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Transcripts for KLDC 1220 AM KLDC 1220 AM 20180830 170000
You are listening to calle D.C. Denver on H.D. 220 AM and 95.3 F.M. And streaming online at 1220 calle D.C. Dot com across her broadcasting God and country station. Welcome to cult of freedom with Barbara Carmen this is Jimmy Leahy and I'm delighted that you are joining us for this half hour you can reach call to freedom at Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or by going to the Web site at W.W.W. Dot freedom Street dot org If you want to leave a message or order a word power daily reading Bible guide or a freedom street express newsletter you can call us toll free add 186-691-7725 extension 6 leave your name and address including your zip code if you want to talk to Barbara right now she is expecting your call you may call that same toll free number 186-691-7725 extension 62 speak to her and now let's join Barbara in the studio and God bless you Jimmy Laiki welcome to call to freedom God is faithful and He knows the unspoken needs of your heart you can rest in the assurance that he'll meet them on time and generously unspoken needs of your heart needs that you don't even know you have it's like when I was in college I had gone through 4 years of college they were great years it was March I was going to go home to Greeley Colorado in May after 4 years and work at my dad's real estate office and forget California and enter John Wells asked me out on March the 14th we were married on May the 8th. And turn my world upside down and see it was unspoken needs of my heart I didn't know I needed this man but boy did I need this merciful wonderful compassionate man and so the same way with you when your heart is focused on the Lord Jesus on Father God He will meet those needs that are even unspoken in your life and then I remember when my precious John died and I was I was just lost I thought I I would rather die than be here one more minute on this earth without John and then when Holy Spirit came to say to me and said What would you like Barbara and I said I needed a mighty man of the word and I told him right there my kitchen sink I said Father God I need a mighty man of the word to come in my life and to take care of this sorrow and grief and boom. Here came Derren karmic it is that is the end and God is not a partial God He does this for all his children that love him oh love him for and read His word every day it's just so good to know that he is with you this is my bible see that make that Bible yours I am what it says I am I have what it says I have I do what it tells me to do this is my Bible it has given me a new life it is the Word of God I hope it's the same with you well can you believe that the left and E.S.P.N. Are still responding over Tiger Woods' comment about the president Tiger Woods was recent Woods was recently asked by a reporter he didn't volunteer this he was asked about President Trump he responded by stating he will always respect the office no matter who holds it apparently that was too much praise for one host according to The New York Post E.S.P.N.'s Max Kellerman said Monday on 1st Take that Tiger Woods response to questions about President Trump. Made him angry Woods was asked after the final round of the Northern Trust on Sunday about his relationship with Trump and urged people to respect the office of the president he's president of the United States you have to respect the office no matter who is in the office you may like dislike the personality or the politics but we all must respect the office he said while Kellerman blasted Woods remarks saying it was a thoughtless statement dressed up as a thoughtful statement E.S.P.N. Has reportedly been trying to get away from politics all really and focus on sports but tirades like this won't help that attempted movement and I respect a Tiger Woods and I respect even the people the rapper Kanye West who stand up and speak without cowering to the bias in this country God bless you guys I hope to see you Sunday in heaven and thank you for praying for protection for President Trump and let's get that border wall built let's do it it's important you continue to wash your hands on that of that anti-Christ spirit in the jazz about the spirit that is over America and put a sign in your bathroom that says I'm washing my hands on behalf of President Trump I have a lot of people that come into my home and they go to the bathroom Yeah they do and they see the picture of President Trump and Melania it's up there and I have it every day I've had it for over a year over year and a half now so come against those witchcraft spirits and the enemies of Christ because I'll tell you your enemies are God's enemies my friend Elizabeth emailed me this morning and said listening to you again last night about washing your hands I've started and have not stopped from the 1st time I heard you mention this maybe 10 or 11 months now I knew I had to do it I feel led to wash just above the elbow down to my fingers in a straight downward position not up and down demanding all evil out I feel its effectiveness and I'm grateful to feel. Well like I'm a part of holding up righteousness for our president that's what that's what this does is prayer makes you united with other brothers and sisters that are washing their hands up that we have the cleanest audience of listeners. The cleanest hands praise God and she goes on to say holding up righteousness for our president this country and against all evil doers thank you and God bless you Barbara I love your faithfulness and enthusiasm your prayers are keeping President Trump safe and helping him to make wise decisions thank you so much all of you who are washing your hands on behalf of President Trump we cannot have these witches casting spells on our President and thank the Lord for Proverbs 262 that says like a fluttering Sparrow or a darting swallow Have you ever seen little birds they're just going back and forth and back and forth and they're not settling on anything while that's what an undeserved curse does against and in unintended victim