Cayle d.c. 95.3 f.m. . You are listening to the good news with Angie Austin find a podcast of passion at a.g. Austin radio dot com Now here's Angie Austin with the good news. Hello friends and welcome to the good news with Angie Austin Obviously I am not Angie she's a little under the weather today but very thankful that you are tuned in my name is Eric Raymond I also go by America's p.r. Media coach and I'm joined by a good dear friend of mine Rachel Maines who is also really in that whole brand space and p.r. Type stuff as well yeah you know I kind of consider you though like a mentor and I think I consider you a better oh no but you know I appreciate you coming in just very wise in business and. Wise is probably not the right word but maybe old. That says all season is good. And some people would like to say it's salty. But it's super nice to have you on the program today and especially when Angie is not here it's great to have you too to chat with we're going to chat with you significantly for the next 20 minutes but 1st let's give a tip of the hat a nod and a shout out to our producer Tracey rock How were you. Doing all right over there I had a hunch figure it out figure that out I think you can you know if I push the wrong buttons you know if you believe trading the fire don't you but if you are about it has been longer than all of us so superglue. Good to have you with the good news team. It's funny because for years Angie had a team that was called The Good News gals right and when I jumped into the ship I just said I am the good news gal and I wear that no problem to get you a tutu but no. I said that too quickly. Folks I apologize if you're driving down the road you had that image in your mind and we'll deal with Tracy later. That is giggles with Tracy you know and the thing that I find that I love the most about this program is that it's always good to hear we always have something you know the good news is not just a catchy title it's it's the air that we breathe it's the stuff that we drink it's that the reality of our existence because good news is a choice right oh that's good yeah yeah in talking about choices my good news story this is really interesting so it's a personal story of our family my my step mom and dad are just amazing lovely good hearted people you know and recently they had a guy knock on their door who's homeless he used to live in the neighborhood but through choices he became homeless and my dad. With his good heart decided to let you know it's cold out is during the time is really really getting cold right you know he can't be on the street and freeze so he put him in a hotel for a couple nights. Now as a family be kind of had a bad feeling like oh no kind of protective over the dad we're thinking he's going to take advantage of the situation right. Sadly to say he did take advantage of the situation coming back and he wasn't a good 10 in the hotel do and the manager was upset. The moral of the story though I think for our family and I want encourage the listeners that we still have a choice to do a good thing yes I think it's a great idea to could do a good thing that the reset the end of the good deed has choices to yes and even if we feel like well maybe perhaps they're going to make bad choices and we saw the Tracy do good thing and then from there we can have our boundaries right but I'm still proud of my dad for making that decision to put him up in a hotel even though from there the fellow who knows where he's paired you know he definitely wasn't making wise choices for dinner but he got an opportunity in just like the Lord gives us opportunities with His grace and His mercy all the time absolutely absolutely So let's let's post it to our listeners here do you have you ever had a situation where you see an opportunity to be a blessing to someone to be Christ to someone and. A have you ever made the conscious choice to skip over that right because right we do right yeah right things speaking from my own experience as well I'm like I'm not having that guy or that girl right I've said something that sounds abrasive I apologize also on it yes we'll yeah right. And then the 2nd question is Have you ever helped someone Have you ever reached out and given somebody. Whatever it is a God calls you to give them and by the way I'm not talking not necessarily about material things your father gave the hotel room right for a couple of days and the thought that was the best way to to do it and we'll talk about some more things but have you ever given something to somebody and then they turn around to make poor choices with those things right and what do you do from there what are the boundaries I think as Christians we do have to be very in tune to where the Lord is leading us and I do believe the Lord led my dad to do that even though we all as a family kind of had to. Feeling that this may be a situation where the big guy isn't ready to make wiser decisions right but he was he's given these opportunities were and the Lord does that for us all the time and choices choices are huge the guy could have decided Wow. I have a couple days and nights in a hotel room let's get my act together let's think about wink about what I can do next but instead he made very poor decisions within the opportunity yeah yeah you know. And I've probably been the recipient of grace and kindness and been then. The one who abuses it yeah we all have done that yeah right. And it's interesting I remember a good friend of mine was driving home when we lived in the same neighborhood and she was driving home one day and in our neighborhoods fairly rare to see someone panhandling or anything like that we you know live in the bubble right here right and yet here here was this person and they had a authentically down and out story. And I guess the thing was that she was picking up our children from school and this person was near the school and intercepted However the at the end of that meeting told the story and my friend brought her children home from school and went and got some money and then went back to the woman who was down and out and said you know here I mean it's not a lot but it's it's something and there's a lot of dollars or something like that and here you go and she came home and shared that I was in a meeting with her husband so when we started talking