Country station. He changed the gospel to fit the audience some say for believers in Christ is that some will see our faith and call us fools some will honestly believe we're crazy for believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior today on love worth finding we'll hear Adrian Rogers talk about the central point of our faith the Cross we're going to begin with one of my favorite portions of Scripture it talks about the foolishness of preaching and it also calls us to cling to the truth of God with all our might and let go of how we might quantify wisdom the title of the message is fool's wise or otherwise you'll hear about the word of the cross and 3 ways to measure a person's wisdom once again here's Adrian Rogers. 1st Corinthians chapter one and verse 18 for the preaching of the cross is to them the parish food dish MOUs but unto us which are saved it is the power of God For it is written I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of the prude Where is the why else wears the scribe wears the disputer of this world as not God made foolish the wisdom of this world for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God it pleased God by the food dish list of preaching to save them that believe for the Jews require sign and the Greek seek after wisdom but we preach Christ crucified under the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks but on to them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God because the foolishness of Gaudi is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than man now when you live for the Lord Jesus Christ you believe the gospel you're going to be looked upon as a fool by this world so matter of fact anybody who really believes this Bible who lets go of the world with both hands and takes hold of Jesus Christ with both hands is going to be adjudicated approved by this world and for that reason some have tried to tone down the gospel a little bit because they don't want to seem so foolish and they tried to accommodate the gospel to this world but dear friend you can never do it the gospel is so radically different it starts at a different source it follows a different course it ends at a different conclusion and so we don't need to make it compatible with this world just make up your mind that if you live for the Lord Jesus Christ you are going to be thought a food by the people of this world what God calls wisdom the world calls pollution is and what the world calls wisdom God calls food in is east is east and west is west and there the twain shall meet now. The the Hallmark the the measuring rod the standard by which we can see whether a person is a fool wise or otherwise is to see what his reaction is to the gospel now which side of the cross your own if we believe the cross accept the cross embrace the cross believe the cross the world's going to call us foods we believe that without the cross they and be are going to perish in their food dishes how are we going to know who whether a person is a true fool or not the measure of a food is the cross one man said to his wife I was a food when I married you she said yes but I did notice it then now how are we going to know how are we going to be able to notice how we're going to be able to $1000.00 who is a food and who is not a food well the preaching of the Gospel the preaching of a cross is to them which parish food is now the word preaching here the preaching of the girls literally means the word of the crawls what the Cross says to us not what we say about the cross but what the Cross says to us so I want to pay attention to what I want to call today the word of the cross and I want you to see 3 things as we look at our scripture that I read to you today I think about food wise or otherwise and the 1st thing I want you to see concerning the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ which is the measurement of a man's foolishness or the measurement of man's wisdom according to how he relates to the cross the very 1st thing is this I want you to see that God speaks through the girls God speaks through the cross now God has revealed himself and showed himself in many ways but you will never know the heart and mind of God until you understand the crawls God speaks through the cross Now look if you will in verse 22 people have always been seeking after God and wanting to know what God was like and who the true Messiah is and all of this and so verse 22 explains it for the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom now Paul is writing to the people of current tonight current there. Is a great contention of Jews and Greeks that lived there in car and the Jews they had a particular idea of what a god ought to be like and how the Messiah had to reveal himself and so they sought after a sign that is the word sign means a miracle of great power they were always asking the Lord Jesus to give them a sign they were seeking for some great miracle because they had confidence in a Messiah who would come who would be strong and powerful and political and he would just blow ways enemies and he would set up the kingdom of God upon earth then and the Jews would reign supreme and so forth and so they were waiting for this kind of a Messiah they did not like the idea of a meek and mild and lowly messiah like the Lord Jesus Christ was edgy Jesus rebuked them for seeking a sign let me just jot these 3 scriptures down in your margin by verse 22 John for verse 48 then said Jesus under them except you see signs and wonders you will not believe Jesus had diagnosed them well they were a group of people looking for signs and wonders and then look at Luke 11 in verse $29.00 and when the people were gathered together he began to say this is an evil generation they seek a sign and by the way when you ask God to prove Himself to you when you ask God to perform a miracle that you might understand him to my believe in him you might think that is good dear friend but God called it evil this is an evil generation ye see a sign and then he said and there show no sign be given it but the sign of Jonas the prophet What was the sign of Jonas well as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale even the Son of Man should be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth that is the sign of Jonah is why the resurrection alright and then again in Matthew Chapter 12 in verse 39 and he answered and said unto