At college view community center 2525 south Decatur Denver Colorado $80.00 to $19.00 This event will include free dinner free health screenings giveaways entertainment and so much more that's a 2nd annual health and wellness Expo on September 14th from 48 pm at the college view Community Center brought to you by Mile High Health Alliance in conjunction with Colorado regional health connectors. You are listening to calle B.C. 82895.3 F.M. And screaming at you are trying to. Separate broadcasting God and country station. When life seems to be spinning out of control it's easy to forget that God is still in control today on turning point Dr David. Might or that often times the best way to see God's faithfulness is to look. At those times he carried through seasons of pain with some encouragement. Here's David with the conclusion of his message. And thank you for joining us today you know we do have a wonderful opportunity to review God's faithfulness in our lives we're going to talk about that some more today you know I was reminded as we went through this particular chapter of the time when my oldest son David was a young boy a small boy we were vacationing in Ocean City New Jersey and I was walking down the beach one evening and I looked behind me and I saw my son trying to put his feet in the footprints where I had walked and what a stretch it was because I have a bigger stride than he did and he was working to try to get in every one of my footsteps and that night when I went back to our condo and we were thinking about it I was reminded of what a picture that is for all of us we have people following us people who are stepping into our footprints but it also reminded me as I look back over my life that I could see God's direction and his faithfulness and all that he's done for me I'm sure you find that to be true in your life too all you have to do is look and you will find it we have a faithful God I'm going to talk about him again in just a moment but 1st I want to remind you of our 2. Or to Israel in 2019 I cannot tell you how excited we are for the response we have gotten and it looks as if this tour is going to be full perhaps even by the end of this month or early in September it is not until March of next year but the response has been overwhelming there's still time right now if you'd like to be a part of this and you can go to our website and get all the details about the tour there you will find the number of the tour company that is directing all of this you can find out everything you need to know about how you can attend these sessions with us as we go through Galilee and Jerusalem and we even have a side tour to Rome that's available all of these things so very special and yet there's still time for you to get involved in it Be sure to do the necessary homework to get your name in the list and join us in March of 2019 as we visit the place where the Bible actually happened well let's get back to our study of the faithfulness of God as we open the Bible together. How can I know that God hears my prayers because it's the nature of God to be faithful to be constant and consistent and to come to our relief Jeremiah says it this way call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know . Jason Meyer was taking studies in the doctoral program and he was working very hard not getting much sleep one day he was driving home very early on around 4 30 in the morning and falling asleep at the wheel and he tried everything to stay awake he turned up the radio he tried to sing real loud he even slapped him self in the face and the next thing he knew he woke up in his driveway more than a little shaken because he had no idea. How he got there. Is he walked into the house now eerily awake he entered his bedroom and noticed the strangest thing is wife was wide awake she would normally be asleep but instead she was sitting up in bed waiting for him she said Hi honey how was your Dr. Meyer said It's funny you should ask I really struggle to stay awake on the drive home in fact I don't know how I got here. Yeah I figured she said What do you mean you figured well she said I woke at 430 very suddenly and felt this intense prompting to pray so I figured you must be struggling on the road since that's around the time you normally come home so I prayed for you. Looking back on this event Meyer concludes. I think I'm still alive today because my wife obeyed the spirits prompting to pray I hope this story gives you greater sense of what's at stake in prayer every time you awake to pray don't go back to sleep whatever it is you're supposed to pray for pray for it because God woke you up to pray and God woke her up to pray and heard her prayer. God's faithfulness protects us from evil God is faithful in keeping us from evil and from the evil one we often underestimate the spiritual danger that's all around us Jesus told us to request protection he said do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one . Till I begin working on this message I had never connected the attribute of God's faithfulness with my protection and then I read 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 3 The Lord is faithful who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. Paul wrote that in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 in it had an impact on me the next morning after I read that I heard myself saying I don't know what's going to happen in my life today but. God is protecting me God's got a hedge around me he's guarding me. Let me ask you a question when you think of the faithfulness of God what comes your mind 1st. I bet if we could all be honest we'd probably say I think of how unfaithful I've been when I think of how faithful he's been it makes me feel kind of bad because I know I've not always been faithful to him but I guess some good news for you today that maybe you haven't heard before I want you to know that when we come to face God's faithfulness and contrast it with our own. We don't have to worry because 2nd Timothy 213 is in the Bible and this is what it says if we are