about it both her husband and I kind of way oh you know you've been taken you've been taken and she she contradicted us she said Now wait a minute that is that is not you know that's not the case that's you don't know that I don't know that right and then sure enough a little while later we saw that this woman was picked up by the police and have been running a scam for a long know making bad decisions with that and my friend just kind of put her head near interface and their hands are so. Say and said you know because I thought I was doing the right thing right and Rachel I think your messages she did she did yeah I believe if we feel that God wants us to do something do it right because he's in charge of the consequences or the blessings you know you will it's a blessing just to give you know you know and I think to just to learn that attitude of trusts towards the Lord you know I am going to give $100.00 like your friend to this lady out of a heart of compassion right I mean that's a gift right there so the Lord's in charge of the consequences of the scenario I think it's better to be obedient or feel like you are obedient than to not write yeah and when you say the Lord's in charge of the consequences. It stands to reason and I think it's an important piece here too to your listeners is. Free Will this what we're talking about really is strange freewill I mean you can go say you know I gave this gentleman the hotel room for 22 days and he trashed it. That's bad choices but bad choices go straight up I mean they're all the same letters as for right or exactly for sure and you know one thing to go back to the $100.00 your friend gave who's not to say that so the Lord saw her heart of compassion towards the lady $100.00 and then the Lord spared something in her life that would have cost a $100.00 right so we don't know we don't know the spiritual dynamics of the stuff we do out of a heart of compassion your words people and I think that's more important than worrying about well. You know is this is scammers this person is is this person going to. Take advantage of me right you think there's boundaries though. Also this is a balance it's a balance by just probably to simplify it as a just go with what you feel the Lord is asking you to do yeah yeah it's good good stuff speaking of going with what the Lord has in your heart I was with that same couple one day as we were driving down back from Denver towards Highlands Ranch and we were on Santa Fe right where Santa Fe. Kind of right at the River Junction there and there was a gentleman panhandling and you know he had the cardboard sign I don't know what it said but it said what they all say right you know will will work for food or or whatever and my friend was driving and he rolled down his window and the guy expected money right and instead my friend said What do you really really need and I got to give you any money but what is there that I can can give break my sister that would be a blessing and the gentleman said man to be honest with you I've been out here for 3 years and the thing I need the most more than anything else is socks right yeah scissor socks get wet and then they get. Dirty you know obviously has not changed all the time right and then there's athlete's foot that sets in right if you're not careful great ole miss can come through you know yeah your feet and he says he needs socks and on the same day my friend went home dropped me off dropped his wife off went out and bought an 8 pack of socks wonder back to their section where still saw that men and delivered the socks and you know that was that was a long time ago but an End Sub school he went by like every quarter and gave I love this story right yeah but then you folks may have her. Heard of a ministry here in Denver called socks place right and there's actually there's there's a lot of different ministries now that deliver sucks because it's become a very real talking point that homeless folk they know they need socks right almost more than the food food comes fairly easy the money comes fairly easy to be honest with you know you know we all have different points of how can I help and some people as they're walking by the drop a dollar in the head right. Lot of people will say you know here's a gift card for this restaurant or something like that but socks are a cool thing and what ministry is that it's socks place dot com spells dot com s o x so s o x place dot com and been been there for you know several many years now great idea it's a great place to start right and it's a great idea to ask people when you're talking or thinking obviously in that situation asking him hey what am I going to give you money what is it that you really need wow how life changing just to be that way with our friends and family to yet is it that they really need not my my pushing my agenda on them right but to really have a heart with everybody we come into contact with what is it that they really need well and as believers we are directly plugged into the heart and mind of the Lord right yet and so thinking about this there are many many occasions that we could draw upon in the Scriptures but when Christ was at the well with the adulterous woman yeah right and here this woman is just coming out to fill her her barrel or whatever it was with the well water and she's a Samaritan and you know she shouldn't she a she should be talking to a Jew right and a Jew shouldn't more to the point that you should be talking to her exactly yet right. And 2nd of all you know he said you know what do you do in here and and where's your husband and you know that it ended up that Christ knew what she really needed was spiritual right what she really needed was forgiveness what she really needed was direction to get out of the lane that she's in and back on track into the lane. That would ultimately bless her and all those around her Right right yeah. You know again the question goes to our listeners. What have you have you ever had an occasion to. To be a blessing to somebody to be Christ to somebody and they skipped over it. Or be acted on it and discovered that it was received in the spirit in which it was given Right right and if you have it love to hear the stories because those stories typically end up pretty awesome when we hear about them later so if you would be willing