Than 37 and let me think here we have a. Syria meeting in Temecula this Saturday night she's going to be a question answer meeting but if you're interested if you are nearby and want to join us. This Saturday night at 7 o'clock. In Temecula we do have a gathering that you're welcome to join us or you can get information about that from our website which is the narrow path dot com That's the narrow pass dot com and go to the tab that says announcements you'll find that information All right let's talk to Bruce from Citrus Heights California Bruce welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling. Us. I'm looking at coalitions a research team. That makes a big deal about sleeves singular. And then I looked at the cross reference back in. Genesis and I want to sell to different versions of the Bible and have a. Purpose for you many of them use the word descendants chloral Yeah. The sender usually Yeah the innovation we're just little some didn't. Right the the English word just sentence is in a different form whether it's singular and plural and therefore it commits itself when you choose to translate the word as descendant then you have to choose whether it's going to be singular or plural now the Hebrew word seed which is actually there in the text can be singular or plural it doesn't commit to singular or part of the same thing is true of the word Paul uses in Galatians which is sperma it's the Greek word for seed and it can be singular or plural but the older translation is like the King James. I think rightly translated it seed in all places because seed is the meaning of the word in Hebrew and Greek and see it in English can be singular or plural just like the Hebrew in the Greek words can't so I think I think translators have made a mistake when they've changed the word seed to something that they think is more I guess understandable to modern readers and they take a word like descendant but then of course they have to commit themselves as it could be descendant or descendants and I think they made a mistake because Paul makes a very clear and in Galatians Tepper 3 in verse 16 that although the word in the Hebrew can be singular or plural that it isn't tend to be understood as singular he does not say to your seeds moral as of many put it to your seed which is Christ So Paul is saying that the the promise really applies to Christ as the individual seed of Abraham on the other hand of course everybody who is in Christ is also a son of Abraham So if there's a sense in which Christ singular is corporate because he is the head and there are members of his body and he and the body in the head of men are one body or as Paul puts it efficiency to 151 new man so there's a sense in which the church is both singular and plural it is plural in its constituents but it is so. Giller in its. In its basic identity there's only one body of Christ and that is Christ's body on earth so I mean you could say descendants. And mean the church which is the Body of Christ which is the one to send to Christ as one and Paul by the way if you read to the end of the chapter he points out near the end there that all are one in Christ so he says that you know there's no male or female Jew or Gentile slave or free but all are one and Christ and then he says if you belong to Christ then you are Abraham's seed singular we Christians are singularly the one see we're one body in Christ as He said there's no Jew or Gentile male for roll one so it is one seed after all even though it's many now so even if you use the word descendants Abram's the Senate's the Bible is very clear in collations 3 angles and Romans that those who have the faith of Abraham are the children of Abraham so we are children of Abraham if we are in Christ but Christ is the seed. Thus the the singular descent of Abraham that we all are part of we're all part of his body and therefore we are part of the one. Body of Christ so it works both ways but I think the translators do no service to us to translate the word seed as descendants because especially when Paul as you pointed out explains that this is referring to one descendant which is Christ but that one descendant is made up of many members that one body is made up of many members so it's really kind of seeds also descendants as well since all of us or all of us are the seed of Abraham. So when when they were they were in trumpeting or when they were translating Genesis they were aware of collisions right they had to be Yeah I mean no no one has a Bible scholar enough to translate the Old Testament would be unaware of what the New Testament said about the very verses they're talking about so any scholar would know that I don't know why they broke away from Paul on this I don't think they had a right to because again the Hebrew word is not necessarily plural it can be singular or plural their conclusion so Scripture does not say. It's it does say See let me have a big deal out of it right so I think I think the translators who translated descendants and my New King James does that to the king the King James doesn't do that the King James just says see in all those places and that's that's the most accurate word translating the both the Hebrew the great because the it's an English word that has the same characteristics of being unchanged if it's singular or plural it's the same form and therefore the word seed does not itself commit to a singular plural just like the Hebrew words that God used in the Old Testament are the Greek word that Paul used the New Testament does not commit. What translation actually use the word fam. Well you know the translators get further and further away from the original as they try to become more and more modern. And sometimes they just feel like maybe you know obviously that the New King James changed seed to descendants because we don't talk about people as being seed anymore but we do talk about descendants now if some translation says well even descendants I don't think people even understand that let's just say family I mean they get further and further from the meaning of the actual passage and they do so because of some imagined. UNINTELLIGIBLE that's about the original wording I don't agree with that kind of approach to translation I believe translators should be as accurate as possible and if people have a hard time sorting through the meaning of a word let them work it out that's what I had to do I was raised on the King James version and I had to work it out I saw the