Drin is there right now Save the Children is making sure children and families devastated by Hurricane Florence get the help they need your $50.00 gift right now to save the children will send love care and critical aid right here at home call 807706185 that's 807706185. You're listening to calle b.c. . 20. Country station. Welcome to victorious. Encourage you. To. Listen to today's message with international mission. Good morning welcome to dictorial space I'm cherry Campbell today we want to continue the study we've been studying for 3 weeks called How to be led by the Holy Spirit how to be led by the Holy Spirit and that is also how to hear God's voice Let me quickly read our text verses John 1613 says but when he the Spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth he will not speak on his own he will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come and then are there are various is in Romans 814 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God They are the sons of God and the word sons there is the Greek word meaning adult adult son this is not a little child this is not a baby this is not at youth this is an adult so one of the characteristics of spiritual adulthood is being led by the Holy Spirit now we are talking about steps how to hear God's voice and yesterday I ended up spending most of the broadcast in review because I'm always thinking that we might have new listeners and so they might not have heard the previous teachings so we did some review yesterday but we are talking about wages that God speaks to us. And so we mentioned the last 2 that we mentioned are God speak to speaks to us by the still small voice and we read about that in 1st Kings 19 verse 12 and it says after the hour earthquake came a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire came a still small voice and that is the for us today there is the voice of the Holy Spirit living inside of us the holy as the Holy Spirit lives in us and then I started talking about yesterday again you are a spirit You're a spirit being in John Ford Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth God is Spirit you are a spirit and as God is 3 parts or 3 persons Father Son and Holy Spirit we also are 3 parts Genesis 126 God said Let Us make man in our image and in our likeness so we are 3 part beings we are spirit soul and body and so we can see that also in the New Testament 1st us alone aeons $523.00 says may God Himself the God of Peace sanctify you through and through our holy May your whole spirit soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so you see even Paul is teaching that we are spirit soul and body he names all of them may your whole spirit soul and body be kept blameless so you talk about being sanctified holy So the whole you is spirit soul and body 3 parts now the world. It does not recognize the spirit so they only say body and soul and they put body on the top is the priority and the most recognized and so they always talk about Body and Soul Body and Soul Well we are not just body and soul but we are spirit soul and body and Hebrews $412.00 says that the Word of God is living in active sharper than any 2 edge and sword dividing soul and spirit soul and spirit so if the word can divide the soul and spirit then soul and spirit cannot be the same thing there can be divided and they are divided so your spirit is the real you are on the inside of you as we said before also that in the Greek and in the Hebrew the Old Testament was written in Hebrew the new test was written in Greek the word for breath is also the same word as Spirit the Word for Spirit is the same word as breath so spirit and breath are the same that the breath of life in you the spirit on the inside of you is who you are what you are and then you have a soul you are a spirit you have a soul you live and a body so your body is just how that your spirit and soul live inside but your body is just simply the house and as James said at the end of James chapter 2 it says as this body without the spirit is dead so in other words the spirit is the life of the body the spirit gives life to the body so that when the spirit leaves the body then the body is dead and so your body is simply a house for your spirit and soul now your. Soul is your mind will and emotions Ok say that mind will and emotions your mind is the thinking part your will is a the choosing or deciding part and your emotions are the feeling part so you're thinking you're choosing deciding and your feelings are all part of your soul. And so your spirit and soul you are a spirit you have a soul you live in a body now when you get born again your spirit is recreated in the image of God You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. The old things are passed away behold all things are become new praise God and so then we have the Holy Spirit also living inside of us and if you missed the teaching we gave a few weeks ago we talked about the ministry the Holy Spirit then we talked about the vat to them in the Holy Spirit and we show that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is different than just being born again that when you're born again the Holy Spirit lives in you and when you're baptized in the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit comes up on you and that is very clearly in the book of Acts and even in John and so we