to ante Austin radio dot com Angie Austin radio dot com is our Web site we'd love to hear from you just drop us a note from the contact page and tell us you know what one how did it go what did it what happened and did you feel burned let me ask you about that about your father did it did he feel hard done by. You know I think he was full like we all know the whole family thankful and. Privileged to help this guy even though it didn't turn out how we had hoped right sure but we can still pray for him and we know that the Lord is working so we never know what seeds we're planting even if the person is making parts races you never know absolutely and I would say don't harden your heart you know right when it comes these things and so earlier said we'll come back and talk about this you don't have to give money right to Sara Lee . In fact you don't have to give anything the what about just giving the gospel you know right to the guy rolling on your window Hey do you know Jesus you know it's the best gift ever right there I have a dear friend who doesn't even know how dear she is and you know walked in one day and I sat down and asked a question like how you do and that the answer was like you know I'm doing fine and I said are right and if if there was you know you are you're really doing fine or is it you know is there something there and it got pretty serious and I saw That's a serious question and I said that's the kind of ask and you know because life's too short right to swim in the shallow end Right right exactly and. And in the end as we had this conversation is to close your eyes and dream and if there was anything that could possibly be changed or shifted or whatever it is what would it be and open up a conversation of several minutes and then I think the biggest gift and what I was led to do was to pray for this person right then and there is my opportunity do I do it do I not do it do I do it do I not do it how many of us say oh yeah I'll pray for you but we don't actually pray it happens all these are all do you know I refuse now I've been a Christian since I was 16 years old and I've been a ministry for 35 plus years I will never ever. Say I will pray for you unless I absolutely will start right now the bible says Pray pray continuously Right right and I get what that means fact that might be a topic for tomorrow's show is a great one pray continuously but to you know here's the opportunity today can I pray with you or not I took it right they said yes we prayed and I felt the Lord in that moment right right and so I think that you know. Life is not cookie cutter it's just not and when we have situations like. The things that we're talking about you know people making wrong choices. People down on their luck or by their own choices down on their luck right. There's nothing there's nothing cookie cutter about. Life and what it is there's only how will we respond not just respond to hear from God and then respond right yeah and that's that's really the. The biggest piece of this so Rachel thank you for bringing this this topic I mean. It's it's deep it's profound it's good news it is good to have choices we do right and we can make those choices and it was we've got just a couple of minutes left I want to. Just get an update from you I understand that you are developing the website for this program right here for and just your I'm so excited we're going to do photos and she's so busy being away from Mom yes but eventually we are going to be doing photos and right now I'm building the site and it's just going to be a fine you know I think of it and she is fun and vibrant Yeah so that's the site that I'm building for some fun and vibrant site and I put the team members up on the site see you know you something you do you in Tracy Ocasio bio and your photo you have before. It's I promise I'll get it all right there you go but you know it really is. I've been blessed to take a sneak peek at the website you're building and it is gorgeous really love doing it so fun and such a blessing but you do this for all kinds of people small business. Give us your contact Rachel Maines dot com That's Rachel Mays am a ins dot com Nice folks you can't go wrong with Rachel Maines Rachel Mays dot com and I'll be having veggie Austin today my name is Eric Kramer I am just blessed to be in this position where I get to talk to you and bring you the good news if you'd like to comment on any of these programs or if you like to support this the show we would love to get to know you and talk to you about some advertising office opportunities or to sponsorship. Go to and you Austin a radio dot com. That's Angie Austin radio. Tracy thanks for doing what you do sure appreciate it and we'll be back right after these messages. When you give to one of our Christian programs you help keep this station on the air thank you for supporting k l d c. Returning to. The original program. And. Every Sunday morning at 930. And for you with us. Every Sunday morning at 938. Flies decision to refocus its charitable giving has a lot of people upset what troubles me is not so much where the money is now going it's the message this decision sends to the coast and center on Johnstone street this is a break point although the announcement didn't mention which groups would no longer be funded most media outlets covering the chick fil a Foundation's press release on Monday did Chick fil a to stop donating to some groups following l.g.b. T.q. Protest read the USA Today headline chick fil a will no longer fun anti l g b d Q organizations said a.b.c. News those are very different headlines and the one that the chick fil a foundation gave to its own announcement chick fil a Foundation announces 2020 priorities to address education homelessness hunger of course it's obvious why the headlines were so dramatically different after all one of the groups that will no longer be funded by Chick fil a is the Salvation Army you know they specialize in ministering to the homeless and hungry clearly there was more to the announcement the new priorities what's not clear however is why the fast food chain made this decision now after fully weathering the storm they faced over 7 years ago when then c.e.o. Dan Cathy stated his views on traditional marriage today 7 years later having not made any public statements on sex or marriage