All the way to the history this passage is very important it's symptomatic of a Devils strategy to out history and that is to get rid of the Jews. He hates Israel even the tribulation period is going to try to wipe out the Jews or the revelation. Bokeh relistening to hope for today that the Bible teaching ministry of David Hawking is here you get the Bible the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible. Why does Satan have a vendetta against God's chosen people the Jewish people why would he spend so much time and effort trying to wipe them from the face of the earth and why will he continue his efforts knowing that God always has and always will protect them well to answer these questions we have to go back into the history of the Jewish people which is exactly what David is doing in our current series an exodus he's about to head into day 3 of his look at chapter one titled The affliction of God's people stick around but before he gets into that David I want to tell you about one of the great free resources that we offer to our hope for today audience David. I don't know if you give our news live or it's free it comes every month in the August newsletter we're finishing up a series that had 3 parts to it it's dealing with the visions of God in the book of easy. And this 3rd part deals with the temple the last 9 chapters of his e kill. And by the way people always ask me Can we use those notes of course that's why we're put them in the newsletter now in addition to. Our articles we have also a section called prophecy watch which is to keep you informed on what's going on in the world today especially as a relates to is surreal and our good friend alleviate Melnyk of Chosen People Ministries is writing a lot of fabulous articles especially about anti-Semitism as for your free monthly newsletter give us a call if you're in Canada it's 188875 bible and if you're in the United States it's 1875 by. That's right the Hope for Today monthly ministry letter is a true referring source to have and to share with others all we need is your home or office address wherever you would prefer to receive it call us to start getting future issues 1875 bible in Canada it's 188875 bible All right day 3 of the affliction of God's people is coming right up David starts off with a reading from the word and some review force David. So let's take a look at the chapter now these are the names of the children of Israel who came into Egypt every man and his household came with Jacob Reuben Simeon Levy and Judah Issachar Zabulon and Benjamin Dan and nastily got Gadd and Asher and all the souls that came out of the Lloyd's of Jake upper seventy's souls for Joseph was in Egypt already. And Joseph done and all his brother and all that generation. And the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceedingly Mighty and the land was filled with them. And there rose up a new king over Egypt which knew not Joseph and he said unto his people behold the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we come on let's deal wisely with them lest they multiply and it come to pass that when there followed out any war they joined also unto our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land. There for they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens and they built for Pharaoh treasure cities to thumb and Rama seas or rom seas but the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied in group and they were grieved because of the children of Israel and the Egyptians made the children of Israel a servant regular and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage in Mordor and in brick and in all manner of service in the fields all their service wherein they made them serve was with rigor and the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives of which the name of the one was shift rod the name of the other Pula and he said when you do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a Son then you shall kill him but if it be a daughter then she shall live. But the midwives feared God and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them but saved them in children alive. And the king of Egypt called for the midwives and said to them Why have you done this thing in and say the men children alive and the midwife said into Pharaoh because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women for they are lively and are delivered ere the midwives come in under them therefore God dealt well with the midwives and the people multiplied and waxed very mighty and it came to pass because the midwives feared God that he made them houses. And Pharaoh charge dollars people saying every son that is born each of cast into the river and every daughter he shall save alive I want to give you 4 things 4 major things that kind of capture to me the background of the Book of Exodus 1st of all in the opening 6 verses we have the cause behind their being in Egypt brought to our attention so the 2nd thing that I want to draw your attention about the background deals with the character of their development in Egypt I think this is remarkable verse 7 because what is happening here is a fulfillment of God's command in Genesis the creation mandate to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and also what he said to know after the Flood be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth it's interesting that God starts fulfilling that wonderful command in the lives of the children of Israel in Egypt as they're multiplying faster than they ever have in their history but in looking at the character of their development here in verse 7 you see it in terms of productivity the word fruitful now in terms of population God wants us to understand this thing is exploding so he says increased abundantly and multiplied and all the English translations try to help us there you know a new international says multiplied greatly and became exceedingly numerous new Americans has increased greatly and it wasn't just in terms of population but in terms of power it says a waxed exceeding mighty but down a verse 9 the evaluation of Pharaoh was and his men they are more and mighty are than we new International