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Pope is alive right here on. 20. 990.3. 4 sons and dance who can take the heat stay tuned for your bible question of the day have you written a book you can become a published author with Durance publishing the nation's oldest publishing services company callousness authors have trusted Durance for nearly 100 years to bring their book to the market our professional team will edit your text design your book pages and create an appealing I can sing custom cover plus our authors benefit from a custom book promotion marketing campaign that makes your book available where people buy books like Amazon and brick and mortar bookstores so make this free call right now to claim your free authors guide to publishing don't wait another day take one step closer to realizing your dream of becoming a published author and seeing your name in print you've already written a book so the next thing to do is make this free call right now to do orange publishing and get your free guide to publishing call right now 804856904804856904 that's 80485694. To avoid the discrimination of the children in public schools an increasing number of Australians Christian parents are homeschooling as external or a Christian homeschooling Stewart Chapman told the Daily Mail either celebration of diversity Christians are now the ones who are the current of bullying and in the minority. In Matthew 1022 Jesus does say and you will be hated by all for a minute namesake but the one who endures to the end will be saved question do you think it possible to have faith in God and politics or only in God or in politics join us answer today's question and learn how yesterday's question was answered blogger 1220 k l d c dot com Thank you for being a part of the Calle d.c. Radio ministry family if you missed any part of today's program you can visit them online and while you're there tell them you heard it right here on Calle d.c. Your god and country station thank you and God bless encouraging messages of plays to get you through the day k l d c 95.3 f.m. And on the web back a l d c 1220 dot com kale d.c. Stays on the air thanks to a loyal Christian programmers like Steve Gregg support this station by supporting the narrow path. Good afternoon and welcome to the narrow path radio broadcast my name is Steve Greg and we are live yes we're alive today. For an hour with an open phone line you can call if you have questions if you were listening yesterday I was at my microphone I was ready to broadcast and then we had a technological flub up at the studio where the broadcast originates and we were not able to be here live so I was hoping to but we're going to have to play a recorded program we. I've to do that from time to time in fact that's going to be coming up again unfortunately soon we'll have to play some record shows but these shows are usually collections of calls that have been you know live on previous shows and from time to time I have to be away from the microphone but I was at the microphone yesterday I just we were unable to send out a signal to you we had some equipment break down anyway today is a normal day I hope and we can take your calls as usual if you have questions about the Bible or the Christian faith and want to call in or you have a different view from that of the host and want to call in about that talk about that we'd be glad to have you the number is 844-484-5737 that's 844-484-5737 our 1st caller to his Joel who's calling from Dallas Texas Joel welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling Thank you and I'm a Christian Thurber's but I'm retired an old and I wanted to ask you. I sort of feel like being a therapist as I've gotten to know and got kind of seminary something. There's really no authority in the Bible for seminary and they're sort of for making it like getting your doctorate in something I think Christ warned about being academic that that's not the road to salvation and the rich man was talked to by Jesus and the rich man thought he was a Christian but Jesus sort of you know your heart and your authority and your own power your own money that sort of made us all wonder if we are Christian and then you would talk to a nice boy one time and a couple days ago and he said you know I read the Bible and. I'm not really into it and you sort of. Also wondered about the boy and his commitment to Christ. But as a therapist I see a lot of people through their lives even. Doubted God for many years so I'm almost saying. Getting 3 doctorates in a seminary or and I admire your knowledge of the Bible for the same time I don't trust anyone to get it right because Jesus never really had any good friends they denied him 3 times they asked who was their favorite. What was your what were your question b. . I just wonder how we give too much authority to people that say they're interpret the Bible correctly and well that certainly is a problem I mean it is a problem because if we give too much authority to people we're going to be very confused because people have a lot of different views even as you say those who have lots of degrees behind their name don't all have the same viewpoint so what would your alternative suggestion be I think God created the world with freedom and the Trinity has created over 20 different d.n.a. Spiritual talents and we need all of those spiritual talents at the table to get. A view maybe but the church is and many people. Wealthy people or intelligent people to take the lead and not give other people the chance to discuss it I would have more authority and not have a division in the church all churches should. Have different kinds of people in the here and now as we have very wealthy churches but there's no diverse season church at all as you know so I'm not hearing a clear question in this I'm I'm really wondering what I can vote for you how can we lay it a trust authorities anymore you know I don't understand ministers wearing rose Well you know when you're on the wall. I agree with you about that. You know I don't know that people should trust all authorities however some authorities have more credibility than others just because they're on Astrue they have got no ulterior motives when for example if somebody is paid. At a seminary or to church to teach a certain doctrine that's the denominational party line of that group that pays them one might easily wonder how objective is this person being you know if they're if they're being if they're making their living by being loyal to a particular set of doctrines maybe and maybe they'd have some strong incentive to not look at other views very carefully because it would endanger you know their their career or something I mean some people definitely