Join Dr Billiken now. Hello folks welcome to the program this is Dr Roger Billick tonight's topic from the conference God plus medicine equals health is the spirit soul body health connection with Dr Marlin Lance. What I want to share with you is found in chapter 2 of your notebook and its entirety of the spirit soul body health connection because in order to really get started right we've got to let God do a little messing around inside of our spirit so it's probably already showing up in our body but again we're going to see how this connection works so let's put the 1st light up here if you will plays the spirit soul body health connection now how many of you want to be healthy would you raise your hand please OK Super ham any of you are willing to do whatever it takes to get healthy so that's kind of a tricky question OK what if God came down to you and gave you some I mean one book after another to read you know to try to figure it out would you be willing to do that is that part of the whatever it takes you know what about making a list of things that you really don't want to list you know things that might really bug you as it relates to a family member that you have in trouble with our say ex spouse even if that's experience was you know 30 some odd years ago is that part of the whatever it takes we're going to we're going to see if that's true tonight what about dealing with the difficult people in your life OK with me the 1st the Sony in Chapter 5 verse 23 the key verse that this evening back tomorrow and Sundays built on Paul's prayer to the church and that's a live Nika 1st testimony in Chapter 5 verse 23 and notice here his time frame is not tomorrow it's not yesterday but that verse begins with the N.O.W. Word that means right now now right now May the God of peace himself that's a great way to start a prayer he's telling these people I'm praying that God Himself is going to work in your life the God of peace. You know it depends on what translation you're in I like this one now May the God of peace and self sanctify you completely now the word sanctify is a neat word it goes all the way back to the Old Testament and was used when they would prepare the temple for use you know the priest would come in here to stand before the brazen labor he'd say he had see as reflection in the mirror and that was his opportunity to make a confession to the Lord so he upright God you know I've got all these attitudes and actions I've had a problem with arrogance this week and I've got some addictions in my life so God I pray that you right now will claim me so when I go into the holy of holies to present your sacrifices I'll be able to move then into the holy place where you dwell and not lose my life psyched if a case in is a very important thing to the Jews because it represents an action of being prepared being claimed everything spirit soul body taking care of that against God's law so that we can worship God Would you like to be able to leave this conference at the end of it and be come pleat least sanctified in your temple so God can use your for His glory. Now in order to do that we've got to go through the whole thing the spirit soul and body. The thing that's so neat here and we're going to see this when we get to the next slide is that as God works in our life he can choose to use any of them so let's have the next slide we'll see how God works to bring about this sanctification by the way as it's coming up on and I want to read the rest of this verse to you now May the God of peace I'm self sanctify you completely I'm a your haul your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so let's take a look at this Power Point slide and see the example of the spirit the soul and the body and how it all interacts together. Now you'll notice here we've got a circle with 3 compartments in it and right in the middle is a star when you think of a star you know this probably get a different answer in California than they usually get because you've got these folks in a little over the place when you think of a star what usually comes to your mind. Somebody that's out there you know before the public stars from Hollywood are here you have so much sunshine few clouds at night you see the real stars the way I want to get you to think about it is based on this thought inside that Star has to do with whoever is in control and that's going to have a direct bearing as we see here in just a moment the 1st one I will consider here is the Spirit the Spirit is a part of us that is our God awareness this is the thing was talking about when we looked at Pat when Pat was born Pat had no God awareness there was a hole in there a hole in the spirit that God uses to bring conviction and draw people to Himself so our core being is our spirit and it's dead itself. Birth but becomes alive when we are born again into the family of God and this has a direct bearing on the next part as we'll soon see are solved is our basic psychological makeup our personality it has to do with how we get along with other people this is where our mind everybody says that with your mind never lose your mind. I'm never asked that question before. I guess because a lot of the people that we see have been told by their family or you're crazy you know here you are walking around the neighborhood and you you know you're really struggling trying to get everything figured out here why your legs don't want to work the way they do why you're your bag a certain you have all these headaches and hives and skin rashes allergies. Arthritis spastic colon That's a Texas word you know we put in there because most people in Texas use the word diarrhea I once supposed to say that but anyway you know nothing seems to