Today on Alan Watts leading into peas. Psychedelic marathon coming up in about 4 weeks. More Songs like a relic just today part one of the 4 part seminar vs psychedelic. Explosion. The psychedelic explosion was made available by Alan Watts electronic University Alan Watts dot org. And of course you can hear I don't want to talk Sunday morning at 7 repeated Monday morning at 11 weekly on K K U P. So in the run up to it to your P's psychedelic marathon coming up in 4 weeks Here's Alan Watts with part one of the 4 parts of an hour he psychedelic explosion on K K U P could produce no of course. The psychedelic explosion. Is a subject on which we need a great deal more careful thought and a great deal less emotion. Because it's a very touchy subject. I'm going to talk this morning about the general background of this explosion so as to put it in some sort of perspective and time and space and I have here let a little card that I received says deal Mr Watts are you in light and if you are would you please help me I want to be enlightened also the also truly miss so and so age 15. And as we know. The psychedelic explosion is something which is highly prevalent among young people and it is a quest very largely on the part of young people. For something which civilization as we know it in the West seems to have failed to supply. Now what's the matter the matter is fundamentally one of religion. It is that standard brand religion in the western world. Is a very dreary affair that in effect what one gets from a church of whatever denomination be it Catholic to the right or Southern Baptist to the left. Is almost entirely preoccupied with moralizing. And when you study the subjects of sermons that operate Sunday after Sunday you read the newspapers and see what they're talking about. You generally form the impression that what the church is in fact are. Sexual and family regulation societies that's what they're actually doing because if you say. Someone is living in sin it doesn't usually. Mean that he is following the profession of a bookie all that he is. Conducting a business which is profoundly dishonest and selling things that are just frauds it means a person living in sin is living in an improper or unconventional sexual relationship . And when we speak of immorality. It really doesn't result in much to. Cheating your customers or. Being intensely cruel to someone. Running a factory which is following the rivers. In morality is generally taken to mean sexual irregularities I remember when I was a boy in school that every year we had a particular preacher who came to us to preach the same Simon every year and the subject was drink gambling and ammo are out. And. The morality of God's men sex they get out of. Well in one way or another with certain exceptions the official churches of the West are saying to their congregation Sunday after Sunday people ready you ought to be good . With a rather limited meaning on what good is. And I often wonder what my devolved is to pay them brother in mean when they say the general confession. With all the holy communion. And say that we have sinned most grievously in the remembrances the sins of green the sound was in the blood of them is intolerable. I wonder what they think of I used to be. Dissipated in Priest I suppose I still am. A result of I often used to hear confessions. And I know the sort of things people confessed. And I know then very well what their idea of sin was. And in all this history. Of not only Western Christianity but to a very large extent Judaism as well. That has been an extraordinary and curious. To emphasise the value of what we could call spiritual or religious experience. The Jewish people are very large that occupied with ready one of the models of the ritual of abating the Mosaic Law The Christians. Are preoccupied with other things besides the Christians are very much preoccupied with what you believe in. Whether for example you believe that Jesus Christ was in fact God whether you believe that Jesus Christ was the only unique incarnation of God whether you believe that the Godhead is a trinity whether you believe that the sacrament of the altar the bread and wine consecrated that the mass are in fact the Body and Blood of Christ are only represented and they have fought with each other they have cut each other's throats they have waged Crusades the 30 Years War all these things were tremendous fight about doctrinal questions though there may have caused have been some other. Motivations behind it does any rate this was the the subject matter that people to fighting and and in all of history. The Catholic Church in particular and other churches in lesser ways have ignored or excluded all actively persecuted people that we call mystics that is to say those who have had a change of consciousness. Which in effect. Induces the Realize ation that you yourself. Are not. A. Weird little creature that. Is a subject and nothing more than that of the Heavenly King but the experience that you yourself are a direct manifestation of the ultimate reality all up Paul Tillich called the Ground of Being which was a particular I would say decontaminated phrase for the word God. Because the Web God in our culture has all sorts of the stream the unfortunate associations . When judgment busy talk about our heavenly Father anybody under the age of studies worms. Have you made Jesus Christ your personal