I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the glorious Father may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know him better Amen and so he is the Spirit of wisdom he will show you the wisdom of God the plans of God the purposes the ways the answers the solutions of God the direction of God for your life Hala yet. You know one of the most important things that every Christian needs to learn is how to be led by the Holy Spirit. Literally the answer to a 1000000 and one questions is be led by the spirit you say well what should I do should I do this or this be led by the Spirit should I take this job or not be led by the Spirit should I go there or not be led by the Spirit should I marry him or not be led by the Spirit the answer to a 1000000 and one questions is be led by the Holy Spirit in John 1613 it says but when he the Spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth he will not speak on his own he will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come and that doesn't necessarily mean what's yet to come for the United States and Russia know what's yet to come for you for your life what does your future hold and how does God direct you or navigate your life into the perfect place and plan that God has for your life because God's plan is a perfect plan it's a good plan. God said and in Jeremiah 2911 for I know the plans that I have for you says the Lord plane lands to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future God's plans another translation says for good and not for evil or good and not bad. And so God's plans for you are for good and yesterday we were looking at some 23. Verses 2 and 3. First of all let's look at verse 3 it says in verse 3 he restored us my soul he guides me in paths of righteousness for his namesake Now what is right to snus mean righteousness means right just means right it's an old English word it just means right rightness so you could say it like this he guides me in right paths in right paths in the right path for me well let's go back up to verse 2 then he makes me lie down in green pastures to say he makes me or leads me to dry brown bear and desolate pastures no. It says green pastures what is a green pasture What does that mean what does that represent a green pasture I mean I can just this is you know referring to sheep. Jesus and John Chapter 10 said My sheep know my voice so he called us sheep you are His sheep in and Psalms it also says we are the sheep of his pasture there's a lot of scripture is that refer to us as sheep and he is our shepherd. Well if he is our shepherd Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd. Well does a good shepherd lead sheep to a desert place to a thorny place or to a cliff where they fall over the edge and die I know he leads them a good shepherd in Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd. And so a good shepherd is going to lead this sheet to a place where they're safe secure and well fed well fed so when I think about a sheep lying in a green pasture. They are lying down there in that soft green grass just lying down and they are they have to do is to stretch out their net to get a nibble of grass and they can just be sell lazy are most just move a little bit at a time an inch at a time and nibble nibble nibble on their grass while they're lying down in the green pasture and it's a soft pasture it's not rocky. Does he make them lay on rocks rocks are sharp and pointed and they hurt I mean if you've got tender feet and you're used to always wearing shoes and you go try to walk on the rocks you're going out out out that hurts out well that's the same as a rocky place he doesn't make you lie down in a place where you go through that hurts Ouch he's not leading you to a place where you're hurt but to a place of safety security. Rest and abundant supply. And then it goes on to say he leads me beside Quiet Waters does it say that he leads me beside rough and stormy waters tumultuous storms waves that are going to crash and wash me away so that I drown in it no quiet this word quiet means peaceful and quill. Sell I'm going to say something very challenging. If you are in a rocky place if you are in a dry brown bear and hard place the good shepherd did not lead you there the Holy Spirit did not lead you there if you're living in a stormy life tumultuous life. The Holy Spirit did not lead you into the storm. He leads you to the place of rest and if you are built on the rock. Let's consider a moment the parable of Jesus that he said this is what the man is like who builds his house on the rock when the storm comes he does not his house does not fall because its built on the rock. Well who is the one that built his house on the rock What did Jesus say is the rock . He who hears these words of mine and obeys them I'm challenging you I'm challenging you with this. Let's go back to it it's in Luke. Luke chapter. 