Tickles at a live a life of valor by becoming a passionate worshipper Saturday August 18th at 1st Bank Center in Broomfield join an extraordinary group of Navy SEALs and ministry leaders as they present more ships as warfare this event will sell out so get your ticket now at life and valor dot com. If you are your body mind and soul $32.00 to a m 6 a pale t.t. Pale t t h d come or city them and know that $95.00 point and screaming world was at $670.00 calle t.t. Dot com. God is still on the throne and Predator changes things. The world is going crazy and getting crazier every day good is called bad and bad is called good which is causing this behavior could be because we tell our children they are only animals here now is Pastor Larry with Billy crown Thank you Matthew and greetings to each and every one and all listening audience it's good to be with you we have an old old friend that's not really speaking about his age he's really quite useful looking I actually don't know if they'd but is youthful looking he's very very big very quickly and clearly he's just amazing and his name is Pastor Billy Crone we've got him on whether we have a new series that he has prepared is titled The witness of creation 42 studies on 21 D.V.D.'s don't let me see it again 42 studies on 21 D.V.D.'s and. And it's an amazing series he goes into great great depth about the evidence of intelligent design a young earth special creation the days of Noah. You know friends I have often felt that if you teach young people that they are nothing more than animals guess what they'll believe you and they will act like animals and I think that's one of the places where the world has gone off the track with me through evolution now we are not animals we are creatures created in the image of God and we are tripartite be going to sponsor a Son and Holy Spirit we have a soul a spirit and a body and we need to get back to the basics and pastor Billy Crone will help us to do that better go ahead so good to have you on whether Thank you Dr scores we know it's always great to be on well you mean to tell me that you don't believe that everything you know of these marvelous is that we have been our amazing bodies and all these things didn't just happen by chance and over evolution what 60708100 1000000 years ago do you believe something different well usually dark starts we all come back and say you know I'm sorry but you have more faith in me because when you take a look at logic and science it takes more faith to believe in a liability Jennette goes the truth of the biblical account of creation and this is I love apologetics and this is what this is it's given a defense for frankly not just the Bible but at the very 1st I'm just the 1st chapter not even the very 1st page the very 1st verse of the very 1st page of the very 1st book of the Bible the Book of Genesis in the beginning God is the one who created the heavens and the earth and evolution from page one forward deny everything we believe in and it blows me away how many Christians are unfortunately quick but I think really quick because. Man knowing what church is typically not touch Bible prophecy with a 10 foot pole but they go the other and expect you were Think again. Beginning the creation and they don't want touch out of the 10 foot pole and what's sad is guess what God never gets it wrong and just take what the Bible is right and you don't have to bow a need to the status quo they're the ones that are lying they're the ones who are repeating the lie loud enough long enough enough enough so that people will believe it I really think Dr sparge Mino even in the Christian community most people either waffle on the lie of evolution or have bought into it because they've never been confronted with the evidence and so that's what we do with the study and as you mentioned which goes up in the 5 chunks we did 10 hours just on the evidence of intelligent design we did 6 hours on the evidence that we have not been here for millions of billions of years we did a 6 hours on a special creation exposing the lies of evolution we took a look at all their mechanisms and how this is supposed to even work natural selection embryology and no expose how it doesn't work we got them quoting that they'd mit it doesn't work and the only reason why they continue to maintain it is because they know the only alternative is the biblical account and in their words that some think about what is not science you're lying to me and then we do another 12 hours on the days of Noah Giants ancient technology Noah's Ark and the evidence for that and then we finish up with 8 hours on the truth about dinosaurs How does that jive with the Bible but if you want to start on the 1st one intelligent design that's just pure logic in fact Jesus in Matthew 24 when I was you talking about the last days how do you know it's getting close to his return the 1st thing he said before you start talking about the rise of earthquakes and famines and pestilence and wars he said watch out that no one deceives you and throughout Matthew 24 he talks about deceit deceit deceit false teachers false teaching false prophets don't let anybody deceive you stick to God's word Don't let anybody deceive you and Dr sparge mean I'm convinced that the lie of evolution that is arisen in these last days is part of that deceit that Jesus is talking about in fact not to go. Too too far off target but you need to live evolution to to spawn the the rise of wickedness that we see today which is not a prophecy side right because again as you mentioned why are we shocked when you tell kids that you came from an ape which is a lie but you tell him that over and over again why are you shocked when they act like an ape when you tell kids there's no meaning and purpose for life why are you shocked when they so flippantly take a life and what a person believes determine how they behave and this live evolution also Paul says in Romans chapter one is the reason why the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven and he says right there in Romans 118 says the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and witness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness since what may be known about God is plain to them why because God made a point to them while will keep 1st is the creation of the world God's invisible call these is eternal power and divine nature has been clearly seen being understood from what has been made so that minute without excuse in other words Paul saying is nobody's going to stand before God say gun you can't judge me I didn't have enough evidence you are real that's a lie he said you should be