But it's his will to do it Jesus said I praise you for what I found out to be your will even though I don't comprehend it all I praise you for it. And then he says The 3rd thing is this and that is that the message is revealed to infants which is very counterintuitive because nobody wants to be an infant nobody wants to be a child everybody wants to be a grown up and in fact there's a bit of a paradox here because in the New Testament it does say grow up be an adult in fact the end of 1st Corinthians it tells them act like men be strong you know and so there's this real there's this kind of paradox on the one hand there's this this idea that Governor of eels things to children and yet on the other hand he wants them to grow but he never wants them to grow being children isn't that weird as so many there's so many paradoxes in the Christian experience but this is the opposite of the way we do everything the opposite of our way to be an infant to go back and be a child when Jesus talked to make a Demas who was anything but a child I mean it could Demas was really important at the top of his game at the top of society he was in all probability wealthy he was very well educated he was at the top and Jesus said You need to be born all over again in academia said What are you talking about all over again you know be a child. Interesting theme this business of being a child before God Jesus said I praise you father that you reveal this to people who are willing to be children now let's go to 1st John will be in Chapter 2 beginning in verse 12. Where there is some poetry that reference is children. I'm going to spend the rest of our time looking at this and fact this is just part one this will be 3 parts in this section verses $12.00 to $14.00 we read John and we sometimes don't get it 1st time through in fact he might not get John's writing the 1st or 2nd or 3rd or 4th time through he doesn't write in particularly linear ways he comes back like a poet and he repeats things and this is very much poetry but let me bring you up to speed there were some people that John dealt with who were tired of being children before God they got too smart for God They grew their intelligence actually they got smarter than their brains could handle so smart they got dumb you can be so open minded your brains fall out. And in fact there's a whole industry in which you can pay good money to have that happen to you. In our culture. There were some people had broken off from the Christian church they had appeared to be Christians for a long time and then they thought they had a better idea than the Gospel is the gospels actually fairly simple is very profound but it's simple and you don't get to be elitist if you stay in the Gospel you don't get to be an elitist you never become an expert that gets to look down on other people contrary to popular belief in some circles and these people want to be elitists and so they develop basically a cult when they came out of Johns Communion this happens about 35 years after what we just read when Jesus said those words we just read 35 years later John is the last living apostle who heard the words that we just read from Jesus the last living apostle who had been there at the original and he's now a very old man he's in his ninety's he's speaking to his Christian friends and it's a church in which there's been a break off and a cult has started and the cult basically says and I'm trying not to belabor this but you've got to know it in order to understand why John says what he says in 1st John of The Cult said basically 3 things and I word it differently that each time but it's basically same thing 1st of all day at the developed of a kind of spirituality in which they didn't need these 3 things they didn't need the cross and the crown of Christ they didn't need the propitiation the cross they didn't need the Lordship of Christ they had developed a form of spirituality where the cross and the work of the cross was not needed and neither was the Lordship of Christ that is the result of the cross all of that is part of the Gospel and so what they're basically had developed a form of spirituality with Jesus's name on it that did not have at its heart the cross the propitiation that was done there which means it didn't have the incarnation which is why later he talks about this if you deny that Jesus has come in the flesh that God has come in the flesh in Christ and so on that's anti-Christ and these people had started to move in that direction they've moved out of the Body of Christ developed a new religion and John says. Later on in Chapter 2 he says they went out from us because they were part of a sexually if they had been part of us they just stayed with us that's the proof that you are one or one of the proofs so they went out they didn't need the cross or the crown of Christ secondly they had spirituality without repentance or the forgiveness of Sins Of course if you don't need the propitiation if you don't need the cross of all you need advice on how to be spiritual and stuff to do to make yourself feel spiritual and have mystical experiences or stuff to do to make yourself holy and have religious you know merit that you're in you're developing then you will not need to repent you want to really admit that you need to be forgiven more than you need to be understood for but understand that it's you need a human being needs forgiveness more than they need therapy. But a lot of people substitute therapy for forgiveness and they can't figure out what doesn't help them that much. Forgiveness but this group didn't they didn't think they needed forgiveness partly because some of them might as said they never did sin in the 1st place that's what our secular culture says basically no such thing as sin or that they did sin but it didn't matter that's another big deal that it's very you can convince people you can say are you are you a sinner and if they have any church background then go yeah probably but it's pretty obvious they don't think that's a serious problem and so that's the thing with these folks either they thought they never sinned or that it didn't matter or that somehow they had stopped sinning and in chapter one verses 8 and 9 he goes into this we saw it before somehow they had ceased to sin and did not need any more grace see that was the idea we don't need grace we don't need the