7 Chapter 6 Luke Chapter 6 or Matthew 7 let's look at Luke 646 Loop 646 Why do you call me Lord Lord and do not do what I say we're going to get into this in the study obedience. Obedience. Verse 47 says I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice he is like a man building a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock when a flood came so I'm not saying storms and floods don't come but what happens when they come when a flood came the torrent struck but could not shake it because it was well built it was built on the rock. So you see it was built on the rock and we asked the question before what is the rock a lot of Christians think oh that's just Jesus that means you're saved you're born again Christian Well that's not what he's talking about. You see he says in verse 49 but the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation the moment the torrent struck that house it collapsed and its destruction was complete Let's look at it in Matthew 7 and Matthew 724 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock notice the 1st part is hear my words hear my words and you can also say the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the voice of God speaking to you and the Word of God is the voice of God. The Written Word of God is the voice of God and the Holy Spirit is the voice of God. So you've got to hear his voice and that's all we're talking about how to hear God's voice and how to be led by the Spirit if you hear these words of mine and put them into practice that's obedience then you are the wise man when the storm comes and blows on the House it does not fall. Because its foundation is on the rock so what is the rock the rock is hearing and obeying God's word. You could say the voice of the Holy Spirit. Being led by the Holy Spirit hearing and obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit will cause your house to be built on the rock so that when a storm comes there are storms that blow by everybody you are not alone you may think your storm is worse than everyone else's it probably isn't but how well are you built. How well is your life built your spiritual life that is are you built on hearing God's voice and doing what he says to do. And the one whose house collapsed. Is the one who heard but did not obey and you can even include in that they didn't even hear some Christians don't pay attention God is speaking but they're not listening they're not listening you must hear and obey. And so that when a storm comes you are a well built you that's your spiritual life is well built when your spiritual life is well built then your finances will get well built to your marriage will get well built in your mind will get well built your body will get well built your job will get well built your your family your children will get well built when your spirit is well built and when your spirit is well built on hearing God's voice and learning to follow him in every choice every decision that you make you will always be in the right place at the right time. And then God can preserve you and protect you so you might even have a storm blow by but it won't even shake as it says in Luke 6 it did not shake it it did not shake it you will not even be shaken if you are easily shaken then you are not well built I've been in the overseas a lot you know and we hear about tragedies of tsunamis and earthquakes and hurricanes that wipe out and bring desolation to so many people around the world but you know in a lot of those countries where you hear great destruction has taken place. These places like Haiti for example when that great destruction came in Haiti their buildings were not well built they're just like sticks that are built into a little stick ousts and and because of that when a storm an earthquake comes it is only crashes but here in the United States architects and engineers engineers especially have learned the science of building buildings that can withstand earthquakes I mean that's what they're doing in California building buildings that can withstand earthquakes. Powerful earthquakes they learn how to build them strong even when you build a concrete house it's much stronger than a grass house or a stick couse. And so that's why so many in these 3rd world countries they lose everything because everything was just built out of sticks. Sticks and grass and it falls apart Well if your life is not well built on God's word and on hearing God's voice going where God says go doing what God says do making the right choice in every situation if you are not doing that then your life your house is not well built and then it can collapse in a storm so it is so vitally important that we learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit can help you make the right decision at the right time to be in the right place at the right time as we said yesterday I gave some examples of a couple different men who through investments the Holy Spirit showed them where to invest where not to invest and many times it was contrary to the expert opinions. And they would follow though the spirit and the Holy Spirit literally made them wealthy millionaires because the Holy Spirit showed them how and where to invest if you always follow the Holy Spirit you will never make a mistake you will always be in the right place at the right time so that you can live a long life a victorious life a life of victory a life of overcoming he can literally save your life and I want to throw out to you in a some a lot of Christians have asked questions about why God did you let all those people die in the September 11th 911 attack 2001 why God did you let all those people die in that 911 attack of terrorists Well let me show you something I doubt that. The statistics report that in those 2 twin towers. There could be as many as 60000 people 660-1000 people on any given business day how many died in that attack record shows around 3000 now yes 3000 is a lot and it's terrible but what is 3000 compared 260000. 5 percent. 