work. In my relate to want to share this far we'll see if it's all in our head our mind it also is connected to our emotions and our will so it's more than just being sick in your head a lot of the people I've dealt with in the past when I worked in hospitals psychiatric hospitals were there because they were told they have mental problems you know reality there's no such thing as a soul problem is not just a mental problem there's always damages emotions connected to that and also choices of their will decisions so we have the mind which is the thinker we have the emotions which is the feel or and then the will is the chances are and these are directly impacted by the Spirit and then these in turn have an influence on the physical body OK now the body * is our world awareness this is the part of us that has to do with like whether as an example if you walked outside couple of days ago when it was pouring down rain did you get wet. Did. You know Rob pick me up there port went out the car and. Rob got soaking wet. Because I was hiding under the shed till he pulled up with a car say my dad used to tell me I didn't have enough sense to pour water out of a boot so I told them I got it now to stay under the umbrella or to get out of the rain you know whatever and Rob bless his heart got wet and then had a drink Berry on his cell and his spirit. How do I know if what he said but he got wet. Now you're probably wondering what did he say. When he said Thank You God it's been 100 some odd days since we've had right he was praising the Lord as a blessing. The world awareness our body is what reveals our soul and our spirits if you go to the doctor and you're you're sick and the doctor says here's a rub a shot a pill a rap you know go home you'll feel better and he doesn't address your SOL and your spirit he's left 2 thirds of the treatment protocol out the picture. Do you see why can we go to the doctor and leave our soul in our spirit at home if you did I can tell you where you live it's called the funeral home. Because if we try to leave our just one of these our spirit let's say when we decide we're going to leave our spirit out of the equation Well then we're either lost don't know God or we've got some serious sin problems which affects our spirit all are let's say we decide well you know I'm going to leave my motions of hope I hear this all the time by the people on minister to come from places where they basically are told well it doesn't matter how you feel just follow the facts of the Word of God and everything's going to be fine and I said there and I look at these people and I say. That doesn't jive with scripture you know Paul didn't pray May your whole spirit and body be preserved by blameless no he included the SOL our mind will and emotions so this tag team that we have here over the weekend involves a medical doctor that deals with fact in his practice he deals with the whole thing spirit soul and body. It's awesome to get reports from patients and tell me that I went in there for a physical problem and tell me I need to go see you because I've got a spiritual problem or I have a psychological problem and I say praise God I wish more doctors would get their head screwed on straight you know and recognize that we're made of a spirit soul body that's how God made us and God is called the Great Physician he had to be teaching in every medical school in the country in fact over the whole world then that's not like a good deal. Let's just let him by God to come to the medical schools and teach us how he made us I mean is called the great position in there ain't nobody on the planet to match with God. Hello Folks this is Dr Roger Billick I sure hope you enjoyed tonight's program which was an excerpt from a conference that we did a few months ago called God plus medicine equals health if you would like a recording of the entire conference you can call the Church Mission Valley Christian fellowship that hosted the conference and they have audio and video recordings of the conference and you can reach them by calling 619-683-7729 that's 619683772 nothing particularly. Thanks for joining us today for God's plan for your health you can reach Dr Velika that calling area code 970-495-0999 you can write to him at trial live Health 2362 East prospect suite a Fort Collins Colorado 80525 Dr Villa guy has a Christian based medical practice in the Fort Collins Colorado where you can receive one on one consultation and in death medical care that phone number is area code 970-095-0999. For the kingdom suffer the violence and the violent take it by force Kid A L D C Denver 12 20 AM and 95.3 F.M. . With Gunter Charles Stanley long by the Spirit and you will not carry out the design of the play and the way you maintain your wall with the Lord Jesus surprise and through the Holy Spirit in live the spirit to life is setting of mind on those things and not tolerating anything else in touch with Dr Charles Stanley helping you grow in Christ every day. Under to Friday 11 am right here on Calle D.C. 953 F.M. 12 20 am. We salute the hardworking men and women of the United States who provide us with daily services that improve our quality of life for the truck drivers who carry the goods those in law enforcement who protect us and to the men and women of the medical profession who care for us we express our heartfelt gratitude America is better because of. No fluff no negativity just the truth of God's word Kal D.C. $95.00 F.M. And on the team it is. Welcome to holy ground featuring the preaching ministry of Dr Richard Robinson senior pastor of outside Baptist Church in North and Colorado I'm David Armstrong. Today we give the balance of the message because yesterday about the general