word seed it's not really hard if you read the Bible a lot you become familiar with the words in the Bible mean even if you're in the King James Version I think people want to really they want to have a Bible translation that they don't have to think very hard about it because they don't want to they don't want to make a very important if something's important to you you'll think hard about it if you need to time to stand it if it's not very important then you just want to be breezy and easy and I'm afraid there's too many Christians whose bottle study is guided by that principle let's keep it breezy and easy and that's what the new translators are accommodating but as I said I think your answer thank you OK God bless you thanks for your call we're going to talk next to Devon from Denver Colorado Devon Welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling the day for having me on can you hear me all right yeah. OK awesome I have a question regarding creation my mind is going to running down her down a rabbit hole here and I wanted your thoughts on it. Because 7 some problems days away so I was I was the 1st question is computer technology a part of God's creation and the more I started thinking about it I was thinking about the creation account according to Genesis. God give way to the heaven then the earth and my mind trying to started coming to the idea that. Everything that was ever going to be created was actually done in that time frame and when we invent and when we come up with new ideas and new technology we're actually just using things that are or have already been created by God. And I don't know if that makes sense or not I hope that I'm expressing my thoughts well here because it's my mind itself is kind of having problems with this sort of wanted your. Opinion about what I just said it if that makes any sense or if I'm way off here. So is any time a man creates something he's using or discovering something that God created that which you say yes correct that does basically when when God finished creation everything at that point that was ever going to be made all of the materials were done everything was there so even when like man creates then it's more or less discovering some something God has already in essence created since creation was complete I don't know if that makes sense or not. Sure sure it makes sense. You know when God when God created man he gave him dominion over all the things he'd made that Dominion is something that made man able to to take the things God made and rearrange things in such a way that's good for humanity or society I mean the invention of the wheel the invention of. You know all kinds of ancient technology levers an inclined plane some things like simple machines you know I'm sure that God intended all that and his man advanced and he learned a lot more I thought how to manipulate silicon and things like that so we have and so we have computer technology and there's no there's no limit to what man might discover about the potential that God built into the creation and I think computer technology is just the most recent thing. OK perfect you know that that makes that really good and find it more like it was in retrospect of human technology no I could never go back to you know I was kind of. Like you know Hannah why they're not a religion technology more or less becoming that you or they could be used you know forget or warm or bad you know and you have the Biblical perspective that you can utilize that you'll further god. You have any thoughts about not even was sure I mean. It's obvious that I had to turn put on hold because the noise of the road was so loud in the background there. So you're on hold at the moment but. You know the thing about humanity is not all humans are are good but all humans have brains and all have a creative impulse so you're going to find that those who create things are going to create things that could be used for good or for evil and maybe there are some things that could only be used for evil I don't know you know there may be some things that are invented that could never be used for good but almost everything that could be used for good can also be used for evil. And it's also usually true the other way around I mean Computer technology has brought a lot of. Negatives into our society one of which is sort of an information glut that causes people to know a little tiny bit about thousands of things and not very much about any one thing and also of course the proper na graphy into the home which was harder to get into the home before there were computers to do that it's also created tremendous distractions from the real world through computer games and things like that now those things can be considered to be negatives on Dallas but obviously computer technology and the Internet has allowed me to be able to talk on the air to people all over the world simultaneously and that's the I take that to be a good thing so technology is neither good nor bad there are some people who are really against it I think you shock a little was one of those Christian philosophers who tended to take a negative view of technology and one might think that the Amish tend to take a negative view of technology although I don't know that they do I think they're just trying to not be overwhelmed by technological advance and I think that's probably a wise thing for Christians to in general although I don't say one has to put the limits where the Amish to but we re probably better make sure that as more and more technology becomes available that it doesn't become an occasion for making our lives more shallow it's obvious that well I mean just 30 years ago my kids were young 25 years ago and we didn't have cell phones back then and our family didn't move most people didn't but. Now of course kids they're looking at their cell phone most of the time that they're wake and instead look at the people in the room with them and there's not very much deep relationships going on just really shallow virtual relationships and I think that's been a negative but it's also nice that I can call people you know wherever I am and they can call me. Yes I mean that's a good thing for technology goes both ways it has to do with whether it's pressed into service of the Kingdom of God or man's own selfish pleasures distraction OK OK All right Rob appreciate your call there and thank you. Rich from Utah. Rich thank you for calling today. Thank you ARE YOU THERE Yes OK OK So