are in situations you might wonder about their objectivity in but you know I don't think we can know the heart of anyone necessarily although when we get to know some people we do begin to have more of a sense of confidence that they're not in it for you know the money or for the fame or something like that and then we that still doesn't mean they're right but it might mean that we can trust their integrity a little more now integrity isn't all a person needs a person is teaching need. To have integrity end understanding of the have of the Scriptures and so I guess those are kind of things we need to test people on before we believe what they say Paul said Prove all things and hold fast that which is good and I think that maybe too many Christians aren't doing that they listen to a teacher or a pastor or an author or something and they just assume that he knows what he's talking about so they won't think about it any further they'll just say what he says I think that's what you're complaining about and I think that's also a complaint that I have as far as involving more of the laity or more of the ordinary people who aren't in the pulpit and have something to say I think a lot of churches are experimenting with ways or searching for ways to do that although some have no interest in it it just depends on the church I don't know which churches you've been to or what the what your experience has been but my my own position has been for many years I don't trust anybody completely to tell me what the Bible teaches I have a Bible why do I need to trust somebody else to tell me what it says I will listen to others I will read a commentator on a listen to a teacher. You know I have my mind stimulated by what he thinks is true but I don't just accept it why why should I he's just another man like me he's got the same Bible I have and we both have brains in our heads and hopefully we both have the same Holy Spirit that means I can get the information from the Bible just like he can and in fact. If I have any suspicions that that teacher is. Going to say just pushing a particular doctrinal viewpoint because that's the doctrine of his denomination or that's what his denominational seminary taught him or something like that that I have even more reason to look at the Scriptures more carefully and to make sure that I'm I'm really getting from him what the Scripture says and over the years as I've studied the Bible and study what and listen to what people say I've I've come to disagree with a lot of the pastors and teachers that I've heard that doesn't mean I condemn them for being wrong it just means I'm not going to let them dictate what I'm going to believe nor should you it says in 1st John chapter 2 that we have the Holy Spirit and therefore we don't need anyone to teach us any man the Holy Spirit will teach us but he may also teaches through people I have benefited from teachers from authors and teachers that I've heard I've definitely benefited because they've in some cases they've thought through something I haven't thought. Through or they may have some academic knowledge about something that is important to know something about the culture or the idioms or the language the Hebrew or the Greek that I don't really know well enough and I can learn something from them but I won't I won't repeat what they say until I've also looked it up to see if it's true but it's very often the case that a teacher has had a thought that I haven't thought of and one that when I hear it I think well that that may be true that may not be true I'm going to check that out and if it is then it becomes something I've learned from them from them and from my own study I don't think anyone should i don't think anyone who has a bible should ever just believe what some teacher says without checking it out in the Bible I think that's I suppose the remedy for the for the problem that you are mentioning I preach it's your call. Let's talk to Chris from Canada Chris welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling Steve. Good to talk to you. Noticed that Christians often talk very nostalgic It seems to me very common term them call me and to hear them impose this dualistic idea that we have a good spirit trapped next flesh and the only hope is for our spirits to be released from a physical body from the die and I've you know I've heard many Christians talk about this saying that we can't be sinless in the flesh and you know when Jesus mentioned that Jesus was sinless in the flesh they say well he was you know also also God and I understand the confusion comes from you know the Bible talking about you know the last and and you know Romans 83 saying that Jesus came the likeness of sinful flesh I'm just wondering how do we deal with this issue without sounding Gnostic because the Gnostics were the ones that said we had this good spirit trapped in evil corrupt bodies. Well. The Bible says that we have to be cleanse of all impurity of flesh and spirit so it's not just that there's a good good spirit in a bad body. Our spirits can be wrong our spirits we can have a bad spirit as well as about flesh you know that's that's verses in 2nd Corinthians 7 verse one Paul says therefore having these promises full of lives cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting the holiness of the fear of God Now I think a lot of Christians have learned how to you know I guess reign in the outward sins to some degree that are scandalous and live more or less respectably but sometimes they have very evil spirit spiritual attitudes and vias hate full. You know greedy or whatever and there's there is filthiness of flesh and of spirit to be concerned about so this is not Gnostic. The flesh and the spirit can be corrupt and both need to be cleansed on the other hand it is the case that sometimes once our hearts are right we find that there is as Paul said in Romans 7 still in my members there's a law. Bringing me into bondage to sin that there's something in my actual body or flesh or human nature. That inclines towards sin Now this is not the same thing the Gnostics taught the Gnostics taught that physical is evil not just your flesh is evil as if to say well your body has sin in it therefore you go see it as evil but rather the Gnostics believe that everything physical a rock a tree the world itself the universe your body and the bodies of animals every everything's everything physical is evil just by being physical and only that which is pure spirit is good now. A Christian can acknowledge that my body in is in a fallen state it has habits and motions of sin within it that I have to resist Paul said the flesh lusts against the spirit the spirit against the flesh and these 2 are contrary to one another