uncertainty of riches especially money. Proverbs 114 says riches profit not in the day of wrath or righteousness deliver it for death. This much is certain. Wealth nor any other resource if trusted apart from God brings down God's judgment sooner or later and as far as living up to one's expectations given time money will always disappoint. Add to this the general uncertainty of getting keeping riches and you have a most pathetic picture. In this final installment our teacher will continue to drive home the truth that we need God to keep us from financial delusions here now is Dr Robinson with part 2 of uncertain riches. You remember of course when Israel was out the base of Mount Sinai they took their material well and melted it and milled it it into a worldly thing I Dollar Tree do you know you can take your wealth and melt it down and mold it into something spiritual that to me is the only right use of it because if you don't do it in the way you're going to lose it for ever you might as well convert it into something spiritual though converted into something Roly and wicked convert it into something spiritual be fair it's gone forever the greatest picture of that is our paper money it's paper you could light a match and burn it up it's easily worn out you probably heard of the poorest country in the world as he is Haiti. There might be some other poor country but man it's got to be in the top 5 Haiti is so poor that they can never reprint their money it's the most worn out tattered and falling to pieces money in the world their money would never stay in circulation in our country we reprint our money don't wait there are too poor they can't reprint it and so after a while it becomes the very symbol of the weakness of the reconning me and even the weakness of foolishly trusting money but what a picture that is money is like next to nothing so give it into something that can convert it into something imperishable of eternal value and you think about this think about this if you invest your money in the wrong thing that's perishable Let's say you invest all your money in Wall Street all of it guess what you can go to bed a rich man and wake up a poor man and you lost everything but even if you get a lot back it's still curse in it's going to perish Oh you give it to your kids it may ruin them and then they may use it up and be handicapped because they had the silver spoon in their mouth but words are going to go into a venue and get spent or it's going to just wear out again big deal convert it. You know you can save your money and save your money and save your money and then you can get sick and lose all your money is an amazing I mean times over people who saved and then enjoy their retirement then they get some awful disease and it wipes them out happens all the time how about this. Your money is no better than your country think of all the people that have lost everything because their country went down the tubes you say well that's never happened here I beg your pardon. You go on e Bay and you can buy Confederate money you can buy a $1.00 Confederate bill for maybe $10.00 and the reason it's worth $10.00 is because it's a collector's item for go try to buy some milk and eggs with it it's worth less why because the South did not rise again he's been all saying the South will rise again hold on to your confederate money the South Will Rise Again no they never did and so it became worth less and many people lost everything after the South lost the war in will one when Germany was suffering the ravages of war families took their wagons filled them up with marks welded to the grocery store and with a wagon full of marks their currency could buy maybe one loaf of bread as goes the country so goes the money we need to remember that. Also we need to remember that the Lord is inviting us to trust him because money is uncertain and in those verses we read God is the epitome the apoplexy of certainty God is the same yesterday today and forever God never changes never diminishes those who have any moodswings keeps his word always generous I like that about God. You know what it says in Psalm 1989 this is a good stewardship for someone 188 and 9 it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes who have lotsa money Amen so you can't always trust your fellow man or trust people in places of power and wealth you can't even always trust yourself God wants to give you more but he can't trust you with it you can't trust others you can't trust yourself whom can you trust you can trust the Lord and you can trust him to ways you can trust God to always be what he is it's a compliment of the highest order to say about a person that person is always the same Wow that's a real compliment that's the compliment that God can be paid Secondly you can always trust God to do what he says to do what he says that's a double edged sword if you disobey Him you can trust him that he's going to do what he says in the area of chastisement but if you obey Him you can be sure of this he'll do what he says in regard to his blessings and you can take that to the bank you can depend on that amen the truth of the matter is 1st Timothy Chapter 6 vs 731900 S. Go build your life in the Highlands those verses are saying don't build on the low land build on the high land for a long time people misunderstood Tom Lincoln Tom Lincoln moved around a lot he was said because of that he was shiftless ne'er do well the father of Abraham Lincoln was no good because he moved around a lot. Finally one particular biographer did enough research to find out why Tom Lincoln up rooted to his family so many times and what he found out was that he was lookin for a place where they could be healthy you see when he left