Well 20. Broadcasting God and. When Jesus fed the 5000 His disciples didn't understand what he was teaching. In Mark Chapter 8 he gives them a 2nd chance today on turning point Dr David Jeremiah examines the miraculous feeding of the 4000 and explains why critics who use this passage in attempting to discredit the Bible are wrong with his message how many miracles does it take Here's David thank you for joining us today this is the Wednesday edition of turning point and we open our Bibles on this day to the 8th chapter of the book of Mark to begin a 2 day examination of the 1st 21 verses and that we've called this lesson How many miracles does it take and we want you to join us as you find your Bible and sit down maybe at the coffee table or in the living room in a comfortable place we're going to teach this section of God's Word you can follow right along in the Scripture by the way there's a study guide that we've created for the series the series is almost over fact we were down to the last message 2 days and it will be finished but you can preserve this whole series by ordering the study guide in search of the Savior the Gospel of Mark volume 2 and the set of C.D.'s that comes with this is all of the information you've been hearing on the radio during the month of September these 2 resources make it possible for you to review and recapture all of this great truth from the scripture but it also sets you up to gather some of your friends around you and get a study guide for each one of them and teach this section of the book of Mark and discuss it in your small group I can tell you the stories of Jesus are unparalleled you'll never find anything more exciting. And more riveting than watching Jesus at work while he was on this earth we've captured some of those major miracles in this one volume and we know that you will be blessed ask about it when you call or write or go to our website and you can order it right from the website itself and then don't forget during this month which is almost over now we've made available a beautiful calendar called wonderfully made this 14 month calendar is being offered in September so that we can make sure you get it in plenty of time and will get caught in the Christmas mail and you get the calendar for the new year on the 15th of January we don't want that to happen again and as so we've moved this up the calendar actually begins November the 1st because we've added November and December bound into the calendar and when you get it you'll be able to start getting everything set up for the new year start putting in your dates and your appointments and all of the important things that you track with a calendar put it in a prominent place when you see it and the beauty of these creative photography presentations remember to pray for turning point and remember to give thanks for the fact that you are fearfully and wonderfully made well right now we're going to start again and here's Mark Chapter 8 and verse one How many miracles does it take . If we've been following the Lord for many years we know that God can take what little we have and make it something special Isn't that true and that we're going to learn more about that today as we open our Bibles to the 8th chapter of The Gospel According to Mark Mark Chapter 8. 1 of my best memories growing up was my mother baking bread now for those of you who are under 40 you've maybe never experienced that happen all that much anymore from what I hear but when I was growing up my mother used to do this kind of routinely maybe every 2 weeks or so. And I would come down in the morning and the door to the oven would be down and sitting on the door to the oven would be pans of dough that she had put there so that the yeast could rise and it would be time to bake the bread. And then a little bit later on of the day she would put those in the oven in she would bake that bread and when she opened that of indoor and that smell of that bread came out it was just it was all you could handle you couldn't do anything with it and as soon as she would let us we'd slice some of that up and put a hunk of butter on it and it was seeped down into the dough. And you know sometimes she would make cinnamon rolls at the same time my mother came to the place where she would take those cinnamon rolls believe it or not and she would hide them in the house because she said it was so discouraging to work so hard and have them all gone and a half hour I actually found a box full of under her bed once I'm not kidding you read was just such a part of life and I grew up I would know all that in the sweets but I love bread and then lest year I read this book about how bread has changed over the years and you shouldn't eat it it's got gluten and all that so I don't eat bread anymore so all I got left is my memories and that's all I got. Is that my memories. This week as we open our Bibles to the 8th chapter of Mark. We're going to notice 1st of all how this particular story that we're going to study fits into the context that we have been in over these last weeks believe it or not as you look back over your shoulder at what we've studied you will see that the theme of all of these stories is bread in the 6th chapter we read of the Lord Jesus feeding 5000 with the little loaves of bread that were presented a little bit later on just after that the disciples in Jesus are castigated by the fair seas because they are washing their hands before they eat their bread. And then we read about the woman who came to beg that Jesus would cast the demon out of her daughter and Jesus gave the parable about the children's bread falling from the table and we have the story of the crumbs of bread today in our lesson we're going to learn about another feeding miracle that Jesus did when he fed 4000 men with bread and then a little bit after that the Lord Jesus has a major discussion with His disciples about the true meaning of bread this whole section is about