You are listening to calle d.c. Denver on h.d. 12 20 am and 95.3 f.m. And streaming online at 1220 calle d.c. Dot com across broadcasting God and country station. Use God Welcome to the broadcast outreach of Living God ministries with Aaron budge and Aaron discovered Jesus is His Messiah while preparing to be a rabbi he now teaches for several organizations and is the teaching pastor for a living God ministers strongly distinguishing between the old and new covenants Aaron presents the scriptures from a day and historical frame of reference join Aaron now as he reveals the reality foreshadowed in the new life we can now experience because of what the Lord Jesus accomplished for us. In the previous program I was talking about Romans chapter 8 verses 3 and 4 where it says that the law could not do something because it was weak through our flesh and God did this by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh as an offering for sin he condemned sin in the flesh so that the requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit I was explaining that people often look at the law and they believe that if we can somehow live in obedience to the law if we can fulfill the requirements of the law which is to obey or die if we can fulfill the requirements in ourselves then God will bless us in return he will reward us in return he will do something to intervene in our lives and ensure that we are properly blessed for our accomplishments. And yet this requirement requires us to do it all not just some but to do it all and so I was explaining that the effect of that is to understand that there is no way that we can do it all and so if it is going to be fulfilled we're going to have to fulfill the other option of the law the 1st option is do it the 2nd option is die we certainly cannot die on our own behalf our lives aren't worth giving but the life of God Jesus manifested in the flesh was definitely worth the sins of humanity and our Got accepted that as a measure or as a means of fulfilling the requirements of the law that you either do or die he did the law on his own behalf and then he died on our behalf now in verse 4 he mentions walking in the flesh or walking according to the flesh again in verse 4 so that the requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit and then he follows up and talks about the flesh even more now it's very easy to assume that when he says walking according to the flesh that he means that people are walking according to their sin it's very easy to assume that to believe that he's talking about people who are committing sin if they are doing that then they are definitely not fulfilling the requirements of the law and so we need to get people to walk according to the spirit but what does that mean to walk according to The Spirit what does it really mean does that mean the you now try to live in obedience to the law with greater effort with greater commitment is that what that means that's what many people believe yes many people believe that you can fulfill the requirements of the law if you walk with greater enthusiasm greater commitment greater devotion and trust that God will find some way to work in your flesh so that you will be able to say no to sin and you will be able to say yes to the works of righteous. This is what a lot of people are teaching but I do not believe that's the case because of what he wrote in Romans Chapter 6 and 7 what he wrote in the previous chapters was that the last stirs up sin that if you are going to attempt to live according to the law then you are going to have an increase of sin in your life because you were not created to live according to the law for example and Romans Chapter 6 verse 14 he says for sin shall not be master over you for you are not under law but under grace so what people do is they put themselves back under the law with greater enthusiasm only to find that they're making themselves a greater slave of sin than what they probably were before they redouble their efforts after losing sight of the goal and they become what a lot of people refer to as religious fanatics rightly so because we were not created to live that way there is a law of God and there is a law of sin but the law of sin is the law the define sin it's the law that God gave it is a law of God absolutely but it is a law that was given for a purpose other than getting us to stop sinning it wasn't given for that reason people continue to look to the law for that purpose to try to get themselves to stop sinning to get their flesh under control but it was not given for that reason that is a deception to believe that it was given for that reason it was given in order to make this situation worse not to improve the situation not to make it better that is a law of God but the law of God that Paul is referring to is the law of the Gospel the law of the spirit of life in Romans Chapter 7 in verse 25 it says thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord so then on the one hand I myself with my my. And serving the law of God but on the other with my flesh the law of sin and then in Chapter 8 verse wanted says Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Now listen if there is no condemnation anymore then does this sound like the law that was given through Moses to you know this is not it to say that there is no condemnation is to say something entirely different because the law that was given through Moses was given for the purpose to condemn that's what it was given for in verse 2 for the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do you weak as it was through the flesh God did send in his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh as an offering for sin he condemned sin in the flesh so that's how God resolve the issue he resolved the issue by fulfilling the requirements