Rick I'm sorry OK. No problem anyway I think I've asked you a question on this 1st before but I need to. I need to ask this again any different way Perry last. Let me start over here Carter who has the power to create everything we see in Nazi Friedel eyes into us nostrils he has the power to do all that on and on and on I can go on and so he chose the very last words of the very last verse of the Old Testament to state I will bring the prophet Elijah. He will bring the hearts of the fathers back to the children in the hearts and not our fathers. So the important. One is here to explain that 1st what the real meaning of that is is that back to the father's meaning the law that type thing to do with fathers and their children and all that's what I'm told but does it have to do. With the father's meaning Moses knows. The law and that type of thing and why would he choose to bury there must be some incredible importance to that verse for. For him to choose those words that passage. And then all this and the turnaround with the new covenant and change it to where we're not under the law. Which which is what the very which is what the what the message was. Well OK you're back to the father. Yeah I think the actual message of those verses has less to do with the meaning of turn the hearts of the fathers the children and the children the volleyers than it has to do with the general statement that God is sending a lie just to change people's hearts lest he might the land with a curse that is he's saying Israel is going to come under the curse that was threatened in Deuteronomy in Leviticus and unless they change it so God before he actually lowers the boom as he actually did in 8070 before he actually does that he's going to send Elijah to try to turn people the right way now that the actual wording of the turning of their hearts to turn the hearts of the fathers of the children of the hearts of the children to fathers is truly ambiguous I mean and someone apparently told you that the word fathers here doesn't mean your earth your immediate parents but rather you know Israel's fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob and so forth to turn the the the Jewish people back to the hearts of a very miserly Jake of their fathers and then to turn the hearts of the fathers the children now it's not entirely clear what the 2nd phrase means turkey the hearts of the fathers of the children but it does seem very possible that the 1st phrase to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers may in deed refer to causing them to have a faith like the fathers have a heart like their father's not not specifically about enforcing the old covenant because the father's Aber my Zick and Jacob did not live under the Old Covenant the old come it was given through Moses hundreds of years after their lifetime Abraham Isaac and Jacob were not saved on terms of the Old Covenant they were saved by faith as we are and therefore to turn the Jewish people back to the hearts of their father. It would be similar to what Jesus said I think in John Chapter 8 when he said to the Jews you know if you were the children of Abraham you would do the deeds of Abraham he said Abraham rejoiced to see my day he didn't kill me he didn't want to kill me like you do and others you don't have your father's heart Abraham's heart. It's not specifically reference to the Law of Moses although of course in the end of Molokai there it does say in a few verses before that you know don't forget the Law of Moses but that's because not like eyes generation was required to keep the Law of Moses but when he said I'm going to send it live he didn't say also to lie to make them keep the Law of Moses but he's going to return them to the hearts of their fathers which would be prior to Moses Abraham Isaac and Jacob are usually referred to as the fathers now on the other line to return the hearts of the fathers of the children I'm not really sure if that's just saying the same thing backward or making another point the passage in Molokai is quoted partially in Luke chapter one by the angel who speaking to Zacharias about the coming of John the Baptist and in Luke 117 the angel says about John the Baptist he will also go before God in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children now there's that one line but in that end it goes on but it doesn't give the other line for Malik I don't say in the hearts of the children of the fathers but rather that he says and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just and to make ready of people prepared for the Lord so turning the children to the hearts of their fathers the hearts of the children the fathers is substituted for the line the disobedient to the wisdom of the just. And it may mean it may indicate that in this case the fathers are a from Isaac and Jacob who were righteous through faith and Israel has subsequently become something very different than that and God wants to return them and it's essentially causing the wicked or the foolish or the disobedient to return to the wisdom of the just which would have been no doubt a synonym for the father's there is some ambiguity in the way that like I you know words it and then of course the angel kind of paraphrases it but if you're asking why would you know coming term people back to the Old Covenant if in fact there's a new covenant. I don't think that Molokai is saying that that he lives would turn people back to the old covenant it is true if you look at the verses just before the ones you mentioned yes 1st for Malikai for forces Remember the Law of Moses my servant which I commanded you know horror of with the statutes and judges now that something that Malick eyes generation needed to remember they were not paying their tides they were not bringing sacrifices in the proper manner as you can tell by reading the whole book of Molokai they were neglecting the Law of Moses and they lived 400 years before the old the new covenant and therefore they were under the old Remember the Law of Moses but then he says I'm going to send you a life of the prophet. Not not to make you keep the Law of Moses but to turn your hearts to be like the hearts of your fathers Aber my 2nd check it is what I think he means and in failing to do this I will have to bring a curse on the land that's what I understand they. Were that you could think. You're talking about a curse like that he put on the ground that came with healing you. Know the curse he's talking about is