Introduction Jesus's character was under suspicion and how controversial he was at certain times of his ministry is always apparent to us but today we'll look at one of those incidents as we begin this study so let's get started here if you have your Bible you can follow along and if you're a know take you want to grab something to write with here now is Pastor Rick boy. Good morning. Because you sing in great. At least of here we can hear all the voices 3rd service man oh man that extra cup of coffee makes a difference. In school. Job or have a warm discussion about Jesus. A warm discussion about Jesus I don't mean warm like warm and fuzzy necessarily I mean warm that like warmth that is caused by friction friction creates warmth to cheer for one of the regime if you have had one of those quiet those discussions yes it happens doesn't it you know sometimes we feel bad as Christians after we have a warm discussion about Jesus and we should if we lost our temper of course there's no virtue in losing your temper while you're talking about the Lord. God loves you . I don't but he does. That that's not really probably the way to do it on the other hand on the other hand you really can't talk about Jesus effectively without running the risk of causing some confrontation and the reason is because he is controversial by nature his words and his deeds and his person are all controversial. His words and his deeds we will see more of as we continue in our study of the life of Jesus in the weeks in the months to come however his person is what we want to be talking about a little bit this morning just who he is in his character and this person is actually controversial the only way that you can discuss Jesus with people who do who haven't given their hearts to Him and not have some sense of. I don't mean angry confrontation but a sense of meaningful dialogue let's put it that way the only way you can do that is by watering down what the Bible actually says about him which of course is done on a regular basis in fact Jesus like in this in the public education system Jesus is not one of the people they like to have essays written about by students they're usually tell you don't write an essay about Jesus and the reason is again he's controversial and people who want to write about him will usually say the things about him that are written in the Bible and that then causes some controversy so don't be surprised if when you're discussing him talking about him involved in a life of bearing witness that at times there's going to be. Warm discussions sometimes rejection of you and sometimes. Some anger that's the way it works actually I want to show you a situation in which Jesus was having a fight with somebody you know we don't think of it that way but that's what was going on since John Chapter 8 and actually had lots of fights with people if you want to look at it for a view and from that perspective. He didn't pick them but he didn't back down from him either. They'd come to him and say somethin incendiary to get him upset or to make him trip himself up in something he would say John Chapter 8 John's Gospel. And he always held his ground he usually confounded them in one way or another occasionally caused some fire. And some frustration we're going to begin in verse 31 it says he's speaking to the Jews of course everybody was Jewish that he spoke to I mean he was Jewish and everybody else was to that he spoke to he didn't speak to Gentiles generally speaking there were not very many around and he hung around with the Jews on purpose and never the less that one says Jews what it means is usually Jewish leaders Ok so says the Jews usually means the leaders the important people and of course among important people is very important to be considered important and what we find about how the Lord deals with them is he doesn't agree with that and so they get a little upset verse 31 Jesus therefore was saying to those Jews who had believed him very interesting doesn't mean that they really had saving faith what it means is that they had a nuff curiosity to give him a hearing and we're going to see that the hearing they give him it gets them an earful really he says if you abide in my word then you are truly my disciples. And you shall know the truth the truth shall make you free. And they answered him they said We are Abraham's offspring and have never yet been in slave to anyone how is it that you say you shall be free Well actually they were Abraham's offspring but they've been enslaved as a nation to just about every other nation on earth for the past several 100 years it's interesting the Greeks ran over them in the end the Persians ran over them and now the Romans were running over them but see in their hearts they had never given in and Judea was one of the most difficult Palestine one the most difficult areas to rule for any nation that inherited it from a previous world ruler it was always really really hard because the Jews in their hearts believed and trusted that they didn't belong to anybody the very hard to rule from the outside and you can see it right here even though the Romans do deal was under direct Roman rule at the time these things were being said We are Abraham's offspring we've never been a slave to anybody really very interesting but you see the revealing where their heart is at he goes and he says Truly I say to you if you commit sin you're in slave to it he's talking about slavery to sin Well this is even a sore subject because by Abraham's offspring they thought they didn't need to be they didn't think they were enslaved to sin so the idea that they'd need to be free from that even made them upset. And he goes on. The slave does not remain in the house forever but the sun does remain forever so if the sun shall make you free you shall be free indeed he course is talking about himself and they are still not connecting with this in a faithful way he says I know that you are Abraham's offspring