5 percent that means God saved the lives of 95 percent of all the people that were there that could have been there that day God saved the lives of 95 percent of all the people who could have been there and could have died only 5 percent died now I believe those 5 percent could have been saved if they would have listened to God to the Holy Spirit because after that $911.00 attack reports came in to churches and ministries around this country by countless numbers of how many people said they could have been there that day but God through orchestrating their life cause them to not be there at that time sometimes they didn't even realize they were following the Holy Spirit there was more than one that was late to work that day. In New York City you can almost set your watch by the punctuality of people going in and out of those businesses in those towers people are on time people keep the clock in yet for some mysterious reason. That is God Many were late to work that day story after story after story came and one person said they had to make an extra stop on the way to dropping their child to school because the child had to get something before school so they took them to get what they needed before school they were late to work and they missed the attack another one said something similar and another one people that were just plain late that would not have normally been late and these were Christians that God mysteriously they didn't even realize they were being led but they were being saved from that carriage B. I heard of another story of a man who forgot where he supposed to go that day he had an appointment he was driving out of New York City the opposite direction out of the city thinking he was supposed to go somewhere else when I was out and as he was driving down the highway he remembered oh my appointments not this way today my appointments back in the Twin Towers but by the time he got turned around the Twin Tower tragedy had already occurred he had missed it but those are people that didn't even really realize they were being led but they were born again and God was helping them to be out of that place in another place but they were also those who heard God's voice there was one person who is going into the lobby of one of those towers and they heard the voice of God said run they turned and they ran out the door ran down the street and then the tower collapsed another one was going in I think it was in the 2nd tower after the 1st tower had already fallen they had evacuated the 2nd tower but then they thought OK everything's OK everybody can go back in as they're going back again one woman who is a bullied. Her Christian heard God say get out of here now and take as many people with you as you can she turned and she said we've got to get out of here now we've got to get out of here those that listen followed they got out and were saved those that did not listen were lost God was saving people's lives by the hundreds and thousands in tens of thousands on that day and I can tell you story after story and I will as we continue this study about how God has literally saved be people's lives sometimes they knew it and sometimes they didn't know many times though they heard the voice of God and they obeyed and acted and that saved their life I'm telling you if you don't follow God you can die early every car accident I am convinced of this could be avoided if we follow the Holy Spirit to be in the right place place at the right time Amen and so I just want to encourage you we can always be safe we can always be cared for if we follow the Holy Spirit we must the most vitally important thing you can learn is how to be led by the Holy Spirit Well I'm out of time we will continue our study tomorrow and all this week and next week about how to be led by the Holy Spirit so Remember God loves you you are blessed and honey favored by the Lord. We're glad you joined us today for victorious faith with charity Campbell we invite you to visit our website at Victoria's faith. Where you can listen to the Victoria Street Radio broadcasts 24 hours a day find the Biblical study helps context Cherry with your prayer requests reports see charities itinerary. Order weekly broadcasts on CD and make donations each week's broadcasts are available on one CD for a donation of any amount victorious faith is a God and partners support of ministry as you so seed and partner with this ministry we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life you may also write to us at P.O. Box 1418 Castle Rock Colorado 80104 Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith and remember faith is the victory that overcomes the world you are blessed and highly favored by the Lord. Less negativity less division less distraction just praise for his truth Kal D.C. $95.00 F.M. . Willing Heart Radio attached to Rick boy do you know what happens to your soul when he looks in your eyes and he says your name. Imagine. Just him looking in and saying in your name do you know what happens to you. Because that's what happens to this in real faith is taking place understanding God's plan one lesson at a time willing heart radio attached to Rick Boyer Monday through Friday at 9 30 am right here on YOUR god and country station 1220 calle D.C. . Calle D.C. 95.3 F.M. Across broadcasting station welcome to enjoying every day life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer. On today's program Joyce will be teaching from her series living on purpose or purpose you only get one life what are you doing with yours many times it's easy to lose focus on Lisa. Side of God's plan in this series Joyce will be sharing on how to bring peace and joy to your every day busy life from personal experience she wants to encourage you to overcome adversity and seize every opportunity it's true life can be hectic but you can learn simple ways to make each day count and take charge of your life with more ideas in a variety of Bible study resources and downloads be sure to check out Joyce Meyer dot org forward slash study to help you dig deeper into God's word now here's Joyce with today's teaching living on purpose for a purpose. Now I want talking for a few minutes about God's will and man's will God has a will for each of us something that he has preordained for us to do but the fact that he's preordained that doesn't mean that it's going to automatically