so that you can't do what you want to do so I think that there's nothing wrong with admitting that the body has in hearing in its members something called sin that must be resisted and if it's not resisted it will certainly drag us down despite our best intentions in that case a Christian can say that well my spirit is right or as Jesus put it the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak now this is not the same thing as Gnosticism because you could actually clean up your flesh without clean up your spirit if you know it's not as if you know because it's physical the flesh is bad like every other physical thing but it's rather my body has in it desires. For things some of which are not good things and therefore when I have my spirit becomes right with God then I want to be a holy man I want to not do those things and so I then then there's a war as Paul said between the flesh and the spirit or over those things so you know sometimes what the Bible actually says itself may be mistaken for Gnostic ideas but the Bible certainly never says that physical things are evil God created the entire physical universe and when he finished doing it he said it's very good so God likes physical things he made a lot of physical things and he loved them but unfortunate because of sin. Mini of the things have been corrupted and one of those is seems we are our physical bodies and something in our physical nature which seems to love things that aren't necessarily godly and which will drag us down into sin so I wouldn't take a gnostic approach but I would I wouldn't also object to somebody saying you know my flesh really does have a tendency to go wrong and that's where my my heart now that it's been put right now that I've got my heart devoted to Christ as I should now I've got to wage war against my flesh and I need to walk in the spirit so I don't fulfil the last the flesh so it's a I mean it may sound Gnostic to some people but it's not really talking about physicality so much as he is talking about right human human nature right. Yes So one more question on them you know knowing that this is one of saying that still struggle is not always really struggled with that understanding why it is that you know out of an east and they get so that they are 78 the street when they saw that the fruit was pleasing to the eye so obviously they were drawn away by their own loss of their flesh but I mean clearly God created Adam and Eve you know without a sinful nature solutions been anything in their bodies that should have said you know I want to do something that's evil and that's wrong you know what I think we sometimes I think we sometimes misunderstand what we mean by the fleshly nature. Sometimes people do teach and certainly Augustine taught this and there's many people probably most most Christian theologians teach something like this that from the time you're born there is an essence or a disease of some kind in your body that is that makes it inclined toward evil and sin now I can't argue that that isn't true but I can say the Bible doesn't specifically say that's true it may be true or may not be but one thing we do know is whether we take that view or not we can say this The body is made with certain desires these dire desires are good desires in a way the desire for food is a very good desire because if we didn't ever desire food we die and we never miss it we never miss eating because we didn't care to eat God has made us so that our bodies crave water when were dehydrated crave food when we are when we need food even made us so that we crave sex so that will reproduce Can you imagine anyone bothering to have sex if that wasn't enjoyable I don't think so you know it's odds of his it's obvious that God put glands and systems in our bodies that desire things and of course the desire for security in the desire for rest and the desire for a lot of things are very natural and. Good things in themselves so that the body has these desires I don't call those central desires I just call it desires however they can be central desires because if I begin to crave somebody else's food or somebody else's wife or 56 security at the expense of the wellbeing of other people or 5 I like rest so much they just stand out all the time and never do my work I mean this then these desires which are good as ours are now leading me to send And the problem in us I think is in our heart and our mind Jesus said it's out of the heart of man the evil things proceed he didn't mean the physical blood pump under the 5th rib he meant the spiritual heart of man is corrupted now because our hearts are corrupted and because we are inclined to sin in our hearts until we repent at least. Then the desires of the body simply the fire selfish nature to please ourselves so that we eat not only what we should eat but many things that we should meet so that we have sex not only when we should but when we shouldn't that we we seek you know pleasure from these legitimate things that God put in us these glands and everything that crave things when we're a rebel against God and just living for self we just indiscriminately follow those things which is of course means we sin now what changes us is when we repent and say no I'm going to follow God now and when I follow God That means I'm going to have to discriminate between when I should and when I should not. Yield to these desires of the body there are times when it would be right and times when it's wrong and only my commitment to God and my and the information that God gives me through His word and through my conscience is going to tell me when it's the right thing and it's not the right thing to do now here's the thing once I know what's right that doesn't mean my body is not to be still craving the same things because my body doesn't distinguish I mean if I have it let's just say my sex drive that that's all about chemicals that's all about hormones and stuff like that that's glans you have a sex drive because of that it's not your fault you have a sex drive but it is your fault if you don't discriminate in how you use it so that as a Christian I now know that certain exercise of sexual desire is wrong and some exercise sexual desire is right so I have to inform my mind concerning what's right or wrong and then I have to bring my flesh under subjection as Paul said in 1st Corinthians 9 and he said he brings himself under subjection. Because the desires of the flesh though they are not it's not wrong that these desires exist it's not evil to have these desires in fact God put them in a so that we would do the right thing with them but when our heart is wrong then we don't govern those desires according to righteousness and then of course they are they are sinful desires that at least the ones that at least the times we're desiring to do things that we shouldn't do that that's a sinful desire that's natural So what is not natural for us is to rein in those desires and to govern them according to God's standards and His will and that's what a Christian has decided to do when he becomes a Christian and that becomes his battle that this flesh and spirit are now lusting against each other and and there's a fight going on there but we we do recognize of course that when we fail. To successfully resist after our best efforts Well there is forgiveness but we still want to live a holy life and we still want to bring the flesh under subjection because if we don't it will reign over us and the Bob says if you look live according to the flesh you will die but if through the Spirit you modify the deeds of the body you will live in Romans 8 it says that So those are my thoughts on those phenomena that you're talking about yes thank you Steve I really appreciate that and one last thing I'll say before I let you go is that I sometimes wonder if you know the Bible said The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak if it's not have much that we are born with a collapse glass or a crop until nature knows more that we were God specifically created us and such a way that we would need to be dependent on him and therefore when the walking in the flesh while walking you know in the weakness of what we know because we are not obviously created as strong as God's will in the walk in the spirit when our walking in a West God or allowing God to to die the lives alone God knows His face am in control I hear him I hear and I want to say not only that not only are we not as strong as God we're also not as strong as the devil and so I mean that's why we need to walk in the spirit because we do have an adversary who is roaming about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and in so far as we are careless and are walking according to God's will in God's spirit that that reliant can consume us and that's what that's why we are warned against it Hey Chris I think I'm going to take a break here if you have I need to take some more calls like appreciate what you've called about let's talk to Tom from Michigan welcome to the narrow path Tom Oh thank you I listen I will save the day. Great. Question old married for 18 years and children and I was very much in love with my ex-wife and make a long story short she met someone. And she wanted a divorce and I had been and so sad and except for one time I did so all. My question is. Testament and possibly even the New testament to the government good and bad marriage certificate something like that was just a certain money. And consummation of the marriage is in God's eyes. We're not married. Well that's a that's an important question for Christians to consider I think you're thinking along the lines that I also think along that in the Bible marriage granting a marriage or granting a divorce was not a government responsibility marriage was arranged in the Bible between families the guy who wanted to marry a girl got his parents to get her parents to greet to it if he wanted to do it and he wanted to do it and the parents agreed that it was done between the families it was an arrangement between 2 families primarily now families are so broken up and divided and separated by space and so forth today that it's very difficult to do it that way may be impossible sometimes but it was not a matter for the government to get into it was a matter for the families of this and that local village in the society to be a part of now I think Christians I think the church should be involved in it but not you know whether that government gets involved or not is I guess a matter of one's own preference you don't have to get a marriage license from the government but you should if you get married you should publicly say vows to each other in front of the community or family that you belong to I think I think churches I've said this for many many years I think churches should license the members of the marriages of their own members and I The problem is and I'm not saying it's wrong to get a marriage license from the state but the same state that give you marriage license can give you can grant your wife a divorce if she wants to leave you for no good reason and. Obviously the state doesn't know what they're doing they don't know what that marriage is and maybe they do know they're doing maybe the diabolical much trying to destroy marriages I don't know but it's obvious that the modern state does not know what marriage is they will marry people who are of the same sex to each other that obviously shows they don't know marriages they'll grant divorce yes when there's no grounds for divorce and then they'll marry one of those divorced people to somebody else in a situation that Jesus would call it. The state doesn't know any different the state is clueless about marriage and I wonder how long it'll be before Christians decide to leave the state entirely out of the business of their marriages it's not required by law to have a marriage license to live with somebody so if the church would license their own marriages and say Ok We're going to acknowledge this couple as married from now on and then they live together under the blessing of God there's no reason that you have to have a state license to the marriage license may protect property in some cases So I mean people may have their own reasons for choosing it but as far as the moral issue of the Bible does not put the state in charge of marrying people or divorcing them and we can see tremendous abuse of the whole institution when the state is a lot to do that especially now that the state is no longer the least bit interested in what the Bible has to say about things back when the state was more insults my Christianity things were safer not so much anymore I 5 sorry for what you've been through I've been through exactly the same thing brother I'm so sorry to hear about it you're listening to the narrow path we're going to take a break here for 30 seconds and come back and take another half hour of your calls so those of you who are waiting Stay tuned we are listener supported if you'd like to help us stay on the air you can go to our website the narrow path dot com and click on the tabs as donations please states and we'll be right back the book of Hebrews tells us do not forget to do good and to share with others so let's all do good and share the narrow mouth with great with family and friends when the show is over today tell one and all to go to the narrow paths dot com where they can learn and enjoy the free topical audio blog articles verse