faithless he remains faithful because he cannot deny himself ladies and gentlemen aren't you glad that God's faithfulness to you is not conditioned upon your faithfulness to him Oh my goodness that sends a horror through your mind doesn't it but the Bible says it is God who is faithful he cannot be unfaithful to us because we're unfaithful to him because he is never unfaithful so even when we fail even when we look back and we come to the Lord and we say Lord it's me again it's the same thing we talked about yesterday. He never stops being faithful to us if you're a jesus follower. And you feel defeated by your failures join the club. But let me remind you of something God's faithfulness to you is not conditioned by your faithfulness to him he's faithful to you no matter what. And then here's something all of us who love music resonate with God's faithfulness promotes praise. The writer of Psalm 89 said it this way I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever with my mouth will I make known your faithfulness to all generations and the heavens will praise your wonders oh lord your faithfulness also in the assembly of the Saints or the Lord God of hosts who is mighty like you all the Lord your faithfulness also surrounds you. Because God is faithful we can't help but praise Him We want to praise Him We hear a message like this we read scriptures like this and we want to stand up with our hands up high and say Lord thank you for being so faithful to me. Some 7122 says with the lute I will praise you and your faithfulness Oh my God to you I will saying with a heart oh holy one of his real Let me tell you what I know until we praise God We have not truly enjoyed God until we learn how to worship God We are leaving a lot of the blessings of God on the table if you know how faithfully is my friend you cannot help but praise Him It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to your name almost high to declare your loving kindness in the morning and your faithfulness every night isn't it interesting that we declare is loving kindness in the morning and then we go through the day and when we get through the day we look back and we declare his faithfulness because his loving kindness was faithful all day long. God's faithfulness precludes worry. His faithfulness promises answers his faithfulness protects us from evil and his faithfulness promotes praise but there's one more. God's faithfulness provides encouragement. The reality of God's faithfulness kept the prophet Jeremiah from collapsing in despair I have never truly understood Jeremiah nor how he survived because when the Lord called him to preach he told him in the calling that nobody was going to listen to him. I think I would have quit the 1st day. Jeremiah I want you to go and talk to these people but they're not ever going to listen to you. Can you imagine. Jeremiah witnessed the collapsing of everything around him he wrote 2 books in the Bible the book that bears his name and a shorter book that follows that like a postscript the book of lamentations and the book of Lamentations is the saddest book in the Bible the word lamentation means to lament to mourn deeply to be swallowed up in grief because of lamb in Taishan Zz we sometimes call Jeremiah the weeping prophet people have called me that because of my last name. Jeremiah had a reason for his laments he served the Lord during the final tragic days of Judah and Jerusalem. Every king during that time was worse than the one before and the godlessness of the age Excel aerated like a runaway train despite Jeremiah's earnest preaching and pleading nobody listened to him he was persecuted and abused and threatened with death he was beaten and thrown into a Miree pit. And when the Babylonians laid siege to the city of Jerusalem Jeremiah faced a prolonged nightmare of food and water deprivation in thousands of people starving and disease rampant everywhere and as he watched the Babylonians breached the walls of the city and massacred the citizens in imprison the nobles and destroyed the city and burned the Temple of the Lord to the ground and according to tradition somehow Jeremiah survived all of that and he went to the Mount of Olives and sat there looking over the city in traumatized condition in rags. And watched the city burn. And if you read the book of Lamentations it opens with these words how lonely sits the city that was full of people how like a widow is she who was great among the nations the princes among the provinces has become a slave she weeps bitterly in the night her tears are on her cheeks among all her lovers she has none to comfort her all her friends have dealt treacherously with her they have become her enemies the battle only invasion in the exile of the survivors of Judah didn't simply represent the fall of a great nation it seemed to call into question God's entire plan for humanity the Lord had promised Abraham a great nation on a designated stretch of land and out of that nation would come a Messiah who would solve all of the earth's problems and reign supreme from Jerusalem. And now there was no more Jerusalem. David's throne was toppled and all hope seemed to gone. Jeremiah was in anguish. He said Is it nothing to you all you who passed by me behold and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow which has been brought on me which the Lord has inflicted in the day of his fierce anger for these things I weep my eye my eye overflows with water science spreads out her hands and no one comforts her to Jeremiah God's judgment did not simply fall on Jerusalem and Judah is fell on him he personalized the destruction of Jerusalem he said I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of his wrath he has led me and made me walk in darkness and not in light surely he has turned his hand against me time and time throughout the day God has aged my flesh and my skin and broken my bones he has besieged me and surrounded me with bitterness and woe he has hedged me in so that I cannot get out and he has made my chain heavy even when I cry and shout he shuts out my prayer. The more he wrote in The Book of Lamentations the more agitated he got is he saw all the world around him crumble. He said he has broken my teeth with gravel He has covered me with ashes Lord you have moved my soul far from peace I have forgotten prosperity and I said my strength and my hope have perished from the Lord. But not quite. One thought breaks out like a bolt of lightning in a dark sky there is one attribute of God that falls like the morning dew on Jeremiah's tortured brow. He writes this I recall to my mind. Therefore I have hope. Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because his compassions fail not they are new every morning great is your faithfulness. That great song that we saying didn't come on a mountain top experience when all was well it came in the midst of the darkest night of Jeremiah's soul. And when you read Lamentations 3 you wonder if there are some missing verses because what happens is all of a sudden you get the verse 21 Jeremiah seems to switch from pain to praise on a dime did someone find this manuscript and cut out some verses No I don't think that's what happened Jeremiah did what every believer must do if we're going to have to encourage ourselves in times of difficulty we stop listening to ourselves and we start talking to ourselves. This I recall he said this I recalled to my mind. We have to learn even though in the midst of life's most painful situations to bring something to mind we have to remind ourselves of God's unchanging overarching undergirding faithfulness we have to remember God's continual compassions which are new every morning and I LOVE THIS him based on this passage of great is that I faithfulness but the author of the him Thomas Chisholm made one slight mistake to him says morning by morning new mercies I see but that's not what Jeremiah said Jerram I did not see any visible morning mercies when he wrote laminations 3 at that moment he had no visible evidence of God's mercy at all morning by morning brought nothing but a horror and pain and dread but Jeremiah said in effect even if I don't see any tangible blessings right now that does not alter God's mercy God's compassion God's faithfulness whether I can see them or not God's mercy is continual he is my portion therefore I hope in him. My friend if the only time we declared the faithfulness of God is when we feel everything is in order in our lives we may not say it very often. God is not faithful because we understand what he's doing God is not faithful because our day started off well God is faithful because he is God and it is his nature to be faithful. God's providence and God's faithfulness are like reading Hebrew. When I went to seminary I had to learn how to read Hebrew. The 1st thing I discovered was none of the letters were like anything I had ever seen and the 2nd thing which was most difficult for me was to learn that Hebrew reads from the right to the left and not from the left to the right from the back to the front and not from the front to the back the providence of God is like reading Hebrew you have to read it backwards you have to stand and look back and say oh great is that I faithfulness. And all of us have those moments that we look back over and we see that God was faithful to us during a time of great stress and that he's been faithful to us even in times when we forgot who he was and we weren't faithful to him he's been faithful to us when we didn't go to church and when we didn't name the name of the Lord because we are His children even when we walked away God never let go of us and he always faithfully took care of us. Were living today in days that were similar to Jeremiah's days where moral foundations are crumbling and where people are no longer to to their word unfaithfulness is everywhere the statistics are totally depressing. But I have good news for you God is faithful he's faithful in his creation he's faithful in his revelation not one of his promises can fail his faithfulness frees us from the grip of worry it assures us of answered prayer it protects us from evil it triggers our praise it ensures our tomorrow and we worship a faithful God That's why one of our greatest joys is does saying greatest I faithfulness Oh God my father there is no shadow of turning with the doubt changes not die compassions they fail not as has been. Thou for ever will be. There was once a young man from Chicago who went down to the bluegrass regions of Kentucky where he met and would a young woman who ultimately came back to Chicago as his bride they enjoyed 3 lovely years of marriage and then one day in the midst of a sickness and in a seizure of pain this young woman lost her mind when she was at her best she was a bit demented at her worst she would scream so the neighbors complained the young businessman didn't know what to do but ultimately he left his home in the middle of Chicago. Went out to one of the western suburbs and build a house determined that there he would do everything within his power to nurse his wife back to health and sanity. One day the family physician suggests that if he were to take his wife back to Kentucky to her original home that maybe something in that familiar surroundings would help to restore her sanity and so they went back to the old homestead hand in hand they walked through the old house where memories hung on every corner they went down to the garden and they walked down by the riverside where the violets were in bloom but after several days nothing seemed to be happening so defeated in discouraged the young man put his wife back in the car and they headed back to Chicago when they got close to the house he looked over and discovered that his wife was asleep it was the 1st time he had seen her deep restfully sleeping in many weeks when he got to the house she was still asleep and he lifted her from the car took her inside placed her on the bed realize she wanted to sleep some more so he placed a cover over her and then just sat by her side and watched her through the midnight hour watched her until the 1st rays of the