did a big study on that and if you have any questions about that go back and listen to those broadcasts again you can go to my website radio broadcast archives at w w w dot victorious faith that's v i c t o r I o u s face f a i t h dot c o o that c o like Colorado so go to my website and you can listen to those archives 24 hours a day there on line so I encourage you go back and listen to this study we have done some great studies this year and we saw that wisdom comes from God's word and then we started studying the Ministry of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is also the spirit of wisdom and revelation so if you need wisdom you go to the word and you go listen to the Holy Spirit and so we talk about the ministry of the Holy Spirit then we talk about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. And now we're studying how to be led by the Holy Spirit that is also how to know God's voice and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to teach you and guide you into all truth and so we are studying how to be led by the Spirit and so the still small voice is when you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit inside the your spirit in your inner man your spirit is also called sometimes the heart also it's even in some scriptures you've heard to the belly in the belly but that that's where your spirit is that's in your inner being and so the Holy Spirit can speak to you in your spirit and the still small voice is when the Holy Spirit speaks in clear distinct words in other words you hear the words clear distinct words inside your spirit now we want to compare that to the next way that God speaks to us and this one is called the n. Word witness the n word witness and along with the written word These are the 2 main ways that God will speak to you the 2 main ways number one God speaks to you through His written word and to with that every day God speaks to you by the inward witness because there are lots of things that you need to know you need direction you need answers that are not in the Bible for example your deciding to should I marry should I take this job where should I move where should I live I need a new apartment I need a new place to live I need a new job what should I do what should I study as a career What should I how should I do this what's the answer to this what still solution. To this and you see all of these daily life questions they're not going to be specifically written in the Word the Bible did not say John you're supposed to move to Denver the Bible doesn't say that for example when the Lord called me to the mission field he did not say in the Bible I never found a scripture in the Bible saying Cherrie go to Africa to India to the Pacific Islands there is no scripture so you see the written word covers some things but all the decisions of life are mainly covered by the Holy Spirit witness and so the witness is when the Holy Spirit lives it living in you gives a witness in your spirit Now let's read an important verse Romans $816.00 says Romans $816.00 says the Spirit himself now if you were reading Old King James translation it says itself but that word itself is supposed to be himself because the Spirit is a person and all modern translations are translating it himself the same Greek word in other scriptures is translated himself so the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God bears witness with what our head no. He doesn't bear witness with your head he bears witness with your spirit that we are children of God What is a witness Well in a courtroom when there is a case being judged a witness is called to the witness stand and then the most important thing that he has to say is right or wrong yes or no it is true or that's not true. Then he will give his story. From what he saw or heard and he will explain why what is being judged is true or not true. But he starts by saying yes it's true or no it's not true and then he gives more explanation now that's a witness so the Holy Spirit gives a witness in our spirit that it is right or wrong it is true or false so this witness in the spirit is also sometimes called a prompting. It is also called an unction. There is a stirring up on the inside there is an urging sometimes to do something to go a certain way there is this prompting or yes that says this is right I also sometimes compare it to a traffic signal with a green light or red light green light means go red light means stop and so you get the sense on the inside that all is go green go for it go ahead or you'll get the sense on the inside of the red light no it's not good stop and so you listen for look for that witness of the spirit so it can be in the positive direction prompting urging pushing a sense on the inside yes yeah that's it that's it that's right go for it or in the opposite it can be no no stop stop don't go there don't do that and I use the example of when you're riding a horse you know here in Colorado a lot of people understand riding horses and at least people understand this match that when you're riding the horse and you've got the reins the horses reins in your hand how do you make the horse stop you pull you pull back you pull back on the reins in order to make the horse stop well in the same way it's like the holy spirit inside you is pulling the reins there's a polling back there's a holding there