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Broadcast. An intense weeklong manhunt in california ended today with the arrest of two escaped fugitives. The men, who were being held on charges that included murder and torture, broke out of a maximum security jail in Southern California eight days ago. They were recaptured today 400 miles north of that jail outside a Whole Foods Market in San Francisco. A third inmate who had escaped with them, surrendered yesterday. More now from carter evans in los angeles. I think i did a big whoop in the air, you know. Reporter Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens says the two remaining fugitives were captured in the heart of San Francisco, after a man spotted their stolen van nay whole foods parking lot. Patrol officers napped Hossein Nayeri after a short foot chase. They found Jonathan Tieu hiding in the van other according to San Francisco police. It was clear to us these people were armed and dangerous. When we conducted a search of the man, we did find rounds were still looking for a weapon if they had one. Reporter the third escapee, bac duong, had already returned to Southern California. He turned himself in on friday. The inmates broke out from the Orange County mens central jail eight days ago after they cut through a steel screen, snaked through plumbing tunnels and rappelled from the roof. A teicher who worked for the jail is accused provide, a man. And while they were on the run. My fear is someone in the community was going to get hurt because they really had nothing to lose. This is one of a sheriffs worst nightmares. Reporter and now with the three in custody once again. I can say this morning that the entire state can breathe a ciph relief. The focus shifts to continuing to work at where the system failed us. Believe me, we will be looking top to bottom on that. Now be returned to the same jail from which they escaped, but this time theyll be kept in separate cells, and jim, theres 200,000 in reward money that may now go to the San Francisco man who tipped off police. The latest polls show donald trump five points ahead of ted cruz, followed by marco rubio. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders by three point. Vision is very important. Youre running for president. You need vision. Donald trump pulling away from ted cruz in recent polls here, urged his gungho crowd to show up on caucus night or risk defeat. We have to get out there and caucus and do all of the things that we have to do, or weve all wasted our time. Reporter in an interview with face the nation, trump said hes taken cruz down by raising birther questions. There are many lawyers coming that ted cruz cannot run for president. He cant be president because of the fact he was born in canada. I think that has a huge effect. Reporter cruz contends no legal uncertainties hang over his eligibility for the presidency and said his superior Iowa Organization will surprise trump. If we stand together, we will win the iowa caucuss. We will win the nomination, and we will win the general election in november 2016 and turn this country around. applause reporter Iowa Republican Governor Terry brandstad told us g. O. P. Turnout on monday could set a record. He gave trump a lot of credit. I think donald trump has added a new dimension. The turnout hes gotten in places where republicans generally dont do well. Reporter in sioux city, marco rubio, who has been drawing large crowds in the home stretch, faulted cruzs recent attacks on his immigration record. You know, ted cruz has been my friend and is. Hes decided to run a very, you know, deceitful campaign at the people see through that. Reporter ten republicans held 40 events across iowa today. One of them who wasnt here, john kasich, received the endorsement of the new york times. Jim, that wont do him any goodim here, but it could prove crucial to the Kasich Campaign of appealing to moderate republicans and independents in the next contest, new hampshire. Axelrod major, thank you very much. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton has engaged in some lastminute damage control after the state department confirmed for the first time that emails on the former secretary of states private server contained top secret material. Nancy cordes is in carroll, iowa for us tonight. Hillary is courageous reporter in ames, iowa, today, Hillary Clinton was joined by gabby giffords, the former arizona congresswoman who was shot in the head five years ago. Speaking is hard for me, but january come january, i want to say these two words madam cheers and applause reporter the powerful appearance was designed for maximum impact two days before the caucus, even as clintons email controversy threatened to take central stage yet again. They contain a category of top secret information. Reporter on friday, the state department announced 37 pages of clintons email were being upgraded to one of the highest levels of classification, after those emails sat on her private server in chappaqua, new york, for years permanent thank you so much. Reporter clinton downplayed the development s today. This doesnt change anything about the fundamental facts. I never sent or received any email marked classified. Reporter her republican opponents took a different view. I mean, she has to shes going to have to answer for all this. This is a serious matter. She believes shes above the law. What she did is because she believes she is above the law. Reporter but her chief democratic rival, vermont senator Bernie Sanders, steered clear, saying only that there is a Legal Process in place which politicized. In manchester, iowa, today, he was more focused on turnout. I would say its a tossup. Some polls have us a little bit ahead. Some polls had clinton a little bit ahead. Virtually tied. Reporter clinton was endorsed by the new york timess Editorial Board today. It called her one of the most qualified candidates in modern history. Sanders, the paper said, has brought important issues to the forefront, like income inequality, but does not possess clintons experience, jim. Axelrod nancy cordes, thank you very much. Disgraced general and former c. I. A. Director David Petreaus will not