done in the context of the Episcopal Church or not he will prevail what are your what are your thoughts on the split that's currently taking place in the Episcopal Church in a group of more conservative traditional to skip aliens and said you know we just got a break and I mean is He'd say this but is a splits what's necessary to can a separate Maybe the way from the chaff and then his heritage the the ones who have split beliefs are I have serious doubts about that. Most of them many of them are friends of that. Don't know about work with a different level. And in the church and I'm sorry to see them go I wish they'd stayed and fought and helped but they chose to go and I think that that it has not been entirely dowdy Terry from their standpoint because for one thing they have now become the subject of lawsuits the national church for over property out years the word of barristers several times in this interview Bob and I have to use it again it's embarrassing to watch Christians to each other and litigated each other and kiss fan court against each other and over property and over money but that's been one of the consequences of the sessions I'm not saying that the secessionist composed the national church jumped on them like a duck on agenda to get that property back but but there were no laws here just prior to the session I think also it's hard to build a constituency outside your your own boat when when your name is not known to the general public via the 1st word named. Venerable historic names people know what they say they've sometimes laugh at it now but but it's a don't even work with better than. Well and we have just less than a couple minutes left very quickly I do want to make sure to stress this is not just an opposable church problem I know you know this way and this is this is spreading like a disease like a cancer for the Body of Christ where more and more people are rewriting Christianity rewriting the Gospels turning the pages of the Bible in the pages of Swiss cheese cutting out the parts they don't like and there is a form of idolatry taking place right now where crafting a Christianity the feels good to a post modern culture and we're slapping a jesus name tag on it in the at I think it's a very dangerous and insidious problem that we need to wake up about across the board. You're right about that but one of my major points. And it's just it's Lutherans it's Presbyterians it's me it's even a lot of Roman Catholics for all but how I could go authority to which their subject is even a lot of Baptist. Toward the strength of the general strength of their faith in America but what's happening right now is a cultural corruption we've got the churches and the trading of the secular culture it ought to be the other way around the secular culture out to imitate the church but. Starting in the sixty's. Americans don't better did it just the reverse way and they were paid for it Well folks I would encourage you look for the book it's untitled mortal follies it's from encounter books it's by William Murchison and William I appreciate your time and certainly you know you're honesty in your willingness to look look truthfully and what's happening in your own denomination because let's face it we all tend to play the denial game in many cases you're not doing it and I applaud you for that and for the book moral follies we merge Thank you William great Joy thank you so much take care not next Bob looks at a national news story about alien visitors from other planets from a Christian perspective in 2 minutes on defending the truth with Bob do they folks Bob do cohere I know a lot of you have my top 10 proofs apologetic C.D.'s already and I appreciate that well once you know I've added new topics to the collection the new topics are completed and available now now of course we still have all the classics like Top 10 proof for God's existence for the resurrection for Christianity for creation over evolution and all the rest but now you can also get my brand new top 10 Proust topics on abortion homosexuality Islam Mormonism Jehovah's Witness ghosts u f O's in the paranormal as well as the top 10 proofs the Bible is true. In the most common false claims given to support these topics and then how to answer them based on facts logic scientific and historical evidence and as always in simple layman's terms that are easy to understand and remember so check them out online by going to Crawford broadcasting dot com and click on the top 10 proofs link it's that easy go to Crawford broadcasting dot com and click on the top 10 proofs link praising God and saluting our nation this is the mighty 670. From the American Policy Roundtable it's time for today's edition of the public square with deeds and and Dr Jeff Sanderson alongside today Wayne Weaver into this conversation about Marxism socialism because it's the chic political thing now that you hear from Ms Cortez Glenn and other candidates and politicians Bernie Sanders is big on socialism it seems like the big thing so we're trying to get down to the reality of what is socialism at its core it's worldview and then its manifestation through the 20th century and Jeff we actually have a had a testimony at the end of the 20th century about socialism and communism from Alexander Solzhenitsyn so who was that bearded guy he was a Soviet artillery officer old War 2 And in a private note he criticized something about Stalin and so he was clapped in irons and thrown into the gulag which is their concentration system of concentration camps throughout Siberia while he was there he became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ he eventually was released and he became a writer and wrote about his time while he's in the Soviet Union he wrote several books The Gulag Archipelago the 1st circle the cancer ward and some other works