Savior all these questions you see have a kind of a creepy connotation to them. The church is endeavor to attract young people by all sorts of devices by having downs is positive and any kind of goings on even happenings in the more advanced today that young people know very well that the object of these happenings all socials a lot of it is to attract young people is honey to catch flies. And that finally the minister is going to take you aside for a serious talk and that serious talk is going to be about your morals and about. What is your relationship to your heavenly Father do you say your prayers you read the Bible you know your prayers and your bible the the doctor. So the thing that signally missing. And it doesn't matter whether it's Catholic or whether it's policy is the. Central function of religion in changing consciousness because it's quite apparent to everyone that something was is wrong with ordinary consciousness and what is wrong with ordinary consciousness is reflected in ever so many casual phrases that we are accustomed to use such as. I like to forget myself I want to get away from myself I want to feel that my life has some meaning and I find that meaning for example in . Joining the movement whether it be political religious a lot of it. Something that is apparently wrong with oneself with oneself is something that you need to forget if. You feel when you're alone hopelessly anxious and bored what's wrong with you why is yourself them tolerable. You can't really well love your neighbor as yourself unless you have some love feel self. If you don't have any love he'll sell you don't have any star are found in the love in you to give to your neighbors. And all this preaching of be good be good be good and love everybody. Everybody recognizes Yes it would be wonderful if we could love our neighbors great but how do you do it when you hate yourself. And the church is never explained. Except as I say with some very rare. Ministers. And special. Rather file types and. So there is in the history of Christianity in particular. An exclusion and there has been from the very earliest times an exclusion of what is called noses. And this has a complex history which I'll go into a little because it's quite important to our whole subject. In the early history of Christianity. Some subset. That were called good Gnostics and they emphasize that the important thing was not belief not so much even action but knowledge. How do you could you attain to the actual knowledge of God of the ultimate reality of the universe and then in the Gnostic sect. Offered this knowledge the problem with many of these sects was that they self that the knowledge of God was contingent upon the renunciation of the world. That is the say upon a savage ism upon celibacy upon trying to separate one spirit from involvement in ready body and another and that's all that Gnostics classified 3 types of human being who are respectively called pilot. H Y L I see from the Greek either way which means would. The Wouldn't people next there were the psychic people from the Greek he meaning the so and then finally there was a pneumatic people from the Greek anathema meaning the spirit the breath and only pneumatic people could really expect to attain salvation because the lowest people were absolved in their bodies the middle people were ready absorbed in that ego's the psyche but the superior people were of solving the spirit and they were aloof from 0 materials of them and there were 2 kinds of pneumatic people according to the sect of Gnosticism to which ready you belong on the one hand there were as I've said the very very spiritual people who tried to divorce the attention from all matters of the flesh but there were the other people who said that the flesh is real and therefore what you do in the flesh since it doesn't matter and they were the teams and the official church disapproved of both of them and right in a way because they said of the people who were the ascetics that they had missed the central point of Christianity. Which is the doctrine of the incarnation that in the person of Jesus Christ God the common man and the Spirit have adopted the flesh and that's all a reasonable fleshly existence was quite proper. And that remains to this day a peanut on the family of Judaism which holds that very strong it but of all the docs the policy. However much the followers of them may deny this and practice it have to adhere to it's a theory. And Jews especially believe that the material world is the positive creation of God and therefore is good and is to be enjoyed currently and that's why Jewish food is on the whole very good in this country I'm better than that and. It's good too is that a testament as a kind of. Backing robot that would do to predict. And you know Is it kosher. Jews will even go so far as to admit that God created the principle of evil. Because it says in the book of the prophet Isaiah in the 7th us in the bodies of chapter I am the Lord and there is none else I thought of the life and create the doc and. I make peace and create evil I the LORD do all these things. And so Hebrews believe that God put into the heart of Adam something called the yet somehow drop which is the spirit of waywardness which I translate as the element of the reducible rascality that is involved in every human being. But it isn't only a little bit it's like a punch of