someone who is covered with the blood of Jesus their spells and incantations are useless when they come against the blood of Jesus and the words of our testimony remember that and continue to lift up a banner on behalf of President Trump God bless you guys memory verse for this week is Matthew 61921 don't store up treasures here on Earth where MAF and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal but store your treasures in heaven where moth nor in Russia do not destroy and and thieves do not break in and steal where ever your treasure is there the desires of your heart will be also your heart's going to direct you to do what you want to do I hope your heart is settled on the Lord Oh that is so good to know that and. I was going to say something and it just kind of just went from my mind so I guess it was an important on book of mysteries by Jonathan condé 341 the other through the one now this sounds like a strange one doesn't it. Day 341 the day was sunny with a cool afternoon breeze we were walking through a garden of olive trees I can imagine that wonderful the fragrance and also just the fact that they're all of trees the leaves of which were rustling in the wind a mystery said the teacher listen to these words written by the apostle for as woman came from man even so man comes through woman what does it mean well as woman came from man so from Adam came Eve but after that every man comes into the world through a woman so man comes through Woman It's a circle of love teacher said a circle of being the one comes from the other and the other comes through the one they each come through the other and yet it contains an even deeper mystery Adam was created in the image of God the visible reflection of the invisible realities of God he remember he was the visible reflection of the invisible God what does that make you it's going to get better so if from Adam came Eve if from the man came the woman then what is this a reflection of what Then came from God that creation came from God I replied So the one came from the other said the teacher but the mystery then the other must come through the one so if the creation came from God then then God must come through the creation I began to understand yes said the teacher as man comes through woman who came from man so God must come through the creation that came from him that's why it says in Romans one that all creation you can see God in all creation because he comes in that beautiful beautiful create. That we see every day that we are over every day that people spend billions of dollars going around the world to see beautiful things God comes through that creation and so God is born among us and the circle is complete Israel I said Israel also came from God So as the man comes through the woman so the God of Israel must come through Israel God must be born of Israel he paused looked into my eyes and said And what else comes from God. Who else what else we do I said when we came into existence from God the one from the other and the other from the one so what about you ask the teacher I came into existence from God Therefore remember Psalm 139 I was fearfully and wonderfully made in the womb by God Himself I came into existence from God Therefore it's only complete If God is born through me teacher continued you exist from him that he might exist through you and what is salvation it is exactly that it is this mystery it is God come through you who came from him his life now born through your life and that is the purpose of your life that's a purpose of your life friend to be the if the plan of God on this earth so make this your aim let God come through you let his love his goodness his nature his presence let his life come through your life and the one from the other and the other through the one and then the circle is complete that is so good so good you must know by now after all these almost 2 years of reading through this book of mystery that you are of value to God your very life on this earth is for a purpose and you are a value you must know that friend so take part in the mystery today let the life the love the goodness the power in the presence of God through your life be born from above in Jesus' love we must not fail God we must not God it did so much for us and he's continuing to do so much for us he has committed to us the word of grace this Bible that is right in front of me he's committed this to us he has committed to us the word of with. I'm just ask proverbs 74 just ask that wisdom you are my sister understanding you're my intimate friend and you are going to have wisdom he has committed to us his ability Have you ever taken notice of who you are in Christ of what you have of what you can do the enemy tries on a minute by minute basis to tell you that you can't do and who you can't be and tries to get you off balance but stand strong against him because you are as son and daughter of God Almighty you have his life and nature in you you have the great and mighty Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead living in you. Say hollow with me holiday Louis what can you do measure what you can do by the ability of God who is at work within you measure what you can do by his own wonderful word flowing with promises of goodness and truth and life he knew what needs would face you when he was planning your RE damson and when he was planning the new creation I can hear him say listen listen I can hear him say all identify myself with you be in you all work through you my ability shall become your ability my wisdom shall become your wisdom I won't let them fail I won't let you fail through the word I will build myself into you because I watch over my word to perform it through you he watches over his word friend from Jeremiah 112 to perform it through you just what Jonathan Kohn was saying he's right when he says it is God come through you who came from him his life now born through your life that is the purpose of your life so make your name let God come through you let his love. His goodness his nature his presence let his life come through your life and the one from the