bread and the Lord Jesus Christ is going to say to us in a short time as we study this book I am the bread of life. If you eat of me you will never hunger again. But here in this story today we have an interesting play on the insufficiency of man and the sufficiency of God. It begins 1st of all with insufficient meals the problem of insufficient meals notice in those days the multitude being very great had continued with Jesus 3 days and they had nothing to eat I want us to grab hold of that thought for a moment here are some people that were listening to Jesus teach they listened to him for 3 days and they had run out of food perhaps they had brought sack lunches with them at the beginning and they'd already eaten it all up the 3 days had gone by and they weren't eating food has such an incredible impact on our lives and so you've got to stop and admire these followers of Jesus in fact the Scriptures uses a word to describe their connectedness to the Lord and the word is one of the strong words in the Greek language it means to really be adhered to someone to follow that person eagerly to hang on to every word in many respects times our commitment to Jesus has to lead us into the discomfort of saying no to some of the things we want to do and in this situation that is what happened but along with the commitment of jesus followers is the compassion of Jesus heart for we read in this context that Jesus called his disciples to him and he said to them I have compassion on the multitude because they have continue with me for 3 days and they have nothing to eat and if I send them away hungry to their own houses they will faint on the way for some of them have come from a far. Now you stop and think for a moment that Jesus is the Living Son of God The 2nd person in the Trinity God the Son The Son of God and he's interested in the fact that these people who are listening to him teach are hungry and they're going to have to go away to their own homes without any food and the Bible says he had compassion on them and the word compassion in the New Testament is a very interesting word it really means innards that he had a gut concern for them and is very inward part he was touched by the hunger of these people it wasn't just a passing concern it was a deep seeded really greatly involved concern on the part of Jesus and so he calls his disciples together he just can't abide the idea that these people haven't eaten and they're going to go home and he said if some of them go home they have come from such a long way they won't make it they'll fete on the way they'll pass out. So we have at the beginning of this text the problem of insufficient meals there are more people than there is food there's not enough food to feed all of these people and that brings us to the 2nd thing that becomes very evident in this passage in it 1st you might not see it but hang with me and you will and that's the problem of inadequate memories. One thing is absolutely certain in this next section of scripture memory is the issue either mark in his writing of the book for God The 1st miracle that Jesus did just a few verses earlier and recorded it again with different information or Jesus actually did 2 miracles and the disciples forgot which is it. I'm going to tell you that the critics of the scripture love this passage they say here you go here's a miracle and the story is told twice in the same book and they can't even get the information straight there is contradicting information between the 2 accounts of this miracle so that you never forget it I want to show you what happened let me 1st read the Lord's interchange with his disciples and the disciples answered him how can one satisfy these people with bread here in the wilderness and he asked them How many loaves do you have and they said 7 so he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground and he took the 7 loaves and gave thanks and broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before them and they set them before the multitude they also had a few small fish and having blessed them he said to set them also before them so they ate and were filled and they took up 7 large baskets of leftover fragments and those who had eaten were about 4000 and he sent them away that sounds familiar doesn't it. We studied the feeding of the 5000. Here in this passage we are introduced to the number of the 4000. Let me resolve the issue for you by showing you the differences between the 2 miracles somebody give you the differences you can look them up later but listen carefully there are at least 9 differences between the 2 miracles 1st of all there's a different period the 5000 were with Jesus for one day the 4000 where with Jesus for 3 days. And there's a different people the feeding of the 5000 involved predominantly Jews and the feeding of the 4000 involved mostly Gentiles there's a different place Jesus fed the 5000 in Galilee near Bethsaida the feeding of the $4000.00 took place somewhere on the campus. There are different procedures in the feeding of the 5000 Jesus said to his cycles you give them something to eat in the feeding of the 4000 Jesus simply says How many loaves do you have in the feeding of the $5000.00 the crowd is instructed to sit down but in the feeding of the $4000.00 there is no mention of the Greengrass of Galilee so there's a difference there. There are different prayers in the feeding of the 5000 Jesus offered a general prayer for both the bread in the fish and in the feeding of the 4000 he offered a specific prayer for the bread and another specific prayer for the fish and there were different portions in the 1st miracle there were 5 loaves and 2 fishes in the 2nd miracle there were 7 loaves and a few small fish. There was a different provision and the cleaning up after the 1st miracle there were 12 baskets full of fragments left over in the feeding of the $4000.00 there were 7 large baskets full of fragments left over. There's