salt and askew and you don't of course put salt through the holes through just with a pinch and God put a pinch of way witness of disobedience of unpredictability and death or evil in the heart of Adam and that is the reason why Jews have a very subtle sense of humor is that they recognize the honesty on the whole with sudden exceptions is devoid of. Man like the K. Chesterton there's a humorous Christian but they're very rare. But as a Jew who can talk to God. With a certain kind of banter. And you see that in a play like the Fiddler On The Roof. And you see it throughout the literature he does and which is full of very funny stories about spiritual things. And. A Jew can talk back to God in a kind of a friendly way but a Christian find that difficult Christian has to have pressed and had a very strange how do this Kate from this since they are in a way responsible for their possible talk about religion in the West which is that they. They forced it upon themselves and upon all of us. A model of God. Which is patterned after the great tyrant kings of the ancient Near East. David. The fatter the Pharaohs of Egypt or the great law givers like um Robbie of the wealth of the Tigris Euphrates civilizations and particularly even the 2nd Isaiah who wrote the book of the prophet Isaiah from Chapter 40 onward he was very devoted to the events Cyrus of pressure who invaded the Babylonian ready Empire and set the Jews free. And so this was Cyrus is the Greek G.D.'s which means the law the king as in the Press T V ready A liaison Baldev monthly upon. The title of the the emperor of parsha in those days was the king of kings and this title was adopted ready through Isaiah as the title of the God of the Hebrews the King of Kings and the bulk of blogs and so the model the conception of God under which all these religions have operated is one that is essentially monarchical and political. And so the human being is taught to view himself. As. The subject of this independent extraterrestrial spiritual prince who is definitely all for a Tarion definitely a paternalistic you therefore busy according to both Jewish and Christian theology brought into being by a fit of the Divine Will Out of pure nothing. And you better watch your step. Because if you don't accord with the divine will if you displease this ruler you can be not only instantly annihilated but the much more fearsome possibility you can be condemned to the celestial dungeons for ever and ever and ever. And so you must cultivate busy spiritual obedience and humility by considering yourself a miserable worm. Ate nothing who zigs entire existence is contingent upon the divine pleasure and you must never by any means commit the final outcome of blasphemy of saying I am God. And out of it I'm out the word Alpha Suki's. Islamic mystic in Persia which spread through the Islamic world and they were always being persecuted. And put to death I'm talking because I'm out. Of. Jesus you see while such a heretic from the standpoint of Judaism when Jesus claimed to them and that he was one with God I am the father of one before Abraham was I am I am the Way the Truth and the life I am the resurrection of the life this was the reason why he was crucified really he outraged Jewish piety and you can see that Jesus is a case of an individual who had a very profound mystical experience. And was hard put to it as to how to express that experience in the terms of contemporary Jewish theology. He more or less constipated I mean apparently if you examine the start of the Gospels very closely . He admitted that he really was one with the father to a select circle of disciples what he said in public was that he was the son of man and this title meant the. The Supreme prophet the ready the expression son off in Hebrew means of the nature of. When you call it in modern slang you call some of the some of the that means they behave like a bear and so in Hebrew or in Arabic you have such expressions as many Calvin which means son of a dog and an email home are being son of a donkey. Means you are you are a dog or a donkey but some of means like. And so. Jesus calling himself either the Son of God or the Son of Man U.'s both express means the one who is of divine nature the Son of God and Son of Man means. The essentially human the man the 2nd Adam the regenerated Adam. But he had a terrible time is expressing these ideas because. If you are brought up. In a culture where the prevailing cosmology is monarchical and you have the mystical experience you are very liable to make claims of being divine that you imagine opportunity yourself you will have this experience and because God is conceived as a c'mon to and a ruler you are apt to think that you in some sense yourself are now the command and the ruler of people and of the whole domain of nature and you are not happy. As would be the case in India you are not apt to see the everybody else is in the same situation whether they know it all whether they don't. So because then of the definitely imperialistic and royal and monarchical nature of the conception of God which has come to us through Judaism and Christianity mysticism has always been suspect for the simple reason that it sounds as if it was going to create democracy in the kingdom of heaven and that of course is treachery insubordination subversion democracy in the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be