says too numerous but the word numerous would fit more the original statements about Be fruitful and multiply what we have here is a statement regarding their power their influence they apparently have been able to formulate some sort of strategy for defense and some sort of on limits and weapons and their power and influence and business has just exploded in Egypt. And it's a fulfillment of God's word in a demonstration of His love which brings me to a 3rd issue about the background and that's the change of circumstances that abruptly announced in verse 8 folks listen to me carefully if we don't settle this issue in your minds and our teaching now is going to cause greater problems when I tell you the story of Exodus there is not a single book in a bible where the facts that we now know in archaeology are so important to the story and we're going to be telling you that we're going to be showing you and demonstrating beyond any doubt or question what's behind this whole story in Exodus you're going to be amazed and it's all there in Egypt to see if you want to it's fantastic but it's all based on whether or not it's are Ok mt of Egypt at the time the Bible's chronology says or whether it's the liberal view that they came out later in the time of Rameses very very important issue so what does Deuteronomy $911.00 say it says but if any man hate his brother in law and wait for him and here it is rise up against him that's the same word in Exodus $18.00 that clearly is talking about a confrontation he's lying a way to attack and in fact it's such a confrontation he kills the guy they flees to a city of refuge so clearly it means to rise against their found another one in Deuteronomy $28.00 go to Deuteronomy Chapter $28.00 and look at verse 7. Deuteronomy 28 verse 7 says. The Lord still cause dying enemies who hear it is again same phrases Exodus $18.00 who rise up against the to be smitten before the I face they shall come out against me one way and flee before the 7 ways well it's clear we're not talking about a peaceful get together here little fellowship beating or talking about war here confrontation rise up against is the translation of the word in other passages why they didn't do it in Exodus one is beyond me in Exodus $18.00 there were a rose a new king is to rise up against and that's so important to understand there is a total change here in the circumstances under which Israel was living and it led to this terrible period of bondage now the 4th thing about this background from verse 9 and 10 is the concern of the Egyptians or these rulers who are really hit sauce rulers in Egypt it's interesting what they say verse 9 behold the people the children Israel are more in my dear than we've come on and let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply Now lest you think they got pure motives here New King James attempting to give us the understanding of the Hebrew word deal wisely translates shrewdly it's a word of cunning. They're trying to trick or now their concern really fell into 3 areas if you're reading this carefully verse $9.10 would certainly be the might m.-i g.-h. T. Of these people they are mightier than we so God has really blessed the nation of Israel to be mightier than the Hc sauce with what we know it archaeology and history about the exhaust rulers that's saying a great deal about Israel's power at this time. Tremendous mine they were concerned about that 2nd they're concerned about the multiplication of these people it says lest they multiply verse 10 there are so many of them now just figure it out on paper I mean we're having a problem here they're having more children and we are they're multiplying faster than we are and they're now very powerful and there's more of them are going to more of a problem but the 3rd thing in the most serious part of their concern was over the motivation of these people at a time of war it says when they're followed out any war they join also into our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land now that last part I really don't think they thought I think that's their way of saying how we're going to deal with them because the truth of the matter is they'd be happy if they got out of the land but the point is if they fight against us. And defeat us then we're going to lose our power here and they'll probably just leave and go and we won't have the benefit of all their products and their good business that we have been enjoying all the all their hurt business and flocks has been tremendous They have really blessed Egypt Egypt has been thriving under Israel's presence I like what one writer said he was Jewish but he said Egypt has never been blessed in all of its history as it was when Israel was there isn't it interesting Egypt suffer still to this present day tremendously depends greatly upon foreign aid especially from the United States of America or the biggest foreign aid programs we have is with the nation of Egypt as why Egypt walks a very thin line understand they're not Arabs as everybody calls them are not Arabs at all. Egypt is mystery are one of the sons of Ham they're not Arabs at all they don't come from Ishmael So there's tension in the Arab world over Egypt but they kind of serve a moderating position they've been pro arab probably stated more clearly pro Islam and they've also been pro west because they're totally dependent upon us to sustain them it's a very poor country there's some wealth in Egypt there's a lot of wealth there but there's a lot of people who suffer great very poor country and it's a difficult country because if you've ever flown over it it's the oddest country in the world in terms of existence of its people the whole width of the livable habitable land is about maximum 7 miles and with 4 or 500 miles law right down the Nile River and every year they depend on the Nile River to overflow its banks for about $100.00 days they endure that because that's what gives them the solar quickly plant and it quickly have and if you've ever flown over Egypt you know what I mean it's a oddest thing to see there's this long long strip I mean you could see the edge of it you can stand on the edge of that grass