eventually he was released came to the west and in 1988 he spoke at Harvard University but not to tell everybody how great and wonderful we were and how evil the Soviet Union was but rather to talk about the exhausted West he was really a great philosopher. For we really need to pay attention to what he had to say so we've put up this if you will this speech that was given as the commencement address at Harvard University exhausted West by Alexander Solzhenitsyn as proof positive from someone who lived through the world of socialism and communism at the end of the 20th century it's a fascinating read and it's available online at the public square dot com and also a.p. Roundtable or g 2 of our websites Thanks for listening to the public square. Now Bob takes a look at why he thinks that U.F.O.'s and aliens are not supported biblically on defending the truth with Bob Duke o. Here's Bob you know if you saw this thing in the news about Edgar Mitchell you know who had your Mitchell is he is probably the highest ranking most credible source out there on the pro u.f.o. Believing space aliens have visited us. A group of people because you don't usually tend to look at those folks as kind of whacko you know space aliens among us kind of thing but Edgar Mitchell is an astronaut and former astronaut Apollo 14 he was the 6th man to ever walk on the moon. And he's 79 years old and he has totally bought into the stuff he's bought into it because it's been strange lights that have been seen and whatever he's not sure what they are and he tends to buy into that whole Ra's Well 1947 the government's hiding space aliens that we caught or whatever even though he doesn't have direct knowledge of it he says that he's talked to people that know that now or whatever. He says quote We are being visited he told this to about 100 or so u.s. Fallen just so they're called gathered at the National Press Club conference he says quote It's now time to put away this in Bargo of truth about the alien presence I call upon our government to open up and become part of this planetary community that is now trying to take our proper role as a spacefaring civilization so. I know any time anything is in the news or any brought up about U.F.O.'s and space aliens and stuff like that. You know I tell you folks my opinion and some people get confused like what Bob why you don't think that you know God could make life on other planets or whatever and my position on this is always been the same folks God can do anything he wants he's got. And if God wanted to create life on other planets I think he could certainly he's God but I don't have any reason biblically to believe that he did Ok and I don't have any reason logically to believe that he did no I don't think these you know I don't think that there are any space men captured in Roswell or whatever I don't think that's the case and I think most U.F.O.'s in most cases are just nothing more than either weather balloons or people see lights from a helicopter and they don't know what it was a and they let their imagination fill in the gaps and before you know it they've created more than there really was that's what I think it is most of the time probably 99 percent of the time and then once in a while in it once in a blue moon I think that there is some kind of actual phenomenon going on beyond just the natural with some of these lights or some of these whatever and in those cases I have to determine. Are these beings visiting us from another planet or are they just some kind of supernatural activity and if it's supernatural activity it's going to come either from God or the devil so it's really this simple I mean folks know that I tend to break things down to the simple if you see some lights in the sky that do not conform to anything that natural law would allow in the laws of physics would allow it is either option a. People from another planet visiting us option b. Tricks of the devil option c. Tricks from God is there an option d. That I'm not thinking of I don't think so. Ok so other planets tricks of the devil tricks have got. So I just got to look at these and figure out what's you know through process of elimination what am I going to believe trick from God You have a hard time seeing that Ok I don't see God tricking us I don't see God to see Ving us that doesn't line up with Scripture so I got to eliminate that one so now is he the tricks of the devil or actually people from other planets. Tricks of the devil makes a lot more sense to me and I'll tell you why because the devil doesn't care about trying to get us to worship him that all the devil cares about is trying to get us away from God And I think the devil wants to try to get us interested in the paranormal and space aliens and go some things like chasing after all this kind of paranormal stuff. And believing that maybe life evolved on other planets and it tends to draw people away I think from biblical truth and so I just personally I think it's a trick of the devil because the other option is beings from another planet. And. I just I have a hard time seeing that being the case in real life and logically but also I have a hard time seeing that biblically now once again I want to stress doesn't mean God couldn't do it if you know if God wanted to have a relationship with you know bells Adar from the Gamma Quadrant he's certainly allowed to he's God but when I look at scripture I see the unique relationship the god has with humanity that he created us in His image in so based on this unique relationship that he has with humanity. And based on the fact that Jesus came once once to die for the sins of all mankind. I have to ask myself or if there is life over in the Gamma Quadrant somewhere. Is that a symbol a suggest it's because if sin has entered that world events certainly Jesus would have to go there