sense the only real guilt that critics can point to is who they give their money to still their reputation among some as a hateful bigoted organization and fact chick fil a stop giving to so-called culture war going as Asians a long time ago Monday's breathless headlines were referring to groups like the Salvation Army or the Fellowship of Christian Athletes who are called anti-gay not so much because they advocate for historic an Orthodox Christian views on sex and marriage but because they merely hold them of course as a private company chick fil a can support any organizations it wants although the left has been incredibly effective it weaponized in companies from Gillette to Sprite and order to advance in a logical goals I don't begrudge any company Eve. If founded and owned by Christians who try to set out some of these unwinnable battles especially while they still can soon I predict not actively fighting for progressive causes will earn you all the labels and adjectives Chick fil A's trying to shed Still I find Chick fil A's decision sat on at least 2 levels 1st their growth to being the 3rd largest fast food chain on the planet has clearly shown that you don't have to cave to the pressure in order to survive and grow as a company and fact I'll bet you a number for mail with 4 chicken strips right now that this decision will be the one that hurts their bottom line millions of Americans rallied around the restaurant 2012 when l g b t advocates called for a boycott and again in more recent years when cities like San Antonio ban the restaurant from their airport this decision will not only lose than the support that they've had it will embolden the bullies and will make it hard for other companies not to likewise cave to the pressure even more sad however is that without ever mentioning their names the chick fil a Foundation's decision will only reinforce the slander that these organizations are no longer giving to are in fact anti l g b t it will only reinforce that all the good that these organisations do is immediately made invalid if they are Christian groups with historic and biblical Christian convictions by refusing to offer any clarity whatsoever on the reasoning behind their decision chick fillet allow the headline to be rewritten in a way that furthers the goal of the bullies that alternately there's only one acceptable position on these controversial issues full support and full affirmation and on another note we're nearing the end of the year if you value the daily dose of sanity that you get every single day from breakpoint would you please make a year and gift at breakpoint dot org slash radio that's breakpoint dot org slash radio for breakpoint on Johnstone St. Hi I'm Kathy muni and I'm Bob noon and discover what was left. Out of your history books tune in every Thursday to uncensored history what they didn't tell you Farai opening accounts of the people events and ideas that shaped America Winston Churchill said a nation that forgets its past has no future by now what your history teacher didn't tell you listen to uncensored history Thursdays 1 pm on k.l. D.c. You never knew history could be like that. Get a positive perspective through praise d.c. 95.3 f.m. . Hello I'm back to the good news is producer Dave I'm so Mr Ganji this is the next installment in this news style of interview that we're doing where we get to really talk to these authors and we think that we found all these books we found this whole channel toward all these books that are out there that a lot of people might not even know about that we think all of our listeners of the good news are going to be very interested in and today is no different today is going to be a very very good book and Dana Bowman is the author of the book How to be perfect like me. Don't worry this is a satirical title and it's a it's about serious things and there's a lot of things going on in our lives and it's really just a kind of a look at how we live in the society where we're all expected to be these perv you know particularly moms you know we're all expected to be these perfect people in these Instagram people and you're supposed to look like at you know Pinterest you nailed it every single time and and there's a lot of pressure going on and then Plus there's all of our coping mechanisms which for some of us can be alcohol and it's a slippery slope and we it we go with a lot of people struggle through it and we don't often talk about the struggles of alcohol here on the good news although it is good information to get out and it's a really good way to you know a lot of ways that we can kind of connect to each other and we all slip. And we also lied and we all have troubles but we all can fall back on you know and our faith and we can fall back on everything that we need so that we can overcome in the end so Dana Bowman thank you for being on the show why don't you tell us a little bit about your book and and we'll just get going with this interview cry Oh awesome thank you so much for having me I love talking about writing and books but this kind of need for me to do this type of interview because a lot of times I'm doing interviews about recovery or things like that but as you know and 1st things 1st I'm just a writer and I love writing of my story it's a memoir Perfect is a memoir and it's kind of a follow up to the book that I wrote about 3 years ago came out called foggles a mom started early recovery and that was in the more as well and I ended up writing perfect this year he's going to continue my recovery journey and my story the the book is a snarky little conversation about self-help books which back in my twenty's I actually was working the self-help suchan of the large bookstore and it was very eye opening to see people that were just literally jumping for self-help of him talking about like 20 books and I love self-help I'm not I'm not actually dissing on self-help at this point because ironically I bet my book will be shelved since it is a self-help. But I do find it a little funny when I was seeing people that were hoping you know to get this one book and it was fixed in 5 easy steps whatever it was that they were having issues with and. So therefore it kind of set up perfect was in the plan to sort of poke a little fun and slappers sort of a house who lives in terms of parenting