It's L.W.'s dot org Have you ever been in this situation where you've met a really smart intelligent learned person and you wanted to prove God exists you wanted to present evidence and arguments for god turn to Saul 19 and listen his Adrian Rogers reveals if it's possible for an intellectual to believe in God well I want to ask you this question today can an intellectual believe in God That's the type of the message can an intellectual believe in God With that in mind I want to still look here and Psalm 19 and I began in verse one I'm going to read the whole Psalm before I'm finished but 1st of all the 1st 6 verses the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament short this handiwork day under a day out of speech and night and tonight show with knowledge there's no speech no language where their voice is not heard their line is going out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world and them he said a tabernacle for the sun which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and read Joyce's as a strong man to run a race his going forth is from the end of the heaven and his circuit to the ends of it and there is nothing here from the heat there of now God has spoken and anybody who wants to believe in God can believe in God and if a man does not believe in God It is not because he has intellectual difficulties it is because he has moral difficulties and I want to make that very clear and very plain unbelief never comes out of the head unbelief always comes out of the heart the Bible says another psalm Psalm 14 The fool has said in his heart. There is no God Now can you be an intellectual and believe in God absolutely many intellectuals believe in God and many non intellectuals believe in God Some intellectuals don't believe in God and many non intellectuals don't believe in God as a matter of fact your intellect has very little to do with it but I want you to know that if you want to believe in God you can believe in God and God has spoken in 3 mighty ways and we're going to see that as we look into Psalm 19 and not only has God spoken to mankind in general in these 3 ways but God has God will speak to you in these 3 ways now one of the 3 ways in which God speaks to you how can you know beyond a shadow any doubt of peradventure that God exists that He loves you that you can know Him and that you can have a personal vital relationship with him and still call yourself an intellectual number one there is the declaration in the skies you have it the declaration in the skies look in verse one but having us declare the glory of God That's the declaration in the sky as the very skies themselves tell you that God exists the heavens above us tell us that gods exist and what they tell us about God Well 1st of all they tell us about God's glory the heavens declare the glory of God. Several years ago Joyce and I took a vacation down to the Bahamas and I wanted to be alone with her and just to have some think time and we found a little cottage there on a beach and it had a little dock out in front of it and it was absolutely wonderful There was no air conditioning in that cottage and and we had to leave the windows open and fight mosquitoes all night but nonetheless it was wonderful that little dock out there we went out at night time was no television nothing like that no telephone. As a matter of fact no automobiles on that little island just you the foot paths and to get from place to place we had a little boat that you had to go with a loud board motor it was wonderful but the most wonderful thing about the vacation a thing we remember more than anything else we went out on the dock out there in that Caribbean water and laid down on our backs and looked up at the stars and for about well I don't know how long an extended period of time just the 2 of us on our backs on that dock just looking at the sky folks if you haven't done that in a long time I want to recommend just get out somewhere where there's no ambient light around where the there's nothing else just the Candelabra of heaven and just look out and caught stop and think about those stars think how fast his mighty universe is and you will be filled with a sense and all that David must have had as a shepherd boy when he looked up and saw all that those heavens and he wrote here and Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory of God but not only do they speak of the glory of God They speak of the greatness of God Look if you will in verse one again the firmament that's another word for the heavens show us his handiwork bad he is all of this is the work of God God created it all he made it out of nothing what great incredible power is seen in the creation of this universe. Now you know that out of nothing nothing comes and this is the great stumbling block for the atheist if he doesn't believe in a self existing god he asked believe in a self existing universe or else he has to believe that nothing times nobody knows everything it's really kind of intellectually contradictory to not to believe in God The Bible never argues the fact of God The Bible just presents God in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth why because we all know that out of nothing nothing comes a very eloquent and gifted preacher said one time and I love this he said God stepped from behind the curtain of nowhere and stood upon the platform of nothing and spoke a world into existence you know man can create anything all the scientists can do is rearrange what God has created you think of these heavens and the incredible sun is of the heavens you know that light travels 186282 miles per 2nd how fast is that well 1002000 is past the moon. 2 seconds light travels past the moon but traveling at 182000 miles per 2nd it takes at 4 and a half years to pass our closest one our