Kentucky he went to Indiana and set along the banks of the Ohio River and there was soon an outbreak of malaria so he left any went to other valleys only to find out that they too were struggling from malaria finally this man moved to Charleston Illinois and he got away from the water and away from the lowlands and he got up on a high enough area where he could get healthy and hopefully not bury any more family members as he buried his wife Nancy and then people understood why he was moving he was always moving away from the lowlands of malaria trying to get to a place where disease wasn't breeding. There would never have been a 16th president called Abraham Lincoln had not Tom moved his family to higher lands where disease doesn't mean materialism is living in the lowlands maybe materialism is the malaria of the soul do you want to get that you don't need to be sick with materialism but you do need to be addicted to something and the Bible actually uses that word I close with 1st Corinthians 1615 go to 1st Corinthians 161541 of the strangest phrases you'll ever read in the Bible Paul says I've a seat you brethren. You know the House of Stephanus that is the 1st fruits of a chaos and that they have addicted themselves to the Ministry of the city. That is the word that we associate with drug abuse people that snort and shoot and get high on drugs and before long they're addicted and guess what they don't have to do they have to spend money to get their next fix. Are you addicted to the ministry if you're addicted to the ministry they just run try as you might you have to spend money you're going to have to get a spiritual fix it's going to cost you something to be addicted to the ministry. And I hope you're willing to pay a man because that's money that will not destroy you but help you that's a good addiction it's habit forming and I hope that you'll do that so again. The love of money is the root of all. We can love what money does for the Lord's work. Money for the Lord's work a man I love that. I hope you'll choose wisely I hope that you'll build your life on the high ground of faith trust in Jesus that's the high ground trust in Jesus for spiritual and emotional and yes financial security put your trust in Christ that is the high ground of financial safety and all other kinds as well. You've just heard part 2 of uncertain riches by Pastor Richard Robinson. But a challenge we've just received there's only one kind of high ground free from financial fevers. Only faith in God will put you out of the reach of covetousness which breeds in the lowlands of materialism. May you always breathe the clean fresh air of faith. If you would like to order uncertain riches for here's what you do. Take a moment to visit our website Holy Ground Radio dot com or you can access our Web store from the side menu just click on the words online orders and then on single C.D.'s orders can also be placed for regular mail just cinder check or money order to Holy Ground Radio P.O. Box $963.00 the slate Colorado $80614.00 that's holy ground radio P.O. Box $963.00 East Lake Colorado 80614. Holding ground as a listener supported program we want to challenge you to prayerfully consider partnering with us even a one time gift would be greatly appreciated and to show our appreciation we have put together a special CD of some of holy ground most creative and unusual programs we believe you'll enjoy listening again and again to these dramatic presentations for a gift of any amount will send this memorable to election to you as a thank you gift. Just ask for the creative collection Precentor gift that brings us to the end of another broadcast we've got some exciting programs coming your way so stay tuned until we meet again my means of radio I'm David Armstrong reminding you that nothing compares to standing on holy ground and. Hi this is Richard Robinson did you know that being empty in your life is not so much a problem as it is an opportunity this exciting truth will be our next subject this Wednesday through Friday on holy ground 6 15 pm Don't miss rock you listen liable right here on Calle 13. Keeping the Word of God in our hearts and minds 1220 K. L D C A Crawford broadcasting station What is the bottom line let's face it we're living in a time right now where people really do want to have some kind of moral compass but the world and society says there is no moral absolute whatsoever Well we know with moral absolutes far and we focus on them every day you're on the bottom line the bottom line with Roger Marsh weekdays from 4 to 6 on Calle D.C. 1220. What is it take to live an uncommon life here's former Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy with today's uncommon moment your perspective today has a lot to do with what happens tomorrow so it's vital to make sure your perceptions are positive envision your future your accomplishments and achievements and your God given significance based on what you know to be true of course not on your own sense of pride or on the unhealthy ways to satisfy your needs. Within the values and dreams God has given you paint a picture of where you want to go what you want to be like and what you want to accomplish with God's help we can be intentional and choose to envision a life of significant possibility and impact New York Times bestselling author townie Dungy discover more at Coach Dungy dot com that's Coach Dungy dot com. Listen to calle D.C. Online 24 hours a day at 1220 K. L.D.C. Dot com There needs to be a balance in us. A balance we need to understand the holiness of God is great as of this hour we have no right to bring him down to something we can handle our God is greater than anything we the magine are understood. The heaven of