Isn't it good to hear about the tender heart of God toward us today on love worth finding the many rewards of serving our little as we hear Adrian Rogers encouraging lesson it pays to serve Jesus thanks for joining us as we continue our important series God's word for the end of an age today we're going to look at Malakai chapter 3 to hear something common to our society today of people who murmured against God and said There's just no future with God No prophet in worship here God's answer to that as we begin this lesson it pays to serve Jesus once again Adrian Rogers. We're continuing in this series God's word for the end of an age and I'm going to begin reading now and Malakai 3 and verse 13 your words have been stout against me says the Lord yet he say. What have we spoken so much against the. You have said it is vain to serve God and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance and then we have walked mournfully before the Lord of hose and now we call the crowd happy yea they that work wickedness are set up. Yea they that tempt God. Are even their lives good and what is happening here the people were speaking against God and God Remonde straight in with them and said Your words have been stout against me and what were they say I'll tell you what they were saying they were saying it doesn't pay to serve the Lord. What they were saying is this that worship is a colossal waste of time worship is a waste does no good to serve God. What profit is it they said we've been looking around the best crowd to be as those in the fast lane the Shakers the movers the proud the self-sufficient and the self-serving what good does it do to serve the Lord best what they've been asking it really doesn't pay they were say and Malakai answered and he gave 3 thoughts 3 wonderful fruits 3 wonderful principles that I pray God the Holy Spirit will in blazing upon your consciousness will in grave upon your hearts 3 things in case. Sometimes when you look around and it seems like everybody is having a big time and they are left out and that if you wonder some time are you really doing the right thing when you love and give and sacrifice and pray and serve the Lord Jesus whether you wonder is it really worth it. But I want you to keep these 3 things in mind 3 basic reasons that Malakai gave you to show that it truly paid us to serve Jesus reason number one our Lord. Members he is oh look in verse 16 then they either that feared the Lord now they that fear the Lord are in contradistinction to these who don't fear the Lord these are saying it doesn't do any good to serve God then they that feared the Lord no matter how bad it gets and how dark it gets God always has his people to me God always has his crowd been they bent feared the Lord spake often one to another and the Lord hearkened and heard and oh book of remembrance underscore that phrase a book of remembrance was written before him for them that fear the Lord and fall upon his name now God's angel is inscribing certain things about you those of you who serve the Lord and let me tell you what he is writing down 1st of all he's writing in that book your character Now your character is found in this phrase they that feared the Lord did you know there's no greater mark of character than to fear God and no greater mark of a bad character in that you don't fear God If you don't fear God The Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom I mean that's kindergarten that's the beginning that's the a.b.c. He's you can't go beyond that if you don't fear God Now what does the fear of the Lord mean it doesn't mean cringing grant we don't dread God we love to be in his presence but it means all. Reverence and respect for the glory that majesty of his name let me tell you what the fear of the Lord. He has a fear of the Lord is the law of all and the it's me that's what the fear of the Lord is the one who fears God the most loves him the best and there's no contradiction between the fear of the Lord and the love of God then they bet feared his main goal I'm afraid for our age in our generation because there is no fear of God before their eyes as no reverence for the Almighty and even God Himself and the holy things of God are made the butt of jokes in entertainment today but not only did God write down and does God write down your character but he also writes down your contemplation notice the last part of Verse 16 it mentions those who thought upon his name you see God is recording not only your deeds but God is recording your thoughts and that's what we've come to do today we've come today to think upon his meaning now some translations give it to those who is Steen his name that is not only do they think about his name but they think about his name as being worthy his name as being weighty is name is worth thinking about let me give you a verse of scripture Psalm chapter 9 and verse 10 in they gave that Noah by name shall put their trust in the you see because when you know his name you know his character and then when you know his character you want to trust him for example it amazing to think that God knows our thoughts may I suggest that you do this that you memorize the names of God and that you think upon his name because when you think upon his name God writes it in a book you see Listen God hearken the Bible sales and her they feared his name if you want to get God's attention curse his name and you'll get his attention but the Lord says he will hold him. But take of his name in vain you want to get God's attention praise his name for the Bible says ca occupies the praises of his people now we have so much foolish conversation around today but think about his name mention his name but not only is God going to write down your character and not only is God going to write down your contemplation but I tell you what else God writes down in his book God writes down your conversation Notice in verse 16 then they that fear the Lord spake often one to another and you know God hears what you say sometimes I love to be a preacher on the ominous that is I don't let people know that I'm a preacher. And I sit and listen to conversations hole my friend I guess you listen to him too don't you it's amazing how the conversation changes when somebody calls me Reverend. But the vast big vein conversation