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Association. A representative for container park says the case remains unsolved. And they hope the missing piece gets returned. lets get to sherry with a look at todays weather. Sherry swensk brian loftus super bowl 50 is just a few days away. And football fans will be out and about enjoying themselves. All across the valley. Kirsten Joyce and metro police are using this weekends big game. To get a serious message out whether your team is the broncos or panthers this weekend, keep your animal instincts in check. Slow down, stay alert, and most importantly dont drink and drive. Kirsten Joyce promoting safety this weekend. Nevada Highway Patrol also wants to make sure you stay safe. They remind everyone not to drnk and drive. You should always have a designated driver. Or call a taxi or ridesharing service. You can also report drunk drivers by dialing starn hp or by calling 911. brian loftus Kirsten Joyce thats a look at the roads. Back to you. brian loftus theres some backlash for big game hunters. Kirsten Joyce the iteams george knapp takes a look at the seminars at a Safari Club International convention in las vegas. And gives his take on the whole Club International convention is in town. And 20,000 members and vendors are meeting to talk about the business of trophy hunting. brian loftus while theyre here, they will auction the rights to hunt hundreds of animals on several continents. In this edition of street talk commentary. George knapp looks into the safari clubs posted agenda. george knapp the safari club is in las vegas this week, offering fun for the whole family, that is, if your whole family likes to kill animals. Mostly, it seems, the fun is reserved for dads. Dads with wads of money to spend. The annual convention is a huge money maker for the safari club because they auction off the chance to kill all kinds of animals all over the world. As the average joe with a hunting license. Based on the costs, id guess a lot of them are bankers, ceos, lawyers, and physicians. A trip to kill deer in texas is valued at 52,000 dollars. If you want to kill deer in new zealand, that will run you about 90,000. A cape buffalo in tanzania costs about the same as a sable in south africa. Right around 58 grand. And if youd like to gun down bears in alaska. Both brown and black, thats worth a cool 80 gs. Chump change to a wall street guy who wants a fierce head on his wall. Oh, you can also bid on a 100,000 dollar pair of mammoth tusks, but whats the fun in that . The mammoth is already dead. The highlight of the convention is the seminars where studly alpha males learn all about the beauty and majesty of killing all kinds of critters. There s one on how to bag more birds. One on gutless gutting. And one on why shooting elephants is really good for the elephants. Lets see a show of tusks. Anyone . The title of this one mentions complete penetration. I wondered if maybe it was designed to help hunters cope with those long lonely nights on the serengeti, but its about how to make sure your arrow goes all the way through the body of a lion or leopard. There are daily sessions on how to encourage more women to pull the trigger. Made me wonder if the organizers have thought this through because the women whove told me what they think of safari club might aim at something other than wild game. This is an excellent course. What wine to pair with your dead prey. Say youre a dentist whos just poached and beheaded a beloved and protected lion. You dont want to drink white or rose when you toast your conquest. That calls for a bold red. The most interesting seminar is one that teaches how to answer the critics of trophy hunting. Trophy hunting is moral, virtuous, and honorable the instructor says. The instructor is a lawyer, and if he can convince people that and virtuous, he should be working for bill cosby, not teaching a seminar. I get the idea of hunting for food. And also to prevent disease or overpopulation. But i dont get the thrill of traveling to the other side of the planet to shoot a lion or a rhino or an elephant just so you can put its head on your wall and prove to your buddies what a studly dude you must be. Trophy hunters will argue that they support conservation and local economies. But studies show that in the long run eco tourists will spend a lot more to see animals that are alive than dead. And im not convinced that these hunters are spending this much dough because they really care about the economic well being of africans. One other seminar caught my attention,,how scent stimulates the reproductive cycle. Trophy hunters should Pay Attention because when the women in their lives realize what theyre up to, this seminar might be the last time they get anywhere near the reproductive cycle. brian loftus a Police Officer is being hailed a hero to a dad. For watching his toddler. Kirsten Joyce the video thats going viral of the two of them hanging out. In a waiting room. brian loftus and one woman is beating the odds. The marathons she ran in one a week. Across all the continents. The world a president has to grapple with. Sometimes you cant even imagine. Thats the job. And shes the one whos proven she can get it done. Securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons. Standing up against the abuse of women. Protecting social security. And Winning Health care for 8 million children. The presidency is the toughest job in the world and shes the one wholl make a real difference for you. Police officer is going viral. For a very sweet reason. A Security Camera captured him babysitting a busy toddler. While her father was in Traffic Court. As Daniel Woodruff reports. It was just like any day with his kids. This little girl is on the move. Shes active lets