different packages in the feeding of the $5000.00 there were 12 baskets that's the Greek word Co famous which means a small wicker basket like you would carry a lunch to work in. And the feeding of the $4000.00 there were 7 large baskets the word there is the word spurious and it is a basket big enough to hold a man and it's the basket they let Paul down over the wall in a much different package. And if you are with me up to this point if you don't really see that Jesus fed 5000 over here and 4000 over here and there are not 2 accounts of the same miracle listen to mark a 1020. When I broke the loaves for the 5000 how many baskets full of fragments did you take up and they said to him 12 Also when I broke the 7 for the 4000 how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up and they said 7 yes the miracles are similar but as you can see they are not the same there is a memory problem in this passage but it is not Mark's memory it's the disciples of memory they didn't get it the 1st time and as you're going to see they didn't even get it the 2nd time yet even when our memories of God are inadequate how many of you know God just continues to provide. God's provision is always sufficient in fact it is over sufficient overflowing so abundant that it might seem wasteful to us at times remember in both of these miracles there was a bunch left over after God had given them everything they needed God always gives us more than we need he does above and beyond all we can ask or think. So we have 1st of all the insufficient meals and now we see this insufficient memory Thirdly we have the problem of an inappropriate message verses 10 through 12 immediately Jesus got into the boat with his disciples and came to the region of down. And the fair seas came out and began to dispute with him seeking from him a sign from heaven testing him but he sighed deeply in his spirit and said Why does this generation seek a sign assuredly I say to you no sign shall be given to this generation now if you're following along in this story in Mark you probably have the image that I have of the disciples constantly getting in a boat and go into the other side and then Jesus does something over there creates a big stir in order to get away from that they get in the boat and they go back to the other side so there crisscrossing his lake in this boat the Bible says they get in a boat this time and they go to a place called where nobody knows for sure where that is but it was in the region of dollar were Mary Magdalene was from On the other side of the lake. And when they get there as it seems like is always true somebody is waiting for them this time it was a bunch of Ferris seeds and they're going to get in Jesus' face not about the Sabbath or about washing your hands but they're going to get Jesus' face and they're going to say to him Jesus show us a sign so that we might believe and my 1st thought is did you guys go to any of the meals that Jesus did or did you see that and I don't know if these particular fair seas were there but if they weren't they surely did hear about it. When they come to Jesus and they say to Jesus almost like what Satan said to Jesus in the wilderness take the stones and make bread out of them or jump down off of this building Lord put on a show for us. Do a magic show for sin if you do then we'll believe the Lord if you do to show us your glory and do it just for us we want our own private ferrous a cold demonstration of the glory and power of God and if you do we'll believe and of course the Farriss didn't want just some earthly miracle if you read in John another account of a similar situation we read therefore they said to Jesus what sign will you perform that we may see it and believe you what work will you do our fathers ate the manna in the desert as it is written He gave them bread from heaven to eat so perfectly they want to Jesus to give them a bread shower or do something that would be so beyond anything they'd ever seen they could say look what we got Jesus to do for us. In the Bible says in verse 12. That instead of a sign from Jesus they got aside from Jesus. Beside in his heart. And he asked Why do you want to sign Have you not seen have you know why do you not know who I am. Assuredly I say to you no sign will be given to this generation. And the Bible says in verse 13 that at that moment Jesus turned on his heel and he left them and sailed away from them. And I thought to myself when I read that that's an awful moment in anyone's life is it not when the Lord Jesus turns away from them and sails away you say does he ever do that well we wouldn't know when it is or where it is but the Bible says that my spirit will not always strive with man and I believe there comes a time for all of us men and women when our moment to receive Christ is past when God has done everything he knows how to do and he sent the Spirit of God to bring conviction of sin and he sent friends and family members into our lives to share the gospel with us and we keep saying no and we keep making miscue says and we keep living in our own way and finally the word is my spirit is not going to strive anymore and he walks away Don't ever let that happen in your life if today the Spirit of God is speaking to your heart about your relationship with Almighty God don't walk away from it because it's one thing for you to walk away from it's another thing for the Lord to walk away from you don't let that happen how solemn this moment was in the life of these Ferris sees. And that brings you to the final part of the chapter we've seen the problem of insufficiency in the meals the problem of an adequate memory they couldn't remember what Jesus had done an inappropriate message and now the final thought in this is I believe the real crux of the passage in the thing that broke the heart of the Lord was the problem of an incredible misunderstanding. Notice beginning at verse 14. Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat then he charged them saying Take heed be ware of the leaven of the fairer seas and of the leaven of Herod and they reasoned among themselves saying it is because we have no bread I hope I can do this in this next moment for all of us just to get a view of the situation from the eyes of the Lord let's get in his view on this thing so let me help you with this in the 1st miracle the miracle of the 5000 we are told in the text that it was 5000 men and then it says beside it women and children so some scholars have said that that should be multiplied by 3 but more of the recent scholars looking into the demographics of the day say no it should have been multiplied by 4 so the $5000.00 that were fed in Galilee would be more like $20000.00 total being fed and then you come to the miracle in the 8th chapter and it says there were 4000 so if you do the math on that and add that into the equation 4 times for that 16 so just stay with me now the outer side of what Jesus did in those 2 miracles was he fed 36000 people with 2 small lunches got it. Now Jesus is in a boat with his disciples and they're freaked out because they only brought one loaf of bread and they're afraid they're going to run out. And she's this is just gone come on. You've got it you see any reason Tex that's exactly what happened they get in the boat and they're on their way and they remember that they forgot their bread and they only got one loaf and here they are in a boat with somebody who is just fed 30 thicks 1000 people with his miraculous power and you wonder why Jesus was frustrated with his followers and what happens as a result of that is a spirit of indignation comes out of our Lord in fact as I've studied the scripture there are only 2 places in the New Testament where there is more frustration expressed on the part of the Lord Jesus once was in the garden of just 70 when he asked his disciples to pray with him and they all fell asleep remember that and the other was when Peter said to Jesus no you can't go to the cross and Jesus got angry with Peter but apart from those 2 things this is the most frustration to ever be recorded out of the lips of Jesus and it was because of the incredible misunderstanding and unbelief in the hearts of his own disciples in fact maybe it will come as a surprise to you that Jesus' disciples loved him and they considered him their leader but they did not know who he was. Later on in the passage Jesus said to them who do men say that I am and then he ask them who do you say that I am and we know from studying the New Testament that it wasn't until after the resurrection of Jesus Christ that some of his disciples actually figured out that they had been the disciples of the Living Son of God for all of those years and they didn't know. We have more of this tomorrow and we will close out the series together tomorrow on Friday we'll begin the overcomer series out tell you more about that a little bit later here's what you need to know this month is a really critical month for you to get ready for the new year that's coming just around the corner and the 2019 calendar from turning point is available now we've pushed the release date of this calendar because we heard from so many of you that the calendar didn't get to you until after the new year and you get caught in the Christmas mail and you didn't get it in time we don't want that to happen so we moved it up 2 months and now the wonderfully made 200-1000 calendar this 14 month calendar including November December of 2018 will be sent to you this month when you send a gift of any amount a turning point and you ask for the resource we'll send it to you right away and Christian ministry consumer information conservative talk Kal d.c. 95.3 f.m. . I here's an author and speaker are camping with today's lamplighter Mark Twain once famously quipped the man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them twain concisely describes perhaps one of the greatest endemic of our time a literacy heralded as one of the marks of a primitive culture illiteracy still may not be as great a threat as its counterpart a literacy one who is a literate can read but doesn't Today we live in a culture when reading has in many instances fallen by the wayside one telling statistic claims that only 5 to 10 percent of the entire North American continent reads nonfiction and yet perhaps never before have we been presented with so many options to read newspapers magazines e-books Kindles i Phones Facebook's nano 2nd tweets all vie for us to read while the myriad of reading venues has steadily increased the worthiness of our reading is decreasing not too many centuries ago the printing press revolutionized the world by handing knowledge to begging souls facilitated even the great reformation itself this providential gift from God was a blessing of a measurable consequence but today we have forgotten the legacy of the past we have forgotten that leaders our readers the Scripture itself commands that leaders read in the book of Deuteronomy Moses writes and when the King sits on the throne of His kingdom he shall write for himself in a book a copy of this law and it shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life that he may learn to fear the Lord his God by keeping all the words of this law so that he may continue along in his kingdom he and his children by Mark can be. You've been listening to a lamplighter moment marks vision is to offer redemptive to a lost culture through stories and role models that build biblical character and find out more at w.w.w. Dobby lamplighter doc that. What is the bottom line at a listener tell me once that one of the reasons why he liked the show was the fact that even though he and I disagreed politically when he actually took a listen to what the issues were and what my values were he said hey wait a minute we're on the same page here so why is it that we have different political opinions but we actually have