and have one foot in barren sand and for miles not see even a sage brush and one foot on green grass that's how odd it is it relates to the overflow they're now river and they survive by that that's why the in ancient times they thought the Nile River was their god. That is the ultimate god of the whole Egyptian pantheon more about that we get into the place but it's a very interesting country and an awd country in terms of survival and existence and as it gets to the north what they call the delta region up near Alexandria and where the seaport is today. That's where really industry and business and where if you talk in the wealthier side of Egypt that's where it lives and that is the area of ancient Goetia you see that's where the Israelis were it's very interesting the whole story now it's come to the Bondi section beginning at verse 11 the verse $22.00 and I want to separate it in just 2 ways which I think is obvious from the text one is that this bondage involved the suffering of God's people versus 11 to 14 but it also involved the attempted slaughter of the Hebrew children versus 15 to 22 something the enemy the devil has been trying to do to the Jews all the way through the history of this passage is very important it's symptomatic of a devil's strategy to out history and has to get rid of the Jews. He hates this really even the tribulation period is going to try to wipe out the Jews going to Revelation 12 and when I look at the suffering of God's people in verses 11 to 14 I see it in 2 basic ways one in terms of affliction we need to talk about that verse 11 they afflicted them with their birds but also in terms of the attitudes of the Egyptians and verses 12 to 14 Down terms of affliction How bad was it person Levin says therefore they did set over them task master slave masters to afflict them with their burdens the word burdens new International says forced labor or new American standards as hard labor. Verse 12 says the more they are afflicted them. The word is a heavy duty word it wasn't just to control their trying to break them. To afflict them is talking about terrible oppression. Now they built for Pharaoh treasure cities these are cities that store Granier member under Joseph's leadership they stored grain for to prepare for famine their story Ger supply cities Josephus has an interesting remark in his book the antiquities of the Jews writ at the time of Jesus he says that it was well known in history that the children of Israel were forced by these rulers to dig canals which were essential to the survival of the Egyptians irrigation canals that would go out from the overflow of the now river it's very possible that's true I don't know where you got the quote it's just interesting but they did build these cities. These a story cities to thaw when Enron promises now how do we explain the name Rama seasons the relates to a dynasty just not going to come for you know 2300 years how are we explain the chronology of the Bible. And the answer is quite simple Ra was the sun god and it's very possible because Genesis already referred to that area where Israel came as the land of Rama sees that in fact it was a name that was well known in Egypt long before the ruler took it in other words it exists before the ruler the ruler didn't come up with the 1st usage of the May That's one simple answer we also know the Rama Cs was a dynasty it could have been that there was an ancient Dynasty using the name because it's reference to the Sun God which you Gyptian as worship and it could be that that was kind of a subsidiary name for pagan mythology and gods very possible I think the evidence is overwhelming about the date let me show you why turn to 1st Kings Chapter 6 verse one that bay still with me some of his background stuff you know he's oh man now where is he I don't know where he is he's down in some well I hope he comes back up. But it is serious stuff we're talking about the credibility at authenticity of God's word and everything that we teach in Genesis is built on this issue when was this real in Egypt tell you if they weren't in Egypt when the Bible says so we got contradiction after contradiction in the Bible with what we know in history. The other side of the coin is if they are in Egypt at the same time that the Bible indicates they were we have not one single contradiction to the story in fact every detail fits perfectly no accident. Now here's what 1st kings $61.00 says it came to pass in the 480th year after the children of visceral were come out of the land of Egypt in the 4th year of Solomon's reign over Israel Solomon began his reign as everybody knows he came out he became king at 1000 b.c. . The 4th year is $966.00 b.c. . 480 years before that is 1446 b.c. Which is the date of the Exodus according to the band. It fits everything. God's word is truly incredible Thanks David for that remarkable insight and before you grab some for the day to mention the people to use even. In our August newsletter we have a special offer and this month it is something you'll want to get it's called Whatever happened to morality and it's a package dealing with a different subject send messages you'll want to study it like abortion what does the Bible actually say and what do we do about it you see morality good day has been lost in the shuffle of human freedom the idea that we can somehow do whatever we want to do without any consequences well you better guess again the Bible is filled with judgment from God If we continue to violate his word morality has to be what God says it is he makes up the rules folks who we don't. And some of those wonderful subjects homosexuality and about alcohol ism Agnon drug addiction we got so much stuff in there about marriage and a family and we need to understand what is the truth from the Bible about what is right and what is wrong with have a big section of that teaching on pornography it's everywhere and the Internet exposes people to it in a dangerous way planned to get it whatever happened to morality God bless you. This package the whatever happened to were relatives package would be especially helpful to the student in your life especially as they gear up to head