80 cruise missiles in your face. A lot of fire power. Is that your message. Thats a message. It was an unmistakable warning but theres real concern in the u. S. Military that rush you might be willing to use a Nuclear Weapon. I think to them the use of Nuclear Weapons is not unthinkable. How did 271 pieces by Pablo Picasso worth close to 100 million end up in his handy mans garage for 40 years. Thats what Pablo Picassos son is trying to find out. I quickly understood that they missed did you know immediately that they were real . Yes. Tonight, the story of the missing picasso and the only two characters and we mean characters who know the truth. Whitaker im bill whitaker. Martin im david martin. Pelley im scott pelley. Those stories tonight, on the 49th season premiere of 60 minutes. For adults with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer previously treated with platinumbased chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or e. G. F. R. 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Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or lung, breathing, or liver problems. A chance to live longer. Ask your doctor about opdivo. Bristolmyers squibb thanks the patients, nurses, and physicians pelley the bombs in new york and new jersey last week brought the specter of terror home, again. It seems no country is safe, but there is one that is beating fearsome odds. Isis burned through syria and iraq until it hit a firewall, the king, abdullah the second bin al hussein, is holding the front and sheltering millions of refugees despite his struggling economy, no oil wealth and precious little water. If the king can keep his balance, jordan may prove that an arab state can remain peaceful, tolerant and modern. The arsonists torching the middle east hope to see him fail. This is not war. These are Jordanian Forces sharpening their edge on a make believe town. Some of their weapons are antique attack helicopters designed originally for vietnam, surplus armored cars that they found online. Jordan cant afford the arsenals of its neighbors; skill is its advantage. In training from blanks to live ammunition. This is the soldier who ordered the switch. Hes the former head of special forces. He is abdullah the second, the king of jordan. Why live ammo . We shouted. Everyone uses blanks, makes no theres no sense in anything less than lethal because no king of jordan has ever known peace. This is the mosque that you built in honor of your father. Abdullah yeah. Pelley abdullah became king in 1999 on the death of his father, who ruled 47 years. We met the 54yearold at his palace in amman. He knows isis by its arabic acronym, daesh. Its in a third world war. Abdullah i think this is the challenge that weve had over the past several years where people look at, you know, is it iraq this year or syria next year . Well, what about libya . What about boko haram or shabaab in africa . We have to look at it from a global perspective. Pelley all of these things need to be attacked at the same time. You cant concentrate on syria one year and then deal with boko haram in another . Abdullah well, the prime example, its as you see certain military successes in the leadership, theyre telling their fighters either dont come to syria or iraq, or moving their command structure to libya. And so, are we going to wait to get our act together to concentrate on libya . And then, you know, do we wait a year or two to start helping the africans deal with boko haram or shabaab . So, weve got to get ahead of the curve because theyre reacting much quicker than we are. Pelley the american strategy in syria and iraq, as you know, is to use u. S. Air power and to train forces on the ground to fight the battle. How do you move forward from here . Abdullah i think the problem with the west is they see a border between syria and iraq, daesh does not. And this has been a frustration, i think, for a few of us in this area with our western coalition partners, for several years. You know, the lawyers get into the act and say, but theres an international border. And we say, for gods sake, isis doesnt work that way. So, if youre looking at it and want to play the game by your rules knowing that the enemy doesnt, were not going to win this. Pelley jordan says it ha flown more than 1,000 missions against isis in syria in coordination with the u. S. Last year, pilot Muath Kasasbeh was captured. Isis put him in a cage and made a video as they burned him alive. At the time, abdullah had two terrorists in jail. Within hours of that video, you hanged two convicted terrorists here in jordan. What does that tell us about abdullah i think they had to understand that there was no messing around with jordan. And a lot of those that were involved in killing muath in that video and those that were responsible for detaining him and processing him through his captivity have been taken down since. Pelley hes taking down each and every one in the video. Youre going to hunt them down. Abdullah they have been hunted down, quite a lot of them. And those that are still involved, if it taus 50 years, we will get them. Pelley those are the rules of his neighborhood. Abdullah reigns over a desert the size of indiana. To