other and the other through the one through the One God are precious Heavenly Father and then the circle is complete we must not fail God Oh I tell Come we must not feel God Just think of what he's done for us he has committed to us the word of grace he has committed to us the word of wisdom he has. Committed to us his ability Have you ever taken notice of who you are in Christ do the things of this world just come crashing and crashing in on you so that you can even take a moment to contemplate and to meditate on who he is in you I hope you have time during the day especially you know Barbara especially Barbara says in the morning in the morning when your mind is just renewed in your freshman and it's been restored through the sleep and the rest of the night I hope that you go to him because I'll tell you why he has not failed you and he will not fail you praise the Lord. In Genesis 221 through 23 The Lord God caused a man to fall into a deep sleep and while the man slapped the Lord God took out of one of man's ribs and closed up the opening he took out one rib then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and he brought her to the man I think he brought got a bone of a rib bone because woman has to be strong or. At last the man exclaimed This one is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh so she will be called Woman because she was taken from man ish. In 1st Corinthians 1111 through 12 but among the Lord's people women are not independent of men and men are not independent of women see that's what this spirit this anti-Christ spirit is trying to do empower the women to be over the man that was not ever ever intended by God and for their supposed to work together as a team for although the 1st woman came from man every other man was born from a woman and everything comes from God Everything comes from God she they're trying to get rid of God You can't get rid of God Now one of these days he's going to make himself known I mean in the. Physical he's going to make him self known efficiency 525 through 334 husbands This means love your wives just as Christ loved the church he gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean washed by the cleansing of his word he did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spotter wrinkle or any other blemish Instead she will be holy and without fault Oh praise God We can't do that on our own see some of you have struggled to do that on your own you can't get to the place where God is going to see you as righteousness on your own it's through the blood of Jesus that you are made righteous in the same way husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies for a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself Oh I pray that you love yourself today guys I really do your made in God's image and you are responsible and accountable directly to God as a man yes you are No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it just as Christ cares for the church and we are members of his body as the Scriptures say a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife and the 2 are united into 11 flesh one flesh there's too much. To call it married singles too many people that say they're married and they're living there was life as singles it's so sad. A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his life and the 2 are united into one this is a great mystery but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one so again I say each man must love his wife as he loves himself and the wife must respect her husband such good teaching today so it's a great great teaching and as I was reading the words were in Matthew again I figure since we got through most of the New Testament I do that in my Word Power for every hour because we can't get enough of the Gospels and so we go through the Old Testament right now we are in Chronicles and what what a mixture of bad kings and good kings we see here but I'll tell you what God brings the victory in the end it really does through all of the horrible horrible things that are happening you can see God just weaving in His Love in and out all the time is just marvelous and I hope that you're reading through the word with me from Genesis to Revelation I do it every year and it's just such a blessing it's an uplift for me it's life for me this book that I'm reading is life for me today in in Matthew for I just want to go into Matthew 3 just a little bit we have less than 5 minutes here's John the Baptist he has spent his whole life in the desert eating locusts and honey wearing skins of animals and here he comes out right before Jesus is revealed and he is baptizing people he's saying Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand now never before had they heard this salvation now was beginning to appear for the 1st time on earth salvation and he was introducing the savior of the world and according to Isaiah 40 verse 3 now he had he was baptizing in the River Jordan and even the fairest seas were coming to be baptized. This is what he said to these man because here religion was coming to a new covenant appearing and Old Covenant would smack right into a new covenant Here's what John said you brood of vipers you snakes OK that's the 1st words he said to these man can you imagine you brood of vipers who warned you to flee from the wrath to come therefore bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance and do not suppose that you can save yourselves we have Abraham for our father so I say to you that God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham he's telling them the religion that you have followed and this pious attitude that you've had toward people is no longer going to go is no longer going to be of any effect because there comes one who is going to bring introduce grace and love like you've never known love and this one is going to bring salvation and redemption to this world and he says and the axe is already laid at the root of the trees every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire as for me I baptize you with water for repentance but he that's a capital H. In