back to school it comes with 8 audio messages on either cd or m p 3 disc it's your choice along with a sermon those for each message and 2 D.V.D.'s of David teaching this amazing series normally the whatever happened to morality package that would cost you $90.00 an order this month on an m p 3 disc and you're paid just $25.00 the traditional cd album of messages is going for just $40.00 Remember to include shipping in those prices and if you're in California there's taxes well you only have about one week left to get this package so this is a great time to order the what ever happened to morality package order at David hocking dot org Or when you call us at 187524253 Canada 188875 bible and if you would like to connect with us just write to hope for today box at 3927 Tustin California 9271 encounter box 15011 r.p.o. 7 Oaks Abbotsford b.c. V 2 s. 8 p. One do you have a question for David by all means you can send it by e-mail to info at David Hawking dot org Well as promised here's David to wrap up our time together or how would you like to partner with us that is Hope for Today Well it's really easy to do 1st let's start with prayer pray that God would work mightily to beat the financial needs of sending out his gospel through radio and Internet television so that no one misses out on the gospel message. Secondly why not pray about what financial support you might be able to send our way he's there on a one time basis or what we really like and it's so helpful month to month God uses listeners like you to continue and further the Mission and Vision of Hope for Today we want everyone to know who Jesus really is not according to human opinion but according to the inspired. That infallible word of God. We can do that through your support and by the way. You could donate online and David Hawking. Again you could donate you call 187-552-4253 in Canada 188-8755 organ donate David Hawking dot org And remember you can always join us in person court for this ministry Send your e-mail but it is still you playing golf without showing your car request or question to info at David hockey. From our exodus series next week and our monthly question and answer programs so wonderful week I hope you join us right here on hold for today. My friends this is David hushing of hope for today radio heard right here on Calle t t a 10 o'clock every morning money through Friday we have a little model the Bible the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible and hold for today for trying to help you with the truth and get the word of God into your hearts bunch of join is God bless you all for today with Pastor David Hawking weekday mornings at 10 new on the money 6. You're tuned to calle T.T.'s Weekend Edition inspiring your Saturdays in standard and high definition on am 670 Commerce City Denver and online at 670 calle t. T. Dot com. A 6th grade teacher donated his kidney to save a student's life there is no greater gift this is truth itself a Georgia teacher helped save his student's life by donating his kidney after he was inspired by his own son's experience with kidney failure Caden kept he was 2 years old when he was diagnosed with a kidney disease while he read. The kidney from his father his body rejected the transplant and he spent the last 10 years in and out of hospitals on dialysis and waiting for a kidney donor to save his life his miracle came in the form of his 6th grade teacher William Wilkinson who taught in technology at the Grace Christian Academy in Powder Springs Georgia Caden who's now 12 underwent the transplant surgery on Tuesday his mother Cammie kept he told the Atlanta Constitution she was beyond grateful for Wilkinsons donation she said there are no words even to begin to describe how this is making me feel for Will to give this amazing gift to my son there is no greater gift Wilkinson was inspired to donate his kidney out of empathy for Cadence parents Wilkinson son was in kidney failure when he was 2 he told Fox 5 so I remember being in that position as a parent wanting someone to help Kate and did not know of his teachers decision until just before the surgery as usually the donors identity is kept private but then Wilkinson stopped by his home at the end of the school year and gave him the news Cammy said we almost fell to the floor truth itself is grateful to this radio station for continuing to serve listeners with our stories about faith family and country it happens with the support of met as share a nonprofit organization that's helping over $400000.00 Christians share each other's medical bills while saving them as much as half the cost over their old health plan you can find out more about Medicare at $8.00 for 449 Bible that's a 4 for 49 Bible you can see these stories and more on our website truth itself dot com truth itself news that impacts your faith family and country Faith and Family Radio k l d Denver. Welcomes that classic Christianity right. With Bob George today we're pleased to present a special radio show featuring calling listeners from Bob's original people to people daily radio program that was on the air for over 30 years offering real answers for real life problems as he addresses common questions as well as the tough issues of today directing callers to the central idea of Christ in you your only hope of glory we want to remind our listeners that Bob George ministries need your financial support to continue to have classic Christianity radio on the air please visit Bob George dot net to find out how you can help support us financially Let's now join Bob as he presents practical biblical insights as he helps people experience a life of faith hope and love in Jesus Christ Patsy you're on the air again. At. Am concerned. We get on our Graham daughter back over say and the reason we did is because she decided to all of a sudden that he wanted to live the gay life. And we we gave him item that he would not continue in that kind of laugh dollar she would go home and she'd gone home a very bitter young woman and her mother and her stepfather having a really difficult time trying to figure out what the right thing to do with her she wanted on the e-mail to talk to the