of the law by dying for our sins that's how he did it so you need to understand that the law that God gave through Moses is definitely the law of God but that is the law of sin that is the law of the flesh that is the law that leads to more sand that increases the indulgence of the flesh but the other law the law of the Spirit is about the restoration of the Holy Spirit to his creation that had been lost in Adam and that is not only accomplished but it is also permanent because of the complete forgiveness of sins so when he says in verse 5 for those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh what do you suppose he's talking about in this context do you suppose he's talking about people who put their minds on all those wicked evil things that deep down inside they really want to do but they are ashamed to do it no that's not what he's talking about he is talking about the law that was defined by Moses that is totally preoccupied with and consumed with the issues related to the flash. The law that God gave through Moses is called the law of sin it is called the law of the flesh it is the law that stirs up more sin and it is the law that gets your attention focused on your flesh if you read through the law you'll discover that it's all about your flesh there is nothing in there about your spirit there is nothing in there about your heart except to show that your heart is not where it needs to be but there is nothing there that will help you deal with the issues of your heart that will fulfill the deepest needs of your heart there is nothing there in the law that says anything about knowing your god under any circumstances under any arrangements under any situations regardless of what you do or don't do it is not there it wasn't given for that reason there was no law that was given that said if you would obey you would be resurrected no law was given to say that if you obey you will receive the Holy Spirit that was lost in Adam that was addressed in a whole different context in a completely different law in a completely different way in a completely different set of circumstances they are 2 completely different laws so one of person becomes preoccupied with the things of their flesh when they walk according to the flesh or when they set their minds on the things of the flash what are they setting their mind on they are set in their mind on the law on the law. It's easy to read through these verses in assume that he's talking about somebody just abandoning any acknowledgment of the existence of God at all and just indulging their pleasure in the world it's easy to assume that that's what it means to walk according to the flesh and in some ways that's true but not in this context that's not what he's talking about he is talking about people who walk according to the law again Paul is talking about people who walk according to the law when he talks about people walking according to their flesh because that's what the law is it's all about your flesh there is nothing in there about your spirit he said that the requirements of the law were fulfilled Well that's true then what are you doing going back to the law to fulfill more requirements yeah a lot of people think that a lot of people believe that I do not I do not believe that but that's what people are doing that's what people are thinking they assume that that's the case there is something entirely different totally different and he refers to that as walking according to the spirit if you will walk according to The Spirit then you will experience something totally different again in Romans chapter 8 verse 5 it says for those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh but those who are according to the spirit the things of the Spirit for the mind set on the flesh is death but the mind set on The Spirit is life and peace so what does it mean to set your mind on the flesh according to the law and what does it mean to set your mind on the things of the Spirit according to the law of the spirit of life what is the difference well there's a huge difference the problem is that people generally do not know what it means to set your mind on the spirit and so it can become very difficult to try to explain the differences but there are some very. When differences 1st of all how could the mind set on the flesh lead to death how does that happen well it's very simple because there is no peace there at all there is no rest there at all there is nothing there but death because when you put your mind on your flesh to try to get your flesh under control you will fail no matter how hard you try you will fail there is nothing there so what does it mean to put your mind on the Spirit now this could be very difficult for some people because a lot of people assume setting your mind on the spirit with regards to life in peace means that you can now commit sin without feeling guilty and without any remorse and so go ahead and just get out there and indulge your flesh I do not believe that that is what he's referring to in any way whatsoever I just don't believe that at all but I understand that there are a lot of people who do believe that that's what it means to set your mind on the Spirit just put your mind on the spirit and be thankful for forgiveness be thankful that God loves you and just get out there and just love people and accept people and don't think about Santa don't think about the law and everything will work out just fine and I do not believe that I really don't I believe that he has called us to himself for another reason not for that reason people do embrace that and I understand that and I want you to know that I'm not going to stop telling the truth because I'm afraid people will misuse the truth that they will use the truth for a purpose that he never intended for in this case is an excuse to