by verse teachings and archives of all the narrow path radio shows and be sure to tell them to do the show right here on the radio cheer listeners the Boarded the narrow path with Greg share and do good. Welcome back to the narrow path radio broadcast my name is Steve Greg and we're live for another half hour taking your calls if you have questions about the Bible or about the Christian faith be glad to talk to you about that I will say our lines are full of the moment that that changes and if you want to take this number down and call in a few minutes you may just find that one or 2 the lines have vacated sometimes people just don't wait to be put on the air because they have to do something else and can't wait that long other times of course they talk to me and we move on and they're line opens up so if you want this number on hand keep it ready 844-484-5737 now I just want to mention here I've mentioned a few weeks ago between now and the end of the year I'm doing a lot of travel and I tell you about it because you may live in some of the places I'm traveling to in which case you might be interested in coming out to one of the meetings I'm speaking at or you might even want to arrange a meeting in the area you can contact me by email Steve at the narrow path dot com And if I'm going to be in your area you might say hey I'd like to hold a meeting in my home or at our church or somewhere else so I just want to know that in the next few months I'm going to be in the following places I'm going to be in Queenstown New Zealand actually going to be on the north side and also speaking at a home church in Coffee County. In New Zealand that's going to be. Early next month . I'm going to be in Las Vegas. Later next month for several days teaching in different places I'll be in Honolulu in early November and I'll be in the Sacramento area in mid November. And then early in December I'll be on the East Coast speaking in Richmond Virginia and in Maryland and I'm going to be in North Carolina also so any listeners of those areas you may just want to go to our site the narrow path dot com and click on the tab that says announcements and you'll find all of those locations and the dates. Are listed there and if you want to come to one of those meetings well plan on it if you want to arrange another meeting somewhere that you want to host somewhere in those areas while I'm there let us know we'll see we'll see if we can accommodate you Ok We're going to go back to the phones now and talk next to Daniel from the Limpia Washington Daniel welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling Hi Steve how are you good things. Always enjoy your. Commentary on the Bible it's all right my question today is from the passage in Isaiah 30. Vs 15 through 21 and I'm just going to reverse this 20 and 21 Ok then the lawyers give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction it's not die teachers be removed into a corner any more dying I shall see their teachers 1st 21 and dying here is jail here they were behind the saying This is the way walking. And when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left to just one of them maybe get a little more insight on that passage Stephen not I'll take my answer off the air Ok because I have to talk about that thank you. This part of Isaiah is talking I believe that the new covenant era and that's the era we live in now he's writing 1st of all about the aftermath of the discipline that God's bringing upon Judah eventually through the Babylonian exile that is going to be 100 years after I say his time but he's he already predicts that at the that the Jews are going to go into Babylon and they're going to be rescued from battle or come back to their land and then many times and this is one of those times he kind of his vision leaps forward to the time of the messianic era which is of course after Jesus came and what teaches the status of the New Covenant era and this is all in poetry by the way so you should realize that when you're reading I say he writes almost entirely in poetry you're going to find some. Point of imagery and so forth and it's not all going to be literal but he says the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and in the water reflection he's talking I think about the Babylonian exile and he says yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore but your eyes will see your teacher. I think what he's saying is that the rabbis the the priests the people who lead them in their religious lives they were all carried away in the Babyland and they didn't see him anymore for 70 years now to say that although I give you the bread of affliction I won't take them away any more he's saying I'm not going to deal with chewed of the same way I dealt with the Northern Kingdom of Israel the Northern Kingdom of Israel was carried away in 722 b.c. By the Assyrians and never returned they never saw their teachers again they never saw their religion again of course they had separated from the temple in Jerusalem a few 100 years earlier and so their teachers were all false teachers anyway Jerusalem had their share of false prophets and false teachers too but they at least had some who were true to God there were some kings and teachers and priests who had remained true to God and they were all taken away into captivity in Babylon so it's like they lost him but he's saying I'm going to bring it back after you've had this time of flicks I'll bring you back and you'll have your leaders again your teachers again that I will give you and he says in verse 21 your ears shall hear a word behind you saying this is the way walk in it whenever you turn to the right hand or when if you turn to the left now turning to the right hand of turn to the left is not right in the Bible always using the imagery of walking the straight and narrow so don't turn to the right hander to left you stay right you know right on forward on the path that God has so when you turn the right hand or left you're going the wrong way and that's why you hear the voice behind you saying Hey over here this is the path over here it's not talking about the the voice of someone in front of you leading you like a shepherd now no doubt it is the shepherd but the shepherds on the right path and you turn to the right or the left so you've got your back to the right path and you can hear the voice of the shepherd behind you said Hey over here this is the right way now this either. It is saying that in in the body of Christ there will be teachers who will who will pull you back the right way when you start to go the wrong way or it could even be saying this voice behind you maybe the Holy Spirit's voice could be there because frankly in the New Covenant the