heavens cannot contain Him He dwells outside of everything we've ever known in our 3 dimensional world he's bigger than all of it. Saying in His mercy and grace he developed a plan reaches is. Just to have you with us you're listening to hope for today the Bible teaching ministry of David hockey when the skeptics of the world debate the existence of God Many say that if he exists at all there's no way that we is mere mortals can know Him It truly makes you wonder if they have ever opened up the pages of God's word doesn't it when the Bible tells us over and over again that God not only revealed himself in the Old Testament but that he eventually became one of us in the person of His Son our Lord Jesus Christ but David has more about how God revealed Himself and His plan for Moses and the Israelites he's in day 2 of his message from Exodus Chapter 3 here and it's titled God has a plan. Before we get to that though Dave is in studio with us David and I hope to get our newsletter H.F. Teen newsletter comes every month for free all you need to do is give us a call give us your name and address where you want this mail that your home or office whatever and it'll come every month and that number is. Who won 875 bible or if you're in Canada it's 188875 but. I'm so glad you're listening to our broadcast we're in Exodus Chapter 3 and the subject is God has a plan or does he ever we don't see it all the time nor do we understand it that's why we need God's Word the Bible because he exalted his word above his name the Bible says that's remarkable to say the least well Exodus is the way out and God's going to take his children out of Egypt and for that we give him all the praise and all the glory both now and for ever stay tune. First of all in the opening paragraph in the 1st 6 verses you have a demonstration of the awesome presence of God that was unexpected in terms of what Moses was doing The point is that this has been his habit there's nothing that he's expecting he didn't get up that day and say you know I really need a vision from gun no he's just doing what he did every day take care the sheet it was unexpected Secondly it was unique in terms of the place to which he led the flock is that the exact place where God is going to bring them back and there is going to get Moses an understanding of him that he at this point could not possibly comprehend is going to tell him about his law is going to express his perfect holiness more ality and righteous character but now all he knows is a Bush is burning at that mountain many people say to me now come out was was there really a bush burning and it kept burning in a didn't burn it up I mean that that's a little bit supernatural. Right. Now knowing that wilderness because I've been out there I took a trip through there and. That is so barren out there I mean it's really mind boggling it's a word one of the worst deserts is like the Sahara Northern Africa just terrible you can't find brush hardly anywhere so even that there that there was a Bush some sort of growth at that mountain is indeed interesting but here it is if you would see a Bush like that of course you're interested because a a bush All right you know maybe some shade and then a notice and it's on fire but the fire doesn't burn it up I mean when you go to that Bush and check into it of course you would. And wouldn't you be a little bit startled if the Bush talked to you. Understand now Moses doesn't have a Bible like we have he's the one who is used by God to write the 1st 5 books there is no Bible there's no written revelation from God So this is indeed an important event in this man's life is all he's got to go on so the 3rd thing I'd point out to you about this demonstration of the awesome presence of God and only that it was unexpected in terms of what Moses was doing and unique in terms of the place to which God led him to bring his flock but 3rd it was unusual in the circumstances that occurred. Let's just see if we can walk through that 1st of all we have the revelation of the angel of the Lord verses to it says and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire I'll go back to chapter 12 of Genesis please for a moment when the Bible tells us that the Lord or the angel the Lord appeared were talking about a revelation of God that was visible something was seen in this case of his in a flame of fire or was it a bodily shape we don't know it just says the angel of the Lord appeared now in Genesis 12 when Abraham came into the land of Canaan it says and the Lord appeared to Abraham and he built an altar under the Lord who appeared under him in chapter 16 we have the 1st mention of the angel of the Lord appearing and in verse 7 of 16 he appears he finds Hagar out in the wilderness he speaks with her and talks like he is the Lord in verse 10 the angel of the Lord said I will apply the icy chill not the number the angel lawyer says dollar which child and the Lord Jova has heard your affliction kind of interesting this interchangeable ness of the angel the Lord with the simple word the Lord in chapter 17 verse one when Abraham was 99 he says the Lord appeared to Abraham and said I am Almighty God I'm El Shaddai the God of power in chapter 18 verse one it says the Lord appeared and Abraham in his tent or what he saw was 3 men 2 we know are angels because that's it what the account tells us is they go on to Sodom and Gomorrah one stays behind and talks to him and as he's praying to Him He calls them Lord kind of interesting now in chapter 22. Genesis verse 15 at the time when Abraham offers Isaac it says and the angel of the Lord called him to Abraham out of heaven the 2nd time 1st time was back in verse 11 and the angel the Lord says in verse 16 by myself