you don't have to tell me that yet you seek to kill me because my word has no place in you your not your not trusting me said you not listening to me I speak the things which I have seen with my father and therefore you also do the things which you have heard from your father who was he getting at will he he clarifies it in verse 44 where he says you are like your father the devil in case you hadn't been offended yet. But at this point he lets them respond again they said Abraham is our Father and Jesus said of Abraham if you were really Abraham's kids you would do what Abraham does verse $39.00 but as it is you seeking to kill me a man who told you the truth which I heard from God This Abraham did not do this is not the way Abraham was you're doing the deeds of your father he says that again in a minute you know he gets around to telling him what he really thinks of their spiritual condition but the verse I want to focus on about the character in the person of Jesus in the Koran in the context of this argument he's having with these guys is in verse 41 they said to him we are not born of fornication. We have one Father even God very interesting interesting for a couple of reasons it's a fascinating verse For one thing they're talking to the one person who really can say that he's the son of God and they're claiming to actually be the Son of God while trying to kill him all right so that's that's one whole line of thought that's in that verse but what I really want to point out is the line that says we are not fornication in fact if you read in an i.v. It says we are not illegitimate children we have one father. And the emphasis is on the word we not on the word illegitimate. Illegitimate is important in a sentence but the emphasis on the word we we are not illegitimate children implying what you. Implying we know your mom was pregnant with you before your mom and dad got married we know what happened we know your lineage we know your character well see they didn't know anything except one fact the pregnancy of Mary. And it was circulated in those days in circulated even to this very day to this very day that Jesus was the product of a Roman soldier and a liaison with Mary because the Romans had a garrison close by to Nazareth and that's what they're implying even at that time his character was under suspicion it see we don't see it that way we read the end into the beginning when we read the Bible stories we see the resurrection and especially as Christians we read back into these things you need to understand how controversial he was especially during certain times in his ministry and how misunderstood he was and how he did not bend over backwards to make it all straight all the time and explain himself he explained things to His disciples but there were a lot of times when he let his enemies hate him he just left them gave them permission in a sense to hate him the very amazing thing and a lot to learn from that but I just want to point out his controversial nature based on his character on his character on who he was and on a misunderstanding of who he was that on their part they didn't know who he was but they knew that his mom was pregnant out of wedlock Now that brings us to the reason why she was pregnant out of wedlock into the birth narrative which is in Luke chapters one in 2 so turn back there Luke wanted too. The most astounding miracle in the Bible is not the resurrection I made that comment last week when I'm a kid again today and I think it's important for you to understand the most astounding miracle the Bible is not the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the debt that's the most important one theologically from the perspective of salvation it's the one they preach about in the Bible in the New Testament it's all about the resurrection over and over and over again and it's astounding All right it's amazing that a person was dead that Jesus was dead for 3 days came back from the dead physically came back from the dead and walked around and talked to people that is an amazing amazing thing but really the most astounding miracle in the Bible is not the resurrection it's the Incarnation the incarnation is when God became man in the 1st place it is the conception of Jesus of Nazareth in the womb of Mary this actually set up the resurrection of what I mentioned last week and I want you to think through as Christian thinkers because that's what you are your Christian thinker you not just a Christian Sidor right right in your thinker Ok what I want you to think through is what I mentioned last week and I want to repeat now and that is that if the incarnation is true. Another words if Jesus is cruel most Soames came half from Mary and half from God If that's true. Then the amazing reality is not that he came back from the dead it's that he died in the 1st place because God cannot die and I want to get that solidly in our minds in order to experience death God had to be take on human nature because a human could die and so he experienced it that way. But if this is true if this incredible reality of the Incarnation is really true then he could not possibly have stayed dead he couldn't possibly stay dead in fact it was amazing that he died in the 1st place that he voluntarily gave up his own spirit as a human allowed himself to be executed like that that is actually the great miracle and as a matter of fact when you look deeper into theology in the New Testament this is the miracle that captures the attention of the Apostles that God loved us that much that he came to experience death that the Riyadh that's this ng Well the reason that is so awesome is because of the fact of who this person is you see it's the incarnation that sets this up and when when the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary you're in Luke chapter one or you should be here he said you're going to have a baby you're going to name him Jesus verses 31 and 35 you're going to have a