them and evil and adulterous generation seek after a sign initial no side. To give it again he says but the sign of the prophet Jonah bad evil people seek after sign and I don't believe that it's probably not anybody in this building who had not at one time or another has asked God to prove himself by doing some miracle in a right oh God if you're real do this God if you're real do that and that right I mean that's human nature don't make me feel all alone folks I've done it I mean nod your head my goodness now we've all done that we've said now God just show yourself to me work a sign prove yourself to me that's what the Jews were the Jews were looking for a god who would demonstrate himself that way with power now the Greeks were not that way you the Greeks were a little more sophisticated the Greeks were little more than an election with the Greeks sought after wisdom now what the Greeks were looking for was something that they could do intellectual gymnastics with the Messiah that the Greeks were looking for would be sort of a double Socrates he would be some grand intellect who would help them to pick all of the divine mysteries of life that's what they were looking Paul Biju said of God speaks he's going to speak through miracles and the Greek set of God speaks he's going to speak through intellectual ism and philosophy they sought after wisdom but here's what God did here's what it says almost as though the Apostle Paul could read their mind and look if you will in verse $23.00 he says but that is in contradistinction of verse 22 but we preach Christ crucified not just Christ but Christ crucified it would have been one thing if you preach Christ but my goodness to preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block into the Greeks Now the word stumbling block here means scandal they were scandalized why you mean we're looking for a mighty miracle working powerful Messiah and you're preaching one who dies upon a crawl why that scandalous that's a stumbling block we can never ever accept a messiah like that what power is there in dying upon a cross and the Greek said why not only is that a stumbling block is absolutely ludicrous it's food wish bad here is a messiah you mean God died upon a cross a man who is the Son of God. Dying riding upon a cross you mean to tell us that's God's answer to this world that's the way God speaks to this world absolutely absolutely that is food ration is the Greeks said but now I want you to go on to those who have been saved notice what happens and verse $24.00 but under them which I call that is called by God called out of this where a both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God Now how is Christ crucified the power of God the wisdom of God Remember now the Jews want to power in the grace one wisdom Paul says OK you will wisdom you will power out tell you where power is I tell you where wisdom is it is in Christ crucified Well how is Christ crucified the power of God for him to you know that the greatest demonstration of power is not when God made these worlds in the universe as in everything the greatest demonstration of power are you listening is the salvation of a so. Now you may not believe that you may sail as preacher Joe I tell you ladies and gentlemen the greatest power own earth is the power that can save a soul a Poor Law Center as the reason the Apostle Paul said I'm not ashamed of the Gospel cries for it is what the power of God and the salvation the power of God and salvation Oh I do my duty working miracle power when God made these worlds he made them he created worlds with a word that's all he just spoke but in order to save a soul he had to hang his darling son upon a tree upon a cross dear friend I tell you there is no greater power than the power they can transform a life so man when a barbershop arguing about the miracles of the Bible and one man said I don't believe that miracle about the turning of water into wine Another man said I would show you a bigger miracle and that you come to my house I'll show you where he turned whiskey into furniture now what he meant by that is he had been saved had been born again and God had transformed him and not only you see is the cross the power of God but the Cross is also the wisdom of God You see through the cross you're going to know the heart of God through the cross you're going to know the mind of God through the cross God is revealed. And how can we know that he's a God of infinite mercy and a God of grace and a God who cares how could we know for him they will never have to doubt the love of God the mind of God Again when we see the cross all how God displays his mighty wisdom and listen he says not the wisdom of this world which had the princes of this world known it they would not have crucified the load of glory busy and the Bible says God by wisdom saw to it that the world by wisdom knew not God what does that mean it means that you guys who are the high intellectual uppity ups you intellectual topwater as you Ph D.'s and the rest of you you don't have a head start you don't have any Head Start the world by Wisdom knows not God in the wisdom of God a little child can know God Now that's real wisdom a wisdom that a child can know wisdom that anybody can know the common person can know it it is revealed in the cross what I'm trying to say to you listen to me different God speaks through the cross you will never understand the heart the mind the life of God the power of God or the wisdom of God until you understand the cross we preach Christ crucified to the Jews a stumbling block to the Greeks whose midst but to those of us who are saved Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God by the power in the salvation of a so mighty wisdom is revealed in the cross hallelujah for that but now listen not only does God speak through the crawl but God also see through the crawls Now look again look in. First Corinthians Chapter one Verse 18 all the preaching of the cross is to them which perish fruition us but unto us who are see it is the power of God to those of us who are saved by God saved through the cross now the world does not like the idea of salvation through the cross the world doesn't mind organ music the world has a mind stained glass windows the world doesn't mind good works the world doesn't mind platitudes and morrow living but the world to resent the gospel a bloody cross did you know