able to look at everything he made creation and come to the logical conclusion that somebody had to make this and that's basically the argument of intelligent design that's what we did we basically went from one into the spectrum to the other 10 hours of scientific information logical information from we started at the telescope and we in the universe all the way down to the microscope every single thing the gun created shows intelligent design and that's the issue when you see design in something what does that imply that had my chance know somebody designed it let me give an example what if I were to start this interview the Today doctor sparge me if I ever say to a doctor before we get into context I want to tell you something exciting I was running to my office here and I haven't noticed. I across the street in the ditch from my office there was something that caught my eye and I went over there and it was a watch it was a watch and it works I can believe it I saved some money but but but then I followed up with this and you know what Dr spurge Mino I believe that that watch spontaneously combusted in that ditch over there over millions and millions of years from the years of of repeated rain erosion beaten down on the rocks in the sticks and it created this mud pack and this primordial mud goo in and then all of a sudden over millions of year to help us watch now if I really really truly sincerely said that and meant that what would you say I was you're out of your mind yeah and that's a lesson he had me on your program right the cheese with my cracker at you know all that stuff why because come on watches don't design themselves watches are designed by watchmakers they don't spontaneously pop on the scene and listen folks that's just a watch with about 12 moving parts I get cheap watch Ok Well excuse me why is it acceptable for an evolution to say not just a watch but our whole bodies with 50 trillion cells did not just our bodies but our whole world and all of life evolved completely but I mean with all due respect who is Jesus light not his Gregory or right but I don't have time I see to go into the Colton hours but let me just give you some highlights of some of the information we bring and Dr sparge me to talk about a faith builder talk about I hear from I can encourage churches parents you name it your kids when you realize or not are getting chewed alive in the secular educational system and you need to get him equipped and I'm telling even if you don't appreciate this your kids will need to get the information for them but let me give you some evidence of God's creation you tell me if any that happened by chance and I'm gonna start which is the human body in a couple have a chair it did you know they are kidneys contain approximately 280 miles of tubes they filter 185 quarts of water a day from a blood. And think about it because that's just like up as like a plumbing system but that's amazing but and we all know that the planning system in our house it slowly evolved over millions and millions of years as random events of pipes begin to sneak together and you know that's crazy Well that's inside of our Bunny did you know that the heart comes 5000 gallons of blood a day 5000 gallons and beats approximately 100800 times a day 2500000000 times an average lifetime how would you like to have a motor that ran that efficient because we all know that the motors in our vehicles that we drive and maybe you're driving as you listen this month yes it spontaneously combusted over millions billions of years I mean these you know you just threw a bunch of rocks and sticks together and whom it just blew up and it's working perfectly and of course not that's real ludicrous did you know our bodies make about 2 to 10000000 blood cells every 2nd and if you lined up the red blood cells in one person's body in the end they go around the equal to 4 times that is seriously complex in fact speaking to complex our brains was our brains weigh about 3 pounds they contain $12000000000.00 cells each of which are connected 210000 other brain cells which makes 100 in 20 trillion connections and the brain controls everything we think about hearing sight smell speech eating reading learning and the average brains delivers so much memory data the my the age of 40 it would take the imposed a building full of computers just to store the same amount of information which came Maison we complex Oh and by the way did you know speak of the human body the human body folks did you know that it all has to be there fully functioning at the same time or you're dead meat for you because it was as we slowly evolved into a human body well last time I checked there's a lot of different parts that are in the human body and they all had to be there all same time you're dead you can still evolving to meet for instance what if you only had to have evolved part. How long will he live where very well all right what if you had a one quarter of 11 you know do to get one if you had 18 and you're just starting it there just popped on the scene somehow spontaneously of your of the liver. Folks all of our organs only had to all be there fully functioning they all had to be there at the same time it's ludicrous to say this all slowly just kind of packed itself together one thing at a time is ridiculous now let's go even deeper How about the d.n.a. The d.n.a. Molecule they now know folks the code is so unbelievably complex if you typed it all out it would create enough books to fill the Grand Canyon 40 times Ok it's absolutely complex right it's like a computer code more than anything we could ever dream up of and because we all know by the way any time that you need a new computer program here's all you do you just take the pages out of a book and you just carom up in the random pieces you're thrown on the ground and then you you know you get like a. Shop back you suck em all up and then when you open up the shop back it's it's a perfectly formed computer program. That's ridiculous No Somebody had to design and that's what we see ourselves now that's just the human body let me give you just one animal that God created called the draft the draft Charles Darwin actually thought that the draft was an animal like a horse and that over millions of years the draft evolved a longer neck because it kept reaching for higher food so the horse got a longer neck he says basically because it was reaching for are you kidding me I don't know what you guys but I'm kind of vertically challenged and all my life ducks sparge me up and reaching for stuff with the store or the cabinet you know if evolution were true my arm should be 8 feet long