of people who don't know the Lord but the Lord harkens to our conversation as we talk about him now my dear friend if there are those who are talking against him in verse 13 your words have been stabbed against me but I think in verse 16 we ought to be talking for the Lord Jesus Christ let me give you another great verse Psalm 66 in verse 16 I've been meditating on this one and I'll tell you it is tremendous Here's what the psalm a said come and hear all ye that fear God and I will declare what he has done for my soul then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another and so what is the Lord right in that book well the Lord writes our character we fear the Lord our Lord writes Our contemplations we reverence we think about his name the Lord records our conversation they spake one to another and then I'll tell you what else he writes in there he writes our company and that book our company because it says they spoke one to another you see the Bible says we're not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching God's people need to get together where they can speak one to another and God looks down and he says Recording Angel write down their character they fear me write down their contemplation they think about my name write down their conversation they speak one to another write down their company they gather together to give me praise write it in a book of remember this God has 3 books in his library God has his. Of Revelation the Bible God has His book of redemption the Lamb's book of life and then my dear friend God has His book of remembrance God is writing things in his book he's writing about you let me give you a wonderful fall he's not writing your sins down in that book your sins are blotted out thank God But you know what he is writing down he's writing down perhaps a little things that other people overlook little things that other people might not even think about he knows Did you know that Jesus said You can't even give a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple and lose your reward little things those tears when you pray that prevent a session God says I've got your tears in a bottle he knows those tears that you wept for the last those prayers that you've said it midnight that little girl who lives in an ungodly hole when she gives a timid testimony for Jesus God wrote it down in his book God has a book a book of remembrance I have another reason it pays to serve Jesus not only because our Lord remembers his own but secondly because our Lord read Joyce is over his own look if you will in verse 17 and they that is those who fear the Lord and they shall be mine saith the Lord of hosts in that day when I make up my jewels and I will spare there. As a man spare with his own son but Service him. Now the Lord has many names for his children sometimes were a call saying it's sometimes sons sometimes servants sometimes stewards sometimes witnesses sometimes friends sometimes ambasador but none more beaut. Fold in this name in the King James jewels now some translations give it my Q You're crazy or. Peculiar treasure the old translators of the King James I think rightly chose the word Jew you will because that's what he's talking about a a peculiar treasure they are my jewels and what does a person do with his jewels he rejoices over them. Joyous and I've been in love for a long time. I can remember when I didn't love Joyce I met her in the 4th grade we were grade school sweethearts she's the only girl I ever dated in high school I knew that I loved her with a genuine love. We went away to college and I was working my way through college my dad was not able to pay my way through college and I had to work and study at the same time I've done all kinds of jobs but I knew I wanted to get married I wanted to marry Joyce I just a 19 year old lad but I wanted to get married we went and then De Land Florida to the main street to Duvall jewelers there the binding gauge maturing I was only 19 but I knew you supposed to do that. And we went into that store for and I just had 3 or $4.00 that's all just a little money mad man began to bring out those great big diamonds. And then he brought out the price tag. Oh my heart sank then he kept putting those back and I asked for something else and something else and finally he brought out a diamond. A one very big but I thought that perhaps I could pay for he said Son it's got a flaw in the center of it. But he said you can't see it unless you know what you're looking for. Joyce was there she said Adrian I think it's beautiful. So I said Mr I want to. I gave him a few dollars he said All right I'll hold it for you you come in and you buy in to be yours. I'm trying to pay for my tuition and my other expenses I get a few dollars and I go by and I give that man a few dollars a few dollars and I remember when I walked in there. And gave him that last dollar and picked up bettering put it in my pocket while the happiest days of my life. And I walked back with that rain I kept looking at it thinking about what it stood for I was smart though I gave it to on Christmas See kill 2 birds one stone. One a very big stone but it killed 2 birds. I gave it to our. Own Christmas Eve and then we made official what we had known all hearts. And we were going to get married. It's not much of a diamond. And after a while I said to her after many years honey I want to buy you another engagement ring I want to buy you a be one. Without a flaw in it. She said No sir. You're not about to buy me another engagement ring. She knew the price it was paid for she knew the law of that was they had. I made by or something else. And I do I'll never buy her another engagement ring because that my friend is her book You Are Your treasure now that's what God is saying we are to him he's saying you are my peculiar treasure that's what they can James calls you my. You're my jewels my dear friend I want you to think about that we are possessed by him they shall be mine saith the Lord we are perfected by him he says when I make up my jewels that is when I put them in their proper setting when Jesus comes to make up his jewels and you become a setting for his crown to give Him glory you will know what I'm talking about when I say it pays to serve Jesus it it pays to serve Jesus it pays every