the same values there's a lot more of that happening in the world than you think the bottom line with Roger Marsh weekdays from 4 to 6 on Calle d.c. 1228. Celebrating God and His Word in America it says in 1st John chapter 4 if anyone says I love God yet hates his brother he is a liar for anyone who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen and he has given us this command whoever loves God must also love his brother from 1st John chapter 4 verses 20 and 21 let God's word come alive in your life today. K l d c 95.3 f.m. . Just to the. Minute you think it is. Done. And if you. Can. Live with any. Light. Reading so the broadest audience in the country welcome to Bob in your live on the pastor of Denver Bible Church in the last 25 years the phrase nicer than God has become popular when we 1st use that on this program back in the ninety's. We had never heard anyone else say it and we wrote an article about it I presented it on television we call that the b e l televised classics people subscribe to them to this day you get for 8 or 12 t.v. Shows mail to your house on d.v.d. Once a month it's so much fun and it helps to support us to keep us on the air so nicer than God today if you Googled nicer than God and if you put those 3 words in quotes you get a better idea of how many times that expression has appeared on the Internet and it's tens of thousands of times so the most recent last week on the Christian Post website. They have an article about the activist mommy she has 600000 followers on Facebook 600000 they ask her it's a fabulous interview we highly recommend it and they ask activist mommy Elizabeth Johnson they ask their why do so many Christians stay silent on the things that you talk about like the sexual exploitation of children even the sexual abuse of children by confusing them about even what gender they are whether they're a boy or a girl and about the dismemberment of unborn children in the womb by Planned Parenthood and abortion why are so many Christians silent in her answer was that there are many true Christians and there are many false Christians in churches where they've never even trust the Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior but of the true Christians many of them would do whatever the Lord asked them to do but they're listening to pastors who are telling them that they have to be nicer than God and she said nicer than Jesus the same idea and so I'd like to share with you our article it's also a seminar that you can get from us cake of dot com and just click on the store look at our seminars this was done at the Brown Palace downtown Denver nicer than God are Christians too nice Well Christians today are nicer than God and that would be a problem no or at least they are trying to be so in the church there's this standard of niceness that Jesus failed to reach while on earth. So I'm going to suggest to you during this broadcast that there's something wrong with our standard of niceness there's not something wrong with Jesus of course he's God he's our Creator our savior is God the Son The 2nd Person of the Trinity so comparing God's attitude and behavior with that of the church today shows that believers are far more polite tolerant understanding and respectful to the wicked than God is the church is also less offensive less route the church is less sarcastic than God's men in the Bible where and no Christian would ever be caught dead mocking the wicked as God's men in the Bible sometimes that and I say no Christian you know what I mean right there are a handful that don't have a self-righteous tolerance a nice and then god attitude but generally speaking the Bible sometimes ministers through ridicule humor sarcasm name calling and even mocking I'll give you an example God mocked in defeat at the Midianites remember that in the Old Testament the book of Judges by giving them a nightmare so their whole army isn't camped out in the field and God gave them a nightmare in which they were viciously attacked and all the soldiers woke up in a frenzy and grabbed their swords and they started fighting themselves and they wipe themselves out. Now that's sort of mocking in and of itself isn't it except that what was the nightmare well the Bible tells us they were being attacked by a loaf of bread now has that is that God mocking the wicked Could you imagine the guy who escapes it he has to tell the king of the Midianites what happened and he said Well eventually we realized it was just a nightmare we all had a nightmare but but it was King you had to be the it was bad in the case it will what was the vision Well it was it was like a nightmare it was a nightmare well it was the nightmare Well we were being attacked King I was being attacked by who we've been attacked by love bread. Where we're been attacked by love bread the kids like would you speak up. In the soldier who survived says we were being attacked by a loaf of bread it was horrifying so he lies she. Was about to execute 450 Prophets a bell and the Bible tells us that he mocked them that's in quotes here in my article nice of the god if you Googled nice and then God tens of thousands of relevant pages in Google will rank our article as number one and you'll see that's in quotes because that's what the Bible says and 1st kings that he lies you mock them now think about that he's just about to execute them is this the time to mock the wicket. Well according to allies it was in when God was listing his favorite people he includes Elijah so God likes the lies you get he tells these false prophets hundreds of them. Why do you guys yell a little bit louder cheer God. So that he could hear your prayers because you guys are all praying I'm getting ready to execute you all you're praying to your false god but he can't hear your prayers so yeah a little bit louder since he must be on a trip that's what he said he's probably on a trip or maybe he's sleeping you've got to wake him up or he's in the