tolerated and this presents the people living in the United ready States a very peculiar problem because this country is politically every public and as a loyal American citizen you have to cuss and swear and say that you believe the Republic to be the best form of government and yet an enormous number of Americans have believed and still do believe hockey that the universe is a monarchy and is the cause of heaven as a molecule then obviously it's the best form of government. And how can you then be a member of a republic without serious in a contradiction and this lies at the root of the reason why in the United States there is a very serious conflict between church and state or rather I would say not so much a conflict as a mix up so that we have our laws busy and our law enforcement offices in forcing Commandments which are essentially ecclesiastical And here in lies one of the great roots of the psychedelic problem. Consider some other laws which So a great deal of life on this let's take the situation of a conscientious objector now until not so long ago. It was a necessity to qualify as a conscientious objector that you stated that you believed in a supreme being and therefore implied that you had received from the Supreme Being a commandment that you were not to fight in wall or to kill. And this was taken as an absolute You have to qualify as a conscientious objector to say that the commandment Thou shalt not kill means you must not under any circumstances kill another person and so they always ask you what if a German soldier raped your mother and cut her throat singing would you kill under the circumstances of wouldn't you. Now the significance of this law it's been altered recently but the significance of it is this. That you are saying that you have a conscience against killing fighting in a wall because you have received a you have received orders from a higher echelon of command than the president of the United States and the from the law of God. And this was always the test until quite recently when because it had been a lot of Buddhists around and people like that who don't believe in a monarchical God and do believe in conscientious objection they could not say that they believed in the Supremes being although it's highly possible that the phrase there that the intention of the law. In calling the word supreme being was to be vague. The people who wrote this law they didn't know what to say and so they just use the Vegas phrase they think of instead of saying God Isn't it about as a supreme being. A supreme being is a subtle difference between supreme being and a supreme being like between religion the neighbor the. God and a god is that a god is that God These are 2 really fundamentally different questions but that's the situation and therefore because in the laws of the United States and England and many other Western countries and in the fundamental attitudes of western religion there is this sense of God as the moment that has been going on for centuries and insidious and perpetual persecution of the rival religions. Even though we say that everybody in this country is given religious liberty that is not true. You do not really have religious liberty. If you subscribe to the heretical doctrine that the universe is not a political state but instead an organism a living organism in which just as all the extremities and differentiated ready features of the physical body are expressions of the whole body I think that is he isn't just part of the body because it's not like an automotive pop if you lose a figure going to school on a new one or that trying to do that in that trying to put in hot sun and the grafting on this that and the other just terribly difficult to do when you see the the all that is and rejects alien pops and so you have to give it drugs so that it won't reject those that in pots but at the same time those drugs make it on able to reject all sorts of bacteria that normally would reject and therefore you have to keep a person with a hot rod in the absolutely sterile. Environment. He will be able to resist infection so but it is a fallacy you see that the human being has parts like a car because a human being is not a mechanism a human being is an organism an organism functions quite differently from a mechanism an organism functions in such a way that every part is a complete expression of the whole. And this of course is what Jesus was trying to say when he said to his disciples I am the vine and you are the branches when he put forward the idea of the you all belong to my body and the image of the body and the image of the vine is an organic image is distinct from the political and. So our problem in that is throughout the history of the West. All those who belong to the organic religion also the all can really have been persecuted. To see let's take the case of. The mystical revolution that began with. Roughly Meister Eckhart in Germany. In. That it began in the 13th century but achieved its maximum faucets in the early 16th century. And eventually became the philosophy of nature. As exemplified say by gotta. They started out in in Germany a movement that included people like Eckhart tower rise Brooks Brothers of the free spirit Angeles Lazio's. All these people writing from a mystical point of view and they were very heavily persecuted some got by Rice broke up by Talat barely got by but ECK operas