day it pays every step of the way his not in vain to serve the Lord Jesus Christ I give you a 3rd reason not only does the Lord remember his own and not only does the Lord read Joyce over his own one day soon he's going to return for his own he's going to return for his own look if you will in verse 18 now then the shall ye return and deserve them between the righteous and the wicket but tween him that service God and Him that serve with him not between those who say it doesn't pay to serve the Lord and between those who say it pays to serve Jesus this coming a great separation day Jesus Christ is coming soon. Malakhov prophesied it but the Apostle Paul filled in the details 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13 through 18. Paul said but I would not have you to be ignorant brother and concerning them which are sleep that is those who. A dead that your sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him for this we say and to you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain and to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent that literally mean shall not precede them which are sleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and the voice of the Ark angel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise 1st then we were trying to live and remain should be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord listen the Lord himself shall descend from heaven and what's going to happen there's going to be a resurrection when Jesus Christ comes there will be a shout in his lips for the Bible says he shall come with a shout He's the Lord Of The Damned as well as the Lord of the living and his voice will rebirth through the tombs of those who know him and they're going to hear him multiplied millions will hear him say Come fall and his Lancer is came forth they will come forth and the voice of the Savior will echo down the length and the breadth of Satan's Empire bath and it will crumble as the king of life says come forth and then there's going to be a rapture we which remain in our lives should be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air it's going to happen instantaneously in the twinkling of an eye but only the saved are going to be called out My dear friend the heaven born are going to be the heaven bound that's who's going up those that share the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ you see the Lord is going to come my friend there's a return there's a resurrection there's a rapture and there is a reunion because he says we're going to be caught up together can you imagine can you imagine what it's going to be like for all of the Saints over. All the ages to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air we'll sing and shout and dance about the lamb will dry our to use We'll have a grand homecoming week the 1st 10000 years meeting your mom or your dad or your brother your sister the saints of the ages the Apostle Paul Simon Peter James and John we'll be there and you know what we'll be doing there will still be talking about his name that's what we're going to be doing or we'll be saying All hail the power of Jesus to maim plannings those prostrate fall bring forth the royal diet and clown him Lord of all my dear friend when he designs between the righteous and the way kids when the saved are taken to heaven and the own saved all left to go through the Great Tribulation and into the fires of hell then you answer the question does it pay to serve Jesus my friend it pays to serve Jesus it pays every day it pays every step of the way but I'll tell you I believe when they do pay the most and when we have know that we've done the right thing I already know it. But all when it comes. To look upon his face. It will be worth it all. When we see cross a man. A man it will be worth it all what a tremendous lesson for us today to help remind us that God knows our hearts and it does pay to serve Jesus now because of time constraints we were not able to air all of the message today but if you'd like to hear it in its entirety call us at 1877 Love God and order a cd of it pays to serve Jesus additional copies are available for a reduced cost or you might want the complete God's word for the end of an age series by Adrian Rogers Today's message is included. These helpful lessons come in 9 dynamic biblical messages available on 5 C.D.'s call 1877 love God to order or contact us online at L.W.'s dot org for God's Word for the end of an age you have a call on your life if you are a follower of Jesus you have these words to motivate you go into all the world and make disciples So how do you do that love worth finding us created a new discipleship God that answers that important question the factors of faithfulness discipleship guide is a bookmark in booklet with Daily Scripture Readings based on Adrian Rogers messages give one to a friend and point them to Scripture and then schedule a regular time to share what God's doing in your lives this new resources are gift to you right now when you support the ministry of love worth finding thanks for your generous support that keeps us going on this station and around the world ask for a copy of the factors of faithfulness discipleship guide when you call with a gift today at 187-756-8346 extension 3 or 1877 love God You could also give online at l w f dot org or write with a gift to love worth finding box 38600 Memphis Tennessee 38183 in Canada write p. O. Box 152 Maple Ridge b.c. The 2 x. 7 g. One again thanks for your generous support you know about our prayer network there are requests from listeners around the country and around the world that are prayed over every day the salvation of a spouse or a child wisdom for those looking for employment prays for answered prayer if you go to L.W.'s dot org you'll see prayer network at the top of the page click on that and share your request today again l w f dot org and click prayer network. Rick at the top of the page now coming up this weekend it's the law worth finding television broadcast with Adrian Rogers it's viewed in more than $190.00 countries around the world check your local listings for the time and channel of the love worth finding television programs in your area well thanks for studying with us today and thanks to Matt Bryson Jerry McWilliams