his west, the Israeli Palestinian conflict; north, syrias civil war; east, isis in iraq; and south, severe fundamentalist islam in saudi arabia. It is a collision of tribes and religions not confined by borders drawn with a british t in 1990, king hussein warned george bush to stay out of iraq. In 2003, the son of the king gave the son of the president the same advice. It seems like american president s think they know this region better than you. Abdullah they seem to understand us better than we know each other. And, as a result, you can see the train on the track coming to the. To the wreck. Going that way, its pretty obvious to some of us whats going to happen. And, you know, you can only express your views as much and as emotionally as you can. Pelley youre frustrated by that. Abdullah the ethnic makeup of the region is pretty glaringly obvious for us that live in the region, that advisors and think tanks in the west seem to know us better than everybody was saying six months. And i said, look, you know, if youre saying six months, im saying six years. Were in for the long haul not only in syria and iraq, but for the whole region and for the world, unfortunately. Pelley but isnt there going to have to be a western army of some kind on the ground in order to take the territory . Abdullah enablers. Enablers. Because, at the end of the day, you cant have western troops walking down the street of syrian cities and villages. At the end of the day, you need the syrians to be able to do that. Border in 2014 as the kings soldiers reached out to refugees. He welcomed them even though there were already more than two million Palestinian Refugees whove been in jordan for decades. Why did you allow nearly a million and a half syrians to come into your country . Abdullah well, we really didnt have much choice. I mean, they were flooding across the border, being shot by and, you know, jordan has always been a place that opens it arms to refugees from many countries, unfortunately. But then, it got to a point where, you know, were now at 20 increase of our population. And the huge burden on our country, were in dire straits. Pelley most of them are in jordanian towns, looking for work, driving up rents. 160,000 syrian kids are in jordans schools. Whats the breaking point for your people . Abdullah about a year or two years ago. Unemployment is skyrocketing. Our Health Sector is saturated. Our schools are really going through difficult times. Its extremely, extremely difficult. And jordanians are. Just have had it up to here. I mean, we just cant take it anymore. Pelley theyve had it with unemployment, near 15 . And thats the official rate; its probably higher. There are more than nine million half are under the age of 24. Abdullah if anything keeps me up at night, its giving the Younger Generation an opportunity at life. And on the flip side of that, if radicalization is going to imbed itself anywhere in the world or in this region, its going to be disenfranchised youth. And so, if young people in this country are not going to have an opportunity because of the pressure on the economy again, thats my concern. Pel concern at a multimilliondollar campus built to be his new military headquarters. The king who drives his own car, by the way took this campus away from the generals and converted it to a citadel of software, a Business Park for technology. Imagine these logos on the pentagon. Abdullah i believe the world has a stake in the jordanian economy because we are the Success Story of stability in the region. If there wasnt a jordan, we so, i think the story of jordan is bigger than the borders of our country. Pelley his borders began in 1916, when abdullahs great great grandfather led the revolt depicted in the movie lawrence of arabia. The king traces his bloodline directly to the prophet muhammad. Islamic extremists, he told us, are outlaws that the faith has dealt with before. When you do interviews in arabic on this subject, you cis the khawarij. What does that mean . Abdullah well, in islam, us traditional muslims, it is not our right to call people heretics. God decides at the end of the day. The jihadists take it upon themselves to call the rest of us heretics, us muslims. Youre in a completely different and worse category. And so, in our traditional khawarij, appeared, really, in the early part of islam. Pelley they were a sect that splintered from islam in the first century. Abdullah yes. And they did horrible atrocities. And as a result, the muslim communities rose up against them and exterminated them. So, they appear throughout history from time to time, and they always meet their end. But as extremists throughout all of our religions, you know, they pelley well, in the united states, many people ask, what has gone wrong with islam . Abdullah well, so, if you look at the spectrum and understand that 90 of us are traditionalists and have an affinity for christianity, judaism i mean, were all the three monotheistic religions, us being the younger one and that our faith decrees the understanding of judaism and christianity, then we understand where we all are. Its that misperception with the takfiri jihadists, thats where of sunni islam. Thats where the problem