and mom Hood and the book goes into my issues with perfectionism and control and it really does delve deeply into addiction and recovery but I've been told that it can be a wider audience than just those people who are dealing with addiction issues I think we're all sort of in recovery from something especially mom thing days we have to deal with so much so many expectations from the world around us so I kind of go into all of that and hopefully help people to laugh and heal and have them hope while they're reading it laughter is definitely important when it comes to healing in recovery I know that and I know a lot of people struggle with this stuff and one thing I liked about this book is it's not just about recovery I mean yes there's a whole recovery element you know and there's a lot of us can fall into those pitfalls where you know at 1st it seems like Oh just one glass of wine is fine then it's like 0 one bottle of wine is fine and then next thing you know you're drinking vodka in the morning and I know a lot of people that have gone through that I've lost some friends because of it and the ones that you see do recover I mean that's a very very important but one thing I do like about this particular book is it's not just about drugs or alcohol or something is about like the pressure that we get just to be perfect and I'm a dad I'm not a mom so I don't feel the same pressures as a mom but I do have the dad pressures and there are certain things that I have to do and certain ways that I'm supposed to be perfect in all these crazy ways and you balance all these different things and it's nice to know that there's people like you out there that struggle with the same things that like I do and I know a lot of the women here we have a huge great group of women the good news gals here and we're all authors speakers you know we all have a lot of you know entrepreneurs' and we're a community leaders and and we all suffer with the same problems. Anybody else doesn't so it's nice to see other people out there talking about this stuff and yes and I do agree that you know it shouldn't be I'll bet you do talk a lot about recovery just because a lot of people struggle with that but if sometimes there's more to it than that and and it's like the rest of life is still there yeah yeah yeah you have to deal with life on life's terms after you get sober and what what happened for me was that and why the relapse occurred Ainley is that even in my recovery I had let myself get cut of layered with some suspection is that tendencies and some expectations and therefore my recovery to slowly fall apart because it was and then the relapse occurred and what I learned is it's kind of funny although at the time I didn't find it very funny while I was writing perfect it was just really hard and I kept going to stop while I was writing and I would end up crying in and whining to my husband and saying I can't write those is too hard or there's too much and I went through a lot of learning while I was writing which is pretty common I think. For authors to find out but it can be taught but what I learned when I when I finally you know finished perfect I was able to look back on it and go I really like this book because it's the printing human story it will never be done for me and it really taught me a lot about what was behind all the perfectionism or I'm sort of behind the addiction and the alcoholism which was my perfectionistic thanan season my wanting for control that was actually going to be my next question do you think that it is the perfection as kind of a social media pressure social just regular everyday social pressure that really leads to kind of what seems like a higher level of this kind of attack in my particular today. Theo and 1st of all the numbers are just off the charts for moms and addictive behaviors right now binge drinking amongst moms of little kids is really I think it's like 87 percent it's gone up which is very shoot. I don't want to point all thinkers at social media but I do feel like for me from my from my vantage point in my story when I started saying home with my boys I went from teaching full time to completely at home no work no job that sort of just staying home with them and of course I weaned on social media as a way as an outlet as a way to communicate. And there was a lot going on there that was about drinking and Mom's in the why Ingle sure thing I don't think it's gone away I don't think it's dissipated in fact I think it's gotten worse you know it's mommy's wanting time and mommy's plaited and all this stuff it's 1 o'clock somewhere and if you even go on Facebook now and you just search under Mom and drinking or mom and wine there's hundreds and hundreds of groups founded under the promise and I know it's snarky and I know it's funny and I get that because I get narcs that's my thing I love stars but there's an underlying current that says parenting is so hard that we need alcohol that's that's the message and I really love that message initially because I was so stressed out and drinking was a way to self medicate I didn't really go out and party and stuff I stayed home and tried summer self at the end of the night when the kids learned that and that's happening more and more with a lot of mom and I do think that the message is pretty mixed that we're we're sending out there all the time for these high expectations we want our kids to have all organic grass fed everything perfect parenting right but then we also have this message that and you and you should drink because that's the only outlet you really can get to handle this than it is is very can. Using I think right now green it's very confusing there is a lot of pressure you know and it's supposed to be Ok You know I mean I get it from the dad side words like beer are when am I going to get my beer one of these kids going to go bad so you can get a beer and then much pressure for it it's like it seems like it's everywhere but you did just touch on something about with with all organic and all that stuff and you have a whole chapter in your book about stopping going to the book stores. Could you play this part to me because I thought I think there's a lot of snark in there but at the same time I think I tell Larry it's gotten so much flak for that so because some people are like I'm shopping I'm