for their work on the broadcast I'm Chris favorite invitee back next time as we explore God's word to discover even more about his sustaining love words . Start your car and in your morning drive at 7 am with Adrian Rogers and love worth finding it's just the encouragement and wisdom you need to kick off your work day love worth finding Monday through Friday at 7 am on the mighty 670 k. L. T. . The nation's most powerful Christian Voice World War at 670 Caleb t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age d. On am 670 k. O. T. T. It covers it in. It a fool in his money are soon parted I might add the same goes for yours truly at a book sale stay tuned to break point from the Colson center for Christian worldview Here's Eric Metaxas with a breakpoint. The other day I found myself at a book sale and before I knew it I'd walked out of there with an armload of interesting volumes one was Uncle Tom's Cabin the bestselling novel of the 1900 century credited with laying the foundation of the American Civil War recently in breakpoint I told you how Harriet Beecher Stowe met a man named Josiah Henson who escaped slavery the result was Uncle Tom's Cabin may be the most overtly Christian book of its kind I have ever read I can't think of any other fiction that comes close the impact of this one little volume on the cultural. Is amazing and so is its enduring message of basic human dignity I also walked out with a copy of the Island of Dr Moreau by h.g. Wells this classic work of early science fiction powerfully illustrates that we can escape the bounds laid down by the Creator and we weak misery when we try just think about today's transgender movement folks these are great books and they reminded me of a quote by movie Bible institutes Dr Rosalie De Rosa say who said that the difference between a good book and a bad book is that a good book takes you deeper into life and a bad book distracts you from life so to help you get deeper into life this summer I asked my colleagues at the coast and center to suggest a few good books for you Warren Smith our vice president of mission advancement recommends all the king's men by another Warren Robert Penn Warren he calls it the greatest political novel ever written Warren adds that it takes seriously the doctrine of original sin and it offers deep insights into populist politics a form of politics that rears its head in American political life every generation or so breakpoint editor Dave Carlson Meanwhile recommends a guest for the night by Pulitzer Prize winning Israeli author s.-y. Annie on it's a hauntingly beautiful and melancholy story set in Poland after World War One the main character a middle aged Jewish man returns from Palestine to his hometown to find a Jewish community devastated by the war what makes the book so compelling for Christians David says is the characters profound love for God the Torah and his longing for the coming of King Messiah for us David adds it raises the question to those of us who know that King Messiah has come love God in His Word as much as this man Shane Morris breakpoints assistant editor recommends the 4 loves by c.s. Lewis quite simply Shane says it will change the way you think about every relationship in your life the 4 loves as one of the most spiritually practical books you're likely to read because it forces you to begin thinking precisely about a subject which is kept regretably mushy by the limits of our language Timothy Padgett our new managing editor at breakpoint dot org says you should consider a more. It taste for bones the 1st in the brother can't fail series by Ellis Peters' the author deftly puts you in 12th century England he says with all the political and religious factions and gives you a sense of the everyday life of the time reading these fictional tales to Mads reminds us that struggling to live out our faith in divisive times is not unique to our age and Roberta Rivera a senior fellow at the cause and center recommends the Barker and Llewellyn series by Will Thomas Roberta says that the protagonist Cyrus Barker is the original Most Interesting Man in the world the son of missionaries to China and master of the martial arts Cyrus is a private inquiry agent not a spy and is the most dangerous man in Britain he's also a good friend of Charles Spurgeon who pops up in the novels from time to time how great is that these books are the only good ones you can pick up the summer of course but they are ones that we heartily recommend for your reading pleasure and edification and to help you go deeper into life happy reading and I'll see you at the next book sale for breakpoint this is Eric Metaxas. Your station for God in country this is the mighty 670 k. L.t. . Garden is still on the throne and prayer changes things. People always talk about the end of Christ and how you will control how people buy and sell in the tribulation Have you ever considered it may not be dollars and cents it may be big coins here now is Pastor Larry with Dr Bob thank you Matthew and greetings to each and every one of our listeners listeners Pastor Larry at Southwest radio. All ministries and we're going to be talking to Dr Bob glaze who is our president and general manager he have for this month has written the for Fedak observer and the prophetic observer for this month is all about crypto Kerns say you probably don't know too much about crypto currency war bit coins but Dr glaze is going to share a lot of information about that but this is a really hot item it's just fits right into the prophetic scenario there's a lot of prophetic connections physically with the new world order what we see happening in our world today we know that President Trump for example is trying to drain the swamp the swamp is loaded with all kinds of filthy slithering things and crypto currency just fits in those very very well we've got a special offer for you we'll tell you about that a little bit of a friend's thank you so much for being with us Bob so nice to be looking at your smiling face well thank you Larry it's good to be on the program I know you have a real interest in things that are prophetic especially regarding the economy I've read your prophetic observer I've learned so much and I'm sure you learned a lot in putting it together you don't lot of research and