sun reach through the curtain and touched her face. The young woman awoke and she saw her husband seated by her side and she said I seem to have been on a long journey were have you been. And that man speaking out of days and weeks and months of patient waiting and watching said my sweetheart I've been right here waiting for you all the time. And that is the faithfulness of God. No matter where you've been. No matter what you've done. He's right here. He's always been here waiting for you to respond with love to love waiting for you to respond with trust to promise waiting for you to cast yourself with a reckless abandon upon the grace of God and waiting for you to discover. That God is faithful. Some of you here today. Are thinking about your own life in light of what you've heard. Let me just tell you how much God loves you faithfully has been waiting for you to get it right you know what I'm talking about to get it right and some of you are not Christians you have never accepted Christ as your Savior and maybe you don't think there's a place for you I'm here to tell you there is a place for you God is faithful and he gave everything so that you could spend eternity with Him If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior Why would you not accept him and grab hold of his faithfulness in your life. And if you're a Christian and you've got not a fellowship with God. God doesn't have to do anything different it's you that have to make the move God hasn't gone anywhere he's been right there all the time and he's just waiting for you Could I use the metaphor. Just waiting for you to wake up a minute a minute. Well this is the end of a very special week that we have had knowing God and getting to know him better and I hope it's been encouraging to you and it's been a blessing to be your teacher this week and thank you for participating in this discussion don't forget that during the month of August we make available to you our special resource which is a book entitled The God you may not know 270 pages hardback book that we have produced to go along with the series and to help you really remember what we've taught and have it at a place where you can access it any time when you send your gift a turning point during the month of August simply ask for your copy of this book The God you may not know and will have it in the mail to you before you know it we thank you for your generosity your investment in what we do here is critical especially during the summer months so thank you in advance for your best gift a turning point and it means so much to us Well we're getting ready for the weekend here in San Diego I'm getting ready preach on Saturday and Sunday and I want you to a mother. When you give to one of our Christian programs you help keep this station on the air thank you for supporting K L D C. Is it possible to use social media to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ I'm Steve Douglas and today I'm making your life count Marshall shares the unique story of how his brother was able to do just that . My brother in law he was a Ph D. Student and he was trying to use Facebook to evangelize this one of his students and of this place that he was professor at and through the Facebook chat he was actually able to lead this guy to Christ through a series of videos series of texts and this guy literally came to Christ through Facebook chat I've seen people impacted by the Gospel I've seen like we said every time you post something people come through with it with different things that happened Aaron says there are always opportunities to be a light for Christ in the business side of things I've actually seen organizations I've consulted with and I've worked with people come to Christ as I'm working with them and these are secular organization. It's been really powerful because I got an e-mail like in fact I got an e-mail my birthday this year I just wanted you know that God saved me last night at 4 in the morning and so it was great to get to realize literally how I was just. A regular basis and it wasn't because of what I was doing it was because of what God was doing because when I look at how I was treating this guy and how I was acting around him it really wasn't that Christian if that makes sense that I'm being honest here but what happened was I just continually pointed back to it's not about what Aaron does it's about what God's done and what he's done through the cross that matters and the guy resonated with that message and so I've seen people come to. Me via Twitter and so he was connected to my Facebook account as well I use my Facebook account for discipleship and evangelism and I use my Twitter account for business if if the relationship does move I then move them into my Facebook account where then I'm more open and sharing the gospel that way so I can have a process. Where you can use social media to share with the people God brings into your life. If. I'm trying to. Discover the Bible. Monday through Friday at 7 am right here 195-1220 am get a positive perspective through praise D.C. 95.3. When I'm talking about greetings to the broadest audience in the country Welcome to real science radio I'm Bob N.P.R. And I'm Fred Williams creations speaker and software engineer that was Tony Thunderbird and that's what I was talking about yes welcome to part 3 of our program on Hawaii's killer way a volcanic eruption which is finally slowing hopefully after more than 3 months now and we're also discussing the hotspot hypothesis of how the Hawaiian island chain allegedly formed and you know most people don't know the geologists today widely reject me the basics of that theory such as the magma supposedly Defying Gravity Yeah yeah I mean up from the Earth's core up up to the surface yeah and then as the plates moved so slowly over millions of years that stationary so-called hot spot of magma formed a linear chain like a line of volcanoes even islands but 1st big news here real science radio Kickstarter you know all that crowd funding site yeah they have approved our flat Earth project flat earth of all things millions of people have been confused and said deuce by the flat earth absurdity Fred it's so weird it's not a hypothesis it's a symptom and here in the U.S. And many in Europe and it seems to be getting worse I mean like in France 10 percent of the population is unsure whether or not the Earth is a sphere that's just startling in France is not fundamentalist Christian right the media is trying to smear the creation movement with this but even here in the US it's really bad Yeah and you know Bobbie you go study in April in the cases. 