No response. I am picking up some kind of signal. They are jamming us. Magnify, mr. Sulu. What is this . Shields up, red alert. cheers and applause . Red alert, red alert red alert . Abort, abort do not, do not . . James that was a clip from star trek beyond, which is in theaters this friday. You have to go and see it. Congratulations on the movie. Thank you, thank you very james you are, as always, brilliant in it. What is going on with captain kirk right now . What do we see in the movie . You know, its funny, the first two films, this is our third film. The first two films, he is kind of the impetuous maverick, angry young man dealing with living in his fathers shadow. And hes kind of railing against the system that essentially killed his father. He is three years into the five year mission and hes contemplating what is next for him, if there is anything else for him. James we had z here on the show the other day. And weve worked together. And you and her, and we both have something in common to talk about. And she said this about you i love chris. But hes always hungry. This man eats. Like, his stomach is like a bottomless pit. James its insane. And were like, eating and like, i cant sit the way he sits. Chris sits like he has, like, a superhuge package. Like, he sits, like, tall. James you are absolutely right. Im so hungry. And then its like then its like food everywhere. laughter cheers and applause james what about i mean laughs the question i got is, do you care to address this . But look at here but this is true, right . How and why do you eat so much . So many crumbs on your suit james how do you stay in this shape, eating this volume of bread . Yeah, you didnt think this through. You didnt think this through, did you. Maybe it could be a softer baguette. James yeah. laughter you got some good god. laughter hold on. laughter james imogen, are you a big eater . Yeah, do you want some of this . Yeah, i eat i do eat, i do eat from time to time. James reggie is eating a salad, you are chomping into this, whats going on . applause want some . James no, i cant, im on like a diet where i cant eat bread. Here. Oh, no. James yeah, not oh no, look at me. I need to do something. You now, youre about to go on a summer break. Yes. James do you laughter youre about to go on a summer break, what do you do on your summer break . What is a poots summer break . laughter something that i have got to work on, it has to do with my bleep , because hey imogen when i tell a story youre wasting all this salad hey, its the Five Second Rule laughter james the Five Second Rule, youre absolutely right. Nothing is wrong with it. James so, is this the problem, you gesture too much . Basically, if i ask for something, i dont know, like a bottle of water or something, and i confuse people because it so, i say can i have a bottle of water and people look at my hands and are very confused as to what i mean. So i have to work on just sort of sitting on my hands laughter james what, are you auditioning to play henry the 8th . Look at this. That is a turkey leg i dont know if you ever checked back behind this, there are like four, incredible mini fridges, that are just full. James i never have. Good stuff james i theres a whole, yeah, this is a whole look at that. Oh, thats disgusting. James thats just sensational, thats a amazing. Thats incredible. What is it . It is a turkey leg. James it is a turkey leg. Thats one of the best things have i ever put in my mouth. Its absolutely incredible. You want . Im not making eyes at it. James its absolutely incredible. So what, yes, that is your problem . You cant even you have got crumbs all over you. cheers oh no. Tight. But you are, in your time off, are you going to do something . Ive got to work on one tricep, i met a guy named elliott, actually, his name is ellis, he said you have to be in someones crotch, when you do that. James what do you mean . Someone squats down, they are always in very close proximity. Who are you training with . This guy. James where did you find this trainer . That is, like, in lost encounters. James where did you find him . My gym. And he told me, it is called, like, a skull smasher, but said dont drop the weights, otherwise you will smash your skull. You have to its one of those things. Chris, you know what it is. James why just one tricep . Give it a go, see how it works out. James you want one huge arm . You dont want to go totally in, you just want to try the one arm. No. Keep on doing that. James if someone is watching ten more seconds, james, you got it nine, eight, seven, six, five, you got it youre a machine. A machine. The new chicken mcnuggets look fantastic made with 100 white meat chicken, no artificial preservatives, flavors and colors, it just might convince the judges here today. crowd cheers and theyve done it the new chicken mcnuggets rightfully claim their gold this is the best day are you frustrated with how clear windex makes your windows . Introducing. Schmindex but shmindex makes it dirty shmindex. Order yours today coming up on look famous people we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. Scandal alert flo likes dairy . woman busted [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. Oh, yeah [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur . What . no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. You just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. Does she have insurance for being boring . [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ] when you ache and havent slept. Youre not you. Tylenol . Pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. We give you a better night. Youre a better you all day. Do you want some raisins . No thanks, not