Cross we're past that we're really super spiritual There's a bunch of theories about you know we're these people gnostics or whatever but that's not we don't need it doesn't matter the point is they definitely did not believe in the cross on the crown of Christ they didn't need it they didn't need the Incarnation secondly they didn't need repentance and forgiveness of sins and 3rd they didn't need moral or spiritual transformation and this is why John goes into great lengths and over and over in the book to say you know you can tell a person really knows God because they're morally transformed they actually change on the inside and they're they actually take seriously what God says about moral reality and John says that these folks this cult group they were not walking in the light. Particularly with regard to love for one another as we saw before and loyalty to Christ in his words so that those 3 things this new spirituality without the cross and the crown without repentance and forgiveness without moral or spiritual transformation you can have these things but listen friend I'll just write this right off the nod let me tell you real Christianity focuses on all 3 of these things it really is based at the cross in what and who God is what he did at the cross and subsequent to the cross and the crown the Lordship of Christ it really is about repentance and faith I mean you have to admit that you need to be forgiven more than you need to be understood and 3rd you have to see and you have to want to see moral transformation in your soul you have to want to this is very it's very disturbing when you find people who claim to be Christians and it's quite obvious by their lifestyle that they couldn't give a rip about any kind of moral goodness or integrity in their life they don't care but they claim they claim that they're Christians and so John says look that's a false thing that's going on now I want to point out part of this was the elitism that came with it we don't want to be treated like children. We've outgrown that we have a more ality that stands even above God and you hear this a lot in in the liberal culture of the West in both Europe and the United States more ality that stands over and above God. Ality dad has outgrown this simple thing called faith and yet all of the moral stuff in all of that moralistic writing is hijacked directly out of the Bible so what people do is they take what God says about what is good they hijack it pretend they're the ones that came up with it then use it to criticize what God says in the Bible. Does you follow what I'm saying there I mean this happens all the time in the elite structures of our culture watch out for it anyway so John basically is saying that it's not it's not the way things are that kind of spirituality and all of various different forms that it takes and so in that what we saw last week in the weeks before John has deliberately questioned the spiritual condition of these teachers he's really called into question he said there they're walking in the darkness he says they're lying about knowing God they don't really know God And so what has happened is he's thrown what I think I through to into your heart some of your hearts and that is a question about whether you're really a Christian. By some of the questions I got and some of the comments I got after the last few messages and it won't be the last time I know. People worried you know they go Well you know maybe I'm not seeing enough growth maybe I'm not seeing enough what am I really a Christian now 1st of all I want to say I'm not embarrassed or ashamed to make you ask that question it is a very valid question to ask you need to ask it. Are you a real one and any real one always asks that question and by the way it's a sign that you're a real one that you asked the question because you want to be serious about it however as John moves into verses 12 to 14 he changes his tone for a couple of reasons partly because of what I just said he's already questioned the salvation of these well he basically said these false teachers had look like they're really not Christians which makes everybody sit up and go wow am I a real one partly because in the next few verses after this which we'll see next year. Christmas is coming. We'll see those in the weeks to come he's going to make a strong answer to about how the show. Relate to the world and so here we have an interlude and it's poetic and what he's doing is he's encouraging them any he basically addresses the these people in 3 different ways as children as young men and as fathers and he says the same 3 things. A couple of times in the poetry but I want to tell you it's because he's a good pastor he wants to encourage them in the midst of this questioning they're doing and fear perhaps that they have he wants to assure them and he wants to strengthen their real faith and then he's going to instruct them some more so let's read it verse 12 I'm writing to you little children different Greek word than we saw in Matthew but synonyms these are all synonyms just different Greek words I'm writing to you little children because your sins are forgiven are forgiven for his name's sake not for your righteousness sake but for is name his identity his authority. I am writing to you little children because your sins are forgiven for his name say I am writing to you father and he goes to the other end of the spectrum of the older ones because you know him who is from the beginning I am writing to you young men the people in the middle in their what we might say super productive years young men because you have overcome the evil one I write to you children I repeat it because you know the father I write to you fathers because you know him who is from the beginning and I write to you young men and he expands it here because you are strong and the Word of God abides in you to and you have overcome the evil one each of these is rich I tell you there we don't have time to do it all this was going to be 3 parts of this one thing we're going to talk about the children this morning we'll talk about the young men of the fathers in the weeks to come. By the way does everybody get past the gender about using male terms to refer to everybody that's perfectly legitimate in the Bible is just a literary device don't let it don't let it get on your case it means men and women . These