that did you know that when you preach that the cross is God's way of salvation that. As an offense that is a scandal to some people I guess and I want to read to you what the Bible says in verse 21 for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God please God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe for the Jews require a sign in the Greek seek after wisdom but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling block and into the Greeks this is still the same way today for and I want to tell you something I've been preaching long enough to know this is not mere rhetoric the world laughs at the idea of salvation by the blood and the world is incensed by the idea of the gospel of no other name they don't like for me to stand in a pope and say you come by a bloody cross so you won't come at all you'll be saved by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus or you will not be saved and all the world thinks that I'm an American if I don't put my arms around everybody shoulder and say your religion is just as good as mine but friend I want to tell you that Jesus Christ crucified is the only way to heaven and if there's some other way other than Jesus Christ crucified I wouldn't want to meet God in a dark alley because I wouldn't trust that kind of a God who let his son die on a cross in agony and blood when there was some other way I tell you there is no other way God is powerless to save apart from the cross and if you are not saved by the shed but of the Lord Jesus you will not be say the Bible says and he brews Chapter 9 in verse $22.00 without shedding of blood is no remission of sin now the liberals modern sophisticated preachers today that stop preaching the blood many of the crawls many of them had God hit him a bit Graham said that when he was a young man preaching he preached at a certain resort one time and he preached on the crawl and after he had preached a former professor at Cornell University came up to him and said Young man you have a lot of gifts you have a lot of ability you can go places in the religious world but he said Young man I just want to give you some advice leave that blood stuff out. Graham said he made up his mind he preached small the blood of Jesus than ever. Praise cut for that all the devil hates the blood the Bible then you can go to many churches today and I'm not trying to make I be chauvinist about it but go to many churches across the land and you will never hear the bloody crossed preached and that the Lord Jesus Christ gave his blood a ransom for many but there is power wonder working power in the precious blood of the Lamb years ago I read a story something like this there was a minister he was a Liberal minister he was not saved just as lost as he could be he had been educated in one of the liberal theological seminaries he did not believe in the book in the blood in the blessid hope but he was as men go of very good and kind and considerate man he was in his study and there came a knock on the door he went to the door and there was a little girl there dressed in rags this preacher minister he was in the inner city and his little girl had dressed in rags and he said little lady come in. What can I do for you and she said to him police or would you come and help get money in. He thought mother was drunk and he said perhaps you need a policeman to get your mother in no she said I don't need a policeman mother sent me to get a preacher Aren't you a minister. My mother is dying and she says she doesn't want to go to hell she wants to go to heaven. And she wanted me to find a preacher to help get her in. So this kind of minister who was unsaved and lost got his had got his coat the little girl took him by the hand and led him through the alleyways of that city into a rundown B. Draggled filthy apart and there on a dirty mattress was a warm weather grey hair spread out over the pillow and her eyes sunk back in her head and a life that had been marked by saying had Martin and debilitated and degraded her body and she was dying of a vile disease. The preacher looked at his heart of love went out to ER and he was moved with pity as he saw her she looked at him and she said Please sir I know that I am dying and I need help. I have lived a wicked in a vile live and if you're a man of God I need help from God Can God do something for me this preacher started to try to minister to her and he talked to her about love and he talked to her about goodness and he talked to her about forgiveness and he talked to her about good deeds and kindness and all of these things all of the platitudes and all of the high sounding phrases that he knew but her countenance never changed there was no joy no peace no release. He said Madame does this mean anything to you she said sir you don't understand. All of that may be well and good for people like you . But not for a person like me don't you understand I've not lived that kind of life and furthermore I can't leave that catalog and for the more I am da and then with the pitiful look on her face she said preacher don't you have a message for a sinful woman like I am and he thought. He realized for the 1st time he did not have a message for a woman like that and remember the story his mother told me of a Christ who died on crawls and with his shed blood paid for our scenes and that by repentance and faith our sins could be forgiven we could be born again and made over a new through the shed blood of the power of the cross and though he did not believe the story he began to tell it to her not believing it but he just told it to her because psychologically he thought it would help her and so he told her about Christ who died on the cross and how the shed blood of the Lord Jesus the tones for sin and though I sin be discarded he should be white as snow and through faith in his shed blood we could be forgiven saved and redeemed as he told that story the power of God in the Spirit of God took those words from the mouth of an unbelieving preacher and brought them home to our heart and she heard the message true whether he believed it or not it was still true and she opened her heart and receive Christ as her personal savior and her countenance changed and the Spirit of God came into our heart and bore witness with that poor pitiful woman that she was a child of God and with tears of gratitude she said Oh thank you thank you for telling me thank