a fan of raisins. Which is strange, because usually i will eat anything. But a raisin is essentially a persons idea of how to change a grape, when a grape was already perfect. Wow. Philosophocally, i hate how people add raisins where they do not belong. Stuffing, cream of wheat, salad when will people learn that raisins are not always the answer . Youre right. We got to get rid of reg. Pardon me . I get it. You are talking in metaphor. No, i was talking about actual raisins. band playing james roadies airs sundays at 10 00 on showtime congrats on the show. I play kellyann, and she is a rigger, which means she does the electrical side of it. And gets lifted up into the rafters every so often. Terrifying but fun. She is part of the crew that tours with the band and is passionate about music and the old way. James the show is all shot here, right . Yes. James so when you were shooting, you lived in venice beach . I did. James how was that, did you enjoy it down there . I had a good time, you know. I had a beach cruiser bicycle. And one time, i was coming out of the supermarket and this guy was just halfway through my bike lock with a set of pliers and i hell do you think youre doing . And i dont know why, but i sort of did an american accent. And he was just about to take my bike and he said he thought it was his bicycle. laughter james my goodness, i have heard some excuses for my time but that is ridiculous. Horrifying. James why did you choose to go with that voice . I think in a lot of ways, otherwise i would Say Something there is an error in your ways. James you are right, if you are british, you cant do it hello, excuse me, i think you will find that no, okay, youre gone, all right, no worries. Exactly. James hey, what are you doing, man . My bike yeah, thats the way to do it. Now, talking of voices, this is a hugely exciting moment chris pine has been nominated for an emmy for his voice role, on a brilliant animated film, supermansion. James do you enjoy doing that sort of animated . I love it. Its just freedom. In the booth, i work with this lovely man named zeb. And they would be like, what voice do you want to do, are you interested in doing a hitman . James yeah, sure. Then we turn around and have fun. And i remember i actually so, years ago when i was doing it, i was auditioning for this place called west side casting down in santa monica. And i drive all the way down there and get all gussied up and im auditioning for some sort of whatever, ivory soap commercial. And i would always see these guys over in the corner having they would be in sweatpants, long tshirts, threedaygrowth beard, hair all askew and they were the voiceover actors. And that is the gig i want. Thats it. James thats it. So i am going to eat and eat and eat. James and you just get more handsome. What are the chances . Reggie, do you have a question for any of our guests this evening . Reggie yes, i do. Tonights question goes to. Poots and pine. Traveling around, do you ever get annoyed by the sounds that certain people make unintentionally . If you do, what are those sounds . I find it disconcerting, if you think someones laughing at something you just said and theyre just clearing their throat. That happens to me all the time. It will sort of be like a im kind of fascinated, you know the people that, its a combination of like a smile to seriousclosedeye thing, so they will be like i was talking to rebecca and you know what im saying . You know these people . James i absolutely do. Its so bizarre. James you are absolutely right, its so bizarre and she passed away, but she was very happy. Anyway, thats not a sound, its a thing. Reggie im afraid that that is correct. James its absolutely correct ladies and gentlemen, thank our brilliant guests, chris pine, imogen poots stick around, well be right back. cheers and applause band playing ill call you back. Is this my car . State farm knows that for every one of those moments. What . This is ridiculous theres one of these. Sam, i gotta go. Is this my car . Ant be happening oh, its happening sweetheart. Oh, its happening sweetheart. Shut up shut up thats why state farm is there, what a day. With car insurance, for when things go wrong. But also here with car loans, to help life go right. State farm. What a day i cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter i am sebastian artois. Brewmaster. Risktaker. I sold everything i had to own a brewery. You might have heard its name. band playing james thanks so much for watching next week, mila kunis, christina applegate, and Cara Delevingne and dave franco will be here. We hope you will be, too. Reggie, take us home. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org james thank you so much. See you. Mwah. The wellness hour, the leader in medical news and information. Im randy alvarez. Todays topic replacing missing teeth with dental implants. And according to my first guest, she says nobody should be wearing a traditional denture. No more dentures. With us, we have an expert on the topic, dr. Nicole mackie. Dr. Mackie, welcome to the program. Thank you for having me. So, tell me a little bit about your role as the prosthodontist, and whos the typical patient . We dont really have a typical patient. Patients can be any kind of walk of life, any different kind of background. Was in an accident, congenitally missing teeth, they were born without those teeth. You can have an elderly person whos been in a denture for years and theyre just sick of it. Or you can have a middleaged adult whos just had many different dental problems and theyre constantly in a dental chair, and you just want that permanent solution. And my role as the prosthodontist is to help design and make that smile and