are all male terms but it doesn't matter in the Bible it means men and women and everybody knew that it's just recently people don't know that but it is true. I'm not kidding I mean it's literary foolishness to argue about that it's silly don't get into those arguments so he's saying he's writing 3 sorts of people children fathers and young men and in that order any seeing some really good news he seem to children are forgiven of their sins and they know the father he's seen the father's know the one who's from the beginning it's really important it's really important and we'll see why. Tune in again. And the young men are strong he says they've overcome the evil one they have the Word of God abiding in them and there's that's very very rich will look more deeply into it in the future but right now I want to see why John calls us little children you see the theme now back to where Jesus says you reveal these things to the name to the infants and John uses other 2 Greek words for for little children here are 2 different words he uses from the one in Matthew but also different from one another a total of 3 terms but they all refer to little kids kids like $23.00 everything from infant up to 5678. Years old the cute age is more or less yeah that's really kind of. What it is and John refers to everybody this way this isn't a strict chronological thing is talking about here because he was 1st of all the Christians as little children ends not just because he's 90 some odd years old you call anybody little kids if you're 90 some odd years old but it's more than that he got this idea of calling us children for Jesus this is what Jesus calls us and there's some real. For this is a very Jesus kind of a theme if you take notes jot down John chapter one verse is 12 and 13 Jesus it says John says of Jesus that he was rejected remember the rejection kind of theme and motif that you find in John chapter one verse 12 and 13 most people rejected him but those who accepted him those who received Him It says to them he gave the right to become. The children of God he says and they were born not by human arrangement but by the Spirit of God God gives them a new life and makes them his children by the way the liberal doctrine it is dogma by the way within the liberal forms and when I say liberal I don't always mean it pejoratively by the way I'm in a conservative environment and I'm a conservative myself but when I say liberal I don't always mean it pejoratively and I don't always mean it politically there's a liberal theology in which the emphasis is on the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God but I need to point out that that's actually not what the Bible teaches it's not the universal brotherhood of man and the universal fatherhood of God That's partly true but that's a very very small part of what the whole Bible says what the whole Bible says is that actually only the people who are in covenant with God are actually called his children and that's why in John chapter 11213 he says to many as received Him to them he gave the right to become the children of God so everybody's not a child of God in this way. That's kind of shocking for a lot of folks raised in our culture to know that and he also says in Matthew 19 verse 14 Jesus this is all Jesus kind of thinking he regenerates people like this we just saw but also they Kingdom is populated he said these are the kind of people in the kingdom he had a little child in front of a many and he said this is the kind of person said my kingdom and He is the word for a little child now we'll see more about what he says then. He says of course 2 crucially important things your sins are completely forgiven and you know the father but we'll talk more about that next week what I want to talk about now and for remaining time is 4 things about why he calls his children because if you're Christian you are indeed a child of God and if you're thinking of becoming a Christian you're going to become a child of God you're not going to become a grown up of God 1st. And if you come swaggering into the kingdom thinking that God should be glad that he has you on his team there's a painful surgery that will occur. In your heart and ego ectomy and those are just really painful. Because humility which is one of the key virtues of knowing Christ is best accomplished by humiliation and so so it's best to just set that aside and say Ok Well alright if I'm thinking of becoming a Christian then what I'm thinking of becoming is a real child in a very significant sense before God why does he referred to us as children and I'll give you a hint it's not because we are sweet and innocent and sometimes people think that's always so nice that govern for us to us as children because they think of the sweetness of children and children of course really our sweet grandchildren actually are sweeter than your original children. If you've noticed them view. I'm only joking about their rights to save e-mails. But you know what I mean there's this sweetness among it's actually giving a compliment but that's not actually what he's doing and by the way if you have more than one child you know they're not innocent I mean the idea that kids are innocent is really. A great myth. Perpetrated by either folks who never had any never around any children or people who worship their children sometimes people do that and they think that it's a mistake if you have more than one child even if you have one but if you have more than one and the more the merrier you will discover they are what makes life livable is that they're too small to actually destroy more than just a few things in the house. Honestly they're not innocent and what So whatever God is saying here he's not saying I choose children and make you children because they're innocent and sweet Well then. Why well there's 3 reasons and 4 actually and they're all found in 1st John they're all not just in this text of 1st John although some are but all throughout 1st John here they are all tell you what they are and then I'll tell you what they are then I'll tell you what they are again they are. Children have no franchise. In this age. They do not own the businesses they do not run things in this age children Secondly they are not autonomous they don't have self law they're under someone else's authority and they know it. 3rd they obey out of trust and