have I swore and say I thought what the law are you see the angel the Lord is indeed unusual it's not simply a normal angel we believe it's a Kristoff an e an appearance of the 2nd Person of the Triune God in the Old Testament and appearance of Jesus Christ long before he was born as a baby in Bethlehem turn to Isaiah Chapter 63 and look at verses 7 and 9 I will mention the loving kindness is of the Lord and the praises of the Lord according to all that the Lord of the stowed on us and the great goodness toward the house of Israel which he at the stoat on them according to His mercies and according to the multitude of His loving kindness for he said Surely they are my people children that will not lie so he was their savior in all their affliction he was afflicted and the angel of his presence saved them in his love and in his pity he regained them and he bore them and carried them all the days of old Interesting the angel of his presence is own presence as seen in that in Molokai Chapter 3 The last book of the Old Testament and verse one the prophet makes this interesting prediction he says behold. The Lord's talking Behold I will send a messenger and the Hebrew word mock is the same one in our passages in Genesis Exodus 4 angle God says I'll send my angel he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to his temple now look at this even the messenger once again it's mock the angel of the covenant not here he calls the Lord who's going to come to his temple suddenly he calls him the angel of the Covenant who need to light him Behold he shall come say The LORD of hosts but who may have died today of his coming who shall stand when he appears for he's like or a fighter's fired a for fuller soap and so on oh wait a minute all of those references are to the Lord God he's the refiner he's the one that no one can stand in his presence when he comes to judge the earth yet it calls him the angel of the covenant the messenger of the covenant I don't think there's any doubt about it the Messiah himself is the messenger he is the angel of the Lord this is just a brief touch on the subject but a very important one some 347 makes this critical in the time of Moses as well as the day it says the angel of the Lord in camps around those than fear him amen what a wonderful promise and encouragement that is. Do you think the angel of the Lord might be interested in you do you think the angel of the Lord who can call legions of angels to help him if he wants. Do you think the angel of the Lord who has all these good angels called ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who would be heirs of salvation do you think that God is intimately involved in what is happening in your life even when it's in category bad in your mind there's no doubt about it no doubt about it all because you don't see him or them does not mean they are not there what an interesting thing you see God does have a plan for us and a lot of us don't see what God is doing nor do we see as loving care and attention to details in our lives we don't see it going on but the Bible speaks of it over and over again Moses needed to have assurance of the awesome presence of God and it came by the revelation of this angel of the Lord now it also came by the refusal of the bush to be burned that's certainly true and it's interesting to me how the presence of the Lord is often associated with that fire Hebrews $111229.00 says that God our God is a consuming fire even when God gave Abraham that promise of the land in Genesis 15 your member God appeared like a smoking fiery furnace going between the animal that he had cut into interesting throughout the Bible in Exodus 19 verse 18 God's wonderful presence at Mount Sinai was seen also as fire even as the children of Israel being led to the wilderness at night God's presence is a flame of fire a pillar of fire in Daniel 326 and 27 in the fiery furnace they were burned either just like the bush was and burned and there was one like the Son of God was shed recognition going to Bendigo and of interesting. You see this was unusual in its circumstances that are not only involve the revelation of the angel the Lord who appeared to him but the refusal of that Bush to be consumed what a mighty lesson a 3rd thing that I would say makes this unusual is in verse $4.00 and $5.00 of our passage and that is the remark that God makes about the sacredness of that place it doesn't come any closer where you're standing is holy Graham you know. It's possible to get way out in interpreting this the simple truth is that God apparently is so awesome so holy so righteous and just that our in consistencies and our sins don't deserve one moment to be in his presence you know there's a lot of paradoxes in the Bible he draws a line around Mt Sinai which will read about later in Exodus an animal or a person who puts even a little child one foot over the line was instantly kill holy ground interesting and yet in the New Testament says Jesus was a friend a senator's paradox I think there's something in in our understanding of the Bible that often goes in the category of being neglected and that's the holiness of God Let me show you another instance turn over to Joshua chapter 5 now Joshua was a servant boy kind of a water born to Moses and he's to take the people into the land as you know but Joshua gets an experience very much like the burning bush experience of Moses and Joshua 5. Verse 13 Here's what it says it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went to him and said into him aren't out for us or for our adversaries he want to know right away whose side are you on this is an awesome thing he said no but as captain of the host of the Lord and my now. Is the LORD of hosts