happen sometime over the next 3 sessions we're going to look at. A scripture that talks about how God has laid out a good plan predestined and pre-determined a good plan for every one of our lives that includes. A good plan not a mediocre plan not a half point plan a good plan and it says he's laid it out that way he might walk in it that you might walk in it say God says this is what I'm determined now do you want I love when he told Joshua every place on which the soul of your foot shall tread that have I already given unto you. God's already got all kinds of stuff prepared for you but now you've got to start finding out what it is and moving into it and let me tell you something when you start doing the will of God everybody you know may not clap and cheer. Whoever needed that can just have that. Now. Now I want to say something to you and this is kind of what I'm trying to get around to in this series of teachings what God has a will for us but he's also given us our free will and. God gave us a free will because He loves us and love demands that you give the person you love freedom of choice love is not love if people are manipulated and forced. Somebody might say well if God knew the choices we were going to make then why didn't he put us in a world where there was no evil and there was no tragedian And just so we could just have a happy life while actually the truth is he did. That's kind of the way it started if you've forgotten that the garden was a great place. As though somebody might say well why didn't he just make us so we could send because that's not love and we couldn't love God back. If we didn't have to cues to love him and Hughes to obey him. And the world is messed up not because God is main but because people do dumb things. And then and even if we don't do dumb things we're always getting other dumb things that people do in our past that we have to deal with they're dumb things. And when you have enough dumb thing as dong the world like we've got going on the day it gets to the point where it's just confronting everybody all the time but you have a free will and I don't know that we teach enough about man's free will. In church . I don't know if I've ever heard a whole my whole message on you have a free will can I tell you something what we cue Jews to do how we use our free will tells more about us than any other single thing. Because what I choose is the core of me what I choose shows my character it's deeper than what I feel it's more than what I think it's a deeper thing to say well I don't feel like doing that and I don't think it's a good idea but I will because God told me to. Tell you what if we worship feelings we're already down the drain before we ever get started. I've never said it exactly the way Anthony did but I'm going to steal that thing about a motions have no intelligence because man that is true they are just stupid. That's what I've said they're stupid. You use your will to choose God's will and I want to be careful high teach this because there are many things that cannot be done by willpower alone you cannot save yourself by will power. And there. There are many things that we cannot do no matter how much willpower we have there's no way that I could build a ministry like this just because I willed it to be so. But then here's the other thing God couldn't build something like this either if I didn't put my will with his. And take the steps of faith and pay the price and so the Bible says with man many things are impossible but with God all things are possible. So here's the thing and I just I just kind of wrote this down today. There's a great many things that you and I cannot do without God there are things that we can't do without God But there's also many things that God won't do without you. I am not going to go slow this is where the new gate here tonight. You know what. God put lumber and trees but God doesn't build a house the man goes and cuts down the tree and he prepares the lumber and he gets it somewhere and he builds the house. God provides everything that we need encoding the wisdom and the strength and the grace and the power to do it but he doesn't do the doing FAR us. He does it with us. Come on. I've been waiting to see who I could try this message on so I hope I got the right group. Because here I think I think that we can get into this well. Lord God will you do this. God I'm waiting on you to do this I was praying for somebody one time that had a need God provide this need provide for them and he said Stop asking me to do things for people that you could do yourself and just don't want to. I mean if a person you work with is sleeping on the floor and doesn't have a mattress Do you really need to pray for God to give him a mattress why don't you just get some money out all by mattress. With all I can or. All of our data for but not even a believer any why well that's the best person to give it to somebody that will just be amazed. That you actually have some fruit to back up your bumper sticker or was. There. Now. So I'm going to kind of show ya hope this will show you how this works because I'm in no way saying that we can just by will power go do a bunch of stuff we can do nothing without God. We can do nothing without him so I believe that kind of works like this I say something that God wants me to do and I say I will do that by the grace and the mercy of God I will do that. And then God gives me the strength to do it because I have said that I want to do and I want to do what he wants me to do and then sometimes all the way through it I have to keep praying that you don't think I got a pair not without praying that God would use me and without prayer and that God would give me the right word for you I'm not that stupid I know that I can't get up here but nonetheless I didn't have to get up here. I didn't have to show up I did have to study I didn't have to do my part. Man and I think the point that I'm trying to make for people is we need to realize we are partners with God We have a part and he has a part we cannot do his part and he will not do our part. God will help you get a job but it is not going to come knocking on your front door. OK Luke 2240. 