sin I'm not going to stop telling the truth just because some people abuse God in that way that's their problem not mine I believe that he has set us free from the law that he no longer holds or sins against us anymore so that he can love us now to love us and to accept us there has to be an understanding there has to be a recognition that 1st of all he is fully aware of the sins that we have. Had And the sins that we continue to have in struggle with I believe he has to be fully aware that he should not live in denial of reality that God should relate to us with a full understanding a recognition of the sins that we have in the sins that we struggle with I really do believe that but the fact is that he does not require us to compensate him for that now in the midst of that we can turn to him and we can really appreciate his love for us because of that we can really appreciate his acceptance for us in the midst of that and if our attitude is one of not wanting to do those things that are evil if our attitude if our belief is that that is evil and that we admit and confess that that's the case whenever the issue is brought up if we also do not live in denial of reality and we turn to him with this understanding then I believe that we can be at rest in a true sense that we can say yes God loves me and this is why now what happens in life is that we get tempted to commit sin and that's just part of life you're in the world the world is filled with opportunities to tempt you but there's a reason why you are tempted the reason why you are tempted is because you have needs you have deep rooted needs you have a need for love you have a need for acceptance for meaning and purpose in your life these are needs that you have that you were created to have God made you to have these needs what we have been called to do is to turn to our God to meet these needs we are to turn to him so that he will love us and he will accept us now very few people will make that step very few people apparently will actually do that instead what they do is they embrace forgiveness and then they go back into the world to get their love and acceptance through their indulgence of their flesh through their commission of sin . That's not why he provided for forgiveness he provided for forgiveness so that we could be the recipients of his love not the world's love so if we will turn to Him for who he is and we will receive what he has for us in that context then we will be at peace then we will be at rest and then we will begin to experience the life that he truly has for us and until then we will not even get started in the life that he has called us to we won't even get started so this is why I say it is so important for a person to be loved by their God and to know their God because if they don't they will never begin to walk in the newness of life that they have been called to so once you have been set free from the law of sin the law of the flesh and you get your mind off those issues and concerns related to the flesh such as repentance and obedience once you do that sure you've got the option to just go back into the world and just ignore everything about your God entirely but that's not why he did that he set you free so that you can put your mind on the things of the spirit on the things of a him on who he is and you begin with being loved by your God You begin with being excepted by your god and when you rest in His love and his acceptance you will say no to San not always understand that but when your mind is on the things of the Spirit when your mind is on the things of what you have received from your god when you are resting in what you have when you are living out of the abundance of what you already have everything that you need for life and godliness which is your god in you when your mind is properly placed and when you are believing and trusting in Him saying no to sin. Becomes trivial absolutely trivial because it's a law to begin with and it will be more apparent when you are confronted with it in the situations and in the circumstances when you are resting in your God So we are to walk we are to walk in our lives we are not to just sit around and do nothing and just pray and just close our eyes and pretend that the world doesn't exist we are not to do that we are to go out and engage the world but instead of engaging the world hoping to get something out of the world we are to engage the world with what we have been given by our God and that is how we live before you knew the Lord you lived by going out into the world trying to get whatever you thought would satisfy the deepest needs of your heart only to discover upon salvation you recognized you discovered you now understand that there is nothing absolutely nothing in the world that will meet the deep his needs of your heart the only thing that will ever meet the deepest needs of your heart is your God Him and Him alone so when you engage the world now you engage it you get out there and you walk in your life you do whatever you can you live however you can but you do that with your God who is with you and when you walk with the abundance of what you have and you walk with him with you you will engage the world in a very different way there's a big difference between going out into the world to share what you have received and going out into the world hoping that someone in the world will share with you what they have there's a big difference between the 2 and that to me is the difference between walking according to the flash when it comes to trying to live a life of repentance and obedience to the law and walking according to the spirit which has to do with living according to what he has already done for you what he has already given to you and who he is to you with you as you together engage the world that you are a