nearest star. And travelling at that and credible rate of speed. Light in order to reach the edge of our known universe would have to travel at that incredible speed at the edge of our known universe for 10000000000 years. Past the moon in 2 seconds. Do you think there of the intricacies. Of God's creation I mean dishonest said in another place consider himself I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. God is put together a universe with great immensity and great complexity and it's all the work of God's hands and therefore it's absolute stupidity not to believe in God as a matter of fact the Bible says that Romans chapter one verse is 19 and 20 because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it on to them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly same being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and God did so that they are without excuse that's not a sign of intelligence. Not to believe in God. But if you're intelligent you have to say somebody created all of this. And of all the great philosophers who have lived and taught through the ages all the great thinkers how many of them do you think believed in God you'll hear an answer to that straight ahead on love worth finding Stay with us. If someone were to ask you why do you believe in Jesus Christ what would you say Adrian Rogers encountered some skeptics and he knew that there's not always a simple answer you can give pastor Rogers be expect me to believe in Jesus Christ just because you say he was a historical fact are do you believe that I'm going to believe in Jesus Christ just because your book says that he lived and you have evidence for the inspiration of the Bible that's not enough for me I will agree you need something in the you know what that something else is find out as you join Adrian Rogers for his study called spiritual steel for building believers this complete study is available on 4 C.D.'s so call 1877 Love Gun or go online and l w f dot o.-r. G.'s and learn how to clearly and confidently give compelling. Reasons for why you place your faith in Jesus Christ order this study today. Now this is one of those messages you might want to pass along to someone you know who is super intelligent or maybe you'd like to listen to it again yourself we make single C.D.'s available of the lessons you hear on the broadcast call us at 1877 Love God and mention the title Can an intellectual believe in God can also order online it L.W.'s dot org Have you ever heard that believing in God will make you do terrible things that all the world's problems come from a belief in God What you're about to hear think is going to encourage you once again here's Adrian Rogers Dr Moody tells us that there have been and the history of the world 54 great philosophers and 6000 years of recorded history only 54 philosophers could be called great and I were talking about people like Aristotle Socrates Plato and others only 54 great philosophers in the history of the world let me tell you something of these 54 great philosophers out of the 5440 of them believed in. 40 of them believed in God of the 14 who did not believe in God Listen to this all of them hated the father. Very interesting thing every one of those great philosophers who did not believe in God hated their father 8 of them were preacher signs. And there fathers were illegal estate preachers I was in London went to the British Museum of Natural History there's a there's a statue of Charles Darwin and that museum and the museum is just really one big colossal lives all about evolution and they talk about evolution as it is a fact Charles Darwin had a father that he hated Charles Darwin's father was a a physician and he was he was a monstrous man he was 6 feet 3 inches tall weighed 345 pounds when he spoke it was like the roar of a lion and he the all the way he had huge hairy hands Charles Darwin was frightened to death of him and he could never please his father he said and here's a direct quote from Charles Darwin he said my father could not stand to be opposed if opposed to restore it me and he had the gift of always making people do just as he wanted them to do now Charles mother died when he was a little boy when he was 8 but he wrote later on he couldn't remember anything about his mother not one thing about his mother he remembered things that happened to him when he was 45 and 6 years of age but he couldn't remember anything about his mother. But he did remember that when his mother died he had a deep resentment to his father because his father was a doctor and he said my father was a doctor who healed others but he let my mother die now Charles Darwin went to school he failed in school his father came in and bullied the teachers and somehow he got a passing grade and he graduated then his father wanted to go to medical school Charles Darwin the father of of evolution went to medical school he couldn't hack at medical school as a matter of fact when they had to walk on the cadaver he fainted he passed out if I can't do it and he couldn't stand surgery he he went out and flopped out of medical school and his father said Well maybe you can be a preacher you know if you can do anything else maybe you can preach. Is father said Well maybe you're a minister and enroll Charles Darwin in seminary and Charles Darwin then seminary was studying the Bible is father saying you're going to be a preacher but there he met a biologist a man who became a father figure to him and got him interested in biology so he dropped out of seminary and he began to travel and you remember his trips you know he went to the Indies he went to Brazil he went there to laugh because islands and so forth he began to make pictures and drawings of biology and he began to get this idea concerning evolution actually Charles Darwin