3000000 young people Americans up to the age of 24 really believe the earth is flat no Fred Say It Isn't So really and quite a few more of these young people they're not sure I'm not sure about that so this Kickstarter project really has the funny is the this is titled The launch of flat earth or into space and so our goal is to raise the money to buy a ticket aboard a Virgin Galactic spacecraft but Fred the tickets now for you it's not for me it's not Bob it's for one of the top 5 flat earth proponents Yes that's who it's for yeah this thing's a riot I think all the video you guys produced for this you got to go to the Web site in Washington video so start a program so fun Kickstarter isn't like Go Fund Me or other platforms that you can raise money for just about anything on Kickstarter your project has to meet their guidelines and it has to be approved so our launch of flat earth or into space this crowdfunding effort it was just approved Fred and it begins on Monday so it gets launched no pun intended this Monday August 13th and it last for only $36.00 days so we only have $36.00 days to raise $250000.00 that's the cost of a ticket aboard Richard Branson is Virgin Galactic So come on we can do that 36 days right yeah do you think any flat earth people are going to donate to this thing well you know I guess they just might because they're awfully determined and this is an opportunity to launch one of their own leaders take me cheerleader flatters their once one of their own leaders into space so what an opportunity now of course the flat earth there are not thousands of scientists who support a flat earth there are even hypothesis you know there are not. Thousands of discoveries where they have predicted here's what we're going to discover like creation science there are thousands of advanced agreed scientists who are younger of creationists and we have made hundreds of us down doing scientific predictions that have been confirmed the flat earth group they don't have any of that because like we said it's not a hypothesis it's a symptom actually of paranoia Yeah and the head of the Flat Earth Society is an evolutionist by the way yes but I digress or maybe not so we're going to post our Kickstarter link with today's show summary at our star dot org And beginning Monday please help us spread this far and wide yet because it's Fred to the edges of the earth. To the 4 corners of the earth and please if you get the chance post this on your Facebook page tweet it send it out an e-mail talk at up presented to flat earth there's themselves you know on their own forums and maybe working together we could make a dent in this craziness because the media is using it against the gospel and we had Pete Fisk on here not that long ago when he was talking about this bad symptom of this flat earth belief that's even permeating among some Christian Yes So back to our Hawaii volcano series so far we've had in studio the long time national park chief ranger Mark to knock Sanders of Hawaii's National Park that was on part one that was so cool have an image here Mark Yeah he shared with us I always heard of him you know from prior shows me as how he was instrumental in getting that dumb sign removed from yellow and I don't know if I had 40 Petrified Forest buried on top of each other exactly millions of years yes exactly so when Mark says that whenever he needs real science he knows he can't get it from the politically correct National Park Service so he tunes into our asar What an honor that it Oh absolutely it is. And we gave the counter example of the island of search the. Thing I saw he talked about admitted by mainstream geologists and science outlets that in only a half a century yeah the island birth and produced many features that geology textbooks claim would take thousands or even millions of years yeah like a wide sandy beaches gravel banks lagoons cliffs fractures faults scarps Greece I know it's Crees are of these fourteeners here in Colorado and even boulders worn round by the surf and we document all of this at our website younger dot com wildlife to slash 30 wildlife so much fun we also have discussed how much more massive where the eruptions from Earth's early history as compared to today yeah huge really more massive and as evidence against uniformitarianism it's a false paradigm that the intensities and mechanisms we see working today are sufficient to explain Earth's geologic past yet not at all not at all so now we'll continue where we left off rebutting what's called the hotspot hypothesis which I heard about right before I went to Hawaii from people at work and I hadn't heard much about it before the media is really pushing it right yes and so it's been widely discredited as you said earlier Fred but today it persists in its various and complicated versions very different from the 1006 these simplistic model of 2 so Wilson which was used to gain acceptance for the whole plate tectonics theory yeah it's 1st of all what about magma itself the origin of lava All right so this is our 1st problem today we're going to mention 5 problems with the hotspot hypothesis Oh yeah and magma is a big one right it's yeah why is there still melted rock on the earth of it's billions of years old yeah if it's 4 and a half 1000000000 years old by that old earth timeframe everything should have largely read. Equilibrium except for you know the small amount of radioactivity which is mostly not deep in the earth but geophysicist acknowledge Fred the radioactivity is in the