like I have not I'm not chancing bulk shopping like I get. I have gotten many questions about it but here's the thing like when I 1st had babies I had people multiple people coming up and giving me advice and that's fine and some of it was asked for but a lot of it wasn't and one of the main things they kept saying is you need to go and you need to. Get all of your diapers Pasko whatever bowls place there was you need to stock up and they kept talking about stocking up because I guess there's this the seated fear as a mom you should never run out of anything and if you do you have failed and it's just going to be horrible and I I had really anxious you know I was an anxious mom of newborns anyhow and I can just remember going to Costco and lugging that gigantic thing of diapers around and feeling like you know Prague forbid I should run out of diapers I'll be such a bad mom if I do and so I did it because I felt like I had to I did the bulk shopping thing because I felt like that's what I was supposed to do and then finally I think it was just last year I don't know Brian my husband asked me to go to Costco for something else like you know. I wake up I don't want to go there were part of it always. Sucking is not my thing I hate lugging the stuff I make trying to find places for the storage I mean we were to buy show so that we could have a place to put. My words out and I keep all the stuff you but I think it was a novel idea what it was not bulk sign up and then we would but anyhow. But I'm not saying book something about under saying for me I learned how in my life to say no when I just felt like I was doing what I had already taken to do and all of the nightmare running out of diapers of me just what is that nobody's going to die like you wrap your baby at how you need someone to get diapers or you have to go get breakfast but ever no one will die you know right right I didn't cry I was so quiet for slide of bullying that's why I like that message and I like how you use kind of a humorous snarky way to get to the message so this is the good news with Angie Austin and friends this is producer Dave I'm sitting with author Dana Bowman and she wrote the book How to be perfect like me and we're just talking about a little bit of the themes and everything that's going on in the book it's it's a book about recovery it's a book about the pressures of being a mom as a cook as it's a book about the pressures of just trying to be perfect about everything every all the time even when nobody is looking and not being so afraid to fail all the time so I actually have something I want to kind of back a little bit to the people that are out there you said 87 percent of moms out there been drinking and it's becoming an issue and alcoholism I mean there's a line when you know it's like oh it's not a problem is not a problem so not a problem suddenly it's a problem and it's not got Bonnie but then when people do realize that and then suddenly you're going to church more you're focusing on yourself you're doing juice cleanses you try yoga you're going to you know where you do all these other things but people still find themselves to be bored in thing. King about their addiction now what is there in life that you have for people that are going through that that are at that place Yeah I I remember that and I write of write about that in my chapter about depression because one of the things that was really hard for me to understand was after I got into recovery I've always struggled with a fighting question it's just something that's a part of my life and but I have this kind of innate feeling that once I gave up alcohol that the discussion would slowly lift and granted it did get better a lot better but here's the deal it's it's not gone like I still would have really dark times and really difficult times and for me I was I think political as well I I you know I'm doing the right I'm I'm living hopefully I'm eating right I'm runny meditating I'm doing yoga for Pete's sake and I really don't like yoga I just decided it's not my thing but I I got really frustrated because I was like I am doing all the right stuff and I'm kind of exhausted thing and it's I'm still feeling depressed and still having dark days and it would just fill me with total fear like it's just this mining stopping fear that I was always going to feel this way and so in that chapter I kind of go over the fact that we all you know it's a human condition will a lot of us are still going to have dark times even when we try to write the rain even when we try to get this you know turn the Titanic around even when we give up that one thing that we think will quote fix it all this is not how like this and so for me I had to get comfortable with the fact that there's been the discomfort around everyone so well and I call it kind of like sounds kind of weird but I would just visualize depression to sitting with me in a room and we were just kind of looking at each other and I'm looking at it and go Ok I see you I'm not gonna be scared of you anymore you're not scaring me that's why and I'm. Except that you're part of my life now that doesn't mean I have to be suicidal that doesn't mean I'm not saying it's couple of the possible means you have to have a life of pain. But for me it's a cyclical thing as a hormonal thing I got really good at like even journaling when it will happen so I can kind of be aware. But part of it is substance and just sort of letting the pain it's something it's for what it is hunkering down in the moment and in still not freaking out and trying to throw everything I had at it. Why the wine was happening you know I would be drinking the self medicated that ever were either so. You know absolutely that I mean I think a lot of people can relate to that it's all about you know now I like that you combat it all through kind of a self-awareness kind of like my see this happening and know I can't really do anything to just like completely stop it but what I can do is manage this and work through it and just keep going and going through it in healthy way rather than. You know other ways like going and drinking vodka in the mornings when you don't you're supposed to be taking care of your kids and stuff like that so and I think a lot of people can relate to that and you know and I think it is a terrible