baby you're going to name him Jesus he's going to be great and he's going to be called the Son of the most high and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and is Cain will have no end and Mary realizing that this couldn't be until after she got married said this can't be because I'm not married I'm a virgin and the angel said verse $35.00 The Holy Spirit will come upon you in the end the power of the most high will overshadow you and for that reason the holy offspring shall be called the Son of God Now that is the chromosome thing Ok what he's saying is this child actually will be not half god don't let anybody tell you he's half god half man that's a hybrid what he is is all God and all man is no such thing as half a god. So this thing is half a man right and we could and we were clear on this Ok half a guy is a dead guy you understand Ok we're talking a whole human nature and all the divine nature 2 natures in one the chromosomes split half marries half gods. That's what he's saying here and the angel kind of just spills this out like you should be able to handle this with no problem. That's what's going to happen Mary see later just like wow now people honestly do have a difficult time with this. And I'll tell you why it's without precedent of course it's completely without precedent if you listen to the who Jesus is and by the way a lot of people claim to be Christians who deny this what it which I have a you know a real hard real hard time you know the 100 reasons why they shouldn't do that nevertheless they do and the reason is it's without precedent it's hard to grasp it's never been done and the Bible doesn't ever claim that it has precedent by the way it's supposed to be a sign everybody supposed to take notice of it's supposed to be a once in the universe kind of a thing and certainly it is but when I talk to folks who have a difficult time with the Incarnation based on the fact that it's never been done I ask them Do you believe in God not do you believe in the incarnation or do you trust the Incarnation and often amazingly people will say yes I believe in God. And I wonder if it's true. Because the next thing to turn to is Genesis 11 what did God do he created Well he created the whole universe is a little bit of sperm a real problem for him. Seriously. She the problem here is it's actually called his word for it's called unbelief our theology is kind of goofy about things God says look if I'm God I can do if I created the whole thing in the 1st place why could I not do this city. What I wonder sometimes if atheism I wonder if atheism masquerades as faith sometimes for all practical purposes some people go to church a lot I don't necessarily mean anybody in this church. I hope but there are people who go to church maybe even raised in the church who've never really grappled with this and when they come across miracles are forever explaining them away when the Bible's very clear about them. And they explain this away to some of the men try to explain the resurrection away and yet they say well I'm a Christian I'm going No that sounds much more like atheism because if you really believe there is a God and he really created and you really believe his son's name is Jesus then why the problem with the virgin conception that's what it is rather than virgin birth technically it's a virgin conception why the problem with that and if you have never wrestled with it maybe you should because I'll tell you if you wrestle with this you know who this person is that he's 100 percent God a 100 percent man that has both those natures then all of a sudden the world should pop open for you in regards to putting your faith in him you should be able to trust him completely if you know that's the truth about him he's the one who knows you inside out and loves you and knows what it means to be human. And knows what it means to be in a musty dusty dirty world which is what we're going to talk about his birth in just a moment now to see no one else in the world is like this Jesus is unique the one and only be gotten Son of God That's only begun means a reference to his uniqueness So if you've never wrestled with the Incarnation you do sell. I mean really wrestle with it until you've got it right in your heart that you know this person is God and man because that is exactly what he is that's who he is and it's at that point that your faith can be released into his hands a God who doesn't know you a Jesus who isn't God or however you want to put it will not do and it's not New Testament Christianity interesting Lee It is this idea about Jesus that separates all world religions from Christianity and especially Judaism and Islam one of the major differences between Christianity and Judaism is what you just read right here and who he really is. And of course Judaism would completely reject the idea that Jesus is both God and man and so also what Islam Islam was born as a as a religion in a by the 78700 years after Christ Ok And when the Moslems overran the Holy Land and took it away from the Christians which then prompted the Crusades All right Chris a it's what the Christians taken a back right are trying to which they did for about 100 years they had back the Moslems when they did that they built mosques and on their mount mosques over the doors you can find in scripture an inscription in Arabic which says this God is not be gotten and he does not beget Now why do you suppose they put these permanent inscriptions there's they're still there after a 1000 years and more why do you suppose they did this over their mosques because they understood this they understood what we're reading and they understood what Christianity has always understood about Jesus and they're saying we don't believe it and we and we will rebuke it and we will kill anybody who believes it's a matter of fact at that time that was exactly the case. And you can still see it to this very day. Well you see this is a dividing line this