restroom now how's that he's in the bathroom your god is going to the bathroom you got to yell loud enough so he'll hear you now it doesn't say in our English translations that your God's going to the bathroom but the Hebrew says he's in his private place and that's translators commentators say well it means that he's relieving himself Jesus rebuked the multitude for not responding in faith to John the Baptist message in his rebuke Jesus mocked them even ridiculed them because by the thousands they went out to see John by the thousands and yet they hadn't repent it they had responded to John's message in faith so Jesus wants to know well what did you go out to the wilderness for why did you go out there and he ridiculed them asking what did you go out 5 into the wilderness to see a weed shaking in the wind. You guys all when out to the wilderness to see though the weeds blowing in the wind is that why you went out that a wilderness he's making fun of them and you can see that in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 11. There's an especially harsh term it's the word hypocrite now today in our culture with politics becoming an obsession and like a soap opera an addiction and social media bringing about the degradation of human interaction calling someone a liar a fool a hypocrite a jerk being vulgar it's all like nothing it's as though no one said anything so these accusations have largely lost their significance but in many places in it many times if you called someone a hypocrite it was really an insult and that was true during the New Testament and yet $23.00 times the Gospels use the word hypocrite Jesus often insult that the scribes the Pharisees and the lawyers and he even called the Pharisees blind guides your blind imagine Jesus saying you're blind and worse you're a blind god you're blind if you're leading those people he called them the sons of hell this is in Matthew chapter 23 Jesus spoke unkind words that are unacceptable today he said to Peter Get Behind Me Satan and that was to Peter right now if he's 16 he told the Pharisees you were of your father the devil when a Christian let's say a street evangelist says something like that to someone. The self-righteous Christians the nicer then God Christians they don't condemn the wicked they condemn the Christian who is telling the wicked what they need to hear they condemn the one who is saying the truth so Jesus told the Pharisees you are of your father the Devil and then he made a whip in the clear the thieves from the temple there call thieves right so you are of your father the devil and John 8 and he cleared the thieves from the temple Matthew 21 Mark Luke and John today if you call well let's see let me pick somebody Theresa May the prime minister over in England if you call her a thief because she is a socialist Well then Christians in their self-righteousness will condemn you not warn her not to be a thief but they'll condemn you so Gentiles in the Bible as symbols of the Godless Gentiles and Sodom ites homosexuals are called dogs that's in the Bible now none of this that I'm sharing nicer than God none of this means that as Christians we have to go around telling people you wicked hypocrite duck you go to the gas station to get gas go to pay the cashier you say you wicked hypocrite dog. No you don't have to do that I'm not talking about being meaner than God I'm talking about as stablish ing a self righteous they entered of a holier than thou attitude about withholding from the unbelievers their desperate need to know how sinful they are in fact in the Bible if you want to see the word dog used as a metaphor for filthy homosexuals because what they do is filthy It's disgusting you could look at say Deuteronomy Chapter 23 and Revelation chapter 22 this term of derision refers also to Gentiles as symbols of the ungodly you could see that in Matthew chapter 7 verse 6 and look at Leviticus 22 Matthew 15 some 22 and so on just go to article you'll see all the verses flippy in chapter 3 this usage likely originated with Exodus 22. Right where the Gentiles as symbols of the ungodly are referred to as dogs as are also homosexuals. Jesus was harsh not only to the Pharisees some Christians some pastors wrongly assume that Jesus was only harsh to the religious leaders that's not true if it were true it would mean that he only loved their religious leaders that's what it would mean because when he was harsh it was in a desperate attempt to break through to people about how wicked they are how in rebellion they are and how desperately they need to repent and trust in Him the Lord was harsh with all those who were unrepentant for example with his name calling when he would use the word hypocrite Jesus instructs believers he says don't cast your pearls before swine. What in the world might that mean you know the silly dilemma now is well who could Jesus possibly have meant by that don't cast your pearls before swine we are too loving tolerant polite and respectful to refer to any human being by that mean spirited term on our page dot com slash nicer than God or the abbreviated version dot com slash nice we have a me him with c.s. Lewis you could post it on your social media if you'd like it's fabulous and another me I'm just below it of Bernie Sanders the socialist politician. And with Bernie Sanders we have a Bible verse proverbs $1210.00 with c.s. Lewis we have his own quote and on the c.s. Lewis beam it says the hardness of God is kinder than the softness of men think about that the hardness of God is kinder than the softness of men on the Bernie Sanders meum proverbs 12 verse 10 the kindest acts of the wicket are cruel so when Bernie Sanders says we want college to be free for everyone we want healthcare to be free for everyone those policies are godless they're in rebellion that those ideas have already destroyed tens of millions of human beings and before this stage of human history is done they very likely will