thing that people fall into this whole thing where they have feel so much pressure and I feel you know I feel like I feel like society does put a lot of pressure on us that we allow them to bother us we allow it to others it's like we don't have to let those things about their end but we do and I think that this book is a really good way to highlight how we all feel like this and I think people are going to really be able to relate to this so this is Dana Bowen how to be perfect like me well Dana how about in our last minute or so when you tell us about where we can find you where we can find your next books coming out where we can find this book maybe on Amazon or summer Well sure Ok Well 1st of all I do have a blog. It's called I'm on the blogs and oh I see all o.t. . And I post on there pretty regularly just about guaranteeing a numerous stop and then all about recovery on there you can find ways to make up but if you want to go about it by looking for it on Amazon it will be able to you there are noble and all the other. Sellers and you know I'm almost starting my Before I would usually fighting and so will be out and about. You know finding. Cited about that if you want to find me. That's awesome thank you so much and look on my blog. And look for this book on Amazon or wherever you get it through the blog and if you come by Denver you let us know on the show and tell everyone where to go thank you so much for being on the show we really really appreciate it that's what I've been talking to Dana about her book How to be perfect like me and her road to recovery so thank you very much Dana for being here and we'll be right back. Impacting your life for God k l d c 95.3 f.m. . Steven's here at Mercy Ships dot org with today is Mercy many crew members on board our hospital ship serve with joy but they're a long way from home and sometimes get a bit homesick listen volunteers and miss the familiar people sights sounds and smells of their countries and of course the food that the British crew like to get together every Sunday share a cup of tea and chat about home one day a group of visitors came from the u.k. And brought a surprise treat for the British volunteers a suitcase filled with all kinds of British goodies who were like kids in a candy store it was refreshment for our souls as well as sweetness for our bodies can easing home sickness be an act. Have mercy just as one of the British crew members there you go show mercy by giving a cup of tea or a special treat to someone today this is done Stevens are. Bringing hope and healing to the world's forgotten poor. You can now say Alexa clay k l d c After you take one very easy step to get started click the elect the banner on 1220 k l d c dot com and follow our simple instructions then you can start saying Alexa play k l d c Just one more way for you to hear God and Country radio on Kal d.c. . You know sometimes we may feel broken unusable by God That was how Debbie Walsh felt after her husband left her. Douglas for making your life and Debbie describes how the Lord has encouraged her I thought God was through with me and somebody called me and asked me to do a devotion at a meeting. And I said I can't do that. My husband left me and I'm going to be divorced and she said Well are you still a Christian. And I realized she wasn't asking me to take on a long time service because I certainly was not in the place for that. But just to do devotions for that meeting was an affirmation that God could still use me but God affirmed Debbie through his people and through his work had about 3 of those kinds of things happen right at the earliest part when I was most wrong. I moved to another town just to. Get to a new place and start over and there was a couple there that I'd known for a long time let me live with them till I could find the house they prayed with me they held me and just let me cry when things didn't go. Oh well and I was so wrong and her. So yes the Lord was there he took me to a scripture and Isaiah says. I will bring you back says the Lord like a wife who married young only to be deserted says the Lord. I have loved you with an everlasting love and I said. The Bible is as relevant as today's newspaper God knows where I am. God knows right where we are in times of Brooke and you know his love for us cover lasting. The Bible is a revelation of the mind and will of God to man and in that we learn what God is and who he is Steve Gray host of the narrow path radio program every week day we open the Bible for discussion and would love to hear your questions comments and concerns about the Bible and about faith Please Join us weekdays from 3 to 4. To your theology questions the narrow path is live and ready for your participation right here weekdays at 3 pm and always 247 at the narrow path dot com We are honored to have you listening and we'd love to get to know you better follow us on Facebook to keep the conversation going both on and off the air search for k l d c Denver 12 20 am and 95.3 f.m. . Hi friend you know to keep the good news on the air we need people who support us to support the show when you enjoy you know good news and so from time to time we run sponsored or paid interviews and we sure do appreciate it when you support the people who support us here on the good news you'll hear wonderful sponsors from time to time and paid interviews as well and I'd like to play one of those paid interviews for you right now. Now and again thank you for supporting those who support us welcome back to the show Mike here and I want to dive into something that you should have been aware of back in the middle of October and I'm talking about the enrollment the open enrollment and the time period for people who are receiving assistance or medical insurance through Medicare to make changes in their coverage or to at least understand or review their coverage because the window closes soon so joining me in this sponsored interview John Hannigan he is the acting regional administrator for c.m.s. In Denver in Kansas City and this stuff for a lay to all over the country though doesn't it John it does thanks Mike and thanks for the opportunity to get this message out to. About 900000 people with Medicare in our beautiful state of Colorado and the 16000000 throughout the country it's a really important message and now is their