described in Leviticus $26.00 and Deuteronomy $28.00 OK if your eyes chapters and all that well OK so God said he's going to curse them if they broke his covenant and if they didn't keep his law and that did have OK you know. All right I appreciate your call rich I'm sorry I hit the. Hit the hang up button didn't know you go speak again we got a lot of calls awaiting And we're going to talk to Sam from Dallas Texas Sam welcome to the now 10 Thanks for calling. Do you have. Find I think you turn your radio down because you're going to be confused you're listening to the dog I mean. It's 3rd time you know I mean yes. I look less so large then you are stuck there are. Bad thoughts and. My bad. OK but the Gnostic Gospels are a set of gospels that were put out by gnostic writers in the 2nd and 3rd centuries and they have names like the Gospel of Thomas the Gospel of Judas the Gospel of Mary the Gospel of Philip The Gospel According to Peter and things like that now these gospels were not written by those people not by Peter and Philip and Mary and so forth they are falsely attributed to them they're not true Gospels they're not the true story of Jesus they are a gnostic retelling of Gnosticism was a heresy that arose in the 2nd 3rd century and like almost all heresies they want to pretend like Jesus was one of them virtually every religion in the world wants to claim Jesus is one of them and because Jesus is so desirable that everyone wants him on their side even the new agers want you to think he was a new ager but the Gnostics they wrote they rewrote stories of Jesus putting a gnostic slant on his teachings and that's what we call the Gnostic Gospels they were recognized early in the early church as false for example in one $78.00 D. Era nevus denounced them as false gospels and that's about the time they were written in that general period so they were immediately recognized as forgeries and not worth you know the paper they're written on now us about the use of the gospel of Barnabus there's a pistol of Barnabas I don't know if there's a gospel of Barb's there could be but there's a pistol Barnabus and that's not one of the Gnostic writings the Epistle of Barnabas was written by an Orthodox Christian in the 2nd century and it's just a it's a Godly you know a pistol it's not it doesn't belong in. The Bible because it's not written by Barnabas not the same Doris no doubt the author was Barnabas but probably a different part of us than the one we read about in the Bible is written later than Barnabas this time so it's it's like many other things that were written in the 2nd century the shepherd of her most. Of the the to decay and the official bbs these are all books that were very often read by Christians in the 2nd and the 2nd century they were good books but they're not Bible books written too late to be in the Bible because they were written by. Decided to take a break but I'm going to come back and take more calls so don't go away we've got our lives mostly full we've got will be taking another half hour's worth of calls but I need to release some of our listeners who are not going to be able to be with us for the 2nd half hour on some of our stations the narrow path as a listener supported ministry we pay for the time on the radio stations and if we can't pay for it we go off air as we are going to do on several stations next month . If you'd like to help us stay on the station you're listening to you can write to the narrow. Box 730 Temecula California 9 to 5. 93 and you can also donate at the website the narrow path dot com Stay tuned it will be right back the because he brews tells us do not forget to do good and to share with others so let's all do good and share the narrow gap with Steve Gregg with family and friends when the show is over today tell one and all to go to the narrow paths dot com where they can study learn and enjoy the free topical audio teachings log articles verse by verse teachings and archives of all the narrow path radio shows and be sure to tell them to tune into the show right here on the radio cheer listeners the Boarded the narrow path with Greg share and do good. Welcome back to you can narrow path radio broadcast we have another half hour to go with more calls waiting and we have some lines open too if you'd like to join us if you have questions about the Bible or the Christian faith give me a call we'll talk about it in this half hour if you have a different viewpoint from the host of a talk about that then we'll do that as well give me a call the number is 844-484-5737 that's 844-484-5737 our next caller today is Ralph calling from Southern California Ralph walked into the narrow path thanks for calling Well good afternoon Steve thanks for taking my question. Well I'm going to do it because you've been having a little discussion looking not only does. A brother was mentioning that at the time of it's just a function of the resurrection. Now I was trying to look at the timeline and I look I went back to the book after that if you look at the guts. Just quickly 3 weeks off yeah. Yeah and I was looking at I think Chapter 23 to me in particular. Still. The Feast of Unleavened Bread. And then it says that. First they have the Passover and then the. Bread begins on the 15th date Yeah if I back off it said the 1st the 14 day of the 1st month is when the is they passed over and then the 15th day of the 1st month is if you step on the been directed begin for me right but then I went back in I think in Matthew and I also in Mark I think Mark who 2 men 12. Were speaking that the disciples asked the Lord. When we are when we are should run for Peter the feast that we passed over you know but it says on the 1st day off on leaven but is when they ask the question. Not willing to do a thing that I'm not sure I'm doing well if you stop unleavened bread and on that night they have the Passover and I'm going to confuse about yeah I got the timeline as it is in the US right as I've understood it the Passover was the beginning of Unleavened Bread. It's like there's a week of Unleavened Bread and the 1st day of that is the Passover saw on the 14th day they keep the Passover but see they keep it they keep it after sun rise and sundown on that one yes so so it's kind of the next day anyway but there but the point is that they they begin unleavened bread with Passover and so they have to get rid of the leaven from their houses before the Passover meal and they end only and why then for 7 days so