that's what I like about it there's a lot of things coming out and yet a lot of people don't understand what is cryptocurrency So let's start with something very basic What is cryptocurrency when us 1st Larry fellow country ball like me started out with a Big Chief Tablet this is come a long way yes and it's it is difficult for someone who has their entire life dealt with paper money with dollars for his fiance for it's not what is worse than a sign or that it's not and when we look at this we see it's almost the same thing is the money we have it's not backed up by anything it's backed up own face and the work that's been put into it our dollars are. Federal Reserve Notes don't even own those the United States doesn't owe most world bikers on it and you're in Woodrow Wilson's days he's the one who started the Federal Reserve System and the American people were supposed to be able to bust stock in that well it was never offered to the American people before we got to them the Federal Reserve System offered this all to international bankers they gobble it up so the United States does not own our currency someone else does but this is something that people has come up with a crypto currency that's trying to get around that system this system is not backed by any banking system is not backed by any government it is strictly internet based and that's why I say that this I think it has something to do with the tribulation period but a digital currency crypto currency it's a digital currency he you don't see it you know when you buy into it you don't get money dollars for it now there are places you can buy it for dollars There are people you can sell it to they will give you a case forward based on a reduction when you go they even have a.t.m. Machines machine maybe a one of these little corner markets or something like that and when you do when you buy or sell those there is a percentage that they take out sometimes up to 20 percent but it's a digital currency and I'm just I'm Ray Davis as it's presented this for currency in which encrypts and techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds operating independently of a central bank while because it is universal in scope and is not backed by any commodity such as gold silver time food it's not back anything Also it is not controlled by any government our central banking system the central banking systems of the world controlled all of the money and they go. Blissed Oh they are wrong that even Russia has a central bank you know there's only 3 countries left in the world today that do not have a central bank and you won't be surprised if because of the laws that we're battling all the time and I think that's got something to do with it we're involved in this banking system run by world rumors globalist those are 3 countries or are Russia North Korea and Cuba that's the 3 left all the rest have instituted a central banking system so this crypto currency is the electronic deal that and that's why it's a lot of governments hate it because they can't control it to can't tax right now if you think you're supposed to quote unquote report money that you've made off of this but actually him and made any money unless you sell it for cash so if you sell it out of case then you get it but it's digital who don't see it and if you don't know anything about computers then you can't get involved in it where you know when you're talking about this and like I said I did read the prophetic observer and I'm thinking you know supposing online a deserted island in the South Pacific and I'm really hungry and I have a $1000.00 in my wallet I come out with all this cash it means nothing to me and this is basically what you're talking about I just can't you know I want to fish I want to conquer not I want more I could really go for roast pork on this island 1000 means nothing it doesn't snow so you're talking about a crypto currency and that's that's how I relate to it and I'm sure most of our listeners there was well you know what are you talking about is this worth anything you mean I've got to buy something that I can't eat suck. On a hot day it's 108 out here today and I can drink it and cool off while what's going on I'm you know when I wrote this article a few weeks ago it has meant a low. Crypto currency to Bitcoin and we're just a bit Cohen because it's later and it's this was the 1st one that came out into the . 8 The Bitcoin was worth $6500.00 about 3 weeks ago today it's work nearly $7500.00 per So when you go into some of these places like Starbucks and use your ears or cryptocurrency your Bitcoin I have most as a cup of coffee cost is just a tiny piece of a bit coin so there are places that use it and there's a lot of A.T.M.'s around us a lot there's Oklahoma City is probably 15 or 20 places you could go to but some banks actually work with bitcoins all the governments are looking at it even our own government is looking into getting involved with it cause a lot of times they're missing out the can't tax it they like to have control of it but you know it's interesting about this too there was a time I remember I came example with Radio Church in May of 1998 that nobody talked about the c.f.r. Nobody talked about the builder birders these were secret things now we're talking about it and I don't same thing happening with big coins or you know when you started investigating this nobody was talking about it now I'm reading about it in the newspapers so this is one of these creeping things that seems to be taking over and I'm wondering Bob where did the original idea come from well you know those who were 1st involved in this so I actually got the idea from Benjamin Franklin they have a computer and no he didn't know about it but his system was and the columnist had no money and they had a shortage of cash or whatever they had no money and they didn't want to be involved with England of course so they kind of rejected the pound and so forth but they didn't have any any money to work with and it's actually a loan Benjamin Franklin got in a printing press they started to print his own money and he gave this out to people who actually pay all of the money. Just like our our government does they own our dollar they can call it in any time right they can change it they can come up with something