part of. Set your mind on the things of the Spirit and you will find life and peace you will have a life in peace with your God but if you put your mind on the things of the flesh which in this case in this context has to do with the law repentance obedience trying to get your flesh under control if you set your mind on the things of your flesh then you are going to be taken away from the love of God from the acceptance of God How long do you suppose it's going to take before you realize that you have failed when you try to walk according to the flesh how long will it take that will happen it will eventually take place and what is the end result of that you failed you sinned you evil person you how could God except you how could he tolerate you how could he love you do you understand how you are no longer resting in the love of God and you have no peace with him at all because of what you did that's what you're going to believe that's what you're going to think it is not true because of what he has already accomplished but it's so easy for a Christian to be deceived by the law that God gave 1st of all because there is an abundance of Christians who are out there telling people that that's how they're supposed to live but don't think it's all their fault because is not because there is a devil and that was the original lie that he used to kill Adam and Eve to begin with and if you have been resurrected you are a target and he wants to kill you too he wants to kill you the devil is after you and he knows that he's not going to be able to kill you like he did with Adam and Eve but he can paralyze you he can immobilize you he can put you in a position where you are so condemned by your failure and by your sin they dear is no room for. The love of God or the acceptance of God in your life at all and when he does that and he succeeds you're done you're finished you have been paralyzed until you believe the truth of what he has already accomplished only then will you be able to walk according to the spirit again starting a verse for Romans chapter 8 verse 4 so that the requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to The Spirit for those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh but those who are according to the spirit the things of the spirit in verse 6 for the mind set on the flash is death but the mind set on The Spirit is life in peace because the mind is set on the flesh is hostile toward God for it does not subjected self to the law of God For it is not even able to do so when you set your mind on the law of the flesh the law of sin and death it is hostile toward God You are hostile toward God because you do not believe you do not recognize that you cannot live that way you don't believe it you think you can it is not subjected self to the law of God because the law of God says it's over he forgave all sins and there is no place for that when you think that you can stop sinning out of the energy of your flesh there's no place for that it can not be subject to that when you use it in that way for it is not even able to do so and then in verse 8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God cannot please God so how could you be in the flesh will of course if you're just going out into the world engaging in sin without any acknowledgement of the existence of God at all you're definitely not pleasing God that's for sure but what if you do acknowledge the. Existence of God and you do acknowledge his law his law of righteousness does that mean you're going to please God you think you're going to be pleasing to God Try it out give it a try let's see how well you do if you repent totally and you obey completely if you totally repent and completely obey if you find a way to live a life that is totally sin less if you accomplish that then are you going to be able to claim that you are pleasing to God because of what you did now because if you manage to find some way to do all of that you can still not know the Lord What makes you think you know the Lord just because you got your flesh under control assuming that you managed to do that of course since no one can no one is ever going to reach that point but if this is the goal of this what people are trying to aspire to then let's assume what's it going to look like if somebody actually accomplishes it it's going to be nothing is going to be death that's what it's going to be because he never gave the laws of the human I know who he is in do you think it's pleasing to him that nobody knows who he is you think he likes that do you think that if you find some way to get your flesh into control so that you don't sin they you're pleasing to him even though you don't know who he is now he wants us to know Him He wants us to know him he wants to know us and he wants to live with us as we live with him that's what he wants. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God because they are preoccupied with themselves they are preoccupied with their repentance in obedience to that they might have something to boast about they believe that if they can live this sinless life that they claim that he has called them to they believe that maybe he'll like them because of what they do but there is no way that he will ever accept anyone because of what they do or because of what they don't do the only acceptance of God is 1st through his forgiveness and 2nd through the resurrection that is accomplished through the end willing presence of His Spirit within you that is what will please him that you will believe in what he has done you must believe that he has fulfilled the requirements of the law you must believe that he no longer holds your sins against you and you must believe that he loves you and that he accepts here and with that he will be pleased because he knows full well that if a person will believe these things he knows the change and transformation this individual will be able to experience when they rest in trust in these truths but remember that the most important thing is not to be preoccupied with whether or not you are pleasing to God He has not called you for that purpose he has not created you for that purpose he created you so they you can know who he is and when you believe him and you trust him yes he will be pleased but there is so much more than just whether or not you're pleasing God There is much more there is an opportunity for you to know him for him to know you and for him to reveal Himself within him through you these are the things that I believe are important to him turn to Him and His Revelation will be clear to you. 