crust still rocks of the earth specifically the continental crust so by the most basic heat flow equations you know this is really basic physics one of the most foundational of all the branches of physics long ago they figured all the cell if the earth is billions of years old the temperature of the Earth should have even thermal equilibrium especially throughout the mantle where there is very little radioactivity Yeah and so that's why in the text from one of the founders of modern volcanology the books entitled The book's title knows written by Gordon MacDonald who we mentioned last week he's got a Berkeley degree he works for us decades with the Hawaii Institute of geophysical that's at the University of Hawaii where he wrote this the question of where the magma comes from and how it is generated are the most speculative in all of vulcanology that you are not going to hear that on public teller and not now earlier in magma come for the B.B.C. Or the National Park Service for that matter and it's our problem number one out of 5 for this show there's a come from a house that generated you know as with all of the materialist science claims about Arjun's Fred their claims typically fail at every level including this hot spot theory and its inability to explain why if the earth is as old as they claim why is there so much melted rock to begin with now Secondly the contradictory chains of volcanoes this one a super interesting how could chains become true dictionary Oh I see OK So our 2nd of 5 problems and this next point of failure for the Hotspur. Have offices is so powerful if plates are moving slowly about one inch per year you know you can generalize it that way Plate Tectonics then how do they explain the linear chains of volcanoes the lines of volcanoes or the lines of islands that are going off in different directions from other chains on the same plate but also then a chain of islands that are going in a different direction from the movement of the plate how is the plate moving doing that forming perpendicular so great in a sense yes so this is a contradiction huge to hypothesis so this is going back to 9091 but the journal Nature I quote they said the 2 most difficult observations to explain in terms of hot spots are the lack of substance since the station of active vulcanism 30 to 25000000 years ago and that's another big problem that we're not going to include on our list that many volcanoes haven't sunk back into their bases as much as they should have over tens of millions of years but it's this paper's 2nd problem that we're talking about now yeah and they go on to say and the Northeast orientation of the Bermuda rise is nearly at right angles to the motion of the North American plate. OK So this is in the Atlantic not the Pacific or the Bermuda but if you have a chain of volcanoes supposedly formed by a hotspot Well 1st of all let's talk about that so many volcanoes are not at the edges of the tectonic plates and plate tectonics they're somewhere like in the middle of the plate exactly where Plate Tectonics would not predict that there'd be volcanoes but that's where they are has so you have a chain of extinct volcanoes on the North American plate in the Atlantic but that line of up. K. Knows is going off in the wrong direction as compared to the movement of the plate itself yeah totally contradictory and you've got the same problem in the Pacific with the Hawaiian for Cannick chain and long chains of subsurface volcanoes we've been looking at those Fred this week you know that they do have in the Pacific the exact same problem as in the Atlantic the Hawaiian Islands with their killer way a volcano did obviously they rose up above sea level and by the way because that made them visible that's why Hawaii was handy to use in convincing people about plate tectonics but what lies below the surface of the waves Well there are 40040000 other submerged volcanoes in the Pacific many of these are completely contradictory to the hotspot theory yet because chains of these volcanoes you can see with your eyes you see a line of volcanoes there's a line of volcanoes there's just get a map of the floor of the Pacific just Google it and look draw lines on the map of the lines of volcanoes what you find out is that chains of these they go off in different directions at a large angle to the Hawaiian Islands and some of these are connected to an even perpendicular to Mallee in a while who in Hawaii and so on yeah so you've got a great image here ball that you marked up and I'm sure you're going to put it on our website right sure show summary share and so let's talk about one example and it's right here on this great illustration so out of so many volcanic ridges and chains how about this one called Necker Ridge but I like your neck but with the earth now you are richer Ridge So Fred in the journal Marine geology there's a paper recently it's from 2013 the authors describe this Necker Ridge. It's 400 miles long and narrow volcanic Ridge below sea level and it's attached to Hawaii and it's attached to another mountain and you can see that here in the Pacific they call it and they magic enigmatic What's up with that why with why well you know that bad Yeah well because in many ways it contradicts the hot spot hypothesis and even Plate Tectonics itself you know a lot of people oh no hot spots are really used to try to push plate tectonics right with both idea of driving point for it right and it's crumbling so Necker Ridge 1st of all it's this massive feature in the Pacific and it's connected to and again perpendicular to almost perpendicular Not that I'd 90 degrees the whole Y. An island chain so there's a problem right there it's the vector and the paper describes the direction in which these islands were forming so that's a problem right there and also the direction that the islands were forming you know they say that Hawaii the islands were forming toward the southeast well with Necker Ridge they're forming toward the northeast so they're go in a totally different direction I 90 degrees again and then Necker