condemned. And all for the reason that they appear in. This our identity with God Eckhart said the eye with which I see God is the same eye as with which God sees me the love with which I love God is love with God loves me. And of us today feels went much further than that. He said if I were to die God would no longer live because my eye and God's Eye I want to live just as the sushi in Islam said as that is no deity about Allah so that is No he it. That is to say no self and so all selfishness all I know is the I meant a lot. The same as the you punish of the saying top time I see your it backed out. So. This mystical movement in Germany followed into. Various types of religiousness that spread to in them and from in them to the United States let's take George Fox and the Quakers. The Quakers were regarded in their early days as the most dangerous of the since they for example refused to remove their hats and or import. They refused to use titles. And 7 quake a speech I would always be just Alan Watts No Mr No doctor no nothing just on was and it's curious Incidentally how this form of address has become prevalent today that very many people write letters not not there Mr Watts but they're out on what's around our or whoever it may be it's not just if you're a celebrity. It's very common form of address now the Quakers. Also of course refuse to take those because of Jesus say do not swear by anything just that shock you medication be yes yes on the. What is more than this cometh of evil. They wouldn't fight they wouldn't try it on us and they even felt that scripture was not as holy as. The Bible is usually held out to be they said that there's something else that has a higher authority than Scripture which is the in the light as the Gospel of St John describes it the true Light which in lightens every man comes into the world and if you would just put your mind back into the 17th century. And consider that in those days the theology. Of the Christian churches whether Catholic or Protestant have people living in that time the same kind of all sarky and the same kind of respectability that is today enjoyed by great scientists that say if you ask a question to the professor pharmacology at the University of California the professor of pathology this is the last work and on the advice of the professors of medicine laws will be made preventing you from ingesting certain substances all from refusing to be cured in certain ways. From having certain operations or injection you saw the scientist today is priest and his vestments instead of being the old fashioned casual all around he ready was a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck and bars that a symbol of office. And so those people those scientists you see we take very seriously in exactly the same way people living in the 17th century took this theologians very seriously indeed because the theologians knew what the answers were they knew how the world was constructed and what was the proper way to behave and so when people like the Quakers and the other people who came out of German mysticism along with them the Anabaptists who were against baptism. Because they felt that salvation didn't depend on the silly ritual of pouring water on someone muttering a mumbo jumbo they were the levelers. All sorts of sects flourished in the 17th century and were regarded just as the very hippies and. Freaks of that kind are regarded as extremely dangerous of people upsetting the morals of society now look at how. The Quakers of become nothing is more respectable than the Pennsylvania Quaker invariable pillar of society. But the laws of the United States about religious freedom where design saw just such people as Quakers they were individualists they were. Far out and yet today when you playing in court that ready object conscientious little wall or that you have something really a religion ready with very odd sacraments they say to you ready. What church do you belong to that authorizes that how well established is it how many members does it kind of prove that you were brought up by a parent in this way of life. Because these are the test of whether your grounds for claiming that you are doing the thing is a matter of religious conscience this is a test. For whether you about it. And that's your in a frightful double bind. Because if you are accused and caught of what is generally generally regarded to be a Hema stuff. You know your chances of getting a life sentence some much better if you take a guilty attitude you plead guilty ready you say I'm so sorry it was a grievous mistake I didn't mean to do it please forgive me dear God you know your chances are better but if you say I insist that I did this as a religious act it is in accord with my conscience and I'm not guilty the jobs will say your attitude is truculent. And you won't like the law get or most of us and this story is all of the hill it's been going on and on and we never learn from it and. We do the same things over and over again for example as we all have the heart of about the Spanish Inquisition and how they took Protestants and put them on the rack and some strew and finally bunch the state and we said well we don't do things like that anymore or we don't. Invite you to consider mental hospitals. The new heresy is not. Of all religious opinion because nobody takes that seriously anymore the new heresy is Oglesby the consciousness