loyalty. Rather than out of a theoretical idea that obedience will get them anything. They obey out of trust and loyalty No We're talking kids little little children Ok before you're bribing them with allowances and forth they have everything debt they have they have everything that they have by an inheritance which means it's a gift that was not earned by them it was earned by somebody else but it is still their interest in so this actually makes it perfect for us to be called children and yet it is humbling So let's go back through those 4 things 1st they have no franchise in this age and you see it clearly in John Chapter 2 verses 15 to 17 will talk more about that in weeks to come children do not run the world they believe someone else is running the world kids actually believe and they know because they're right about it grownups run the world now the kids may agitate back and forth but they know someone else's decisions are actually shaping the shape of their life. Do you live that way I mean Ok your child of God I'm going to apply this to Christians here if you're a child of God Do you actually think that you're running things or do you think that God is primarily running these someone else is actually running the world and basically the best thing you can do is cooperate with what he's doing and find value in it and find virtue in it and say I'm trusting with it in James Chapter 4 member James says you who say we're going to go here we're going to go there we're going to make money we're going to do this and that and then James says that's quite foolish you don't know if you going to be alive tomorrow your your life is like a blade of grass it's here today gone tomorrow it's like a fog what you should say is not more never going to do anything he doesn't say that he says what you should say is this if the Lord will say that's a hugely important thing you know why it's because what James is saying there is we Christians all trust that God knows what he's doing more than we do and that a lot of stuff that happen. To us we're not going understand. That's what he's saying that's real provenance that's real faith is when stuff happens to you and you don't understand why. But you still believe that God knows what he's doing and you don't just say if you actually believe it what happens is you don't know whether you believe it till it happens because anybody can pass the quiz in the theology class as God always doing. But when bad stuff happens to you and bad stuff happens to everybody Christians included it happened to Jesus it'll happen to you. If at that time you say God has lost control or. I don't trust God anymore then really up to that point all you had you had a kind of grown up peer relationship with God not a child who says I believe someone else is in charge you had what you might you probably were thinking was some sort of peer relationship we got to talk it over with God then you you and he agreed on what probably ought to be done and he mostly did what you wanted. And so that's but see that's not obedience that's not actually faith that's agreement you don't find out whether or not you're really a child before God in the healthiest possible way until something happens that's out of your control and against your will. And that you can even make a case might be against God's will you can always Christians can always find reasons why the bad thing to happen to them is also against God's will. And so they can go beat up somebody probably is what they want to do about it whatever but you see a child has no franchise in this age they gave up the idea that their identity and their success is in this age kids. Are not I mean they do compete in little ways but not the ways not the ways that the adults do and the reason is because the kids have little children have this idea that they don't have a franchise anyway they don't own anything anyway everything they have belongs to their parents and they use it freely and break it often but it still belongs to their parents and so that's partly why they're very cavalier about it all and what's the dad say you don't know how much that costs. And we're all uptight because we all know it really. Really gas we outgrew this idea. That we don't have a franchise now we think we do have a franchise in this world that we really have a vested interest in what's going on in the world. In a sense we do from the standpoint of helping other people to flourish make a living and so on and so forth but you see this is a very tricky thing isn't it to live responsibly without taking complete ownership it's called stewardship and it's a huge deal for Christians and we always slip over into sovereignty on ourselves we always slip over to thinking and you can tell when you've slipped over because you're mad at God. You're mad at God you're really disappointed in him that something happened you know when that occurs and it happens to all of us friends it happens it has happened to me I'm not pointing the finger it's just that we need to realize that when that happens what we are being challenged to do is be like little children again and go back to the idea that hey wait a minute I don't have a franchise in this age nothing that this is age supplies is really central to my identity anymore. Not my business see when you're a little kid it's easier because you know what if you've got your life is pretty darn tiny but by the time you're some of the ages of the people whose faces I'm looking at right now you've got big life's big lives rich big broad deep lives that have deep roots long term relationships lots of scars you talk about fathers We'll talk about being older and how important it is to be older in the weeks to come but you have a really big life now you have a lot to lose. And what the Lord is saying actually you don't have any more to lose now than you did back when your life was small and innocent and that's why he says if you want to be one of mine you have to see yourself this way you really don't have a franchise in this age and nothing in this age is permanent. And so a child of God has given up this world franchise. Will need to stop here now is we're out of time today on willing heart when we get together next time we'll continue this study in 1st John entitled little children we hope you'll be able to join us for our next edition of willing heart. Order a