244 Jesus in the garden again semi saying Father if you are willing remove this cup from me so what's Jesus saying I don't want to do this that's OK You can even sometimes that one God are supposed to do things it's not even bad to say I don't want to do it because he knows in a way. I don't want to do this. Yet not my will. But yours be done so what's he saying in that moment I don't want to do this but I will do it if that's what you want. Come on there's something here for somebody. Ward I want out of this marriage but I will stay in it if that's what you want. I got one excited person over here on or. Don't go getting all quiet on me because I said something you don't want to do. Oh God I really really really really really want to are. But if you don't want me to I won't. I really don't want to go to the cross Jesus. But your will be done and not mine now watch what happens watch this and I love this. And there appeared to him an annual from heaven strengthening him in spirit. Come on make the connection you don't want to it's going to be hard but you light your will on the altar and you say I will Jesus because I love you I will then the strength comes. That this time comes. But here is the time sometimes when you're on the decision making side of that you don't feel the grace you don't feel the strength you feel that it is impossible there is no way that I can do that and that's when God wants us to remember yes we're Amharic right now it is impossible but if I'm willing to. Come on. If I'm willing to then all supernatural strength comes. As a that doesn't mean See here's what we do in Jesus. Sometimes I get so full of all this stuff and I don't know which to bring out 1st. We want everything to be easy. It's easier just to quit than to work through things with people. You all clapped when I said I haven't I've been married for 9 and a half years. Let me tell you a lot of those years we were quite often. Come on there's a message here. Thanks for listening make the most of every day and draw closer to God with today's offer make every day count that get this 3 CD series of hardcover books are available now for a donation of 35 dollars or more in U.S. Funds and we do accept all major credit cards you can order today's offer from our website at Joyce Meyer dot org Or you can call us toll free 187-9008 not again the number is 1879. 0089. The Bible our instruction book for life spending time in God's Word will change our lives but consistent and effective study can at times be challenging that's one reason why Joyce is here to help at Joyce Meyer dot org slash Bible study you'll find ways to make your study time come to life with helpful resources study suggestions and encouragement from joyous get the most you can out of your time studying God's word with every day study sign it today at Joyce Meyer dot org slash Bible study. Thanks again for listening to enjoying every day life our mission here is Joyce Meyer Ministries is simple sharing Christ and loving people remember Together we can do more. You can hear all of our powerful Christian programs online at 1220 K L D C dot com 24 hours of live online streaming from the is playing director of cuts not damage to her gratitude for you that your husband was killed and she lost her husband who chose to save movement and come home to you they don't matter she lost her way on September 7th comes an inspiring story about the power of family faith I'm looking at the Santa Fe current and cool so that nothing is impossible God bless the broken road rated P.G. God suggested only in theaters September 7th skipping the shallow messages K L D C 95.3 depth that speaks to you. Well. With. A teaching ministry if the sizing to conditionally breaks this special life teaching on the ministry of the Holy Spirit was recorded at our 2018 Washington D.C. Gospel truth conference and no here's the injured you know when you read you can't understand the inflection of the voice but I don't believe that Peter just goes master the fig tree that you curved is Dr I believe it was lack of the fig tree that you cared 6 isn't tied up each day Ed you didn't touch it you didn't throw salt on it you didn't cut it down it's dead no you did was talk to he was shocked and I don't believe Jesus said Have faith in God. It was probably lack have faith in God what's wrong with you then heads I've been with you 3 years and you don't understand a plane yet and then he begins to teach them he says for verily I say unto you That is so ever shall say and that this mountain Be that our Him Be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt me as Hartmut shall believe that those things which he say shall come to pass he shall have watch to every say it does here taught you how to release this power and authority whosoever shall say and notice that he didn't say whosoever shall say to god oh god kill this fig tree he said his whoever will say to the mountain. Most Christians talk to God about their problem instead of talking to their problem about God. This is incline that you know God has already done and you have authority whatsoever you saying will come to pass and so this doesn't the Jesus never even mention talking to God and asking God to do something see this goes completely against this religious tradition of oh God we are nothing we