if you're talking about the particular day it's usually called Passover if you're talking about the week that follows without referring to that day usually for refer to as unleavened bread but sometimes the whole week including Passover and on them bread is called in love bread and sometimes it's on the whole week is called Passover and so so the terms are somewhat overlapping the it's not really a distinction it's rather there's a whole week they'd unleavened bread in the 1st day that week is Passover and so you know so that's then from the next day after Passover on for you know the week they they'd also continue not eating leavened yet I did like I said I would mention and look at the press and also in numbers. When Moses was instructing the people to observe the Passover that might you know I'm the next birthday is on 11 bread and they should have eaten 11 bread for 7 days right. So you know so it's kind of got me confused when I go back into into the continent and. The New Testament where it says on the 1st level. Should we observe the Passover which would indicate to me that. Under Passover there was another bread which is not the same as it is and look at the carts are in numbers and. Well as I understand it like I said I think that has never was considered to be part of the week of unleavened bread it was a 1st day so in other words it starts on the Belfast so that's how I have always understood it I mean there's a possibility I'm seeing it wrong but that's how I've read it when I read it yeah well it appeared that way in the New Testament but like I'm saying in the early in the Leviticus I remembers it seemed to be a little different it's huge but I was a bit confused Yeah I don't really see it differently even there and live at it because I just see it you know saying that you've got Passover on the 14th day in the Sistine state continue for a week eating unleavened bread but you also didn't pass or unleavened bread on Passover to so I mean it's just he just saying the day after Passover you keep eating unleavened bread for another week song so that's what it means you keep it after all right that's what I think he's saying I could be wrong I want to consult a rabbi. Looking at it. Right thank you Rob God bless all right to Aaron from Chesapeake Virginia welcome to the narrow path Aaron welcome Steve. I think I've got a quick question for you. I mean you and I both agree with giving ministry to the poor. Both of a really. Tight economic elite. I think yes they go where heard of a quality of. Life Well you got to check with your church to see how much you should. Know how much they want you to say I don't like I said to him like I said to him we don't have to ties but if you're going to a church where you've agreed to tie that some churches when you join the church you agree to ties to them they want to you to sell he was saying well shy ties he was saying you know I get I get this expense account with my work and he's trying to figure out that might I have a car allowance you know is that part of my income I have to tithe on I was saying I don't think you have to type it all but if you're going to a church that wants to talk to her ask them what their they want you to do you know I think go ahead. But. You do in that call you. Right I probably would we can't tackle we don't have little by little no but I mean if they want to give 10 percent of your income to them and I wanted to be part of that church I would not rebel against that I mean why not I mean I I would never want to be part of a church that you. Probably that want that required tithing but if I did for some reason want to be part of a church like that it would have to be a mighty good church in other respects and one that I wouldn't mind giving 10 percent to because I give I give a lot more than that I don't I don't limit my giving to 10 percent I give to lots of ministries and I give a lot more than 10 percent it wouldn't be any skin off my nose to give them 10 percent if it's a church I want to attend you know and if I'm busy if I'm receiving something from them I don't mind helping to support them to me 10 percent is not a very much a very large amount to give but and so I would I mean if I was doing that then I don't go to a church that requires tithing and so you know I'm not I'm not likely to but my position is this if you're going to go to a church you should be in unity with that church and that is you shouldn't be a rebel you shouldn't be standing out against what they're saying if I. If I go to a church and they say well our church services are a lot of o'clock in the morning on Sunday. Well that's when I'm going to go I don't think there's any requirement in the Bible I go to church at 11 o'clock in fact I much rather go at 10 instead of 11 but I'm I'm not going to be a rebel about that if that's the church I want to be a part of I'm going to fit in with what they are asking people to do and so it's one of the things they're asking people to pay ties as they go for it if you can if you were to do it all I would say is we don't have any biblical mandate to do it but I believe in being in unity with the people that you're fellowshipping with so if they want to do it I mean do it or or don't you know him don't do it if you don't want to to me it's a non-issue to me tithing is a 0 issue because I don't think tithing has anything to transfer didn't. Mean that you like the explicitly churches manipulate people by you he try to buy $1000000.00 business is a building no doubt. And that is very bad stewardship on the part of the church and I would definitely I would I would criticize the church that does side. I mean if a church says we want everyone to tie and we want to come to church on at 11 o'clock for me going to church 11 o'clock and pain ties to be about on the same level you don't have to do either of them biblically But if that's what the church is asking people to do to be a part of the Church then I want to be a part of church I'll do it they say but if they take that money and waste it on big salaries for the staff or on big buildings and things like that well I'm not going to go to that church for very long you know. That's a waste you know I don't mind giving my money to a church if they're going to use it as good stewards in other words if they're going to support missionaries if they're going to support the poor if they're going to have you know mot you know the leaders are going to be supported modestly they're not going