be demoted. Petraeus was forced to resign in 2012 after admitting to an affair with his biographer. But as Julianna Goldman reports, defense secretary Ashton Carter is letting the general keep his four stars and full pension. Reporter in a threesentence letter sent to the leaders of the Senate Armed Services committee, the pentagon said an army review recommended no additional action, and secretary carter considered this the decision largely ends the saga surrounding the retired fourstar general, who last year admitted to giving his biographer and lover, paula broadwell, several notebooks he knew contained highly classified information and initially lying about it to f. B. I. I can only say again how sorry i am to let to those i let down. Reporter as carter weighed whether to demote David Petreaus and reduce his military pension by 40,000 a year, a number of lawmakers in both parties came to his defense. In a letter earlier this month, senators john mccain and jack reed said petraeus apologized and shouldnt face additional punishment. The former c. I. A. Directors fate also comes up on the campaign trail. If theres an effort to take a star away from general petraeus, and i as a member of the senate can push back, i will push back. Absolutely. I mean, look, the mans a patriot. He made a mistake. Hes paid a price. Reporter some republican candidates, like ted cruz and donald trump, have seized on to the controversy over Hillary Clintons use of a private email server and whether she knowingly sent or received classified information. Theyve destroyed him, and yet hillarys flying safe, and she did 100 times worse than what he did. Reporter there were other considerations for carter as he weighed the decision. Jim, by not punishing petraeus, it may now send a message to the militarys rank and file that the most decorated of soldiers are protected, knowing that lower ranking officers have faced harsher punishments for misconduct, including handling classified information. Axelrod Julianna Goldman covering for us tonight in washington. Thank you very much. Thank you. President obama is making his first president ial visit to an american mosque. He is set to visit an Islamic Center in baltimore on wednesday to defend religious freedom and denounce antimuslim rhetoric. Facebook is banning the private sale of guns on its web site and also on instagram. The social media sites dont sell guns directly, but as anna served as busy online marketplaces. Reporter search for guns for sale in facebook groups, and what comes up is a long list of places to find and buy a gun. Many are private sales between individuals, and thats what facebook said in a statement will now be banned. Its a policy change sought by groups like moms demand action for gun sense in america for at least two years. Shannon watts is the groups founder. In this case, clearly, byng that they saying that they will not sanction the sale of guns without any kind of background check through private transactions on their social media platforms, theyre truly setting the precedent that we hope other businesses will follow as well. Reporter the move does not cover licensed gun dealers, who are required to run background checks. One posting another said well, we tried to contact a number of people who have pages, or have commented online, and the n. R. A. We got no response from either, jim. Axelrod anna, thank you very much. Health officials released some devastating new numbers about the reach of the zika virus in south america. More than 2,100 pregnant women have now been infected in colombia. The mosquitoborne virus has been linked to a major birth defect affecting Brain Development in the womb. Denmark has a new policy in place tonight to deal with migrants. It is controversial. As Charlie Dagata reports, the government there can now seize migrants valuables as theyrth enter the country, anything worth 1,500 or more. Abdullah and her four children arrived in denmark, she had nothing left. We used to have everything, she said. A house, cars, jewelry. We had to sell it all, before she left raqqa, syria. And now, under the new law, the Danish Government can seize any cash and valuables worth more than 1,500 to help pay for her familys upkeep. But she left her husband behind in turkey, and the new bill also makes seeing him much harder. It blocks migrants from bringingfa immediate family members to denmark for at least three years. Michala bendixen, who helps migrants apply for asylum, says delaying a Family Reunion is just cruel. Making a law like this is so cynical and so evil, that its i dont really i dont know how you can do things like that. Reporter but denmark is struggling to cope with an influx of more than 20,000 highest per capita in europe. Politician marcus knuth. So this is a deterrent. You could put it that way. It sounds very tough, but the alternative is we simply dont have enough empty beds. We dont have enough space. We cant look after the people who come here. Reporter the government says making migrants help pay for their stay is only fair. Danish citizens on welfare also have to give up their cash to qualify. But bendixen said its not about the money. The cost of an Asylum Seeker in denmark is so much bigger than whatever people are caerlg on them. Its really ridiculous. Its a symbolic way of scaring people away. Thats the purpose of it. Reporter zarifa told us the new laws would not have scared her away. When you have nothing left, theres nothing left to lose. Charlie dagata, cbs news, copenhagen. Axelrod still ahead, new water worries in flint, filters given to some families may not be working. And the thermostat stays down in this kings castle when the cbs evening news continues. 