you for helping me to get in. The way we know about that story is this that that same liberal preacher went around telling that story everywhere he went. And when he got to the end he said Ladies and gentlemen not only did poor woman get in but that night this preacher got him also has he saw the power. Of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ tell me stories of Jesus and His love for him listen to God speak through the cross you'll never know the power of God You will never know the wisdom of God Do you understand the cross of God saved by the crawl. Right at the center of our faith at the center of our very Christian lives is the cross of Jesus Christ until we let the cross speak to our lives until we let it do its work we won't know that awesome power and forgiveness that God wants us to experience and I hope you'll be able to join us tomorrow as we hear the conclusion of this important message and if you'd like a copy of it on CD You can order one by calling 1877 Love God and ask for fools wise or otherwise and you'll receive the entire message on your individual CD additional copies are available for a reduced cost again to order call 1877 love God you know it's our sincere desire to help you grow in every aspect of your faith and we love to provide materials to help you do that right now we'd like to offer you Adrian Rogers booklet how to make your bible come alive many people are touched by these programs each day and some get involved on a deep level they pray for us and send a financial gift to help love worth finding continue we can express how thankful we are for your prayerful financial support we really won't know until heaven just how many people were reached how many people came to know Jesus Christ because of the message of the Gospel in these programs so we are so grateful for all you do to help us continue to share the good news. Have his love worth finding would you reach out with a gift today call us at 1877 Love God will send you a copy of this booklet how to make your bible come alive 187-756-8346 extension 3 or you can give online it L. W.F. Dot org Here's our mailing address it's love worth finding box 38600 Memphis Tennessee 38183 or in Canada right P. O. Box 152 Maple Ridge B.C. V 2 X. 7 G. One let us know that you'd like a copy of How to Make Your bible come alive and please tell us the called editors of this station if you'd like devotionals or extra study helps we have sermon outlines available created from Adrian Rogers messages just go to L W F dot org and click the broadcast tab and then sermon outlines also while you're there click on the resources tab that will take you to daily treasures different articles and Bible studies all of that and more it l w f dot org Also at the website you'll find out about our prayer network we get requests from listeners around the country and around the world that are prayed over every day and you can be a part of it people are asking about the salvation of a spouse or a child or a parent there's wisdom for those who are looking for employment prays for answered prayer if you go to the website you'll see prayer network at the top of the page it l w f dot org click on that share your request pray for other requests that you see again go to L W F dot org and click prayer never lets everyone cast for today a big thank you to Rusty long and Gary McWilliams for their work behind the scenes tomorrow the conclusion of tools wise or otherwise of the journalistic as we learn more about God's great love worth playing. Cayle D.C. 95.3 F.M. Helping to forge God's strongholds in your life. God created man in His image are we on the verge of man making man in his own image stay tuned to break point from the coals and center for Christian worldview Here's Eric Metaxas with breakpoint. The latest issue of Vanity Fair has an article on what may be the ultimate form of conspicuous consumption cloning your dead pets specifically dogs most Americans were unaware such a thing was possible never mind commonplace until Barbara Streisand mentioned it in passing during an interview with Variety magazine that her 2 current dogs were clones of her dog Samantha who died last year as Streisand later explained in the New York Times every time I look at the faces of Samantha's clones I think of my Samantha and smile Streisand isn't the only person who has cloned her dead pet when the Vanity Fair article calls dog cloning very big and very controversial it's correct on both counts Take for instance the SO AM biotech research foundation in Seoul South Korea in the last 10 years so am has produced more than 1000 clones of deceased dogs as you may have guessed dog cloning is very expensive the cost runs from about 500-021-0000 extension 0 per berth and the clientele mostly reflects it superstar divas Middle Eastern royalty and the billionaire founder of Phoenix University to name but a few so AMS founder is Wang Suke in 2004 he claimed to have successfully cloned a human embryo his claim was later shown to be a spectacular hoax and he was sentenced to 2 years in prison he escaped actually serving time because the judge ruled that he has truly repented for his crime well perhaps he had what's clear is that Wang hasn't lost any enthusiasm for cloning while he insists that here in so am we are steadfastly A. Hence human cloning he insists that animal cloning ethics and human cloning ethics have completely different values he adds that animal cloning can bring us benefits and help us contribute socially now many ethicists disagree they cite the pain and suffering involved in producing a single canine clone such as potentially dangerous hormone treatments and genetic abnormalities this exceeds the suffering in natural reproduction and then there's the elephant in the room human cloning earlier this year scientists in China announced that they had created 2 cloned monkeys using the same technique used to create Dolly the sheep 2 decades ago the head researcher at so am told Vanity Fair that these monkeys are very close to us genetically which means you should be able to clone a human the head of the Stem Cell Program at Boston Children's Hospital told the times we are closer to humans than we've ever been before that raises questions of where we would want to go assuming the technical obstacles can be overcome the answer should be obvious if people are willing to pay $50.00 to $100000.00 to