cd of this message you can do so with a donation of 5 dollars or more and by calling us toll free at 186-636-6382 extension 3 you can also contact us at pulling hard Radio dot com and ask for show number 11095 And remember while you're at our Web site you can always hear today's program. Again you'll find our show by looking under the think column at the top of the web page now in the 1st part of this study we learned that when Jesus discovered the will of God He praised God for it even if he didn't understand it if you have questions about something you may not understand or about something that you've heard in this lesson we encourage you to contact us you can write us at Willing Heart Radio 18881 that's one Triple 81 Highway 62 Eagle Point Oregon 975 to 4 or you'll find us at our website at Willing Heart Radio dot com Thank you again for joining us for Pastor Rick boy and willing heart we certainly hope you enjoyed our time together willing heart is a production of trail Christian Fellowship helping people think like Jesus. A light in the darkness 1220 k. L. D.c. And 95.3 f.m. . All right hey this is w j j I want you to make sure that you tune in to the house for the state program this Sunday at 4 o'clock pm as he will be discussing home ownership and the Smart home buyer education workshop tune in this Sunday for card pm for the huff to this day program this Sunday. Be in. Play all that music that you forgot you loved because it leaves a bad they've been. Bad and lost a. Cold long. Sister station legends 810 calle v.z. . Follow calle d.c. On Facebook for up to date information about our powerful Christian programs 34 calle d.c. Denver 12 20 am and 95.3 f.m. . Hello Denver thank you for taking the time to tune into the radio broadcast of Denver Christian Bible church pastor and teacher is John a moral and it is our hope and prayer that the message you are about to hear will be glorifying to God and strings to each and every one of you our listeners and the reminders of the cross is our only hope for now and eternity where you're riding in your car or sitting at your desk at work sit back relax and allow God's Holy Spirit to minister to you through pastor morning. I was riding on an airplane coming back a week or 2 ago from some place on the trip to start to run together now but I was coming back from someplace and I was studying interviewing this man was sitting next to me and I'll make a long story short and so he started asking me questions about God and the name of God and if I have ever studied I said Well I think I have and he says well do you know what the real name of God is well I don't know exactly how to answer that question because there are a lot of things that got revealed in Scripture so I say well I'll play along tell him and he says the name of God is just hold up and he stuff he says you out a teacher people the name of God This is just teaching the real name of Jehovah Now none of us in here would deny that in fact we sing songs. There is no god my child now the further we went in the conversation it didn't take on the 30 seconds or so for him to reveal that he was a Jehovah's Witness a non Christian denomination and he says What's your wife's name and I said my wife's name was Kim and he said How would you feel if you if you married your wife and you never knew her nanny and I said Well Ok I see where you're going with this he said when you sat down here you told me your name what is your name I said My name is John he said why did you tell me that I said Because you he said because you want me to call you by your name and I said because I want you to call me by my name and he said then why don't we want to call God by the name of Jehovah It sounds reasonable until he wouldn't take my past city for an answer and leave me alone. So I said Ok you want to talk about unless talk about what do we do about all the other names of God. And he says well those are his name I said Well maybe so that's semantics I don't want to argue that but here's what I do know holy scripture reveals God as He has revealed Himself in different ways he said I told him I say you asked me why I gave you my name my name is John and I told you because I wanted you to call me by my name he said that's right I said but if we really knew each other you wouldn't call me Injun you probably call me John John are you call me Dodi or you call me look John but you got the name that the guy sitting next to me on an airplane get my name is John Adams and what I was trying to say to him is we don't change the name of God but. We get to know God more can't timidly the end here hear his name is Joe Hosey. But when my spirit is in turmoil I can problem just hope I shall know the end and when I need it when I need provision I can probably of the just hold us there provide this and when I need somebody to represent me I can come around your home or at least see. The every part of your sick I can call it just the right stuff Now here's the end come and talk to me in the House today the end but what he was doing was laying a trap for me the Us Are you into another somebody come our house on Saturday morning and they start talking about Jehovah and in your mind now there's a seed and you say we're past the Mormon to tell us his name was just over let me listen to what they got to say and now you're led astray. And I loath. Deceitful the devil is. Everything that claims to be Christian is not Christian just hope those witnesses are not Christian Mormons are not Christians stop buying into this argument that Christians are bullies and we don't love people and we're exclusive nowhere night we want nothing more than for you to find Jesus but it you'll expect me the crowd pretty listen when I tell you the truth about who Jesus is there is no more loving 6 need than are can give to you. Are you in the house with me but as Christians we get sympathetic to every argument. I don't intend to preach like this today but I feel good we get sympathetic to every argument. And now we've got to deal with the whole. The sexual arguing and I've heard this even in my family from people who are now who are Christian and they say why would people choose to be or press like that and this sounds because there's an easy is to the question because men love darkness rather than light. And there was a time when the oil price of sin in your life whatever it