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Has urged calm. Were confident these filters work. Reporter the problems began when flint switched its water source from the great lakes to the flint river. For more than a year, lead leached from the pipes because the city failed to add anticorrosion chemicals to the water. At least 100 children have tested positive for high leveles of toxic lead in their blood. My hairs falling out. My blood tests are a mess. I was healthy. Reporter resident melissa mays has been outspoken about the tainted water. She said she was horrified by the new lead readings. Theres no trust. Theres no trust in the filters. Theres no trust in the state and what the community is doing at this point. Reporter Health Officials will continue to test and treat the water but warn it could be months before its safe to drink. Adriana diaz, cbs news, flint, michigan. N axelrod up next, if penalties were goals, hed be a leading scorer. Hockeys allstar game . Song thats life song thats life song thats life thats life. 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Axelrod as one of the nhls most nhls most brutal fighters, john scott has spent a career causing pain and suffering. So when fans voted him a captain at this years allstar game nhl executives worried it might hurt heres contessa brewer. Reporter john scott was never supposed to land in the allstar game. He was an enforcer, a socalled goon, hired for his muscles not his hockey skills. Im not a normal allstar. Im more of a grinder in and out of the lineup, kind of a fourthin line guy, and i obviously fight, and i do pretty well at that. Reporter pat iverson covers the nhl. Pat, you actually wrote that john scott is bad. If hes so bad, how did he end up as captain of the pacific team at the allstars . Well, the nhl left the fan vote up to the internet. Why dont we pick the worst player we can possibly think of. And that happened to be john scott. Reporter the nhl apparently wanted hockey stars in the allstars, not brawlers. In fact, the league is trying to distance the game from the fights on ice. They and his team, the arizona coyotes, asked scott to bow out. He refused, and thinks he was punished. My g. M. Kind of pulled me aside at the rink and said, hey, john, i got some bad news. We traded you to the montreal canadiens. Reporter traded and then immediately sent to the minors in newfoundland. That meant scott was no longer eligible to play in the allstars. How did the fans react to the john scott trade . It was it was swift and very very angry. His wife is pregnant with twins, and the little guy getting kind of shoved around by the big wigs of the league. Reporter so the nhl backtracked, invited scott back to the position the fans had put him in. Hell play, and perhaps even win. That would mean he would take home more than 90,000 in prize money. That might come in handy, now that his Major League Career is in jeopardy. If this is it, i can kind of maybe step away from hockey. I have a degree in engineering. Thats a train. Where did that come from . Reporter for now, the unlikely allstar is focused on enjoying his farfetched moment in the spotlight. Its kind of weird that im here, and definitely kind of an anomaly. Reporter maybe, but contessa brewer, cbs news, new york. Axelrod still ahead, talk good living. Listen up im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. Whos with me . yay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Take life in feel secure in your dentures. Feel free to be yourself all day. Just switch from denture paste to seabond denture adhesive seals. Holds stronger than the without the ooze. Feel secure. Be yourself. With stronger, clean seabond. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Axelrod we close tonight in a winter in a winter wonderland. In the last week, many people in the east have been reminded just for one businessman, winter is the time to sit pretty in a kingdom of his own design. Heres jamie yuccas. Reporter piece by piece, day and night, this colorful mountain is molded into a masterpiece. It is manmade, using icicles, nearly a quarter million of them. Ive got to be one of the luckiest guys in the world, really. Reporter it began as a hobby for Brent Christensen seven years ago. The kids and i would go out and build igloos and ice rinks, and i just was fortunate enough to stumble upon the idea 0f using icicles and spraying water as a way to build these structures. Reporter from his backyard to now a 2002 million business. This year, four crews are created ice parks in canada, utah, minnesota, and new hampshire. Warm weather forced a late start in new hampshire. His team of 20 art stans worked 14hour days for three weeks, spraying five million gallons of two degrees. It opened last weekend and offers chills and thrills for all ages. Weve got slides. Weve got mazes made out of ice and slot canyons and crawl tubes. Reporter this park is open day and night with the help of thousands of embedded l. E. D. Lights. They go from a white to a blue to a green, and then we even have them synchronized to music. Reporter work continues on the sculptures throughout the season. Some will grow to as high as 40 feet. To actually share it with other people and also make a living from it is i cant think of anybody id want to trade places with. Its really amazing. Reporter hes the king of ice castles, even if his reign only lasts as long as nature allows. Jamie yuccas, cbs news. Axelrod and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. Later on cbs, 48 hours. For now im jim axelrod in new york. And for all of us here at cbs news, thanks for joining us and good night. Doorway of her own home. How neighbors tried to save her life. And what police are doing to find the gunman. Plus. The prison break inmates are caught and back behind bars. How women played a role in their escape and capture. Coming up. And locals wanting to become us citizens got a much needed helping hand today. Now, nevadas first choice for news, this is 8 newsnow, Weekend Edition Michelle Mortensen good evening. Im Michelle Mortensen. A valley mother was shot in her doorway overnight and left for dead. It was neighbors who heard her cries for help. And notified police. But as our maurico marin tells us. It wasnt enough to save her. Mauricio Marin metro police say the woman was shot at her doorway at this townhouse behind me. Right nowauthoritie s are working to figure out who pulled the trigger. Police were called to the area just before three this morning. When officers arrived they the woman shot and lying in the front doorway of the home. She was taken to the hospital where she later died

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