assuage their pain over losing a pet imagine what they would be willing to pay when we're talking about family members and loved ones as Vanity Fair put it if distraught parents think a clone would resemble 85 percent of their child's appearance and personality it's only a matter of time until pressure will inexorably mount to give it a shot if there's enough demand the market will do its best to respond and that's the best case scenario the worst case scenario is something akin to she grows novel Never Let Me Go where clones are created to provide their owners would spare body parts if this sounds like science fiction to you so did cloning your pets until recently for more on this specific subject and for all kinds of things having to do with faith and culture please come to break point out org That's a break point out org for breakpoint this is Eric Metaxas. Bringing you up lifting programming each and every day a promise from us to calle D.C. To you our listeners thank you and God bless hope this powerful hope is a motivational start talking about things such as hope that you can make people think this is a subtype a motivational speech the my brother the sisters what you really think about it this is our life our hope is feel nothing. Cheesus what has a right to this this I dare not trust sweet away but HOLY JESUS that that was a possibly an inner sinners join him right here on Sundays at 9 am for the excellent name of Jesus Christ 10 your station with the best ministry variety and Bible teaching 95.3 F.M. . Hello Denver thank you for taking the time to tune into the radio broadcast of Denver Christian Bible church pastor and teacher is John a Mormon it is our hope and prayer but the message you are about to hear will be glorifying to God and strength to each and every one of you our listeners and a reminder up the cross is our only hope for now and eternity where you're writing in your car or sitting at your desk at work sit back relax and allow God's Holy Spirit to minister to you through Pastor more than. In the. Book of Genesis the book of beginnings the Book of Genesis. I want to begin a chapter 15 as we continue in our series cycles and seasons. Of Life Genesis Chapter 15. I want to reverse is one through 6 there are other verses that will cover in the sermon but for foundation sake I just want to read verses one through 6 since this after these things the word of the Lord came to a broom not Abraham yet but a broom His name is not been changed yet in a vision saying Do not be afraid Abrams I am your shield your exceedingly great reward reminds me of a question that we asked last week whether you believe about God That's a promise when you look at that you can embrace that you can save yourself God is a shield your exceedingly great reward you can embrace that as a promise for yourself but Abrams said Lord God what will you give me seeing I go childless and the error of my house is Ellie asr of Damascus so he's saying I don't even have a son what are you going to do for me what are you going to give me. Then Abrams said look you have given me no offspring indeed one born in my house is my heir So this is the OS rain probably of one of his workers he said I don't even have kids of my own and behold the word of the Lord came to him saying this one shall not be your error but one who will come from your own body shall be your error then he brought him outside and said Look now toward heaven and count the stars if you are able to number them and he said to him so shall your descendants be. Now verse 6 is really our launching pad for today 3 the 1st 3 words you don't get anything else get this and he believes in the lower and he now we're talking about God counted it to him Abraham for right this if the Lord will help me today just for a few moments I want to speak from these words surviving the storm while waiting for the promise of surviving the storm while waiting for the promise to help me make it live touch a neighbor say neighbor that surviving the sonar. While waiting for the promise I'll come on wake up touch other neighbors say other neighbor I know you time. I know it's raining outside but you need to hear this how to survive the storm. While waiting for the promise now look out here's a pastor teach us how to survive the storm. While waiting for the promise. Let me hurry and get right to it today. About 11 years ago my wife and I had been married for about 4 years at the time somewhere between 3 and 4 years and we decided that we wanted to start a family. And so we headed in that direction we began to pray the Bible says that all children are gift from God and blessed is the man whose quiver is full and so lo and behold 3 months later or so my wife is with child's praise God We embrace the promises of God about 20 weeks into our pregnancy my wife noticed that something was not right with her body I don't know how to do with those women just know they just know so we headed to the emergency room and we figured that you know we're 20 weeks into a pregnancy or so maybe a little less than that that we would have a routine check up maybe they tell her to rest and we'd be OK. The doctor came in and she did an ultrasound and she left and she came back in and did a few other things she left no alarm no flag has been raised she left the room and she came back the 3rd time and she said to us words that at the beginning I didn't know what they met and once I found out what they meant that I never thought about here she said your baby has no amniotic fluid I don't know exactly what she meant and so are passed to allow her to explain and she went on explain and still did make herself clear and finally I asked her the question what does this mean she said this baby will not survive this we left and we believe garden and we prayed and a couple of weeks later something else went wrong with my wife's body and we went back to the hospital now we're at 2223 weeks and at 23 weeks my wife gave birth to a steel born baby girl and to this day we just call her baby girl she's in heaven and I trust the promises of God that one day when we meet the savior we'll get a chance to meet baby girl and all of her food this now don't get said because baby girl live better than you and I have ever lived she never had to embrace North Korea and our administration she never had to see the foolishness of this world she never had to be tempted was saying