is. And if were being pushed into the corner through islamophobia, thats where the danger is, where we, as allies, are not understood. Pelley your concern is that, if islamophobia takes even greater hold, muslims who are not radicalized today will be forced into that corner. Abdullah well, theyre going to feel isolated. Theyre going to feel marginalized. Theyre going to feel that, which is exactly what isis, al qaeda want. I mean, you know, why fly two aircrafts into the twin towers in new york . Its to create hatred from the west towards islam so that you can panic the majority of muslims to feel that theyre victimized and push them over into the extremist camp. Pelley pressure on the king is rising. explosion that explosion, an isis bomb in june, killed seven jordanian soldiers. Abdullah closed the syrian in 2014, it looked like this. Now, with the crossing closed, only the long arm of the u. N. Is lifting aid over the line to nearly 100,000 trapped refugees. Jordan says that isis has infiltrated the camp on the syrian side. But even so, the kingdom has just agreed to set up food and water distribution for those who are stranded. After obliterating that mock town with his former unit, the king whispered to us, god, i miss my old job. The crown of a prince was lighter when he only had to deal with ancient armor. Abdullah speaking in arabic pelley he told the men, our equipment and vehicles are lacking. We will develop them as soon as we can. Long live the king they yelled. Long live the king. You wonder how the kingdom has lived so long with peril on every side, but maybe thats the key. Treacherous borders are like live rounds in training, they raise the stakes. Jordan endures because the price of failure is much too high. Like a, no two whale flukes are the same. Because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. 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For generations, Nuclear Weapons have been seen as a last resort to be used only in extreme circumstances. But in this new cold war, the use of a Nuclear Weapon is not might think. Airlaunched cruise missiles being loaded onto a long range b52 bomber at Barksdale Air force base in louisiana. When you see it close up, its. Its even bigger than you think it is. Gen. Richard clark it is an impressive machine. About 185,000 pounds empty. But its built to carry weapons and gas. Martin Major General Richard Clark commands all of this countrys nuclear bombers. And these are the weapons . Clark yes, sir. It is the primary Nuclear Weapon for the b52. Martin clark told us these are training missiles, so they are not armed with nuclear warheads. A b52 can carry 20 cruise missiles, six under each wing and eight in the bomb bay. Clark so, this is the rotary launcher, and it holds eight airlaunched cruise missiles within the internal bomb bay of the b52. Its a tight fit, but the way it works is, the launcher rotates, allows the weapon to release and sendon martin it looks like the chamber of a revolver. Clark same idea, just much bigger bullets. Martin as the most visible arm of the American Nuclear arsenal, these bombers are meant to send a message to an international audience. Clark we can put this aircraft anywhere we want, anytime we want, and both our allies and our adversaries take note. Martin this is basically a nuclear show and tell . Clark its not just a show and tell because it will years, b52s have begun sending that message directly to russia, flying missions not seen since the cold war. It started after vladamir putin changed history by invading an independent country, ukraine, and seizing its republic of crimea. Gen. Phillip breedlove the fact that military force would be used to change an internationallyrecognized border in the central part of europe, that was new. Martin now retired, general Phillip Breedlove was the supreme allied commander in europe when russia took over crimea. The invasion was carried out by socalled little green men russian soldiers wearing uniforms without insignia but looming in the background were Nuclear Weapons. Was there ever any indication that Vladimir Putin was prepared to use his Nuclear Weapons in any way . Breedlove Vladimir Putin said himself that he would considered raising the alert status of his nuclear force. Himself. Martin putin said he had given an order to his military to be prepared to increase the readiness of his Nuclear Forces if the u. S. And nato tried to block his takeover of crimea. We were not looking for a fight, putin said in this interview, but we were ready for the worstcase scenario. Breedlove they see Nuclear Weapons as a normal extension of a conventional conflict. Martin so, to them, nuclear war is not unthinkable . Breedlove i think, to them, not unthinkable. Martin it says so in their military doctrine, signed by putin in 2014. Russia shall reserve the right to use Nuclear Weapons in the event of aggression, when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy. Putin has personally directed nuclear exercises which have increased in both size and frequency, according to breedlove. More threatening . Breedlove certainly they get your attention. Breedlove clearly. Martin and the u. S. Responded with more aggressive exercises of