is a restraining cents on the end side saying no don't go there don't do that no stop stop stop and so we need to learn to be sensitive to those senses on. Inside of us those promptings pressings do this go there yes go right this is right or that no stop hold back hold back don't don't follow those those are the on the inside of you and that's the Holy Spirit living in your spirit bearing witness with your spirit to give confirmation or denial to say it's right or it's wrong to say yes go for our no don't do it don't go there. And we need to practice following those so that's just a sense on the inside another way I say this is we need to learn to trust our heart. You know we've all done things that afterward we said man I knew I shouldn't have done that. I just knew it well then why did you do it it's because you didn't follow what was inside see there are times when your head argues with your heart and on the inside it's like don't do it don't do it do it your head takes over and or your flesh takes over and by flesh I mean desire. Takes over I want that I'm going to do that I'm going to say that and then afterward your heart is saying and it's really your spirit and it's the Holy Spirit in your spirit saying don't do it don't do it and then afterward you say man I knew I should enough I knew it I knew it I mean we've all done that I knew it well how did you know it it was on the inside of you it was on the inside of you you need to learn to trust that and learn to follow it learn to always follow that and not to go the way of your head or the way of your flesh because remember you are is spirit you have a soul you live in a body all 3 of them have a voice. Your body has the voice of its desires your desires are always dreaming I want this I want this I want to do that I want to go there your body has desires and they are a voice your mind has a voice It's called logic and reasoning like well if I reasoned this out and this seems the best logical answer but then your spirit also has a voice with the witness of the Holy Spirit living in you. And so learn to follow the heart not the desires of the flesh and not the head because the other 2 voices can lead you wrong but your heart will always lead you right and what I say when I say heart I'm talking about it's the inner man I'm talking about the spirit on the inside and the witness of the Holy Spirit bearing witness with remember that Romans $816.00 the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God So the Holy Spirit bearing witness with your spirit on the inside is going to leave you always in the right way but your flesh might want to leave you a different way your head could leave you a different way they both have a voice and depending on how you have trained yourself disciplined yourself have you developed your spirit. So that your spirit is loud have you disciplined your mind in flesh to quiet those voices have you it comes through spending time in God's Word spending time in God's word have you quieted your flesh and your mind so that your spirit can be heard and that takes me on to another point here but let me finish this approach quickly. The Lord was not in the fire 1st kings 1912 then came a still small voice now comparing the 2 the still small voice and the witness the witness is a sense it's just a sense of prompt. But this still small voice is actual clear words and I remember years ago years ago when I was in college. I was just coming out of Chapel and they had talked about summer missions and I was walking down the sidewalk and inside me I heard clearly very clearly you've got to go. I mean it was so clear you've got to go so you see there was not just a sad. Or another way to call the witness is a knowing you just know but these were actually words I heard it inside very clear you've got to go and that was the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking clear words I believe probably all Christians have heard the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking clear words something like that but it's usually short and simple that the Holy Spirit spoke to me just so clear Isabelle you've got to go or but also we get the witness of the Holy Spirit which is just a prompt a sense and as I started to say knowing there is a knowing on the inside and so you just know this is right it's the witness of the Spirit So how do you compare the still small voice of the Spirit and the witness of the spirit the still small voice is clear distinct words very clear as a bell you hear something said but the witness is not clear words and that's why it is more Miss Liza Lee not received or not recognized or not acknowledged because it's just a sense a sense it's the prompting the unction of the Holy Spirit pushing you forward confirming giving confirmation to something yes this is right or a denial something is wrong and there's the pulling back on the reins saying no don't do it now how do you do that how do you get to recognize the witness This is what we're talking about how to be led by the Spirit Step 3 build your relationship with God by spending time in prayer and in studying the Word of God How do you get to know. The witness of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the Holy Spirit it's by spending time in the word for one thing it quiets your flesh it quiets ear flesh and your mind and it awakens and