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Broadcast Christian ministries business talk and conservative talk only on the all new k l d c Hey can you try out something really quickly think about your thoughts now it's a little weird but just try to think up out your thoughts how many thoughts do you think you think in a day researchers claim that the average person has around $50000.00 thoughts per day some research says it's much more than that others argue it's much less in the way that's still a lot of thoughts don't you think there's no mention in the Bible about how many thoughts we think in a day but there is some great advice about what to think about whatever is true noble right short lovely admirable if anything is actually a praiseworthy think about such things God's word is filled with examples of things that are true admirable and praiseworthy so don't you think it would be good to spend some time reading it learn more about reading your Bible and find peace with God dot net that's find peace with God dot net and it's from. Billy Graham evangelist Association. Welcome to every day moments with joy smile look back over the last 20 years of your life where has God brought So knowing what God has done for you is it fair to look down on others who are like you here's Joyce on humility . I think one of the most important things to God is how we treat people and he's really a people person he loves people and he especially seems to have tender place in his heart for anyone that's all pressed down trodden and bruised are hurting in any way and believe me there's a lot of those people out there now if you are a person that has a position of power are you are in a place of being in authority over anybody it's even extra important that you make a real effort to make sure that you always treat people with tremendous excellence and that you show respect to all people there are many people in the world that the minute they get a little bit of power and authority and they want to trample all over those that they see as quote lower unquote than they are and really in God's eyes no one is higher and lower we're just all in him whatever I can do good I do it because of his grace and whatever I can't do he has to fill up my weaknesses so be sure you treat people really good. Advice like what you just heard is what the enjoy every day life magazine has from cover to cover and it's free to use just go to Joyce Meyer dot org and request your copy today ministries with substance you're listening to calle d.c. 95.3 f.m. In the us at calle d.c. 220. Kilo Allan welcome to home. Thank you How can we help the. People I've been door or what you or your or. A few who are right now what you believe is the cause of this and is this what you are wanting. What I want to bring I think I know. I would not have a tough destructive I cheated on her with young lady and I think I can trust. How long ago did this occur. Sam probably had. 5 months ago. And I told him. I couldn't lock are proud of. Me. Oh yeah you know she'd come with me and she. Could months ago and probably a month ago she filed for divorce it sounds like this man's marriage could be over is there any hope for him we'll find out as we listen to this call today on hope for the heart to hunt says there are no hopeless situations only those who've grown hopeless so how can this man come back from his choice to be unfaithful Let's get back to this conversation as June talks with Alan how long had you been married. We've been married for 13 years. And you said a self destructive path are you still on that self destructive path. No I gave my life to Judas crimes probably 3 months ago before she moved out. I'm learning how to love and want to have joy in my heart and faith in God. So I'm hearing there's there was a change but when this occurred 3 months ago what really happened then what's the difference from the before and I know you said self destructive path but it sounds like you were trying to indicate that you know you were Christian before . Well thought no one I was a Christian. When you stop going to church we start doing a lot of green with that word of God we start doing a lot of it. My brother. Committed suicide one of my coworkers committed suicide at work. Everything just started going downhill and I just thought I should never talk to no one about it I just kept it up all policy Yeah Ok. You know what you've described is you've got 3 highly impactful things that have happened to you your brother's. Co-worker suicide and then. Wife leaving based on some decisions some choices you made where you are so what can be a foundation for you that cannot be taken away from you I want to think about this never have as your foundation for life anything they can be taken away from you. You can try your hardest to make everyone happy you can try to make everyone smile you can try to make people a certain way that could be beneficial but that doesn't mean they are going to cooperate or change or be what God calls them to be you know you don't really know at this