Produced in washington, d. C. Every week eye on washington takes you straight to capitol hill for a discussion with nevadas delegation and other leaders about the federal matters that matter to you. Todays topic, they exist to protect the most defenseless among us. A look at what one National Organization does on behalf of your pets and all of nevadas and this nations animals. My very special guest today is mr. Wayne pacelle, the president and ceo of the Humane Society of the United States. Thanks for being here today. Glad to be back with you, marilee. Thank you. Well, whether you are a puppy mill protester, a stop the horse slaughter sympathizer, a dogfight fighter or simply someone who is making sure your dog or cat has a voice in congress and the legislature, this show is for you. And today on eye on Washington Well learn the biggest issues facing nevadas pets and other animals. Well update you on federal animal issues legislation most important to nevadans and regarding them. And well find out the top goals of my guests organization as well as why nevada animal lovers should be glad it exists. Last february my guests National Organization celebrated another of its dozen victories so far this year alone when the city of elko ceased being the sole site in nevada with a Carbon Monoxide gas chamber. Now, these types of chambers, among other things, are used to euthanize animals. The change due in part to a grant from hsus means that no nevada pet can face death inside a Carbon Monoxide or Carbon Dioxide gas chamber again. The Humane Society of the United States is the nations leader in animal advocacy. My guests face is wellknown on capitol hill as well as to interNational Organizations regarding the protection of pets, wildlife and farm animals. In the u. S. And around the world, he and his organization are involved in animal rescue, animal advocacy and pet and, mr. Pacelle, first of all, welcome back to eye on washington. You know, you are the top lobbyist and your group in support of animals. I guess we could kind of use an animal phrase even to say that your organization has its tentacles in every major animal advocacy issue in nevada and the nation. Couldnt we . You know, i think so. Thank you again for having me on, marilee. You know, one of the problems that animals face is that they are homeless, they are injured, they are in crisis. The ground to those situations, wed only be addressing symptoms. In addition to doing Disaster Response and coming to the rescue of animals, we also want to prevent cruelty, which is why we work in washington, d. C. And congress. We work in carson city. We work in all of the state legislatures. We work in the courts. We work with the biggest american corporations to protect all animals. A lot of people hear Humane Society of the United States and they just think dogs and cats. Thats what i was going to say. I think of our statewide viewers think pets when they think the Humane Society or their little dog or cat or gerbil or what have you. It is important to note that wild and farm animals need federal protection and your help as well. Absolutely. And, you know, just in the last year its been quite a revolution. 200 of the biggest Food Retailers in the u. S. , walmart, mcdonalds, safeway, every big named food retailer you can think of, fast food, grocery, all the all said they are going to stop buying eggs from producers who confine the hens in small cages. Oh, goodness. Called battery cages. 270 million hens are jammed in cages so tight they cant even turn around. Whether you are a vegetarian or fullfledged carnivore, we all should agree that animals raised for food should be treated humanely. What a great revolution that weve been able to engineer confinement. How did the hsus play the major role, im guess, in getting that done . Well, we really exposed whats happening. We kind of threw back the curtain on whats happening on the factory farms. There are cattle ranches in nevada, but those animals are outside. They have room to roam. Many of the chickens in the south and the midwest that are raised for eggs or even for meat, the turkeys certainly for meat, also the pigs, they are kept in these big warehouses. And then within the warehouses, they are jammed larger than their body. So we exposed it. And then we made the argument to ceos and food procurement specialists, americas Biggest Companies like mcdonalds, said, listen, your customers care about animals. All animals deserve humane treatment. You know, our pets certainly and also animals raised for food. And its been a remarkable set of changes. Obviously were working in congress. The congress oversees the implementation of the humane methods of slaughter act. Thats a federal law that says animals must be rendered insensible to pain prior to being slaughtered. So we have worked with senator reid. We have worked with other lawmakers from the nevada delegation to get proper money for enforcement of these laws. There are still challenges. But were working at the corporate level. Were working with the congress to try to see that even farm animals are treated well. Kind of under the notion that all animals deserve humane treatment. You know, you spend a lot of time