and die for those people sins too. And so if Jesus didn't have to go there and die then you have to say Ok well that's a senseless place but if that's a similar place. What is God just strictly confining the devil and his demons just to earth I suppose it's possible. But then why are those people coming over here to visit us and how are they physically getting here and. So. You and I know people who know the vastness the universe is so big but as I said before that's irrelevant to me the vastness of the universe is irrelevant since we know it takes God to produce life. Who cares how many planets or who cares how many billions of galaxies there are if it takes God to create life. Then if there were life out there somewhere it would only be there because God created it so the vastness of the universe is an irrelevant argument to those that believe there's life out there in the universe it's irrelevant. And I've used this analogy before but I use it again for that I think it clearly makes the case if I take a grain of sand. On it with a you know microscopic laser pointer or whatever if I edge my name Bob Duke on a grain of sand and you can see it under a microscope but I have edged Bob Duke on the grain of sand and I throw that grain of sand out into the middle of a beach. Do you think there's going to be another grain of sand with a name Bob do go etched on it you're going to say well no of course not and then I say but look at the vastness of the beach look how many trillions and trillions of grains of sand there are you're going to say it doesn't matter how many there are they're just pieces a rock because it takes an intelligence to do go on one of them right so you understand it's irrelevant how many other grains of sand there are you know I guess he Bob do go on another one same thing with life in the universe it's irrelevant how vast the universe is. If there's life out there it's because God created it. And I don't see the universe as being wasted you know sometimes people say Oh but why would God make all those planets and all the whatever and out there so far beyond what the Hubble telescope can see and that's just a bunch of wasted stuff if God doesn't have life out there how is that wasted the heavens declare the glory of God I think he created the heavens as vast as they are . And space as vast as it is so that we never no matter how big our telescopes get We never get to the end of his creative glory. Anyway all right we're going to talk about some of the deceptions in the world today that are even luring Christians into false beliefs and teachings we're going to talk about this 2 minutes from now next Jesus said take heed to let no man deceive you it's happening in 2 minutes truth with. Your 2 am 6. 67. You know it's really good to be here in Denver hi this is defending the truth right here on am 670 k. L. T.t. You know listeners like you tune in to calle t.t. To hear the Word of God to strengthen their walk with Jesus and also to hear about good Christian owned businesses in and around Denver as a business owner you seriously should consider advertising. You know I consider it an honor to have you as a sponsor on my show so here's what you do call our station manager 303-433-5500 that's 303-433-5500. Going to check you out before we put you on the air so that when our listeners do business with you Well they can do so with confidence that's important to me and I know it is to you too knowing that you're among the best in your field that matters so again called 303-433-5500 again. Thanks for listening to defending the truth here on the mighty 670 k. L. T.t. . A New Jersey principal discovered a common thread among students who skipped class so he came up with a genius plan heartbreaking this is true. Many of the students at Westside high. School in Newark won't mind staying after school this year it will give them a chance to get their laundry done Ackbar cook the school's principal didn't realize the problem until 2 years ago when one student fought with the school security officer who wanted to check her bag it turned out the teenager was homeless and she didn't want anyone to know her bag was filled with dirty clothes but it wasn't a problem for just that one student school officials estimate that up to 85 percent of students were chronically absent rather than coming to school to be bullied or ridiculed about wearing dirty clothes who would want to come to school when kids were mocking them and even posting pictures of their dirty outfits all over social media Ackbar discovered the issue when he started making calls about the students' absences so he went to plan b. And in school laundromat using a 20000 dollar grant a football locker room was converted into a laundromat complete with 5 washers and 5 dryers the school year starts on September 4th and the facility will open for several hours after school 3 days each week free of charge to the school's $750.00 students and while they wait for washing dry cycles to end students will work with the teacher on stump projects and explore their interests in the academic area it's not every day you're able to appreciate affordable health care and tell an emergency happens and your on the front lines of great need well that's were met his share comes in truth itself appreciates Medicare at age 4 for 49 Bible for their support Mehta share is a nonprofit organization that since 1903 provides biblical affordable health care you can learn more at age 4449 Bible. You can see these stories and more on our website truth itself dot com truth it's own news that impacts your faith family and country. Now Bob and Charles Chris Meyer take a look at Christian's and deception on defending the truth with Bob to go here's Bob as you folks know one of the things that I have talked about on the show quite a bit and I have shared with you