to waste a lot of money on a superb those buildings and furniture and and gadgets and things I mean stewardship is a big. Sure I don't want to go to any church that does not steward its money well but if I go to a church that does store their money well they want 10 percent that's not a problem to me because you know I give him 10 percent let them steward it well otherwise I have stored it well doesn't matter the main thing I care about is that the is that the resources that I have to give are actually going to promote the Gospel and going to help the poor those are the 2 things the New Testament says God cares about for our money saw I think if the church is taking care of the poor and the churches you know store the money well and they asked their congregation if 10 percent it's not a problem to me but when you talk about churches that manipulate people to give 10 percent and then the pastor takes a big salary and they and they waste the money on a bunch of other luxuries things well that's not a church I would recommend anyone go to anyway. But no no. No churches. None of us will go to church and perfect but if you went to a church and. You get employed well the things that are going to be in the tribulation I don't think you will do that if you disagree with. The implicit you I would try no way that it almost unbiblical in the. Christian or even put it on the well I think I don't think it's I don't think un-Biblical in the sense that if you do it you're violating some command of scripture it's extra biblical extra biblical means the Bible doesn't really say anything about it the Bible doesn't say anything about New Testament people tithing it doesn't forbid us to give 10 percent to anyone I mean I could give 10 percent to my neighbor who's struggling to pay his rent in the Bible doesn't forbid me to do that I could give it to a missionary I know the Bible doesn't For bet I could give it to my pastor to support him or I could give it to the church to to run their you know ministries I mean there's nothing in the body that forbids me to tie but there's nothing that commands me to tie the other so I'm at liberty I could tie that in again if they're using the money in a way I believe in I don't mind support them but I'm not going to limit my support to that I mean if they want 10 percent they're only asking for a real small percentage of what I actually give saw I don't mind giving them you know that little bit. You know it's you know the whole thing is I wouldn't go to a church if I didn't believe in what they were doing now if they're dispensational church. Obviously I'm not just from stations but that but I don't consider dispensationalism to be a test of fellowship you know I think there's some wonderful Christians who are dispensation us I'm not one of them I hope I'm a wonderful Christian but I'm I'm not to dismiss a Schlitz and and but the to be a Christian and fellowship with other Christians the more mature attitude is to say you know I don't have to agree with everything they do as long as they don't want me to do something that's un-Biblical you're right I wouldn't go to a prayer meeting to pray for the tribulation saints or get saved after the rapture I don't believe in such a thing but but I do believe in giving and I don't even believe in giving to the church I don't have a set amount that I give to a church but I believe in giving to the church Paul said that those who are taught share with All in all good things with those who teach so I wouldn't be going to a church probably if the pastor wasn't teaching and so for me to share as a as is fine I mean I I don't I wouldn't care if they asked for you know 20 percent yeah. I give it a thank you and you have a you give them maybe you know it is possible you but the lady on the phone. You hear you say if you're in the church you know you should do what they say if she can afford it you know I'm a fan of the hate I do not require you have that already but I say it all the time I've published it you know I have a article on my website said it's not required sobbing I'm not I'm not supporting tithing I'm supporting unity OK OK Now to the lady the little lady on a fixed income who can't pay a tie of course I'm not good sellers has ties but I think most people can give a time and I think God will bless them for I don't I mean I'm not saying it's high this magic I think most people can give. Something Now you know when we get checks to the narrow path I think some people are tithing to us because some of them give really kind of odd amounts which makes it sound like well they probably chose or not because it's probably a percentage of something that they give. And some of us who give us you know a dollar or $2.00 or $5.00 which is a pretty small gift but it's you know it's appreciated because I assume that probably the fact that they give it all they don't have to means that they're being generous and the fact they give it so small probably means that they don't have a lot to give and I appreciate that but and I think the church should appreciate it too if the widow gives only 2 mites but that's more than 10 percent she's giving all Jesus said I just think. I just don't think I think should be an issue if it's something that puts people under bondage then it's a bad thing I'd speak up against it and if someone asked me if they need to tithe I'd say no I said all the time in the city but we'd say I think most people in this article. I'm not needy which are noble in our cause I think a lot of the church that's what most people can you know well let me say let me just say that I have been a poor person most of my life I'm not now I'm comfortable now but I spent at least 30 years adult years in poverty and I was giving 20 percent. That's that's why I wasn't giving as much as I give now but I was giving 20 percent then. Because what I did is I didn't have much money but I could I could trim down my lifestyle so that I lived on minimal amounts so they could give more I just figured that you know I'm going to I'm going to stand before Jesus some day he's going to say what did you do with the stuff I gave you and I'm going to say I fed my family I put clothes on them shoes on I'm a roof over their head and then I supported the kingdom of God with the rest and you know I just feel you can't give too much except if you give so much you can't feed your family my family was raised no frills my kids had nothing extra except what they got for Christmas from grandparents