didn't come up with evolution as a matter of fact there are Stoffel and others had already toyed with the idea of evolution but Charles Darwin now began to say well maybe how can I explain all this apart from God and for 35 more years he was sickly he was hating God hating his father hating everybody finally he wrote his book The Descent of Man and the origin of the species and he effectively explained how you can have a creation without a creator or so he thought is the next best guess of the mind and the man that rejects God now is another man who bought into this and his name was needs he needs he was a philosopher also Frederick Nietzsche Frederick Miti by the way was the son of a dogmatic. Preacher and he hated his father he learned to hate God He learned to hate the idea of God but he got the idea if there's no God then man must be ever own word enough for it and so he wrote a book Man and Superman he had the idea that somehow man could become Superman not fly through there but just the he could achieve all that he wanted to achieve and so you've got Darwin hated his dad to good nature hated his father of one the son of a preacher the other the son of of the physician. A madman named Adolf Hitler got hold of the works of Darwin and the chain specially made chain who had been. Molded by Darwin and Adolf Hitler wrote after he got to thinking about what Nietzsche had said in Darwin and said he wrote his own book Mind coffee and that is his plan to make the area and race the super race the idea of a super race and he had a a venomous hatred toward the Jewish people and Adolf Hitler said in mine cop quote I have a right to eliminate an inferior race that breeds like vermin it was talking about the Jews Carol actual believe in God ever so often you will hear people say you know the trouble with religion is there's so many religious wars these religious people are fighting everybody and all the wars in the world are caused by religion and all of the people have died of died as a result of religion I want to give you something folks and I want you to listen very carefully to this because you need to be very careful when you say that people are dying as a result of belief in God in the 6000 years of recorded history in religious wars about 3000000 people have died and that's regrettable. But about 3000000 people did you know that Hitler and Stalin alone both who rejected the idea of God. Hitler and Stalin alone are responsible for the death of $57000000.00 people a conservative estimate so only about a put that on you that if you believe in God that somehow you are a part of the trouble of all of this dissension and all of this problem in the world as a matter of fact we talk about all religious wars we are talking about people from moods limbs and Hindus and Oriental religions if you talk about religious wars that involve Christians those who are quote Christians in the quote about 1800000 if you talk about those who are Bible believing what we call evangelical Christians less than a quarter 1000000 but you're talking about people like a meteor and Darwin and Hitler and Stalin and Karl Marx 57000000 have been slaughtered and the number is growing No Listen friend. And intellectual can be an intellectual and believe in God the great intellectuals have believed in God and when you look at the heavens they declare God's glory when you look at the heavens they declare God's greatness and when you look in the heavens they declare God's goodness look if you will in verse to day and today at a speech and night and tonight show with knowledge Now what does that mean it means there is a fixed order in the universe day follows night and night follows day there is beauty there is order there is harmony and you can say thank God His mercies are new every morning what a good God we serve God is a glorious God God is a great God God is a a good God in the light and the warmth of the sun speak of the light and the warped of God's grace to look up in those stars is something to rise in the morning and see the sunrise as something you have to feel sorry for an atheist who would see a sunset and have nobody to thank for what you just have to feel sorry for so there is. Yes there is that declaration of the skies that haven't been a clear the glory of God But let's move on to the 2nd thing not only is there the declaration of the skies but there's the revelation of the Scriptures That's the 2nd way we know 1st of all God's word written in the heavens and number 2 God's word written in the Bible the revelation of the Scriptures now continue to read if you will look if you will in verse 7 Here is the 2nd way that you can know God the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple the statutes of the Lord are right choice in the heart the commandment of the Lord is pure in the lightning the eyes the fear of the Lord is clean and during Forever the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired are they then go yea then much fine go sweeter Also than honey and the honeycomb Moreover by him is I servant worn and in keeping of them there is great reward you see you can know about the fact of God by studying the heavens but you can never know the heart and mind of God by looking at the stars you need more bam that kind of natural revelation you have to see not only what God has wronged but you have to see what God has taught yes to have the Bible you have to have the Wired of God. To explain to you this God that you see in general in nature and so the sama speaks not only of the decoration of the skies but the revelation of the scripture. To be a true intellectual God's Word must be on your reading list well we hope this lesson has encouraged you today and that you'll join us next time as we hear Adrian Rogers share more about. Can an intellectual believe