my New American Standard who is coming after me is mightier than I and I am not fit to remove his sandals he will baptize you with a Holy Spirit and Fire and his winnowing fork is in his hand and he will thoroughly clear his threshing floor. Walk through clear it of what the religion the spirit of religion that tradition of man that man somehow is above when you're in a leadership you're above everybody else who are paying. That's what Jesus came he made it came to make everything equal and the end no one is saved except through Jesus Christ our Lord you can't get into heaven any other way so he's going to clear the threshing floor and he will gather his wheat into the barn but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire he will burn up those who have lived by the law and lived by religion and kept the other kept the average person who is in so need keeping him down keeping him without any kind of hope and that is so sad to take advantage of other people like that well John of course you know he saw he saw the Dove coming Holy Spirit coming down as a dove and Father God saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased oh I hope you read through Matthew with me this is such a wonderful book and it gives all kinds of Old Testament Scriptures that are fulfilled through Jesus Christ so I hope you'll be enthused about reading the through the word you it's not too late you start reading with me and call me at 186-691-7725 extension 6 if you want to word power I'll send it to you postage paid God bless you I love you take joy. Thank you for listening to a call to freedom with Barbara Carr Mag You may get in touch with Barbara at call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may leave your message at 18669. 177256 call to freedom is a listener supported radio ministry Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up call to freedom ministry our partners support called a freedom with prayer and monthly financial support that you will be blessed supernaturally we invite you to visit culture freedoms website W.W.W. Dot freedom Street dot org where you can hear Barbara's daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials you may share your praise reports and heart cries by mailing them to call to Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at Freedom Street dot org until next time remember Jesus loves you Barbara loves you and take joy. This is 1220 K. L D C and 95.3 F.M. Crawford Broadcasting Company. This is Jesus does miracles so great at the ministry. Of Faith and empowerment Please join evangelists Christopher Rotches at K L D C 122895 point 3 F.M. 2nd for Sunday at 2 pm Jesus on top. Of. The following broadcast is the public affairs presentation of the Crawford Broadcasting Company. The Crawford stand as Dawn Crawford. President of Crawford broadcasting company continues to talk about the value of work ahead of the holiday this Monday celebrating Work Labor Day Mr Crawford says that work according to Scripture is good learning whether it's trade or in or by gaining experience and growing or by learning from others or the School of Hard Knocks boy I've been there so many times and my mistakes made plenty running standards of X. Was to which we can aspire so that we can be all that we can be working with all of our might knowing in this world that indeed the night is coming when no man can work work while you can and work the best you can in this life we inevitably slow down to in our age or perhaps we get a 0 or infirm or we lose interest or motivation and of course our energy and our ability to work dissipates or perhaps even ends with that ends opportunity and potential and we may not have finish what we are called to do some retire or quit or are forced to retire prematurely some of us are fortunate enough to finish on accomplish our objectives and our purposes while others others cannot. For us we are fortunate that even Jesus of Nazareth said in John's gospel that he had in fact finished the work for which the Father has sent him wow what a statement he had accomplished his objective he had fulfilled his purposes and he did so to his last dying breath. Our goal like his should be to finish our work the work for which we were sent by God and meant to do that is the greatest fulfillment this life can offer we are called upon by God Almighty to live every day to the fullest Carpe a D. . Carpe a day in my fellow Americans to seize the day it is the day which the Lord has made and for you to work and be productive worry not about tomorrow or the criticism or the expectations or even the rejections of any man again about it the day has its own problems its own evils which you cannot control or do anything about but rather think in terms of how precious every minute of every hour of every day is and rejoin a sin that maximize the opportunity that minute brings and whatever your hand finds to do your calling do it my fellow Americans with. Your Might you will never ever get a 2nd chance that minute is used right or gone every god given minute is indeed an opportunity there once never to return so that everything we do everything no matter how many works together for good the joy of living is so special we are told by our Lord that He is come that we might have a life in its most abundant 4 and that our joy our total joy may be for it is now wonderful There is joy in every moment as we work and as we rest and as we play and as we love others and as we understand who we are and as we become and be all that we can be to morrow Mr Crawford reiterates that the doing nothing getting that is the true value for. Her. This has been a. PUBLIC AFFAIRS presentation of the Crawford Broadcasting Company. Contact any of our K O D C programmers by calling our helpline at 303-481-1800. The safest place for your mind and mine when we are going through difficulty is to be contemplating and thinking about God and so oftentimes what we do is we begin to focus our attention upon a difficult day or hardship the bad news we begin to think about how awful things are or how worse they could get all the things that could happen and