brand we believe that homosexuality is a choice not something that you're born with and they're trying to get into counseling but we we all are having a really hard time dealing with her right now because she's making laughter difficult for everyone what you have to do with that type of thing Patsy is this that 1st of all you're going to you and I as a Christian. It says in the scripture woe to the one who calls good bad and bad good whoa to them. When God calls something sin we have to acknowledge that that is sin. And homosexuality you don't have to be a Christian to know that that's sin you don't have to be a Christian to know that that's perverted you know that as a last person I did not gain my understanding of homosexuality by becoming a Christian I believe the same thing as a lost person that I believe as a Christian that that is sin I didn't change my mindset in regard to what stealing is when I became a Christian I knew what still ceiling was as a non-Christian it was sin and I knew as a Christian that sin. I didn't need to be taught that that adultery was not sin I didn't need to be taught that as a last person I knew that I knew that period I knew that fornication was a sin I knew that lying was a sin and I knew all those things were a sin long before I ever became a Christian so don't so I tell people Don't blame this on being a Christian this is just having good common sense these are things that God puts on our hearts that we know what is right and what is wrong and there is a right or wrong and if there was no such thing as a wrong how would you know what was right. And so you're standing up for what is truth and that what homosexuals which is a behavior is absolutely justified and never let down from that it talks about in the Bible that even although they knew God they didn't glorify was God to but give thanks and it talks about how that God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts. For sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another and they change exchange the truth of God for a lie and worship created things rather than a creator and then it says that God gave them over to shameful us even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones that your granddaughter. And now this is a by product. This is kind of the step 2 because of this God gave them over the same for lost because of why exchanging the truth for a lie and worshipping the created being another person another woman or another man if your if you're a male rather than the one who created us and you're saying God I don't care how you created me fact I don't think you did I just know that I am a man inside or amo woman to inside and he's saying nonsense if you got the equipment for a woman you're a woman if you got the equipment for a man you're a man and quit exchanging the truth for a lie. And so we have to understand that it goes at the same in committed indecent acts with one another and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion Now here's the Keith Furthermore they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God and so he gave them over to a deprived mind to do what not ought to be done. You see Patsy I believe that homosexuality is a form of insanity oh I know some people are not going to get not going to like to hear that but I don't care they like it or not you've got to be you've got to have as a hinge of insanity and you to think that as a woman that I'm going to behave as a man or as a man that I want to be a woman there's a point of insanity connected with that courses of insanity what what some people have to find is sad in a person that continues doing what they knows destroying them that's pretty insane too but I think what it says here is to true you've been turned over to a to pray eved mind a mind of depravity and so you continue doing what you should be doing and you become filled with every kind of wickedness and evil and greed and depravity and so on and then it goes ahead which you see today they not only continue to do these things but also approve of those who practice them in other words they're encouraging other people to get involved in it oh yeah then the so homosexuality is a perversion it's a sexual perversion now in saying all of that what do you do with your granddaughter. I think you set a standard that I hope for what is communicated is granddaughter I love you and Chryslers you and Christ died for you and he was raised in order to offer you eternal life and he did not create you as a pervert he didn't create you to pray ved that came as a result of your own choices we love you just like God loves you but. I'm not going to have that kind of behavior flaunted in front of our family and in front of our homes what you do in your own privacy is your own business but when you flaunt that in front of other people we have got to take a stand on that and that's the same thing was taking place in Corinthians the guy that was having intercourse with his father's wife was flaunting that he says they were proud of it they were happy about it and he kicked them out of the assembly he says oh that's harsh No that's to save the body of Christ and so if you've approached it in that way not that we hate you but she we hate what you have given your mind over too because it's a deprived mind and it's not a mind where you're listening to God As a matter of fact you don't think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God If you did you would be saying that something is Ok when God says it's perversion right but we love you if you ever want to come back and change your mind you're welcome but I'm not going to have you flaunting your lifestyle in front of me or your family well and that's pretty pretty much that they and their mother had taken and I think the stepfather told her that she could email the brand and I was hoping that he wouldn't but they didn't ask me so I didn't I didn't really tell them but that's exactly the thing and we think in our home is we're great and you knew that when you came here and you will not do this and now I know I think Patsy that to to me I think where we sometimes make mistakes is we are Christians whether you're a