in God That's tomorrow and part 2 of our lesson I have some good news you ready for some good news a listener in Georgia has been helped by this broadcast she writes as a state prisoner I'm especially grateful that the word and the love of God reaches over razor wire fences and through the walls of this maximum security prison the timeless teachings of Dr Adrian Rogers are used mightily by the Lord thank you all for continuing in this ministry the good news is that the good news is powerful everywhere it's heard and if you've given the love worth finding you helped us get through that razor wire fence and through those walls and into the heart of this child of God thank you now if you have not given that's a good reason to pick up the phone right now don't you think you don't know how your gift will be used in someone else's life down the street or in some country you can't even pronounce our goal of love worth finding our mission is to bring people to Christ and help them mature in their faith to help you become a fully devoted follower of Jesus that's why we're the program on this station it's why we air it on television and around the world on the Internet if you appreciate the clear biblical teaching you here call us right now at 1877 Love God and give a gift of any size it will be greatly appreciated 187-756-8346 extension 3 when you do I thank you as a booklet titled this world is not my home if you are a follower of Jesus you are a stranger a pilgrim a sojourner in this world let us send you this encouraging booklet as I thank you for your prayerful support you can also give online it l w f dot org its L.W.'s dot o.-r. G. Or write with a gift Our address is love worth finding box 38600 Memphis Tennessee. See 38183 or in Canada right p. O. Box 152 Maple Ridge b.c. V 2 x. 7 g. One thank you for your generous support when you get in touch let us know the callers of this station. Have her on Twitter or Facebook check us out as we share nuggets of truth from the messages of Adrian Rogers the social media sites help us spur on conversations about things important to believers and many non Christians are exposed to the truth through these sites for a link to Facebook or Twitter go to our home page l w f dot org While you're there look at the top of the page there's a Discover Jesus link you can sign up for daily devotionals and so much more all it L.W.'s dot org Now this weekend you'll have a chance to view love worth finding on television check your local listings or go to l w f dot org and find out how you can join us on t.v. And worship with us one more item if you've never got in touch with us we have a message on cd we'd like to send you Jesus friend of sinners when you call mention your contacting us for the 1st time we'll make sure you get a copy of the number again is 1877 Love God Well that's our broadcast for today a big thank you to Rusty long enduring MacWilliams for their production work and I'm Chris invited back tomorrow for the conclusion of Can an intellectual believe in die right here on luck we're finding. The all new kale d.c. Christian ministries business talk in conservative talk on 12 20 am and 95.3 f.m. . Here's Dr Charles de God is the one who shows a sense of direction for our life you don't have to flounder through life wondering well what am I here where am I headed what is my purpose is more than I'm willing to show you what is the purpose his well his plan via life is here's a series Success God's way. This week on in touch with Dr Charles Stanley Monday through Friday 11 am right here on Calle d.c. 953 f.m. 12 20 am. On the Run Stay tuned for your bible question of the day rate based on what he would know to have any number 25000 or at my very life insurance. Rate in the right areas that have changed and not able and some say you've heard those term life insurance ads what their rates read very low and at the end they have a long disclaimer Reddick stream Li fast why because most people like us will never qualify for those rates it's just a way to get you to call listen at the term lifeline will never quote you a low rate hoping you'll call and then try to sell you something else but we do promise to get you the best rates available on policies of $500000.00 or more with professional service Don't waste your valuable time get the real rates you want on Term life insurance policies of $500000.00 or more from the term lifeline Call now 804301481804301481804301481 that's 804-300-1481. Those who do not believe in religion but no means are looking to the November elections to give them some political power the Center for free thought equality has kicked off a nationwide voter registration drive to get the nuns which are estimated to be about 24 percent of the population how to vote their goal is to politically organized knowns around issues like the separation of church and state in Proverbs $37.00 we are told be no wiser in your own eyes fear Lord and turn away from evil question which religious exemption would unknowns will eliminate 1st that from cactuses on churches or trump political lobbying joining us. Answer today's question and learn how yesterday's question was answered logon to 1220 k. L.d.c. Dot com What is the bottom line but let's not forget that we don't become good people in this country because we have really good laws the laws that we have the certain inalienable rights and Dowd by our creator it's a very key moment in American history the idea that there are natural rights that are given to people God's natural laws written on our hearts and the founding fathers of the United States said we are recognizing those but that the bottom line and remember that the gospel is to be preached 1st to the Jew as well as to the Gentile and if you have friends who are in the Jewish community right now remember that