as a result our focus is not upon God but upon ourselves and we end up having a pity party and the result is our focus is not on God and we're not praising him we are pitting ourselves. It's easy to praise God when life is good but our desire to worship often fades when life becomes difficult today in touch with Dr Charles Stanley He reminds us that when we don't feel like praising God that's exactly when we need to be determined to worship him stay with us and learn about the power of breaks in times of trouble when you think about prayer is usually what you and I think about our times of joy in times of happen isn't when the good fortune comes our way and think about all the times that God answers our prayer and those unexpected blessings that come we say Sure we certainly ought to praise the Lord but my friend you and I will never understand the real power of prayer is until we go through difficulty hardship despair disappointment and trials and are able to understand what happens in the human heart when you and I are able to praise God even in the midst of that so the title of this message today is the power of praise in times of trouble and I want you to turn if you will to a 2nd Chronicles 2nd Chronicles the 20th chapter and in this chapter there are principles here that I think will make a tremendous difference in your life if you will begin to apply them. Let me tell you what's happened. Joshua fed for example was a good king of Juda and he had trained as people well but the time came at a very specific and very hard time in his life when is greatness in his power and his wealth were at their peak he decided to go to battle with a man by the name of a have a key who is a very evil king the result was that Ahab was killed in the battle and because Joshua fat head camouflaged himself he escaped came back home repented of what he had done and set out to change his people and he started a spiritual reform at the height of the spiritual time in his life when he was bringing a spiritual reform the news came that there was a vast approaching army going to attack him now just hush that response the bad news difficult times trials and tribulations should be the response that you and I have and always his response the 1st thing he did was that he began to praise God he focused his attention upon God Look if you will of this 20th chapter and the 2nd verse then some came and report of the just how Chavez say a great multitude is coming against you from beyond the sea out of a ram and the hole they are in has this on Taymor that isn't getting Joshua fat was afraid turned his attention to seek the Lord and proclaim the faster it all Judah the 1st thing he did was to turn to God Listen when you and I begin to praise him what we do is we focus our attention upon God when we begin to say Lord I just want to praise you in the thank you for who you are I bless your name for your MY the attributes and your great works what we do is we focus our mind upon God. The safest place for your mind and mine when we are going through difficulty is to be contemplating and thinking about God and so oftentimes what we do is we begin to focus our attention upon our difficult hardship the bad news we begin to think about how awful things are how worse they could get all the things that could happen and as a result our focus is not upon God but upon ourselves and we end up having a pity party and the result is our focus is not on God and we're not praising him we are pitting ourselves and I think about this and I'm going to said 2 or 3 times we always have the choice to make either to praise God out of pity our situation our circumstances ourselves just responded in the right fashion he turned to God immediately and called the fast for the whole nation of Judah The 2nd thing I want you to judge down here is this that is we respond by praising God What we are doing is recognizing the sovereignty of God Father I thank you that you the sovereign of the universe I thank you that you have everything in your control I thank you that your power reaches to the most difficult to the most trying I thank you that no place in all the earth is beyond your reach I praise you that nothing can reach me upon except to go through 1st of all your protective power what we're doing is we're recognizing and honoring the sovereignty of God the might and the power of God All praise is going to recognize the sovereignty of gun and now what you know is the 3rd thing and that is when we begin to praise the lord what we do is we recall the mighty acts of God and that's what praise is a vital part of praise is recalling the mighty acts of God as we will see here in this passage Now look if you will in verse 7 did. God draw about the inhabitants of this land before the people Isreal and give it to the descendants of the of Abraham by a friend forever. And they lived in it and they have built the sanctuary for the name saying should evil come upon as the soul of judgment of pestilence of famine we will stand before the House and before the full band name is in this house and cried to the end our distress and that will hear and deliver us and now behold the sons of a man in Moab and Mount Seir whom doubt its not that invade Israel when they came out of the land of Egypt they returned aside from them and did not destroy them behold how they reward us now by coming to drive us out from the possession which there has given us as an inheritance and so what is he doing he's simply doing what as he says here recalling the idea acts of God in the past I listen when you and I praise him we should do the same thing I thank you God for saving me I thank you dear God for forgiving me of my sins I thank you in the past you have provided for my needs I thank you for you have taken me through difficult times I thank you that you know Marty is I thank you that you know my heart and what are we doing we have praise in exalting God lifting him up and franking him and not just reminding him but recalling for ourselves the mighty works of God in the past a vital part of praise and this is what exactly Joshua Fed is doing when