strain fence your spirit also number 2 reason is because in the word you develop your relationship with God So it's in building relationship with God the better you know him the better you know his voice of course isn't that the way it is with anyone that you are close to you know when your mother calls you on the phone and she says hi son how are you are she just says hi how are you you don't have to say who is this talking. You know who it is you know your mother's voice or your best friend calls you up and says Now cell phones of course have caller id but without the caller id you pick up a phone and say hello and the voice says Hi How are you doing today you don't need them to say I'm your best friend know you know their voice because you have relationship you know them well enough to know their voice and so when you get to know God more you know his voice better and also he speaks the voice of his word becomes very familiar to you so that you can recognize his voice when he speaks to you at other times also his word is His Will God's word is God's will and so you need to know His will in order to know his voice and situation and to know the way he thinks and the way he acts how does God think how does God act read his word his word shows you how he thinks and how he acts and he is always consistent you know some people say well you just never know what God's going to do what a lie he is more consistent than any human being he is unshakable immoveable the same yesterday today and forever he's never changing you know how God is going to act more than you know how any person will ever act so you will know his thoughts his actions and his will by knowing his word get in the Word of God and study it read it study it look up the scriptures in the Bible about healing see what God has done about healing did God ever make anybody sick no did God ever say that he wanted somebody to be poor no he has promised healing he has promised to me all of your need. Exceeding abundantly above what you ask or imagine go to my website I have a website victorious faith victorious like a champion v i c t o r I o u s face f a i th dot Colorado and I have a help from God's word tab and under that tab help from God's word there are topics of scripture promises promises for finances for family for healing for marriage for jobs for children for homes various topics and I show you what the Bible says the Bible is God's written will the Bible is His Will so go to my website victorious face dot seo click on the help from God's word tab click on one of the topics family finances health and healing children jobs whatever the issue is in your life find out from those scriptures that I have posted on my website to help you and read those scriptures then go to the Bible study those scriptures and that's where you will see God's Will God's word is God's Written God's word is God's written will it's his his last will and testament Glory Glory to God Well we're out of time today we're going to pick this study up again next week and I also invite you to partner with us you can go to my website and give on line or write to me at p.o. Box 1418 Castle Rock Colorado 8010 for next week and remember God loves you you're blessed and highly favored by the Lord. We're glad you joined us today for victorious face with Cherry Campbell we invite you to visit our website victorious faith. Where you can listen to the Victoria Street. With radio broadcast 24 hours a day find a biblical study helps context Cherry with your prayer requests and praise reports see cherries I 10 are every order weekly broadcasts on cd and make donations each week's broadcasts are available on one cd for a donation of any amount Victoria's face is a God and partners supported ministry as you so seed and partner with this ministry we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life you may also write to us at p.o. Box 1418 Castle Rock Colorado 80104 Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh space and remember faith is the victory that overcomes the world you are blessed and highly favored by the Lord. The all new kale d.c. Christian ministries business talk in conservative talk on 12 20 am and 95.3 f.m. . Hey guys I'm Cindy and I'm so excited she had my song Wonderful live from our new movie Small things. Only sing small for is the animated event of the fall not so exciting. Future in original music performed by Cindy. And the cast of small frankly any year now here we. Are only in theaters that covered pretty p.g. Gotten suggest don't hesitate to contact k l d c with questions about any of our powerful Christian programs call the k l d c helpline at 3034811800303481800. Welcome to enjoying every day life with the York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer on today's program Joyce will be teaching from are series Facing Fear and finding freedom how many times has fear hindered you from doing something great in your life many times we run from our fears instead of facing them head on freedom from our fears can only be found in our faith in God The Bible tells us that we have not been given the spirit of fear but the power of love and a sound mind when we move past our fears incredible things start to take place in our spiritual life I will ations it and even in the workplace it's important to remember that we are more than conquerors in Christ he wants us to live in his freedom that only he can give Now here's Joyce with today's teaching facing fear and finding freedom. The less we complain the more we grow spiritually. Come on that was worth your comment. Because here's the thing. If we can just tell somebody else and if they'll just feel sorry for us. Then we just feel so. Yes I am quite pitiful. But what we've done is way of relieving the little bit of what God is trying to use to change us on the inside as oh man if I'm going to summon I keep my mouth shut. I'll get some kind of a virus or something and tell Dave how terrible I feel like I had that was wait for 3 days. Oh why didn't you tell me he's well you can't help me. Learn Oh no sort of thing that's a best way to go for relationship but it is a case in point. Come on it's a case in point that. Let me say that again because I just really didn't have that mind though so I think that's a God thing. The last week complying in. The more we grow C. And then it's the 1st night Jane the Lord God is my strength my personal bravery my invincible army he makes my feet by Congress feet and will make me to walk not to stand still in fear and terror. But to walk and to make spiritual progress upon my high places of suffering troubled and responsibility Another thing I want to say to you is enjoy the journey even if you've got a storm going on enjoy it. Again enjoy the storm that you can enjoy your life you can enjoy your life even while you have emotional pain physical pain. Dave has a story about the migraines do you want me to tell that you want to tell it if I tell it you're just going to tell me all the details are right. I'm telling. I have yet I have yet to tell a story that I got right and it was his story. Is have been probably what 25 years ago I was 25 years ago more than that probably every 30 years ago. Trying to tell writing. Well we've been married for 9 years this morning 1st got married this was before we were married just thinking here especially. When I tell a story. Yes there anyway I had migraine headaches for all my young years growing up and and into my teenage years and young adult years and if you ever had migraine headaches you get that blur in your eyes you know recognize that blur in your eyes and you know what's going on after that well I used to dread that I dreaded when I got that blur because I knew what the consequences are going to be later one day God gave me like a Raymond word he said Don't be embarrassed by it you can do everything that you do with that migraine headache that you do without you so you can do it same way you can enjoy your life you can enjoy your life you don't have to be you don't have to be you know dreaded are be frustrated I bought it and so I did and it left and it didn't come back. The dread. Dread is a forerunner of fear. Dread wants you to fear what's coming in the future and if you don't dread fear doesn't have an entrance and so anyway. Anyway I did not I did not dread it and 2 years later I gave my testimony on that we were out and we went out to eat and air comes out blur 1st thing I said once you have victory you know exactly what to do 1st thing I said is I could care less I don't dread it I'm not impressed by it and it lasts a few seconds and disappeared and so that's exactly. That's exactly how the devil deceives people into uses that fear and I dread to get people in that trap and hold them in that trap their whole life but if you learn that the Word of God really says you know you can do anything no matter what the condition is no longer has a strong hold over you and I should thank you. Now God is working on your situation and while he is you might as well enter his rest. And I know this sounds so weird to pay when they have problems but go ahead and enjoy your life. Ah. Father I'm going to work hard to get some agreement as well. As I and I get it because we're just like I didn't. So you weren't deceived we think that all of our circumstances have to be good for us to enjoy life but that's exactly what the devil wants to be honest he's really not after your stuff is there for your joy for the joy of the Lord is your strength. And I don't think it's just like we just feel like it's not right to enjoy live if we've got a problem but the Bible tells us to do it. I said the Bible tells us to do it. It's called enjoy the journey. And now the last thing I'll talk about here I've just got a few minutes left is we always fear what we can't control. So all you control freaks. We cannot make our children's choices so we often fear they will ruin their lives. I'm going to tell you what to do every time a fearful thought comes up in u. . Pray about that thing right there write them. Pray about it. Oh I'm so afraid my kids are going to get in trouble no Lord I pray that you watch over my kids and they will not get in trouble and anything that they do get into They'll learn a good lesson by it and come out good on the other side of the in car this is how we move by faith in him. We take on a false sense of responsibility we try to fix everybody's problems even people who don't want to be fixed. Come on here or spend your life trying to fix somebody make somebody live right make somebody have a good life that doesn't even want to. You know what your are codependent If somebody else's misery has to make you miserable all the time not that we