Ridge this is a quote from the paper Necker Ridge is also at an angle to fracture zones and to the so-called spreading centers of the region so its origin is controversial that's what the paper says another contradiction of plate tectonics and say that no but that's why it's controversial so Fred is this Necker Ridge is it like a minor little feature in the Pacific this is a huge major feature on this part of the Pacific plate without a doubt and the paper acknowledges that with all these contradictions it's not minor it is a major feature of the Pacific plate. Yeah and they've got so many anomalies and Bob isn't like with carbon 14 and dinosaur bones and diamonds that we've got about they're no longer anomalies that's what happens they're expected Yeah they're not the noise in the signal they are the signal which is a very fails to predict so another quote from this 2013 paper and again all this is about this nectar Ridge which is an example when they show you oh look it's so juvenile Fred look at the Hawaiian Islands they make a chain that tells us that the plate was moving in that direction over tens of millions of years and what they don't tell you is just beneath the waves there's another change perpendicular to it that what happened the plate is moving in 2 directions simultaneously so here's another quote from the same paper from 2013 the ridge has continuity that suggests that the volcanism erupted simultaneously along almost the entire length of the feature and over time across a moving plate while so whatever happened to uniformitarianism right you know this below the waves this is far enough out of sight so it could be ignored by the National Park Service in Nova in the B.B.C. National Geographic during their incessant uniformitarian storytelling fret about how the Hawaiian Islands are going out the tourist or the person on their guided brainwashing mission to say hey what about these perpendicular he S. OK those that we see under the water but hey I saw him on a map and they're there what's up with that radix you can't see him for they don't get asked these questions and so the paper on the neck or Ridge also describes these really interesting flat platforms that characterize the summits I mean if you look at the picture Bob and you know again we're going to have it on our website or just go to Google Earth there you go to Madeleine just Google the Pacific floor. I get it and it's amazing how there does sheered you know near the top flat so I yeah and there's a lot of them yeah there are thousands they're called Table mounts and we'll talk about these later but not only do they have these flat platforms summer as large as 6 miles in diameter so they're massive and flat but also this paper says that these flat platforms have a conspicuous lack of thick sediments since pick you up that's so awesome because his they should have lots of sediments right if there really isn't 10 millions of years worth of sediments same thing with the ocean trenches and undoubtedly the sediments down there Fred will be undisturbed because there is no subduction going on in the Pacific but you know this is true the lack of thick sediments is not only true for Necker rich it's characteristic of these seamounts in the Pacific supposedly So all those Yet where are all the sediments and the marine geologist they know that the sediments are supposed to be there and you know take into account where they are they're not near the surface they're not near the bottom they're somewhere mid range they know that this play Jack sediments they call it should be thick and they're missing they're missing and I like the analogy you gave earlier it's not the noise in the signal the it is the sinkhole it's these things are not it isn't it's not an anomaly it is a head of me look you can google it yourself if you know Yes yes so the ridge they they point out in this paper that this nectar Ridge is connected to the mid Pacific mountains and to the whole ion Ridge by something they call it an apron but finally Fred they say in this paper that there's a lack of landslides. Along the entire length of the ridge that is equally puzzling Yeah and you know what the deal is with not having these landslides It's called erosion right you know how powerful water is exactly so you've had millions of years yeah hasn't water done its thing he has landslides and erosion is a killer for evolutionists it's a worldwide problem we just did the series on the Grand Canyon hundreds of millions of years pass they claim without erosion destroying all the flak gaps remember the parallel sedimentary plains that characterize the canyon and in fact the entire region indeed much of the world has flat sediments they compare a conformities Where was all the erosion So Bob what about all these mountain ranges in the world that are formed we know by sedimentary rock yeah right and when you look at erosion rates the world's mountain ranges basically should all be eroded to sea level because they are rowed faster than Plate Tectonics should lift them up which supposedly moves that and shear Right exactly so that brings us and to the 3rd problem with hot spots and it's the theory of plate tectonics itself the very theory that husbands were used to promote Yes all these magma plumes that are rising up from the mantle and somehow staying stationary right out of the plates are moving Yeah right so once it hits the surface they call it lava below the surface magma and magma rising up they call it a magma plume like he said Fred and it's supposed to form a hotspot that's staying still stationary However plate tectonics tell us that the crust still plates are moving because there is circulating currents in the mantle that's what they claim elating current Right so if the Manso below the crust if the mantle is circulating and that's what's causing the plate. At the top to move then why would a hot spot coming up of hot magma Why would that stay stationary over tens of millions of years if the whole mantle is circulating that is inherently contradictory and as we've mentioned before