Christian or whether you're not. That's not the issue whether Christians or not if you're not as I said as a non-Christian you know that homosexuality is wrong and perverted You don't have any a Christian to know that So what is your point yeah yeah so what happens when you say now we're Christians and so we're not going to tolerate that some people say well these darn Christians are a bunch of intolerant so I say no it makes a difference whether I'm Christian or non-Christian I know right from wrong and knew right from wrong before I ever knew the Lord and this is wrong. And for the interest of the body the other people in this family I'm not going to have you flaunting that perverted behavior in our faces. Here's the key if you're what you're doing in private if you're that's that's between you and God But I'm not going to have you flaunting it in front of our people and our family right yeah yeah well appreciate that and we're working toward that I think a lot of this huge deal and it's absolutely out of a rebellion and anger and a lot of us that that she said to her mom that you can back Tom I know absolutely it's not true and she's doing that to hurt her yeah and hoping that she'll get so angry that she'll load up on a plane and send her back which is exactly what you need not to do and he knows that. They're just really struggling with it this is a beautiful young lady has never done anything but brought us nothing but happiness until this just 6 or 7 months ago and she was recruited and so yeah yeah whoever the recruiter was why you know they need to be upside down too it's it's it's you're not going to be born half way so you're going to have to be recruited and with women it normally is recruited with a friendship that then and this person knows what they're doing it's all a part of an agenda and when a person somebody who's practicing homosexuality gets their eyes on a person that isn't the nave got an agenda and they tenaciously keep at it until it's finally fulfilled and that's where wisdom has to take place in women's lives as well as men as to why is this person so interested in me. And if he had gone through 2 boyfriends and had just broken up with one and this little girl came into the picture of this other girl that has kind of had this reputation all through the years oh she really. Struck up a friendship with our granddaughter and that then oh when that when. Men don't understand this and you know they just keep at it now that that effort she had an agenda and she accomplished it so it is so that you talk about evil Yes that's a that's that the recording of that those are the evil people. Ok well the best to you Patsy and I hope that helps her senses where she's going to so we're going to take it we're going to try a price right. So and I thank you so much for taking my call I know I. Thank you patsy for your call Ok Bob I classic Christianity radio was a listener funded program and because of your generous donations we're able to be on the air go to Bob George dot net to one of the best selling book classic Christianity by Bob George classic Christianity has been translated into 26 languages and is now available from our website in Spanish and English as Bob tells it God is calling people back to the simplicity of the Gospel that to his grace mercy and shrewd back to the person of Jesus Christ this book continues to change the lives of people around the world and it will change your life to please visit Bob George dot net for additional information on how you can join us financially and help support the radio ministry with your prayers in support we can continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ let's continue now with our classic Christianity radio program. We're going to go to Phoenix Arizona as we go in Carrick c.g. Jeremy you're on the air. Bob I have a question. For a long time I've been wondering if I'm saved and and one of a big concern that constantly at my mind and I thought maybe you could if I'm inside on is. The end pardonable and because sometimes when I'm. I like making it up a prayer it keeps. My mind would be double minded I think while I'm saying what I believe I'm forgiven and yet then I keep hearing in my head you know you've committed something that some part of all and so no matter how hard I try in believing I kind of stumbled up on that and it's frustrating because I've prayed you know to receive Christ before but I still have these doubts you know in my head I really truly repent it because I still get caught up in you know confessing and confess my sins and you know it's just all kinds of thoughts that always come against my mind that you know say well how can God be 3 and one and stuff like that and I don't really know how to really overcome that and so I was that maybe you could help with the you know one particle is there a point where a man can go where it would be impossible for him. To really return to the Lord with his heart or Jeremy as far as in them possibility to correct the Empire nable sin would only be to die in your unbelief. The only sin that is attributable to man is the sin of denying or or not paying any attention to another words passed even difference toward the death burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus. The sins of the world have all been placed behind the back of God never to see them again the sins of the world were taken away from the eyes of God. So that God is not looking upon our sins today he's looking upon our sin of the rejection of the Son of God and the only question that God will ever ask a person is what did you do with my son did you except by faith what he came to do for you when he died on the cross to take away your sins and was raised from the dead in order to give life to you or did you ignore that with a passive indifference or an act of rebellion either one of those 2 and so that's the only question I will be asking you say well why did God do that well because how are you going to judge sins how many how many sins are you going to have to commit because he said you had it and how many good deeds would you have to do before he would say you're Ok there's no way to determine that is