enjoy seeing people that we love doing dumb things but sooner or later you gotta realize that you'd be an unhappy over their misery is not going to change them. Come on I'm trying to set you free. So what do you do instead of somebody just refuses to change. Primary somebody is listening. Wherever you're out whenever the thought comes remember you don't need to be in a special place in a special posture. You don't need eloquent words you can stop right then so I'm not getting into this fear Lord I pray that you will work on that person's life and that you will put thoughts in their mind of wanting to change I don't think it's their idea. When I have a problem in our lives that we cannot control we often become afraid now I'm going to end with a cute story when I was pregnant with my 2nd child I was about 7 months pregnant and we lived in an apartment. It obviously had a male and female mouse who got together. And they had lots of little baby mice. 17 to be exact away caught. Within 2 to 3 week period of time so David go off to work and on their pregnant with the mice. And. I mean I'm petrified of my you know I don't know why women I mean women will pour hot wax on their lip and rip the hair out but they're afraid of how. Well you know I ripped that hair out. But if you see a spider I was going to. So. George But it's so much fun. So I was I was so upset because I couldn't control the minds because I never knew where they were going to be and what they were going to do so I saw one in the bath tub. I got a plunger. I keep in mind I'm 7 months pregnant I got a plunger. I got it on the toilet. Just in case it managed to get out of the bath tub. And I finally got the plunger on top of it. What I'm telling you is the truth. I went out I tied the bathroom door shut. The door knob to another door got on top of the kitchen table and stayed there until Dave came home from work. That is how petrified I was. I didn't have his teaching yet. When they came home is like what is this. Isometric to my house. You would have thought I had a lion trapped in there. So he unties all the doors and goes in their lives up the plunder and this thing and suffocate it was on its back. About this long it was by pig and had been barmy long as I was still blind. But that just shows how. Something ridiculous can terrify us is specially if you think you can control what it's going to do. And so there may be a lot of things in your life right now that you feel like you can't control but just remember God is in control. And when he comes back which we think won't be too long he wants to find us and faith Father I pray in the name of Jesus I pray in the name of Jesus that you would help us all to confront and deal with our fears and not to let them terrify us and drive us backwards but I know there are people here night that have real figures maybe they've been given a bad report from a doctor maybe they have a child that repeatedly gets in trouble or they've lost their job and the bills are piling up they don't know what they're going to do a lot I know you love them and you care for them and I pray that you would give them the grace to trust you and to go ahead and enjoy the things they can enjoy and I ask for breakthrough for everyone Lord we will show up on the other side in Jesus' name a man thanks for listening to start living the life God has planned for you with price then loving people remember Together we can do more. Start years and lay the right way to wake up with the Gospel 95.3 f.m. And on the way calle d.c. 1220 dot com. Hello Denver this is Pastor Steve Baker of the host of It's all about kill me not them but him our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ listen to us every Sunday from 130 to 2 pm by here on Calle d.c. 12 28 am 95.3 f.m. You know where we will feature live interviews testimonies and so much more e-mail us if you want to have that interview or testimony at Pastor Steve at Powerhouse c l o r g making an impact for God 1220 k. L d c and 95.3 f.m. . Final. Welcome to gospel truth with if you want a teaching ministry into this I see guys in unconditional love. This life teaching series on the unchanging love of God is being broadcast exclusively for our radio listeners and no here's the injury. Let's say that God gave me a message for used. And if this was a God given message and God spoke to me appeared to me in a vision and told me exactly what to say out when I get that message out of the Body of Christ the church is so fragmented that I could go to some of these big churches that have 1520000 people in it and I could reach a certain segment but there would be other parts of the Body of Christ and Euston that would never hear about. I could spend the rest of my life hitting every church in the used an area and never get this message to every person and used in because it's so divided. That is not what God intended. He intended for us to be one to love each other as Christ loved the church and yet most of us have grown up with this division we just have embraced it has been normal many people have never even questioned it and I'll tell you this I don't have an answer for this I'm describing something here that in a sense is creating a problem because I don't I don't have a solution to how we should get all the people that are so split and divided into all of these groups operating as one but I can show you from scripture that this is not this is how Jesus said that we would win the world is by or love when they saw that we love one another as Christ loved us and then the world would know we were his disciples if we ever become one then the world will be one w.