and I think this one is really interesting it's physically impossible below 200 miles there's this crossover depth so how is magma going to rise a against gravity well that's a problem if we did a whole show on this R S R dot org slash magma but the crossover depth below 200 miles the pressure is so intense that when Rock melts. That when Rock melts it compresses in fact it compresses eventually it gets down to 50 percent of its original volume that means it's heavier than all the rock around it the melted the magma and so it sinks it doesn't ride good luck against gravity Exactly and so when you realize that that magma can't rise up against gravity and when you realize that the mantle Fred it's overwhelmingly solid and solids don't flow you don't have these circulating convection currents in solids so this is such a massive problem you know the crust of plates there are up to 60 miles thick and even if some magma did circulate in this otherwise solid Mansel 60 miles down below the crust below the surface it's not going to produce the force necessary to move the continents in fact it has to move the Earth's entire crust so as we've covered previously subject should cannot occur sea floor spreading is not happening the whole plate tectonics model has failed but really that is beyond the scope of this hotspot series Yeah so Bob I've got this picture or better maybe a video in my head of this mantle flow and let's assume for a moment you know that that really happens that these convection currents are sufficient to move the crustal plates All right so then why would a hot spot remain stationary if the entire mantle has it doesn't make sense yes I just imagine in your minds it's circling around yeah earth and yet these hot spots are just staying there that one spot so that's an internal inconsistency can a whole I.E. Come to Colorado every now and then yeah you know just move it to Colorado another place is always going to have to you know be cheaper you know getting their hits Yeah Honna. Yeah the road to han it could be hey the road to Pueblo a lot of people get sick driving the road to hike it lately I mean it's. Challenge you you need your sea legs just to be on the road to hunt Abby almost did get sick actually yes a really narrow road and you know it's cool oh we love it it is a paradise so Fred for reasons like this you see papers like in 2005 in the journal Science that we did quote from last week and it's America's most prestigious peer reviewed scientific journal in 2005 quote the textbook explanation for volcanism by fixed hotspots is either entirely wrong or insufficient to explain these phenomena so according to this recent geology paper the hotspot hypothesis that people were bragging about it work you know in the so-called L these educated engineer Yes but according to this paper that hypothesis could be entirely wrong yet and Fred where entirely wrong yes you and I were like cheaters you know in a way we cheat in that we know the answers ahead of time biblical creationists have such an unfair advantage when it comes to science and you know but who ever said that life is fair because we know the time frame and we know the starting conditions and we even know the architect of the system and we study his writings that explains so much of what we see so while the journal Science published this conclusion that hotspots may be entirely wrong we can assure you the hypothesis is wrong Yeah and that's why it's so important that we learn this stuff so that our friends who believe this we can at least provide evidence that it's not true for them to think about it because we're going to see them on Judgement Day Right wow what a great point so Fred we're not done there are many other scientific discoveries that falsify the hotspot I pot this is. But you're not going to get this from the secular science reporters and Fox News as we've said you're not even going to hear it from National Public Radio Ira Flatow in fact the American geosciences institue A.G.I. They had this article Unite have mentioned this earlier the question of mantle plumes and they admit something that we could use to build our confidence that the secular system is filled with fallacies It sure is it's an icon of evolution really that we've talked so has about you and I are iconoclasts iconoclasts eyelash in the Icons of Evolution on a class like that Fred you're an iconoclast in their article titled The question of mantle plumes they have quite an admission and they sure do they say to spite the debate this hypothesis has become entrenched in the college textbooks so many things are interest in the college and high school textbooks that are just flat wrong they've been wrong for decades yes and remember the quote for the journal Nature this is back in 1998 it was titled fixed hotspots Gone With The Wind they were running out of time in this broadcast so go to our website to catch the rest of this program Real science Radio dot com. Come. Back. Soon I'm talking about. Impacting your life for God K L D C 95.3 F.M. . Churches in ministries in America are required to report interest income. From the case files of the Christian law association Here's attorney David Gibbs Jr with today's legal alert a new pastor learned that the church had invested some funds which had been set aside for future use the pastor feared that earning interest with church money might somehow endanger the church's tax exempt status a C.L.A. Attorney relieved the pastor's concern when he explained that churches and ministries are by law allowed to earn what is called passive income as long as they don't borrow the money to invest passive income is money that a church receives from investments in which they do not actively participate earning interest and dividends are examples of passive income current I.R.S. Regulations allowed churches and ministries to earn passive income without having to pay any taxes on the income are Christian law so C.H. An attorney explained this pastor does not have to worry about their.

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