Holy Spirit fills all the true body of Christ and gives teachers and and exit orders and evangelists and so forth who through whom the Holy Spirit speaks and he's saying that you know you didn't when you were going to stray when you're worshipping idols before you went into babbling your teachers weren't calling you back the right way they were false teachers lot of the time too but when I set up the new order under the Messiah he'll give you teachers who are going to be reliable teachers and they're going to call you back to obedience when you move the wrong way now a 100 years later Jeremiah made a very similar prediction in Jeremiah chapter 3. He says. In verse 14 Jeremiah 314 is where it starts return 0 backsliding children says the Lord for I am married to you I will take you one of the city into the family to bring you to Zion so he's referring to bring them back from Babylon in this case and then he looks forward to a time when there won't be an ark of the Covenant anymore it 1st 6 teams which means he's now looking at the New Covenant time and verse 15 he says and I will give you shepherds according to my heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding then it shall come to pass when your multiplied increase in the land in those days as Lord that they shall say no more the Ark of the covenant of the Lord it shall not come to mind nor shall they remember it nor shall they visit it. Nor shall it be made any more now he says the time's going to come when you're not going to be thinking about the Ark of the Covenant anymore because it won't be relevant the Ark of the Covenant was the ark of the Old Covenant and because of the New Covenant the Ark of the Covenant and the temple and all that stuff that is part of will be. Passe it'll be gone it won't be of any use anymore in the new covenant you won't be using the Ark of the covenant or the temple or all those things because it won't be relevant to the new covenant but you will have teachers shepherds who says I give you shepherds according to my own heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding now of course this is reminding us that there are good shepherds there are good teachers through whom God speaks to us there are also bad ones and we will have to course be discerning to know who's who are the good ones and who are the bad ones but at least he says I'm not going to let the remnant of Israel go astray without sending warnings without having teachers and shepherds who will do their best to keep them on the right path and if you do go off the path you'll hear their voice behind you saying hey this is the way over here walk in it so that's what I say is time but also I was in Jeremiah both I think or talk about the new covenant era which began as we know. With Jesus and especially at Pentecost when the church when the church received the Holy Spirit then these shepherds these teachers were given to the church the leaders of the churches were called shepherds number Paul and Peter both tells the elders of the church Paul in Acts 20 verse $28.00 and Peter and 1st Peter chapter 5 talks the elders of the churches and he says shepherd the Church of God taking the oversight of it being examples to the flock and so forth so this is what the leaders of the church are supposed to be they're supposed to be the voice that calls out to the ones who are going to stray and say over here this is the right way you should this is the way God wants you to go and they will be shepherds who feed you with knowledge and understanding and those shepherds there are those shepherds in the church and there are shepherds who don't do that you know easy kill 34 complained that the shepherds of Israel in his day were not doing that they were feeding He says whoa to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves should not the shepherds feed the sheep. And that's what Jeremiah says Well God will give you shepherds who feed you but there are still shepherds who do just feed themselves there's no question that there are people who are in the ministry who are just in it for themselves for their own money or for their own fame or something like that and you know we'll always have those around too Peter said that in 2nd Peter chapters 2 he talks about how is really says there were sure there were false prophets among Israel in those days and there should be false teachers among you who shall secretly bring in damnable heresies and so forth so that's the 2nd Peter to one so among us there are false teachers and true teachers and that kind of takes us back to the 1st call we got in the in our 1st half hour and that is the man was saying from tech from Dallas Texas he was saying you know there's teachers we shouldn't trust teachers so much we give too much authority to teachers and I I agree sometimes we do give too much authority to teachers but we should give great authority to the Word of God and a teacher who faithfully teaches the Word of God is doing us a great service and so God has provided those the church will never apparently be entirely without them all right let's talk to Dawn from snow holy Schwab Washington John welcome to the narrow Thanks for calling. Hi Steve got a question for you we have a dream speech or a church yesterday and he went to Genesis 6 court which means make for yourself an ark of gopher wood you shall make the ark which room special coverage in sight and now it gets so he says this is a shadow of Jesus on the cross the word for cover an eagle means Atonement Kitch means pretension so he sees the cross in Jesus on the cross and this verse and I'm wondering what you if you would agree with that. I'm I'm going to agree with out there the New Testament seems to favor the idea that the ark of Noah is a type of salvation in Christ for example Jesus mentioned that when he comes back. It could be like the days of Noah he says No sooner had no it entered the ark which is obviously a place of safety in the flood he said but the flood came and took them all away and Social be when the Son of Man comes now basically said that there's going to be a judgment on the world and only those who are in the ark so to speak in Christ are going to be spared Likewise we have Paul Peter saying in 1st Peter chapter 3 that the flood of Noah and the ark in which people were saved Peter says this isn't up to 3 Verse 20 and 21 I believe it is he says the ark was a type he says he says we have the answer type of this in baptism he says as we we pass through the waters. You know into a new world and we're saved so there's you know there's again the use of the flood and the ark of Peter used it Jesus used it and of course in 2nd Peter chapter 3 he also talks about the the flood although he doesn't like