-o. In. The greatest tool for evangelism is the love of among believers and our commitment to each other. And that's awesome and you know what you won't hear this very often we'll talk about organizing Crusades and going out and make and converts and we do all of these things that are contrary to what the Lord told us to do he didn't tell us to make converts he told us to make disciples. And we will do all of these things and put tremendous amount of effort into all of this stuff that man the unity of the body the Oneness loving each other as Christ loved the church will not be the focus of very many churches. And we just in a sense have embraced it have accepted it have put our stamp of approval on it and don't even strive for it again we may not be able to totally affect the entire Body of Christ worldwide to do everything but you know what you could affect somebody. You could become a disciple and begin to start loving the people around you and start walking in love and this is what Jesus said this is his new commandment you know I mean point this out over and Romans Chapter 13 look at these verses. This is the Apostle Paul speaking. In Romans Chapter 13 in Verse 80 says oh no man any thing but to love one another I can spend a lot of time oh man oh no man anything again this isn't a suggestion it's a command Oh no man Oh I'm no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law for this 1000 shell not commit adultery not kill Not Steal Thou shalt not bear false witness now sell not covet and if there be any other commandment it is briefly comprehended in this same namely that love thy neighbor as yourself love work with no will to his neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law again religion will come along preaching the old commandments and that's what these were a list from Exodus Chapter 20 The 10 Commandments religion will come along preaching the 10 commandments Jesus said don't owe any man anything except to love them I give you a new commandment and this says that every commandment would be kept if people loved each other. Just look at some of these right here in the 9th not commit adultery if you truly love your mate as Christ loved the church you would never commit adultery. I could spend all night trying to justify that because there's people said Oh I do love my money but I just couldn't help myself it's a lie. You're driven by lust not by love. Lust is something that comes and goes and hits you in this but love is a decision and again most people don't know what God's kind of love is they grow up watching movies and television and they're exposed to this human is big daemonic carnal selfish love people fall in love and fall out of love if you can fall in the love and it just strikes you you picture it by a little fat baby that goes around and shoot you with an arrow Cupid that's not love that's lust love is a decision God so loved the world that he gay Jesus loved us and I can guarantee you when he hung on the cross he wasn't having just strong emotions and goosebumps go up and down his spine he chose to see chose to do something God's kind of love isn't an emotion it may in involve your emotions and touch your emotions but it is so much deeper than an emotion and yet people today say well I just fell out of love I can't help it every one of us is saying some movie where some person said they quote unquote love 1 their mate but then some beautiful woman comes walking by and all of a sudden they fell out of love with their mate and they fell in love and they just it's just chemistry I can't help it. I didn't want to do it they go on apologize I'm sorry but it's just over I can't help myself that's not God's kind of love that's lust and many Christians don't know the difference between the 2 and so though so I just couldn't help myself because you've never experience a true God kind of love God's kind of love is a decision that you make and you can choose to love your mate if you love your May the way that Christ loved us unconditionally and I'll be explaining this in a lot more detail than you know why you've never commit adultery a person that commits adultery does not truly love their mate. Somebody say while I disagree with that. Well you're entitled to your opinion but I'm not going to agree with your we'd both be wrong. It says right here it says that not commit adultery and all of these things is comprehended in this one statement love thy neighbor as thyself if you love your mate as yourself you would never commit adultery. If you've ever had your mate committed adultery on you and you think about how that hurts you in the way it made you feel if you loved your May more than you love your save you would never do that because then. You were loving yourself the truth is a person that commits adultery is a person that loves them self more than they love their mate. Period. There is no argument about that you can argue that you're arguing the wrong thing. It says Thou shalt not kill if you loved another person as you love yourself you would not kill the. Man how dumb can you get and still married people