that is a mission field for us because Jesus came as Jewish on face of the earth as the Messiah that's the bottom line because you're drawn to the stories that we want to find out what's really happening get to the truth get to the bottom line about what's happening about a certain issue not just here's a headline that's tantalizing they got your attention but then again it doesn't really change the conversation that's the bottom line but the bottom line with Roger Moore Monday through Friday 4 to 6 pm right here on Calle d.c. 953 f.m. 12 20 am. Don't hesitate to contact k l d c with questions about any of our powerful Christian programs call the k l d c helpline at 3034811800303481800. Welcome to the line with Dr Ralph Yankee Arnold pastor of Calvary Community Church in Tampa Florida clearly declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the radio and the internet your regular prayers and monthly support make it possible for Bible line to continue on the air you can reach us toll free at 180-576-3771 online donations may be made by clicking on the donations link on the Bible on ministries home page we pray that you will enjoy our commitment to the clear Gospel of Jesus Christ and that today's 1st part of this 2 part message will be a blessing to you and your family. I want to. Issue. You heard. The book years ago called The Art of the oil. And it was always a way to win you know persuading people to your point of view what it does work. But I do like the title The art of the deal in other words it's about winning. I like to win and I realize that we only get one chance in life to go through it no reruns no instant replays you get one shot at it so this life is something that I want to win there are things that God talks about in his word an idea found that the word when believe it or not was only mentioned in the Scriptures twice one in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament the word when I only mentioned that many times 2 times when it often I'll try when it is used one time so there is not a lot of verses that talks about winning but the whole Bible is about winning and so the Lord has left it for us to read study and find out not those who want to win in life now there's a lot of things you can strive for but God says you can gain the whole world and lose. You can lose your whole life because you didn't win the best thing so the art of the deal is find and now what does God say about success about winning. And we want to win I do and so it determines what you do with your life so I want to listen to somebody who wins and so that's the Lord he knows all about how to win. Because he says the devil there are the last of the flesh the lust of the eyes the fight of life there's people in this world there's fallen into that all kind of thing going on everything striving to make you a failure to see that you rowing your life waste your life so that you're not a success in God's eyes so if you're not a success in God's eyes you're a failure you didn't win I want to win so I want you to take your Bible and turn to the book of the Libyans in Chapter 3 The Book of the Libyans chapter 3. There's a a verse there that I want you to look at. A poll just explained who he was who he thought he was. Like saying do you know who I am do you know what I've done well he says look look who I am he said I'm somebody so in verse 7 he makes a statement circumcised the 8 day the stock of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin a Hebrew of the Hebrew touch of the lowest fares see concerning 0 purse here to the church touch in the rises which is in the lobby blameless. But what they were again to me those I counted loss for Christ. In other words it really doesn't matter. Who he was and what he had done there something better some people would have been satisfied just because a he finally made it to the rank of been a fair say Your He was the sad to see there's so many things and causes in life that we can spend our life doing I've had people trying to get me involved in a 1000 causes but I think I have already got the best cause people are lost people are going to hell. And I don't want to live for any other reason I think I've already found out what is the greatest cause of all I can get in there is a lot of different reasons a lot of things that people involved and that's fine but as for me I've made up my mind years ago I've only got one reason for me to live it and that is that I want to try to figure out a way to try to ruin as many people to Christ as I possibly can so when my life is over and all of the other things of faded away the people that I have reach for the Lord can never be undone they can never be lost I gained I want to get to heaven and see people that have reached that pinnacle of faith where they put their trust in the morning and they're in heaven because you passed this way and so therefore there's a lot of things you can do in life but then find in the priority that is important so he makes the statement in verse 7 about what things were going to be those I kind of lost for Christ and then look in verse 8 Yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellent sea of the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but done that I may when Christ to have not just salvation but I have something worth living for that God says is worth living for so if you gain the whole world and you lose the purpose that God had for your life then you will have lost not gain it means you didn't win so I want to take in have you look at me in the Book of Proverbs Proverbs Chapter 11. Proverbs Chapter 11. And you'll notice there is a verse there that is the 1st word of the of been underlined and to memorize is an awesome verse. But notice now years ago I would read these simple verses that is it would be so