You. I. Don't feel. I'm going to keep up. To you. Know. You. Go. Back. To. Carol have some really. That. I'm simply going to college. That. Day. Just looking around here I don't know you're genuinely very hurt k.k. And Sam I'm going to play this record over and over again until my dears blew up 1320. 5 on the radio revolution. Enjoying the Palomar theater ensemble everything you see performed was built acted and sometimes even written by the students showing off their talent if you've ever had an interest in seeing your writings or short stories come to life then we are the place for you we help writers and performers get out there to stop by the Palomar theatre ensemble Facebook page at w w w dot facebook dot com backslash Palomar student theatre ensemble for more information this message brought to you by Palomar college and learning for success . It's a magical morning when you're listening to the thing using it to indicate there isn't one on 2 states from 9 to 12 for magical morning so that we can last listen as I play all your favorite Disney minutes and give you to see fun facts you have never known before that's how you can make your morning magical magical morning simply can't let Tuesdays 912 only on k k a 1320. K. K. As out well heck of a radio play for the I thought we were going to be in the knowledge that rock'n'roll. Live. On. The song to. Blood's. The As we get older we start to forget what it felt like during that time between childhood and adulthood the need to fit in the pressure to perform academically and to act responsibly you can't be erased is a program started in 2013 by Luke Maxwell to inspire teens to recognize overcome I'm ashamed of their depression he shares his story about hope and healing How can we help you get through the stress and pressure we watch with ask questions get help for more information visit you can't be erased dot com. Mom who wrote. Go into the record. Label they want you to. Get. The education money is only the money but things go. Live. Live. The rest. Live . Live. a new take shoot at. A spot of the real. Thing it can get. Me. To. Know the old the change. And that's what he'll only be the. End sheets me to the teeth and. Leave. Engines selling him a moon until. The generic no Luther. King hits the late late in the piece and she lives the real value. Of. That. And. To trap. And you. Can you know that she trusts chewed. Cuts to. The bathroom she has to say he. Read you wrong to moan. And he spoke. From his you know. Tower and we knew.