he says did not and then he lists all the things that God has done in the past now number 4 praise paves the way praise paves the way for our dependence upon God One of the things that happens when you and I begin to praise him is we become aware in those moments of how absolutely dependent upon God that we are as we begin to praise Him and thank him. And the stone his omnipotence and his providential care over all things naturally in our praise is going to be Lord you know that we are weak you know that we need you we desperately need you to intervene in this situation must circumstance and God If you never change my circumstance I know that you can empower me and strengthen me and energize me and give me what I need to go through this triumphantly and victoriously and what are we doing our praise the Almighty God brings us to a fresh nowhere in this absolute and total dependence upon him and listen the safest and most powerful place for any believe it to be is absolutely destitute before Almighty God and in complete and total dependence upon him he loves it because what happens is then his power is able to be released in all of its fullness and who is to be glorified God and God alone then if you'll notice the 5th thing. And that is it enlarges our vision of God Look at this it enlarges our vision of God because as Josh if it begins the cry of God We don't know what to do God answers his prayer by raising up in the midst of profit he says put your trust in the Lord God is going to do a mighty work this is when you cannot begin to praise the Lord for who he is for his mighty acts for what he's done in their life and who he is and all of his attributes God begins the work and marvelous and miraculous ways that you and I would never be able to figure out and so this prophet says don't worry about it he says what I want you to do he says I want to do what God says do God says the standstill and watch the most awesome demonstration of the intervention of a sovereign God and the your lives like you have never seen before now these men who have been the battle many many times who fought many minute times I'm sure they didn't quite understand what that meant but what I want to see is this that prays in large is their vision listen when you not begin to praise God and we think about how he has worked in the Old Testament the New Testament how he is working that day in the most marvelous ways what happens is our vision of the power of God to become involved personally in our lives in our circumstances in your family and all of these things we begin to see how God is able to intervene in the most miraculous fashion do what you and I would never be able to figure out ourselves God is willing to get involved and that is the principle in this passage that I certainly don't want you to miss jot down if you will number 6. And what happens is when you not begin to praise the Lord it magnifies the presence of God and notice what happened after the prophet had finished his prophecy verse 18 says and Joshua fed the king bowed his head with his face to the ground and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before the Lord worshiping the Lord when they heard that word when they heard what God was going to do even though they didn't know how he was going to do it what happens is what happened all of a sudden when they heard that they just knew that it was God God had spoken in their midst in magnify the presence of God they were aware that they were standing on a holy ground they were standing in the presence of almighty God Do you recognize my friend that what God was willing to do for the nation of Judah he is willing to you do for you because listen you are a blood bought purchased possession of all mighty God purchased by the Blood of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ that means you are valuable to Almighty God and He is just as willing to enter the in your personal life if you're willing to allow him to do it if you will in the trust and to do it if you willing to praise him and if you have a heart toward God and you begin to seek the Lord and you begin to desire God's best in your life God will intervene in every single circumstance to make it come out just right to the glory of God Number 7 match of this is going to take place we begin to praise God our faith in God increases look what happens in my own back to verse 20 listed in the old Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem put your trust in the Lord your God and you will be established put your trust in His prophets and 6 see what happens when you now begin to praise the Lord the natural reaction the natural response the natural blessing that flows back to us. It is their faith in him begins to increase and that is exactly what happened to Joshua vet here he is on the one hand scared to death on the on the other hand he's saying Judah put your trust in the Lord God stand before God and let's see what God is going to do today then if you'll notice also number 8 now this time I'm saying oftentimes because this is not always a prerequisite number 8 oftentimes praise is the prerequisite to knowing the will of God that it is essential to know the will of God that is you not begin to praise something happens oftentimes you're not face the circumstances that we don't know what to do God what do I do at this point Lord I don't know what to do but I praise you I think you do of God You're sovereign you have all knowledge of all things I'm trusting you I'm seeking your direction you said I ask that you be given you seek in you should find knock and it should be open to you I'm asking seeking Naki trusting believing thanking God that you are going to show me the way of what happens my friend when you begin to praise God and external his virtues and remind him of his promises I'm here to tell you God is going to show you what to do every single time and so this is what I tell them he said you trust me I'm going to show you exactly what to do now number one praising the Lord praising the Lord will lift up the name of God exalt the name of God and all for Josh events prayer