is uniquely true of Jesus if you don't want to have a fight about Jesus eventually with somebody then you can have to water all of this down but I encourage you not to water it down I encourage you not to fight unless you have to but listen your faith is well founded on the documentation of Christianity Jesus is the God man and I know by the way I I know I'm giving you straight theology here this is straight theology the kind you would get if you were in a theology class at a seminary or at a Bible College and it's usually not the kind of thing that is open discussion on a Sunday morning in a in a church but I want to but it and know that I want to I want you to know the phrase the dual nature of Christ I want you to know how to say these things I want you to when people start talking about it I would love nothing more than to know that you could open up your Bible right here and say no no no no this is the real Jesus and I tell you your life won't be boring if you get into conversations like that it we won't maybe a lot of things will be boring and I would love for you to be able to do that so I make no apologies for teaching straight theology I think it's important for us to understand and get into our heads permanently Well all of that brings us to the birth narrative and here's why because this person who is God is actually born in such a way as you would not expect God to be born in fact the opposite of how he is born or how you would expect him to be born and very very different than our own celebration of Christmas I'm so glad to teach this later in the year than Christmas because Christmas time we can a kind of get clogged up with lots of pine boughs and Christmas balls and Christmas cards with little cabins with snow around them and you know sleigh bells there were no sleigh bells Ok There were no sleepers there was no snow there was no cabin with a little fire of warm in the you know in the end there was no there were no Christmas carols there words nothing at all the real. That we associate with Christmas whatsoever going on at this time it was a difficult period in history we'll talk more about that next week very hard time in history a very hard place to be born of all of if God God could choose wherever he wanted to be born and he chose a place where there was no birthing center. Seriously I'm a grandfather I was there for the for the birth of our 1st grandson awesome awesome experience I was so glad for the drugs. And the doctor and the nurse and everybody in the warm glow of the birthing center . And I read the story and I think there was no grandfather here I'll tell you you read this story in Luke Chapter 2 know grandad was in charge of this thing. Well. How different How odd how very very odd and I want you to grasp that one shouldn't forget what you know about Christmas and I want you to think what it would have been like on the 1st time. The year was about 6 b.c. Jesus was always shocks people find out Jesus was born 6 years before he was born. I know I know but it's true he was born in 6 b.c. Our dates are wrong they were done in 525 or 53580 and they did a little wrong math and figured it out wrong but it was too late to change it so we're stuck but we know it was really born between 6 maybe 5 b.c. And some people some scholars think maybe as early as early early 4 b.c. And the reason we know is because they finally figured out when Quirinius was the governor of Syria and when the census was taken in Luke dates it Luke dates it by that so you know just don't worry about the date very much. Chapter 2 of Luke verse one it came about in those days that if you create one out from Caesar Augustus that a census be taken of all the inhabited earth and this was the 1st census taken while acquiring us was governor Syria Wow 6 b.c. Augustus by the way thought he was God that's very interesting thing and we'll see more little more about him in the future and a lot of the Roman Empire thought he was God too. And he says we're going to have a census why would he have a sense as well because they needed taxation they had to count the people and the Romans did land taxes they tax land so normally in a normal province they just took the land you got they and they said we have tax you on the land you got the problem with the Jewish land was that it was owned by clans it was owned by families that trace their lineage way back and so you had to go back to the family plot back to the family land back to wherever your ancestors 1st inherited land in the Jewish world way way back that's why the Romans said Ok for the Jews were going to let him go all back to their homes to their ancestral homes and that's why both Joseph and Mary had to travel back to Bethlehem because they were both descended from David's family and that's where the family land was see and by the way both of them were married lineage to David is recorded in Luke's gospel chapter 3 and Joseph's lineage to David is recorded in Matthew so they both had to go back there what they did was they got the families back there and then the you know counted noses and they wrote everything down and and then they took the amount of land then he divided it up by all the family members and that was your land taxes you divided it up so you paid a portion of the of those going on well that's why they had to go see that's why they had to travel there during this time they were proceeding to register for the census everybody to his own city and Joseph also went up from Galilee from the city of Nazareth to Judea to the City of David lives about 80 miles south from now as a rift into the hills of Judea which is why they call it up into the hills of Judea because he was a house the family of David in order to register along with Mary who was engaged to him and was with child and it came about while they were there the days were completed for her to give birth and they didn't plan it this way of course though it is a fulfillment of Micah 52 that Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem but they didn't plan it this way and in all honesty they probably had been there some time before she gave birth. We because we have a lot of Christmas card stuff in our minds about Christmas tend to think we see the picture you know you've seen the picture the silhouette of Mary pregnant writing on this little donkey and Joseph walking along in front you know and she's like 9 months pregnant on the donkey walking along and she gets there just in time to have the baby there in Bethlehem and that's the way we see it actually she was probably there months ahead of time may have been there months at a time probably at least days maybe weeks and maybe months because it took a long time to do all this stuff to calculate everybody right everybody down go through the whole rigamarole for the registration and there's another reason that Joseph might have taken her down there early she spent 3 months with her Aunt Elizabeth. Before John the Baptist was born and I wonder if Joseph when he married her being said Mary or now. I want you to marry her but you keep her virgin until after the baby is born and he did that I wonder if he didn't maybe take her away from Nazareth down to Bethlehem just about the time she was starting to show. Now why would you do such a thing. Because Nazareth and Cain at the little town next to. Times and you can ask for 00035 if you have questions about this study you can reach us through our website by telephone or you can write a willing heart to Radio 881 Highway 62. Again 975 to 4 thank you for joining us today. And. We hope you've enjoyed our time together. Is a production of trail Christian Fellowship helping people think like Jesus. Cayle d.c. 95.3 f.m. Across broadcasting station. Teddy Roosevelt said a thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education Hello I'm Steve Gregg I don't have a college education but I am the host of the narrow path and I do know the Bible somewhat and I invite you to come and talk about the Bible with me on the air every weekday on the narrow path radio broadcast. Greg answering your questions live on the radio Monday through Friday from the read of 4 pm on Kal d.c. 95.3 f.m. And 12 20 am and 247 has a narrow path God. Has the answer for our uncertainty. I'm too tired God sands if you raise and sense and Matthew 112813 find comfort in the good word on this call for broadcasting station. You can hear all of our powerful Christian programs online at 1220 k l d c dot com 24 hours of live online streaming. Hello Denver thank you for taking the time to tune into the radio broadcast of Denver Christian Bible Church Pastor 10 teacher is John a moral and it is our hope and prayer but the message you are about to hear will be glorifying to God and strength to each and every one of you our listeners and the reminders of the cross is our only hope for now and eternity whether you're riding in your car or sitting at your desk at work sit back relax and allow God's Holy Spirit to minister to you through Pastor more than. A man joe 42 if you got to let me know by standing on your feet. As we come to the last message in this installment of messages under the series caption trusting God through troubled times Job Chapter 42 you got to say man. I want to read for our consideration just the 1st 6 verses help me hold a girl's. Then Job answered The Lord. And know that you can do everything. Think about the don't just roll past. How many times in our prayer in response to God Do we take time to acknowledge things like that don't just roll over that. He goes on to say I'm bad no purpose of yours can be with hail from you the old King James says no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Us. Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge this is job now acknowledging God's question to him back in chapter 38 when God speaks up to it. He says Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand things too wonderful for me which I did not know. Listen please and let me speak. You said I will question you and you shall answer me. And here's Joe us final resolution at the end of all the questioning and answering. He says I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear. But now my. C.s.u. . One thing they hear about Goddess another thing to see him and to know him for yourself so after he gets a picture of God He gets a picture of himself and he says Therefore I abhor myself. And repent in dust and ashes God bless you you may be seated in the presence of the Lord and the Lord would be pleased to help me today I want to speak from this start our right response to a sovereign God. A right response. To a sovereign God can make a live touch your neighbor wants us a neighbor. I'll come and say like you mean a neighbor heard our right response to a sovereign God. Touch other neighbor now plus and say other neighbor come up push him a little more personal or say other neighbor above there is a right way. To respond to a sovereign God I look at hearsay Pastor Alex teach us about the right way the Back to respond to a sovereign God. It's what I want to talk about today. A right response to a sovereign God. Praise Team has been so gracious to leave me some extra preaching time today so if you give me about an hour and a half or 2 was Meet me here. About a year ago now Senator John McCain was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Yesterday he succumbed to the tumor folded up his earthly tent and moved to his eternal home. For those of you who don't know the life of Senator John McCain He was an Annapolis graduate. A naval aviator and came from a long line of Navy officers in fact he was at least a 3rd generation naval officer both his dad and his paternal grandfather were 4 star admiral Zz in the Navy. However the maverick as some call him is not known for being the Naval Academy graduate that he was in fact he graduated near the bottom of this class at Annapolis he's