the guy running the armies Joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship he was it revealed for that by the way and you're only to worship God and set him what says My Lord unto his servant and the captain of the Lord so set a Joshua watch this loosed I shoot from off a foot for the place where on the stand this is holy and Joshua did so and guess what it calls this person as a talks to Joshua in chapter 6 verse 2 calls a Jehovah's ya way the Lord said unto Joshua who is the captain of the host of The Lord is the same as the angel of the Lord I think this is again Jesus Christ our Lord who is the LORD of hosts who is the one with the armies who come out of heaven with all the armies of heaven with him it's our Lord Jesus Christ KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS it's like you don't have a right to be here and it's a miracle that I'm letting you live and a lot of us we don't want to identify with a God like that aren't you glad for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord who brought together the awesome paradox of God's holiness and his love and forgiveness and in Christ the whole problem was resolved so that I now have access into the holy presence of God I can stand on holy ground in Christ my Lord but in myself no it's impossible Moses is getting a real lesson like Isaiah the prophet got in Isaiah 6 when he saw the Lord High and lifted up and they said him said holy holy holy is the Lord God of hosts and all of a sudden Isaiah sees all temples shaky the place is filled with smoke you can't see any take and he's aware that he's in the awesome presence of God who could wipe that out one moment in time and he cries out war was be always me for I'm on clean all made of unclean lives side while the people of the of unclean lives I mean he's confessing as fast as he can and God and grace and mercy sends an angel with one of those coals off the altar to touch him and has said this is silence and I know what he has taken away and I send purrs the only way you can stand in his presence is by God's own method of purging and cleansing thank God for nothing but the blood of Jesus now there's a 4th thing that makes this unusual in verse 6 and that's the reaction of Moses did you catch that. Most again has no Bible like we have he doesn't have the information and has some commentaries that he can consult and what's happening here he has very little knowledge of anything but the Bible says that Moses hid his face and he was afraid to look upon gun you know the same thing happened to Daniel ingenue Chapter 10 verses 5 to 12 when he saw all that man clothed Lynn who again I believe was a picture of Jesus Christ but anyway Daniel had the same impression. The awesome presence of the Lord and until that Angel was sent to touch Daniel and comfort him saying Don't be afraid and you know you're a man greatly loved there needs to be a balance in us a balance we need to understand the holiness of God is great as it is our we have no right to bring him down to something we can handle our God is greater than anything we've imagine or understood the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him He dwells outside of everything we've ever known and not 3 dimensional world he's bigger than all of it but thank God in His mercy and grace he developed a plan to reach is to Christ that this was quite an experience for Moses when God has a plan he make sure we understand that his presence is essential to that plan I don't know what you're planning or what you think God wants to do in your life but don't leave him out 1st of all he's a god is there he's never left and if you don't feel close to him guess who moved it wasn't him he's still there it's important understand that now there's a 2nd thing here that I draw the attention about the plan of God in verses $7.00 to $12.00 and that's the declaration of the plan of God and God's going to tell Moses about it and there are 3 things that I draw your attention here to help us understand God's plan his going to be declared here 1st thing I'd bring your attention is the cry of his people there's no doubt about it that a key to this passage is verses 7 and 9 what the Lord sees and what the Lord knows God sees everything God hears everything I started in my Bible just to prepare my heart for this message looking at the cry word. The Bible says a God heard their cries saw the oppression of his people and I began to walk to the Psalms I'm telling you it could be 2 more hours of a message on that word alone how often God tells us that he hears our cry he knows what we're going through. Yes he does and I hope that that truth is something that you and I will carry in our hearts and we face the tough circumstances in our days Thanks David. Well before David comes back to wrap up our time together He's in studio with a special word for you David. Franz you need to get our September special offer it's on 2nd Chronicles but remember the 1st and 2nd Chronicles in a Jewish Bible is just one book chronicles and it comes at the end of the Bible in a Jewish Bible and it ends with a history of Babylon and the destruction of Jerusalem and its amazing Chronicles tells a story of Israel's King who's in Judah half of them were good in the side of the Lord and half of them evil but in Israel they were all evil every last one of them in the 10 northern tribes. You will be amazed at what you will learn we send you the sermon notes with the messages $25.00 messages either on M P 3 for $25.00 or on $25.00 C.D.'s for $50.00 and that's still a great profits and we send the sermon notes along with it there is no book as important as chronicles we call it the last book why because in the Jewish Bible it is the last book