was when it all pressed you and your steel went back to. Come on and talk to me in the House today we've got to learn to stand up and speak out for who Jesus is and what the Gospel is we gotta learn to say to people there sounds good but is the outrage of the Gospel Oh Jesus Christ. The f. . Are you in the house with me today. And so now there's a sociological and political platform that is being raised that is causing Christians to be imposed tent in the world. No no you've got to get to know Jesus for yourself and your I am a little sensitive about my Jesus because our knowing what he's done for me are no from where I came and you know you tried stuff before Jesus that did not work come out and talk to me and have them still multiple ways to get to heaven but pass someone about all these other good people are here they're not good. You are there are good urban or good they may be morally upright but that is far from the Biblical standard of what is good and there are no you choir because I'm talking about your family and I'm talking about my family and I'm talking about your friends and I'm talking about my friends but if you love a you better get to tell Jesus well enough to introduce Jesus to warm and. Eh. So there's a stand. In God The law is not dead but Christ has for field it. Let me say one more thing. There is a movement in the black community. And I see in this now 234 people over the last several weeks and many more before that but there is a movement in the black community this original's Hebrew Israelite stuff and it's attractive to the black man because when we look at our historical life in this place that we call America this answers questions that many of us have let me tell you not every question was meant to be answered and what it does is it suck Toback into bondage it delivers you from one form of slavery and takes you to another form of slavery anything that elevates the all covenant over the new covenant is not Christ there is a new covenant did he not say that to his disciples in the upper room when he was on his way the cross in Luke 2220 did he not give him the cup and say this is the new covenant in my birth to the Hebrew writer not say that the Old Covenant was not personable do not say the new covenant is the better way. I feel just good enough to say here. But folks I'm talking to us now start being impressed but are slowly learning to pay Paul bad stuff purse for us mind good stuff. Or you can write it you can not like it you can simply email write me a letter but I can't tell you what God loves 2 and thus the truth we are too easily impressed 6 by people who don't know the living. Thus the evidence and the more stupid it sounds the more we celebrate the garden over we think it is the hour we think it is let me tell you something she is us is infinitely Oh. We all can is thousands of years ago the Lou Cannon is almost 2000 years old Sutherland said there is nothing new under the sun if this new is not true if this is true it's not 6 lose. Of a healthy home because. There's a standard of what it means to walk with God There is a standard of what it means to be a follower of Christ that is found in Jesus. For what I am doing I am in verse 15. I do not understand bring this down please stop moving it for what I am doing I do not understand for what I will to do that I do not practice but what I hate that I do he sees the reality of who he really is. And not only is he writing his life but I think of most of us to be honest I'm here today he's writing on. What I will to do in other words what I want to do in verse 15 he says I do not practice but what I hate that I do why because there is a war going on in my members inside of every person there's at least 2 people though you are inside of every Christian there's at least 2 people though you and the new you and though you and the new you are at war are. There are you in the house with me today all you want you to come back the new you want you to move forward into the destiny that God has for you that's not just heaven but there's destiny here on Earth there's a life of peace and power that God wants for you there's a life that is filled with the proclamation of the Gospel that he wants for you there's a life that's free from the law of sin and death that he wants for you he wants that for you right here on Earth but there's a war going on in your members there are soldiers on each side of this dividing line going on in your members and I tell you something the soldiers that you want to win are the soldiers that you got to feed. You in the house with me today do you understand that analogy when I say we don't take soldiers to the battlefield without feeding back we feed them or when we get them on the battlefield. We give a nice meals in a box there about 4 or 5000 calories we call em our ease our meals ready to eat why because they need energy and they need strength to fight your spirit man needs energy and strength to stand in the fight you got to feed at the Word of God You gotta feed it with power from on high and that you connect with through prayer and fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the saints of God Talk to me in the house so that you can not go in and out of fellowship with God and think there's going to be power in your life give me the holy book you need a connection that can not be disconnected Are you with me today and we wonder why when the storms of life come we don't understand how to battle the storms of life because we are discouraging methhead of AK. He's looking at a self and then he says in verse 16 then I do what I will not to do I agree with the law that is good he said because. This protrudes me and me to do what I don't want to do the law is good because when I when I get up against the line the law checks me when I start to when I start to breach that balance ring the law checks me it pushes me back he says I agreed then at that time the law is good and 17 he says not less strange though but now it is no longer to do it but San Jose. We need to process 70 because what is he saying when he says it's no longer I who do it who does it but seeing the dwells in what does he say. Is he saying that we can that we somehow in those times of sand have an outer body experience that we can dismiss ourselves from is this the devil made me do it mentality is he talking about demonic possession