and things like that you know but. But that so I know there's poor people in the church I was one of them for decades but. I just I just chose to limit things now I guess there are people who are poorer than I was there are people who have virtually hardly enough to eat or pay rent at all anywhere well then of course I wouldn't expect them to tie that they can't if you can't do it you can't do it but I think most people can if they if they knew where to cut corners somewhat and if they put the kingdom of God as their 1st priority of you know getting stuff they don't need and. Almost sure there's really poor people who don't have anything they don't need but I'd say 90 something percent of American Christians have a lot of things they don't need and don't give very much to the kingdom of God That's between them and God just seen them in me but I I happen to know for hand that you can be very poor as I lived and give a tithe or more I never gave a type because I always thought that wasn't enough so I gave more but. Anyway I've take a long time in this call we have other calls waiting but I hope that maybe clarifies why I'm not yet think most OK brother thanks for your call all right Bob from Bellevue Washington welcome to the narrow path thanks for calling. Thank you it's part I work for employers I served weapon 11. Similarly when we are in the military with a printout on the word elite compliment he received early going through a messy room and it still looks good about them all round. Let me know he's basically tell me that he is not a true material and my whole. Lot He just says inception MARY Well James this is the daily not before and I'm just really literalists have you heard of this Colonel cerium nontrivial Surely you are right yet not not everyone not everybody who gets into the deeper roots movement goes that far but the Hebrew roots movement is full of error it's full of error it's I mean yeah Christianity has Hebrew roots in the sense that Jesus was a Hebrew he's the root and the foundation of our faith and he was a Hebrew if he had been a black man or a Chinese man or a Hispanic or a cock you know. Anglo-Saxon then we'd have you know you know Spanish Hispanic or black roots so what I'm not a Jew I mean if Jesus had been a black man and I'm a follower of Jesus that doesn't make me a black man it's you know I am what I am and he's what he is so Jesus was a Hebrew and the church has him as its root or its foundation so it has a heaver root but that doesn't mean all the people in it are Hebrews Jesus didn't start a racial movement he didn't say come on to me and you can become a Jew Like me he didn't start something racially start something for all races all people every kindred people tongue and tribe and it's not about what race you are that's why Jesus that's why Paul said. There's no Jew or Gentile and crises that numerous times sell the people who get into Hebrew Roots what they're doing is focusing on something the Bible in no way encourages Christians to focus on in fact it gets dangerously close and some go over the line into the Judaizing that Paul wrote the book of Galatians to criticize and to condemn basically some of them say we need to keep the festivals we need to keep the Sabbath we need to some of say We even to be circumcised Well Paul said the new fallen from grace if you're if you're under the law you've fallen from grace he said inflations and you're a strange from Christ so this is a much more serious matter the many people think I think that there's a lot of Christians who are of the opinion that the Jews have been very badly treated by Christians through the years and they want to overcompensate and affirm the Jews and say we recognize you as God's chosen people we recognize you are you gave us the scriptures you gave us the Messiah we want to be like you and it's a pendulum swing it's like it's like the opposite end of us pendulum swing from anti-Semitism it's like the it's like it's like worship of some summits it's like you know worship or veneration of all things Jewish and there's a lot of people have that attitude and they go into this Heber roots thing and they want to they want to start using the Hebrew names sometimes they even change their own names to be Hebrew names they want to read Hebrew names Bible they want to keep all the Jewish festivals and stuff they would have the Jewish dance they would have the Torah scrolls carried through the this the Church of the synagogue are going to and you know they've just lost touch with Christianity and they're now everything they're Jewish they're basically Jewish people who still believe in Jesus but the more you embrace Judaism the harder it is to continue to be Trinitarian because Jews are trinitarians Jews don't believe in the Trinity they don't believe Jesus is God and therefore the more. It gets sucked down that vortex the more you cut into error and there are tons of errors this way go I've seen so many people start out just wanting to you know you know use the name issue of because that's the name Jesus used in his own language sure they think we start keeping the Sabbath kind of innocent stuff at 1st and then and then they just get sucked down that rabbit hole until their heart there's nothing Christian about them in fact some of them don't even claim to be Christians after all some say we're not Christians we're Messianic Jews Well that's already dividing the body of Christ building the wall that Christ broke down but then there's there's actual cases of people who went to Messianic synagogues as Christians and they converted to Judaism in the guy got circumcised and left the church and became part of the synagogue if this happens I'm not making this up I'm not just guessing I know of actual cases of this so this is a dangerous movement it starts out very innocent Sadik it seems very culturally fulfilling to do things the way Jesus probably did them in the synagogue although than most of the things that they do in these message synagogues were not commanded in the Bible or done by Jesus the Jewish style of music that your style of dance this is not from from the Middle East this is from Russian Jews this is from Eastern European Jews you know what we consider to be Jewish dance and Jewish music style. That's that's not from Israel that's from Russia in Poland and place like that the Jews there develop those styles so it's not even biblical stuff it's just cultural stuff and some people are very gratified they feel