not renowned for his aviation skills Senator McCain is most well known for the dignity and honor he displayed while being held as a prisoner of war for 5 and a half years after being shot down over North Vietnam. I read a little bit on his life after hearing about his passing in the records says he was offered a chance to return home early. But he recognized this as a propaganda ploy from the North Vietnamese and his father as a 4 star admiral was the commander of all of the Pacific forces at that time and he was afraid that if he were let go it would send the message to all of the other prisoners that he had violated the prisoner of war code of conduct which said 1st in 1st out this is to say the P.O.W.'s should be released in the order in which they are received so John McCain refused early release and said that he would only go if all of the P.O.W.'s who were captured before him were released 1st. The commander of the p.o.w. Camp was infuriated by his refusal to accept the offer to leave early and he assured McCain the things would get very bad for him and they most certainly did he suffer torture. After he had the jet hit over North Vietnam before crashing into the body of water that was before him the equipment that he was carrying was causing him to sink he awoke under water and with fractured arms that's why he could not live either one of them above his head were fractured arms a fractured femur he was captured by the North Vietnamese he took a bayonet to the leg a bayonet to the growing area and spent 6 months recovering from that during his recovery he lost more than $100.00 pounds and depression said the end to the point that he attempted suicide he was caught by the North Vietnamese guard in his p.o.w. Camp in the midst of trying to kill himself but he refused to dis honor what he stood for now you may or may not agree with his political stances over certain issues but no one here can say that he did not endure hardship that was set before him with honor I thought about that and I thought if a man is willing to suffer for his country in such a dignified manner how much more should we be willing to suffer for the cause of cries and for the Kingdom say. And as I look at the life of McCain It mirrors in a certain way the life of Joe And as we study Job's life we learned many lessons as I thought about this in preparing the sermon this week I reflected over my studies and some of the lessons that we learned we learned integrity matter of fact his wife criticized him for holding on to his integrity and encouraged him Joe you are to curse God and. We learned this idea of in durance as the old sayings was say to keep all on keeping on we learn what it means to have faith to not doubt even in the midst of the worst of our trials Joe doubt of himself he doubted the voracity of his life he doubted the certainty of his future but he never doubted the ability of his god. We learn what it means to be Faith thought not only to have faith but to employ faith in real life circumstances but if I had to state in one word and if you've been sleep now is a good time to wake up as we were a foundation to the sermon where we're headed today if I had to stay in one word and I thought long and hard about this this week and prayed long and hard about this this week if I had to stay in one word what the Book of Job teaches us it would be this supper and. Sovereignty. The fact that God is in all of and overall and the only response to God's sovereignty can be human surrender let me say that again can I take my time to thank you praise team for give me a few more minutes I don't feel the pressure of the cart today let me say it again the only response to a sovereign God. Can be human surrender. For when someone is sovereign they don't need permission or allowance they do not require the vote of a board or a committee. By definition a sovereign God can do what ever he wants to when he wants to how he wants to and with whom he wants to I want to say the most important thing I want to say all day right now I believe one of the greatest hindrances to seeing and experiencing God in the fullness of who he is is our refusal to accept his son for him and. We wrestle with God in times of hardship rather than surrendering to his sovereign control we kick against the pricks as one Arthur has said we were a bear all we reject anything from God except that which pleases us . And I believe one of the reasons that we make our way hard or harder than it has to be and one of the reasons that we don't see God in the fullness of who years and that we don't experience our relationship with him in the fullness of what it can be is we refuse to accept his Sarver n.t. To understand that God is never summoned he only since. God is never directed He is the director of the lines is one scene apart and another acted out upon his staves of redemption and he is the writer the producer the director and the star of the every era he owns the rights to everything here found this in a general way throughout the book of Job with his series Arbor tour questions and dialogue that he has with Joe But in 41 the 11 he leaves nothing to guess he simply says jolt everything under heaven is mine. We see God's sovereignty in the life of Joe and we get a micro view of his sovereignty even in our own lives so I want to do today you step into the text this morning and see what lessons there are to be learned about God sovereignty and how we respond to him during times of human trial. He is the 1st thing I want to see and it comes from Verse 2 if this is no that you speaking of God This is Joe talking you can do everything the no purpose of yours can be with tales from you here's the 1st thing I want to see that happen with job that needs to happen with us in times of hardship there is a realisation about God there's a realization. About god no joke teaches us in verse 2 I think at least 4 realizations at least 4 realizations by the statement that he makes