there's no way to come up with that so he neutralized the entire world the Jews the Jews as well as the Gentiles into the area of spiritual death took away their sins so that you're not dealing or being judged on how much you send or how much you haven't said and but being judged on the fact of have you come alive in my son have you accepted his resurrection and all through the scriptures and even through the book of Acts Cherami you see the resurrection the resurrection and the resurrection and Paul said without the resurrection we're to be pitied of all people and are still in our sins and so we have to come to a point where we're where we are if I'm going to claim by faith and say by faith and this is the testimony of the Word of God that He not only died for your sins but the sins of the entire world and that's the truth now it's either a truth or a live it's a lie we should preach the Bible to waste basket and go eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die but if that is true. And you have not pre-build against the knowledge of truth and have accepted that by faith then you don't have to worry about have I sin too much or what if what is this going to do in relationship to God because that's behind his back never to see it again well then you say well then how is God dealing with this today if you're not dealing with his on the basis of sin because quite frankly Jeremy if he was dealing with you on the basis of sin he would have to deal with you on the basis of sin and death you can't separate the 2. It would be like having a law with no penalty. You know you've got a traffic law you can't drive over 60 but if you drive 80 There's don't no big deal no penalty to the law has no meaning apart from penalty so you cannot separate sin from death sin from the penalty and so thank God he isn't dealing with us on the basis of sin and death and that's precisely why Paul says in the 8th chapter of Romans that there is no condemnation now awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus because the law the spirit of life has set you free from the law of sin and you've been freed from that law so God is dealing with you and me today on the basis of his child you've now become a child of the Living God and he's dealing with you on the basis of fatherhood and childhood and so he's dealing with this on the basis of continually Renu in our minds and teaching us truth and setting us free he's dealing with us on the basis of a new life that we have in cries We've been born again to serve in the newness of lived out of the old way of the law that kills but in the new way of the Spirit that gives life and so it is just like dealing with a small child you're constantly having to admonish them teach them. Discipline them in order until they grow up and to become. Sure and so that's God's dealing with you there's no condemnation awaiting you. And so is far as these thoughts that you're talking about. You have to realize that if indeed you are in Christ and only you can determine that whether or not you have truly exercised saving faith in what Jesus did forget about what you're doing saving faith in what he has done you believe with all your heart without any doubt that Jesus went to a cross suffered and died to take away your sins from the eyes of God If the answer to that is yes that's then that's the preparation for salvation do you believe that Christ was raised from the dead so that you who are born dead could be raised into the newness of life with him and have accepted the fact that you are dead spiritually and God offered you his resurrected life and you have come to Him by faith saying God if you do not give me life I will not enter into the life of God Period and I and my entire confidence is in you and you alone when I stand before God and he says what have you done to deserve to be in my heaven the only answer that I will ever even consider is I have your son I accepted Jesus and His provision for me. If those things are true in your life then you're born again and as a born again please believer Satan doesn't like to give up that easy he's lost you now eternally to God but he'll still keep trying to torch you are with error and so if you're truly born again why it's not unusual to have Satan continuing to bombard you with trying to put doubts in your head. But that's where when you know truth how you handle those things is say no no what truth is and you're not giving me a truce or go talk somebody else will not listen to you and replace it with truth. Where do you think you are in that equation Jeremy. I think that I know I thought I was prayed before and but I still have doubts as to whether or not I really did get in my heart I'm just afraid I prayed it. Well you see the praying it isn't an issue Jeremy No one save by praying you're saved by faith and prayer is just a way of expressing the truth of what has taken place in your heart no one is saved by praying you're saved by faith and when you have placed faith in Jesus is when you in your heart have said Jesus this is truth you you if you didn't take away my sins I'm still in my sins and if you didn't if you were raised from the dead then I'm still dead. And and there the prayer. Is just can be or cannot be an extension of just merely communicating to God The truth of what's already taken place in your heart you know I don't think I really didn't really trust him. Do you think you're ready to do that tonight Jeremy or you have a process and you're ready to do that tonight and that it then that is again I almost hesitate to say to pray with you but because if you're ready to trust him then the next step is to trust Him In other words it's like looking at a chair and say I'm ready to believe that that chair will hold me and so you say well what do you do sit in it. And yours your situation is yes I have heard what this truth is and I believe it I believe with all my heart I don't want to be I don't want to be. Tossed to and fro by every wave of Dr and this is something I'm hanging on to with all my life and quite frankly what I'm what you're about to put your faith in if that doesn't work you'll end up in hell so it's a pretty pretty convincing