its own. One year after crimea, four b 52s flew up over the north pole and north sea on an exercise called polar growl. The b52s were unarmed, but that little fin on the side of the fuselage identified them as capable of carrying Nuclear Weapons. Hans kristensen what i plotted here are the two routes for these planes. Martin hans kristensen, information project at the federation of american scientists, used google earth to show us the message that sent russia. Kristensen each bomber can carry 20 cruise missiles, a maximum of them. So, were talking about potentially 80 cruise missiles that could have been launched against targets inside russia at this particular time. Martin using the cruise missiles range of 1,500 miles, kristensen plotted his own hypothetical lines showing how far they could potentially reach into russia. Kristensen yes, each of them go to a facility in russia that could be a potential target for Nuclear Weapons. Martin the russians would look at that and see it as a dry run for an attack on targets inside russia. Clark i guess they can draw the conclusions that they need to draw. Martin 80 cruise missiles in your face. Clark its a lot of firepower. Martin was that the message . Clark thats a message, for sure. Martin the last time American Nuclear bombers flew a mission like that was during the cold war. Clark this was a significant exercise for us. Were training the way we might have to fight. Martin it was an unmistakable warning, but rear admiral steve parode says theres no indication the Russian Military has changed its thinking about Nuclear Weapons. Parode disturbingly, in recent years, there have been specific doctrinal and public statements made by other russian leaders that indicate an evolved weapons in the course of conflict. Martin as director of intelligence for the u. S. Strategic command, parode spent the last two years gauging russias nuclear intentions. Parode i think that they feel that fundamentally the west is sociologically weaker, and if they were to use a Nuclear Weapon in the course of a conflict between, say, nato and russia, they might be able to shock the western powers into deescalating, into freezing the conflict, into calling a cease fire. Martin so, they have a belief parode oh, thats definitely true. Martin and if they have to use Nuclear Weapons, we cant. We cant take it . Parode i think that some people might think that. Martin parode is not talking about the armageddon of an all out nuclear war which neither side could win, but the limited use of a few Nuclear Weapons which could convince the u. S. To back down. So, how would they shock us into surrender . Parode they could strike a weapon, maybe an airfield they thought was vital to conflict between nato and russia. David shlapak were looking at hhour. Were looking at the. The moment before the conflict starts. Martin David Shlapak of the Rand Corporation directed a series of war games commissioned by the pentagon in which russia invaded the Baltic States of estonia and latvia, two of the newer members of nato and, because of their location on the russian border, two of the most vulnerable. Shlapak when the fight 400 to 500 tanks on the battlefield. Nato has none. Martin the red chips represent Russian Forces, the blue and white are nato. The relative size of the stacks kind of says it all. Shlapak it does, it does. This is not a happy picture for nato. Martin as the scenario unfolds, Russian Forces in red are storming the capitals of estonia and latvia. Shlapak they can get there between a day and a half and two and a half days, 36 to 60 hours. Martin to retake estonia and of military forces to drive the russians out. Shlapak one of the things you would expect russia to do would be to begin rattling the Nuclear Saber very aggressively, to say, were here, this is our territory now, and if you come and try to take it away from us, we will escalate. Martin escalate. Use Nuclear Weapons . Shlapak use Nuclear Weapons. Martin russia has more than 1,000 shortrange Nuclear Weapons while the u. S. Has less than 200 at air bases in europe. Kristensen theres one in germany. Martin the locations of american Nuclear Weapons are officially secret, but heres what they look like. Hans kristensen says he discovered this photo on a u. S. Air force website showing the inside of a shelter where Nuclear Bombs would be loaded aboard american and nato jet fighters. Kristensen each vault can have up to four Nuclear Bombs. They hang right next to each other. It can. It sinks into the ground with the weapons, levels completely with the surface. Martin and just out of a weapon rises out of the floor. Kristensen right. Martin the bomb is called the b61, and its being upgraded by adding a new set of tail fins that give it greater accuracy. That would allow the b61 to destroy its target using a loweryield Nuclear Weapon, which would decrease the number of civilian casualties. The airlaunched cruise missile, says Major General clark, can also be turned into a lowyield Nuclear Weapon. Clark there is a variable yield we can change that yield within the weapon. Martin you can dial in a yield . Clark thats what we call it, actually, dial a yield. Martin does that make a Nuclear Weapon easier to