and if you have an odd state of consciousness and you try to express it to your family they start looking at you in a funny way. And see if you feeling all right. And that's a terrible thing to say to anyone you know if you want to put I shouldn't really tell anyone this but if you want us to. Really bug someone and put a hex on them all you do is you look at them in a funny way in the say. Are you feeling well today. And this is yes I'm feeling fine. I just thought you were the pale. Still person who can feeling all kinds of sweetness and it's much worse when you question a person's state of mind cause it's very easy to test the body of the state you can take a temperature polyps have your analysis of something and the doctor says there's nothing the matter with you sounds it does step a scope on your lungs. But when it comes to your mind everything is very vague and you can get into the most we're Catholic esque situations about whether you're sane on the moment your challenge to prove that you're sane. You're on your God and immediately the psychiatrist says by missile defenses. Psychiatry is completely diabolical visit almost at the Marcy of it the less I think there's any good to be said. It is a way of bumping people. If you or I feel or appointment only You're defined as anxious if you arrive late you are defined as hostile. If you're happy you're euphoric if you're not happy you're melancholic. If you're afraid of something you're paranoid. Every conceivable way is devised of putting the patient down and when you are admitted to a mental hospital. You may know all this but you want to know the law about these things how it steps. You can be so easily put in a mental hospital although the only salvation is the mental hospitals in California today are so crowded and so on the staff not wishing to admit anyone you really have to be in a state of the screaming meanies to get em all somebody has to dislike you very much. But you are deprived of all civil rights you are no longer considered as a person you are deemed personified in a negative sense there's a higher being personification when you attain the mystical realize ational become one with the absolute. That is on the other hand the lower the personification where you're simply an outcast this is been true always in India with a high outcast called The Sanyasi holiness will renounce stuff and live the life of poverty and freedom but the well the untouchables on the other hand the Aborigines the. Like in Japan and so if you go busy to a mental hospital you become a lock you are no longer human and you get frightened you get to get out of your wits because you suddenly begin to realize that you cannot communicate with people because they look at you in a funny way about everything you say they want to what he meant by that. And you get real. And so you start to act in a funny way which is if the whole thing you know they did the diagnosis of say schizophrenia is a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy because anybody puts you in that position and makes you the patsy you can't help acting in an odd way if you say now look everybody you're putting a thing over on me I'm perfectly sane I say why I'm so insisting on. The thinks out of the testimony this is a very difficult situation to be in never send anyone doing this insane asylum do anything but that any. Because that's the trap they get and then of course because they're understaffed you're ignored. They know they really don't have time to get around it I know what the problems are and even very conscientious I contrast an insane science. Just can't get the work done so how do you get attention. When you start at being difficult in the in the expectation that this will draw attention to you and you'll get some Saturday. That doesn't really work I'll tell you how to get out of an insane asylum and. The thing is that you try to get attention until they they construe all the things you do to get attention as being further signs of insanity of lack of cooperation finally they throw you in a cell whether it's not enough to you but pick shit and so it was in order to get some kind of attention and they see see how far gone. Now the way to get out of an insane asylum. Is very subtly to slap one of the psychotics. And cooperate with him to the uplands not too quick but in a sort of gradual way so as the given the impression that his method of treatment is working in your case he wants to write a paper. With a psychiatric Jim Jones a certain method a sudden technique is really good and you will cooperate with that idea and you'll do everything it tells you but just in the right with a sudden little subtle resistance to that you don't really need it this but you someone who is playing funny business if you cooperate completely don't do that but just gently let it be understood that his therapy is working and their release. Unless across you want to go to an insane asylum just those that have no responsibility and to get out of a whole mess I think there are some people who do that. But you see what we've got here in the situation is that having a different state of consciousness of because you experience different to from other people. That's heresy and that makes everybody else terribly uncomfortable and so in you go and then you see now this and all they say well it's pretty desperate don't want to be going to do healthy