What is this thing oh my God Oh my lord oh our God Oh lord his mind was fixed upon God Listen when you knock stole the name of Jesus Christ and praise him and lift him up and defend his name and praise the word that is of his name God the Father is glorified God the Father has joy God the Father is blessed we extol the name of His Son Jesus Christ prays does something to the human heart then I want you to notice again and number let me give you number 10. And that is when you know I begin to praise God It releases the power of God ask me how how lucky I don't know how and thank God I don't have to know how I just know that it happens happens in my life happens in the world of God Listen to what happens here now the Scripture says they went out to war and they went out singing and praising the Lord so verse 22 when they began singing and praising the lord listen the Lord set ambushes against the sons of a man Moab and Mount Seir that instead of against each other the Lord set them. Who had come up against Judah so they were routed for the sons of a modern Moab rose up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir destroying them completely and when they had finished with inhabitants of sea they helped to destroy one another when Judah came to look out of the wilderness when they came on the lookout area where they could look across the wilderness they looked toward the multitude and behold they were corpses lying on the ground not a one of them had escaped. That is the release of the supernatural power of God because they they just own praising the Lord God worshipping him trusting him and what happened God released his supernatural power to do for them what they could never have done for themselves bring them victory and trial the Bible says they rejoice this and they rejoice over there it is how was the enemy defeated praising and worshipping the Lord God of hosts than faith and what happens the power of God was released destroy the enemies and God's great abundance became theirs as a result which brings me to the next point and that is number 11 prays unites the people of God praise unites the people of God after that battle was over which he was just between God and the enemy the Bible says they met in the valley of praise them the Lord and thanking God they called it the bell a valley of Baraka and every man returned with Joshua vet at the head returning to Jerusalem of joy for the Lord had made them to rejoice over their enemies and they came to Jerusalem of harps liars and trumpets the house the law and you know that was one loud boisterous sound of praise and thanksgiving and glorifying Almighty God what happens praise unites the people of God but brings me to the last pawn number 12 and that is praise fills the hard with the joy of the Lord praise fills the heart with the joy of the Lord listen to what he says and they came the Jerusalem harps Lars trumpets to the house of the Lord and the dread of God was in all the kingdoms of the land when they heard that the Lord had fought against the enemies of Israel not the Jew the head but the Lord had so the kingdom of your house if it was that peace for his God gave him rest on all sides they came 1st 27 says with joy but the Lord had made them to rejoice over their enemies and listen have a care for. All of us have a choice we hear bad. Circumstances situations trials heartaches burdens despair things his oftentimes suddenly you and I have a choice that this is the time to make a wise choice is not in the heat zone the time to make a was choice is right now to make a decision I will rejoice in the Lord I choose to rejoice in the Lord in times of trouble I will not have a pity party I will not look at myself I choose the praise the living sovereign unconditionally loving God in my circumstances no matter what you make the decision when you're not in the heat of things you say love art in the heat of it than start praising him right now start thanking God in praising him praising him for the way he's going to bring you through it praising him for his awesome power ready to be released in your life praising him for what you're going to learn praising him for your privilege of demonstrating the faithfulness of got praise God I'm here to tell you you'll never be the same your circumstances may be transformed in the most miraculous way they may never change one iota but one thing I know if your circumstances don't change God's going to so change you you're going to walk about the circumstances will make a difference will they change or not God is going to do something in your life that lives Hugh above them even while you're walking in them. That is the power of the praise of God in the midst of troubles heart attacks trials and tribulations but you say but I'm not even a Christian. Then my friend none of this will work let me help you understand something you cannot reject the Lord Jesus Christ whose name is above all names who is the virgin born son of God who created the heavens and the earth along with of all the Holy Spirit you cannot reject Him who died at Calvary for your sins who shed his blood and paid your sin that in full you cannot reject Him bypass him and talk to the Father because you see our access to the Father is there Jesus Christ the Son Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by Me So how do you get saved how does a person become a child of God by confessing your sins to him and asking Him to forgive you and believing that his death and Calvary pages send that in full and telling him that you are not coming on the basis of an a promise of doing better or any performance on your part nothing in my hands are bringing simply to the cross I claim I'm coming on the basis of Christ's death at Calvary Heavenly Father asking me to save me from my sins and I yield my life to you today the moment you will to tell him that and you sincerely mean in the Bible says that God forgives you of your sins the Holy Spirit comes into your life sealed use a child of God Then my friend you got a whole lifetime of praise God for saving you and keeping you out of an eternal separation