that is one of my largest concerns one of the biggest concerns I have. Are the counterfeit Christianity's that are being taught the false Jesus that are being taught the deception this taking place even among the church today where Christians are following after false christ false gospels false teachings kind of inventing their own religion if you will but calling it Christianity inventing their own god and calling him Jesus we're going to talk about some of the ways that even the Saints can be deceived with charged Charles Chris Maher He is founder and president of Save America ministries has a Delio rade daily radio program national radio program entitled viewpoint and he's author of the book seduction of the saints staying pure in a world of deception and Charles Chris Meyer joins me now Mr Smart thanks for being with us today it is such a privilege and I'm coming home to miss you good having been born but there are many moons ago now Wow Well welcome home. This is a very serious problem and I suppose the 1st thing that we need to establish is that being deceived is in fact a possible thing it does happen we are told this in Scripture and so let's establish this 1st of all so that people do understand you are vulnerable to deception even as a Christian I'm so glad that you brought that up because that probably is the leading deception of our time and that is the idea that Christians cannot be deceived and therefore it really doesn't matter. In Matthew chapter 24. 2 days before Jesus crucifixion he was gathered with his disciples on the Mount of Olives looking over the Easter David's Arizonan the Temple Mount in his disciples asked him what would be the sign of His coming in the end of the age and Jesus 1st response was take heed that no man deceive you and then several other times in that very same chapter he ups the ante and talks even more seriously about the deception until he finally says. The deception is going to be so great that if it were possible even the very elect would be to say here's the problem here's how most Christians are many Christians think about that they think oh I've been saved I'm born again therefore I'm the elect therefore I can't be deceived now that line of thinking who Ender's moved or meaningless all of Jesus' warnings about deception all the Apostle Paul as warnings about deception all of John's warnings and all of Peter's warnings about deception and therefore obviously it comes deception in and of itself so we have to get over that hurdle in order for the subject of deception to even take root in discussion among Christians because. If we don't think that we have the potential for it to being deceived and it has very serious consequences for us then we'll always be thinking about the other guy it's always the liberal or the abortionists or the homosexual or slick willie in the White House or it's always somebody else but it's not me and so that's that but. It is such an important thing that you bring up and I just if I could I want to take just about a minute or so and back up what you saying with you. Even some other scriptures make this crystal clear so we understand the vulnerability of this. You know Charles my audience has known I've probably in the last 2 years quoted 2nd Cranston's 11 and Galatians one more than I quoted in the previous 10 2nd crane things 11 of course talking about people for I am afraid to just as Eve was deceived by the serpents cutting your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ talk about somebody kind of preaching a different Jesus because on a verse 13 to say such men are false apostles to see for workman masquerading as apostles of Christ he's talking to Christians this is a church in Corinth that he's talking to in one of course I am astonished that you are so quickly deserving the one who called you by the grace of Christ to enter turning to a different gospel which is really no gospel at all and then going into and be turning the condemned even an angel from heaven but it's not just that I think about some of the most well known verses that we think of for it you know the truth and the truth will set you free Everybody's heard it you know secularists quote that look at the context of what it's saying in verse 31 of John 8 Jesus saying if you hold onto my teaching you are really my disciples then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free I look at Ephesians 414 then we will no longer be infants tossed back and forth by the ways and blown here and there by every wind of teaching about the cunning and craftiness of men and their deceitful scheming 2nd Thessalonians 215 so then Brother stand firm and hold on to the teaching we passed on to you 1st Timothy 118 in 1000 some have rejected these talking about holding on to faith and a good conscience and if so shipwrecked their faith and you won't even even Charles in instruction to pastors look at Titus 19 this is instruction for leaders he must hold firmly to the trustworthy message. As it has been taught so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it Scripture really is clear so we cannot be so arrogant as to think it can't happen to me you know all of these verses that you just quoted could be distilled in Jesus' words about halfway through Matthew 24 when he said he didn't do or as to the end of May You see it's not those beginner race to get the prize across the finish line and that's why Paul continually talks about I so run that I may obtain and it's the way that we were running it's running in the proper direction and you know the reality is Christians have bought into this very secular mindset their sincerity about a particular point of view is what Gough requires knowing it sincerity about his point of view not mine not the majority not our favorite area logins but what God has said in his whole 'd word Nara