by now. But not only that a draft of a draft has a serious problem 1st of all the neck on the draft is 6 feet long which means bending over it could explode its brain from the pressure which created the 2nd house that house as he stayed alive. Well it just so happens the draft has the most powerful heart in the animal kingdom is 2 feet long it weighs $25.00 pounds the walls are 3 inches thick but it also comes with 4 safety features to keep its brain from exploding just to take a drink of water in for a let me give you those features one a draft has in its juggler vein a series of one we check valves that immediately close assumes it has lower open voice to connect with too much blood into the artery so what's that do well to the actual blood is immediately pushed into a special spongy tissue that's located in the brain which absorbs all the excess but only 2nd Ecotopia brains and I want to do when 3 it starts to produce a fluid in the brain that acts as a counter pressure to prevent a rupture Primack right and for just to make sure there's no of the rapture anywhere else on the way the walls of the giraffes arteries just have to be thicker than any other mammal but give me a break folks how could that every fall like trolls Darwin said at any stage of development if all 4 of those safety check valves were not in place all same time then draft the head would explode which folks last time I checked draft was exploding heads don't have babies right they die out let me let me jump in here and do a little promo there's really you know this is so amazing that our society we're supposed to be so enlightened we have computers we have professors of physics and logic and philosophy and mathematics and we go for this nonsense of evolution you know we are and friends I'm going to we are living in a world where our professors our teachers our institutions of higher education where we go for college and university and go to medical school and so forth where we are basically ruled by Iraqi Shia nowaday Or to put it plainly we're stupid beholds this side is based on stupidity can you imagine that's what happens when we get away from the Word of God and I'm you know we're seeing so many things friends in our society we're. Seeing the left the radical left they look like they're feeding on insanity crackers well as irrational some of the things that they're doing Portland Oregon for example has a massive crash problem the police are tied up with the homeless rather than fighting crime they're dealing with homelessness and all of these kinds of problems we need to get back to the Word of God This excellent series it's called the what does of creation 42 studies on $21.00 D.V.D.'s it is a tremendous series the witness of creation is not only designed to equip and encourage you in the accurate bill going count of God's creation but it also helps to motivate you in sharing what the wonderful message of the witness of creation is all about in the 1st place it's a tremendous way to get people have confidence in the Bible and one of the reasons and I think pastor Billy would agree with me and one of the reasons I don't just like to hand down a New Testament I like to hand out the whole Bible because the whole Bible begins with the creation and that is fundamental in fact I remember a long time ago when I was a young Christian somebody said See that 1st verse Genesis one in the beginning God created and this this pastor said Sonny said if you get past that 1st verse you got the whole thing made and that's true God is our Creator 180-652-1144 the title of the series the witness of creation excellent for summer time for church cam for pajama parties lock ins that ins or whatever and they can learn that God loves them so much he sent his only begotten Son that they might have eternal life friend of the summertime is a great time to get your kids back on track sometimes in public school they get off track and actually sometimes in Christian school they get off track as well 180-652-1144 extension 0 pastor Billy pick up where you left on. Off and just keep on now we're going on a wild ride and I am enjoying it and humanity Well I wish we could spend more time on just the intelligent design and again and again we go we deal with the evidence of the universe the solar system the human body mammals birds fish reptiles and simians bugs plants bacteria and on and on it goes and just real quick on the bacteria folks suppose it most simplest cell evolution says we came from a supposed simple cell that's a lie there is no such thing as a simple cell but the supposed most simplest cells called the paramecium the paramecium they now know is so complex that it's more complex than the space shuttle which by the way was developed by a teen team of engineers using intelligence last time I checked in fact throughout the study we quote scientists who admit that this is showing evidence just like Romans one said that there is a God there has to be a god and there's actually scared of losing their job and even share testimonies of scientists are getting fired because they're dealing with scientific data showing proving the existence of God through intelligent design but I'll give you just one quote and we'll move on this is a physicist names Tony Rodham and he says when confronted with the order and beauty of the universe intelligent design and the strange coincidences of nature is very tempting to take the leap of faith from science into religion I'm sure many physicists want to I only wish they would admit it and another guy Alan sanded he says listen there has to be some organizing principle and he says God to me is a mystery but it is the explanation for the miracle of existence those are scientists folks we are being lied to and that's what they're not telling you the Bible has it right science actually is now catching up to what God has been saying from the very 1st page very 1st verse all along and Christian we need to give a defense for the hope that lies within it and this is what this study does it gives you the practical tools for you your kids we have home school groups we got people to do Bible studies of this stuff is a very very very visual with video. Clips watch the pictures is not a Drysdale study it's going to keep people's attention even the younger ones but you're going to get equipped to beat back this lie called evolution right now speaking a lie that real quick the acutely seal of evolution is in order to make their fairytale work because that's what it is we don't see evidence evidence for evolution and the only problem with a missing link is it's still missing and will always be missing because