deep I want some verses I could understand I overlooked a lot of books and chapters but I would find little things that I could understand and if I could understand it market memorize it then maybe to hold me on course for the rest of my life say I want to have last simple life I want my life being calm Ok Did I want to be the multitude of the decision just made up my mind to trust tries that I made up my mind on a survey Lord and so I make all my decisions based upon is this helping me to serve the Lord or is it hurting my testimony is that hurt in my reputation is a hurting my character is that hurting or the helping total of what he says in verse 30 verse 30 Duff fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that wind of souls is what. Is wise so I just took it from that verse he that when of souls is wise Well I don't want to be a fool I want to be wise he that when if souls is wise I want to be wise so what must I do. When souls and so it didn't matter what price I had to pay when souls just just do it honored God's word so the seed and you'll be surprised what will grow put your confidence and what God's word says and it will work now take your Bible and turn to the Book of Joshua the Book of Joshua and these are some of the verses that has helped channeled me to where I believe I am today. I didn't just all of a magically one day show up and I'm 75 years old and I've never done anything before my life and I just happened to be the pastor of this church there's a progress there's decisions that were made a lot of decisions that had been made I'm thankful that I've lived this long God been good to me and I don't know how much longer God but I've already told everybody that I want to come to my 100th birthday so reserve that so that you can make that look in verse 5 look in verse 5. Chapter one. Chapter one of course. I thought John could read my mind. Joshua chapter one page 259 in an old schoolfellow Reference Bible or church Bible verse 5 says there shall not any man be able to stand before the all the days of the life is not a good verse just think about what that verse says that's a promise you see God made a deal he made a deal with Joshua he says this is what I will do this is what I want you to do and if you will do what I say do this is what you can have the art of the deal finding out what's the deal what got what do you want me to do what are you going to do if I do and what are you going to do if I don't I want to know Lord is it going to be worth it is serving you worth it I only got this one life and I think about what what what I want what I want to do what do I want to be we're all I want to go and look at all the things that a man can choose to live for in this world look at all the different kinds of jobs there are the things you can be. But only want to do what you want me to do I want to know what is the art of the deal and the what it says and verse 5 the last part of it says so I will be with the I will not fail the north for sake be be strong of a good courage for under this people shall thou divide born inheritance the land which I sware into their fathers to give them most this is all to seen and God has brought along Joshua and now God is said I as I was with Moses I will be with you and then he tells them what I wanted he said be strong and very courageous in verse 7 that doll May is observed to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded they turn not permit to the right hand or to the left other words I don't want to get sidetracked I want to have blinders on that there is nothing else in this world that So interests me that I'm one of the give up this cause that God has there isn't anything in this world worth living for if it contrary to the will of God So you find out what does God want and the art of the deal is understanding clearly what God wants and then sin is that what I want to do with my life why should I do this or why should I do that and think things through. What is the will of God for my life and then no to what he says here in verse 8 this book of the law shall not be part out of my mouth but out meditate there in day and night that Dom is observed to do according to all that is written there in 4 then that shall make by way prosperous and then I'll have what those 2 words good success you see success is being what God wants you to be success is doing what God wants you to do so God wants you and I to be found faithful because if you're faithful to do what God wants you will be successful I want to have a successful life you want to have a successful life but some people success is different than others you want to be a success in business you want to be successful Good know a wife or some kids and your money you make and where you live those are nice What about what God wants always be asking what does God want me to do with my life and then notice what it says in verse 9 have not I commanded the Be strong be of good courage Be not afraid neither be thou dismayed get death for the Lord thy God is with the end that is a great comforting thought to know that a man can trust Christ as Savior and live 101-520-3040 extension 5060 years and know that God is with me he said he'd never leave me and never for sake is that true or not. So you know that you in the Lord make the majority and whatever the will of God is me and God is a majority if I long as I do what God did you know between me and God We know everything there is to be known. Between me and God We can do anything but without the Lord you can do nothing. But with the Lord you'd be surprised what you can do trust the Lord obey what he has for you take a Bible and turn to the Book of Daniel the both the Daniel. Daniel and Chapter 12. Daniel Chapter 12 I want to see that this is simply a couple of verses that really made an