the 1st thing he lets us know is that guard is in a word omnipotent. This is to say that a guard is all powerful where we see that we see that where he makes the declaration God you can do everything or you can do anything what are you saying is a God is powerful or he is omnipotent now say with me because if Guard is a tent this is her as mean that he is also our mission all knowing as well as me present these everywhere at the same time let me see if I can say it again Joe says that God is omnipotent and if that is true and I believe that is it also has to mean that God is our mission then he is all knowing and it also has to mean their God is our only present that he is everywhere at the same time let me make my case our military are all powerful must also mean all knowing How do I say that or why do I say that because power is only power to the degree that you have the knowledge to use it therefore one cannot claim to be are powerful and not also hair oh knowledge by which to employ said Power Likewise you cannot claim to be our mission this is all knowing without also being present Think about it if there is any thing no matter how small happening in any part of the universe no matter how distant but you do not. Have knowledge of you can not be all knowing Therefore in order to be our knowing you must also be army present So when you take your potential our missions and only present and you put them together in one being that being here is by definition Southbridge he has the power the knowledge and the a bale ability to do whatever he so chooses However he so chooses and wherever he so chooses so when told says in verse to know that you can do everything he is saying in effect that God is sovereign Otherwise our new protect our mission and omnipresent Where are my the guard we serve the air is the 2nd thing I want you to see not only is there a realization about God help me Holy Ghost there is a realisation about self. Somebody say you cannot know God deeply until you know yourself deeply and you cannot know yourself deeply unless you know God deeply So Joe has this realization about God if you with me say amen and then he has this realization about himself look at it in verse 3 Us Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge. Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand and this is job now he's ignore Elegy guards indictment of him as true as true you asked this guard who is this who cause knowledge without or who calls understanding without knowledge and he acknowledges that he says I have other what I did not understand things too wonderful for me which I did not know and then he said I have heard of you by the hearing of ear but now my eyes see you he has a realization are only about God but then he has an introspective and reflection and a realization upon himself. I think he sees at least 2 things in themselves by virtue of his confession one he see is that he's ignorant. You and I would do well to see Are you nervous and by ignorant I mean he says there are some things that I just don't know. I don't know you think you know everything I know you think you know even was best for you but job helps us to realize both you and me that I am utterly ignorant there was something there I just don't know. And then there's a 2nd thing I think the job sees and helps us to see not only am I ignorant but then he says I am limited in scope. So I'm ignorant there's something there I just don't know then I'm limited in scope this is to say other things that I do know there is a limit to how well how much and how deeply I know they're. Going to see if I can make it plain for you I know that I go to sleep at night as do you but how do you go to sleep at night. Without doubt that. What steps does my own conscious systems take to allow sleep to come upon me and for me to get into that room level of sleep where dreams happen and I'm unconscious of what's going on around me who here can answer that for me. Or are you know that I wake up in the morning. But how do I really wake up. On the out there. I mean like wake up sequence does my body go through for me to get up in the morning. Now I know you sit there quiet because you are as I was confounded by this question we never really think about it but I want to challenge you to think a little deeper this morning you know know all that you know is you wake up but what happens that causes me to wake up. Ok let me see if I can take you go deeper how many hairs are on your hear. How many sales are in your body. Do you remember the last time that you cried raising his You do remember last time that you cried Let me hear how many tears did you actually shared. Let me ask another question How tall are you exactly. If you look at my military records there are some the same party and there are some s.a.m. 511 there are some there say our entire team have a hair how tall are you exactly there are some of you the smile question may sound silly and elementary but here's why it's not because God knows the number of hairs there on your head Jesus said it look 12 or 7 the very hairs of your hair are number he knows how many cubits are in your stature he borrows your tears some 56 and he says you have collected my tears in your bio you have recorded each one in your book he knows how many sales are in your body he laid down last night and as you slipped them somebody in the very image of their He woke you up this morning how did he do it he did it through a server and divine power. No no no no no when you see the fact that God is sovereign in authority he's on limited knowledge he's on Belvin capacity he's unrestricted in power the only way to relate to a sovereign God ears. What is fades into the picture here help me hold the girls if he enters the picture because when Guard begins to exercise divine and sovereign power rocketed in our life Faith is what gives you the result to hold on even though you do not understand faith is what gives you the ability