else like the Federal Reserve System did and our federal reserve note which does nothing to do with America but he started start printing this. Based on faith and him that they could take it back to him and get something out of it and they began to use it in the colonies and after that for many years clip ended at 18 hundreds every state or Mo almost every state had their own money I remember in Oklahoma back in 18 hundreds we had different cash it had different pictures on it and everything but the cash now is run by our government those owned by our government but they regulated because are part of the central banking system for the Federal Reserve so pay someone it come up with a day of this war these people get the idea from it now it actually didn't do much until a gentleman or a man or maybe a group of people are not real sure and then a fight himself is so Toshi Nakamoto sound like Japanese to me he posts an announcement on the internet about a new electronic case system that uses a peer to peer or person to person network to prevent double spending now you know that's a lot of hullabaloo to most of us Nakamoto brainchild was based on a technology referred to as block chain and lack pretty recent successful attempts to creating a desert Ok system his running shell had no central authority responsible for ensuring participants and I didn't spend the same unit of currency and they could use it but they couldn't since spend it twice once it's used is gone and once you you can buy a car with bitcoins Well the dealer that deals with bitcoins Now the. Sale but $21.00 he gives you for a bit coin probably going to be less than what it's actually worth goes when he takes the Bitcoin then he has to put it in circulation are sent it he has to get something back from him but once is spent it's gone you can't get it back it's not like a dollar bill you know you cannot dollar bill you may have the same dollar bill dozen times before it gets out of circulation but a lot of people now are involved in this thing and this guy started it in 2008 this Nakamoto and he was a braincell are they a group or the braincell of it and I want to start out if you would about Bitcoins in 2008 they would be in less than $0.10 in 10 years it's grown to $7500.00 per So there have been people who have become billionaires daily in cryptology and this Kryptos a currency but you know once you get it what do you do with it you say I'm a I'm a billionaire and and big Cohens. What are you going to do with them become powerful I mean we're talking about George Soros we're talking about a lot of the big money people who have some billions into the Bitcoin so it's a big deal but it's about race to saturation point they say you know the No $100000000000.00 or so it's going to have reached its peak but there are still there are over $1600.00 other cryptocurrency its role Wired In fact in 2017 and all the top 11 cryptocurrency is in the world now the top 11 Bitcoin was number 11 that came in the 11th as far as again and percentage and so forth so it's something that there's this been created out of the blue you know anybody can start one but you've got to be able to have the proper equipment you have to have a proper internet space all of these things work together so I can retire several times probably. Oh what it would take me to get into the bit coin business you know so why would I do that when there's I guess this is a type of at Kernstown you know words those words whatever somebody says it is fear the currency which is kind of scary because who's the guy who's the stand wishing the value in fact you spoke about it increasing in value and I guess sometimes it goes down in Florida has this established there are people who've lost oh most oh right or money involved in this might be they put in millions and the next day they come back and it's worth thousands and so it is a gamble but the rule of thumb in gambling is you you never gamble mourn you can afford to lose and so if you start then vast but able to put in $100.00 to start one of them said if you put in $100.00 in 2017 today it would be worth like $55000.00 so just like anything nothing is worth more than what you can get for and this is the way the bit coin business or crypto currency works so it's a gamble and if you're a gambler and there's nothing wrong with having money Apollo template for the love of money is rid of all the right so money is not evil and you can get a lot of money in it and long as you get it ethically morally legally then there's nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't become an idle as long it is as it is a tool and as a Christian found all the money I would be supporting a lot of Christian ministries right a lot of missionaries and so forth so what do you do if you make all that money and found somebody want to get into Bitcoin they just have to understand what you're doing and it's kind of like you know around the fall you look at the squirrels they're loading their cheeks with nuts you know and then there you see him digging on the ground they're burning everything and I wonder if squirrels would be satisfied with Bitcoins can you eat any big coins would you rather have acorns I rather have a cordial friends I'm going to jump in here we do have this. Mishal offer we'd like to send you a free copy of the prophetic observer this is the prophetic observer that Dr Bob blaze has written one month I write a prophetic observer another month he does to go back and forth and then also I know we have a lot of new listeners here's something else that's a freebie it's a listener's packet it will help you get acquainted with Air Ministry 180-652-1144 call for a free copy of the prophetic observer and it's free to you a listers packet new listeners packet 180-652-1144 let me add a few other things we have a really exciting t.v. Show that we've been working on since I guess it's 1 April the 2nd 2017 you know we are the oldest continuously broadcasting Christian radio ministry in the world we're still South-West Radio Church we're on t.v. It's called The Journey and if you would like to help to underwrite this program this is a fantastic program you will be surprised at what we do in our computer man Marvin McKelvey nice got some footage I don't know where he gets it from but