point what your wife's ultimate decisions will be or specifically the decision about marriage to you. There are people who will leave and then based on a series of events your wife could return. For some wives they will not return. So you can't base your life on what your wife will do but you can base your life on what God wants you to do now and for the future I think this is where we need to start and I know that. This can be very challenging because much is up in the air. You don't have stability right now do you. Let's figure out where is your stability What is your security. How old are you right now I am 40 for you. Ok so you've learned and experienced a lot of things in the 1st half of your life. You've got another full half life to go. Experience is a phenomenal teacher if we learn what God wants us to learn he is very specific about wanting us to be fulfilled in our lives even Jesus talks about giving us abundant life well most people aren't experiencing abundant life and there are reasons why but what I'm trying to say to you is you have an opportunity to gain immense and cite from the tough times the bible says all we like sheep have gone astray each of us has turned his own way I'm going to do it my way. But based on what the Bible says here The Lord laid on him and that's Jesus the sin that we have committed. The truth is life is a series of choices say that after me life is a series of choices Well I. Must choice. One More Time Life is a failure is my story. So if we choose what God wants us to do he enables us to have what is called a peace that passes all understanding now. Everyone wants peace I'm not talking about world peace I'm talking about Enterprise Yeah I'm talking about you can't change what been done in the past but oh can you learn from the past I said Never have is your foundation anything that can be taken away from you yeah and other people changeable the dearest person in your life the person you love the most the one that's going to be there forever you think can die on you. As you've seen with these 2 suicides or desert or divorce you there the point is our decisions for life must not be based on what other people choose to do. So what is truth the Bible is clear Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the life he's the way he's truth he's the life he's to be our life. When we read in the Bible believe in the Lord Jesus Christ knew will be saved. We can think that means believe like. I have a friend who arrives from out of town and his name is Scott Ok Scott. Do you have time it was your schedule tomorrow at 12 for lunch he said Well Billy's 'd I kin make it then that doesn't sound as secure Right yeah. Ok so it's not believe like I think so do my best the word believe in the Bible doesn't mean maybe yes maybe no it's Ok to rely upon to intrust your life. So if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ it means you are in trusting your life to him you're giving him control of your life. This isn't walking down an aisle it's not signing card is not raising a hand this isn't acting Christian Lee It is literally giving Him Jesus Christ control of your life. What I think hearing is yes back then when you and your wife Mary barely you you are doing something spiritual but it didn't last and that made no impact or at least doesn't sound like it had an impact no I didn't. Well doing is turn this man's focus from his broken marriage to his relationship with the one who is constant in life Jesus Christ but we're not finished yet this is hope for the heart and you're listening to a conversation with Julie Holland and a man who called our late night program hope in the night we provided him with a different name but his situation is very real for biblical hope and practical help with whatever you're facing in life visit hope for the Heart dot org or call 8048 hope and if you or someone you know can relate to Allen situation we hope you'll find direction and encouragement as we continue today's broadcast I often think about what Billy Graham said years ago 80 percent of church members have never had a rebirth experience meaning they're not authentic Christians they could have the vestiges of Christianity in other words you can sing the songs listen to the sermons even be in a Bible study and you know but this is a make anybody a Christian you know a changed life through Jesus Christ is what gives us stability and that's what I want you to have you need a foundation my friend where you know he is your rock. You give your life to Him That's why I said to Scripture says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you'll be saved believe you rely upon him you say I give my life to you Lord Jesus whatever you want me to do that that's what I wanted regardless of what I feel. So what I would want to know is. Has there been a for sure time where you know you humbled your heart you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior giving him control of your life. Because I want you to have to stability Jesus himself as your foundation. For sure I've done that I've done it probably 3 months ago I got to come into my life phase me and guide me through things that's going on with my wife isn't what happened to my brother and my friend and coworker so I. I don't know if I'm trying to face Dale on the face of God that he can reconnect me and my wife I know she's heard which not shatter her trust and her heart thing out of it but it's just hard to give myself and give her space and give me space because she calls she takes me still she want to interact with me. But she tells me she don't love me and she gave me the whole world to Sydney's right of me and take the a foot peg that hurt a lot but I don't I did on the stand. I know is God isn't working it's just hard for me to step back and just have all of the faith