who go out and kill do not love the people that they kill if you operated in love there would be no murder there would be nothing none of those kind of things now shalt not steal did you know stealing have any of you ever had something stolen from you when you feel violated it hurt cheated bothers you if you loved other people you would never steal from that person you are an absolutely selfish totally self-centered person you aren't thinking about anybody but yourself you are in love with yourself you think you're the center of the universe and the world revolves around you if you're a thief. If you loved other people you would never do that to a person it didn't matter about what they got a lot of people work for big organizations and you think they'll never miss it you still 5 minutes at break and you just take an extra 5 minutes they'll never miss it you take pins home you take this home used to because if it's a big corporation they'll never know anything would you want somebody to do that to you. If you loved other people the way you love yourself you'd never steal from them. The next thing it says this is not bear false witness did you know that when you lie about something you are manipulating people you are making a fool of people they are trusting you they're putting faith in you and trusting your word and you're manipulating in misrepresenting things you're taking advantage of that person you wouldn't want anybody to manipulate and take advantage of you and yet anytime you live and misrepresent something it's because you are thinking only about yourself and how this will benefit you and you forgive that person hurt them do whatever to them it doesn't matter because after all I've got to look out for myself. You just keep pulling back the layers and I guarantee you a person who is a liar is a person who does not love the other people you are hurting and manipulate in taking advantage of them it says in the fi in John Chapter 8 verse 44 that the devil is the father of all lies every time you lie you are having intercourse with the devil you are letting the devil flow through you if you love other people you would never live. This would solve everything see the Old Testament didn't give the the root it only dealt with what's wrong now shalt not bear false witness that shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not kill the not steal but in the New Testament you go below that and you go to what is the real problem the real problem is that you've never received the real God can but you are a person who loves your sail more than you love God more than you love other people and because of that you will lie you will manipulate you will stab a person in the back he will do anything that you can do because you love yourself more than you love anything or anybody else. And in the New Testament that's revealed and so the antidote is to find out how much God loves you and then once you receive this unconditional love and understand that God loves you not because you're lovely but because he is love. And you start loving other people that way. Just by accident. As a byproduct you'll never steal you never laugh you never commit adultery you'll never harder. That's all the time we have for today that be sure and tune in again and see and through continues to teach on the unconditional love of God this 5 part teaching series titled as I have loved you is available on cd or d.v.d. For a gift of an e amount ask for Syrians are 1077 when you make a donation to enter one make ministry's. The 1st cd and this album is also available for a donation of any amount however for those who are not able to give enter and his partners will provide this single teaching free of charge all you need to do is request our g 23 titled a new commandment when you write or call in we'll be pleased to send it to you. Our address is p.o. Box 3333 Colorado Springs 80934 or call 719-635-1111 again that's 719-635-1111 or go to our website at and a our you can use credit card to order any of her ministry materials online 24 hours a day at w.w.w. Debt a.w.m. Mind net Also be sure to check out the t.v. Broadcast link to find out about the gospel truth t.v. Program in your area I'd like to ask you to check out our helpline it's open from 4 30 am to 9 30 pm Mountain time our number is 719-635-1111 they will not only supply you with the materials that we offer but they will also pray with you they'll answer questions they're just an invaluable resource if you have questions and say Is there any other materials that covers this these people can answer those questions plus they all. Our born again baptized in the holy ghost filled with love they are just awesome people manning we could be a blessing to those of check it out 4 30 am to 9 30 pm Mountain time the number is 716351111. You heard that one guy on that one show on that one day at one time and he would really like to contact his ministry call the k.l. D.c. Helpline at 303481802 reach any of our k.l. D.c. Christian programmers 303-481-1800. Strange isn't it how a $20.00 bill seems like such a large amount you don't need to experience but a small amount when you go shopping. Strange isn't it for God and country this is the Crawford Broadcasting Company. Sure humans can be a little weird at times but take it from me I'm a dog.

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