she never had to deal with sickness in her physical body we could not understand it then but we can look back and rejoice about it now babies are meant to be developed over a 40 week period and at 22 weeks it is highly unlikely that our baby our promise from God It is highly unlikely for a baby to survive what am I trying to give that promise is sometimes take. A certain amount of time. And promise is that our birth too early. It is highly unlikely that they will survive where you go on with this preacher we've been talking about cycles and seasons and today we are going to encounter the patriarch of the Jewish race by the name of Abraham you know him as Abraham he's the father of all nations the father of many nations the father of Abraham or excuse me he's the father of Isaac who is the father of Jacob who's the father of the 12 tribes of Israel the most known and notable to us is Jos God made Abraham a promise probably in his early eighty's certainly no older than 86 we know for sure but well before that God made Abraham a promise that he was going to have a son Abraham cried out to the Lord we read it in chapter 15 verses one through 6 and he said God what are you going to do I don't even have a child of my own and God came back to him and he said Abraham look up at the sky can you see the stars yes God I can see him can you number the stars and God knew the answer to that question no God I cannot Number the Stars he said as many as the stars are in the heavens so will be the City of your descendants now I want to bring attention to and what I want to really draw from today and spend our time developing is this God made Abraham a promise in his late seventy's maybe early eighty's at the lay this. And Abraham was a 100 years old but a far the promise of God came to pass what do you do but tween late seventy's and a 100 what do you do when you have to wait on God for 25 years some of us don't want to wait on God for 25 hours 25 weeks how do we survive the storm for 25 years to wait on the promises of God and then when we look at the history of Israel not only did Abraham have to wait 25 years on the promise when we write the rest of the story of Israel think about all of the trials all of the tribulations all of the struggles all of the generational issues that they had to go through before the promise of God was manifest in their life who am I talking to today God has made you some promise I don't know what it is somewhere in your private time somewhere in your private life and your conversations with God over the years you feel as though God made you a promise and here you sit now 6 months a year 3 years 5 years 10 years 25 years 40 years later and you're saying God where is the manifestation of the promise and God to say then hold on. Because when we read the history of Israel the Bible says that they had been in Egypt for 400 years and the text says this and God remembered the promise he'd made to Abraham I came in courage said it's all right to clap your hands there I came encourage somebody today God has not forgotten the promise that he made to you the question is how do we endure the cycle and the season of life while that we are waiting for God to bring his promise to pass and I want to give you 4 or 5 things today that I think will help you if you'll take it are you ready. His THAT ARE YOU READY OK here's the 1st thing I want you to see number one have a nut face to keep on waiting. I have enough faith to keep on the way I look back at Chapter 15 after these things the word of the Lord came to Habermann a vision saying Do not be afraid now like When God Talks like this he says I am your shield your exceedingly great reward let me pause right there I don't even see this I don't even get this in my notes the Holy Spirit just showed it to me as I was reading right there God said Abraham and I have made you a promise but bigger than your promise bigger than your hair bigger than your offspring now you gotta see this from a Jewish mind because now we live in American 2017 and we just have kids willy nilly we just have kids flippantly we have kids and think about the consequences later come out and talk back to me in the house I know you saved and sanctified now but you have always been saved and sanctified but God is talking to Abraham and he says Abraham I'm going to give you an air of promise but look at what he says. I am your reward now that seems kind of antithetical to what he just said God you just told me that the problem is my son my heir is going to be my reward but before we get to the air he says Abraham I want you to see something I am your God I am the one who's bringing the promise to pass I want to talk to somebody today and tell you don't look at the promise so hard that you stop looking at the one who promised it God wants to be your everything God wants to be your shield God wants to be your source God wants to be the one in whom you put your trust and the one called You are following with your life are you in the house with me today don't start looking at what he's promised so hard so much looking so far down the road that you forget God is with you right now you got the best of everything you're going to get from God You got a son you got his blood you got his. Grace you got is salvation I don't know that you wait on God to repair the marriage to bring the children home to straighten out the job issues to get right the finances I got it but don't forget to worship God while you wait. Are you in the house with me today. So he says I am your show your exceedingly great reward but Abrams say the Lord God what will you give me saying I go childless and the heir of my house is Elie asr of Damascus then Abrams said look you have given me no offspring indeed one born in my house is my heir and behold the word of the Lord came to him saying this one shall not be your heir jump down the 1st 6 and he believed in the Lord let me ask you a question as I hurry on to my 2nd point are you still believing God for whatever it is you have asked him for or have you given up I may be talking to somebody today who's given and with us in just a moment even Abraham the father of faith had trouble keeping the faith even Abraham who God had visited and spoke directly to had trouble waiting for God to bring it to pass so my 1st encouragement to you today as you survived the storm waiting for the promises this have a nuff faith to