that God can do the just that they. Will since he can do anything and he has a plan for you if you think god. If you can put the whole universe and space he can do things like that the issue is our own will will we allow him to do what he uniquely can do in our lives and I want to do Ok let's work up a game plan for you. You understand there are specific things you need to be doing right now in regard to your wife yes she's saying agree of course she's angry. Do you believe she has a right to be angry I think 700 words be angry. But you can't change what happened but there are things that can be done after the fact meaning now yeah so I think actually it can be good that she is texting you regardless of what she's saying if there's any opportunity for significant communication between the 2 you specifically from you what I'm thinking what would that look like what is it that she needs to hear because I think I'm hearing that your desire would be to have an opportunity to have her back in your life and to if you will do a restart button Yeah I would like to go back and hit the reset button. Restart everything over and try to work on are. Ok so let's talk about what could pave the way for a potential of reconciliation. Remember we talked about life is a series of choices. You know you've made the most important choice you could ever make 3 months ago to humble your heart to receive Jesus in your life giving him control of your life that you know changes everything it has the potential to change not only the wrong choices which we've all made we receive undeservedly the full forgiveness of God but also it can make a huge difference on our horizontal relationships now. The vertical relationship with God he's going to pour wisdom into you he's going to give you. An ability to see things that you really were not taking into account before. But what about your wife you're saying I want to reset button with her. This is what my thought would be. For you to say to her there's absolutely no excuse for what I did and I said that. And say I have no justification there is nothing that you did that could justify my actions and I was untrustworthy I was wrong Yeah and I have become so where that these were all my choices yeah listen to this I do not deserve your forgiveness I don't deserve your mercy. I do not deserve a 2nd chance. But maybe one day you would find me trustworthy but I can't let that be my focus. My focus is going to be that I become Listen to this it's not a man that you would respect No My desire is to become and my commitment is to become the man that God wants me to be. My commitment is I need to have such a relationship with God allowing Christ to totally control me so that I will become a man of integrity I want to be the man God wants me to be. So I am going to be spending my main focus of attention my main focus who time to become a man of God who will have absolute integrity. Just say that is my commitment and I am so sorry for my failure. Do you have anyone in your life who would be like a wise male mentor. Is that person truly actively involved in mentoring you you know helping you to see what are you majoring on a lot of people can Major on the minors but they need to major in the majors. Ok you tell him that you need to grow spiritually to be wise. Obviously so that if she does return you can become the man that she can trust. So that you can become a man of integrity that she needs to see day in day out so that you can become the man that is so trustworthy It doesn't matter what females are in your life whether it's work wherever it would have no bearing because you are absolutely trustworthy. If this is real she needs to hear that your priority is not just quote unquote reconciliation there are a lot of people who reconcile. Temporarily they'll get back together and then they get right back into the same dysfunction the same an effective marriage relationship that is such a painful disappointment but that's not what you want is it. Ok so your language is is going to be very important she needs to hear that you know that she has every right to not trust you. She's secure that just say I am not worthy of few trusting me at this time even if I am trustworthy I understand trust must be earned. And unfortunately the pattern of most men is to pressure a wife that they've betrayed trust me now I'm hearing that you're trying not to go down that road I really have tried. Ok. That sin your favor because that that's a sure way to push her away. And you understand that trust has to be earned. Interest thing well Alan called June because of his broken marriage but now he's putting a different relationship 1st and that's his relationship with God You're listening to hope for the heart with you and I'm Joel Wolf Allen will tell June what his final thoughts are now that they've talked we'll hear that in just a minute so don't go away now we started today asking the question is there any hope for Alan the answer is yes and there's hope for your life too don't try to hold on and push your way through reach out for hope prayer and spiritual guidance by calling our hope care center that number is 804884673 you could also find helpful tools at hope for the heart. And let me pass along a brief reminder that hope for the heart is a listener supported outreach that relies on your regular giving as God leads you would you go to our website and consider a monthly recurring gift it's easy takes just a few minutes use your credit card or bank account to automatically send your encouraging financial support if your monthly gift is $30.00 or more will have a helpful welcome gift to express are they you can give a one time gift or set up your recurring monthly gift at hope for the Heart dot org That's hope for the Heart dot au argy Now let's hear Alan's final thoughts about