here what is he really talking about I have wrestled and wrestled and wrestled with this verse and here is what I believe as I've looked at the length and breadth of scripture resources and all that I knew how to do Heres what I believe policy he's not saying that it's not me who is physically committing the act of sin. He's saying that is a manifestation of the old me but it no longer defines the new real me. It's good I've been changed but sometimes I don't look like I've been changed. I've been born again but sometimes my talk doesn't reflect the fact that I've been born again. I'm redeemed but sometimes act in a wayward way is so this is a point of illumination for us but it's also a point of encouragement. Because it lets us know that when I fall off the wagon when I do something against the Holy Will and holy writ of God God does not write me on. Because it's not me. Pastor how many times do I have to do them justice none it's never acceptable to do this but the question you're really asking is how much forgiveness does God really have. Here's the good news his forgiveness is a measure up. Every morning his mercy isn't. We learned it in the song but you missed it there is no shadow of turning and in other words the character of God doesn't even moves so much as to shift his shadow in the lie this degree. He is immutable he does not change he always will be as he is and as he has then God is faithful to you he will be faithful to you tomorrow when you blow it he will be faithful to you the next day when you blow it he will because he years you missed it. We all because here. This is just who hear us somebody needs to get it because you are still buried by something you did in your past and the devil every time he wants to mess with you he presses that button from your past to say Do you remember when you did this do you remember when you said this nobody knows you know. What if it comes out whether somebody finds out. That understand me and I hope you know me well enough by now to know I'm not trying to give you license to live try for. It or suffer you need to confess confessor. It does something you need to get straight get it straight but there are allowed the devil to keep holding you back to where you came from you are free and sheaves us you're free to live. You're free to love you're free to be successful you're free to move forward you're free to pursue the visions and dreams that guard 1st place from in your heart you are free in Jesus I don't care if you're tall or short black or white dark skin or light skinned skinny or fat you're free in Jesus and He loves you just like you do. You need to hear that I babies need to hear that your grandchildren need to hear that you're free and Jesus let me keep moving for safety for I know that in me that is in my flesh nothing good do it you get that. In my flesh nothing good with us 5 more minutes I'm done for 2 wheel is present with me but how to perform what is good I do not have. To will is present with me I have the desire that's present with me but the how I got the desire but I got straight As I felt this morning after chasing your teenagers around d.c. For 5 days a lot I want I got the desire but I got this for. All of the facilities the chaperons filters for we were all in the text I got the desire but we got the street but not the Lord let us all be here he said that's how it is in sin. And I want to do right. But my candle. Is just inside of me. How is it that I want to do right but I always find myself doing wrong Ok Now stay with me because we're. Adding to the part that we've often misquoted and misunderstood for the good that I will to do I do not do but the evil I will not to do that I practice you got that if you got to say man. Verse 20 now if I do what I will not to do it is no longer I who do it ascended so we've got a repetition of something we saw a 2nd ago verse 21 is the big one I find that a lot of the evil is present with me the one who wields to do good lest I think of verse 21 some attention because here's what you've heard and said all your life that there is a law that every time I would do good evil is always present that's what we said. That is not what this Texas. It does not say the law is and by the way let me let me just clarify he's using law not to refer to the Law of Moses that we've been talking about but to refer to the ever the bill ity of it by Murphy's Law right you understand same thing here he said I find the law I find I find that this is inevitable Now here's what the law is that is not every time I would do good evil is always present with me heres what the law is look at verse 21 the law years that evil is present with me the one who wields to do good so the way we used to say every time I would do good evil is present with me suggest that I'm trying to do right and evil shows up every time I would do good evil comes along evil is present with that's not the law the law is evil is with me all the time. Period because I who I am we start a few verses ago because in my flesh dwells no good thing evil is with me that's the law. So that there I want to do I cannot do word because evil is with me show up he was already there. Because of who I am. Why is that important because when we understand that we see the depravity of who we are stealing beings and it drives us back to our knees at least no role for him sometimes I'm really a good guy no. The love is evil is present with he that's my law. In verse 21 the one who wheels to do good that's my love. Now let's wrap it up for our delight in the law of God according to the end what Man In other words on the inside of me I like the Law God I delight in it I want to do what's right verse 23 but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sand which is in my members I delight in the law of God But there's another law that I see in my members it's warring against the law of my mind trying to bring me back into captivity who am I talking today that the law that's warring against you you want to do good but the law of sin and death and your flesh and all and evil and all that other stuff it is working against you trying to bring you back to slavery. It is working against you trying to bring you back to pleasing God in your works it is working against you trying to bring you back to the place where you thought you were nobody here and where you