opportunity to review plans and make any changes through December 7th so they need to get that done by midnight on December 7th in their local time so if you haven't done it yet John there's only 60000000 want to just call them individually and say you know talk it out with that's a b. So easy I'm sure I'm joking of course but the big deal here is because this is coming up and when everybody who is on Medicare looks at the mailings they get because I have a neighbor who is on Medicare and he showed me all the mailings he gets from different companies he says look at how do they all know how do they all know I said well they know because they know that's their job different companies are involved with trying to get involved in your coverage but when when this open enrollment period happens what should beneficiaries of Medicare be doing. Well the 1st thing they should do is do an assessment of what they really need and what current coverage they really have we know life has changes their current conditions may have changed and then health plans also change every year so even if someone's happy with their plan we encourage them to go out and take a look at the resources available which I'll describe in just a moment do an assessment of what they currently have what they need and what's available and shop around there is definitely an opportunity for maybe a plan that better suits your needs or a cost savings interesting Lee in Colorado costs have dropped by 7 percent in the past year so it pays a benefit to go out there and take a look at what's available Yeah I would take a 7 percent cut in any costs whether it's gas or food or my my health insurance options on this and who isn't who is eligible who can participate in this open enrollment Well anyone that has Medicare that means people with traditional Medicare people that are in Medicare Advantage plans which And then our population base is people that are over $65.00 some folks that have disabilities and some with end stage renal disease so if you are already in Medicare then you want to go out and take a look at these plans yeah course you do you want to take a look and you can get information on this right on on the Internet if you go to medicare dot gov slash plan dash compare this is important slash plan dash compare medicare dot gov slash plan dash compare Now you talked about those resources available online other than the plan comparison what else is there John. Well I'm going to say 2 things I would like to go back to the to the Plan Finder it's even easier than that if you just go to medicare dot gov It's right there prominently on that front page you'll see a button that says Click here for the plan finder and that one has just been redesigned the 1st time in 10 years redesigned for easier use it's mobile friendly and you can compare the plans on there but if you don't want to do that you can just simply call 1800 Medicare and media c a r e there are customer service representatives available 247 to walk you through these plans and these benefits and assist you there are also state health insurance program representatives in each state now as we don't have time to get the number for each state but if you call 1800 Medicare they can get you in contact with a real live human in your state that you can sit down with in person that will assist you with these plans that's great we're talking to John hand again about the Medicare open enrollment window which is closing soon now John just in case somebody misses it what happens if they they get past the deadline what do they do . Well unfortunately it's only in some very limited circumstances where that we can exceed that deadline of midnight local time on December 7th if somebody is already in a plan they may have one other opportunity to make a change after December 7th but I really want to emphasize get out there now and take a look at make those changes do it this weekend people you can call 1800 Medicare you can go to Medicare. And that they will do the truth plan to compare but they're really important we think thank you Michael thanks for listening to the good news with. Find the podcast The Passion at least in radio. Listening messages with a positive perspective d.c. 95.3 f.m. On the to me that. Here's author and speaker Campbell with today's lamplighter we can't say we haven't been warned about the endless pursuit of stuff the writer of Ecclesiastes these rights whoever loves money never has enough whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income as goods increased so did those who consume them and what benefit are they to the owner except to feast his eyes upon them the Solomon in all as wisdom had much to say about wealth and possessions it would certainly do as well to heed the proverbial advice whoever works his land will have plenty of bread but he who follows worthless pursuits blacks sense wealth again hastily will dwindle Solomon wrote but whoever gathers little by little will increase it can you imagine what progress we would make in our country if we follow these principles it is vital that we teach our children at an early age the principles of hard work sacrifice generosity and stewardship as we live in these uncertain economic times I would like to encourage you as a parent to surround your children with the certainty of God's promises and there's no better way to indelibly etched these truths upon their hearts and minds than 3 stories in fact the role models in the stories I'm about to suggest may be the influence that will change a child's view of work for the rest of their lives for preschool children my favorite is about a little train who saves the day it's titled trustee tried and true for ages 7 to 11 my all time favorites are Malcolm in the missing Prince and for a young adult a story that has influenced my life significantly has Ishmael him once again I've learned that it is a truth that you will be the same today as you'd be 5 years from now except for the people you meet in the books you read Mark and. You've been listening to God doesn't do anything now what we do we respond in this fashion. That you are listening to calle d.c. Denver 182 a 20 am and 95.3 f.m. And streaming online at 1223 of the See that comes across for broadcasting God and country station.

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