destroy hundreds of millions more so when Jesus says don't cast your pearls before swine another words will think of it you know literally if your wife had pearls and outback there was a pig farm is she going to take her beautiful pearls that grew in oysters a string of them she wears around her neck for special occasions and is she going to go throw those into the slop with the pics of course. In Jesus saying if you go to the unbeliever and you've shared the gospel and they've mocked you they've mocked me they've rejected you and you've gone again you've gone again well if you continue to go to the wicked and they continue to mock you and mock me. Why don't you think about not casting your pearls before swine so in the King James Version. There are the seductive women whom the Bible says of them that they are worse than who are. That word. When they attempt to seduce the people of God that crude term appears in the Bible dozens of times the men who use those women are called who are mongers that's in the New Testament 1st Timothy one Hebrews revelation that's the most wrought term in the English language to describe promiscuous men yet it's in the Bible and the other for women is the most crude term in the English language and it's used repeatedly for women who will destroy themselves and destroy others by their sexual immorality God even describes other sinners in terms of filthy excrement that's in Isaiah 64 and even worse even worse than that in Isaiah 36 in 2nd Kings 18 sinners truly are repulsive regardless of how men may try to sanitize them it doesn't mean we don't love them it doesn't mean we don't care for them it doesn't mean that they're not likable they can actually be likable in their wickedness some may be among your favorite people but if you have a sister in law who is a harlot's in a Christian rebukes her for her sin and tells her she needs to repent or Jesus Christ will come against our Don't get mad at the Christian. If you're going to get angry about yourself get angry at yourself for being nicer than God since 1991 our radio program Bob and here live has been occasionally harsh and often confrontational news talk show our program doesn't cater to Christians expect and sometimes we've been Sometimes 100 times hundreds of times we've been criticized for being offensive as though that's it that wins the case Well Bob you are offensive Yeah and if you're getting the picture or if you already had the picture a number of God's servants in the Bible were offensive in fact Jesus was offensive most people were offended by him the proof for John the Baptist he was in prison and he sent his disciples to ask Is Jesus are you the Messiah the proof or John the Baptist that Jesus was the christ was that the blind see the lame walk in the majority are offended by him that's in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 11 that they were offended that was some of the proof that Jesus was the Messiah because if it was a fraud then he'd be telling people what they wanted to hear Jesus said bless it is he who is not offended because of me that's in Luke 7 in the Gospel of Matthew in Galilee that's northern Israel Jesus did not plead with his neighbors to understand him when they were offended at him that's what it says in Mark 6. In Matthew 13 it says they were offended at him if unbelievers are offended so be it that's Jesus' response in Luke 14 and John 5 so be it shake this what he said shake off the dust from your feet in Matthew 10 but alas that's no longer a Christian attitude you know what that means shake off the dust from your feet these are idioms right at the Mattick expressions it doesn't mean if somebody is offended at you shake your foot and hopefully some dust will fall off what it means is if Christ followers had gone to a village to share the gospel and then people rejected them then and especially back then they wore sandals the roads were not paved your feet your sandals God does the then in other words when you're leaving the city shake the dust from your feet and say I don't even like your dust on me that's like saying to some homosexual who's coming to your church and he wants to be a regular attender of your church as a sexual pervert you say Get outta here get outta here and don't let the door hit you in the back when you leave get outta here shake off the dust from your feet but that's no longer a Christian attitude if Jesus were teaching today most Christians would judge him and condemn him as they are defending the wicket think about that is that true of you if Jesus were teaching today would you condemn him and defend the wicket because that's what people did back then and that's what the church would do today so on our page our article nice and then God just googled nice of the god. You see a box of what looks like laundry detergent like Tide or cheer joy or whatever they're called and instead of laundry detergent it's a new box of God version 6.0 get your all new God version 6.00 brought to you by today's Christians you got to see the our work it's just it's a fabulous presentation of this concept. Across the top softer gentler and completely compatible and then there are all these neat symbols like an Ok symbol in a peace sign and a smiley face and a wink and it says softer non judge mental miracles on demand totally compatible other new features added There's a tolerance menu new structure no absolutes open environment sin the equalizer bugs removed it's all in it's a limited time special if you order now you can receive the gender neutral version at no extra charge God version $6.00 new and user friendly so each of these features softer non judge mental miracles on demand totally compatible they have really interesting text in bible verses in real small print under them softer no more pesky rebuking confrontation capable of supporting homosexuality adultery bearing false witness rape euthanasia and even child killing and you see a bunch of Bible