weigh it on God We sing the song say you came hurry God. You just got to wait he'll be there given time no matter how long it takes he's a God you came her you'll be there don't you worry there's a line that we all know he may not come when you want him but he's always on time wait on the lowered Here's a 2nd thing I want you to see the turn over to Chapter 16 and we're going to cover these 2 chapters and they're counted in these 4 points 16 and one says now Sarah Not Sarah yet but Sarah Abrams wife had borne him no children so God said you're having children now we don't know how much time passes between 15 and 16 OK that's one thing you've got to be careful of as you are interpret in Scripture you got to look at the timelines Sometimes we see things like after these things or then it came to pass so we don't know what went on between Chapter 15 and 16 Presumably they were doing life still waiting on the promise of God but God took too long so look here and 16 Abrams wife had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maid servant whose name was haggard So Sarah said Abrams see now the Lord has restrained me from bearing children thank you hold the girls another piece that a man knows God says you're going to have children. Sarah said The Lord has restraint me from having children I'm talking to somebody today God said it's going to come to pass but your flesh is saying God is holding it from me God is keeping it back I'm trying to encourage you to stay on the wall today I'm trying to encourage you to stay in the fight today and not to make the mistake of not waving like Abraham and Sarah did and she had an Egyptian maidservants name was hair eyes so Sarah said Abrams the Lord is restrain me from bearing children please go into my maid Perhaps I shall obtain children by her and Avram didn't take much convincing. Right I mean they they know Paul's and that verse they know you know and it came to pass that they know after these things you know is just a period in the sentence and Abraham heeded the voice of Sarah. No pause there I'm surprise I mean a comma there. Then Sarah Abrams wife took Hegar her maid the Egyptian and gave her to her husband Abrams to be his wife kids that side note when they start talking about sexual relations they talked about in the context of her husband and wife if you're going to sleep with her she's now your wife if you get that OK we'll visit that some other time after Abraham had well 10 years in the land of Canaan so we went into Hegar and she can see that Bible language for they had sexual relations and she conceived and when she saw that she had conceived her mistress became despise in her. I want you to see and this isn't one of the points but I think it's good to say this I want you to see the pain that Abraham and Sarah brought to themselves but not waiting for the promise of God Anybody ever skipped over you got the promise but you skipped over the waiting period and now you've got pain in your life because you didn't wait for the promise of God I've been there let me make it live I mean make it practical you went to the car dealer and they said you've got a 580 credit score so we can give you the loan but we don't give it to your 17 and a half percent interest but if you take 23 months pay off a few bills get your credit score up to $650.00 we can get that interest rate down to about half of that we didn't wait on God We skipped over the time period we skipped over the incubation period we skipped over the forty's weeks and we gave birth to a premature undeveloped baby and now we've got pain in our life now it's Miles Hegar and Abrams 1st son Ishmael was not premature so I want to say premature baby I'm not talking about this smile I'm talking about their desire and their effort to undercut and undermine the promise of God as it relates to time so it was the promise that was premature not the child but the application that I'm trying to make is and I live we give birth to a lot of things that are premature and we usher pain into our life simply because we don't want to wait I'm figuring something out about life those of you who are older than me have probably figured out those of you who are my age or younger maybe this will be a word of encouragement to you your life takes time to really live just think about it for a minute. Life takes time to really live I'm not a guy who likes to waste time i only like to take time even when I'm not wasting it I like to get it done right now it's caused a lot of pain in my life trying to short circuit some things in life and family and ministry in living personally has caused a lot of pain I want to say to you today that if God made you the promise he will bring it to pass but don't try to short circuit the time of God when I feel like I just need to stay right there because I'm talking to some married couple today I'm talking to some parent today I'm talking to some employer you today and you are looking for something to come to pass and in your mind the devil is trying to defeat you because he's convinced you that is taken enough time that it just is not going to happen partly bad english it just ain't gonna happen is where the insane God is saying it might take 10 years it might take 20 years it might take 30 years but if you wait own me I can. Have the power to bring it to pay this. Little Bit children will enter rut and. The sweet things that God wants or bring in your life and not just talk about illegitimate children literally I'm talking figuratively now I'm talking giving the head of God and we give birth to stuff 6 I see it all the time when engaged couples. Oh Pastor we just got to do it when you want to do it all we got to do it now. But can you can you can we go through the premarital counseling how long that take. Well this is 13 weeks oh no we've got to do it now that the interest rates are down and we want to buy a house and we need to we want to do this right before the law and we just got to do it now and everything on the inside of me is pumping the brakes and I'm standing up in the floor pushing the brakes question upright and I said no no we got to do it now and then 2 years later we're having a conversation let me tell you something somebody told me one time this is so good I wish it was mine but it's not mine but it's good if you listen it will bless you don't leave thing in life worse than waiting is to wish you had waited. The