have other we can do mother would you please you're going to die and pray and like there he says Whosoever will say to the problem this doesn't even mention talking to God It says you take your authority and you talk to your problem if you've got cancer cancer is your mountain top do it say cancer in the name of Jesus I kill you with my words. Proverbs Chapter 18. And verse 21 says dance and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it the fruit there are dead and alive not only alive you need to speak death to some things you need the curse cancer till cancer can track kill you in Jesus name with my words I speak death on the you're every cancer cell in my body die right now in the name of Jesus sickness disease arthritis act curse you you're dead out of my body you talk to your problem and yet most people say Oh God Would you please take care of this problem from the. You aren't doing what God told you to do. You know I'm running out of time here so let me do is cut to the chase let me give you an illustration some of you heard me use is but it's a classic illustration that I was in Charlotte North Carolina I was staying with a couple and a lady had seen some of my videos on the internet and she says I've got a friend that's got this problem would you prefer and I said Sure she says Well good because she'll be here in 5 minutes either already so the woman got there and anyway she had a problem in her body constant pain for I think it was either 7 or 9 years the doctors told her that on a scale of one to 10 her pain was a constant 11 and they said she would died 2 years before I'm in her and there was no cure they had nothing that they could do and the only way that this woman cope she taped magnets all over her body and then she put a blanket with magnets so into it and she wrapped herself in it and somehow this magnetic field lessen the pain and that's the only way she was able to exist so she came over had this blanket wrapped around her and Anyway long story but I talked to her she was believing God gave this to or that he was getting glory out of it it was God's will I countered all of that stuff and told her it wasn't true and after about 20 or 30 minutes of countering her belief that made her cooperate with the devil and that's how I came upon her in the 1st place after I countered all that stuff I prayed with her and after I pray it said if you've got any pain in your body and she stood up she took this blanket off and she says no pain 1st time in 7 years or 9 years whatever it was she had no pain whatsoever and I said well praise God she says but I've got a birdie right here in my back right where waste was she says why do I have burn and I said you didn't tell me you had burning I didn't talk to burn I said watch this and I talked to Bernie and I. Commanded burning believe in the burning was going on and then I spin about 20 or 30 minutes teaching her from Mark Chapter 11 how you take your authority and its voice activated its releases God created the heavens and the earth by words he spoke and said Let there be a lot you released faith with words and I taught her all of these things for about 20 minutes or so and she was leaving she put her hand on the door and she just froze and then she looked around at me and she says the burning is back. And I said well I've just been teaching you how to take your authority and want to do that I'm in a group with you you pray and I'll agree with you so this woman we joined hands and she started praying and this is nearly word for word what she said she says FATHER I think you that you did not give me this sickness this is not from you by your stripes I was healed if I was healed I am here I claim my healing in the name of Jesus. That's not a good prayer. Those of you class you do not understand what I was like. What's wrong with it everything she said was good but that's not what the Lord told him to do. And so if she prayed a prayer and after she got her and said So do you still have the burden she said yes why are so because you didn't do what Jesus told you to do and she says Tell me again and I told her I say you're supposed to speak to the mountain you didn't talk to the pain you didn't talk to the burning you talk to Jesus and God in everything you said was good but you didn't take your authority and command that sickness to leave you and she says You mean I'm supposed to say Bernie and talk to hear it and I said yes and she said Our So we joined hands again and she said burning in the name of Jesus that's is partially God she says it's God. And that was in 2000 in one and I still see that woman occasionally when I go to Charlotte now Warman is still been here. And that's asked. The brothers and sisters there are many of you that are prayer in asking God to heal you in your saying good things father I believe by your stripes I was healed if I was healed by healed I claim my healing you praise God You do everything except what God told you to do. He told you to heal the sick he told you the command is power he told you this speak to your problem what is your problem God is not your problem. Your sickness is your problem talk to sickness in the name of Jesus I command you to get out of my body Body Talk to your body body in the name of Jesus I command you to quit hurting not command pain the leave right now in Jesus name so while I would never say that because you think it's use it is the source you aren't the source but it ain't your command it's like that electricity you got to flip the switch you can't just call the electric company and beg them to do what they have empowered you to do they generate the power but it's in you you have authority the Holy Spirit is sent to show you that you're the winner say it is defeated you have