stuff you know in all the kindness of what we do well. You can see the inquisitors thinking this problem over to this heretic you realize that he's going to be tortured for ever and ever and ever because of his beliefs and then infectious they spread they got other people who will be talked with in hell forever and ever and ever because of what they believe WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WE ARE reason with them and they don't respond to reason well let's apply some school or something and see if that will just make the difference. Very stubborn patients Well it's a last resort but we could burn them because they might under the torture of being burned repent and therefore escape or the lasting damage. And they did it with the kind of motivation. That heard so in the same way in a modern mental hospital to say well I. Will try shock treatment. You know nothing is more unbelievable clumped. The case and if a positive patient realizes that he had better get out at all. Biologic doesn't and all if it is a form of torture. And if that doesn't work. Well let's say the only thing is to scrape out the front part of his brain and you know they put an ice pick through the long side of the eyeball and get it into the front of the brain and they started up all the prefrontal lobotomy. And. Then the passengers are happy moron for the rest of his life. But it's the same situation all over again and we have above all to watch out in this country all this kind of psychiatric fascism. Very very dangerous and the problem about the political problem today is that the right wing in this country is very mixed up. However they that are very opposed to official mental health mental health programs all that kind of thing mass and good reasons for it they're also some very badly because they would send them to jail. Right wing or all. Have a lot of opposition to taxation and centralized government which is a kind of. Beginning of an ism. They don't mean that they mean let's have centralized government against the people we don't like the loss of the. Tax everybody else but not the wisdom of insecurity. So. Here is them a situation. In which. For the reasons that I've outlined Western religion definitely ignore most positively Xclusive the mystical experience and be religion plus law persecute those. Who who about having mystical to do. So this double situation. Has created in the process of history and the. Practical situation which is that Western man in charge of his tremendous technology is using it against life because he doesn't feel that he belongs in the end by being identified as an ego called into being out of nothing and feeding the fall that he comes into this world instead of flowering out of it he is basically against the world especially since the death of God in the 19th century. The new doctor and the follows the all solitary and God the Father is that the universe is a mindless mechanism. About what we have to fight. For in any wall the war against nature others naturally modern chief changes them on so on and the whole monarchical situation starts over again. So as a result of that then we are using our technology in an absolutely weird way this goes across into economic problems as well. Since the Industrial Revolution it has been possible. Increasingly possible with great greater repetitive to feed and clothe and adequately house every single person on there's no technical obstacles that whatsoever. And but you've got to do it by automation to do enough but when you automate things you put people out of work so it's out of work they don't have the money and so they can't buy what the machines produce so you have huge surpluses begin to pile up but you can't give them away. What would happen you see if you said Well. Let's pay the people for the work the machines do with it that would be going into debt where's the money going to come from well money is originally based on gold and this is this is real hocus pocus because voting the gold is rather rare and kind always find a new gold mine but yet you're producing millions of tons of boxes of milk wheat. And wood everything you could possibly need we've got a way to find a gold mine to get all the stuff in the secular nation so the ready only thing that can do is that people only go into debt in an emergency so we increase the national debt and that's all secular more and more purchasing power to keep the economy running by having What's the perpetual state of emergency we must got government to go into debt because of with 2nd by the Communists by the whatever shiny didn't mean anything anyway just so long as you can say there's an emergency that we can go into debt but actually going into debt isn't just gobbledygook semantics all you're doing is you're issuing credit based ready on the actual productive wealth of the of the of the nation or whatever community is the unit. But people don't understand that several 100 years ago they couldn't possibly understand that this round and that if you lived in the antipathies you wouldn't follow. And so there's a similar mumbo jumbo and hocus pocus about money. Money is as is a measure of wealth like inches on the ground and when you discover a load of iron all you don't have to go and borrow a 1000 times from someone before you can do anything with it so in this way that the culture. Is so absurd all with verbiage with doctrines