to wait until your change comes faith is the only right and reasonable response to the sovereign God. So who are talking to him here today as you look at your life and there's things that are going aren't that you just don't understand what should my response be jolt teaches us our response should be faith to keep all believing to keep all trusting in God If you are with the same Am and faith. To believe that God is. I laugh sometimes I hear people say that God is now real. Can ask you or maybe a little bit of a philosophical question. How do you know enough about the sovereign God to determine that he's not a real. I mean like is there or is there a god job description somewhere that you can look at and then look at the universe and say that God is not doing his job and conclude that because he is not doing his job he must not really exist. To say that God is not all knowing is to say that you know everything. Because it's only the result of having knowledge of every thing can one say with certainty that guard is not all knowing and even if you could say that you would then be the all knowing girl. What's the lesson that you're trying to give me Preacher let's start trying to figure God out let's follow him birth faith and we have the guarantee that one day we will know him as we are known because Joel serious her know that my redeemer lives and he shall stand. Only earth which jerks I gotta keep our belief and faith is not only our sin you gotta know for yourself that your Redeemer who does what job was mean when he said I have heard you with my ears. See you for Marcel. The testimony of the Saints a came before you will only take you so far and it's good for inspiration but there will come a time in your life where you gotta get past information and you gotta get to actually as a show where the rubber meets the road and when the rubber meets the road you've heard a song for yourself you don't have a shelf for yourself you better know the car for your search. I like the rich the traditions just as much if not more than anybody else but I have lived long enough now to know this the church tradition that I came from will only take me so far and it was only teach me so now are you that appear to put a prayer in the will cause for yourself when the right starts Razan help you that appear to be in your knees and talk to your guard for your service for us are you in the house with me today oh Ok. You got to be able to get in touch with him. For yourself I'm almost done. There's a realization about God there's realization Marcel and then Joker pins. I want. About this because I'm like Ok the text clearly teaches us that the joke was some bird just say perfect and upright Ok now we know that he wasn't perfect in this idea that he was sinless the word that mean that he was spiritually mature. He could he could be looked to as a model of what it meant to have faith. This concludes another broadcast of the Christian Bible Church thank you so much for taking the time to Tunis it is our prayer and hope that what you have heard serves as food to nourish your soul and biblical direction for life in the days to come we'd like to invite you to join us for one of our worship services are Bible study for all ages as held on Thursdays at 6 30 pm you should feel free to dine with us before Thursday Bible study at 5 30 pm Sunday worship begins at 10 30 am This includes children's church and nursery services we're located at 4625 East Iowa avenue of Denver Colorado 80222 you may also visit us on the web at Denver Bible dot org Or you can download all of past them all and sermons for free or connect with us on Facebook or download our free mobile app for your i Phone or Android device just search for Denver Christian Bible church you should also feel free to give us a call at 303-223-6133 we hope to see you and services and if the Lord should come before we see you in service that will see you in the clouds. And. The shallow messages k l d c 95.3 depth that speaks to you. Welcome to every day moments with Joyce Meyer there are a lot of people in the world just spinning their wheels trying to figure out why something isn't working maybe this is you if it is you might not know what a dead work is here's Joyce. Well what is the dead work and are you possibly doing any of them well really a dead work is a work that doesn't work and what that really means is it's like I'm trying to do something only God can be like for example I tried for a long time to change my husband I tried to change my kids I tried to change myself and I was worn out all the time I tried to make my ministry grow I was always trying to do something and then I found out that those were dead works I had no life in him because it wasn't God doing something it was me trying to do something if Asians 289 says it's by grace that we're saved delivered from judgment and it's through our faith that we receive that salvation is not because of our striving not the result of what anyone can do but it's a gift of God and I would venture to say that everything else that goes on between us and God everything that we have is the result of that same formula you find innovations to $8.00 and $9.00 it has to be by grace and not by works otherwise it's not acceptable to God. Now be sure to start following Joyce on Facebook just head to facebook dot com slash and Joyce Meyer Ministries this is a site designed for you to connect with all things Joyce Meyer could do it today. Safely classics. On. Your pop classic station on our sister station legends 810 calle v.z. . You're listening to calle d.c. On h.d. 122895 point 3 f.m. And streaming online at 1220 k. On d.c. Dot com a proffered broadcasting of God and country station. Welcome to a word for life a word for life is the radio ministry from the Word of Life Bible Fellowship in Tacoma and now let's join Pastor Michael Fields as he brings us a word for life in. The.

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