on the hill fighting for animals. You knowme why. Not why you care about animals, but why advocacy is so needed. Who is against pro animal legislation . Well, its amazing, marilee. A lot of people are. I mean there are puppy mill operators. They jam breeding females into cages. They never get out and they sell puppies in the pet trade. Theres and organized cockfighting association. There was a recent bust in nevada outside of las vegas of a major cockfighting ring. We see that time and again. Actually led the effort in congress some years ago to upgrade our federal laws against animal fighting. And, you know, the farm lobby, while we work with a lot of farmers and ranchers, theres still a segment of that multibillion dollar farm lobby that says we want to do things the way we want to do them. We dont want to have you impose any humane treatment standards. So we face some resistance on a lot of fronts. Even issues like horse slaughter. I mean that is an issue thats very big. You would think, my god, who would be for slaughtering but there are people who just want to get rid of their horses, dump them to a kill buyer, ship them to mexico for slaughter. You know, we have to go to break. But i do want to note that regarding that elko one you had as far as the gas chamber, its interesting to read that the nevada gas chamber has been sent to the National Museum of animals and society in los angeles where its going to go on display. So i guess we can we only want to see terribly cruel practices in museums, not in the real world. Very good. What are the hsus and the nevada delegation doing for animals in the state . Were going to tell you right animals in the state . Were going to tell you right after this. announcer youre watching eye on washington with Marilee Joyce. And welcome back tototoe e e inininin ououdiscussisi of totoanimim issusu on the e ll and in the state. Our guest today is mr. Wayne pacelle, the president and ceo of the Humane Society of the United States. Recent animal advocacy efforts from the nevada delegation members. Last year u. S. Congresswoman dina titus reintroduced her animal Emergency Planning act. It would require entities regulated under the Animal Welfare act to develop emergency contingency plans using federally established standards in order to better protect the safety and wellbeing of animals during natural and manmade disasters. Also last year nevada u. S. Cosmetics act, an effort to end the use of animals in cosmetic testing. It would eventually prohibit the sale of any cosmetics tested on animals overseas. And heres one more bit of federal animal news from a nevada leader. Nevada u. S. Congressman mark amodeis blm district of the month page of his website. When elys office was highlighted, for example, he mentioned it being home to pronghorn antelope, mule deer, horses and domestic cattle and sheep and said visitors to the area might enjoy seeing them regarding southern nevada. He mentioned species uniquely adapted to the Mojave Desert like desert tortoise, kit fox, roadrunners and desert bighorn sheep. Mr. Pacelle, we dont have time to mention all the delegation efforts, but it is important to note and my audience might not think animal issues arent but in fact, many animal issues are of major importance on the hill. Absolutely. And a lot of lawmakers have told me they get more mail on Animal Welfare than any other topic. When we cover animal stuff, when you have been on in the past well, youre a wonderful guy so you know they are going to [laughter] but we get do more animal shows. People love animals. We have pets in our home, there are wildlife in our communities. Its really just an expression of our decency and our mercy. Sure. I mean what kind of person would be c you have to kind of be deadened in terms of your empathy and your feelings for others. And, you know, i have often thought that animals are a test of our character. You know, we have all the power over animals. So how we handle that power says so much about us. Do we treat that power as license and do whatever we want under the principle that might makes right . Or do we use our power with responsibility . And i think whether you consult our religious traditions or our legal traditions, it all leads us to oppose animal cruelty. And i want to say, you know, great leader on Animal Welfare. Her Emergency Preparedness bill to make sure that in disaster scenarios theres a plan on animal she and i did a show on that, right. Shes very passionate. And dr. Heck, coauthor of the bill to end cosmetic testing on animal, also hes working to eliminate the use of animals in battlefield testing and to use kind of surrogates, these dummy humans so that battlefield specialists can go out and help our troops wh t in need. So the fact that hes a medical doctor and done this i think has special resonance. Hes medical reserve as well so he has that going. And senator reid has always been an incredible champion of the Humane Society of the United States. In the last congress, he helped block efforts to delist wolves in the great lakes states, to maintain federal protections for them. He helped us hold on to language to ban any commercial slaughter plants from opening up in the United