those teeth beautiful and functional, now, you know what i like about you . We were talking about the benefits of dental implants, right . Mmhmm. And you had this story about that theres very few things in dentistry where the patient are so happy. Elaborate on that. Well, you know, before youre a prosthodontist, youre a general dentist. And, you know, you do great work for your patients, but you never get hugs or the feelings of but when youre changing someones smile, thus their life, and their whole mouth is completely different than how they came in, theyre crying, theyre hugging, and theyre expressing so much emotion to you. Its just the best feeling ever. And you dont get that from just a filling or a cleaning. At the top of the show, i said, no more dentures. You dont think anybody should be wearing a denture a traditional denture. No. No. Elaborate on that. Our technology and our advancements in dentistry, we dont have to have patients wearing dentures. They can have dental implants anchored into their available bone and a fixed set of teeth. And a lot of patients think that they need implants for every tooth. That is not the case, either, anymore. With the way that implants are made now, the Surface Properties and the way that we can see how they will be in the jawbone, of information, we know where to put them. A patient could have four implants and a full set of fixed permanent teeth. So, permanent teeth. Now, you talk in terms of, like, people walk in to your center, some without teeth. Right. And then, on the day of the procedure, they walk out with a fixed set of teeth. Exactly. Is that true . I mean, you see that . 100 , yep. So, lets say a patient is wearing a denture, and, like i said earlier, theyre sick of it. They want those permanent teeth. They have a wedding coming up, and they want to smile for their daughters pictures. Okay. Yeah. And they say, dr. Mackie, i just want to look great and just enjoy this moment with her. So, you know, we design the smile on the first appointment, and we talk about everything that they like and even things that they dont like. Exactly. Okay. Take some molds, and we actually put their molds on a machine, study the way the jaw interacts, simulating it with that way that they are, and basically, the next appointment, they go into surgery with the oral surgeon, have those implants placed, i go in there, i do my little magic, i put on their fixed, full set of permanent teeth, they come out of anesthetic, i hand them the mirror, and then the reaction happens. This ier personally, my heart melts for them. They smile, they they cant believe their eyes. Theyre in shock sometimes. And some of them are overjoyed immediately. They have been living with either no teeth or really bad situations for such a long period of time that they cant believe that theyve come to that particular point that theyre at. Feeling. In las vegas, i mean, are there a lot of people wearing dentures . Is this a problem there . It is a problem. Theres tens of thousands of people in vegas who are wearing dentures, just like anywhere else in the united states. Statistics show about 20 Million People are in some sort of a denture. So, vegas . Like everywhere else. You know, theres some patients out there, either an upper, a lower, or both. And then theres another group of people, another tens of thousands heading towards dentures. So clearchoice and thats what you deal with, like, every day. Yes. Clearchoice will help those patients who are either in the denture or are heading towards dentures. And we can give them that permanent solution to avoid wearing the dentures, if theyre headed towards them, or get rid of those dentures. You dont have to put your teeth in a cup every night. Were gonna take a quick break. When we come back, a little bit about the process of what goes in. Youre watching the wellness hour. Im randy alvarez. Well be right back. I do get a lot of compliments about my smile. It makes me feel more selfconfident. My teeth just were not healthy. It did change my eating habits. Foods started hurting my teeth, like steak, corn on the cob. This was something i had to do for me. And now i can eat anything i want. I would never consider dentures. I had my consultation with clearchoice. Male announcer join the their smiles free at clearchoice. Call or click to schedule your free consultation with our team of experts. Everything was all under one roof. The doctors, the surgeon, prosthodontist, the lab. I walked out of there with the teeth that i wanted, all done in one day. Im extremely happy that i made that investment in me, because i know its gonna last me the rest of my life. My husband loves them. And i will always have this smile. Male announcer dont wait another day. Call clearchoice now. Youre watching the wellness hour. Im randy alvarez. Todays topic replacing missing teeth with dental implants. According to my first guest, no more dentures. Nobody should be wearing dentures. Now, you mentioned at the break that theres tens of thousands of people in las vegas with an upper or lower denture. Another thousands of people that are about to get false teeth. And if dental implants are so good that means people can fixed set of teeth permanent teeth why arent they all doing it . Whats your take . Randy, there are so many reasons why. But im gonna tell you a few of the major ones. For the denture wearer, theyre in a denture, they feel that theyre done. They dont have any teeth left. So they feel, whats the point of going to the dentist anymore, unless theres major problems. So, theyre out of the loop. Theyre out of the system. Theyre wearing a denture, and oftentimes, they have a sore spot

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