just say that. She was very active. A familiar sight to officer kevin norris sitting nearby. officer kevin norris, Orem Police Department ive got kids myself. Boy i know what it is to have rambunctious kids, ya know and its hard to take them anywhere was Traffic Court last wednesday. Norris was waiting to testify and 2yr old abi was with her father. officer kevin norris, Orem Police Department i could see the father corralling that little girl a little bit and trying to keep her quiet. Shes just obviously a little wild one. When it was time for her father to go in the courtroom, the little girl couldnt go in. officer kevin norris, Orem Police Department yeah, absolutely i felt bad for him. So officer norris volunteered to babysit. officer kevin norris, Orem Police Department he didnt know what to do so i took the girl by the hand and walked around and we went and got a drink and took giant steps baby steps. Kind of the same thing i do with my own kids. Then, the 6foot6 Police Officer pulled out some magic. officer kevin norris, Orem Police Department kids love videos. They love movies so we just watched cartoons on my phone and she was out before we knew it. Sleeping soundly until dad came out to pick her up. Jose moncayo was pleasantly surprised. jose moncayo, father i dont know what hes doing the office,r but hes good job. Good job. I told officer norris friendly baby sitter. He says hes ok with that. officer kevin norris, Orem Police Department were not just officers who are out there just to arrest people. Were out there to make our community a better place. Lets get to sherry with a look Sherry Swensk get ready for a great weekend. The mornings will be chilly, but not downright cold like they have been most of the week. Right now as we check your weather now temps around town. We are near 40 in some areas. And down in the 30s in mst neighborhoods. Dry air and High Pressure will increase over the west to keep the warm up coming over the next seven days. Meanwhile showers working their way off the east coast and cold eastern half of the country for the weekend. Plenty of sunshine today and closer to normal 60 degrees. Mid 60s for the big game on sunday a beautiful day. Light northwest winds. Then a steady warmup through the weekend to 60s. But check out the warmer 70s arriving monday and sticking around next week Sherry Swensk < < thats a look at the roads. Back to you. Demetria Obilor stephanie street bridge closing down. Downtown closures sunday for a big race. Expect closures from six to eleven am. < thats a look at the roads. Back to you. Massachusetts Woman has completed 7 races. In 7 days. Across 7 continents. Becca pizzi ran a 26point2 mile marathon in australia. Winning the Womens Division of the world marathon challenge. The race started last week on friday. And wrapped up today. Alongside becca were 15 other participiants. Running marathons in chili, miami, spain, morocco, dubai and australia to end it becca pizzi marathoner you know, it was an opportunity for me to show the world, and to show my daughter, you can do anything that you put your mind to. brian loftus by completing the seven marathons. Becca is the First American woman to ever accomplish such a feat. Kirsten Joyce the super brian loftus and las vegas is getting ready for a busy weekend. How the sports books are preparing for the madness. And how much cash. Was wagered on last years big game. That story and more, coming up resume and solid references. Arent the only thing job applicants have to worry about. Kirsten Joyce as hena daniels explains. It turns out what you put on social media. Can play a big role in whether like most 22year olds anitha uh neethuh benjamin spends a fair amount of time on social media. Anitha Benjamin 22 yearsold i use my linkdin, i use facebook, i use instagram, all that stuff. But when the College Graduate started looking for a job last year she was careful about what she posted. Anitha Benjamin 22 yearsold i was thinking that i should definitely keep it professional because its all online and everyone can see everything that you are posting. And new Research Shows thats a good idea because businesses are looking. A report from the society for Human Resource management finds one third of companies have disqualified a job candidate in the past year because of information found on their social media accounts. In another survey, officeteam asked hiring managers the most Common Social media mistakes job applicants make. 45 percent said posting negative or inappropriate comments 35 percent said posting or being tagged in inappropriate photos. dawn fey district pres. , officeteam if you are too could really come off to some individuals that you could be a problem in the workplace. hena daniels cbs News New York and if you think staying offline is the answer. Think again. 17 percent of hiring managers questioned job applicants who didnt post regularly or didnt have a social media profile at all. Anitha Benjamin 22 yearsold the way people perceive us is very important. Having a professional presence online worked for benjamin. She recently got a corporate job. Her first out of college. Hena daniels, for cbs news, new york. A deadly day in the valley. After two people were shot and killed. Why police say forming relationships with communities in the valley. Will make neighborhoods safer. brian loftus former president bill clinton campaigns for his wife in the valley. Where you can see him speak tonight. And the latest on the fight for the white house. Michael Stevens Michael Stevens is live with more on sports books < welcome to a brighter morning, this is 8 newsnow with Kirsten Joyce, Sherry Swensk, Demetria Obilor and brian loftus who was shot yesterday morning

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