it's one of those things that you're not just and well if if it in true something else will happen know if this does it or you and I are going to be in hell and so it's placing faith Jeremy in the truth of the death and the burial and the resurrection of Christ Jesus for you know more than just a historical event for you he died for you he took away your sins at the cross he suffered and died for your sins and when he was raised from the dead he was raised with you in mind that Jeremy you're dead spiritually and I've come to give you life I am the resurrection and the life and if you believe in me though you are dead. And yet show you live and whosoever lives and believes in me will never die and he said Do you believe this and the answer to that is if you if you do and you're saying yes I do believe this and I put my faith in that you're born again. Now as a way of expressing what you have taken place and what you've decided in your heart that this is this is what I know to be true from this day forth is to merely say to God God I have I believe what she's told me if you want to do that I want to pray with you you know I do Ok Jeremy let's pray. Father I believe what you said in your word father I believe what you said in your word that he has the Son has a life that he knew at the time has life and he who does not have the Son does not have life and he does not have the time and does not have life I do not want to remain dead you know I want to remain dad I therefore ask you to come into my heart I think if we're not going to come into my heart as my Lord and my savior as my Lord and as my Savior and my best friend and my best friend in Jesus name in Jesus and you me. Ok Najera me. That's the last you should have to do that. And the fact that you have doubts pumped into your head is not unusual Satan wants to do that. With the videos you talk about with the Trinity all that is is I can't comprehend Spirit God is Spirit I cannot comprehend Spirit never seen Spirit never smelt Spirit never touch spirit and he can and you must worship even Spirit in truth so house Pierrot indwells as the Father Son and Holy Spirit we try to put flesh and blood on that and put 3 persons in there God is Spirit and so if God exists which the Bible tells us is God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit I may not be able to comprehend that but I can apprehend it it's stated and therefore I'm going to say that's what that's what I know to be true there is one God and he exists in the person of God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and you can just leave that one alone you know Ok. Well Jeremy let us since you are new believers packet and we praise the lord for you and and thank God that you've nailed that down if I were you I would write my Bible the date today and just say that you nailed it down the you may have been you may not have been but today you nailed it then and just put your date down on the Bible and Satan comes in and cast doubt on you just turn it to him and show him and say get lost go talk about Dave thank you for listening to classic Christianity radio with Bob George we are a listener funded program and your financial support is greatly appreciated your generous gifts keep us on the air and they help so many people find hope in Jesus Christ go to Bob George dot net online for more information about how to purchase helpful books and Bible study materials to guide you as you grow in your relationship with Jesus thank you again for listening we look forward to our next classic Christianity radio broadcast with you in the mean time remember to always put Jesus 1st in your life. Jesus. Well the lesson no discipline seems pleasant at the time but later on however it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained. A reminder from the Crawford broadcasting station. Building relationships by doing this God can use you to point people to him Hi I'm Steve Douglas and today I'm making your life count. Explains Eve got to understand if God has called you to impact your sphere of influence you just need to step out and talk to one of the ways that that I encourage people to build relationships is to enter into their life ask if they could pray for him for something we live in a world it's amazingly open to the power of prayer they want to believe there's somebody out there bigger than we are people that you meet people that you might work with people on the street people in the marketplace. Are often hurting and just simply say Would you mind if I prayed for you on that and then don't if you can just you know say our home and pray for you find a place right there and ask them if you could pray for me right there is amazing what that will do for the starting a relationship but the 2nd thing that you got to do when you do that is you need to talk to him tomorrow or the next day and find out what's happened in their life find out how God has answered that prayer or what what is happening with them so we don't just pray once and then we forget we actually that's an open door to build a relationship. Getting out of the church building and onto the streets. Number one issue that faces the church in terms of reaching lost people is that they have little or no contact with those they want to reach and that we've pulled within the 4 walls of the church you know we've got. Just be willing to step out because those out there are the ones that he passionately desires to reach and just to be in relationships find something I like to do with them could be fishing could be all kinds of different things but work at building that relationship and enter into their life they want to know us they want to hear us they want us to know them and then eventually we'll have a chance to tell him how Jesus has what he's done in my life. Who has placed in your path today he can use you to be. 60 minutes of good news starts on the nation's most powerful Christian voice this is a m 67 k o t t k o t t h d commerce it again and streaming live at 670 calle t.t. Dot com if. You are listening to the good news with. The past shows. Now here's a student with the good news. This is the future Dave that many. Than one.