it's built on a lie but in order for their life to work they have to have millions and billions of years to work because if what they say basically is the opening line of a fairy tale in a land far far away right this is a thing right well that doesn't agree with the Bible not only with God the Father of the Jews is a camp and even Jesus Jesus in March after Tim when he was given a question on marriage he goes he says but at the beginning of creation God made them male and female was he talking about Adam and Eve and then he goes on to say that they were given your marriage to become one flesh and so right there Jesus said Adam and Eve that was the very 1st marriage because it was at the beginning of creation so here's the whole point this is from Jesus folks he declared only was the genesis account literal that there was a little at a mental issue even in a little garden as something is ology but he said that was the beginning point of creation so if you do the math and you start adding up the dates from heaven Eve with the scripture you get to something around 6000 years or so in time for him and you think Are You Kidding Me Well folks I'm telling you we have been lied to right evolution is calling Jesus a liar Jesus in the beginning was Adam and Eve evolution says no we came from the goo to the zoo to mean you over millions of millions of years that's a lie now you think it will have got to have an exact science this is one of the biggest bunk science categories when it comes to dating methods 1st of all when it comes to their dating methods it's not scientific it's a bunch of baloney talk about a story made up one of the biggest ways that they date methods they don't even use carbon dating or attaching argon also in the other ones I'll get to that in a 2nd but the biggest one to use is called the g. . Logic column if you remember in school that was that suppose a column of dirt you suppose because it doesn't exist anywhere in reality it only exists in the textbook but that Suppose a column of dirt you know like to say well that's the Teressa cleaner that's around 200000000 years old or new That's the Cambridge layer you know that's 500000000 years old well Ok that's nice if you want to believe that but what's your evidence I mean I mean when you dig when you're digging the dirt there and you came to that layer that you say is drastic was that was there a tag that said this is 200000000 years old I mean how do you know that layer was 200000000 years old I kid you not you know what they say talk about making a story they said well the reason why we know that layer is 500000000 years old or 200 Where is because the fossils that we find there they come index fossils. Ok well that's nice Well how do you know how old that fossil is so that you could date the player Well you know they say well we know how old the fossils are based on that or players are in the one book is called circular reasoning and we even quote them they'd met that that's what they have to use to quote make this dating method work listen as I'm a quote this is j.d. Rourke He's from the American Journal of Science he said the perception of life evolution was never witnessed it inferred was he says the rocks to date the fossils but the fossil data rocks more accurately what and even now Silver Age He says this This poses something of a problem if we date the rocks by the fossils how can we then turn around and talk about patterns of evolutionary change to the time in the fossil record yeah how can you do that and real quick Dr don't fish or he's painting tall just New York he was asked by guy named Luther Sunderland and he said to me goes well how do you date the fossils and so the scientist has been hit by the cane green rocks in which they were found and some of them and then ask him well is this not circular reading I'm not kidding you listen to what that that evolution said he said of course how else are you going to do it are you serious that your science and real quick oh you think that's better Ok well maybe the geological most messed up but we know that things have been here for millions and millions of years because of the dating methods carbon dating and pedestrian are gone and radiometric dating all that said Are you kidding me let me just give you real quick some of their so-called accurate dating results and this is scientific information is a new wood from actively growing trees has been dated 10000 years once only 2000 years off and they tested a new law that from a Mount St Helens we knew when that was erupted they took the lava to in 1006 they took that lava Ok it was fresh and from 5 different locations and they said they said hey did this force will you and these protests are going to be the result indicated around. One after almost 3000000 years old 1984 yeah yeah but basically it was at the time that they had it it was a it was a living years later but it was an 11 year old lava rock but they said around 3000000 years old is crazy mortar from an Oxford castle in England gave the age came back carbon dating 7270 years and those doors and years well the problem is the castles 100 years ago. Lunar soil they collected from Apollo 11 they give different dates from 2300000000 to 8200000000 years all from the rocks in the same exact location of the some millions of years difference as billions of years different shells from living snails were carbon dated 27000 years old a freshly killed seal was carbonated 1300 years ago now listen this one part of a mammoth was carbon dated 29500 years another part of the exact same man it was 44000 years now do the math the way they could be possible is that that's one slow burst I don't know about you know my wife does not want to be in labor for 14500 years it's crazy and I let me let me give you another example real quick and this is still last time I checked it was still in the book is that evolution but called human evolution and this is by a guy named j.b. Birdsill And here's what he said quote In the last 2 years an absolute date has been obtained for the and then done beds above the triple beds and it has a very interesting value of 300000 years plus or minus 300000 years. Serious and you got us thinking oh don't you dare question or dating methods this is an exact science are you kidding me folks they know that it's not true and this is a fairy tale but they keep making up in fact a lot of quote Richard Dawkins when the biggest evolutions evolution is on the planet he says if there are certain things about the fossil record that any evolution should expect to be true we should be very. Right for example to find and also of humans appearing in the