you'll go to different parts of the world you'll see different things we're going to be talking about prophecy about the End Times about how all that's going on in the world really think affects us at the present time how it affects people how it affects families it's called The Journey shown like I say if you like to help underwrite it call me or Dr Bob glaze 180-652-1144 there was one other thing I'm really excited about it it's our 3 day prophecy conference in Gettysburg Pennsylvania we're back at the famous hotel that we've often loved and have loved so much or been treated so well as the Wyndham call us for more information 180-652-1144 or check out our Web site s w r c dot com. The dates are go to the 18th 19th and 20th I don't hear delays will be speaking I'll be speaking Steve strain will be speaking Tom one will be speaking during Gilbert will be speaking Kenneth Hill of course you know him very well Jeff Kabul who's a constitutional attorney and there's going to be a tremendous tremendous prophecy conference and you'll want more information on that the dates October the 18th the 19th and 20th then let's get back to Dr Bob glaze Bob how does this whole thing how to big coins compared to dollars and tell us the source of this I mean Tony I want to buy some can I go down to the Wal-Mart get them it going where you can buy the Mona Internet of course you get on there's lots of sites just you know Internet you know is that the dark web is there still no it's not part of the Dark One case no it's legal it's ladle Ok now well it's not everywhere right Ok let me just name right now Japan is the largest user bitcoins they've gone into lock stock and barrel I mean everything that they're involved in and of the 1st country to regulate it which means the government is getting involved in here why because are losing out right you know and United States the 2nd user but they don't view that is legal tender when r.s.v. Has to have it and they get clearance it's not legal tender but the i.r.s. Can tax it or think you make of it now I don't understand it quiet but that's what's one that's their legal tender in his views is viewed as action for in his country in the world for crypto currencies United Kingdom they don't believe it so they don't use it as a legal tender but x. Changes are legal if raised or what the financial conduit of Conduct Authority South Korea does not. View because his legal tender. But the exchanges are legal if they're registered Singapore does not view but. On the legal tender but exchanges and years is not bew view bit Cohen says legal tender but you're taking steps to recognize that China does not recognize it in any way it's totally illegal they're taking steps to make crypto mining illegal as well as shut down domestic crypto exchanges so they're really come down hard on it and I can understand that because the Chinese love to control everything they love to little churches and anything that they can control they don't like so what you're telling us and this is getting into the prophetic scenario is that this is something that can operate all part from national government say it sounds like a new world order of scenario this sounds like fits into the Revelation 13 scenario no absolutely it does because there has to be some way for the enterprise to control right now you know he says you can buy a cell you can't buy ourselves or anything without his Ok you now if he controls the enter in it and controls take the currency worldwide and he control what anybody can do now know where one's going to get the market based on not sure exactly what that is and some people think it's a chip that would make it very very simple but whatever it is in order to get control or get the be part of this crypto currency you're going to have to have the market abates right if you refuse that then you're going to lose your head but you're going to reserve a place in heaven and so. Any craft I believe is going to take take full advantage of this began immediately starting in the tribulation pilling period of building up to the midpoint when the site actually right into Wales and it crashed and so I believe this is one way that they had a crash can come troll the world as far as trade so I mean if you don't have that market or if you don't have the ability to do that you probably have. The number and defense number doesn't fit then you can't trade you can't buy you can't sell and he controls everyone and I think this is the way it's going to happen if placed a system similar to this may not be exactly this system but I think it's going to be an international monetary system and this is the best thing going right now the Internet but it sounds like for what you're telling us is that this is really a precursor for what we read about of the tribulation period fact not often wondered how the any Christ has to have some way of wiping out all resistance I mean he is a control freak Ok so with this system this electronic digital system this is the perfect way that he can punish those who would take his mark I mean you know I know something about computers enough to do a little typing write an article now and then but he could hit the delete button and if you have to haven't taken his mark you can be rendered panelists in seconds I mean all over the world doesn't matter where you live you could live in Germany go live in China I mean he's got complete control of this and we've we've often wondered you know how can one person punish any but everybody anywhere in the world well is a perfect scenario for that I mean this is this is a control situation indeed this will become a prison planet during the tribulation the absolute you know the globalist totally involved in this if the Federal Reserve system the international reserve system the International Monetary Fund the globalists control the money in every country except for those 3 countries and they certainly will be subdued in some point because we know what the Bible says and so if they control the money of Allah countries where they'll be a dollar a pound you know whatever they can and stupidly. Deny the use of those that paper money or whatever they have and you only way it you can trade or buy sale is go to the internet so I believe that the Internet is going to be alive and well there's