impact in the early formation of my life why did I want to do what God's word says and Chapter 12 look there in verse one and 1st one he says and at that time shall my coat stand up the great prince would stand before the children of die people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation to the same time and at that time by people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book this is referring to the tribulation period that is yet ahead of us so God enabled Daniel to write prophecy Daniel did not always understand what he wrote God told the seal of the book until the time of the end but there is something that is understandable something that is revealed here something that does help us look there in verse 2 and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall await some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt now get the difference some everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt which one do you want is a clear. This is right there it's clear and then no to what else he says in verse 3 and they that be wyse show shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for how long I want something that's going to last I don't know waste my life but God made a deal if I would serve him he says that you oh if you'll turn many to rights as shine as the brightness of the firmament for ever and ever and ever you see I don't have to understand everything but I know a nuff I know that I am a a center saved by grace I don't deserve that but the reason that I trusted Christ as my Savior because God made a deal now you stop and think I'll learn a little bit more by watching what's been going on in this last election and understand a little bit more about the office of the executor branch of the government and the legislative and the judicial up but they have a guide that comes out just about every day the press secretary that comes out and tells you what the president said or what he really man and he answers all these questions and all these people asking questions then he says and represents the president of the United States now there's a lot of people that can watch what somebody says and then they have to have their experts. Their commentators tell you what they really meant to say because you weren't able to discern what they really meant. I think that I said that right. And so you have people who are trying to represent and from a different view but it all depends on whether or not did what he say really what you thought he meant and so they're trying to explain to us and they have all these experts you ever wonder where those experts on all these panels come from they're everywhere and so far not a person has called me up and asked me my opinion. As smart as I am I ought to be invited on every talk show but so far nothing. Therefore I must not know anything because I'm not an expert on me but I believe I'm an expert in the art of so winning that was the name of my 1st book that I ever wrote called The Art of so winning and that was the name of it now I call it the Gospel driven man book but it was the book that I taught informed about the art of so when because I think that it's an art is something learning how to win persuade someone to put their common their trust in Jesus Christ how to open up the conversation and how to bring them to a close how to get them to sign on the dotted line and how to do all of that is an art Now some people say you got to get you know it's an art you can develop and if you're understand that when it comes to salvation there's a lot of people who are trying to speak for God God said in his word by grace are you say to fade but we've got a lot of those. Expert commentators the try to tell us what God really meant to say where God says it is the gift of God No No Well he really meant to say you have to earn it. When God said this not of yourself well that this is what he meant and then they try to make a deal with the people that are listening to him that if you want to go to heaven when you die this is what you have to do and what they tell you to do is that you've got to be good enough and earn it and so there's a lot of people that are making that deal so they go to church because they're under the impression that if I do this I'll get this but see that's not the deal God made so they're wasting their life trying to fulfill this dream of this deal that they have a God and if I give money and if I go to church if I live a good life don't beat my wife more than once a week. They think that all these good things that they're doing but see they made a wrong deal with the wrong person because if that's not what God said so Christ came into the world died on the cross paid for all the sins of the world and all that you and I have to do is believe he did it for us he said that if you'll believe it this is the deal if you believe that I did that for you I'll put that payment to your account and give eternal life as a free gift and you don't have to earn it and I can close on it today you want to get something I want to close today that was the best deal I've ever heard it's a deal that wouldn't cost me anything and all I had to do is believe on Jesus Christ and look what I would get. And all the people that are chasing a dream that can never be fulfilled they made the wrong deal with the wrong person the devil himself and they're trying to get something that God says can never happen For by grace are you saved through faith that not of yourselves it is the gift of God Not of works lest any man should both but we have experts preachers all across the country trying to tell you well that's not really what he meant he meant you've got to stop being bad and you've got to start being good and both of those are works for salvation it is the gift of God and when it comes