record before mammals are supposed to have been of all and guess what we have found that multiple times and he says he predicted if a single well verified mammal school were to turn up in 500000000 year old rocks our whole theory of evolution want to be utterly destroyed if it was authenticated as human bones would blow the theory of evolution of the water well guess what that's what we find buried in the dirt Ok And so by his own words they'd mean this thing is not true and why well I'll quote Huxley actually said I suppose the reason why we all jump at the origin Darwin's Origin of Species was because the idea of God interfered with their sexual mores I know and let me jump in here Gross we are just about out of time or friends pastor Billy Crone will be back with us for our next broadcast you'll want to be sure to tune in and and as I'm listening at the Astor Billy I really I realize what our problem is as a society we have departed from the Word of God We believe we're animals our kids are being fed all this gobbledygook we have a major problem but if we solve that problem with good material like pastor Billy has produced you will be surprised what will happen to you to your kids to your friends this is something that you need Matthew please come to the mike and tell our listeners how they get our special offer Thank you Pastor Larry our very special offer today is this amazing new study by Billy Crone titled The witness of creation this contains 5 studies on 21 D.V.D.'s you can get all 5 studies in a book or on d.v.d. Or both this study is so complete and details we don't have time to list everything and because we marked a way down you should really call and find out that gift offer that number is 180-652-1144 this great offer is on our web. Your c dot com Thank you for joining us today be sure to tune in tomorrow on the watchman on the wall program from Southwest radio. Southwest radio church ministries as presented in a prophecy since 933 making the oldest continuous Christian broadcasting world and you can hear it became mornings at 930 right here on the mighty 670 k l c. The good news of Jesus for you in high definition radio and streaming at 670 calle t.t. Dot com This is calle t t commerce. Here at 50000 watt 670. Each one of our programs teaches biblical principles from a variety of godly perspectives rather than the cookie cutter approach where many of the programs sound the same we provide a variety of biblically sound teaching styles and personalities plan your day around. The what if I told you that the best arguments to embrace idiology in the church aren't really arguments at all stay tuned to break. From the coals in the center for a Christian world view here's John Stone St With break. Johnson Swift author of Gulliver's Travels is often credited with saying that you can't reason someone out of something they were never a reason to into and often reminded of this quotation while listening to self identifying Christians argue in support of same sex relationships rarely do I ever hear an actual argument certainly not from scripture what I do here are experiences how be friending analogy be deeper center getting a certain feeling or receiving as opposed message from God should lead Christians to a new view of sex marriage. And the human person a view the Church has unanimously rejected for 2 millennia and recently the human rights campaign released a so-called faith guide that offers a glaring example of just this kind of thinking it's full of the same bad arguments that are trotted out over and over even so they're worth discussing because people are still falling for the h r C's new guy it is called Coming Home to Evan Jellicoe ism and self and purportedly offers ways to help people live fully in their sexual orientation gender identity and gender expression and to live fully in their religious spiritual and cultural traditions the guide says that l g b t Q Christians find it difficult to be fully themselves in their church communities they've been taught that sexual relationships that are not heterosexual or sinful and yet those same people of faith know within them they were born this way don't notice the wording there be fully themselves they know deep within they were born this way no arguments made no scriptural reasoning is offered right out of the gate this pamphlet timed to coincide with the largest gathering of progressive Evans in the country assumes what it needs to prove repeating the myth that people are nothing more than the sum of their desires the guide explains the churches rejecting l g b t persons by requiring them to be celibate by barring them from leadership while they are in same sex relationships and by not officiating same sex wedding ceremonies it goes on to accuse those of us who hold to historic orthodoxy on sex of putting homosexuals quote outside the grace of God And let's be clear any church that says gay people or any other centers are beyond the reach of God's grace is preaching a false and shrunken gospel the h r c then explains how self identified Christians can change other people's minds about this issue they insist that experience is not Biblical arguments will persuade Christians on homosexuality well that I agree with because biblical arguments for idiology. Don't exist and the pamphlet a woman who describes herself as a lesbian Christian says she had an encounter with God and that he told her you're gay I made you this way this is who you are when she was shocked to find that the church didn't buy it they wanted to know she said how I could Scripturally justify what I was telling them they didn't care so much about the spiritual encounter I had had with God but is that the same thing we ask of Mormons or Muslims or call eaters who justify explicitly anti biblical stances based on their experiences but folks this guide and its experience centric arguments may not convince the listeners of this program but it will convince others quite simply because he when those who still hold to a historic view of sex and marriage often do favor experience over biblical in Christian teaching and so we must prioritize sound arguments over experience or else people will hear and accept a new sexual orthodoxy and reasoning them back out of that will be tough they were after all never really reasoned into it for breakpoint Johnstone truth. This is the Crawford broadcasting company devoted to bringing you God and country. And 1st Kings 19 shows a few swims to a frightening earthquake and a ferocious fire but God's real power comes after work in a faint whisper today turning points Dr David Jeremiah sheds light on this profound moment in