it to salvation in that particular place but rather that the flood on the earth in Noah's day was a type in a picture of the judgment of the last day but the point here is that God when he judges the world as he did with the flood and as he will when Jesus comes back has provided 1st of all an ark of safety a place of safety were people can be spared that judgment if they are in the ark or if we are in crisis tonight I'm going to agree with that preacher is true it's true the word pitch in the Hebrew is the same word as covering are told meant and so you know the pitch you know sealed the cracks between the boards and the Ark So it definitely kept the water out of the ark it protected it stood between the saved humans and animals inside the ark. And the judgment on the outside so I think I think using that as a type is legitimate go right. Thank you for Kong he seems to disappeared All right let's talk to Everett from cent public Everett welcome to there Ok they're just so colorful to see them a call great or some but some point use your heart your family and your ministry thank you question just much so much appreciate you and your ministry your patience in the wisdom the God of you in the work my question is out of one out of Revelation which talks about the lamb as it has been slain have been 7 horns 7 I was of the 7 Spirits of God important to all the earth. And then also a commission but the 7 Spirit level 'd nations have one mission the 7 Spirits also what is your take on the 7 Spirits. And to all the earth and that text and then the other question is. What is meant by The only be gotten of the Father. Ok. Let's start with and please down the line because I may need to talk about the 1st thing I need to you may need to remind me of the 2nd one. The 7 the 7 Spirits of God are one of the most difficult symbols to interpret in the Book of Revelation the common the common interpretation almost all commentators use is that it's referring to the 7 fold Holy Spirit and they they appeal to 11 verses $1.00 and $2.00 which talks about the spirit of the Lord rests upon Jesus and it gives it speaks of this Holy Spirit in 7 days as a designations of the spirit of power and Miten and some other things like that you get a a list of 7. X. Refutes of the Holy Spirit and therefore most commentators when they see the 7 Spirits of God in the Book of Revelation they think those 7 Spirits represent the 7 aspects of the 7 fold Spirit of God being the Holy Spirit now I have trouble with that particular interpretation vul it may be the best one I don't have a better one I just think it's not a very I don't think it's very intuitive I think I don't know why. You know the Holy Spirit in his 7 aspects would be referred symbolically to 7 spirits but you know that may be the correct way of looking at it it's just that it's a difficult thing the Holy See the 7 Spirits are mentioned like 3 times or 4 in the Book of Revelation and the way they are used is not all that easy to make sense of we find that they are associated with the 7 angels of the 7 churches in one of the letters Jesus says I have this 7 Spirits of God and the 7 angels. Of the churches and it also a greeting is sent in chapter one from the 7 Spirits of God without saying much about them and now you've got Chapter 5 which you mentioned in verse 6 where talks about the Lamb has said. And horns and 7 eyes and the 7 Eyes are said to be the 7 Spirits of God sent into all the earth now at the very least I mean this doesn't really remove the mystery of it but at the very least it's saying that Christ ah is are viewing things throughout the whole earth it's as if the Holy Spirits of the 7 Spirits are in all the earth seen things and that's that's the eyes of Jeezy's he's keeping tabs on all things throughout the whole earth but this now the idea of 7 eyes and therefore the identity of the 7 Spirits really comes originally from Zechariah 3 and it's this process of the Messiah where Joshua the high priest of Israel after the exile is a type of Christ and He is addressed in Zechariah 38 and 9 Hero Joshua the high priest you and your companions who sit before you for their wondrous sign for behold I am bringing forth my servant the branch now the branch is a messianic title so the scenes we talk about Christ says and behold the stone that I have laid before him Joshua upon that stone or 7 eyes. Salt. He said he speaks of the 7 Eyes on the stone Now of course the stone is a picture of Christ also in Scripture and now he's depicted revelation $56.00 as a lamb and he's got 7 eyes there are 2 now 7 eyes because the number 7 is the symbolic number for perfection speaks of his seeing all knowing all of course because he observes all now in identifying those with the 7 Spirits of God It doesn't make things any easier but if if the very common view which is what commentators usually take is true namely that the 7 Spirits simply refer to the Holy Spirit Himself then we could argue that the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout the whole world observing as he does everything because he's everywhere is is like you know it provides Jesus with all insight and all knowledge of what's going on so that the 7 eyes of course represent omniscience the 7 horns horns represent power so it represents omnipotence and so these characteristics of Christ are symbolically depicted in Revelation but the further mention of the Spirits of God simply makes it more difficult. And I've certainly never been one who claim to know everything about the Book of Revelation or. You know I never wrote a book called All you want to know about the Book of Revelation because I don't I don't know all that I want to know about it but yeah the 7 Spirits are very mysterious they're mentioned at least 3 if not 4 times in the early chapters of Revelation and as you pointed out they are identified with the 7 eyes on the lamb which represents Christ's omniscience so we might just to I guess take the easy route we might just say well the 7 Spirits represent the Holy Spirit reaching out in every direction seeing in observing and being present throughout the whole world and being there for the source of Christ knowing all things that he and the spirit of course are one so there's more mystery here than I can unravel. Ok I think most of that commentary you know if you get it if you get it thing if you get it figured out give me a card let me know because I haven't heard about her. And she says It's called The only be got right the only thing yes. First of all the term only be gotten is found only in Usually the King James version and it's not only in the writings of John the expression is found in the Gospel of John and also in 1st John and the term only be gotten was