somehow very gratified to feel like they're doing things in a Jewish way although Jesus didn't do them that way because those customs came along after Jesus had long gone centuries later even the carrying of the Torah scrolls through the synagogue that wasn't being done the wearing of the yarmulke was not done in Jesus' day so it's like these these Jewish traditions they came up after the time of Jesus become affectations of the Hebrew roots movement to me it's just a total distraction from what Jesus is actually about and I feel like your friend has has been sucked in and I'm sorry to hear let's talk to Nelson from Reno Nevada Nelson real quick welcome to the narrow path Thank you Steve I know we're short on time someone out you can find. I've been listening yourself for a while my wife asked me to study bible. So I went online and there's like hundreds of them what's the best one. I'm often asked about study bibles and I don't use a study Bible very often I have some on my shelf because I have a lot of things on the shelf lot of my don't pull off the shelf very often I have a I have a. New King James Study Bible that put out by Thomas Nelson That's pretty good I've an E.S.O.P. Study Bible that's pretty good I have a New Living Translation study Paul I don't like the translation but the notes are pretty good. I've had other study Bibles as well I don't recommend a Scofield Reference Bible or a riot of study Bach about yeah Scofield and Ryrie Study Bibles really strictly dispensational some of these others I mentioned may have a leaning that way or may have a leaning in another way that I don't agree with they might lean toward Calvinism is a few points you're always getting with a study of what we call a study bible is a regular Bible that some commentators put notes in the bottom of the page that are explaining things now I don't usually use a study by I just like the Bible itself and I do have commentaries on my shelf and that's what I look at a study Bible as a Bible and a commentary in one I don't want a Bible in a commentary and one I want to Bible in one place on my bookshelf and a commentary on another place and because I consider the Bible to be the Word of God I don't consider commentaries to be the Word of God So. I'm not saying you shouldn't have said I'd say that if you do most of the ones I mentioned the Nelson Study Bible. Yes the study bible. Even the New Living tribes I studied the notes are all quite good but not all the translations very clearly good I I have something. Translations but any study Bible like that is likely to be OK in the sense that you're going to get some helpful information in there no I'm sorry I'm out of time you've been listening to the narrow path radio broadcast my name is Steve Greg and we are listeners supported you can write to us at the narrow path peel box 1730 Temecula California 9 to 593 You can also donate through our website but everything at the website is free you don't have to donate to benefit it's at the narrow path of dot com That's the narrow path dot com Thanks for joining us let's talk again tomorrow. When you give to one of our Christian programs you help keep this station on the air thank you for supporting K L D C. Though we are hurting the only create these and voids in our hearts and in all of this heartbreak that we were experiencing Paul and I and our wives we really kind of sound that man the the truest satisfaction we will ever get in life ever receive in this entire life and the only thing that can fill those voids and satisfy those voice is Jesus and that's what satisfied is about you know it's about the fact that though we are hurting and though there are constant things that will affect our lives in a negative way the only thing that really truly satisfies those a holes and that want and that need. It's Jesus the matter what you might be facing you can find satisfaction in the love and care of Jesus Christ if you like to learn how to draw closer to him even when life her. Good of making your life go to work for. The listeners My name is a rose elated every sound of David Funk for until 430 on Calle D.C. 95.3 at the end on 1220 AM I will be planned the best and traditional gospel music so tune in and be blessed remember that every Saturday from 4 until 430 on Calle D.C. 95.3 F.M. And 12 20 am. Going to disorder filled World Trade Center e asks shiver toxic culture itself be considered disorder licensed affair. So much of what I discuss on the short broadcasts has to do with our toxic cultures negative influences our kids attitudes and behaviors and ours as well yet the mental health industry and it is an industry would have us believe that our kids are plagued with any number of disorders and those certainly true in some cases over the years my experience at Shepherd still Academy has convinced me that today's culture by itself is at the root of so many of these so-called disorders there's nothing at all normal about the patterns quantity and or quality of what our kids are consuming every day so in light of aromas 12 to please consider why is content and time limits for what your child is consuming every day by way of technology learn more about traces work with troubled teens when you visit license to parent dot org. Hello OK I'll do you see this news the radio ministry and let me know Baptist church invites you to tune into our radio broadcasts hope is alive on Sunday mornings at 10 am every week Dr Robin all English air biblical principles Grace living and the Gospel of Jesus Christ so please join us hope is alive every Sunday. At 10 am right here on K L D C 12 20 AM and 95.3 F.M. . AKA. Mourners with the inscription birthplace of aviation pioneers the Ohio corridor honors the state's contribution to the history of aviation depictions of an early aircraft the Wright Flyer and an astronaut or superimposed over an outline of the state the claim to the inscription is well justified the history making astronauts Neil Armstrong and John Glenn were both born in Ohio as was Orville Wright co-inventor of the airplane the Wright brothers also built and tested one of their early aircraft in 1000 No 5 flyer 3 in Ohio the Buckeye State admitted to the union 1808 o'clock and asked Mark on the country this is the Crawford broadcasting. You're listening to calle D.C. Denver one H.D. 220 AM and 95.3 F.M. And streaming online at 1220 table D.C. Dot com across for broadcasting God and country station.

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