the larger story and how it applies to your story as you draw closer to the heart of God Listen now as David concludes his message. And I want to thank you for joining us today for the ones the addition of turning point we're delighted to have you along yesterday we started teaching this section from 1st Kings Chapter 19 where it is isolated with God and God shows him. Power in a still small voice it's an intriguing encounter and it's very rich in its application to our lives it helps us understand how sometimes God works with us and we'll get back to that in just a moment but 1st let me remind you that turning point has a tour planned for Israel that begins on the 1000th of March and goes through the 29th of March in the year 2019 we're having robust response to this tour and we want you to be sure and be a part of it. Mentioned a couple of days ago that our tour director tells us that at our current rate of reservation this event will be sold out by the end of August so you don't want to wait to the last minute you want to get your reservation is soon as possible you can do this by going to our website which is David Jeremiah dot org And there you will find the whole Holy Man Tour section it gives you all the details you need you can actually download some of that information so you can hold it in your hands make your reservation with inspiration 2 hours they'll answer all your questions and help you get prepared and we're going to have one fabulous time with the largest group of people we've ever taken to Israel Can you imagine being in that crowd of people on the southern steps or in the arena s.s. Urrea or in some of the other big gathering places in the garden tomb we are going to have one fabulous time as we reflect upon the places where Jesus walked the Holy Land Tour March 19th through the 29th 2019 well let's get back to our study now we're trying to figure out what God is up to as he works with Alija. And a still small voice. Was no longer zealous as he had been it's kind of like God is saying to allies what have you done for me lately. Not much. Secondly illogic declared that the children of Israel have for saken your covenant torn down your altars killed your profits with the sword and he seemed to forgot about the apparent revival that broke out in Israel after his victory on Mount Carmel next to you I just said Lord I'm the only one last apparently a lodge and convinced himself that he was the only prophet left in Israel but that wasn't true but he made his situation look as difficult as he could and here's the one that gets me this is the coup d'etat the whole deal finally Eliza thought it was him against the whole world now this is the profundity of a pronoun watch he said they seek to take my life notice the pronoun that uses they seek my life to take it away just about was the only one trying to kill him not the whole nation of Israel it lied you had turned she into they what difference a pronoun can make by turning a queen into an entire kingdom the prophet was magnifying his troubles and nursing his own sense of self pity. Oh I want to tell you how easy it is to turn a he into with a. Case in point. You get upset about something in your church. And you send a letter to your pastor. And in the letter you say everybody is upset about and then you put your complaint in the letter. 7 years ago I decided to check that out. And I want to see the person because that one had enough courage to sign their name. So I said so everybody meant us a lot of folks News 8000 people shot a mountain everybody Whoa. Well not really everybody. Well how many and course then when you start talking about specifics nobody wants to answer your question I finally got down to the fact it was him and his wife. So. Us became everybody. Finally we have to understand that in the backdrop of all this pessimism and negativism and he lied his life he actually had a lot that he could have been excited about 100 prophets were safely hidden by Obadiah $450.00 false prophets would no longer terrorize him because they were buried 6 feet in the earth. And a revival was breaking out in Israel as the result of the miracle that took place on the mountain but when you read a lie just statement you discover that discouragement has turned Elijah into a professional pessimist. God isn't going to leave him there. Thank the Lord that he understands that we are dust we are human. And he often sees us in our problems in the struggles that we have and you would you know have you ever thought God if I were you haven't left me alone a long time ago I would have said that's enough I've given you enough problem solving techniques and you're still but God never gives up on us hello you I want to stand up and have a worship service when I think about that. God didn't give up on the Alija. And he's going to deal with his prophet and you're going to be reminded of this story again and again in the days ahead we've listened to the word of the Lord we've seen the wisdom of the Lord I want you to listen carefully to the whisper of the Lord verses 11 through 14 and the Lord said to Elijah go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord and behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord and the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice in the Old Testament storms earthquakes fire usually announce the presence of God For example listen to what happened when God met Moses on Mount horrible Mount Sinai and gave him the law Exodus 1916 says when that happened there were thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet was very loud so that all the people who were in the camp trembled and verse 18 of Chapter 19 Mount Sinai was completely in smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked greatly when God appeared to Elijah on Mt horrible the Lord gave Elijah his own private fireworks demonstration it must have been an overwhelming experience and 1st there was a great and strong wind that broke the rocks in pieces many scholars believe this was a tornado but the Lord was not in the tornado after the when there was an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake. If there was anything that was close to the heart of the prophet Elijah it was fire Elijah it was the prophet of fire he called down fire on Mount Carmel as we'll see later he'll call down fire on the servants of a hazy guy and do you know how he lied you got to heaven he got to heaven in a chariot of fire if anything should have spoken to Alija about God Surely it would be the fire he was a fiery prophet but the fire came and the fire left and the Lord was not in the fire. If you read the text