only thing in life that's more sickening than waiting is to wish you had waited somebody with some life experience out of say Van Riper. Here's a 2nd thing I want you to see. Don't get sidetracked while waiting on the promise stay focus so many times I wish I had been patient enough to wait can look back over my life now and see enough circumstances and I praise God and we're going to see this in just a moment that that all things work together for good the book of Romans had not been written at that time so they didn't have their promise but but a written promise but the God that we serve never changes so he was the same God back the and 4000 years ago as he was 2000 years ago in the 1st century don't get sidetracked wait for the promise you go into cycles and seasons now I'm talking to a married couple and you say I just want to out. Let me let me let me ask you some practically who in a room been married 30 years and 30 year marriage isn't OK in 40 year marriages and OK got a couple 40 years I know one couple in here in our church has been married 50 years but are there any 50 years in Rome by couples now here today OK So we've got 40 years at least in the room we've got a 50 year praise God the methought how many years 5154 all right praise God for 50 for you I mean I am I was thinking out of Johnson's 52 but you got to be 54. They'll tell you you don't stay married 54 years having never had some difference it's you don't get the 54 year promise by giving up too early by running off with somebody else because the grass looks greener on the other side. And you've got to check the water bill on that green grass. You don't know what they paid to get it that green. And what you see that you think is green grass might be artificial turf. You better look again. You don't get out of this life unscathed. You don't get to 54 years a banner ads by not having some days where you just say that we ought to just go our separate ways but you hung in there just stayed with it you kept going are you in the house with me today. This concludes another broadcast event the Christian Bible Church thank you so much for taking the time to to me it is our prayer and hope that what you have heard serves as food to nourish your soul and biblical direction for life in the days to come we'd like to invite you to join us for one of our worship services are Bible study for all ages is held on Thursdays at 6 30 pm You should feel free to dine with us before Thursday Bible study at 5 30 pm Sunday worship begins at 10 30 am there's includes a children's church and nursery services we're located at 4625 East Iowa avenues Denver Colorado 80222 you may also visit us on the web at Denver Bible dot org Or you can download all of Pastor Moreland's sermons for free or connect with us on Facebook or download our free mobile app for your i Phone or Android device just search for Denver Christian Bible church you should also feel free to give us a call at 303-223-6133 we hope to see you in service so and if the Lord should come before we see you in service then we'll see you in the class. And. Contact any of our calle D.C. Programmers by calling our helpline at 303481800. This is Cary job and years especially for the incredible past 10 miles Pastor Robert Knight the crown all through Scripture represents a far to God gives us authority and wants us to walk with authority only sir when I want to remind you that Jesus. God son walked with authority when he was on this earth I want you to share and something not authority though all of 40 is given because authority comes from God and from God alone Jesus knew they had authority authority does it come from the way you talk does it come from the way you walk does it come from the way you carry yourself Jesus walked as a lamb we know that he's the great shepherd but I don't know if you ever thought about this before he was the shepherd he became a lamb the Lamb of God and he walked on this earth not as this know it all but as this loving kind of merciful save your 30 years and yet he had great authority for more of worship in the where is it Pastor Bakare dot com the radio ministry you hear each and every day on Calle D.C. Relies on listener contributions and donation please visit us online at 1220 calle D.C. Dot com There you can find all the important contact information to your favorite radio ministry and you can help keep their message on air thank you and God bless freedom in the way church in Lakewood Colorado way Jesus is Lord and God Spirit is infallible sometimes why we have to part company for somebody that's all the time negative or all time speaking the out number I can think with that and that's the idea of faith buddy who's my baby buddy I need somebody to talk to me about the things that work oh I hear the good stuff I want to hear Joy I want to upgrade I want to hear the story I want to hear to come but it's that the Word of God is real it is reactive it's it's alive it's working in my life it give me that freedom in the word every Thursday 1030 to 11 am with Pastor David Talbert right here on Calle D.C. 953 F.M. 12 20 am join the Mile High Health Alliance and prioritize your health at the 2nd annual health and wellness Expo Mile High Health Alliance in conjunction with Colorado regional health connectors is hosting its 2nd annual health and wellness Expo on September 14th from 48 pm at college view community center 2525 south Decatur Denver Colorado $80.00 to $19.00 This event will include for. Dinner free health screenings giveaways entertainment and so much more that's the 2nd annual health and wellness Expo on September 14th from $48.00 pm at the college view Community Center brought to you by Mile High Health Alliance in conjunction with Colorado regional health connectors. You're listening to calle D C Denver a speech will 28 and 95.3 F.M. And streaming online at 1220 decent. Broadcasting God and. Proffer Broadcasting Ministry partners stand for God and country a pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Blessed radio ministers and I'm standing up for God and country. Dr Ralph Yankee Arnold and the congregation of Bible line ministries stand shoulder to shoulder with you while we pay respect to God and country during our national anthem the United States Army Field the band will now honor America with this performance of our national anthem.

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