going to be a lot of countries maybe China maybe China is going to be one of them part of that 3rd that's going to be destroyed if they don't accept a society and so he's going to have complete control and the way he has complete control is control the food that's the way you control people you control their food their gave you anything leg up for something to eat and they will give you their allegiance whatever it takes to feed their children to put food on the table and all what they're going to be able to dish to the anti-Christ Well I'm thinking you know there's so many things that we are dependent on even as you get older most people take some kind of medication they could cut that off right away of celebrity or medicine heart medicine insurance coverage if they don't like you you'll die in your own vomit not trying to be cruel but that's the way it is they don't care and when you know I'm thinking this is a good time to give a gospel invitation friends you know want to be here you don't want to be one of those who are left behind because it's going to be really really bad then the great thing about salvation put your faith in Jesus you know you think well do I have to buy some bitcoins to get saved absolutely not surrender yourself a knowledge that you are a sinner that's where you got to start but hey if you're honest you are what you do what you think I can look at what I do what I think oh yeah I'm a sinner I need the mercy of God So remember you know the grace of God teaches us that we need to turn away from formlessness from self to subsistence you know those who want to be survivalist one kind of thing no we need to be totally dependent upon the Lord Jesus Christ one other question we're just about out of time Bob But but tell us a few more ways of how the any cries in control cryptocurrency through the international banking. System whatever it is even our own dollar it's a fee currency it's a Federal Reserve Note is not owned by the American people it's not owned by our government and so therefore it can be done away with in an instant you know 1934 they stopped handing out gold or silver for anything about a $1.00 bail now and that team $73.00 under Nixon the Federal Reserve system but even changed the deal where you couldn't you couldn't even get silver for a dollar bail so now them there's nothing backing our money it's simply people's faith in this government that they will stand behind what they've done and when and of Christ takes over he's going to rule every country and he will determine who gets it and who doesn't and so when it controls all the money systems you know someone once said you know you don't have to have a big army just control the money that's all you have to do and he will do that and then someone said laundered not too long ago it's the economy stupid it really is a lot and I think all of these things that's going on the world today they all affect economies around the economies rule right that's controlled you can handle the economy so Obama has really been good I know sometimes you're interviewing me and now I'm interviewing you I think we work well together friends I'm just excited about Southwest for your church and what we're doing what we're getting into in through our t.v. Program always good things so thank you so much Bob thank you Matthew please come to the by I can tell our listeners about our special offer Thank you Pastor Larry our very special offer today is the free prophetic observer for the month of August written by Dr Bob glaze he goes into great detail about this new cryptocurrency the prophetic observer is free and the call is free just dial 18065 to one. In 144 you can also write in your free publication by writing to post office box 76 a 34 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73147 and you can send us an e-mail and requested just address the e-mail to info at instead of your c dot com or go to our website and click on the link at s. W.r.c. Dot com If you are a new listener we will send you our new listener pack it is full of good free stuff that number again is 180-652-1144 or write to us at Post Office Box 76834 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73147 and visit us online and s w r c dot com In fact if you haven't already you should visit our website and check out our video page it's listed as watch on one of the tabs we have many videos there you can watch and get some great Christian teaching that's as w.r.c. Dot com and click on the watch tab while you're at it if you're on Facebook you should visit our Facebook page we have a whole bunch of videos on there as well and if you like it tell us thank you for joining us today and muse back here Monday as we begin a new series on the watchman on the wall program from Southwest Radio Church. God's word worldwide at 670 calle t.t. Dot com and all over Colorado in digital age t.v. On a m 670 k l t t Commerce City Denver. Iraq towns with the palaces have long suffered and I find it isn't a crime so we feel it sorrow knowing that Christians also face can be pretty cheesy and then they don't need an Africa $99.00 or 9 for that the Lord is a refuge for the oppressed a stronghold in times of trouble because your prayers at $82.00 for one eye and t.j. 9 am the teacher and the preacher Ok l t t Denver. You know your body mind and soul 32 to a m 6 a pill t t k o t t h d commerce you do them and know that 951 and streaming live one at 670 calle t t dot com. Loosely leave we're glad you could join us today for the concept of faith broadcasting this program is dedicated to teach you how to put the word of God to work so that it will make a positive difference in the everyday circumstances of your life. And here's Charles camps. If you ever get the image of what God says about you inside you you are going to be what God says you are and you will do what God says you can do if you get that image inside but that image comes by hearing and speaking and saying what you say to. These people. Were perverted in their thinking they were out to make a name for themselves now we know they could to build a tower to heaven to get up or about 18000 b. And they have been following all their like. That around oxen and we know that God knew that. But God can.

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