carefully you will realize that he lied you went back into the cave at some point and while he was sitting in the cave he heard verse 12 Chapter 19 a still small voice. The e.s.b. Calls it a low whisper. The n.a.s. B. Calls it a gentle blowing our translation is the one I like the best a still small voice a whisper Elijah didn't see God in the fire he didn't see God in the earthquake he didn't see God in the tornado but then God whispered. He whispered. In that cave Elijah was probably trying to sort out all that had just happened he'd seen the wind the earthquake in the fire. And then he heard a small voice a gentle whisper and there was something special about that whisper. So it was verse 13 when he lied you heard it he wrapped his face in his mantle and he went out and he stood in the entrance of the cave Elijah obviously realized that he had heard the voice of God and he knew that he could not look upon God's face so he took his mantle the mantle that he had and he wrapped it around his face and he walked out to the opening of the cave and the picture I have is there's this cave in there's kind of like a little platform out in front. And when he lied you heard the voice he knew it was God he was so impressed that it was God that he took his mantle and he went out and stood at the entrance of the cave waiting to see what was going to happen next maybe he thought part 2 of the fireworks show was coming. And once again The Lord spoke to him directly and he asked. Get this the same question that he asked him before. Suddenly a voice came to him and said What are you doing here Elijah. You would think that after lie just saw the wind and felt the earthquake and saw the fire did he have a new answer to that question but his answer is word for word the same as it was once before and that's why if you look into your Bibles you will notice that chapter 19 verse 14 and Chapter 19 verse 10 look like they have been copied accidentally into the text there's their same verse. He said Lord I've been Selous. The children of Israel for Satan you're coming to torn down your altars killed your prophets with the sword alone I am left and they seek to take my life what does that tell us it tells us he didn't get one thing out of the fire he didn't get one thing out of the wind he didn't get one thing out of the earthquake not one blasted thing just like some of my sermons right. My friend Warren wears be said it's difficult for some people to understand that God rarely works by means of the dramatic and the colossal. When he wanted to start the Jewish nation he sent a baby Isaac when he wanted to deliver that nation from bondage he sent another baby Moses he sent a teenager named David to kill the Philistine giant and the boy used to sling shot in the stone when God wanted to save the whole world he sent his son as a weak and helpless baby and today God seeks to reach this world through the ministry of earth and vessels like you and me. The wind in the earthquake in the fire did not change Elijah's life he still worry he was before but God is going to do 2 things to bring him out of his discouragement 1st of all. This new mission that he gives him includes a new assignment. Sometimes when you're feeling discouraged and sorry for yourself you just need to get going again how many of your thankful that God has given you a job that you have work sometimes when I'm feeling a little blue about something I don't have time to do it for very long because Sundays come and you know and so you just get back to work and when you get back to work all of a son in the process you begin to sense some equilibrium coming back into your life so here's what God said to Elijah in verse 15 he said Go return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus when you arrive anoint Hazel is king over Syria and you showing you the son of Nima shy as king over Israel and the Life sure the son of shape that of a bill my whole point as prophet in your place and it shall be that whoever scapes the sort of a z o j you will kill and whoever escapes the sort of j. You realize she will kill. Now realizes probably I'm trying to figure out what he would feel like at this moment in time he still kind of spaced out trying to figure out all that's going on and he may have felt defeated he may have felt like you know I thought I knocked the bail is him out but it's still alive. But the Lord was determined to wipe out this disease from the land of Israel and he had 3 secret weapons the king of Syria. A budding prophet named Eli Shia and a king named j you. And Elijah was the one who would light the fuse on all 3 of these guys. And the Lord wasn't finished with Elijah and he isn't finished with you or with me as long as we are on this earth God will have a work for us to do in extending his kingdom you and I have a purpose you and I have a calling and I wonder if Elijah was disappointed maybe he thought God had more spectacular assignments for him more people to raise from the dead more mountains on which to call down fire but God said it I just time to stop weeping over the past and running away from the present and start preparing for the future and from that moment on that was he lived his ministry. Then he gave him a new assurance. And this is kind of a p.s. I love you from God to His Prophet. And he said verse 18 I have reserved 7000 in Israel all whose needs have not bowed to bail and every mouth that has not kissed him God assured Alija that his ministry had been a failure there were 7000 people in the land of Israel who were still faithful that you hope to God. Whenever you get discouraged let me tell you something to watch out for. 2 things you will be tempted to do you will magnify the bad and minimize the good and Elijah did both the overestimated the strength of the enemy and he underestimated the strength of God but God ministered to Alija through the demonstration of His glory through the still small voice through the new assignment and through the assurance that there were still many just like him in Israel. As we come to the end of this section of this story. I want for us to focus on one main takeaway from this episode in the life of Elijah. It's an important one for this day and age it's one that I need to hear it's one that you need to hear. So often we think that God's work is in the big things that we do. In the big demonstrations that we create. But the real effectiveness of what we do is not in the big demonstrations that's just the catalyst that's how God gets our attention instead the real power is found in the one on one personal involvement that we have with each other and with God as much as we thank