from Him. You're listening to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley genuine worship comes from a heart that has experienced God's love and forgiveness followed Johansson paths example and choose to face any situation by 1st reaching out to God in praise to learn more about how to praise God when you're experiencing pain and heartache visit our website in touch. For resources in a variety of formats that can help you look past your circumstance. It says and focus instead on God. And that's where you can order a copy of Dr Stanley's complete message the power of praise in times of trouble or order his teachings that the power of praise again you'll find these resources at In Touch. Or call 1800 in touch to write to us address your letter to In Touch Post-office Box 7900 Atlanta Georgia 30357. How do you recover from a tiring day Dr Stanley shares his secret coming up in today's moment with Charles Stanley becoming more like Jesus every day and reflecting his glory it's a lifelong adventure to receive We shall be like him a new free book with from Dr Charles Stanley visit in touch dot O.-R. G.'s slash free the Internet's resident your lab is a family of solar powered audio devices containing biblical content and sermons from Dr Charles Stanley distributed for food around the world to learn more call 1800 get in touch. God speaks through the beauty of His creation glorious sunsets snow capped mountains mighty river in Dr Stanley's beautiful but hard work people landscapes of his grace you'll find inspiring photographs passages of Scripture reflections quotes from Dr Stanley and more to order landscapes of his grace call 1800 in touch or go to In Touch over argy. From the pastor's heart is Dr Charles Stanley's personal letter to you each month you'll enjoy biblical insight encourage men and inspiration to receive from the pastor's heart each month call $1800.00 in touch how can you find a little energy and get a fresh perspective. After a busy day Heres a moment with Charles van. I'll come home in the evening a late at night and and I've been busy busy busy all day doing the Lord's work and don't regret that natural you're going to get physically tired and sometimes what I will do and. Something I just get on Mondays before the Lord on my face before him and told him follow hwat and sometimes go to sleep for 5 or 10 minutes and somehow just a few minutes alone with him laying it all before him and saying Lord a blow at this point lot of one of the thank you for working this out thank you for that in a way though NEW DAY A lot of them want to and somehow just go to sleep with 10 minutes and wake up one fully refresh while because this that the conscious mind has ceased and God is taken and we are reminded that he's the one who's carrying the burdens we don't have to get weary of doing the lord's work. Learn more about the Restored of power of God's grace when you visit us at In Touch Margie. Would you like to hear today's message again you can stream it on our website or download Podcasts and take in touch with you our web address again is in touch. Tomorrow Dr Stanley wraps up his series on praise by making sure we have a correct perspective of our Savior I hope you'll join us Friday for in touch with Dr Charles Stanley. Graham is a presentation in touch ministries Atlanta Georgia and remains on station through the grace of God and your feet for Prius and. Haystack help radio was Scott Wadley is coming up next C.F.M. 95.3 an AM 1220. Steve Russo with real answers everyone deals with depression at times and it's usually a sign that some. Thing in your life is not right depression doesn't just happen there's always a cost it can be brought on by a variety of things including death of a friend or relative failure illness or wrong existence with God conquering depression takes time and God's help here's a simple strategy 1st if you've never established a personal relationship with God receive Christ 2nd make sure you are getting rest and nourishment 3rd examine your thought life force confess known sin in your life and finally trust God and claim his promises to God give strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak you can conquer depression Remember it takes time and. Life is a spiritual battle on yourself with real answers visit the real answers website for resources that can help real answers dot com. And D.C.'s news radio ministry of Living Hope Bible church invite you to tune into our radio prog cast hope is alive Dr Robin Hall and little prince a both Grace living in the Gospel of Jesus Christ so please join us Monday to Friday at 8 am and Sunday mornings at 10 am hope as a live right here on K O D C 12 20 AM and 95.3 F.M. And. You are listening to calle D.C. Denver H.D. 12 20 AM and 95.3 F.M. And streaming online or at 1220 K. Or D.C. Dot com a proper broadcasting of God and country station. Right now those sources simulcast ing in AM and F.M. Calles a Denver A M 560 calle Z. F.M. 100.7 and Calle D.C. Denver am 1220 and F.M. 95.3 calle D.C. H.D. Denver and Calle Z. H.D. Denver with online listening at 560 the sores dot com. This is Haystack held radio one can see by 60 days De Kalb radio is powered by a stack Help dot com finding tell me like finding a needle in a stack so when they stand Help dot com finding the needle just not easier now haystacks help radio put Scott want me on T.L.C. 560. Good afternoon and welcome to his that job Radio thank you so much for joining us today once again we're coming to you live from the offices of a group insurance analyst we are out in week ridge at 9195 West 44th Avenue and we are thankful Paul and I grew up and invites us out here every other week and Paul it's always good to see you sir well nice nice to have you come out I know we skipped 2 weeks ago and Yana went out to the studio did yes and you missed lunch I did Miss Lee Hunt So yesterday he came in and we had a nice lunch here today absolutely and we certainly thank you goes for that and you know it's great to. I mean we cover a lot of things here but usually on a week to.
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