he said in my favorite verse but what he said the. Taking the whole word. As his message and so we're at a point in time where. The very concept that Paul talk one Timothy about this here to cling message where the seniors are seducing want another and being deceived themselves giving an ear tickling message that the people want to hear it's democracy but it's taken root at the spiritual level and as we do sing the truth of God's word to a common easy believe it is I'm that makes everybody feel good answer good point there too spiritual democracy hang on just a moment we'll spend our last few minutes together next to more with Charles Chris Meyer founder and president of Save. Ministries on the web save us org or save us and of course his book seduction of the Saints next more about what the Bible has to say about deception and church teaching in 2 minutes defending the truth with Christian radio at its best k l t. This is life issues with Brad Madison president of Life Issues Institute the y. W. C. a Or Young Women's Christian Association is generally thought of this a Christian organization please don't make that assumption pro-abortion feminism has infiltrated many of their branches case in point to. Have gone on record supporting extreme pro-abortion legislation in the state of New York State Assembly passed a law allowing abortions throughout pregnancy for any reason in the way it was overturned but the Senate will be less likely to approve a. Big p.r. Push which. Leaders were part of saying the radical law is crucial to protecting access to the full range of reproductive health services for women just because the word Christian this in their name doesn't mean they follow the creator of life like us on Facebook and life issues and stay informed more informed than you've ever been there loyal listeners I'm here to remind you to like us on Facebook you can stay more connected to shows and events just go to Google and type in k l t t Facebook and we're the 1st link that comes up God bless. All the Charles Christian by a wrap up of their Look at deception and false teaching on defending the truth with Bob here's Bob spending the last few minutes with Charles crossfire founder and president of Save America ministries author of the book seduction of the saints. I think of Hebrews 512 and 13 in fact that by this time you know to be teachers you need someone to teach you the elementary truth of God's word all over again you need milk. Solid food trials I think that's where we are right now in a lot of the church I've had many of my listeners that have emailed me saying You sit there and you spend an hour giving us the biblical and logical evidence to show that we're saved only through Jesus Christ and His shed blood that all other religions really are false that there really is a hell that the Bible truly is your Thora Tade of word of God You're preaching to the choir Bob in the e-mail I'm back saying half the choir needs preaching to these days so let's let's deal with some of the main areas that you see Christians being deceived Where do you see this grabbing root in a big way. Well it is grabbing hold in a. The it's like an octopus that reaches out it doesn't come liberally through any particular one focus it's coming from every focus right now it's coming through political thinking it's coming through. Economic Thinking it's coming through governmental thinking it's coming through theological thinking it's coming at every single angle and that's why I deal I began to write this book I thought you know this subject can be so baffling you can get so in tangled in a 1000 rabbit trails at the end we people totally confuse the what I've done is the vide the book into 6 portions 6 elements to help in a logical way to distinguish these various sources of deception for instance we talk about the way. To the gateways to deception one of the principle getting ways to deception is compromise well compromise has become so great in God's own house. It's all the go along to get along it's your True. And my truth but not God's truth. Probably and I know I'm going to step on some toes here but I think we're at the point where we need to allow the word to become the sword that pierces our hearts as the Scripture says and that is probably if you want to go to statistics the clearest statistic to reveal the massive deception in God's house is our divorce and remarriage to to 6 in the church now historically divorce was anathema in the church and in this country remarriage was even more so you wouldn't even talk about it it was it was not even worthy to talk about because it was well understood with the scripture said now since the late sixty's the divorce rate in the church and for the last 15 years has equaled or exceeded the nation as a whole in the bible belt of America that's supposed to be the greatest concentration a Bible believing Christians in this country the divorce rate for the last 15 years has been 5050 percent higher than the nation as a whole among our pastors for the last 10 to 12 years the divorce rate has equal to or exceeded that of their parishioners and has been the 2nd highest of all professions in the country pastor the asters of all of all professions that is correct God says I hate divorce he calls it treachery which is a word akin to treason which means from God's perspective it's a treasonous act against the kingdom of God because the goes back to the very creation ordinances of God in Genesis $12.00 and $3.00 and yet we now say that we're going to buy a different viewpoint in order to go along with the culture its mandate and the psychological. Of full strews of the day. It's all about my feelings were. Let me ask you in our local mass deception and who are just about 30 seconds left very quickly what do you advise us to how do we really develop that that desire