it's not in the history section it's the last book of the Bible plan to get your copy OK And many of you have been ordering that new book Israel celebrating the 70 years we also have a book on Israel called Israel chosen by God and it covers the whole history and it's excellent for giving you. The knowledge a brief knowledge of what the Bible teaches so why not give us a call right now Hope for Today USA is 1875 bible Hope for Today Canada is 188875 bible God bless you. Well again the 2nd Chronicles package this month is going for $25.00 when you order it on M P 3 you can download the package to save the cost of shipping at David Hawking dot org or get the M P 3 disc if you prefer it's still $25.00 and the traditional CD album that version of the package is just $50.00 and when you order the M P 3 disc or the CD album Remember will need to add shipping to that and if you're in California there's taxes well again or the 2nd Chronicles package or the books that David mentioned is roll celebrating 70 years and Israel chosen by God and really any of our resources when you go to David Hawking dot org Or when you call is it 1875 Bible 24 to 53 in Canada dial 188875 Bible David and the rest of us here at the ministry love giving your letters send your per request or a note of encouragement for David in the team or perhaps a Bible question you can address your letter to hope for today box 3927 testin California 92781 in Canada box 15011 R.P.O. Sevenoaks Abbotsford B.C. The 2 S. 8 P. One were sent an email to info David Hawking dot org David well or still in that chapter 3 of X. So this thanks for listening and I have so excited to teach God's word and to have so many of you listening and commenting on your enjoyment of the Word of God Now we are looking at the fact that God does have a plan and we saw how he took Moses from the backside of a desert where he was tending sheep. He was learning how to get through the wilderness that's for sure. The. Actual Mt Sinai is not in that peninsula area where there's a traditional site no it's over in Midian because when they crossed the Gulf of Aqaba they were in Midian. Which is part of Saudi Arabia today and that's where we find the real Sinai Jebel Mousavi called the Hill of Moses 7500 feet in elevation so it's quite a large. And there were a lot of unusual circumstances like the angel of the Lord like to Bush to board and burn up. And the Lord tells us about how important that place was as he called it holy ground and the reaction of Moses was he in his face for he was afraid to look upon God. Well I hope you can live with us for the next Rod test God bless you. But thank you David and before we go today remember that your donations to this ministry I was sustain us he said in a one time gift or you can set up a month to month contribution either way call us at 1875 bible in Canada call 180-8755 you can always make the donation at our website David hocking dot org come back tomorrow Dave it's back to head into the final day of his message God has a plan that's next time right here on Hope for Today. Tune in every Sunday to gospel Sundays we're playing the very best in gospel music and gospel ministries only on 12 20 am 95.3 F.M. K L D C Hi This is Sandy Thompson gospel music host for 95.3 F.M. 12 20 AM K L D C join me every Sunday at 7 pm for gospel moments I'll be playing the very best thing gospel music from Louis fertilise. Tamela man. And so much more only on 12 20 am $95.00 F.M. Kal D.C. . Kind What are you going to stop celebrating Caleb left for college a while ago I can't help it every time I hear the quiet and realize we're finally empty nesters I just have to. Hear let me. Sure it might be exciting for parents when all the kids leave home for God It's sort of the opposite he celebrates when you come home when you begin a relationship with his son Jesus Christ in fact one of the best known stories in the Bible teaches this in a really vivid way as the story of a father who watches and waits for his son to return home from a life of rebellion when the sun finally realizes the sun goes back home to ask his father's forgiveness is dead bugs him and swallows apart that's what God is waiting to do with you to learn more about beginning your relationship with Jesus visit us at find peace with God dot net where the Billy Graham evangelist Association. Stream. Will victorious. Be encouraged. To. Listen to today's message with international mission. Good morning welcome to Victoria's day I'm Sherri Campbell we have been studying the Ministry of the Holy Spirit and that has been for the last few weeks now we're starting this week with a continuation by studying how to be led by the Holy Spirit because part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to teach you all things and to guide you in John 1426 it says But the Counselor the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. So he will teach you and then he is also. The one who will give you wisdom wisdom is knowing God's way God's plan God's answer to a question and solution to a problem that is wisdom and if you will learn to know the voice of the Holy Spirit and the leading and the direction of the Holy Spirit you can know God's way God's answer God's solution God's plan the Holy Spirit is called The Spirit of wisdom in Isaiah 11 verse 2 he says the spirit of the Lord will rest on him the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding the spirit of counsel in the power of the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord so he is called The Spirit of wisdom understanding counsel we need counsel we need a counselor and knowledge. And also any fees sions chapter $1.00 verse 17 it says.

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