authority and we've used aren't receiving this ministry of the Holy Spirit but I guarantee you saying is terrified of use this is afraid of you. Sickness is no big deal. Man we have seeing so many people raised from the dead I've given the final just saw a person raise from their last week in Germany I gave you an example last night that our guy in Russia just saw 3 people raise from the did. We see people raise from the day and we see blind eyes open deaf ears open you know why because we quit begging God to do what he empowered us to do and when it's not us it's not our power it's God's power but it's in it's ad our command and we have learned how to take our authority and tell the devil where to go and give him directions how to get there and tell him you get out of my body and you know one last scripture I got a minute left. Officiants Chapter 4 verse 26 says be angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your rare let's say in that there is a Godly type of anger there is a righteous anger you need to be angry and sin not and then when you see. Is lit not the sun go down upon your wrath that's not saying well God knows you're human you are going to get in the flesh you will get angry just make sure you get it confessed every night before you go to bed that's not what this is talking about it's not OK to be angry if the sun's up and but you've got to not be angry when the sun is down that's not what that's talking about it's saying that there's a gardening anger you shouldn't get angry at people you ought to get angry at the devil you want to be angry a sickness you ought to hate sickness you ought to hate poverty yada I hate these things and you need to get angry and not let it ever go to bed keep it stirred up don't ever put it to bed keep yourselves 3rd. Get angry all of us have the capacity for the same sad thing is we use it for people it should be used for the devil you need to get angry at the devil you need to yell at the devil you need to tell him where to go you need to let the devil have it I had about all of you that I'm going to take a man I couldn't tell you how many times I have just put up with some of trying to have a good added to images drag zone and drags on and drags on and finally I just get sick and tired of being sick and tired and I get mad don't abandon the devil and rebuke and go to my problems over and I wonder why did it take me so long to get angry at this spare yourself up or you're going to sink to the bottom and you've been a good man take your authority. Matthew chapter 11 verse 11 the kingdom of heaven is priest and it suffers violence and the violent take it by force she gotta get violent you got to quit being passive and quit asking and then saying I'm waiting on God You aren't waiting on God God waiting on you to star yourself up and take your authority and you go heal the sick cleanse a leper draft that they had to resist the devil and he will flee from you a man prays Oh Lord I thank you man that's awesome. That's all the time we have for today but be sure and tune in again and see in true continues to teach on the ministry of the Holy Spirit This Life series was recorded at our 2800 Washington D.C. Just full truth conference and includes 3 sessions taught by going sure it's available on CD or D.V.D. For a gift of any amount ask for series are in 301 when you make a donation to Andrew Weil Mick ministries. Like to remind you that today is the last day that we're going to make this product available to you and I really believe it's important for you to get this now we are going to continue to offer the whole album and the teaching but the individual teachings we offer wanted to time and we do this for people who could not or would not send in an offering to get the entire teaching we offered each individual CD in the set available wanted to time my partners of enabled me to do that and today will be our last day to offer this individual teaching so please listen to our nails or as he gives the information about how you can get these materials and then call our right today. The 3rd CD and this album is also fail a bowl for a donation of any amount however for those who are not able to give enter in his partners will provide this single teaching freedom. Charge all you need to do is request the 3rd CD when you write or call and we'll be pleased to send it to you our address is P.O. Box 3333 Colorado Springs 80134 or call 719-635-1111 again that's 719-635-1111 or go to our website at and. You can use credit card to order any of her ministry materials on line 24 hours a day at W W W dot A.W.M. Line now also be sure to check out the T.V. Broadcast link to find out about the Gospel Truth T.V. Program in your area we hope to hear from you to get. A light in the darkness 1220 K. L. D.C. And 95.3 F.M. Radio. Show for Christians today we walk around and we're wearing the holiness of Jesus when he was a father looks to us though we are sinful he doesn't see us he sees the clothes we wear the holiness of the Blessed and Savior join Dr David Jeremiah for his series The God you may not know next time on turning point Monday through Friday at 9 am right here on Calle D.C. 953 F.M. 12 20 am. Our country is not the only thing to which we all our allegiance it is also owed to justice and to humanity patriotism consists not only in waving the flag but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as stronger James briars. You are listening to calle D.C. Denver one H.D. 12 20 AM and 95.3 F.M. And streaming online at 1220 J M D C dot com across for broadcasting God and country station. Courts in session today on love worth finding listen to Adrian Rogers today we're going to put Jesus Christ don't.

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