States i remember that, yeah. Legislators in nevada. You know, you are quoted in hecks bill, the heck bills press piece. You call cosmetic product testing on animals outdated and the cause of tremendous animal suffering. And, you know, the fact that the u. S. Was still using these outdated methods, what took so long to adopt this safer trend . Well, were still not there yet, marilee. Its incredible. The European Union and the 28 or so countries in the e. U. Have outlawed not only testing of cosmetics on animals in the e. U. , but you cant even sell cosmetics in the e. U. If they were tested on animals somewhere else, so quite a strong standard. India has adopted the same standard, and so has new zealand. You know, i think a lot of uses of animals have been going on for so long, that people just kind of develop a rationale for just continuing to maintain the status quo. It takes a little bit of a jolt to do something new and different. Thats what dr. Heck is working with us on. Okay, thanks. And when we return, your local Humane Society, what are they animals . Wwe supepepepejojojojoa a ar ititnspirere papaioiote debebe and is worn like a badge of h hor. And with good reason. Because it means love and devotion for ones country. But what really makes up this country of ours . Its the people. To love america is to love all americans. This year patriotism shouldnt just be about pride of country. It should be about love. Love beyond age, sexuality, disability, race, religion, and any other labels. Because love has no labels. And welcome back tototototoim isises in n vada andnd nationally. Have been visiting with wayne pacelle, the president of the Humane Society of the United States. Well, we have covered the growing homeless issue in nevada on my show several times. We have always focused on homeless humans, those down on their luck and whats being done on the hill to help them. There in nevada . Animal Care Organizations in nevada including the las vegas and renobased humane societies emphasize the importance of helping the fourlegged homeless, as well as driving down euthanasia rates across the state. In fact, the nevada Humane Society says on its reno website that it has been bringing people and animals together since 1932, the top goal listed is to provide an adoption guarantee. It says a good life in a good home for every homeless dog can be saved making Washoe County a nokill community. And nokill is defined as an Animal Shelter that does not kill healthy or treatable animals, even when the shelter is full. And i want to point out first that the localbased humane societies are all independently run. Yes. So not all the goals and policy there necessarily we are very much aligned, though. Right, sure. Very much aligned. Help them out, etc. But thats it. Lets look at a few things regarding that nokill statement. That lets them reserve euthanasia for terminally ill animals . Those considered dangerous to Public Safety . Stuff like that . Yes, i would say so. The nevada Humane Society based in Washoe County has been a leader in driving down euthanasia rates, really getting the community engaged, making them part of the solution. Homeless animals are out there. And when there are too many in a shelter, the shelter is faced with a terrible choice. I mean do they euthanize those or do you put them in foster . Do you really get out in the community and make the argument that these animals deserve a home and they should live out their lives . They have done a great job. In las vegas, the lead Animal Shelter has done amazing work, drastically reduced its euthanasia rates. And, of course, throughout the counties in the state, the 17 or so counties, there are municipal and county animal care and control organizations. And then there are private Animal Welfare groups. Neutering and to promote adoption. I mean if people adopt rather than shop for dogs and cats, we can eliminate euthanasia. Well, i was going to ask you about the importance of adoption. I did see that the first line on the missions and goals page of the nevada Humane Societys website includes this. Quote, we have set our sights on creating a true safety net for the animals. So you too prioritize the importance of helping those oh, absolutely. No. We do spay and neuter work on indian reservations and in urban centers. But we really promote the idea that spaying and neutering is the right choice for a responsible pet owner. And when youre in the market for a dog or cat, go to one of these wonderful Animal Shelters or rescue groups and get your best friend. You get a great companion, but you also save a life. Its a Double Bottom line action on your part. On the las vegas site, they and it says their goal is reducing overbreeding, improving the plight of animals used in research and testing and protecting endangered wildlife. I know you guys support all those, too. Is there one more urgent than the other . Or you just feel like all the time theres just so much going on . Well, there are so many issues. Its hard to set priorities. I mean i think what we talk about is a general consciousness toward all animals. Pet side of things, our food choices are conscious. Were buying products not tested on animals, you