use . Breedlove we do not plan to go there. We do not want to go there. Martin but if you have this option which allows you to keep civilian casualties to a minimum and youre really up against it, isnt it easier . Breedlove i dont think that Nuclear Weapon could be categorized as easy. Martin less difficult . Breedlove less difficult. We could say that. Martin russia is also developing lowyield weapons which this declassified c. I. A. Document says could lower the threshold for first use of Nuclear Weapons. The development of low yield warheads that could be used on highprecision weapon systems would be consistent with russias increasing reliance on Nuclear Weapons. But increasing reliance on nuea admiral parode, doesnt mean russia is eager to use them. Parode i dont perceive that they are. Have become madmen with their fingers on the button. But i do believe they are more interested in considering how Nuclear Weapons could be used in conflict to either close a gap or to sustain the opportunity for victory. Martin so, whats the scenario . What situation would get them to seriously consider the use of parode that is probably the greatest question im trying to answer today for admiral haney. Martin thats admiral cecil haney, head of the u. S. Strategic command, the man who would carry out a president ial order to launch a Nuclear Weapon. Haney thank you. I appreciate the update. Martin lowkey and cerebral, haney commands not only this countrys Nuclear Forces but its Cyber Weapons and space satellites, as well. Is it riskier today . Haney well, i think today were at a time and place that i dont think weve been to before. Martin it is haneys job to convince Vladimir Putin that resorting to Nuclear Weapons would be the worst mistake he could possibly make. When you look at what would work to deter russia, do you have to get inside putins head . Haney you have to have a deep, deep, deep understanding of any adversary you want to deter, including mr. Putin. Martin so, how would you im not a psychologist, but i would just say he is clearly an individual that is an opportunist. Martin does it concern you that an opportunist has a Nuclear Arsenal . Haney it concerns me that russia has a lot of Nuclear Weapons. It concerns me that russia has behaved badly on the international stage. And it conceme leadership in russia at various levels that would flagrantly talk about the use of a Nuclear Weapon in this 21st century. A veteran reporter of the old cold war puts the new cold war in perspective. Wherever theres a phone, youve got a bank, and we could never do that before. The cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. It helps us communicate better. 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But the Biggest Surprise may be where they had been for nearly 40 years. Picassos former electrician, 77yearold Pierre Le Guennec, and his wife, danielle, kept the art treasures in their garage, works they say were a gift from Pablo Picasso and his last wife, believe it. They suspect theft, but the le guennecs stand by their story, and its a story that has captivated the art world. Danielle and Pierre Le Guennec are a retired couple living in the south of france. Back in 1971, he was an electrician hired by Pablo Picasso and his wife, jacqueline, to fix their americanmade stove. The picassos were so pleased, jobs on their properties, including installing burglar alarms. How would you describe the relationship . Was it employee employer, or did you have a friendship . Pierre le guennec translated i believe that monsieur had total trust in me, particularly because of my discretion. Whitaker his discretion might be the only thing in this tale that isnt in dispute. As family electrician and handyman, Pierre Le Guennec had 15 years starting before and stretching beyond the artists death in 1973. One day in the early 1970s, he says, Jacqueline Picasso surprised him. Pierre le guennec translated madame called me into the hallway and said, come here, this is for you, and she handed me a box. I said, thank you, madame. I left and brought it back here. Whitaker the le guennecs say they opened the box and werent impressed. They describe the contents as sheets of looseleaf paper, all unsigned. Danielle le guennec translated there were plenty of drawings that were repeated. For example, there was the body of a horse without the head, and the second part was only a head. Whitaker Danielle Le Guennec says, in general, shes not a big fan of picassos art. Danielle le guennec translated there are paintings where i dont know if the character is looking at me, not looking at me; the head is and thats what made him famous. Im not saying its ugly, but i dont like it. Whitaker so, you didnt think much of this box of paintings and sketches, and things that you received . Pierre le guennec translated if someone wouldve told me, mr. Le guennec, go and throw this in the fire, i would have thrown it in the fire. Whitaker instead of burning the box, Pierre Le Guennec says it ended up on a shelf in his garage. It lived there undisturbed until and facing surgery. Thats when he thought he should get his affairs in order and wondered if that picasso gift might be worth something. So, he contacted the