God for all of the big evangelistic outreach is they probably with the eternities values in view aren't any more effective at reaching people for Christ than the one on one opportunities that God gives us every day. Don and I had a brief experience of that. We went back to the church that we had started in 1909 in Fort Wayne Indiana a church started with 7 families believe it or not and 4 mobile home buildings that was our church facility. One of the things that happened to me during those early days was the realization that I did not know personally how to lead people to Christ because nobody ever taught me 4 years of Bible college 4 years a seminary and nobody ever taught me how to lead anybody crisis as much my fault as it was the school because how many of you know if you want to learn some bad enough you can learn it all the sudden I'm in a moment of crisis because I'm passionate church with 7 families and I promise you that we're going to be any transfer of growth to that church if I was going to get any new people I had to go get them myself and teach them about Jesus and. Through the providence of God I came in contact with the bands of the explosion method of sharing your faith and learn how to do it taught others how to do it during the time I was in Fort Wayne for those 12 years and that's pretty much what I did I preached on Sunday and I visited homes all during the week. I went back for our celebration and some people threw a party and then ask all the people that had come to Black Baptist church to come to that party and Don and I stood up in front of and waited while they all came through and talked to us and it was about an hour and 20 minutes of hearing from people. I remember telling Don on the way back the most important thing to me was listening they weren't saying he member when we had that great service black remember when we had our 1st living Christmas tree none of that. Pastor do you remember when you came to our home led my wife to Christ you remember when the children wanted to see you and you came and all of our children came to Jesus over and over through the whole time was the testimony of the still small voice that looking at it in light of all the big things that happened these days you would probably say well what's that we need the wind and we need the earthquake and we need the fire we need all of those. But we also need to listen to the voice of God How many of you know when somebody whispers if you really want to hear you have to lean into it. When was the last time you leaned in to the whisper of God. To hear what he says. Perhaps we need to get reacquainted with his gentleness. Our God is a gentle God if we want to see his gentleness we need only to look into the face of Jesus Christ Jesus was gentle in the manger lying on a bed of straw he was gentle with the sick touching their wounds to heal them he was gentle with the grieving weeping with those who wept he was gentle with little children gathering them up in his arms he was gentle with the women caught in adultery forgiving their sins He was gentle on the donkey riding into Jerusalem with kingly humility he was gentle with his disciples restoring them to fellowship after they had denied and forsaken him Christ will be gentle with us as well he will be gentle with the wounds of our souls and the sins of our hearts he will even be gentle with us in our spiritual depressions listen to the still small voice of the gentle Jesus and listen carefully and this is what you will hear are you listening. Come to me. All you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. And learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for yourselves. You say Pastor I don't know how to listen to God I have to admit it's one of the. Subjects that we talked very little about in our church is how to hear the voice of God. But here's what I do know. In order to hear the voice of God You have to proactively want to and in order to hear the voice of God you're probably going to have to get some of the noise out of your life. Turn off. Some things and turn down some things I frankly worry about the generation that's coming up after us who look like they were born with your buds in their head. Where do they find any peace and quiet for the Lord to speak here's what I know I can explain it there's a sense of mystery in this and frankly if I could explain the God that I love and worship he wouldn't be worth my love or my worship. His ways are so far beyond my ways he is light years beyond anything I can understand but here's what I do know God loves us he loves you and if you want to hear his voice you can hear it if you want to hear his voice is whisper in your heart God is too good not to respond. And then here's the secret when he whispers to you. Whatever he says do it. Do it. Lean in to his voice. Listen to what he says. And then do it. Later. When you are meeting today God is whispering to you that you need to begin a relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ I'm here to tell you that's the most important decision you'll ever make the moment when you stop trusting yourself to get to heaven and put your trust in Jesus Christ who we read about in the Bible that He is the Way the Truth and the life and no man goes to heaven no man goes to the Father except through Him when you put your trust in Jesus Christ 2 things happen you get heaven hand then you get the rest of your life on this earth that makes sense because you have a purpose in life and a reason to get up every day and the realisation that God wants to use you in the purposes of his own kingdom so wherever you are whatever you do and just stop it for a moment. Open your heart to the Lord through prayer just say Lord Jesus come into my heart forgive my sin I want you to be the lord of my life I want to live for you from this moment on and he will hear that prayer he will change your life he will make you look back on this moment as the beginning of everything good that he has done in your life so make that prayer today and if you need help let us know and we'd love to send you some literature that we make available to those who put their trust in Christ it's a booklet called your greatest turning points and a copy of a magazine that we produce called Turning Points magazine and devotional let us know if we can help you in that way but most of all make sure you get your heart right with God. Tomorrow is another story from the life of Elijah how a happens as of they'll commit a egregious crime Col Elijah fits in with the story and how God takes inventions ultimately people will see a next time right here and this could steal. The