to the Christian life there's people who don't understand how serious God is about this he wants us to dedicate our life to him and to serve Him of all our heart and God's that if you will do what I asked you to do he said I'm going to do some things for you. Take a Bible turn to 2nd Chronicles 2nd Chronicles. And Chapter 16. My father in law showed me disperse. I didn't know this verse in the Bible I had no clue what the book was talking about added even know what the chapter was talking about but I saw a part of a verse and it burned into my mind and I want you to see this Per 2nd Chronicles Chapter 16 verse time so we all have a reason why we do what we do but in verse 9 it says. For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong and to be half of them whose heart is perfect toward him and my father in law told me he says the world has never seen what God can do with one man that's totally yielded to him and I said just thinking that I want to be that man the world has never seen I want to be that man now you may not think well you'll never be that Geodesy what God had when he started with me I mean when you understand and realize my testimony and where I came from and what I've been through. My testimony today is a living miracle that this book is true I have tried to apply the principles that are found in this book and I've lived long enough to see that what God says it is true I watch people they not it's truth go against God resist the Lord and I've watched God put them and with them and work them and I've also seen people that have put God to the test and they trusted him and they followed him faithfully and I've watched and seen the results down the road of how God has blessed is you can almost live by sight and sort of just by faith. Because you can see what God is doing but God's words are in the love that part of the birth I don't care about the verse before him but the verse afterward I don't even know about where it's found but I marked it in my Bible you know that that meant a lot to me in. The eyes of the Lord or run into a road thought the whole are looking for Yankee want to know where he served me and eyes I'll make good got a deal or I'll serve you I don't care what happens I don't care how bad things are I don't care what you have to take out of my life as don't don't hold back anything you are free to do anything in my life you want to do good bad or it doesn't matter take everything I got away from me and they sung that song last night Jesse did whatever it takes for my will to break I mean that's an awesome song he'll come up and sing it again but there is an awesome song God has been so good I'll take your Bible and turn to another verse with mean look in Psalms 37 Psalms 37 Psalms 37. And look there in verse 4 verse 4 and verse 5 when I saw those verses years ago. I thought this is awesome I'm certain you're thinking and I forget all about you know what anybody else is saying and I'll think about a phrase you notice in verse 4 and Daylight Dies self also in the Lord and He shall give the did desires of dying are that seemed like God wants to make a deal that God says hey I'll make you a deal you're the light in doing whatever I want and you shall have the desires of your heart the words if what you want is to serve the Lord God all for that. And if you'll take and dedicate your life to the Lord it's amazing how that the Lord Himself can give you desires that can be fulfilled because he's want to give you the desire the light thyself and the Lord and He shall give the did as well if I saw all that years ago. 50 years later I should be able to look back on. It and keep his word. That he did what he promised. Reserved. For the. Community join us at $730.00. In the future. Start years and live the right way and wake up with the gospel on 95.3 f.m. And on the West calle d.c. 1220 dot com. This is live empowered with Kelly Lata a daily encouragement to find life in love in the pursuit of Jesus Here's Kelly careless were we're all guilty of speaking them on a good day we offer flippant answers on our bad days we easily express thoughtless put downs and angry outbursts but they're only words right well when Christ returns he'll hold us accountable for all of them she said in Matthew 12 I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken for by your words you'll be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned we know God cares about san but mere words trust me there's no such thing as mere words words carry tremendous power and they reflect what's in our heart are you letting Jesus change yours you can watch free teaching videos from Kelly's Bible study tested by fire when you visit a lot of ministries dot org. Here is a book that does not contradict itself historically doctrinally it is one book that has one the same which is redemption I'm not climbing to the floor I'm finding things that are amazing discovered the Bible the Book of the ages this month on the love word find Monday through Friday at 7 am right here on Calle d.c. 953 f.m. 12 20 am in law the. Young people are the Day of Atonement is perhaps the most important holiday in the Jewish calendar it marks the end of a period of introspection and repentance was no work is performed and most of the holiday is spent in prayer. A 25 hour fast begins at sunset on September 18th ending at sundown on September 19th and did you know the final service includes the reading of the Book of Jonah it's read as a reminder of God's mercy the Torah readings for the day are from Leviticus 16 this shall be to you a law for all time to make atonement for the Israelites for all their sins once a year. And cage with the Bible in its influence in every sphere. And. Brought to you by Museum of the Bible in Washington d.c. . You're listening to calle d.c. Games where.