Picasso Administration, run by Pablo Picassos son, and described by handwritten letter and photos what he had. The Picasso Administration is the only place in the world that can certify the artists work. Le guennec wanted his box of art authenticated. translated they answered me by telling me that Claude Picasso wanted to see with his own eyes what it was we had, and he gave us an appointment. So, we went up to paris, my wife and i, by train with a suitcase. Whitaker full of artwork . Pierre le guennec translated yes. I organized them properly in cardboard folders so it could be presentable. Whitaker how were you greeted by claude . Pierre le guennec translated he was a bit haughty. Danielle le guennec translated impolite. translated hes a monsieur, and we are Little People. Danielle le guennec translated he didnt even say hello. Whitaker like Little People . Danielle le guennec translated he looked at me and said, you, you can sit over there. One cannot say we were welcomed. Thats not very polite, considering hes the son of a genius. Whitaker kind of snobbish, you say . Pierre le guennec translated yes. Danielle le guennec translated yes, snob. Pierre le guennec translated . A man who represents wealth. Whitaker but Claude Picasso himself, the artists third child and one of five living differently. Claude picasso i start, you know, asking questions and so on, and they said they were given these things by my father. Then, later on, a little bit later on in the conversation, they said that some of them were given to them by my fathers widow. Whitaker the stash contained works spanning more than 30 years, from 1900 to 1932. Some were preliminary sketches of wellknown works displayed in museums and galleries around the world, like this one f19 woman seated in red armchair at the Musee Picasso in paris. The similarity is striking. And then, theres this one, a neverbeforeseen portrait of olga, picassos first wife and constant subject for nearly 20 years. Included in the 271 works were six sketches, 28 lithographs and nine cubist collages considered museum quality. An art trove later valued at as much at 100 million. Claude picasso could not believe his eyes and did not believe the le guennecs. Claude picasso the explanations were a bit murky, but i quickly understood that they must have stolen them. Whitaker did you know, immediately, that they were real . Claude picasso yes, but i didnt tell them that. Whitaker you didnt want to give anything away. Claude picasso i couldnt because it was so. It was so amazing. And they kept pulling whitaker more and more. Claude picasso more and more and more. So, at a certain point, i said, is that all . And they said, no, no, no. We have some more here. And i. I couldnt. I. Thats incredible. And. And but i, you know, i didnt say anything at all. Whitaker you didnt reveal anything on your face. Claude picasso how nice. How lucky. laughs whatever, you know. Some banality like this. And i had to let them go because there is no system that can make me clamp down on these possessions. Whitaker you. You couldnt seize them. Let them go. Claude picasso you have to let that go. I knew what i had to do next. laughs whitaker you called the police. Claude picasso yes. Whitaker the police opened an investigation. Three weeks later, the gendarmes were at the le guennec door. They seized the works, and they seized the couple. Pierre le guennec translated we were taken into custody to nice, my wife in one car and i in another. And i was held there for two days. Danielle le guennec translated i spent one day in jail. I was devastated, so devastate that ive been seeing a psychiatrist. I am not over it. I can still see that jail cell. And id like to add, if i can use this language, it didnt just smell bad, it stank. Whitaker you dont believe they were kept in their garage for 40 years . Jeanjacques neuer and Claudia Andrieu no. laughs whitaker jeanjacques neuer and Claudia Andrieu, lawyers representing the Picasso Administration, say the shelf in a garage for almost 40 years. They dont buy any part the le guennecs story. Why not . Andrieu its impossible. laughs neuer its impossible. Its nonsense. And to be very frank with you, we believe that mr. Le guennec is a swindler. Whitaker the le guennecs say theyre honest people caught in a david and goliath battle with the picasso heirs, snooty art moguls who cant handle the idea that a modest family might be worthy of thti Danielle Le Guennec translated we are simple people. We love our home and our garden. Weve never traveled. Whitaker they say that you folks were a little snobbish and perhaps looking down on them because theyre just Little People. Simple people, they call themselves. Neuer they play on that. Its pure manipulation, its fantastic. Its. Its the. The poor. Whitaker you dont believe that they are simple people . Neuer they are simple people. This is not the problem. On this to try to obtain sympathy from the public. Whitaker the Family Lawyers also question the meticulous language Pierre Le Guennec used to describe the works which they say could only have come from an art expert. But the retired electrician denies the accusation; he says he wrote every word himself. These works by picasso were deemed