and religion with money in economics with status and politics and with all busy busy kinds of. Manipulation of symbols that we are not in contact in an aware way was a physical world we are alienated from the physical world we are fighting we are fighting our own bodies. And so that all imaginative young people become aware of this and see the disaster all around terrifying depredations of nature they see it growing and growing they see the. Final achievement of Great Western physics as the hydrogen bomb. And they say it's high time for us to get back to reality and therefore naturally they are accused. Of peddling hallucinations. But who is on the revolutionaries look at recent Congress passed very strict laws against burning the American flag and they did it with Great Southern and all sorts of patriotic speeches and the set me on that was a. By acts of commission of omission. They are burning up the country which the flag stands allowing continued pollution of the atmosphere of the water ravaging of the forests. Destruction of wildlife on a fantastic scale Oh yes that doesn't mean you can tell the physical territory of peace just so long as you don't burn the flag. And it's this this is of elucidation this is the divorced from reality and so. Not reserving the question for the moment as to whether LS The marijuana and mescaline and psilocybin and so on and so on as to whether there are good things or bad things will put that for the moment aside but. One thing seems to me to be in no doubt at all that something has to happen and happen fast if we are to again get people to be aware of physical reality to get in touch with the natural universe with their own bodies and feel that they are one with all that because if you feel obviously if you can do that you really belong that Non-Tonal POTUS is as much a part of you was your own hand and these waters around here. That everything is something in terms of which in and in the context in which you exist then you can take a friendly attitude towards it and you want to use technology in a cooperative way with all right and do. On the mountain what the mountain would be like now you can look out of this window you can see right across. The state. Of mind $61.00 that was a reasonable beautiful hill but an idiot called I went in the ground ours and made a flat terrace and she took the top right off the hill and dumped it down the bay buddy you can get extra land and instead of cooperating with the Hill the creek is it as one would treat a flat area. So as to build houses and when it's perfectly simple to build an adequate house on the hill without altering the hill at all. Because of the trees ready because of the top sun and you can build the purposes of this. And that's happening all over because these people are quite mad the sights sounds and just which is a massive hills in which they just dropped a grid on the path of the streets that would be suitable to count the city pay no attention to they also get streets that go like that in the cars get lost and run away and cable cars and everything always stops. You see this as a symbol of man's lack of relationship with nature he doesn't know how to cook he doesn't to clothe themselves he doesn't know how to make love not because it's all concepts it's all ideas which are. The true hallucinations. Bugging our brain Those are the real bats in the belfry not because of ideas good things to have that one say shouldn't have concepts shouldn't use words but because one should realize that ideas and concepts and was purely instrumental. Things to you when you get used by them then the machines have run away from you. I thought they will soon have computers that are breeding and making decisions about their own future and will say finally let's get rid of human beings that it was. That was all and what's with part one of the 4 part something are the psychedelic explosion you heard it of course on K K U P could for to know where we left our heart and and mind and. Everything else and somewhere or other so that's way leading up to the key K U P psychedelic marathon it's Alan Watts song cycle he looks all the way and for the next 4 weeks he psychedelic explosion was made available by Alan Watts of electronic University Alan Watts dot org gene you can hear Alan Watts Sunday morning at 7 repeated Monday morning at 11 on K K U P Cupertino will have some Jah's music coming up real soon here on K.K. You be compared to know so keep this thing especially to this announcement. Saturday May 26th as K.K. U.P.S. Annual Bob Dylan birthday bash please tune in and join us for our celebration of the birth of the bard from giving Minnesota Nobel laureate Bob Dylan 18 solid hours 6 am to midnight of the music of Bob Dylan from the old favorites to rare and knobs cure recordings from the long and varied career of this American institution their music from his earliest recordings in my 261 through 5 decades to the present tune into commercial free K K U T and support your community radio station for the annual fund raising event K K U P S 100 percent supportive and appends entirely on the list or to keep us on the air so please join us on Saturday May 26th for the Bob Dylan birthday celebration. And. Do know we would be Nobel laureates or somebody would just nominated us stay tuned for Jaws music on K.K. U.P. Cupertino.

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