understood that you were it is bringing it is working against you trying to bring you back into that place where you were a slave to sin and he had a vice grip around your neck he had a young around your neck but let me tell you something the spirit of the Lord destroys yokes the spirit of the Lord destroys yokes and where are the spirit of the more it is than is liberty if you are Christian then the spirit of the Lord is in you you don't have to go back to your own way of thinking your own way of believing your own way of living you are not that person anymore are. And neither 2 am I. And praise God for deliverance. The Under saying. So Pastor how do I live it through humility and faith as some point you've got to start to believe. At some 2 point you have to start to believe it. Give me pray and ask God to give you the faith to believe it. Faith is even I give it you can't muster your own faith. Thank you home because faith is a gift How would you believe that the Holy Spirit never awakens you to the need to believe. In and just start believing. Governments are saving didn't just wake up one day and say you know I need something new in my life. I think it's God. It was God that was you have walk up and say to me. You need me. I don't need you but you believe me I watch you I love you but you need me. And he concludes in verse 2425. Oh wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord so then with the mind I myself serve the Law God both the flesh the law says he's living in the tension he's living in this dichotomy between 2 worlds but he keeps his own the ultimate victory and then an icing on the cake there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not want a court of law but according to the spirit to go there in the Long is. This concludes another broadcast of the Christian Bible Church thank you so much for taking the time to tonight that is our prayer and hope that what you have heard serves as food to nourish your soul and biblical direction for life in the days to come we'd like to invite you to join us for one of our worship services our Bible study for all ages is held on Thursdays at 6 30 pm you should feel free to dine with us before Thursday Bible study at 5 30 pm Sunday worship begins at 10 30 am This includes children's church and nursery services we are located at 4625 East Iowa Avenue in Denver Colorado 80222 you may also visit us on the web at Denver Bible dot org where you can download all of Pastor Moleyns sermons for free or connect with us on Facebook you should also feel free to give us a call at 303-223-6133 we hope to see you in service soon and if the Lord should come before we see you in service then to see you in the cloud. Messages that matter to you d.c. 95.3 and on the 2 now. Welcome to you every day moments with Joyce Meyer when it comes to hearing the Word of God There is a black and white response now most will like the 2 choices but there is no middle ground when it comes to a media appears to us. Well if you're a person who goes to church you hear the Word of God or watch Christian t.v. Programs or you're listening to the radio program right now you read a good Christian book when you do that you have a responsibility and you have a choice to make and that is what are you going to do there's really only 2 choices are you going to obey are you going to disobey you know the kind of information that we get from God When we study his words is information that gives us a responsibility because every time we hear the Word of God we're learning something that we probably didn't know before are we're learning it in a deeper way and we need to take action Don't deceive yourself by just being a hero of the word and not a doer of the message Don't get into making excuses and reasoning out why although you believe that what you heard is truth or some reason why you're the special one that doesn't have to do it just learn to obey God and you're going to love your lives a whole lot. Advice like what you just heard is what the Enjoying every day life magazine has from cover to cover and it's free to you just go to Joyce Meyer dot org and request your copy today. You are listening to k l d c h b 122895.3 f.m. And streaming online at 1220 cable d c dot com across the broadcasting of God as country station. Hi welcome to knowing tour I'm Conny Pac and I want to share the word with you today line by line and verse by verse We're continuing the study of 2nd Corinthians Chapter 7 that has so much practical encouragement we can't give up on each other let's study together to entire chapter has been devoted to how we should live as reconciler How do you get people to believe your message by being genuine. By living a life of integrity by enduring in the stress in the pressure in the problem in the calamities of life you're still saying I'm not giving in I'm Not Going Under I'm going through I'm going to be here I'm going to endure to the end no matter what now he deals with 2 problems that will affect our ministry of reconciliation one is the problem of unconditional love verse 11 we have spoken freely to you Chris and DNS open y. Our hearts to you we're not withholding our affection from you but you're withholding yours from us as a fair exchange I speak as to my children open wide your hearts also now Paul has spoken freely to them he loves them enough to tell them plainly to speak the hard truth to them he also knows that this love right now is just one sided he's doing the loving and they're doing their rejecting Paul doesn't meet their image the root of the problem for the Christians then it's a pride problem because they don't think Paul managers up to their idea of what a spiritual father should be like so the Corinthian church in their pride they have withheld their love from Paul because they were so focused on self the next problem he deals with in the 14th verse and that is the problem of having a compromising relationship verse 14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers for what do righteousness and wickedness have in common or what fellowship and light have with darkness what harmony is there between Christ and belly What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever what agreement is there between the temple of God and idols for we are the temple of the Living God as God has said I will live with them and walk among them and I will.