so valuable, they immediately were seized and brought here for safekeeping, the country the bank of france. This is the fort knox of france; the countrys gold reserves are kept here, too. In february 2015, the le guennecs went on trial. There wasnt enough evidence to prove they stole the art, so prosecutors charged them with possessing stolen property. Witnesses who knew Pablo Picasso and his wife, jacqueline, testified it was impossible maya picasso, the artists second child, says its entirely out of character for the father she lived with the first 20 years of her life. Maya picasso my father gave. He gave pretty easily, be it money or a sweater if you were cold. But giving away artworks . No whitaker even more unlikely, she says, was parting with his portraits of his first wife. Maya picasso theres a be she was young, vous savez. You know, love is something beautiful, and when youre living it and decide to draw it, its more than a picture. Jamais. So, he would have never given Something Like that away. Whitaker in his defense, Pierre Le Guennec presented this signed gift as evidence his relationship with the picassos was more than just doing odd jobs. The picasso family says an autographed pamphlet is exactly picasso. Neuer its a little brochure dedicated and signed by picasso. And when he came, he gave this little brochure as a see, picasso knew me. laughs and his excuse to have all these works, which were obviously stolen, was that he had this little brochure. Whitaker when Danielle Le Guennec took the stand, she insisted she had a close friendship with jacqueline considered the le guennec home a refuge from the pressures of being the wife and widow of the 20th centurys best known artist. Danielle le guennec translated jacqueline was a wonderful person who taught me a lot. Because she spoke so much about her husband, i got to know him. My friendship with jacqueline lasted until the very end, 14 years of loyalty. I accompanied her to her final whitaker jacqueline, jacqueline, jacqueline. She wrote to you quite often. Danielle le guennec keeps mementos of her relationship with the late mrs. Picasso, handwritten postcards she considers more valuable than a picasso itself. Danielle le guennec translated as i said in court, they may have taken away the works, but the most beautiful painting i ever had was my friendship with jacqueline, and that is something they will never be able to take away. Whitaker the story of how works remains a mystery. Were they a generous gift . Were they stolen . Much like picassos art, this tale is intriguing, abstract and ultimately left to each of us to make sense of it all. In court, the le guennecs were found guilty and given a two year suspended sentence. They are appealing. If. If you had known then what you know now, would you have taken the artwork to claude . translated if this had to be done all over again, well, monsieur, the box wouldve ended up in the chimney in the room right behind you there. This cbs sports update is brought to you by scores from the nfl today. Miami and buffalo get their first victories at home. Washington gets its first win. Denver and baltimore improve to 30. The vikings d records eight sacks to snap carolinas home game winning streak. Aaron rodgers throws for a firsthalf touchdown and the packers hang on. For more sports news and information, go to cbssports. Com. . One smart choice leads to the next. Is here. Its the beauty of a wellmade choice. . Hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Over time, your money could multiply. Hello, all of you. Kids dont know how to act fake. I like your face. So were learning to be more like them. Removing artificial flavors and colors from General Mills cereal. Horner i was proud to stand for our country. I will not stand for congressman hardy and donald trump insulting seniors and veterans. Hardy wants to raise the retirement age and said seniors who rely on programs like Social Security are a draw on government and the disabled are a drain on society. And then theres donald trump. Whitaker in the mail this week, viewers wrote about the first part of David Martins story on the new cold war, which we broadcast last sunday and completed tonight. Some found the story disturbing. It is bad enough for us to be assailed daily with news of atrocities in the middle east, with murder and mayhem at home. Why have you added this lesson in armageddon to our already worrisome lives . We also heard from a navy veteran who wrote, for him and his fellow submariners on undersea patrol armed with nuclear missiles, not much has changed over the years. The cold war never ended for the submarine force. Are we really at the start of a new cold war . No, this nonshooting war is just finally making it up to again. Im bill whitaker. Well be back next week with another edition of 60 minutes. Tomorrow, be sure to watch cbs this morning. Captioning funded by cbs and ford. We go further, so you can. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh . . Man ill wait here. . . Woman over p. A. your attention, please. Evening visiting hours will be ending in ten minutes. Evening visiting hours will be ending in ten minutes

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