know. Were living with wildlife in a harmonious way, these are all important duties that we have. Sounds great. And when we return, what is the Humane Society of the United States . And why should my audience care about its existence . Were going to let you know and welcome back totototototn toto andndururocus on animal issues important to nevada. Our special guest today has been mr. Wayne pacelle, the president and ceo of the Humane Society of the United States. So which is the Humane Society of the United States and why is this National Organization so important to its nevadabased member organizations as well as shelters and pet owners . The washington, d. C. Based organization was founded in 1954 to celebrate animals and to confront cruelty to all animals. They have taken on some transformational fights over the years to stop what they call the Largest Scale cruelties such as animal fighting, puppy mills, factory farming and the wildlife trade. According to their website, anticruelty laws in every nation and to end the confinement of farm animals in cages. To stop cosmetic testing on animals. Halt cruelty to wildlife and help pets in poverty. Along with its affiliates, the organization cares for more than 100,000 animals each year through its rescue team sanctuaries and Wildlife Centers and free veterinary carry for lowincome pet owners and other lifesaving programs. You can learn all about it at humanesociety. Org. Thats humanesociety. Org. And, you know, theres so much animal advocacy to learn about on your site. Just in the state stuff, i dont know where to begin. It says, washington state, stop killing sea lions. New jersey, speak up for abused pigs. Pennsylvania, get tough on puppy mills. Etc. , etc. As the leader of this National Organization, how do you partner with the state and so many different animal groups doing so much important work. Together we can do more, you know. If we are just doing our solo action, its going to be difficult. So we want to partner all the time. You know, i want to mention as we close our show, we were going to tape with you in late spring, but your spring and summer were pretty doggone busy. [laughter] so we have done it in the fall and we are happy to have you. You were pretty busy with something. And i have my copy right here, everyone. We have his wonderful book humane economy. Im going to let us tell us about it. I understand you may have been on a show a little bigger than this one recently. Tell us all about it. Well, i have been touring about my book the humane economy and i was with oprah and we had a great show. Im sorry. Who . [laughter] the book is really about our duty to animals. And part of it is this notion that its not just that we care about animals from a outcomes when we are good to animals. We as a society must marry or Business Practices and our commerce with our values. So corporations, government need to embrace humane sensibilities. Well, its fantastic. You have done two books. Why was it important to you to get this book out . What is the main point you were trying to get across with humane economy . Great question. A lot of people, i think, viewed Animal Protection as a sacrifice. If you eat consciously, you are going to do without. Eating more plantbased foods or more humanely produced products. If we dont have cosmetic testing on animals, were going to be less safe. My thesis in the book is that when we do right for animals, we have better economic outcomes. That its not about sacrifice. Its about opportunity. And i liked your line earlier when you said the way we treat animals is kind of the way we are. Its kind of a character thing, the way you treat others, etc. I want to thank you so much for being here today. That humanesociety. Org. Or amazon probably. Or amazon, okay. Can you learn more about it . Is it on your site as well . Absolutely. At humanesociety. Org humane economy, you can learn out about it. And nevadans wanting to get involved in more animal advocacy can contact your site. They can contact washoe and the las vegas chapters. Absolutely. Go to humanesociety. Org and then also contact local organizations. Thanks again for being here. Thank you, marilee. That is it for this weeks eye on washington, but we are always here for you providing the latest news from the hill that nevadans need to know. Just go to our web page joycecommunications. Com. You can check out all the federal issues that impact nevada. Like us on facebook. Follow me on twitter. And catch up with any shows you may have missed on our youtube page. I want to thank you for joining us today on eye on washington. Im Marilee Joyce in youre watching the wellness hour, the leader in medical news and information. Im randy alvarez. Todays topic replacing missing teeth with dental implants. And according to my first guest, she says nobody should be wearing a traditional denture. No more dentures. With us, we have an expert on the topic, dr. Nicole mackie. Dr. Mackie, welcome to the program. Thank you for having me. So, tell me a little bit about your role as the prosthodontist, and whos the typical patient . We dont really have a typical patient. Patients can be any kind of walk of life, any different kind of