what June shared with him but I'm cautioning you about is the issue isn't actually getting her to trust you that is not number one. Number one is you becoming a man that God has so infused you with the character of Christ. If you cooperate with the Lord He says he's going to do it he has predestined he's already figured out how he's going to do it in fact he says you are predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son. Well how how are you feeling right now with what we've talked about. Bill. You brought a lot of clarity to what I've been thinking and what I've been praying for and I was just saying yes I need better understand that I'm trying to get closer to God before I can even think about working on our relationship so I feel good about it you know the truth is God says I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you not to harm you conceive you hope and a future. I want to encourage you to say Ok. I don't know the plans like God does but I just want his plans for me I yield my will to his will. I want to have broken and contract heart you just keep asking him to humble you teach you make you the man that God created you to be. You hang on to hope. That's June home signature closing you hang on the hope and it's not just a phrase it's our prayer for each of you this is hope for the heart for more about a sword to find Biblical and practical tools for life go to hope for the heart a large sheet or call 804884673 thank you for joining us today for hope and help for life is coming next week so meet us right here Monday on the hope for the heart. Carrying the Word of God to illuminate your day 1220 k. L d c and 95.3 f.m. a Cranford broadcasting station you've just seen your doctor and he's ordered blood work x. Rays and other tests but what does it all mean well you should ask the single most important thing you can do for your health is to ask questions the an informed an active member of your health care team remember your health begins with you to learn the types of questions to ask get the brochure be prepared for medical appointments at 8 Sharkey dot gov slash consumer a message from the u.s. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 50 years ago Johnny Erickson thought his life changed forever and since then God has used her to transform the lives of countless others stay trying to break. From the polls in the center for Christian world view here's John Stonestreet with breakpoint. 5 decades have come and gone since 17 year old Johnny Erickson now tada dough from a pier jutting into the Chesapeake Bay and snapped her spine in the unexpectedly shallow waters emerging as a quadriplegic but of course you probably know that this accident wasn't the end of Johnny's story no it was the beginning of a beautiful but arduous life of service that has blessed millions around the world as Johnny says God permits what he hates to accomplish what he loves and ole what he has accomplished through this one imperfect but beautiful life Johnny of course leads the international ministry Johnny and friends which provides prayer support resources and even camps to serve and encourage families touched by disability takes will cheers to people around the world and offers books curriculum and services too numerous to mention she's written dozens of books herself including when God weeps glorious intruder and a place of healing She's also an incredible artist a radio host and even the star of a movie about her own life but I truly appreciate and love about Johnny is her tireless work to protect and expand the rights of people with disability everywhere she serves on the National Council on Disability when the Americans With Disabilities Act was adopted she also served on the disability advisory committee to the u.s. State Department and continues her advocacy on issues that touch on the value of life including health care reform adult stem cell research and fighting euthanasia part of that advocacy was founding the Christian Institute on Disability to train people and churches everywhere to be advocates too in a recent Christianity Today interview Johnny said in reference to the Charlie guard case and the culture that produced it in an economy where health care dollars are very scarce the tree arching of health care resources will be skewed in favor of the strong and not the weak I see this even now and some of my friends who are quadriplegic and ventilator dependent they're having a harder time getting the kind of health care they need and 2012 the Colts and. Her presented Johnny with the William Wilberforce Award for her life and efforts her friend and admirer Chuck Colson said she's a defiant inspirational joy filled rebuttal to those who would assault the sanctity of human life indeed despite all that she's accomplished and learned in the school of suffering Johnny's physical and spiritual challenges remain and in some ways even increased on top of her paralysis about 15 years ago she began experiencing chronic pain in her hips and back which was caused by scoliosis from a weakened spine as a result of sitting in her wheelchair for so many years the doctors told Johnny that her bones were too porous for surgery then in 2010 they discovered that she had stage 3 breast cancer from which she has been pronounced cancer free thank God every single morning when I wake up I need Jesus so badly she told c.b.s. News I just can't tolerate the thought of another day as a quadriplegic with someone else giving me of Bed Bath and exercising my legs and toileting routines it all just seems too overwhelming and yet Johnny persevered still crying out to the Lord for help the suffering she experiences brings humility and a new perspective as she told the Gospel ghoulish and it sounds incredible but.

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