used by early translators because they thought that the word monologue in the ace. Was related to being gotten Guinea's generated be gotten is how they understand mano means one. Or only and so mano Guinea's was understood by the early translators to mean only be gotten the only one be gotten now I don't know if there's any Greek scholars who think it means that anymore because greater understanding of the Greek language in the past 400 years has led scholars to realize that the word monogram is probably doesn't mean only begotten but rather one and only are unique. And so virtually every other translation since the King James I think if I think even the New King James has abandoned the term only be gotten so I guess I could check that real quickly by looking at John 3161 of the famous passages that you do the expression the New King James has for God so loved the world that he gave his new king New King James his only begotten Son because they follow the King James so closely but if you look at any other translation and I The New American Standard e.s.p. Hallman standard any of those They're not going to have the word only be gotten they're going to have. Something like one and only or unique Son because that's the word monologue an ace is no longer believed by Greeks has to mean only be gotten so the question what does only got mean it becomes a moot point because it's not really the meaning of a word of Scripture now Jesus is referred to as the firstborn which is perhaps a similar thing but the 1st is not same as only. And she says is referred to as the firstborn from the dead or the 1st be gotten from the dead he calls himself that in Revelation Chapter One I think that verse 5 and is also referred to that way by Paul in collage and I believe it's 118 if I remember correctly so you know so you've got the expression the 1st gotten our firstborn from the dead referring to Jesus being the 1st resurrected human in glory and also of course not the only one but the 1st because the rest of us also he's the 1st fruits of those who have died so the rest of the harvest will be similar Ok. Ok so uniquely be got. That directly to him but I can see but the spirit in the war will Judge Miller that the gut. Well that be a matter of opinion I think it very well very well could be if the common and perhaps more orthodox to say that Jesus was be got not made in eternity past so that he's eternally be gotten this and out I don't find that statement in the Bible the Bible does not anywhere say that he's eternally be gotten of the Father but that's that's the typical creedal way to look at it and so that's that's one way to to see it. But it could be referring to his being the only. Child that God had by a human woman that is the is the only man born of woman who had God and no man as his father because Mary was a virgin and in support of that possible understanding would be Luke chapter one and verse 35 where the angel is talking to Mary and told her she's going to a child and she asked How can this be since I'm a virgin I don't know I haven't had sex with a man the angel answered and said to her the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the highs will overshadow you therefore also that Holy One who is reborn of you will be called the Son of God So the angel said that the reason that's what the word Vera for means that this is the reason why your child should be called the Son of God So why why is he called the Son of God is because he was eternally be gotten in eternity past well that might be the case the Bible never says that but but that's very common theological position and I'm not going to say that we could disprove it but the angel indicated the reason he's called the Son of God is because of the you can unique manner in which he was conceived that the Holy Spirit will come upon you the power of the high school or out to you Pat you're going to get pregnant and that's why the one who's been for you because the Son of God. Thank you so much for your commentary and. Then you. Also listen thank you Everett well. Thanks so much by now you know we're only about 60 seconds or so and I don't know if anyone wants to know we don't we have less than I thought wow that music started earlier than usual but that's Ok. That's just the way things are I was going to take another call but i Pod just those who are waiting we want to get your calls today but call tomorrow and we'll get your call them Lord willing even listening to the narrow path radio broadcast my name is Steve Greg and we are live Monday through Friday generally for an hour each weekday afternoon and we take your calls every time we're on the air if you'd like to help us stay on the air we are listener supported we don't take advertisements so I think sponsors don't take any had breaks at all because we have nothing to sell but we offer the program for free and of course we do that as long as listeners supporter pay for those you can write to us at the narrow path p.o. Box $1730.00. Temecula California. 2593 or you can donate from the website which is the narrow path dot com Thanks for joining us let's talk again tomorrow. Steve Greg in the narrow past serve a unique and important place in the kill d.c. Light up is Steve teaches you how to think about the Bible rather than what to think Please support the narrow path on Calle d.c. By going to the narrow path doc and mentioning calle d.c. Would you give You are listening to calle d.c. Denver one h.d. 220 am and 95.3 f.m. And streaming online at 12 28 am d.c. Dot com across we're broadcasting God and country station. With Dr Charles Stanley Wong by the Spirit and you will not carry out the design of the play and the way you maintain your wall with the Lord Jesus surprise and through the Holy Spirit and live the spirit to life is setting up mind on those things and not tolerating anything else in touch with Dr Charles Stanley helping you grow in Christ every day Monday through Friday at 11 am right here until d.c. 953 f.m. 12 20 am this is Carrie Devon Here's a special way for an incredible pastor and I love Pastor Robert leaves problems $1414.00 the backslider in heart maybe not even album just in your heart will be filled with his own way but a good man will be satisfied from above who satisfies God satisfies God is the only one that can satisfy you will never be satisfied by any one arche anything other than God please hear nothing and no one can satisfy you except floor he's the only one if you're looking for a new job or promotion our new house already these are new car new situation new recognition whatever you're looking for that's temporal they can't satisfy only the eternal can satisfy and that's the Lord for more worship in the rare visit past.