verses and then under non judge mental Matthew $71.00 now runs as a separate module you know that right don't judge. Jesus says don't judge you hypocrite 1st stop committing the same sin as that alcoholic then you can see clearly enough to judge your neighbor so Matthew 71 now runs a separate module no longer hangs up on their remainder of Matthew chapter 7. Writes so we're good we got to continue this so we'll continue with the part to just go to our website cake up dot com you'll find both parts make God bless you. Hi this is Dominic and your son before we started this 3 part mini serious I was going through our full measure of in God Bible study as I was listening to it I thought to myself hey this is got to be one of our best products probably 2nd only to Bob's applause or maybe even our televised classics it was so good in fact I want to have my dad's back just to make this advertisement for it but one of the most interesting parts was when Bob was telling the story about a protest we were at this was before I personally was born and how they were crossing the street and all of a sudden this woman in her car rushed toward them and nearly had them my dad just barely pushed her stroller which had my older brother's acrid it out of the way when a fellow protester yelled Hey lady watch oh you almost killed someone to which the crazy lady yelled I sure tried to she had just admitted she tried to kill them anyways they ended up calling the police and the story afterwards was extremely interesting what Bob did wasn't the usual thing nicer than God Christian would say to do it in it forgiven for debt or anything like that no that's not his style if you guessed that he was harsh afterwards you would have guessed correctly to find out where he ended up doing at the end of the story along with the rest of the incredible Bible study please go to cake of that's k g o v k g o v dot com and click on the store and order our nicer than God Bible study thank you and God bless Hi My name is Joe Scott I've been a poll I've seen I work counselor outside of abortion mills for the past 27 years and I've seen hundreds of moms change their mind and scores of them have trusted in Christ every day I am confronted by people with accusations and questions about God So my understanding of the Bible needs to be accurate and defensible one of the most valuable tools in my ministry is Bob in yards manuscript the plot all the. I was educated in theology I didn't quite understand how to rightly divide the word of truth after reading the plot questions that I had for years were answered and that in turn made me a more effective witness on the street I would strongly recommend the plot to anyone who has a real desire to represent God's word responsibly and accurately to our lost and dying world I'm hoping that you will order the plot on line cake of dot com That's k g o v dot com or by calling 1808 and yard that's 1808369278808369278 thank you. When you give to one of our Christian programs you help keep this station on the air thank you for supporting k l d c. Willing Heart Radio a Pastor Rick boy this feeling of being rejected by other people is so overwhelmingly devastating to a human soul and this is the way this man feels and he's he writes it into his quote worship song can you imagine nobody writes songs I have been left alone. You know you don't see that he puts it in your understanding God's plan one lesson at a time willing heart radio with Pastor Rick Boyer Monday through Friday at 9 30 am right here on your God and country station 1220 calle d.c. . History was made on today's date Stay tuned for American minute with Bill Federer. Crying though taxation without representation he had cited the stand back drives and the Boston Tea Party after the Boston Massacre he spread revolutionary fire throughout the colonies with his Committees of Correspondence he called for a constitutional convention and signed the Declaration of the father of the American Revolution His name was Samuel Adams born this day September 27th 1722 Samuel Adams wrote He is the truest friend the Liberty who will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power who is not a virtuous man if we would enjoy this Gift that heaven let us become virtually people this has been an American minute with Bill Frederick for a free transcript all American minute of 18 u.s.a. Work. You are listening to calle d.c. Denver one h.d. 220 am and 95.3 f.m. And streaming online at 1220 cable d c dot com across from broadcasting God and country station. Welcome to God's plan for your help with Dr Raja Bell a cat president of trying life health and former chief of medical operations for the NASA space program this broadcast is devoted to helping you achieve optimal health according to God's design and biblical principles Let's join Dr Billiken now . Hello folks welcome to the program this is Dr Roger pillock tonight's topic from the conference God plus medicine equals health is performance based acceptance with Dr Marlin Lance it's important to surrender is that the truth is the true and we've got to find the truth in order to be set free now let's take a look at a graphic that illustrates it and I've chosen an easel like we have right here with our figures on notice one leg is our belonging another leg is our worth and then we have our competence underneath are the anxieties that develop when these trues according to the Scripture are not understood for instance and under the book the the truth of belongingness I've put hostility under worth is guilt I had one guy tell me you know I feel guilty when I breathe I'm using up somebody else's air you know it's like wow what a messed up mind and then competence I can do anything right can anything right now is something I grew up with I'm not mechanically minded I don't even know where that the platform starts and ends you know when I was growing up my job.

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