for. The seeing the Bible as the authoritative word of God and giving giving God's word that authority over top of what seems right to us quite like an answer the positive the negative Paul said the 2 primary reasons why we're going to be deceived is it we do not love the truth and we love on righteousness therefore the positive side of it was we must become absolute lovers of the fruit no matter work and be all lovers and doers of righteousness and look for the book folks it's untitled seduction of the saints staying pure in a world of the Sampson it's from allies your books it's by Charles Chris Meyer and again save America ministries on the web it save us or save us save us org and the trolls perspire I appreciate your time thank you so much for being with us today well it's been a real privilege vacation This is defending the truth with the. Home on the town or on line this is your place for God's word hail to come are city in crystal clear h.d. Radio on the way at 617 calle t.t. Dot com. The Crawford stand this week as he looks forward to Labor Day This Monday the president of Harvard Broadcasting Company Dawn Crawford is extolling the virtues of we who work and of the work itself were produces much more than money those who understand the value of work realize full well that the doing well anything is. The reward itself the satisfaction the fulfillment the full expression of the self among mankind and before God are the best rewards best they are indeed more valuable than money for money comes and goes but the rewards of work well done last a lifetime and in some cases are in fact eternal eternal we create an earthly balance sheet do we not personal financial and last statements here and now but it is the eternal balance sheet which really counts nothing goes with you no matter what you leave behind but only the heavenly balance sheet you create for there is always something more often much more than the work itself or the profit therefrom there is good there is good often enormous good in work well done and even very spiritual good see that clearly as part of the goal of your calling and work which only adds to the return and the enjoyment so the work we do can be not only for money or profit but for non profit for worthy causes for the good of society the so called give back for the good of society in which we live for all humanity especially those in need for the Christian church and for the Christ we love and serve for blood drives for h.i.i. Xeni awareness and treatment for feeding and sheltering the homeless for carrying the message of the Gospels to forsaken and needy parts of America and the world shepherding and guiding children tending to the needs of the elderly visiting and comforting those in prison have you done that the work of the Lord at work for all mankind as we are called all of these things make us what we should be before the Lord and our fellow man so many of us are people of face but our faith say of the scripture without works is dead whatever you believe in. Whatever your face there is no way for anyone to know whether or not is real except by your words talk is cheap real cheap but by the fruits of your labors your fellow human beings will know you if there is a fact a work of God and you are calling a life objective the work that you do will prove to others who you are what you and I do not do also proves who we are the great thinker Dietrich Bonhoeffer said that not to act is to act again not to act is to Hax negative actions doing nothing can be as potent negatively as actual action itself unfortunately there are those who do just see for works and works of iniquity they are known for their fraudulent and deceitful acts they work not for the good of mankind but only for themselves for ego for you listen again in a deceitful way their works and their lives are in vain William Shakespeare said that the evil that men do lives after them the legacy they make and that evil is the only thing remember here and in eternity if that's what you did so my fellow Americans it is our duty to study to grow ourselves in our career and constantly make ourselves better so that we can show ourselves approved as working men and women understanding the objectives the values and priorities which are ours always growing in our understanding especially the Scriptures so that we can be approved before God and as well before man and tomorrow Mr Crawford encourages us to work while we can before night is coming when no one can work. 60 minutes of good news. On the nation's most Christians this is a m $67.00 killed t t t t h d the City and St $670.00 Kielty 2. So in this marvelous plan that God has in Romans Chapter 9 of electing certain people choosing certain groups not for salvation versus a total loss but rather for service then he tells us the fascinating story about Pharaoh Well he doesn't tell us the story but he refers to the story about Pharaoh and let me share a bit of that with you today very very revealing it is calling Coke here and how it happens that is how the grace of God happens how he does this stuff how he does this loving and this caring and this loving kindness and this mercy and how it happens in regard to our faith how we believe how we train our faith it is God working in us to do that it's a beautiful thing and let me tell you that if you listen to the broadcast Monday through Friday at mine to help you too in training your faith too I train mine in just proclaiming this to you actually as well as other ways so you might want to listen at 10 o'clock in the evening or repeated at 4 in the morning on k l t t You can also hear this broadcast by don't downloading the app the free app Sound Cloud dot com then key in faith quest and you will get the broadcast on your remote devices. You can go.

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